The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 30, 1898, Image 8

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ical .■i-' ■ B^ist Why (hit Ml lh« M*<«« for motion who w«M to buy CkyNfUt for Boy*. Tho v*mty »• fergtMßt, ih# c)utHU#v or# fl#i##t i ttm ntytttft or# • bootwtoly p*rf*ct. No wendfff h#«rl« Of f«ml* Ufl insist that th# boys b# cbUtol hor#. W# 40 U #i##antfy anti aconom.caliy. This daoart * mant abaorba fjtuch of our thought. Wa yiva *t coroful ottantlon. Tha raaulta or# ahowin* in daily incroaatnir tola*. Just now, axcapttonal bargain* ara abundant. MANDAMUS; INJUNCTION TV Nb < saaMtt ftit G*' toivcttm. Wt Nttt Itay m !•*. i***'- <Vo H ' J* w. MMHWII fee ••W* 1 * ********* • l * ,m ihmmtm <9.i iriapem— th* in •• ■ tW h#t ©•§•*« f«* *’«•**’* •i..a#r. »«*» mrv* ou c. nma • Ike M«M w* ttf»»»-i *»* W*> »«>«!*»» O* tyr Cou*.Hw*.. Th- 10*0 i.fti'i »HI, It a ***' «*4*Wwi. *** *•»■! In Sstvl With tn t* tit* CMMKt. fl>* dlepneln* *’* ,h * fMtth)* Wralte*’ *»«***! I*** e»*rt «rd*r ha* b#Mt pkkrid «!»*•*. IV mandamus and Injun-- MOP tt* t tin apfeome tt Ik* d**dlo« k In cmptii fiairtw »****« »*** •*»* a* - ■: that at * member at IV CMM* <>>mml. •too. to »»•-< *HI Captain I. C- Flynn t’Brtrr tl*» t drive of Acting City At torltVv W. T. IMvW*. n M»ri» ***» tempor, Jacob fTtinlay refused to ai ten, th* now* of Captain 1 C. Flynn t» b» pot to nonunatrin t« succeed him ]■»!(. i, feting MM tfeat. undsr « ftUo- UiH of roue. 11, which resolution Conn ell refuse* n> «c#cln , l. » Ml>» Com nlmoMT Hi not Hllthfe to w«mt him self Th« peculiar situation tn Council is 0100 recalled The to or* elghl vote* for Ml . J. H. Wolfed tot l'*nt»mls*i •*• )■ There «r* seven tor Coplain Flvrj,. Councilman Thomas Barrel t and Cuun <-itma*i Ro>**rt#on wIH vote for Onptalu Fljrnn. they assert If hi* friend" *rj hts nominal ion before Council They rc foao to vote down their former vote lit Cttmcll prohibiting ai»p*»»al'« of on. * self on ttm cotntniaslon. Ho lon* a* Osptatn Flynn »a# nut In tiotnlnatlon. Hr fora Council, Mi. W«UT*U and Mr, Robertson voted for Mr, Walker. Nine votpia are a majority of Council, nays the new node, and Mi. Walker fell short one vota and Captain Flynn fell short to'., votoo. With Mr, ItarreU 1 # vote and Mr. Robert son s vote for Captain Flynn. Captain Flynn will «et nine vote*—the n», . eeory numl cr t" <■'• t. It la not learned whether the iullh«. made by Mayor pro tern FhlnUy. on the counsel of Acting City Attorney Davidson, that the Clerk of Council shall n»t record « vote by « Count li man, If that vote la for an Ineligible candidate, will come up In. or !»* passed mwei tiv, the mandamus and Injunction |irOC*edlnss, CATHOUC PR I BBT A PYTHIAN. Chicago, Dec. 30.- Father Walsh, a Catholic prieat of thla city, has tmen elected a member of the local lodge of the K, of P. His application for rnenilieraltlp was made In th« usual manner and being favorably passed upon by the lodge his elertlou Is with out hues!lon He admitted that he had been elected a member <>f the or ganization with his consent, and said that he had not yet been Initiated, and until the latter ceremony hud taken place he could not be considered in any sense a member of the organization. He said he would endeavor to secure, the approval of Archbishop Feehati of this city. Archbishop Ireland of Ht. Paul is a close friend of Father Walsh. The priest is assiatant pastor at St. Vincent's church. DESPOU-KR, HANOI3D Springfield. Mima., Dec. SO. Domi nique Kratbofskl was hanged here to day for the murder of hie stepdaughter. Victoria Pi nit us, 3fi years of age, Jan. 17. IM»7, At* a result of jealousy anil anger, complaint was made to the po lice by the victim, whom he had ruin ed. and subsequently treated with the utmost cruelty. 75 Cents Colored Shirts v — THIS WEEK AT N J. MILLER WALKER, COLLIOED WlTff CATTLE Tfffeki Hi. 91 « C ft W. f. (W a F»w (Vi. > Ft** Irrlfhl fcarz W*r* Throw • f tom the I rack. ! Then *«e a frw#M *r*«k an tfee Port \ M«ynl th% !• K*n ««l *tb# (Iwr(f»iiD *jm§ iWFfttrn iUmi fit* •A 4 ■ IMif m*— ntirih «| m« mtitrflif***, AlMHtt 9 oV|»m |. FfHihi \m„ NNM4 iDbirfi* RefiL ran l*»l« a dune i ft cattle that *•** <*• tfe* itrark. Thr engineer erne l.y the ttakt inf the fe«tkdl#hi lMt the rattle were in frawt *f the train. H* Mew the *Mn tie, and noma as the alack left the irraefe. tn* h*e at aia raanatnw* In thw any <4 the train. TV tamwudl** arrack ,l>'(drove and there wa* • (ilndla* «f temea (ad chwppie* of meat. The poe i dec mi* engine relied over the cattle, aud left the tenets. Flee freight ear* did | hkewtee. and rotted aver There ana aabotty liurt. Tlk- lr»»9 #n hifK'kP 4 ) for miriv! houft. *o4 tin* r**h**ii#«r (r»lti dor h«f« M fioon *** hour and a half tale. The lra<<k la now clear, a acm kia* irala havinr 'wen dtepaicheii la the area# with much 11»{ o*«|*< if «4r ! The place where thr wreck occurred has a bit the appearance of a ataught er pea The dewd o*ilk* nr* I* In* about in a mangled condlttoir. ; Head the ••ad.” of the oew up-to-date flnaery houae, aad call on then., you i«ill aave money ! 3. D. OVSS ft CO.. »♦» Broad at. niaa McUmnrt liatertala*. Mtsa Annie May, M< U*morc wa* lha hoateas of a attmiwT of frlenda Wedaca day evening ai her home tn North Au gusta. The parkin, tapper room and hall were profusoiy des orated with mh tletoe and other Christmas greens, and formed acharmlwg aurruundlitK for the party of congenial, Hgtd-hrarted gueata, who enjoyed »o hugely Mias Mcl*- inore'i ItoapHallly. Gumea apd other | pastimes were Indulged la. after which la tempting supper was nerved, and an awlftely dill the hour# pass, that the last car to the city rolled by unheeded, and the entire party had the pleasure of a moonlight stroll home Among those present were Misses I telle Edwards. I.nia and Adele Var ikery. Wood Richardson. Carrie lam. Helen aud Marian Wheeler: Messrs Corker. Wood. Goodyear, Fager, Doom- Ih, Clarke, W. E Roesel and Corpora! Dessel, Jan. Munaey at l , lanters• News Stand. POPI.TNEY RIOF.I/nV IDT,. Ismdon, Dec. 30. Poultney Blrp low. who returned from the Philippine Is-la yds Via New York Snturdny, Is at his house dangerously ill with dysen tery contracted (n the far east. Buckled’* Arnica Salve. THE BEST SAI.VE in tha world for Cuts. Bruise*. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores. Tetter. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Come, and all Skin Eruption* and positively cures Piles, or no pay requir'd. Tt is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or monav re funded Price 25 cents per box FOR BALE BY HOWARD & WILLKT. ; CREKDON-GREBN MILL. San Francisco. Dec. 30. George Green aud Dan Creadon will till* eve ning contest for middleweight honors at Woodward's pavilion. Green rules a slight favorite at S to 9, weight 153, Creedou IM>. Mr. James Casey, who is spending The holidays with his mother, Mrs. 1.. Casey, "111 leave Saturday, for his home. In Raleigh. N. C. TTHJD jk.TJ&TJWFTJL W£WWJIX*T}. THE BEST HOLIDAY I TRADE IN YEARS Ilf Mwrlßßtk tt t«c#*t Alt' I'imMubv* it ItifffwiM Tbrtt i.miAfgiM OK* IMS > »tcru **l Imssmmw a* Mw*« Ifew m #** fe«M #**» A** Mat* MMM AM UssUra tfe** M N«* «* IhMf aas safe aafef life Mdk* Iswt* #•» ImlBl'M IV few*ta*aa «mmi wt Aagwass at* 4* .(AW asps skatr kiiiit#il i»w4* ■ #wh - MM (ipsassioa aaaMl a* tka few* **** a* «sum (Ml tk* sMM *»wa Mi ife* aailit n MwaHl bm ha »* ks*( **sfe*-** MM *f Ik* iswg* tmt at *k* fewifeXys k** . lain* ik* -wife* l kk year* Mas l Ik* rwMrkfy. H ww» tt* ■*'#•• ’ A M*r*.Ml NnaaskM- Msfewvhsea* I a wtißfeat tk* kfesiaas* kssk asal *k* inlfesastMg e% , M*r**t*r B tt) • tt* rwwwttfui tm \ tk* kriidsr •«**•* akawtwi •* tk> <***■ , i nt gsur r than twswis fees s**t m*t itu « > asoatfe (MSI* is* feav* fee** in few*!**** Mr* fea** feWlti *fe • klg fewslfee— *M I are f—aife* Ik* afffert* of amt Hfeiea* I or* *f Ik* fe*s* ■ W* •*!* a»os* ikgtj fefe***4 wkfe tk* haifekry Irak* aad tt* IlfebllfekM berms .has s*«r wtmtk iMUbtiu 1 ilfiiHiiWb* J B * hit» Ootkikg tkyar’***'^ -far (Matt tt MM mhm Tk* •»'•* fe*n tt mm kwikitfe ktt Ik* mittuirs raw I tags* I k**» hi a *r**t s**a*ar* fee tiffed Uutl A. 4, Hrakl, —Oas if*4* dm tag the 1 hoildars wa* «*ry saltafarfor?. (Wr oat* trouble at** that we twaid ao* Ms- i rwr* ewougk fikwto t* **r*a «wr saa*-| at*Ml s) ream tt rwaMua*** A Bowk* -We did as airofe bus!a*** aa ws exported **4 seey fan under el lot lag rfrrsaslssres II J Porter « tt - We are wore than aarferfled with the feoaiaese *• have done this season Our trad* has tm reared fully « M per real arose lha a last pear, aa larrs*** whiefe *» aurifewie la a great m*a*ar* to th* 1'9M1N1999* Ww Matterin'! Ana* B* did the aa*** «nt*lae** thl* seaaon aa we dfet last. «k*«* heiag tsfy iilti* dißereaee but w* are try much gratifies! Co*b*rs A Huaier —Oar trade thl* sswsoa waa about tt* aaia* a* last sea »on'». fully a* targe, but ao aotleeabH lkcr**a». I. C Levy tt tt. We are very much pleased wltk our holiday trad*, but would have doae Siurh better bad the wilts not been closed down. *ad the low price tt ration cm off a great deal of our country trade However, w« have bo cause to complain. Augusta Hoosefttrnishlng tt. W* were much delighted with our trade aad did a much targe business than w* azpected Landram A BWlst.-WI did a much heller business than at this time last year We are very much plea**!. Rice A O'Connor We were very much pleased Indeed with our trade, which was fully aa good a* last aeaaon. Taking Into consideration the low price of cotton and the mills being closed down. I think the merchant* should Ire very much gratified Trade Is fully up to that of January. I*** L. Sylvester.- We are doing even a better bustnea* than we did last year, and are In every way aatisfled. The soldiers' trade compensates us In a great meaaure for what we loat by low cotton and the mill strike. Howard A Wlllet—Our business la no| one that fluctuates at the holiday season, but It was even more satisfac tory than It was a year ago. T. C. Bltgh—We did more business than ever before, entirely eatisfaetory in ever} - respect. Dunbar A Williams We 'fed a good bttaineas, much better than last year. | Casbln, Gottley A Vaughan We j were very much pleased with our , Christmas trade; It was qdte as sat isfactory as we could expect. James Daly & Co.—Our holiday bu siness was perfectly satisfactory. A.\ F# Pendleton -We were very much pleased; tve had a good trade, a«d are indebted to the soldiers for a large part of It Richards ft Shaver-Wo were very much satisfied with our business.which [turnedout much better than we antic ipated. L. A. Gardelle—We had one of the best holiday trades w* have ever had, merit of which I attribute to th« sol diers. We came nearer selling out our entire line of holiday goods than we ever did. and the holiday trade was a remarkable surprise, l Alexander Drug Co.—We were very 'much pleased with our business, which was on Increase over last year's. WW. Schwelgert ft Co. - ML did a magnificent bosincsif Our node was heller than ever. C. B. Allen- Onr business is as good as ever, fully up to what It has been for the pest five years. Shewmake Bros.'—We did the her business we have done in several years - in fact, sold out everything and or dered many goods second ;ime. We have never had such a demand for Huyter's candy soldiers. licveney. Hood ft Co. We are do ine it better business than ever be-' fore. Wicker ft PLlchai —W* did a spfcUr did bum Bass and have o* rasa fur complaf*! We *r* well pleaded with our feusitiesa. Kefelttn * Co.—Our business was a decided lucre"a* over last year's sol 0m mmm *** • j «9 •# MlMk 91+' : ! (MINI 9W4O& * IF I# Hwrtmii - W* #N| § tmi* I * fS'iltr ipßl * Ife** '»• 11911141 9 rP I '' j fwrttm in <i»« 9$ ti* * NMKHV ittMMUy Y f ###' J H Ptotrt ■ * ’ mrmiKit* . # Clf HaiNrlN'il ft S IT* 999 9999 . Iggggjili fit## MliF* y ##-lk NPH* 99 *w* Hi#*! 99 **w :l lIMMI !»#.* Imp# 994 iNNXfti §09999999 w« | ««iMK v 4p4( 99& H 99 9& ; In Oretvn# And M«nt- Cut# co ilf Bf>d ruff Bttta in Or#id#n and oth#r popu lar war#* At Richard* A Bhavar*». | rfIVKIvY AX IXW U T«u paMtMKtr»#iMi #1 • wm4~ 9f 999MMHMI ##9l9 i9§ ! uf 9#f 999 til# 9rt##t of i thl#T UT Ijplrfi l9#f *#•*•#« #9JM* d tmm Tiller i Ai 19 ||w \m f9#9H9t «9#n 9/94 (9 <9# Iriiw k# M flit fw* 9#| || § imditr of 9ii« } 9#!#*, #t ikr • Rif Hl# 9F • Malrkttg. <M*t*v4 kttlttt the «fek*» 1 B«d wifeH a *»!*>» tt 4**h rkoitt*** -, gfelnod *l**k. j Y%* ttkor #1 *** *a» ape if He mm g*as is* y fee»p*U*wd fratm feed In f«.: ( 14* r*m*d aaffrily | Wktt did yo* do the! for **’ k* de- I faded j ”Ika fefc*t*“ i “j i *tr aa* l* l*k* y**r mud l‘ * • ttmtt «*. •***• ,Hrk ' rm J ce*f* I d kreak yamr hark. , ' ftey. what * ailing you* WA > thro* mr tt the *»*•» «* r***** \ -Pai att *«r •*•** ®'* - I **at y«* to uaderstand. hff«b pan tym mmb*. **y ae#r<fer. I dttt ♦ cat g mti-ufe wttt * •• Afrfjr as Then you mat to k*ep *»l«h«r «•*». Gaab-blnmed ahirk' Ha pause I had ■lodged behind voa"' • You'd look a ttunderia - sight clean er Ihaß-reA d« «o*r If TO*' had Y« dida't think of IL aad I did. Thai a i all tha*. aita you ezeefd tttit yo* u**d aeouriag '* . i "You ll need a doctor If you i*y mn b more' “O. I gneas not li*k here. Did i you get a*y mot* mud because I ed behind you?" "I didn't say ao did I*" ••Would you have you have gotten nay less if I'd mood my ground ano got smsarsd all oyer myself " j - idou ( care a goeh-ding what her 1 soujd or not. I any it «•* • mi;aw. low-down m •No. yo« don't ear* whether yo* ». M ld or not. Ycw’re simply kicking; up a moss because I didn't get buy j muddy water thro wo on me and ycu' did That'a the sart of a clotbospin you are! You're a jealou*. amatl-mtnd ' ed. mean-hearted, snarling. cnvfe»«r. sora-bcaued. lop-eared, hyena tt a man wtaurd kick If you wee* going to hcav cn in * chariot of Bre uotass there was a dining car along. Come on If ymt want any trouble with me. you dirty faced- " But at (his juncture the crowing po liceman Interfered. We hßve the best larsre type Bib'es in flexib'e bind ings in the citv. Our price onlv * i .50. ethers charge $2 50 and $3.00. At Richards & Shaver’s. ONE ON DEWEY. San Francisco, Dec. 30.—Frank Lom bard, who has Just returned from Ma nila, tells * good story concerning Ad miral Dewey. He s*y»: "In Cavite, you know, there are no .lockage facilities iV'-soel* He at an chor, and native freight boats, called 'Casco**,' carry things to and from the sNore. One of the jiutivr officials con tracted with Dewey to carry stuff to the flagship. AfterCdolng his duty he dressed himself In file latest European fashion to visit the.admiral, silk hat. white shirt, cravat, ruffs, etc. When he presented his hill Dewev re marked thnl there 1 we it- numerous, uver-' lwirges which fir could not pay. ! The freight captain protested that the, admiral was wrong and that he had I [agreed to the terms. Dewey politely, 'replied that he would toy the original j bill, nothing more. Mistaking the quiet, gentlemanly [manner of the admiral, the freighter] | became insulting Ul his manner and in-] Misted upon payment. With •' slight] movement of the bond, the admiral re-; marked to the watch; "Drop that man j overboard." and In a minute the plug i hat was'floating in Cavite Boy, while the insolent native was swimming t.vj his vessel." Lombard says the chances (for for tune in the Philippines am uk nearly so bright os they are pain d. He de clares: "Manila is no place for a white mail." “ CASTOR IA For Za'-Aia amt Childirn. Tha Kind You Hava Always flight Boars the XTT fT~ Signature oi *&&&#< (WffMIMAI Mi ktiuh I (i Banga tt AM 4#ttß. as (* tk* f-a**. |9i i 9 99# f-d##. |# §| mm 9#’- I k #f4 % . n 9$ | Wti 9 #HI 99# A ## 199 ■ nrw-. • tm*®#**# -4' AliMi tr f, |«# W*f9*9# i |* i y n iriiiiwi#rl' mi m ,\mm *• j iw# 1999N1 wt f IM9PR99 *#' 9 4tt Wii. nl#h99w? j |ft 9.., f*, |9fiF #fW9«# lub# I### #99* | 9ffeHi «# id# !>:**#* #f*9 I# 9»tf9# '9# | lit# W. T W#9nnt #ffft#9 y | 9# # 9m it w 4 I# ill# #R«#l I c| My# m . T < m M99v# Un# #«4 HftH# c*mfwm% M j llf « |9#.. 9s *' , INF# ft# 99*#*$ 99 I 191## Ri'srf V| f* i ) M. Wt.,; {#f Y 0T #M Mr» i. 1 H c9t**-#!#» i hstaed • a**»feer tt fe. a »ttght j m Maf«ea»*l ««••**» Tw*wd*» eesttk* J Mi J, 4*. kratr* *tw Mam J With fe*w. that ke is mom m tt* ter kta Befell sever*. ••»*«( tt ****** j C*(. 4. fe. Barker tt It. Isw* I* at I tks Flaafera t" (set ttfh** t* eaa-1 eeeted attk a feMTfes dMttßsl» T* kt j IsaaMr. Tfe# Mtsse* lfe-fe* *M*> if- daagkleT* tt Mafear §eh*e4ff*rt. tt tfe* Third tte •try are tfe* geests tt Mr* l-rskw | TfeoMas Th* bmuiv friend* ■ f Mr Jaas** f Hugtvr* Win learn attfe pferiMr* tfe** after a ***#«» UMrkt tt la grip** fee Is Improving Mr and Mr#, M<«•**. tt Jf»»taety. t. C. it. Is the cttjr te-day Be- Mow* 1* a i«*mort*tl» • of tk* Augtmt* Compree* fVmiasr Mr* C. R fJerteH. and cfetldreß have rrinraed from * aetti'a vtelt tw Mr*, narrttf* pareat*. t’otaaet aad Mr* Van Roll Nash IB Atlanta Th* friewds of Mr*. *. E Dunham Will fee pleased to know that she a»d her three rfettdrei* at* all twook better •fier suffering with the grippe Mr ami Mm Wavland Wriant etter tatnsd ißfortirally at tea last evenfei*. Present were Dr. sod Mr*. Thoms* Wright. Dr. and Mis 4- *• Wright. Mrs. Rett* Jordan aad Mr. David Jor dan. Mrs. Fred Ingraham Has moved IB from "Dtziv Farm,” and la at home to her friends, at So. M* Reynolds street. Mrs Ingraham la a . harming a.-outol tlon to Augusta leefetf, and to welcom ed moot enrdtaur Cap! F. E Bt» made the t*o Bubs at the Comm-rcfeU CTuU, a ftrs nt <*f four acre# of tand aa a Christ,na* ores ent This g«r»-rous rememl-rswe was highly appreciated, and the Hob! say they are going to farming. Mr, and Mrs- Joseph Graham an i Mr, Andrea Graham, of Bavannah, an ! Mr and Mr* J. M tlratiaro. of Atlanta, who have been the guests "t their mother. Mrs M K. Graham, ha e re turned home. OA.STOTIZA. BMntfa rr 81 THOUSAND PANSIES AND DAI SIES. Same sufiertcw grad*- need by Mr. Hues. Our own raisin*. and are ready for Immediate planting. THE HUSW Ft.ORAL NURSERY. CHRISTMAS IN CAMP. Christmas time has come once more. The happiest of all the year: It foilnd me many mllea from lawr And the one* I loved so dear. TIB not the name old day to me, A* one long since gone !>y; When mother held me in hoi arm* And gave otto lasting sigh! O, could 1 hut that day forget When I left her at the door. And hade good-bye to slater dear. And the irony I now adore! I’ve wandered now these many day*. ■ I've wandered Had and alone; In the Sunny South 1 cast my lot— j Now the camp 1 call my Heme'. 11 walk the fieldti thle pleasant day I In the saareh of mistletoe; Hut a'l things teem so strange to me I Without the lovely snow! I mis* that northern chilly blast. And the merry sleighbel!’* rrog; 1 cannot shout as they go by Nor hear the children sing! The tokens of love and friendship, The cheers and smiles and Joys, From loving ones J left behind— I How 1 nils* them all, the l>oys! IClive me the North with all its cold, j Its sunshine and It* showers; Take me Hack to my good old home j Among the leafy bowers! But In rememhrance of this day I We decked our streets In green: j in artistic style adorned our camp With many a faftfiliur scene; Alt of these seemed beautiful To the many passers-hy. ''But there's one thing lacking still 1 Is what I trade reply. This one thing 1 must remember And remember with « "ill, 'Tls the many greetings of my friend? That aver haant lug «Ull May I never forget these times Ahd the boys with whom I tramp; How careworn were our emiles On sms X-mas daym J t >i Co, I„ 10th ohi. ———————- j Pine Shingles. I Mu, I yuAtttv $2 $4 ft t (400. 1 »»>.* - ita •• •• UP r KCEN. ISMtc iMono# RAaeBAiJ.. I f%4 lit* IN 999 |9# <!* |y A. ffmm 199# 99 T9# Ttitrmmt* Nn»|H **** *»9 J ,[ §9# 9* §• 9 4 #|t| y#9|r 9 ##9# #f 91 , 9»w#fr I*##' "TNiil t##i MfWiA## 919*9 •* t# I9#NMy 9l£f f#tt f9k 9 ♦*#. 1999 t9# r-f### 9tf99 \ *4 li# #999 1 »#T|9, #rts! fw99#» j# « .#9C9rt 9msU99 9 10m* T9w 9M9NI I 19# tr*i|rmrr 4 V»#9| M l## I • f9f9H# lnnflltfgtt #f 999##°# 9999 •** I i I# 1 wwfinwirul' yyf (iiftf ######' # f ' #<« 1 » tti# i. 9» f pPt W 9 99 »T 9999 lltfvfi# [ a friar ted aM****a> sllsttl * Tk* ttt i te e lag geli ri tana aits ■k* i*ad***4 at 1 199 *#*9r#« Boh* Bten GPI ftat(* t» Gag M«a Ynekt Mmlferi Os*H see i [mRMeMt, ! First Heart Tk»«h* -Btaffkang. Gwam froas ftagator Coptic Ogasrae r*«l James Pam Nmttka*. I P ol*l*l km Mel' •rdte* [ Tk* until- wife ksffta *ngsttiateri *< [ Ik* ’ !emr tt Iff* rooeert aad tk» like | ap tfetfl k* a* f dferw* C. L. A.-ffll r. Meyer. » toil Ik; lloaef*. Jfe. BaaMreliir *!». Arm [stroke, fa*. fUteafea* to*. laußtssek If Th tries* tfe Fa - Rtarkler c*» C. *. I Id. Hess O*. 0 » ffefeUtter, C*. €* Ik Maltti Co. R. Sfe fftatfb o*. D [;h Marita, Co M r*» Milt*.. Co. II ' tm, Oweat C*. A, If; Blrilry. Ca, H rs 1 I nspire lorO L A., 4, » Mulfeertn.] Umpire tor lJtb P*.. M- Marpk* The rttriert kill beg!* ** * Y* Both "am* am evenly matefced and * great game may be expected Adarta shot geatlsenea. » ceat*. IS rams W* use our best tttorl* to atak* yamt purefeasrs ratireU **tlafactory MAHONEY & Akn^TRONG Strowgcr Ph • • •»*' Belt . . . .■! • • >7<to tilth r«J 1 ai.l p-W|.J* r, '' n -' ,,rrc ' GRANDN^^BrSHOP. To he Uiv«c MoISSB-nieg by St. l'airlrk'9 rs On next M"'- ' •* St. Pat ru k * hail on tfei Si Patrick Cuibolic 9ft~ Aaooctation will give their anAfl n4v year hofi. Tbta* Mtttttiai ■>- <i*)*r* altamded by the moat eojoy/ole results aud tbla tear » entcnalkruent will prove no ex c#ptk)U. All those who wish tu avail Ibem solves of a delightful eftnlng will do well to secure tickets lr«nt any tn'-m --ber of the committee wht have Ihe af fair m chargo. i on kvehy’boTTle Of Jiloh's ConsuiTintliiti Cure is i-uamntec "Ail wc ask tt veu is to us* ftvo-third* of the content* of this hottl faithfully, then If V"* can sdy you sere not benefited return the bot tle hr your Druggist and be mav re fund the price paid.” I’d' o - 5 rlB - cts ami *I.OO. Sold by--ReUllers, %( A. iutlmi. Anderson's fFug Store, Al extt-ietTz Drug Store. West End Phar rnsfe'. T" King Pharmacy; Whale**!- t»r» [D*v# nport ft Jui MM99#F a { Sian?!. Mil AND MRS. I..VNDON THOMAS j ENTERTAIN' ir. and Mrs. I.andon; Thomas have sett out cards to a receiit.on. a! which tlJy will entertain tbeianny 'fti'em their wives. TucsißY afternoon, film four till seven o'eft'k. THE GLEN A Vo# LOST Hong Kong. Dec. 30. " The British searoer Glenavon. Cofit ■ Pithie. whicti ailed for Ixidon from iiere yesterday, ras wrecked ou a roct*- The cantaln, irief officer and second «u<l fourth en (ineers are missing. ! CNDER SIX YEAriS FREE All children under »i» 'ears of age vlll bp admitted free *° the matinee dven by the Peters Coaoedy Conuianr -morrow Afternoon t ll the Opera House. The indication* »f* that the lionsc wilt t>e crowded. I MANHOOD RESTORED ■ * stable Viteliser will quickly cure all nervous, or disease* cm Ts iSf# "ie generative orgsns bronelic on by youlhlulerrom or eac**- *Ss> 4a/ Xt oil . such as L*t Manhood. iusomui.., Spurmatwhoea. Pains m 1 JS*. 1 I lack Evii Drrama, Seminal EraMnoßs. hetvous Debility, Ptee '■* y V / Headache Unfitness to Marry Eibausttn* Crains, \ »il f scale and Coamipatien. Stops lomm by day or nigfcr. m*w« • lcasc .j aFTER ukar.ess of discht’g* which Isais to Spermatorrhcae ana Itn- BfcrUKt; ana apick cleanses tt.e liver kidneys and u Hoary organs of ai wr „ « ,rt „s J restore* ftftfjl WB6k organs. SI.OO a box* 6 for $5. Guai»&* cbm"fttforflS mn-itar and A Davol Medicine Co., Sun Frau cisco, Cal. For sale by L. A. IjAKDELLL, Druggist. ’ BE* (^HRISTHAS I http com# Ams s»»tt. t>Ml N«w vßAfk ) u y# to corn#* ! lUftti TWm K*W TEAJt Prifttft W# Laffd OtW> FoUttff. ( is s**tt» Now loci Xaadkril )l»awttai»d .* «g*i . . , I lie f «k»* Mtsr , * * * taw Me* t N net knew let*k Pttalae* l|( pk tislra Rae Ifwkttad aad unrew eerie* < . * . * . MR ■» Meet Cattish ... . . J* tt fe owatr y Heel t % .cats p*,k fW 4 fekkkea F**d ka cttMs kattt —-•«« MOTTO Head goads, fett»*sl a right*, qwhfej a*4t>*ry aad paW* atria- j Uaa (a aM Call on ut boforo buyin# Flour. W#» guarantß* t# fbvb you at ißßst 10 p*9 cant. ID. Gil Hi. •»«• Itraad -urn. DM! I liob# 1"*. Friß RENT —ONB SMALL 4-ROOM Hems*. 3JS Walker at. pee moat A Apply K Oao. R tefeehanl dtt WANTAD. A JO* A* DRIVER OR Mutter. Addroee 117 King at., city dt! WANTED-4HTI'ATION. RT AN OLD Fanner, a* a Foreman <>n a Far**, oe to attend »» a grist rotlt Apply »• M. n. FOLD*, *1 Adam. st. Augusta Oa. *1 BCfttSBR-WELL TRAINED. DB tMREH Position. Apply l*» Broad tt. HOIiITLKR. ETC.. GOOD <'OACjyfi99| 111 v tfei* Bead Street JHHj HOTEL WAITER OR fh>RTKß*||| • ’lass, deslrt * Httusthm. Appt MK Broad ytreet. N l FISK W \ \TED P< >t>tT!ONHH| N">*. tw i" p.i'flA pi 713 M. Int..*h *treet. SSI CAM K KR"M ATLANTA. vll • I ! ■ V.« I bin I lo'l on HH ing Charge. Detective Mat flfeeroo h*s nm^H9| o. fe. r catch. He ha* plarid ht-hiikll tars a slick one, from the great eR "f Atlanta. ft- : Tom M' William* is his name, jld ha Is a colored character, with a pelihdwt for other people'a things. He cable to August* « few days ago. and night be fore last he paid a vlalt unannounced to the home or Frank Williams . When In- left, some of Williams’ clothe* went; with him. But you iwn’t do that kind of thing in Augusta, aud not get into trouble No. sir; the ibhi of the law are too -harp for such kind .>f "cattle." Ho the Atlantlan Is now Id Jail. Let me say I have used Ely's Cream Balm for catarrh, and can thoroughly recommend it for what It claims. Very truly. (R,v.) H. W. Hathaway, Eliza beth, N. J. I tried Ely a Cream Balm, and to alt appearance* ant curd of catarrh. Tho terrible headaches from which I long suffered ale gone.—it. J. Hitchcock, late Major IT. S. Vol. aud A. A. Geo.. Buffalo N Y. A l»c. trial size <>r the 50c. size of Ely's Cream Balm wit] be mailed. Kept hy druggists Ely Brothers, 56 Warren' street, N. Y. MASS MEETING. At Y. M. <'. A Sunday Afternoon—tt Will Be Entertaining. The mass meeting for men wt the Voting Men's Christian Association Sunday afternoon, will be one of the largest of the season. The siieakcr. Evangelist Frank W. Smith, of Boston, is one or the host evangelists tn thl* country, hating had a long and suc cessful career as an evangelist. His sermon to men Sunday will be full tt genuine gospel .H c is a man of great wit and wisdom, end he will hantilo his subject: "True Blue, or Going Frt tlcr Fire," with groat power. The men of the city cannot afford to miss hear ing this eminent Christian worker. Too meeting is free to all ijjen. Mrs. Flora Dyer, of Atlanta, is visiting Mrs. V. C. Ledoyen. on Campbell street.