The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 31, 1898, Image 1

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wji, luirr r,<*M7 t**#-** VOLUME VflL IfIACON TROOPS Off 1 FOR.CUBA WiU kbit I fit**** *•» <*■»• j knk ts f* ini taMMtMataflt T*** C**»**■*•'• •Oml <IHMM*. tm*k<«»«*.« Dm. »» fN"**** •** tIfTMCJ I OMMMM t:r-iTi"Tpff I** Oblni IV ttMiMi In mmmm «C §m**r*m#m Ih*** Tfc* «r#rfi »*** <*<§*»«►*•* »* OHMnt WUM. **mrn**mt »b* tom ~n» •« rafrrSrr *» ** Ifminn***, *»4 **•* 6*» H ifem *»A *ttt #*it»d ? b* sfs mttintofamt IlltMiifT pit tf* #*•# twin* liar tfmsisjK»rt.»t*<tti u> C»fe»| w ordtf to o*n *t» u* «phh ft fill fmr"! H lift I’ifcUßUl** . 1 h l. f■ *m s»> .omali w* turnim* Hi to b«M pro* t!*» i K ; ih •/ m : B . *»#*•■ *■**+ tftr*«* #*l J t*' tl*# ■ rON. K ■ UK.': 'TEI > hicff ' gEMIIi t» it > f .rmatlv 5 r-- . I ,* - '••'- n g< vernment to t'> I'.v-itt fur • tiat' *•' hv cabu ).: •>• the *■ <i tak*: 111 IW lo she PacitV Cah c CTO c.u *» disapproved H ( a •('l'oui.i of :ht .final pton-re L . au»* ’ w»«l swngreoa a free band In (he HRypoaitiun of tb« #b«l« aul.Joct. M fatal aodtoent ra .Jsphrinios. lilfch., Dp*-. Sl.—Th!» JMmrrnlng #t * o'clock while nine Fln ■nlab trammers, whose name* arc tra in lyg wore coming io the surface, Sou of the shafts of the Lake Superior jjL-/ ftmrinj'* rage met *ome ob- L-etlon which Inclined the floor no ns the *l* men elide off. and they Hi S»D fart l<i the bottom, and wore kilted. Three who clung to Hi cage were oligtly Injured. ■ NATURAL (SAS EXFI/mBS. Red Key, Ind., Dec. 31. An cx- Bjoilcn of gee followed by fir*' at th - and Indiana j»i|ie line co irparr’s Htnpreseing station caused a less of a i thousand tMtilnrs Engineer are no v deprived of natural CUF.W REFOt’ED. HBw ~f V.ork. f-1 11. t"■ "■ hi >1 ■H] from New Ort-at.- I- " ’3 Rends, for Marseilles, jjp/i at Olbraltar. havtna ai ■H of the Amerfea.l S' hi,«n.". 1* > otnnd. n'.d ;*.: ler.gitudi- «5. art". s|e ii.e-li ": a ■■ X)v ember 10. When abaie! u•• I was within • desk. Fanny left Turk's | Island November If. for Philadelphia. WOOIJSN mills FAII.. Boston. Dee. 31. The Assabet menufaitu.-lng company of this eity,> with woolen mills at Maynard, made k nn assignment. The concern is one of Hthe largest woolen rcanufacturing |Hrver $.',',000,000. ® GRETNA GREEN. may be an Affair of That Kind JH Tomorrow. little romance is brewing West End. And it. in said that ere IHmny moons have pasted one of Wert H;d'K most winsome little ladies wi l her residence to the city an the «nc of Augusta’ *vr-n known PgLijßhiess men lie that as 1; may, 9BHr pbt that the young man has I U r. m- » {/ Till*] VHiltalA IJWMi hmh§n*#***4 % Iwsfim *#*••**#* #ttH* ♦-t I **MP* iKi ••P HHHb “ , mmm* •«*> * ***** . 11> rBWn iptpi #|m* Imp* 4WI # $0? s*r ki. $ V-IP I *** ■♦* "**|* PBf • '* | M HMNi'k I4*l*i r*i««* ** ******* M*m MfT TtBL WtHPI *' *6 *'Vjfr t Ml l*K III* C^Nl#» I AmtmA* il OMftrt *» *** *c* twK- f tarffrifit*** (|M* t *#l * t %*Jt <«f i nMMMMTf 1 tk#«? mot*‘** ** to** ' f t*m*f«*t ****** +*mi * +*u— -1«* mb*m* i M *m f*ti» m** ***** *to fk»"r*N?dl. Mml ll tofi** *** t»lit*rv f It | ||f> hi «Ml HPMMtMN* lm| m*4 - ftw to rdf *Sm»t ! (4 if tin* <4«%!fftt. Qfltmto to*+9 r«fH«4 *to ****** t rtoto* t** itki Mut ««pfi*mt I fag **mm ts 14 tii lrti«HNM mi fhH ; I mi** T%* toim***** mr*t**m torn 1 9 %*r*tr *H «ft 4 llfet #VfKMf* ; Mifinm, Bit* o**i*4*tito* tit . ***** tfWMI. ts ti ftiMMiM** •» MM* i 4tt*f f%M tli# tMli* MMMfiif win \ m wt Ms t iii.fMf Wti**t |b || i pftfßllwr ptfwHtL *i ItomfH If m» *o**** *» tfcf* pkiffM irfMl# Am*ti?to U Mali If ot lIM WHttef, »M •ill |fti ttUKf ffWlfltM H«nti if •w’l ' pr*#m oMto #rt*4 pMMUsf« Tlmww ww • t®* Mb tM ftWt «f ImIM ! iVNUtAr W MrikMril MW* f> t *ts<r * f boldlwr* «• tb* ••*** •mt'Wi'it *»• ft»d(r d«taand. b«t cur M*l' r « favor atfll hlgMr prtrra, ••<* ** thtwk j the fliwt wck of »ba • year will *o4 lb# Bay orUoi abor» t* Ho* at off *tM SMd* and Arm w *b ;aw advaoci** f#od«#c* and «» t*>b ! higher ftrtrrs Tb# cold waathav i prwva'lia* la tb# worthweat acclloo ha* rsltad iitngtloi U Ihc pcaaibl# m*t*i r I that may arise io this product- ah ,-itd . ||m wlafoi continue a#v*r«. Th# *v##th er aeattment on wbrat. i» a*#in bee'm- Ki« unite on anwines* •*<* *** r ~ nlatlra l«3a«*ce« *r* aaakio* t# lb* fhr: that wletar bWs*»rda may do great daman* to tb# growing '-rot,* fuONOfec ub dA Idc#'n* of the raar j |« »a eoracrrotlvo to orod’et «»»**> t'« h ' ,r orlera for *l’ eeraata PAi.NR. •fI'RFHT A Cf! I MW HBKWin ’tO w* I owrrard Rot th r P**t of the Dtrtidit* Who Ifrld Him Ifg. Roe, Ga. Pee. «. Mra A. O. Gar rard of Rome, who «•) held up near \ a idee fa re-owW b» et«M nagm e* white He w#« ualti#* M.** o ,n a laHrev t . amp. ree* e* a tear fiw >|htm to day. Ha atataa that be was »n°t ! through the hat +* «a# of th • bWtlet*. and It an owing to ht* 'teat bar** twit Iho WMpM. H* htA**v** Im* two jot the hifihwas-mei*. atth. ugb heir »sl .*» have not ta-eo foumi t-* **'"'• * of blood are to be »ean where th« men «erc ahet. The h*rae on «hbh Mr. Gat rani waa riding »M the family boiae. which waa famttiar to event, if ! la Rome, and waa ahlpped to him early } In thla month. It is mated here to day tbut Pr. Joel Iff. Glbaon. the exiwlled Methodist ! prea. her from tbe North Georgia Con* ! feren.e, boa eer red coot. .1 of Col. | Phil Ryrda'e paper, the Huatler-Com merclal. He has not decided whether f h 9 will make it a morning or afternoon paper. R>rd expects to go *° Atlanta i to till the office of a*sl*ti»nt adjutant ! general - 1 SIZEMORE—CHRiaTIANUITHT. Mr. W. F. Hxemore M receiving the the congratulation* of many friends up on his marriage to Mrs. Kmma P Christ anbury, which occurred Wednes ay, at noon, at the Dick House, Rev. J. r. Kendall officiating. : EVENING LUNCH AT ST. JOHN'S. The evening servicer at St. John's Church are being wel attended, and vc learn that the pastor will preach a s. rißon to-morrow evening that, it Is hoped, will be hell ful to those present in beginning/the New Tear. st valul cerebrates. St. Paul, bee. 31. Mayor Kiefer lesued a proclamation asking the peo ple of St. Paul to d splay the national flag Sundap. In celebration of the fi nal evacuation of Cuba by the Span ish. ■ - 'FRISCO MINTAGE. San Francteco. Dec. 31. The coinage of the San Franctnco mint for December was largest fver recorded for a single month, amounting to $lO,- 062,000. ST. JOHN CHURCH. .GREEN ST. between 7th add Bth sts.-Sunday School, ‘■•■W A. M-: preaching to-mor roW morning, il O'click, by ftev J. R- King, ji.-esiding etder of Am'u 'a Dis trict: Bpworthi tooghlAJFDevottonal Meeting. 7 o’eltfk. P- _ nr-acblng by pastor, at 8 <p'clock, P. Mr. George M. Carter, of the Augus ta Railway conpany, i» out after a Be " vet* attack of fjrip. 'jiffs. Annie «pps, Ha-'em, Ga., writes - Have used r}r M. A Simmons Liver Ifydlcme IS yefrs. It or .« 1 me of Stom ach nnd Liver/ Troubles caused by lm* Did Liver, would not give one pack age of it for ja dozen of either Zeilin s or B.ack DraFSht. AUGUSTA GEORGIA, SATURDAY, DEC. il. ISOS SENATOR HORRIhhS OBSEQUIES t|h Call r»tf«4 to • VMhwaa •( HsMffA Tl# Mt> •» tb# **Mt> «#»•«•## IW II«mh la*# Hia*. IfoablogHMk l> C . th* St Tb* 'Kill « tint Of tb# lot* •*•#»•* ! jom‘o •. M«mH at Tonamit •**• b#»d io tb* t‘*tt*4 Mow* aobat* rbAmbof ot J M mi I'dar It waa cnatwiH wdh n pirw tT dignify to tb* sw***b*b wf tIM 4 <<ioßot#b*4 o*o—h»**» ImMM' iOg tb# rum*4*ol and TV# i*r«# 4*mM of i tb* t**tt«4 Wot*#, tb# t##o #4 im >#bt**i. tb# |Wlk*> "f tb# ##b*—• I rnort —amtora and pycwrutiinw «f "oogr**#, tb# a»»»h«t nf to# bwoo* and r*py**»oibi.m** <* tb* armg. ba«? and j <4 tb* diplomatic tmv*. •* **ll b# * 1-IKM— Of smot* ettiwbm Wb# toob ihi* mranr of te»*lfy tag tb#tf affwt on at* upH lb wbi Irk Sm alter MomrUl wo* fc*t4 Borlp to tb# da* tb* n**n»tn* «*» toww* ft— tb# fbmdg t—4-oc* to «o* (uttnl Tb*r* w#t* on lert ifi ot to# t bou«" odd tb# f ta*r* > <t*g* tn tb* Wpitol to rta{it< god for rail Arfiv tog tb*P* the rs eket ••• r#Jfd#d dlre-'t (tn the Moot# chomhnr and 4*p«#it*d in to# arm I -cinro lor area loanm#4<at*lv in . front of tb# prmidiac officer • d»»h Tb* f*ak#t warn rVb hot »lmp •* to de sign with o block brood'-bwh n*»b tea *»d heavy o»y4i**d atlv*r haodlaa. hft*r tb* willtog band* of tb* a*n«t# employ** «Io bad mn l»n* nerved th# senator m ttfb bad artanged th* multi ’ tod* of Rower* whirl) wet# »*nt. tha r (id of tb* ca*b#t wgC reroo»*4, diseloa tog th* calm and p*#c*ful far# of dead aiat**tnoo. Io the repose of death the feature# •till showed rugged twreogth and firm n*oa- Tb* arm# •*** foldad aetoaa th* breast and tb# #y*a lo.>ki-d upward j vacantly Itaaked high on ih* lower port of tb* casket, all about It and coe .-tiit* th# desks up tn the presiding of ficer s desk, was a pmfutloa of plants, | flowers and Moral Mbl—l.. j Mltb~ IWTKIN ESCAPfffi. . fiyi one Matt Was Determined to Ha v* Iter Ll* StanFranrlsco. Dec. SI. Mrs. Bot [ klmf lawyer* do not propone to accept the fmal verdict of the Jury finding her • guilty of the murder of Mm. thinning, I without making a stnmg effort to oh ; tain a new Rial and posatbl* reversal iof judgment. George A. Knight, a ' hurting attorney for the dutenae, say* Our first step will be to move for a new trial «a the day set for passtng sentence or a* soon thereafter an it ; can Ire heard. It s new trial Is de nied we will ro to ihe snp eme court, and at thSi time rat** the question of : jurisdiction. This court never had and never ran gel Juriadielion to try Ms. Botkins. After her arrival at the Branch county Jail, Mrs, Botkins broke down completely and for some time gave vent to her anguish tn sob bing and occasionally Shrieking." it is j stated that the first ballot stood ten for hanging and two for life Imprig i onment. The second ballot 11 foF ■ hanging and 1 for life imprisonment. But one stood firm and after much dis cussion the other eleven went over to him. FRAGRANT FLOWERS. A Choice Selection at The Hues Gardens. Nothing I* more acceptable as a New Year's gift than dowers. Those who would send to their ft lends flowers it rare beauty and fragrance, on New Yturs, and those who would place tn their homes on that’ day the loveliest carnations. Roman hyacinths. Illtfes. narcissus, roses—la France, Bride and Bridesmaids, will do well to call on Mr. Balk, who is In charge o£ the Huss Nursery. Mr. Balk hgs a rare collec tion of plants as any raised In South |,.j-n gardens and conservatories. Mr. Balk did a very large Christinas business, hut still has a choice lot of flowers at his place. Young men who send flowers, should not faJl to call at HuSS nursery. HON. MARION EH,WIN HERE. Hon. Marlon Erwin, United States District Attorney, was In Angulo this morning for a short while tn business. 1 Mr, Erwin has a number of worm friends In this city, who always extend to him a very cordial welcome. One of the grandest an<Tmost costly buildings in Benares 1b the Monkey temple, which was dedicated to Brah ma. The design of this strange-look ing temple is both stylish and attrac* I tive, and the interior is admirably fltt led out for the accommodation of the numerous monkeys which occupy it. This animal is--held In reverence by i Brahmins. To them it is sacked, and i for that reason the monkey Is as much feared and worshiped as any one of the gods of stone. The recent death of Oliver T. Mor ton, son of Indiana’s war governor, left his mother in straightened cir cumstances. _ L FIEND PAYS THE PEHAIiTY Vifipt. ftttti I) • Mil (toit. Uml •p • ft«ao« Far tluMt IM. step.*** a— Mm **#•»*•* ffio#* *»»« Mw.toi Math* »«# HaaMftbaO Porto. D** tt* *■ too*pb TMfedto ib# Wwi ~Jb4k t»* Hippyt •#* I e*l lMtb*l at ffinairob. HI tb* Urea— ■putl ot tb* d*p*ftffi*Oi "t AtM. tolk ntofolbg. H# pvatoMad hta tb*«w#*f# *»4 »to«tat*d loauit# in tb# l#*t To rba*. Mb# i# • y#o r* <M adb. —•—► A—o*4 10 tb# f>MOb#e **•!—. t» I <#t:y lit* b* mm bbOMO t# bbve bny tolly med»r»«t tonr unya. #t* •«##*• and oiiia **d *r old sHd— H*#* «t •b* vi— on* tnodtng b*eda ob*# > Vo*b#r '*m« bebtM tb— ood rat ib*lr ‘ throat* Tb# *ito*o# of Vac Me a#rp*.*»*4 la mi joint ood ffirortiy tbao# ot tb# Wblt* rba##i »urd <rr bb—A M Jorb ib# Rtpt#r, Hia amnirttM bit femailob# brob* , Mt ; t |t«i ft om *(*ioaad oft*# bttn*» tbot m tenry •<*"«# ha# a# #hj**t. ood •a hia ontiv# via# aditff theft bo# • veagMor*. bl* koipwiiM’ttf *o* ##* iaK #b*d. I*ayr,>l«#<r*t.y, pfc*aicton» bar* mpuM lb* *•*» oa lotervattog Il wa* *ho«a I Pot Vacber <**» font li ed la •• o*ri—. bad ( b*t while dura* " miiitof* duly o lane *l*i< eona d til*o In attempt aetf d*#troet 100 by #hf»t The rlrtitM of Vacber o etr# ob*P b#rd* and «h*ph#riV***a. and bht rag* *■». i v ly 4l'*ctad a*ai»»t yo mg girl*. ||a *u#t r*t tb* throat* of hia vlrtliM with a kotf ood after#*rda mottlaied them with a roaor. M» waa xiretted laat year after lb* poitr*' •eairhed for htfla for o looff tiro# in drf*nre Varhar pointed out that when • youth be wa* h«te» by o mod do*, and that the tillage bertwllat gave hi» antyie medicine after dr tubing which b* beeotu* Irritable and brutal, whereaa he had been |«v#tou«> qui t and In olTcnilve. It olao appeafa tb*»l from Uiat '*»»* hr fkteletpad a posaio* for human blodff* Referring I" hta rrtme#. Vacber la : quoted a# raying by itetßna aevor suffered, for wblla I throttled them with one hand I simply look the llvaa with Ihe sharp Instrument In the otft or I am an aoaichlat. aai opposed to 1 soetety no matter what form of gov i ernment It may h* ” ARRBHrff EXPECTED . But so Far There are No Developments In the Oomish Affair. j New York. Dec 31. The |s.|lrc are i Mill vigorously working to find nut who sent the poiaon to Hurry Orniah. and caused the death of Mrs. Kale J, Adam* on Wedne lav last. Although three days have etapr-ed ilnee Mrs. Adams died, nmarreats have be n made and Chief of Detectives McCluskey said today that he had nothing to divulge There Is an Impression that befo-e th" clay la over the police will have secured cither a solution of the mystery or will have made arrests that show In wliat j direct inn tbelr suspicions He. So far ' no.actions or statements of the police I imaeeinlngt.any one present has been | connected with the crime or any mo j tive been adduced that will Justify an attempt upon Cornish’s life. Re garding the statement, tn the morn lug paper that a former member of the Knickerbocker club was under snspi ; clop and will be arrested today, Mr ‘ Cluskey said that Cornish implicated ! no member, past or present, of the Knickerliocker club. There were no : developments tn the ease, the captain admitted, but said he could not discuss tt at present. In answer to the ques tion If he had oome to any conclusion, whether a man or wojnan wrote the ad dress <>n Ihe wrapper of the bottle, McCluskey saldl he thought it was a man. THEY ARE .CONVALESCENT Madrid. Spain, Dec. 31.—Senors Sa gasta and Castellar are convalescent Fourteen steamers are on the way to Havana to repatriate th" Spenfsh troofis remaining in Cuba. The report of a meeting of a dozen Spanish gen erals, the purr oß * of whleh Is not dl vnlgod, has been confirmed by a mem ber of the cabinet who does not deny the importance of the occurrence. CHINA IS DOWNED. Port Townsend, Washington 1 , D o. 31. —The steamer Yamaguch!' Marti, from Yokohama, has arrived. From the files of the late Japanese papers the fol low!®*; is taken: Marquis Ito expressed great fears fmthe future of tli.-. Chi pese empire. He says l ere is m -non in Ch'na who can rescue her from the interfiling collapse. “Much excitement was created in the Orient over the se cret rreaty alleged to have been made hetwon Russia .and China." Mrs. and Miss Joscphson of Macon are the guests of Mrs. Emile Ruben steln. making I MUSTER READY Tt*» tdib ll#toM Ito * tffitof *' r»t Itou ' A if—* Day kwy> lira Hay* l Of— Todoji I* fogoia* awwlht# ffiaraat day at eoffig. AA fraoda •** qwit* k— gvttiof tM iowhm and piyf«4la *»#dy TH# bat# #ll Ilk# tl# day lo *—• Ottawa*. M H 10 Iba tttß •##♦ IWMOf* MUrdogta Tb* iwlb baa k*#t Hi# b»y» to*— th**# tent# tt*—. a*d aralf Urae# wb— duty l| m u* b# #M M tb# *!***»« to «rw aatwdlwa tb* d»w#ry drlMl* TENTH OHW Tb# bsqra Ml# owblot *»#y #—v» yferwiwlMb# fit* **w r<*Fa day. I RttMtM* WtJlwrn wttfft baa b#*o 4«*f at brtgad# b##dou#r uaa Mat* »b* lai *i <k*s#b*#. wto »♦• t»m M> bl# t*OiM#M tOffiifffWW. t*rtrst« (n#44*w N fid K boo rweetv ftVl 4l*c barn#. l*rivote Wolfram #f C# A as J Kip' penmarker nf Oa. C. ala Ibe #rd#rlte# tortsT, Cass Hoyonld* #f Co. LIo —cer of tb# day , 14. Rtxbmtt of Co A I* <#**>»•«- der of tb* (ward. Quit* o large party or* e-mlH* I# w nigh* to *•* to# negro*# "Walk Sbtypi * Cm, F la on tb* riffle tons* today. FIRST M AKYI.AND Copt. Tara# of Co. L. who bo# bee* on tb* aieb *’•» R>e a»v*ra ! day* *>«* roportttl for doty, tad I# officer of the day. 14. N'orrl* cf Co. F ha* raportrd ft»r duty after o Have nf ahaaof# ftjt Johiiao* of Co. M baa bee# **«t to th# r*#t»*n«*l bnarltaL Crivate* lx»mt* Collier. O'Doaovan aad Small bnve l*M npoototed enffpo rata lo t# L. The nnac immiraicned offinma of C« I gave o atng donee loot »vr»dn* To# Tvoatr <he#b ertiw— sort fumiehml hy Ib* reglm«utal band. Re fre#h*««ata werw **f»*d at a late bcur. Rveryene had *a elegapt tins The offi. ers of the company .were the g • «t* A .eke walk waa osrtlnhtotr* "T two e uplea. Cooole No. 1 wa» Sirgt. Kemp and Hsrrr Sou##*' coot'l* No - I. 'Slat*" Lathin '" sod “Tango" Coa kery. The latter men were preferl"d , wiib the coke by H>* unanimous vot* of ’the party. No doubt thi* will he ft lnwc by other entertainment* or aTtkc nniuro. . THIRTY-FIFTH MICHIGAN. U. Burk of Co. C la officer of the l. Ripley of Co 1 U commander of Ihe guard. . Flmt M»*on of Co. A n returned from • furlough. Private Bchniedherg of Co. A has returned fmm a furlough. Private Cborbonaon of Co E has been detailed at tho quartermaster a department. EIGHT PENNSYLVANIA. Adjutant Gilbert left this mcrnlr.g for Savannah on o seven days’ leave of absence. Lt. HopyUo »f Co H ls of the day. , ’ Lt. Fame of Co. K is commnnder of the guard. Lt. Duffy of Co. K has been A’toiM P a acting adiutant until the return of Lt. Gilbert. THIRTEENTH PENNSYLVANIA. Capt. Job® W. Kambnck of Co. B tias returned to ramp After a ill ness of typhoid fever. Captain Krnn b*ck become ill at Camp M.ade, Pa., and waa taken to the emergency hospi tal at Harrisburg, Pa-. «««' for ma ny day* his Pfe was despaired of. Harry Bender of Co. V lias been ap i pointed sergeant to fill the vneancy ! mused by the honorable discharge of jsgt. Scott L. Shaver. ! Co. Clerk Griffith# of Co. F has been appointed corporal. Privatb "Rookie" Moore of Co. A was selected as the colonel's orderly today, nnd Is the first man In the regi ment to receive,'he compliment twice. Private Schlagcr of Co. C was selected as adjutant orderly. I Capt. ,Dteker of Co. F Is officer of tb* day. Lt. Culssman of Co. G is commander of the gticrd. Herbert E. IVkejpail of Co. H has been appointed sergeant to fill the va icancy mused hy the honorable dis charge of Sergt. Rogers of the samo ’ company. An Intensely interesting lecture was given last, night In the Y. M. C. A. tent, by Frank Smith, the noted lectur er who Is a great favorite with all th" men In the caron. He alluded ? tt most feeling terms to ills war remrafle. Col. E. H. Rirmle, of Scranton: lire former colonel of this regtnjcnt. His reference to Col. Rlnple called forth great ap plause from ad present, a* the colonel Is. the Id 1 of nil who know lilt®. Mr. Smith will lecture next Tuesday night k lb. •#** #4*~ f%# «M» 01# W>| i H Hffiffffitoffiff i m# %%m || I ' ffif fee-4* --v:| l§ e«3ffi ■ . i f** t|N | |,g| ■ totom to*#* 9* iM I VH*toNi |k#|.ffft, fijiifU'l <tof toto «t» fNiihMNl ] IwvTW Attcti %t* r a 119* i in| flip# IfKfl Vmmtomflttor toiffi * tofkftot *& ffcffi# mi flfto ftblHt \m**m » * fVi flkVmffir p 4 in* nlk j to** tw'im tit iMMtef *to*to*oL 9* mm# j ora*#** of ibe on*ad* aorta® tb# ob> ! '*M— M#«— C—Ml tr-nmfl lA W, H Mm*** *9 »**• | Ilffii 9m (VtftftilMt HI | WtoHMt to <fct 9*09**99 ***** «A Ih* j r*t* so*l*4o* *0 th* **mi% CM* to j g| r< r|- (in *tof tilt IhlM h*W9o* ; M ***** U ******* m* U Wil iWbf'fll ***■ ot* fffkffi ff. H* ***** IVpiffi VltototVl'' in iFffiitft Mr** s*'i ****** o§* Wtop* Mrm* nf tl»# hrm 4*+to*m,toh* H«mi h**m tn f If t**f tof dam ttrttMUed (Mo a*— dr»th nr mum ldfmm rowtht fiir ‘ A way T%“* MoroMiO A***t « Motefloa rtinra*. Tb* <t*Mb t* aobcaaarvrt of Mi*a !*>•■ tee « Rwbett «ble% #»*w#t 4 M **» oVtort ot her bom* No. 73ffto»o» •>* Vllffi# fa )» v iff 4fd*|i ?)| fstg* *tt* f ftotoffH HI * ♦*t(TffkHf4l rff ifVNMI *** ffWissAlMNi to h*f h*4 MMI fiWBI • to0to*r»l atrttm* hwi!4«»i. ih* w ■«totf *9 *9 trtfvr h**? «n 4 vwW tit* «»f t**s*(f -ito* th* *fW**#f P*t* ot fffliirli vwi# top ito ftof* gti«! ttmnfClit nf olhlfi m Hll m toWtof tn to 7»lMr *»toP Ilk*" r* w s&% *v9**in* »* *h - ,l! - k io**** konfiff **** ***' **• Hrrlr ib*r* '* • rif at tofmtof* ta 'v.U b .... ZB «r. Jane C. Tl— Mr* J#e*b B. IW end Mia# tlan A Uohert. >d •*» • e,ir oed Dr. H'urt RUhert. of G"*id»- ttl'e. F«j . »w* Mi *UM ot Hr. J#-"* Idatt. <Uf *!eetri#‘a* To tb# b*#e»vcd i„j ‘ .„*iny re*atlveo Ibe sympathy rs ma'. } Tr ad* I* exteoded - air.': ai 1# o’clock from St- Pa rin'* ebureb. t NWJff VBAR d NSHTINtI.^ Of the ir>. P r tt»b# He'd »t tb# ftapi'et Chwrh Tomorrow \ ap- LI nreetliw of tb* local Bap ttst*# Yeung PecjAri* I'nloa wHI •• H'd at the Finn Boptitt charch to* morrow »!gb* at 8 p. ro An tatereatlng *ervipe ha* been ar r«n* 1. Th* •abject o* the m- th.? will be "The Aegel Preaeot* for th# New Ytw." The speaker* will he parties from the ddffer-nt B»pt£#t chttrehe# of the cltjr. FIVE BA!t/)RS fHIOT. Southampton. England, Dec. ?t.—A *h( utlng affray occurred oa board the American line *tenmer Bt. Paul. Cop tain Jamlaon. which left New York on I' rentier 23, for tbia port, and which nrrived here yesterday. The origin of th* disturbance was not knowa. but five member* of the rrew were *hot, and one was stabbed. They arc now in the hospital on bonrd ship The inju ries are not serious. No arrests were made. CHt’RCH NOTICES. I Heghilhah Church Record for Bun ' day, January 1, IMS: j Ba|4lst Church—Sabbath school, 10 a. m.; preaching by oastnr, Rev. Jon ikins, 11:15 u. rn.. and 6:45 p. m. Bro1h«-rsvllle M. K. Church—Sabbath school 3:30 p. m.. All are Invited to these set vices. THE TABLES TURNED. Queen Victoria has Just turned the tables on certain artists nnd picture publishers in London, and the "hupper circle" ls enjoying ft quiet laugh over It. Some time ago some one with an unusual amount of self-confidence was going over the old. Schploss Rosenau. in Saxony, now the property of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, nnd on the top floor, In the room which had been used by the Prince Consort as a study when he was a boy, was found a painting, which was declared to be the Prin cess Victoria at the age of 4. From some one —no one knows who—permis sion was had to copy it, and In a short picture stores had a new likemN? of her majesty. It represent ed a child, exceedingly pretty, dies red In a white gown, with sleeves rolled up. On her head was a small cap. and cuddling in her arms was a small Pom erlan dog. The reproduction went like hot cakes, and her majesty heard about it. Victoria had a good memory and she has herself declared that in- which happened when she was twelve months old are fresh in her mind still, but she could not for the life of her recall any picture of her fondling a dog. To settle the mat ter she sent to her son for (he paint ing in question, and when it was un well. It was done hy the artist Gre packed the other day the Queen pro nounced that she remembered it very uze, who died in 1805, fourtten years before hr own birth. TL, JL-'—q.V * 10c A WEEK—S6*OO YEAR HOWARD GOES UP HIGHER i W|ti#f Will Sorrfff ( fwtffidff tt 11# Jmrwl't Kfftoffffffi E4UW. #■ AoR As— *«d H#b# m* H#ad* i'X aenttrt# tt A'tt I*o A xffiffiffto# «“▼” ffi. I 4 (|| t t*r- H Tftto to*toto ;«<»«• fmm ftfto* t**h itMM Mr til* I ftof 11 <*« • riff- ffirt4«< «r *vf *9% Smw I I $r to## **#* iffWNtffi Wmt*to:otom IfiMf tot MMII 9mm, ito •« F• T 4 Hr, f tto* € * m left • to M, O—ttupn M «*• <4 *b- —«f *n-»n •<*# v*M fn—fi #»««***#•*• In** »«.*4 to ,o*f *«% » t-mmt mmm '«• «|t <l-*M*I Ok *4M*rr>> ~t Jffi* «.#•!*• ,* e*r*fM at Tb# l#4#»*i »•* ■ Moet Me « «.elm** te taCgttv « ore irltortt to W# xffik. till# fto#to' v **»#ff nrtortl to is* r# to* j,| i i*H# fgf f* 19|n *H# wvt* fftkgMh It #kjs> | ffiffito. •* to# totoff 1 ttofffi# *** At t'#»# Hr ti (effto in|ifr * tot tli# Attomi* J -Ms full ft# ffffW"# tI,-% I p,y-* ■ *'-<#» Ito ***■**•• * r|in ** to|viMr.* #* ito# s ffi*mif ~r .. to*# it***9 91 Ml w 'H# m. '4r pmmm *f m«h «H| Jmht 9 to#* ******* *lf%# Wm* "m 0 TheTftopMd wb to m—hed I* K>at ri«T* la >*W O metier of talk In » tore ito dksrattoa «4 **r Mr. . , . .. s*a». t hard lla»t ih# t . % , , prartnniM la l*n up# Sl* bmllb. IB* pigpaglao •’XT* directed him l» g . ,# Hump’em Rn#d* to a real. He wa* laid ' luel H< keep hi* eye an When tbe flv'rx r-ptuFr ’C sailed to Key West Walter <1-,' wiled Ar riving there to oaked his paper for •*- 'l*<rity to birr a tug hoot to frelhior gc-hiev. Th» destnrd permtffion »ra* cti. and Mr Howard hired Ibe tug V. F *Un,p*oi». and aeiled with Ihe *quod* , „ Me contracted *Mh the eapiain of '«■,« ffimraon 'or * three day#' trip. It «. aa weea* before hr permitted Ih# i#g in re i art, V K*v AY eat Co lb* rtlmaean. the emxllett «nd ■ mn«t lii»i*nlfteont lu« rfearatered bv an* tmTiffifi] — Mf*" Ummt* **n*d (.ver tbv Carrfhbc.n sea far week* in !b* *<»k •nf til ffyln* *q**drrm aever bain* eMthtof the veserla. rx.-vpt wton stramles *w«y\o * cable etatlao t» send to a story Io • short time Mr. tl, wsi * had established * rrpuintlon ss a flpt rises aar rarreapondent - He •'s, ,fed - me if the blggeat ismta nf the vac an l made a i»*me for hlmaelf. V.i n«w*pap*r fnrre#o»>*ld«to did better work nr achieved more repat at ton tn the gppnleh-American war than Walter Howard. At the conclusion of boetllltie* Mr. Howard returned to work in Nea York. So,;* afterwards he was made eity edi tor of the New York Journal, and Hits responsible poeltton he filled until lost week, when h* waa given a higher piece. Mr. Howard received hi* newspaper training on The Atlanta Journal. He ha* hundred* of friends In Atlanta.who will rejoice to h,«r of hi* continued rise In Journallem. Although Mill I*** than thirty year* es age. Mr Howard has attained about as high a position as his profession afford*. That the fu ture has nothing but good thing* In store for him can be easily ccnjectured. JULY FIRST | I Mny be Time of Beginning of Next School Term. State School Commissioner Glenn, has written a letter to the county school commissioner*. In which ho says: "The condition of the state treasury 1 is such that we shall be compelled to change the school year before we can nVer reach the lime when w« can pay the teachers promptly. Our school ! vear at present Is about six montnfl ahead of thy treasury. That is to say —(he woik that we do for about half j of the year hns to wait for payroentl until taxes come in at the end of thoffi year. ■ " This condition of things will conj tlnue forever until we find a way taffi remedy It. The remedy suggested tm ti... prreent session of the leglslati) H was to stop all payments for / m months, suspend the school# for ) ■; same length of time, and begin j H next school year the first of next The application of this remedy wuf» out at least a six months notice wodffiffi have worked great Injustice both MM the teachers and the schools of tbeffi state.” , GREAT BATTLE FOUGHT. M Shanghai. China, Dec. 31. CaMg, King, correspondent of the North na Dally News, telegraphs under 4S of December 30 that a great battlc mS taken place at Sahciolsang. TilffiNß gagement is said to have taken Decemler aad the Imperial are reported victorious. ' OFFICERS ELECTED. IH V a meeting last night tnetjt Rani: 118. K. of 1 Kw 1 1,, p ti,,. Mi-owing ol |Wkre:k' elected: i .■ I':-,;orient \V. 11. Stoeff V- ■ I’resident -George -A- '! | Seep (aty Daniel Hcrta^ffi