The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 31, 1898, Image 2

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Tfit Values in New and , inraclivi Upii|liit and Grandt. $l5O TO $750 Choir* of Our four *•*«!• In« ,n«kM. Wwlurr Evot #tf f Hftrvftnl. ««*» B«u*r. Organs Th# F*mm<l 41 Votfty Parlor and Chao** #ty»e*. walnut and ouartar Oe* c*m«, rmw <S«fti«n» wa can vave you loonay Sawing MacWrta*. B*cy cla» f fumilura. Baby Car rtagas. ate* Everythin# now »n *hart Music- * r Tinas & Barton, 710 Broadway, Augu TILES OF THE TOWN | l*w»a** A-ar taw***#*- A! tta ArllMPoa tore* *t*<*4 thar# Mv mm* r»U m *m*l nrmi awvnlf*. TKWO wwvnur, are ,mr hardtack* <H> • t,%f* him **l*4*4 I* W»«W color* •Mitfcrr* arana*. Ttoai# *» a Wttaa patch #e*w* -a nw <>• *»<*brr a l*. • *■* »i «» •i*'** - ' j**:'. daalfu The hardtack* wart pain'd by • < «!«•»•'«* ». c.. WUM Vto* w»wk it wait* HtaftM. Th* custom of danwatlm '** CNftt* Mi to an BtllWtol l*»»t H ta wrto) j ■.art *w#n fartfear ito* at would at Lr*t **!«-> N..w pit nty «rs feuii*** ar<* amk a W» <M *r*«u on Ik# holiday HJ i*s*«tr of iw.i.i« *••*«• * aprla of toeilf m their root*. but *b» • ottM Kara ttuma'M ttat aa *»g.>n*rr tautld think of ooavrvlo* th# rtHUioi tn tarb an aatnat a* to dr- o*t« hi* loco motive? Bat that la fiat what on* of th# Otwrgt* ma<t » «nstoaar* did ami ttoero aan a *i»rt* of holly uotu M no Cbmtnuu day attached to th* h#»‘l Ugtet Am U*« ifigiM rolled through A CUWB to PoßUion# - ftelHlcji qu<K‘r id 4 it mmy h* ««ld that the volnntetr army show# up »ot»fthing on thU There ax- m*n serving In the army ami at Camp Mackenal# who have enlisted aa prirate* and *r« under nflli-er* • hum they would not hav.- noticed at home Ttoie I* not *ald with any re flection on the officer*. but when a private count* hi* eaah by the thoua itnd* and the olßeer by th* 11. you moat say It 1* a rather tnoongruoua'j thing that the private la living on hardtack and bean*, while the ol»c*>r la enjoying excellent eating, and. to nne a common exprcaalon. Is "way up In G." It I* even aald that hi a eer talu regiment a young man who la a private I* under the command of hta former coachman. Strange atat* of af fairs, eh? The Provost'* Black Marla-- One of the camp ambulances wu* mntfrt down the street and paused the street car on the platform of which they were talking. ‘ike that wwjou. Bill?" *'Yep." “Know tirhat H Id?" Mure. That's one of the wagons i hat the prorest uses for a Black Mu "‘f thought It was an ambulance, I said the Other, R The conductor smiled. I Company Maacota— I The Camp Mackenzie hoys believe In Bach company ha* one and IThe assortment hi Indeed varied. In Huie company there la n pig- ''on ■khould **e that pi* walking around ■with a blue and rad ribbon tied around ™lu week. Then another company has 1 B jjpat, another a cat, auother a rooa- L another a dog, another a parrot, ■ another—but the list is too long to rc ■ pint. B MONKEYS HAVK XM AS TREE. Dec. 31—Keeper Cy De ■ v 0 f the Lincoln Dark Zo.. gave the §S|» ikevs an Xmas tree, and all day they raced about their big cage lIKtK the keeper monkey cheers to ex -I||s their appreciation. He bought tr.'C that could tie found - enough for whole family - filled II with popcorn balls of popcorn bar.* of • at"** apple-;.- mgffil.Oii'tnir t-. tin' id-., o.i. ■' <•. It r lib '•* ml- otter a Silk of la fit li*i'C 1 4 ■■ th# I*l And of Cub#— Program of th# D#y. Me**** to* H tw ******* ** i. »y trt» *wmt 4*©nm** tflNMff*** ABto#hp dN#hi#B * twA#4k#Bßhß pit w * A t|s# ABNHrmi* i ißMlfwf nm** f%*m #%# Shift## BfU'B TfwtsA ***** «* If.B <i* PIIIPA f% m full wliMivtc * : *l idM• • #»Tt BBWBf fISPf 4NiH B* f %A r#r#pt HMHBA* Bt «IMB fMdßov- At It'AA ••*'*'* Uloy *tt< #PNM ANNBPWM PWIIAINn !-*«■ M Is4«Alvb. <NM iißA* ***** Hunt, =####► A4N#»#»,i AiNl lip •pWBtAA IVMMA iuAbA iBIMPfA. ##4 ttMNif #€'*ll tßtti IB til# lIMhMBB r#».s#A # lw» * Afwiwr IsißiN r#gva«»t'#d » .##*»#Hli in i> t*»m BhsNß.. r- m»> AhiAlE ■ J ' s r«w*» wtt» tos * «!■»! »«»«*•!•#*» th* «wMM*d atU ■**•«**•« ■*** t **" Maetuei, aft*|w**4» r ***' v ’ | fWKSI'Tt BUM^hIU Mtos* M tMnashW't* at Itothf h»«ot* BB*BN t *>« || I t# til# tfINH Al|fhll ! Hfcli H*m* t*#!##* ABd $ BdWpF r*# BN#WA Amß Pb ««kA. Btli |dAf tA*** 1 A** l Ig *%|# «4tf ftiMligN MNI fAMi I-* *■ \ few f lA# n F#| flfmn# Mid * #BK fggntm VAttSB h*#*a#*P B#*f UnßrttAJ : «wA#ii ymt wifi b# a lit. frsstttp? *w wf tii# MMBtli lA la Abkvw. | Ht TA** •aa lb# blti bwi BbA i2L"-r-r:r* w -; l*h«j it b>A wiw* df tt »« of m*m* rltr# A»d #t*Ml b v|3l##*tod htem* M M of laugh ter. . Tw-oigl#* 'h* Old S«R»r." ta the hill •wn It A* weal t, -v i< Mt too la< l*gM*.l therts wtl’ Ik KlMdtng room *0 * T«*gty Hhsftar* win he «j*m away #' Itw perfoimam* Mid yaw «wt boU th techy nowber Oo and aaa. anyhow ta Cue* a CwM ta ftae Day Taha Bromo Qutalo* TaWat*. AM Hnirhtt refund th* money ts tt rail* ta ure tte. Tbs grautne hn* L. U, Q Ml uM l. MORMONISM f "i.uxre,sm*n Fleming la quoted In The New Tort Herald as. expeeastn* hiltiaelf on Mormonlsm ae follows: "Accordipg to the OoWatitutlon of 'he I'nlted Slate*, the gv*r*«ior of every »t*u dswda to tha cle*% of the house ot represent tt I v«# the name* of the men darted to membership. The name* are then entered upon the polls of tha house and a person so named become* by law a member Ilf the hoove and he can t be prevented from taking his taut. Subsequently hta right to continue occupying tha seat may 1* contented, or after he ha* taken his seated and participated hy his pceeenc. in the deliberation* «f the house, he may be exp«il*d from congress hy a tvvo-thlrd* vote of the duly qualified member*. In nil meetings and dterue stons had upon thl* subject, none of the objector* to Mr. Roberts seemed this falter constitutional provision, but have based their opposition to him WINE OF CARPUI Regular aa Clockwork. Dumas, Am., July M- My menses used to come tw ic* a month and were very profuse. 1 had almost constant headache, back ache, rains In the lower abdomen and great consbpation of the bowels. 1 have used four bottl« of Wine of Cardui, taking Black- Draught as needed, and now my menstruation is ts regular as clock- Mrs. L M. Witherspoon. WaeTorf*' The menstrual period should regularly appear no oNvner than every twenty-eighth day. and should continue three to five days. There is danger ahead if the menses come oftener than that It means an early death. Happy old age is impossible if nature’s programme is not carried out If the menses are too profuse or too scant, if there is suppression, if there is any weak ness or drain in the organs of womanhood, not a moment should be lost In taking Wine of Cardui. As Mrs. Witherspoon says it regulates menstruation like clockwork. When a woman is ••regular'', and her delicate and distinctive organism is strong and well, her health is sure to ladies' advisory DEPARTtoEkT. ! be perfect, and a perfectly healthy woman has many 13&X&. years of brightness and hap ;'.K.ya-v.m, pjneJJ bef(>re Wjne 0 f Cardui undoubtedly lengthens life. A LARGE BOTTLE IS SOLD FOR SI.OO BY DRUGGISTS. WINE OF CARDUI Ahift «l#r j B#f C*9§t***M BdjMMf. AMMABIiM Altw fMSeMMMt dapwet*. «» ! *•** j tt»m **• ******** *• •*» 'hw, >•** | gpff* fa# OMhh'fHf fNWMiW# t'lN* #**•#♦ j ...MWh ttoriA#j f&AiA' i Hia# mm*m wf tmm ■ j #iw | nf tit# BlNi tt#w | M |#p VR®klN**?f f"Ai###|- : "■ i #S i**A' Im, fc l? «Rg*# «f tlB Iwt «rWI> IwrMK# B*M« AM*#4n*|» . WBaaAt fl#sA #MI *tMMI Wf s ## * t - W 11 Hr f * atn «ftf VMM# Ilk# ABBB# BSHHTA 1 •**•* t** ad aeta* I’ttoMl tanta# ftatatar* wm .*H j *.■ «. A,! iiMit If# l§ B ttmmm •ad the* dertat. h# ahw#d •«•**•* muted ta tap# If Mmanowtata »• |- 4 - #'lJ tit# *<'»*»** if #| . taitat# a##>iivAi #nf tIMMt tl# r | iMatf ft# Nsi ■ 1 <S» B«l ««Mlt tk-* ■ ..r JwMTStU# lW# B¥##WB*“ tltlMII TAW# .«• iiwwwsms -- MUlHiltWtf * '-WWt l ##* 1 •- ffH* IMW •BFt*#W Ifc*# 1 # «a MTU • 4 j lit# #tPB4MWI flt if* ••• **■* '! f#W4AIN‘# #Hf» Ik# l»W« ° f ki* vwM »k# risks Am m| I HB> Wiß *jf th##i. w * r 11 *«<»**•* j us ** h{m U * For one, I **» —"■>»'*# ,r * j 41.1 *-i to* aotad he d howw* brute, ■* ••nth the entempt ad h# hdtotalwtota maw. Mr judgment to that ba wUI ra i : Mi* hta seat. *’ A #pl«ndid *»sortm«nt of of fashionabt* Pockwtj Book* and C*rd Cases in \e#t leathers for men and w-jmen at Richards A Shaver'*. XKIV TEAR CAKDW. The Geargta railway tram. 1 depeet • went he# tasued aoen* very pretty *** j e«ar .-wide. The name* es all the em ployee appear on th# card. CV»I. -b” * I White h*» sent out to hta many friends , cards on whkh U. May happtnee# and proa- j peHty fall lo your lot dutlng ( line ,*nJ hAtny yewrs there. < ; altar. | JOB W. WHITE. j Trav. Pa##. Agt., (ieorgta Hallrowd, 1,. g N. It. It. Co . Laaaee. A'.’OV’dTA. OA. I INDOOR BABt, OAUKB. The 13th Pennsylvania lndo«.r tall team will piny ••»* «’. t>. A learn M«m day night. These gainea have been well atteml.-d. and the aattie Monday night promise to I>* well attended. The 13th Pennsylvania team will play the .Sacred Heart Cadet* Tuesdty night. fil if FBR MACON sm ft##!! Am Uii it 7# <l* h#RNt#ii>i j WMtof a (tody wf Weehly I* Mad hat Itashtad IRaetad Hi*., SI. .es Heap • adp*»«« [ ’tit# hmm# wf , HmH> iIMMMK 4#'MB f|#» p**4*** *±m At # 'mm AHKAPf 4B Pb**** f ■ prillf>w«f Bill *ff M ****** kM Nm' 1 aubai jinf m itnip Mi i#pg| a , I BiAMfw#Af wf pNpMlkflMUf fc# fkß fiPfp»] |l : # <j|##’ia##hi Cl# fjp# CMMHB# ## a##>a i- ; **s##R { fAn wNlAfMiMI. f ijnnriifm ft#!4 |# «|ltw«rftfw» - v*V' *«# *’ -* t fWVt WfWp WMk *BM» p4»f ft IB tfWpWBPHbM I*Tthe Pampaig* ta IMS 4mm r MV. ke-ta the [ Ih# m f tirfl * -##*"•#*>ff m *U* *Ui r f * #.!•% i%# ! ft MMsßf Bk 4 Wkltß p!l Of ' ftnp#f fk>4ftjabbilwwit kßv# Mwwb 1 pt*P* fkßt A k»t«CMi4# l#j 1 tfc# rwww# M# fcßWft 88, , rinndy tfi#r# Bwwb Mnf »##— IB k# BM| ftewilif» Tklß MWIW pii ! ftfegy BMWIB ttsAt Mr Pm 19 mtWfepA t« [ fAWiPB #A #kAfMtAtft Rf ft#F Tktf4 R##f#. Iftf k«« BFtwBPBfP* **• fk# #B« i |#*rl rtf tit «**#»!»*’*# P ekßpfAlß# I# ! IW &r(if BNadMI BißfNi l«l r**wftfm UP* I wiww f But Im» Pba till pWlfnAf fuplif For Whoopin# Cough um CHENEY'S EXPEC TORANT. TRIAUUATIONI 10LD AT TUIIW NAL. | ‘ft ell. Clara, whgt have you done ' ruiTß WtUtAIRB hta for# til# ta*r I AWB Jli ll' Itf>SkATtf flltfs tis VifWYttflf J i#i drunk. Jitdp#.** am id j Just i*o-nny. Mid the Rtapev • tioiNo To tiMtyvrroWN. "So you came from Orovetown*" . Oesi Marrow wug twine trted for * We*-h of No end H- bed left throve-1 j t v. n x -nae day and had not retarr »d. While *>t)ourwtnc In At-guv.... h j took a is*, ft. one nracer ted ta aa - i Liner, and he headed at oewrt. I I give you until iwm to leave the I city, ts found here after that hour, you will he arrested, said lh« judge. I ‘J. M. left court til a hurry. THK TAI.E OF A I*oo. It was an sirs* a little dog. | The dog belong* ta Momte Edwards j a coal Mark tody Doggy was tying In the »un on the 1 stdrcalh yeaterday. when Julta Pmtih cnme along. Jutm I* colored atom tth. Li. bed a doggy. Mamie then made It quite tateeesttiig for Julia. Mamies, husband. Kd Edwunta. took a her,4 ID I the scrap. The tlnel# mas- » FM Edward*. !?.!«. Mamie Kilward* »:,&#. , I Julia ifmUh. 12.ta. , I COOIfP PROVE HE UVAS DRI NK. It t* seldom that a defendant at tn* | court .'vf the recorder admits that ha was an drunk that h* knew no than M go to people * oaeh drawers, tort . that Is what Joe buminer*l told the I court and added: "I can prove by my tathar ttat I wa* depd drunk." Now that w-a* enough to convict him ! of violating No t«0, but he had been In n difficulty with a Mr. Kitchens. The evidence showed both parties to tie guilty, and a line of II.W oo each was Imposed, NO. ttS AND NO. t»0. Two rtarges hung over Charles Leon ard that of No. 4*o and so. «!. He had struck Mr. Shaw In the left eye, That was a violation of No. ttW. He had according to the evidence, used a pair of knuckle*; that wua where the tilth violation cam# In. Attorney Henry Hammond conducted the prosecution. Mr. Summer*!, who appeared In the other rase, was a witness for the de fense. He said Leopard had not used knuck*. , . "Hut you said you were dead drunk at the time. If so. how could you tell?" queried Mr. Hammond. “T was sober then? that ltck Kitch ens gave me sots-red me. You get hit in the eye. and It wogld sober you, too," sgid Bummer*!. • The judge fined Leopard ft*» _ REV. WELTNER.9 GREETING. The Patsor of St. Matthew'* Card to Congregation. Rev. C. E. Weltwr, of St. Mat thew's Lutheran church, has sent out to his congregation the following new year's greeting: "At this, the beginning of another year, permit you to send you glad greeting, and wish you “A Happy Now Year.” The happiest year— whatever be the proportion of the joys and sorrows It oontalns—ls that which lays up the richest treasure of character and deeds, and so of bliss for ail time. Let me urge vou, therefore .to spend the com ing days of the year In full remem brance of the fact that we are on a pilgrimage fast drawing to a close, and the seed we are sowing is for a harvest of eternity. "Be diligent in using the appointed means of grace and salvation. Attend the services of the church as often as you can. Seek ever to make your lift' more and more like'unto the perfect life of the Master. Wit a large meas ure of consecration 'And service into your individual life ’Jhan ever before. If you do all these it will truly be ■ A Happy New Year'*' For some of us. this may be the last year; may it be the best! • Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching,forth unto those things which are hefrjje. T press toward the mark for the prize of the high tail- WANT ADS. ! - m ■ y» r•» * »«V a-T>r •- •» rwt* tatota ( AM* Mlera taw gap flf «** 'tahKM *4 IIHKNP9HMIB B# ifMBB ftKßf #f #M#H|MNArtMi#M||NI I BMNi 4#4# •‘fN#B A H#* to# a4i #ißi* if## BlN## #BXB CiMiiiiß #♦-* IMMNMPv Wk S fa# I#%M fN# *4ftk fk* 0m *t%#4 f#A | BN ft Bn#., f##,f Ml fNMI unnßßnlßn ">i f-r» Wm 4#ißlf mm I'liftß#*# tN Bwl ffMB * <*«> ### Bus mmmHm «#•#•%# «#*»k- NnA BmH| Nf BON fi*w #o«# i #4m###| w^kfß - BUB MN*#ooo >i.t##i'«#-if IB i l)Hf ' ###A —iiißß.'.'###! tfif iiußPiß Bt IkNtf BMN ftMNt "OiNNiB ** , SITUATION WANTEo” 14 ftt* tt) * #i % in i,? nriii f"'fff'iiff y? : ' taff B C^HNNft#Nk .f ill* I‘-rifts f*fll fWTfSff , i* vf| Off *mm» 4k W AtTIKM.. | f ni#nr — -Hi A«#fv l#» ff#k. iffl - |«NMMke Bftß.. Btak'Ol mp fOTN T 1 afTr Aft*** an aamn I 4jrf a,.|B#r## l«Bf Mrfirt #* #f. 4-i . ihMAWf TO <i«rr o an n4,*i 1 Bfet" «k* Y#9#ot «»f ft# 0# • rtNi I# #BBN \Jtf* ’** a * • 11,1 V,ANTED MT A Tot yo MAM. II ysstow a* *•« A yiiirwewswt pvawica with a a--»r, atate (he at*« gas*4 utanni » Addnaa A. Ml Mbswa ta. WASTT.P A JCtft AA DRIVK* "R j < ttsttvr art*: iaa Itt Ktag at-, toy #H W»NTK.I» AlTt'ATloK MT AX OU* 1 ywmrt. •* a f iimsn <<• a Fa mb. «a i t# nncad', • a *tt»- -w«n ***** ta r |a* a*-, , | t fOI fl AtittM #1 A• i £ ti»* im. Off. SI I vi‘ft A•“ WANTKI) fNITfoM AN i Smrm AP4r*m RONU PHIHOUS,; j»ji Mr|eff#Nlk j#tr# *' 1- Bnmpll j i < -;#•« ft 9 utrrß fi** A Ps*t¥ HN* 1 I Hr*#iN #if##N. Ami ! j •MMi TtMpTtrve , iH*n> ! • ants Nhim ta Ltvtfy Atato* Aa-! ! ply IM» Hoe* atraat. AecJt | , nrn.KR - well trained d* I BaHF'B fterltlof) AMfty tCB fkoff #- ! #aWt ’ Wftwi-CASf * tn> H< fm j I ’ZuJUtTi for tlwdta* to eas tamae, A*- ; dress to No. MS MsyboNto atraat. lea t TO* RENT~ I TO HA X Dtai M K DorMLE ta 1-3 par month, all mttarrn Lsoßard Phiatoy, 3M Mroad atraat. ttoc II " FOR SALE 13 SHOW CAdEB fOfi BALK CHEAP i 713 Broad at. Wra. E. Beaaoo. Jsnt WANTED TO BRUv-ONR OF THE tast paying ituatasaas* la the cltv : i satiatactory reason for selling. Ad dress Bust ties#, car* Herald. Arc II |CREAM —CREAM AT M JACKSON WT. ! FOR BALE- PAPEP. FOR WRAP- I PINO purposes Cheapest la otty • >na ‘ rent a pound. Apply at Herald uffica. , Both while end news paper. : Nov i FOR BALB-ltN-ACRM FARM. ON* ! mile fiom city limit*, a bargain. Ap ply W. C. Jones. No. Ut Jackson St. Oct 1 CHEAP PAPER FOR WRAPPING purposes 10 cents a hundred old *>• change*. Whit# paper 1 sent a pound. Nov t FOR BALE-10JS GREENR STREET. with a tittle outlay can be made Into a handsome and modern residence. Term* cash; balance, three years with seven per cent Interest. Apply to E. Sheehan. Manager. Robt. Portner Brewing company. dec 13 ts LOST AND FOUND. LOST.—-LIVER-COLORED FOI X*TRR Dog. Reward offered. It returned to Dr. W. H. HARRISON. Jr., 115 Jack son street, city, or Sand HU. deo 31 MISCELLANEOUS. JlltS. AISUUKY POTTEK HAS RE \ TUB NED to tha city, and will re akme her art dßase* at an early date. 7% addition to otla. water cdlora. draw in* and modeling, »he will teach china, and tapestry. For further particular* Acply at atudl<v*42 tlreane street. uA* WANTKD TO BUY-A TWO-STEATED vehicle; atate condition and price. Ad dress B, care Herald. dec SO BOARDERS WANTED FOR 5 LARGE Desirable Rooms. Wm. C. Sibley, cor ner Telfair and Centre street* dec3l BOARDERS WANTED FIRST class meala. Private family, central location, Address. Augusta, care Her ald. Jan 1 WANTED—A GENTLEMAN CAN OB TAIN board in private family at very reasonable rates or will take two in room much cheaper; comfortable room. Apply at No. 435 Telfair street, jan 1 ing of God in Christ Jesus. "Wishing you grace, merry and peace In His name, I am, \ ' Sincerely your friend and rector, "C. E. tVELTNER." Ex-Secretary Sherman, who has Just passed his 76th birthday, says he feels well enough to conclude hts century. The Augusta Camly Factory is mov ing from West End to Jones sueet, in the rear, of the Planters Hotel, g*ta rjoa#A«f.agto Hi* ’"tataa, p L| i 5 - (p)f 3RS e) ASHft*gs|BciH q 'WHj f MatWodT^ Us> ' K-WYELLOW PINE^LI/mBER aajiadw . t#. - wtt« laff#: taMtoAvfM?*.# #M pa4A»'f*'.«« f<f# Tim HI * |vf.«V * - AIU U*t IN i?PO* i AKBIMiTi ASSt' £3 M*mm „ —«•*> »•«# mmmmm, ■» Perkins Manu»ctsrih6 ColugustyGa Toys! Toys’! Thft iar#MAi Block of Toy»#vtar brou#ht Au#u#M* 1 Th« pi mi «r« ih* iow«»1 *v*f pul upon mWiii ioow. Oo r.crt for##t my p*#o# *li«n pur< tor th# tmmti. My *Moctm«nt of (:*#•• Mkftucb tH*i yew Mhould homr It In mind. Pound Cmko, Fru« Cftk# #nd Lftdy Fin##rs an# my •p#ctAiti#«. H. H. CLAUBBEN. 1002 Broad Bt. I ~ • v 1 1 * -CAN YOU MAKE A~ XMAS PRESENT That will be more than one of our JP, BICYCLES? We have them to fit th© baby as .well as for men and women. We have BICYCLES of alt sizes at Christmas I \ OETEKET, MM l CO., SSSK Corner Broad &. Campbell. Open E v |l F this week. m JMM Our Coal Promotes Health, Wealth and go jfd CM It burns through and through and leaves neith Mr cinder and hut very little ash. I OUR JELLICO AND CROSS M0 ! /iNTA|S Household Coals are unequalled for ;leanline»a. heit&ig: aV* lasting qualities and money b saved daily by their use. g£t Lg:g. Nut and Steam Coals of best Grades anfl Lowest Prices I I T stopfcitaea FRASER & CUM Ml NO. Lessees* iro ' CO-OPERATIVE COAL SUPPLY CO., 10,1 Jtafea*^K B PARLOR MARKKAS, lilivultot. and unjolnt at the Sn^B lot that are twin* fattened for OttiX market. We will have them In AijH eetkllftf King, till we are , for them. A turkey or stickling pl|B from our ttoc-k mean« a feast, j JK M _ -■■■ . l e HARPER’S B y-MAGAZ INErftt inrewit i tAtr .- ’" ' v ' ‘ V Btaavrtky vaj.i-w, rt *iit eeeaae * coop «'*■ -•- V oM/ history op the SPANISt 1-AMERICAN WAR f) / nENRY CABOT IjOOOB. U. S. SEN ATS# I V HPBt jßfl M \ Thera «tL' i*»o ai’.iesr sach articles as S\ yM Admiiral SanpsG-’s Fleet «f a .® sy J--V' 8 ta THEIR SILVER-WEDDING JOURNEY ||i§£2 B w. D Hjvclli V. By u'MC-m D«a rtow.lU ft 9u A serial *torr-:° •*»-- dun* dm la^^H Is ,U B Wta* WT nukiced Mr. H»»«a*tetuc retaag ftuAt. 1T? : » % The Princess Henia Srsni-in %a r Story || - — 'S2£ = - » a 1 I S ' vmm r ?' *M l - SK -X. GBcsjspr H«DMJAa #1 8 % THK REVVED HOUSE 1 WAT OF THK CBOSS ?X ;2 ftoaftaja. 8 T K "focuS.Tta:,t BySta>t«»tamM H' 3 fi .ut , nvE OF PAR-ON LOEQ IBE CUCKOO CLOCK taV \ f ”*JfSSIwBkS. By Ellen Douglas Deland »| / ta T HE CENTURY'S PT-'OCHESS IN SCIENCB « i MmafSok 8 By Henry Staitk tVil!lams, M.O. 5 Wm iyfl m -nj,,., - will iSorootW. review the w.-vV. b- wien*l«tl r J nineteenth cer.iury* Other scrie* of paper, to appear are. ■< fi ? 1 white Man’s Asia Republics of South America ■ fi '/ * 'Bv i’oj i.T-jvv Bit-.Ei-ow Bv lutMit Races jH fi « Laam* MAPPER A BROTHERS. Publish era. New Verk, ,X SliutwiTii PMUM »t