The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 31, 1898, Image 3

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; ' * n| ' ;8L , M WM fl mm » ,%"#' •, ♦ i i JH M ■ pt; \ *,H ** •• •< * ' •- «** H r -' v . ! , T'mm . •« »• *fc* * * gs,S C|h> IMWlhWmt iglß > ' , h< t . * *■„ -H* ?» ■ •'“ . i ■nzau«p CHENEY S ex- Bectorant. ffl lb. #*mthag* *.f *>». o»-*» B|v .<t« «hr. dswer.s aT.em 1 - nur coo4 e<ww4«K t ind |** rffrt '**•* •ppj m &• *Tr*<le erf th* On fit j*ool, for the irv.rtto of Decent- Man# l^onrc, J-eeph rtf WardHw, <t#ri rwh King. /;l r ra, Lillian Duke. Rt«» gtotßng. HHihl Balk. > •Willie Lawrence. riOL PTER S COAL. '■ n„ rhitrity of the season ha* 8ll»d fnu-. homes with cheer than <ll4 the getu-rous act of Col. Oyer. In giving to .|s»r t«or at Weat End, two carlads of cml. Before the coal arrived, sixteen an* tile a tone had already tieen made for It. •wl fully twenty-five famlllea, ua thev aai herld.-aL that le d for many ‘ day* been*nh< ,-r • is. Rave thanks to the donor. «T P AULB CHl'rtCSt.—B*V. C. C. WILLIAMS. D. !>., rector. 11 A M., Morning ■ Prayer: Celebration of Holy Communion and Sermon; 4 P. M . Evening Prayer. Toung Mens Bible data meet a at 14 P. M FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Telfair alreel. between Sixth and Seventh streets.—Rev. J. T. Plunket. pastor. New Year aervloea, January 1, 1899, 11 A. M. and 8 P. M. ST. MATTHEW CHURCH. Sunday, 8:30 a. m.—Sunday school. 11 a- m. —German aervlce. 8 p. m.—Evening service, topic: The New Year. Monday. 4 p. m.—Reiving school and preparatory clasp Tuesday firmation clasp. Wednesday, 4 p. m —Young ladle* Lutheran pociety. " Thursday. 8 p. m.—Teachers’ meet ill,: nd normal clasp. ' CLEARNO HOUSE STATEMENT Clearings for; December .1898, 33.- |»« 612.28; Decern tier, li®7. 84.547.501.54; y, 1888, 335.3W,244.52; year 1897, $42,- 42! 504.93. YOU SHOULD Plant Some SEEDS IN THE OLD 12 DAYS. HYACINTHS, TULIPS and other Btdbs can now be Planted. Prices Reduced SWEET PEAS EieMcbolee Online 10 cenU—4 ounces 25c. ggp- We Itsve still a few Pretty Jar din-.ersand Ilsuging Baskels. We would be pleased to give any In formation on Seeds that we can. \'e invite von to csll on os- ALEXANDER SEED CO. 682 Broad St reeL Seasonable Holiday Articles Sacrificed at Lowest Ki tee i-iore You can procure what you want ~th* corral thin* to 1 cott * 2£*> Holiday Umbrila*. bn»t SUk And Gloria. 60 conU to $ LOO. 100 doeten Silk and pur* Linm Har»tlk«rch*of» at cut Prlco*^ 60 coni* on for all LaUioa and Ml**** , ' a l ck ? t ** 60 cont* on tho dollar fer *ll CiOth and £i u * h C*P«* /ya 200 Handstom# N*oqu#tand Valvot Rug*. 26 cont* to 64.0CX r , jo ._ Wasanrki vk'O*’ wcfth $ I*oo. 60 c*ist* ftsf Fotter tsl Kid GloVoo. 48 1 2 l-2 c “t. (or 10-4 ShMtlna. value ISc 60 cent, for be.t hemmed Sheets. 15 babe* beat Comfort* from 48 cent* to Eiderdown at 1 Men'* Scarf*, Glove*, Muffler*. Holiday Jewelry, Purse*. Perfumery. All Fancy goods Reduced to suit the time*. P. D. HORK AN & COfIPAN Y INASOCIALWAY fMjf fjw w*l Wa'Mj round the walui or hymadan. I Orchards sireich their I leeway span Round tbs trail* of Ifnaslaß; ■ Purple deepen ot tbs grope. I.yrlc brooks make hltthr <-scaps. Yet are nil the glories g me That lbs lord of Macetfc n Raw, ees drew tbs csvei on. And tbs hscchle orgy ran Hound the walls of Hamilan. • Cons the great *un-tetn;de where Golden stair rose over alitlr, j Hone the glided galiorlst. I port! ot ten god pulrr 1 *; the plaintive night wln-V pleat] I Etir ibs memory of the Meade, I Dob for alien ears to b*ed, 1 pilgrim train and varevaa. Round the wall* of „(nadan. Naught of all (he radiant poet, j Naught of all the varied, rant Life that throblwd nod thrilled, re mains. With Its pleasures and It# patni, Save a couchaat Hon lone. Mute memorial In atene Of three cmplrtn overthrown — , Persian. Median, Partblah — | Round the walls of Hamadim’. 1 All the splendor vanished stilt .Wheel* the world for good or ill. Where's the wisdom-hoarv page j Shalt unriddle us this page)* Temples toppled from their base, i Victor race o'er running race, I Yet, wllhtn the ancient place, ! Mirth, and lor# of ntnld and man, i Round the walla of Hamadan! —CLINTON 3COLLARD. In Frank Leeelis’* Popular Monthly for Janu ary. WOMEN fNPOLmCS. To tHh Englishwoman ithlltlcs Is a profession; to the French woman, an Intrigue, but to the American woman It Is rarely more than an epirodo—some thing that crosses her path IncltkwttaMy 'and Is pre- nlly disposed of. Th ! p is ; the natttrsi outcome of fho transfor ' matlons that are constantly taking place In our national and municipal af fairs. and is perhaps more in a.Sfd snee with American feminine tempera ment than the pronounced conservative policies of some other nations could possibly be. I am here referring to pol ties in ita most, comprehensive sense, and not to the fanatical petticoated or | ator and frequenter of the polls who, of late years, has sought to claim the attention of a long suffering public. ; Some Irreverent person has ventured I to assort that no woman could legltl | mately hope to be successful in politics for the simple reason that she does | not Rnow how to shout. Be this as It | may, women who a quarter a century ago were satisfied to be'steeped in do mesitcfty. whose horizon was bounded ; on one side by the nursery and on the :oth'*r by the literature of the cook book '—now indulge In campaigning and ! stump speeking, expressing their views ; and booming their man in a very cre | disable rhetoric. There Is hardly a city of any impor : truce in the Union that does not boast, of its woman's political club. The members make It their business to win rotes In the none districts, and it must be confessed that In this re spect the results have been very grat ifying. The ladies are not only sincere in their efforts, but are fully alive to a consciousness of their own importance muTJR j min inn !• tIMHf wantt4ttoiui • T%#? Itefet* tm a prtnrtpl#--* mna# *O6 j wHUjeqpientyy fWHM in 6 lH|ttl is»gT<»t | Irf r**j*n flMit vs iiwr4 6 ftrtoU)f * nwrfit# tV* appear alaa to mktM la haraioiittai (Mr 11m } with »h#lr fmHtlra! aajilrafintia . | mil) thea&oat ifftfrwii rannot : h#lf> Mill that tfcxir tutbuMiaam* art , »rHf a matter of Ma(lm«a( <rf tit# j kind that twnati r»f awy rt**a ar* i fiffiD# to nit tha wfirHu *hinr* of !!f#* «rh(l# awm It) fhr Mhf that fh*y arf affnplv a*r tmrvHahitic a 4nty : - m 4 la ao vlm 4a thoy ryprtmt an I jn*fnaf forrt.lcuuiroiK'h tfMH * th*f* ia I iisAviMri power In be derived from (their ro-oper,t!rn. the moving etrength thrf s'lrirr* from n eedoetlve pereennl- : i tty l, in wet win woefully lacking. ( i Never!helm, the woman who I* a *oe-, ; tor Hi nor pciit'ff evlel. and we here j only to go I" the naUnnnl rnrltsl to I I see her In all Her piorv.— Tbe Mar ( 1 qttlae Ignit, In Frank lAiik'i Popti- | •»r Monthly fqr Jar nary. COL, DYER ENTERTAINS. A thorough!v unique and very en- j lovable enterulamnnt wai that given lari evening by Col. Dyer to a number ! ]ofat my Mead*. The phonograph ( and blnrtowope used In conjunction 'alfarfM tb, greate-'t amuoement. A I dellghlful aupper waa aerred. late In j the erenmg, and an altogether chartn j ing erenlng waa enjoyed with tbl» | ides I haat. . Col. Dyer's eery appriiclallre gueat* were; General Young. Miss Young, (icncrgl | Sumner, General and Mr,. Week*,! Mrs. C. M. Pmeriun of New York. Mr*, and Miss Hyde of New Jersey. Mr. and Mra. MeClornahan. of With- j ington. D. C., Lt. Col. and Mra. Mc- Clernand, IA. Col. Duyalt, Lt. Col. Read,, Lt. Smedberg. Mr. Wallace j Wheleo* ami Mr. Howard of Ntw York. MR. FLEMING IN CONCORD. Mr. and Mrs. R. 9. Gray, Misses Minnie. Julia and Lottie Gray, and R. S. Gray. Jr., from Charlotte, and Mr. Marlon Duval from China Grove, ar rived this morning to attend the Duval- Gray marriage, which takes place to night at seven-thirty o’clock at the residence of Mr. W. G. floshamer. j Mr. R. W. Gray arrives tonight from! SOWING THE WIND. Improprr Trratnunl arrk #f §H&XiA* '- "3* if A A rfc A I /l l/L/n wa ?' i in onr H / * I ZJR WS' EV\ a R midst. It w»y --m il I rUv \* 1 i*y* ° ur toot - w w steps. It ns^s catarrh builds up the system and benefits ~ 1 u.-.nHis \t r T W Orpe, Quanah, Texas, had chronic catarrh of ii-SS bta c»Pl«**» «™ * »■■ >«>- />r. .V. n. Hartman, cage of chronie catarrh of twenty years' ; I fear of choking. I f to be thoroughly cured. My breathing is : >«77, r v S d e"S^ e «d y r« Sit recommend your remedies. I y anTsi‘m-a )in.’ The catarrh does not, in the slightest degree, seem ! ‘°tL“ mTs't be attacked vigorously and intelligently or it can never be Tfe Zi- , T .».»*«•. «rs In Z: ZlrCfd Bp.« M bolu (or »o„ro. o.K.d " H..Hh -d b—V.- mailed te women only. All druggists sell Pe-ru-na. i.-hatlott» Mr W H Ftooub*.who jia • congressman from tb* famous ! vvats >a Blaeb dtmrtct. of Gsorgta alw ! irri#*4 ibu mAniiftg frdfi Wi*l(ifl ttm Th# Mrmit <*i *etw**t at th* *«tfc of Mr 1. M l m in § «*ff f*to< iffiir oth rfiilifti a«4 vtlY bitffi h#* , i ing ffWMBlb -j f%o fVifimrd SllftlKf ! MlWt CRIGIXR CtIMPLIMKNTKD h|t„ c'ngisr <vf ftpartaaborg was ■ hartningty swtertalned by Mrs. Hoy-j kto vesteiday. with a eochrs party, | INvsent were Ml*s Herne Anderson j mm Mlnnto Wtsd Utnkham. Mt«s Re,- j « »»y Wilkins. Mlßs Natalia Robinson, j lla* Anna Marlon Ftyer, Mias Lllito ' Rountree. Mins Mattie t 4» levebhnrt, I Mias Eleanor Cniroil. Mra. Oardaey.; 1 Mra Gary Mrs. FWirls. Mrs. Oates, j Mra. Fargo. Mrs. Doeal Mia. Willard. I , Mlos Clartae Harbadale and Mlaa Jen nie | jou McCord. The flret prise a I sliver shoe horn, was won by Mlaa | lu-asie Wilkloa. The ronaulgtloa peine j I waa a co» «Uoa powder hot. RECEPTION AT THE RON AIR. One of tbe most brilliant events of | the season was tbe reception given yee ; terday afternoon at the Ron Air by j j General Y'onng to a large number of of-: Derrs and their wives and to some of, the ladles u( the city. General Young waa assisted In receiving by Miss, Young and by his staff offleera. Bev- I j cial regimental bands played continu ous’,* and dellghlful refreshments wore Tbe gowns worn were the handsom- 1 , At teen this winter and altogether the ! event was one long to be rerat tuber- I ed. DANCE ON THE FOURTH. The dance that wue to have born j given on January 2. at Masonic baH, 1 will take plarw or the ulght of the 4th. I Tbe afTair promises to be most delight- | fill. Bearden's band will dicourse mu sic. Special cars will be waiting af the ball. Miss Hutfuenln of Macon Is expected next week as the guest of Miss Maddle Burrows. Miss Helen E. Barclay returned from Atlanta this evening, after a pleasant visit. BHOOTINO AT ANOTHER. A case has been docketed against Richard 1-any. The charge is that of shooting at another. There are three witnesses. Are You or *ny of your family troubled with Dandruff?, |lf so. It would pay you to invast On* Dollar in a bot* tie of COKE DANDRUFF CURE AND HAIR TONIC Guaranteed to cure Dand ruff, stop HAIR fallinii out and to cure diseases of Scalp. If it don't cure you tirini the empty bot tle back and get your money. Sold Only At C N. HOWARD, JR.’5 l'mggtst, - - MW Broad tb. THE ANNUAL MEETING Of Council Will be Held on Monday , Night. ' Tbe annual meeting of rlty council will be held Monday night. This meeting li always one at which there ,is a great deal of business transacted. | Many annual reports are read and a ; general review of the year’s work gone .through with. The new councilman ' will be at the meeting. IJUST RLCLSVED A Large Line of Hilitary -w^Goods Ready-Made Trousers, Blouses, Chevrons and Gauntletts AND ALL KINDS OK HILITARY GOODS ,For Officers and Enlisted Mei. i We will carry in stock a complete line of Military goods. L. SYLVESTER, Military Outfitters. ASOLIIEK lIiTS Universal Tooth Powder, Wild Cherry Cough Cure, Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes and Combs, Land's Headache Capsules, Soaps, Suspen sory Bandages, Rhse Cream for Chapped face and hands, Dr. Gil der's Liver Pills, Eventhaima for blood purifier and tonic. THE HOWARD 8 WILLET DRUG CO., 812 Broad Street, AUGUSTA, GA. I BROKEN LOTS mmII qatiuito kfl Tlf» **•<# ii ifcf *l*. k* •••I ilf nwi tkff mysx- Wi *m ik ••mi ikit I* iWL | n|i in ibr* If v«s «iai lUrati#' «* MUtl* 4rll*hl )M. VOIR iRF.UIT is liOflf). (M R CHII'I'UNIEM* ARE THE II ST. ! V .hnuid tM them Walnut, 'Uhagaay, ._ . lm. atloa Mabogasry. Osddrti <>al. Natural Oak. • Ad Elegant 5 Drawer Chiffonier tit ill f vt’' Swtll fregl, nir« Mfrrer, (!»Mrt Otlt. MMiiJ 'w ! j’rlre 110.00. N« nhfrii fisc r«i yob 'ri>r\J V dupliritfl it bbluw yob PH *of» »oßfy. THERE are others |,ow or Priced COOKINfI STOVES AND RANGES. A Cooking Stove for s;.ja. There are bot a few Wt They are lost as good as any su» clove oo the market, gi.oo Cash and Fifty Ceuta Weekly. I his Beautiful Steel If ANtIE, J with high Closet and Hot Water rt d * "'K'lS Re-ervolr. Iht best Range nude for tbe price Just aa good as Hie SBO teY*Uk/' f"*** to SIOO Steel Ranges on the market. OUR PRICE V S6OaOO N Js-oo Cash and *v«" Mon«hl». , rifirt*■ W 111 lake your old Stove as part , pay on this Range only Bedroom SUITS. li $50.00 Bedroom Suits Bjo.oo. r, ■ \i c have |o«t six ot these splendid 4T t~7lr TV' '• (tak Mitt* left. YV# propose to sell I N "v* rt-L-t—j 2! them for $30.00 and take sa.oo x r 1 Cash and 75 Cents Weekly. We 1-S- -4ji have others up to SIOO. SPECIAL I‘SICES ON WALNUT SUITS aun sm^SD move them nut raiiidly. PADGETT FURNITURE COMPANY 1110 and Ht., AUGtIiSTA, UA. The New Year is Approaching And I want money io eettle my old year’s obliga tion*. 1 will sell my large entire stock of Finely t k* Monuments, Headstones, Etc. £ "O'* on band at the JLOWEBT POSSIBLE PRICES. #iiI';CF.KOHLRUSS Co rner Washington & Ellis Sts., ~ ~ AUGUSTA, GA ~cTark MILLING CO.’S WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR Cooks white and bakes equal to P at ent. Most nutri tious Flour made. Strongly recommended for dys peptiCS‘ L FLOUR for batter cakes fully as good as Buckwheat. Give it a trial. Ask your grocer for these goods.