The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, December 31, 1898, Image 7

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aaggtsr nurtsMsst tm *»— —»***** B 1 ISSStSS m i—>ll» | ■EgE&Kar •wrjsws ibmmmmm m*m i§ .!«»•*•** • ■■* Imk h> MMi> NhNm# • »afM» 11*13 ffcß*f>fr I •% 111-,- - - TIIK YOLUSTKER. -r >H Mb kll wife .a. sa*4 “I* It «•»» Finn iMT "Yea, tan." he mimN ”1 ackt far ifaans I »«"*«rtfaai I ffffb* «• »F Wiry ** "VM tmfmkmtm *t (MWIw4 buseas of war*" 4mmm4M hie bn Ib-t • Rer n»sd« fM* bikn an i»vai*d to* Ufa U aa* IkM »■ -oak lor «• tu give mv nmnttf' Tk«s» ar* ush««* who OtuMMi go—rt.»h wmb • •>«• levd Is I** err, wba ankl am bardiktp tor -*m ia iMr Mata bat fa*, with yews m< i a«r Mr, Which Neelv psosidea tor ut" "Mr work M aanra than that." be "faa," aba mid. "yoa ahnnld mak» II atart; (ten will be yaw wife to ps»- «Mhr fa*.'* •u y«l lavra me"- began III* girl. »h m aha brob. d- wa. burying Mat face M ym would only aodaraSahd. " h fhlM. *'Tmm know how II la—our -aaaliyatan Mr-dared. tb* dag instill ad. mm golag an Da brat Mwt I okay btra * rind tag cot a dally esletMir., la work that gives aw mere food and abettor While tfaoe« brave fellows slake Ihvtr liar, for aw!" "Aad what will baraan of yoa," cried bt* mother, "if yon abiid reiara after tbe Ighttag 1* over’ Th« position yoa bar* la iimh, bat it ia soi set lung. Wilt It bn held tor you till Urn war ie traded? 1 hare <eoa war, aad L ktttrr 'A* afterward—*•«* eggK yw ability tu earn broad " "1 bar*, apt, " soidWsgiri. "bat bow caa you fal. tkffYVmey no! forget yoa tor bum eaa elas. wbui yoa can au •aidly lean at’" "If 1 thought.'' ratorned be. "that yoa oculd bo (tin to am"— "Nol Ibak," tbe leterrept-i. “But a woman give* Iron tor tru*t abr oan n jt wholly obit wrote berst-lf when übe bad* that abe u held nnwortby. For am i not bald uJworthy when yoa can leave aia agaiuet aty wi slice’" Bii mother caogrt ap tbe word. “A worthy eon daaa ant forget hie mot Iter In bar boar of Dwd Von are all I bare." j it He looked a hoot ben. He aaw tbe paaoaat borne, tbe «ui shining ia at tbe window, tbe psare luttid* of Held and brook and wood; be heard Ibe diu taut low of cattle, the peaceful song of mated bird*. "Then," be sighed, “yon would rather I should tie a coward?" "Tbe brave aiao," aatd the girl, dry ing ber eyea, "la be wbo rtanla bebind the woman who loves him. " !?.m smiled ap at him. "Way with us. Von are no leaa a aoidier ia being oar commander." She planed ber nrma about him, draw ing him to bar Hia mother came and atood beside him. “Stay with ua." ahe echoed. "Uatoa!*’ It waa a new roioe that apoke. Tbe worda oaae from a small, arampid form orouebing beside tbn store in the corner. It waa tbe old grandmother. More than fourscore years had bowed her bead. They bad not tboagbt tbnt she understood. Her blind eyes were flimv. There was a smile upon her sbrivcihd lips and one shaking baud was raised above ber bead. "Liston!" From afar off came n sound that wits other than that of lowiug kino and song of birds. “Dram dram deram, dram, dram 1” Tbo young man straightened. The old grandmother rove to her feet. She swayed u little and caught at tbe wall, fcihe groped about tbe room to a tali cbett of drawer*. From it she took a long, narrow package. "My bob,” tho tald, with feeble yoioe, “was shot in war and died from the effect* of hia wound* years alter. It waa an honorable death. While he waa lighting 1 picked lint. I tore up all my linen to make it; then 1 went to the front and nursed the wounded. My hus band was a midsbipmute in 1813. A cutlass severed the sinews of his arm. I was a girl when I m-'t him. and his §k'i 11 iA. i r m?i l/} n mvia. 1301 ChurchSPE*”.® i??r5 P ¥Jl”e*/ s ch, wonrt <*>** in oW *»« >? VI i -19 pfewssl SBLrSSte jiddreaa, Bishop B»m»a» Ou., Bim rmno'isSo, «*|- TA BY L - A> GARDELLEM 1H U GGIST.g & m'nlfiller f vmmm) »• •# **wa •# M** *a i ► *• **»*#•*. r <«at «wa *lllll tmt am* at i (*•* : • - wmtnfam mm *&s*’ 9m I*** WWfc i»i* s | '*■* 99 • % ■** ! j 1 Tip# '%4mm A ****** (MNNlfcj ] ***%> ** JpW*i***i tip* j. \in nAA » %»( *Tsllp» I *9* M* . <* %• in | \ it Unm tifl*** MM Mil *m mm ktCA ■rntfi** • *»•• ] Mi *4 t«*4 T** Vui*nwwy «***# j m&m mf ****** M *m **4» I «*• mmmm fit ****** W**» i *%t >*M**i t*» pii*na». *'»**#■ l«*fll | am mmnmm Anna Am *tfi**l lA* 1 | MMA T*M MP*l4 **4 MAM *** j I h*t an*. fl*M I** P** 9 1 M *# M | | -Ai pIIMA #*M< flA* HHi*» j ktaa tba Mayfa»>a m yw«r sane' t will' t Mat It aafa Maiar apt M» kaaral ' tied btsaa yawl Vear aseObar paaye Par j tea asHt ■ a tabs or yaa wtab a aattla a* far Ilya amt M a tear ta ho* *9* • ** As atm «r** aid w«ma» law Iba ; Wfayptaga tram tfaa pat’*—» •*» kaW ( wad <Mar' aad a fat blade "It waa say ; grus>«tott»af aa» tbrUfadL "Urwas «*► draw tfar-asa, iltaaa. ! Pram F* raaae tfaa swtad aad asawar y** j "Urwao— Pram, drum If* j •'MoUaa **' paM** ’he ywwp mew The aid paaadkM’4bef atsam Ml tfaa : middle at the swan almost awtl A 1 ittg* *4 « 4m mm it AM cA#*i m 4 *•**• bsr mum aim sat ysaap. Pfae b*M «*ot tbe awefp ** four oaOß’ry," ibe mid. "aad rear Uad "The <l*4 as pan'" tbe yowap pul wblt|wr>4 "Tae itod as leawabie war artsd j tba old grawPm. ttwr. Tba yvwap m*a ; taraad to tba girl "My anal” Hi. amber apobo. IU» ] •yoa were ktadted *l, too. wa oaraa tba wnaadsd. ** “Aad I caa at Uae pick Hat," tbe Ctrl said. Tba old fT*t>iu*.tt- r taraad bar. (tile eyas lower- them. "That* : in oat/be bo rowarda tamr family," abe mid. I "Lore kauwa aomr atdiee; offer { tkm baa tie pruts ia bmvery. Kamem bar Valley Forga* toiD-iober Itltl >ip«mt*r yoar father l-i.tea!" ‘TDram drum dor-urn, dram Irma!* Tbe recraita ware marcaing i tongh tbe village atrr j. /'Mother I" cried tbt young atan "lly lore!" r’Oa!" said hi* mot be 1 i?"Uo!" sobbed tbe girl he loved. ' He beat over and kitaed tbe girl, j Ihr n bis BKitber aad tarard to tbe old 11 dm other. “Tbe aword—kiaa tbe sword," abe ud. "and go and do year duty.” "Dram drnui detom. dram, irnm!’’ Flags were flyiug; crowds were fol 0 .mg the recruits. Into the duat and wlrl rushed tbe youth. Hia hat was >ff; the eua threw it* beam* -a hi* imrl ug, fair ha». They in Ibe doorway a* that. Ha looked back at hta anther, with her arm shoot the girl be loved, waving her handkerchief to him, though he know her eyes were atreaning- Aad back of all lie saw tbe old dim sword held ap by tbe blind grandmother. "Dram dram derum, drum, drum!" And onward he went to do bat tle for his country and hi* flag.—Hob art 0. V. Meyers in Every Month. The Money Cut as War. A calculation aa careful as is possible places tho total cost of war daring tho last 3,000 years at thu appalling sum of £130,000,000,000. If it were possible to pay tbia enormous bill in gold, we ah-told require »4*. 857 tone of sover eigns and an army of oyer *OO,OOO horses to draw it. If it had barn possible for all the mints now existing throughout the world to begin coining sovereigns at their present rale in the year of Christ’s birth, they woold still have to continue for 87# years more before Uteir task would be completed. If these sorer- igna oould be reared iy l one aky piercing column as a me in ial tq those whose blood they bought, tbe column would atauA on s base of 100 square feet sod would rise into tbe olouds nearly 4,000 foot higher than the summit of Meal Bluuc. They would equally pave with sovereigns a road 78 feet wide, stretching from Charing Cross to over 100 miles beyond Con stantinople. And this is the appalling price which men have paid in gold and blood for tbe privilege of killing each other.— London Standard OFF For. HAVAKA. Charleston, Dec. 30.—The trahtport Menltolia Balled at *.30 this morning for Malantaa with General Singer, of Bri gade Headquarters, the Hospital Corps and the Twelfth New York Reglnue)’- The Minnewaskii sailed at the same hour for Cienfuegog with General Bates and staff and the Sixth Ohio. The Sar atoga sailed at 12.80 for Havana with a battalion of the First Regular Infan try. TH® JLTJOXTB r r-Aw HB3BALI > I rtUMOMb At* klfafa* UMlti. *1 * f *■ % % j*. % 1 * wff • ******** ■fe'AH *1 wMf* , % M»l> **M * * *PNI *M f* ‘-MM WAS *mM^ f 1 • t itiiitTfi *r*m Wm * *’*'*•* 4** *" | | ** Aft** *A* *AM f# * | | *§i A*w9Mt iflMflMffM #*€ lA*w ******** j mit au~lil>-nr. •■■■# t*|WWiliti *1 K K .■ i 6* MfMAi m*A9Wff m 9A* *f*A** As »•* I J «*«***4 m < **4 ****** A* t*A» | I **t fMlA*t ** * 1 flit, m ***** 9A| I (A* 4itM» *1 iA* **ifs*-F' 3 * t*. ■’i . gj M ll* **di A# ***4l IA *M A tmf 1 | igSAMAa** !• t**if Ase iWA «• if* *pt f ] )*tw»i4**t IAaHA liM»Mt * Mp* } ' i«nff4 A***Ac**l #*kMlPA| ' *iAAI*K AAMAM*} f*t» m94«*( W*i:l*lM*lA v %*4 As NMWMnA* **4 dMI IA j fAMtMNMI *A*A *#*AW* iM 4*l *MfA9*« | fit %A« U*Af*M 4iiW«n - tAM *«♦**«j «4fM4 «A* fWl*| **4 CM*r^A| j AffMMfl *f *4f*n*f » *MM9 f**M*lM** j j 4A* Mfi*A Ilf AfwHA ** Af***f M -I ** ’ I J <Amh* lA# <*Aty m*f Ia mama lA*f t , * B *§* i 1 i i*if4 AM t*A**rfl*Aa A*4 •AJM4 tM| j jM v A* -I*. VlMt fM*t W4m *mai4*a* j j As jfl*V*A**A **» IMWMM" tA* *•*'’* Ml* I |yf> (%ip« A MMrtl** At s (A* ; • f*k"9* **dl *f t.*f'h*»dl "A* , ,#na* charges of Mr. Pmni abut «al -1 I ag oa tbe aailotMti board of dttoctur* j to irffert at care tbe rvameal of M*. i -tnili a fn<o* all rwaaerlkoa with ’b» (tc-igla dleistoo. IB order 10 fxweeat I fattbar disrupto-e aad eaabte tba dt- I tietna to l-uiid up to the I WS »vafa-' j I ship atari. The Ungnuffy of Mr. | Hotlih to s- reral rr-wat lettaru ettea be j dlmweervsl bte weeing tnfloeore was. r Bttrely ignored by Fuat A, Tbe ea - j lire awtler waa bandied ia a d-gnifled. way aad reflertg rit dll oa Poet A. show lag their forbabiaaca and their dev.- iiua to lb# aaao* latl-ia as above petty |or factl«aal stas-j(*iiil, tv»! A ais<i I yeatiaa to fa held In Augusta aad de « 1 -ted that aa they ' bold the tor I tbe large#! ia-'remte to aab and w<irk 1 for the eecretaryaßlp of tbe aeaoria tioc tor !•••. Stake Into Your Skoes Allen's Foot-Kaee. a powder for the feet. It r-uree painful, swollen, smart. I tng, nervous feet and instantly lakes I the sting out of corns and bunions. IF# I tbe gkeateet comfort die- -very of the j age. Allen's Font-Base makes tight or | new shoes feel easy. It Is a certain I, are for swestlng. callous and sore, tired, aching feet. Try it today. Bold l-y all drufclrtsis and sh-e-s stores. By mail for ZZ rents in stsiups. Trial package KMKK. Address. Allen B. Olmsted. U Itoy, N. X. H,AL.F DOZEN DUELS. Bmla Feat. Dec. Sl.—The quarrel Im tween Baron Bmiffy. the Hungarian premier, and M. Horaniaky. member I of the lower chgintwr of the Hungarian 1 diet, la likely to have further curious ilevelopmeni*. Although, owing to ! the inability of their aaconda to agree | upon the eon-1 itlon of the pr-poee-l . duel, the encounter has been declared off. the affair may lead Indirectly (o eereral meetings on the field of hon or. M. Horansaky and his seconds, having heard that the aeeonda of Bar on Banffy have been animadverting upon the eondnet of M. Horansaky. have sent challenges to both. Baron Banffy'a eecond* are Baron Fajvar.v, minister of national defense, and M. Gajasl, of the chamber of deputies. Asi each have received three challenges, j there are six duel* now being arrang ed. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What Is the use of making a better article than your competitor if you can not Ret a better price for It? Ans. —As there Is no difference In the price the public will buy only the bet ter, so that while our proms may be smaller on a single sale they will be much greater in the aggregate. How can you get the public to know your make is the best? if l«)th articles are brought promin ently before the public both ttre certain to be tried and the public will very quickly pass Judgment on them and use only the better one. This explains the larg« sale on Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. The peyyle have been using it for years and have found that It can always be depended upon. They may occasionally tukc up with some fashionable novelty put forth with exaggerated claims, hut are cer tain to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable, und for toughs, eolds and croup there Is no thing equal to Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by Alexander Drug ft Seed Co., C. R. Furr of Bell Tower Drug Co. A NEW PAPER FOR HOME. Rome, Oa., Dec. 81. A new after noon paper will enter the Rome jour nalistic field on Monday. January 2. Col. B. F. Sawyer, late associate edi tor of The STlbune, will be the editor and manages- of the new paper, which will be known as The Evening Argus. The paper will favor the Cljl state s rights doctrine for the free coinage of Silver and Bryan for president In 190 b. Rome needs a first class afternoon pa per and Col. Sawyer will publish it. i 11. I ■ -1 - ■ - -—---a- For Croup use CHE NEY’S EXPECTORANT. |^VFp<Mfafa Fvip m afar- fa# ** I < a.eWMt«*M»»«MA»iifap' ** '■ ( w -\a-awi *>■* lAw. •.< I ; rumtilA lfa *‘ ■g k>MI4A |lTllP*l>» fj-’ id ; (yawn HarpM** «** WM «• j j JfaUT Ka«»C«TIC. /MmA* J*ml ' £Sw *£2*- ) ! fmrr^jgaw linn Ml HoAAn.DwTMI IfavudfewiifaPl ij mr-.* <«4 tONB fir SHIP j *art*** JWfmfame •* rg./r/ZZZ* I) KtW MIHK. ixacr «amr of w**tnt, 1 The “Maine” Album! ' n Mm Inn and interesting scenes associated with the destruction of our Giant Bat sbip and her Heroic Crew. Souvenir Edition! SSvHSSj, mand for a pictorial VlmZkTto I fact everything In connection with It lea nut i beautiful Maine A\b*^ B or W portto»o“he rC mo 0 . n t c-lpl.t"photographic record issued upon the subject, embracing splendid photos of The Martyrs Which Is no'w ready for delivery fat our office, mr by mall for Ten Centa. CONTENTS OF "MAINE' LAIIUM. Captain Chas.,p. Slgsbee. General Fltshugh Lee- tv The llattleahlp Maine. The Destruction of the Maine. Mav&nu Harbor and the Maine An chorage'. The Harbor Entrance to Havana. Gunner's Gang of the Maine, views of the Maine's Crew off 9 uts [' A Minstrel Show on tho J4 a * ne - Ship's Company of the Maine. Please notice the Maine Album above advertised Is one or a "Souvenir ss2S^^“Js«aM-£sra3s "'Then ta'rve bly and consecutive order will appear the following: ; rH w Tii'Vv )'V NUMBER 'Oie Here and battle of Manila. THE SAMPSON NUMBER -Bombardment us Sait Juan und Morro <.a». “""•HOBSON f?JD THE MERRTMAC-t\lth additional special features. aUUIHaJ* SCHLEY—The Destruction ot Cerveta S fleet. wwaAwTr ’DUMBER—The Slate,and Capture of Santmgo. AND ,■!„ -rations /Mo Rt« * n "jSecure''“ld get e«eh number of tbls’s/vcnlr .sertek while you have an opportunity, and udviite your friends to *J<? pe Ui!u£- - A. . _ • CiSTIM lot j:.lanta and t hlUlrffM^* The Kind You Havfl Always Bought 1 Bearn tho m * Signature Ij^F of As ry Jp* The h& Kind \j You Have Always Bought. emu »t t.av»»a ptpffMtmme mmm —mm A OrouD of Junior Officers of the Mulne. Wardroom of the Maine. The Court of Inquiry In Seselon. Funeral of tho Victims of the Mains. Disaster. A Fruit Vender in Havana. Milk De livery in Havana. Tho Captain General’s Palace to Ha vana. General Blanco y Arenas. Looking Down the Prado, Havant^ V f t ] Whs r-rausive News The Sunday Herald is the B© s l Newspaper published in Give it a trial. j ji 10 Cents a month. M 25 Cents 3 months 50 Cents 6 months SI.OO 12 months. Postage prepaid or delivered to «ny ad dress in the city. Sign your name and address below ini mail or send it to the Sunday Herald. M Augusta. Ca. 1 o the “unday Herald: Please deliver the Sunday Herald A Months at the following address: | No. and Street if Name A I You Don’t A Get 1 The News 1 UNLESS YOU READ ■ SUNDAY’S HERALIfI ♦♦♦♦ «■♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦'•♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦! ♦ A NEW BOOK H I BILLIARDS| A / \/ \ S'UtJ" BV JOHN a. TH*TCBCa^^H ♦ A \ § / VlWbhA • X I / \ roe * 1 ° v\ 1 RcbufffFr. SiOMOfi, sad It« iilH # I / \ only to « \ lame tournamrnt. , ♦ / \h*rdimer\ i of INTEREST TO EVER^* Y A VtorfSSV 3IUKRD PLAYER fl ▼ Hk \ R<qhtTwl|f\ \ PARTIAL COETtETt. \ . \. ’ fOdpiAORAMROR S OUtHtOßff^Bjß X i \ \ \ v soMA«4«rt straight ram. Mb • l \ \ A' A EVERY STYH OR RACK-LINR X 1 \ \ \ ? ALL NURSING POSITIOR*. XB&'mMm mk 1 \ V } If FRENCH OOANER OAM«. HKI X I \ \ .< \ 4TOAVOFOHAMFIONOH|RGAMC(^^^^^H m 1 \ \ / J INTERNATIONAL CONTESTtj^B X - 1 \ \ / J LIST OF QHAMRIONR OF AMERKfl|^mn • I V \ A T TOUR LAMENT PttCQHQS. 1 \ \a The anthor fltc* wany^H X I X /i £ Riiggestluns to notlc< B w!tli^^^^H*KMS*H|; J& i \ / \ r«nuerclesr thenjetnfitf \ / \ ‘ V 1,1,5 world’s «*pert*. yt Y 1 r ?J\ \ HOW TO - ! / \ \ Cletk, 7S cents. Y n / \ \ ) Flexible iyp A T \ 84« ksges. Si«-. M O