The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1908, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 10

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PAGE FOUR THE PEOPLES’ SHOPPING CENTRE McCALL PATTERNS Sole Agents in the city. Oct a free style iiook. No patterns e r,, over Low Prices, Good Attention, Foremost Styles, Our Drawing Card Every day -since the freshet crowds have thronged our store daily; they see the merit of our goods; they get satisfaction here; their money goes farther here than elsewhere, hence you see why we are always busy. :::::::: SPLENDID STOCK oFfALL GOODS and Supply Your Own Wants. A Surpassing Selection of PRIiNTZESS Suits—High Style and Sure Value. PRICES: $15.00, $16.50, $25.00, $35.00 and $39.00 You already know the fame of PRINTZESS Fashions what well dressed woman has not heard of the PRINTZESS Tailoring—most skillful in the world. The choice of material and colors is very wide, many distinctly new patterns being shown. The designs are so various that every type of figure is sure to be suited. The trimming finish is truly remarkable at the modest price asked. COME EARLY FOR A GOOD, LONG LOOK THERE’S SO MUCH TO SEE. NEW SKIRTS NEWEST MODES 50 IN THE LOT, ALL THE LATEST STYLE OK HIRED TO IRE AND SI I EAT EE FELTS SHOWING NEW, IHTTONS; NEW TRIM MINOS; NEW DEEP FOLDS; VERY STYLISH. Prices $6 lo sls N B VLL \ I /IKK ATIONS 1' KM' I. OF CHARGE. ENTRANCE TO OCR NKW READY-TO WEAR DEPARTMENT RIGHT AT FRONT DOOR ENTRANCE. GIVE US A CALL, SI K OCR NEW DEPARTMENT. DROP IN AND REST A WHILE, WE WILL MAKE IT PLEASANT FOR YOU. Woolen Dress Goods Suitings 10 pieces, stripe, check ami flecked, Skirting, double width, sold at 25c I 71/ r now 10 pieces Black, good weight warm, substantial fabric. AH inches wide. Sold all 39c, now. i ■ Towels and Damask Cat dozen lluckerbaek Lin en; good absorbent fabric. Big value; see I A r them |lft DAMASK 15 pieces Red and IN bite, Blue and White Check; full wufth: fast colors, I Hoc, at... ... ~« ... ~ a IftlrtnrJ yards good weight, top notch article. Local Mills *0 3 n Oud ISIdflQ See it U4U MAIL ORDERS Given prompt attention. SjM’cial clerk to fill orders promptly. Mullarky & Sullivan Co. tp: *"* v-,. idj’Mi'i * I Men’s Wants to dozen Men’s Socks, tan, gray and black, fast colors, pure dye, seamless, W., at 10 dozen Gauze Lisle Vests, full line sizes, sold at I ‘l| / f 19c, now »^/2 l 10 dozen Overalls, heavy deinins, with vests and 717., sttspenders, all sizes. ... * vfv 10 dozen .lean Drill Draw ers. well made, all sizes, good heavv article Men’s Shirts 100 dozen top Shirts, in black and white, blue and red designs, neat dainty patterns, well made, full widths, usual price, with and without col j lars, were 59 cents. 7A.. now Satisfactory Or Money Refunded MULLARKY&SULLIVAN CO. / Hers They Go The fashion elect for fall Coats and suits of the most approved “PRINT ZESS” designs. Suits of every new and worthy ma terial; plain tailored mo dels of natty build; fancy trimmed styles; rather dressmakerish; all the most charming. And coats--such coats; the jaunty jacket, the severe long, loose model, the semi fitted slimhip style, and best of all, the famous YANKEE PRINTZESS. Come and see and buy what pleases you. Ladies' Wants Ladies’ Stockings, tan, black, well made, fast Q r Dailies’ Knit Pants, lace trimmed, for present* I Q,. wear, were 50c, now... . ■ Ladies’ <'orsets: R. A: G., Thompson, Warner; all sizes; were 50e and Toe, 'J A , now Ladies’ Shirt Waists, fancy trimmed with Yal. lace; CTA , were $ 1.25, now Purses See The Window 300 various styles, iu ‘Grip’ MAIL POUCH ‘Tulip’ Swag ger’. St. Regis’ in alligator Seal. SHEEP SKIN Goat Death er. all colors, top notch 7 A., value: sold. sl,, at ■ TTTt AUGUSTA HERALD “ Sheets . 70 dozen white, good size, top notch value, JT,, per pair T’llv 50 dozen unbleached, usual size, well hemmed; ole gnnt values, per penir... »vlv Blankets 50 dozen heavy gray woolen, fancy border, elegant double Blankets, good warm article. See them, C I A|j per pair 'P * Children's Drawers 110 dozen neat tucks, good article, size 0, 1,2, | PnlnrnH I GUI *lO 5,00 - var<^s Muslin; all patterns you desire; fast eol- ft 3 _ uUIUI UU LdWllO ors; sold 10c and 12 12e |) 4U Spreads 25 dozen goid size Marseil les designs, 98c CE r value, at OJt Hosiery 50 dozen heavy gray hose, good wearing article Bc. 50 dozen white foot, fast black seamless; 19e value, 15c 25 dozen tan, black gauze lisle seamless, patent heel and toe. special 21c 300 dozen Fancy Hose, dot figured, various colors, many boot lace effects, full line of sizes, sold at 59c, and 65c special, at 35c SUIfDAT, SEPTEMBER 13 OUTING CLOTH 5,000 yards, all stripes, plaids, flecked sects; good values, yard . Fancy Fall Dress Goods FOR PRESENT WEAR 50 pieces plaid, solid colors in many patterns, also black; 52 inches wide; sold 75c AQr and 98c, now ,4 t VC- Big Dress Good Value 15 pieces, Serge, Mohair, Whipcord Batiste, Pumella, in plain and fancy stripes; are special values, sold 59c > to 69c. Our special Pillow Cases 300 dozen, ready to use, best value in the city, I A~ 15c value * Small Articles PINS — 5,000 papers, good point, at lc. HOOK, EYE—SOO dozen, all sizes, blach. and white.. ..-lc. SAFETY PINS—3OO dozen all sizes, black and white, 10c value, at •. 3c. FINISHING BRAID—3OO dozen, all colors, good value, at 3c. PEARL BUUTTONS—SOO dozen, clear pearl, two and four holes. 10c value 4c. TOILET SOAP I 100 dozen; gives good lather, pure ingredients; I cakes to box—Per Box •.. 10c