The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1908, Page PAGE SIX, Image 12

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PAGE SIX WANTS Read To-Day Herald Wants The woman who never read* art verttsement* probably patronize* the merchant who never advertises If there la aurh a woman and aucb a merchant. If you don't want It badly enough to advertize for It —then quit thinking about It all! Every day In thla city eomebody buya nome property. Nine time* out of ten the tranaaction la Influenced If not wholly brought about, through newspaper advertising. Sometime* a man will expect a want ad to finish a task In a day which has baffled him for six months and the funny thing about It Is that Un wept ad. will often do It! The man who noted the curious oo Incidence that nearly all big cltlea happened to be loealed on rlvera, la apt, aotnp of these days, to uncover the fact that all big atorea happen to be big adv- rtlsera "The answers’’ to a good manv questions affecting your dally life and comfort and prosperity are to be found In classified ads, WANTED KELP Male POST OFFICE CLERKS ANT) CAK rler* wan tod KxatnlmttlnnH will !»*■ hiild In AtiKUMiii and main other cltle* In November. Particular# free Waah inglon Civil Harvlcc school, Dept Washington, I) (,*. Hl3p PAINTERS: WANTED SIX GOOD pointer# Apply Ct'«*anman A WII* aon, 500 Ilarluon litiildtiiK »5p WANTED IIAILW AY .VAIL CLERKS Pont office clerk <' irlf-ri, <1,100.00 yearly I xuniinaflt n. here November 18th. Preparation free Kranklln In atltutc, Roehoal*!. N. Y Oct ilp WANTED: FOR U. S ARMY Able bodied, unmarried no*n. twwn ngf*4 of IX and 'lf>; dtUe * of United State*. of good chime* **r and temperate habit*, who can apeaj, lend me* \*r!'o Kitgll«h F*r Informa tlon apply to it«*{ tutting Officer Mil lar Walker HiilUlir. k. Augiint*, Ga .or *3 12 Whitehall St. Atlanta On, or 41 , Cherry St Macon, C • WANTED HELP Female JIOUHEKKKPKH GOOD reliable whltt* woman wanted for general houaakawpai will bu given comfort* able homo. Apply II il B cat *- 11*- aid. alia W ANTED SITUATION Male WANTKI): CLERICAL POSITION l>y atentigraphei, railroad am) office experience, Address K M. C Gletin Springe, s c, Htr.p WANTED WORK OK ANY KIND • by good, honest, hard working young man Apply Worker, rare Th- Herald. sllx DRIVER A (’OIA)RKI) MAN DE strea poaltlnn as driver ur butler. Address Louts Uoherla, lOR Watkins street. 1 alls HOT: PERMANENT POSITION wanted by white boy 14 years old; can furnish beat of reference. W., care The Herald STENOGRAPHER: I* O S I T I O N wanted by experienced male sten ographer Addreaa yulck,’ 1 can- Her aid WANTED SITUATION. Female. CHAMBERMAID A YOUNG COO ored woman, who can furniah ref erencea, doalroa position hh chamber maid Add roan Kwtdc McKle, 721 Gwinnett 8t alls WANTED HELP Male and Female GIRLS AND BOVS. To HKI'HKSKNT ua In their spate tlm« selling our nov**lltft to their friends All big »«*II era. Southern Specialty Co, Augusta, lie. WANTED Agents SALESMAN \\ VNTKII H > SI I I. TO grocer*. druggtais end confectioners tint) op per month and expenses Oal- IfotttU Older At Extract Co.. St Lotus, Me •! ip TWO TRAVELING SALESMEN wanted." *l6 00 week salary. 12.YU0 week expenaen, and 10 per cent com mission on sales la»s Angeles Oldi Co. Atlanta. Oa Blip WANTED Horse MOHSK A OOOU UENTIsK HOIISt w anted l)r .1 P llrown. An Simla. Ua., It E U. No. 2. Phone mpt i. *i*p WARNING Every day some one finds his safe locked and we have to open it. Save yourself this expense and let us clean and oil up locks and combinations before it gets •orroded. Phone 563. H. E. Forucher No; a Want Ad. Will Not Rent An Undesirable Room to a Desirable Tenant In The Herald Pay 1c A Word; 25c Minimum Charge WANTED Salesmen. SOLICITORS. FOR FAST SELLING specialities In every town; big com mission paid right parties So. Spec ialty Co., Augusta, Ga„ , SALESMEN SIDE I.INK. BRAND new Ten minutes gelling exclusive one firm each town nets S2O commis sion. Pocket samples Specify terri tory and experience. E. F K Co., Newton, lowa. 812 c WANTED Boarders. BOARDERS TWO GENTLEMEN married couple to occupy large, ele gant front room Nice meals. Ap* j ply 1 <*4 3 Broad itteet si3c WANTED Board. WANTED HOARD BY YOI’NG MAN bcglnni-ig Oct Ist Private family iref'-rcd: can furnish uest reference 8 A. \ <ste ilerald Sl-lp BOARD WANTED BY A COUPLE, convenient to Georgia R H. shop. In family where th-re are other board or* Can furnish own room. Rates must be reasonable Address J. W. K., car,. Herald 813 c WANTED Rooms ROOMS THREE CONNECTING rooms wanted for light housekeep ing References exchanged. Address W II l,„ rare Herald. SI Rtf I ROOMS A COUPLE WITHOUT children dcslr,. two or three unfur nlshed rooms, residence section. Ad dress T T T, care The Herald al4p ROOMS; A COUPLE WITHOUT Children desires two furnished rooms and bath, centrally located; price no object. Address B P E , care The Herald. s!3c FOR RENT Rooms. ROOMS FURNISHED OR UNFIJR nlshed rooms to rent from Oct Is* at 439 Broad St Apply at 568 Brood St. »Ilp FLAT A FLAT OF 4 ROOMS with pvtvleg . of bath at 442 Fen wick St Apply 633 Center St. 813tf FLAT FLAT OF 3 ROOMS AND private bath for rent. Apply 807 Broad Bl3p ROOMS: NICE FURNISHED ROOMS with hath, gas and telephone and newly papered for rent l’hone 1963. 813 c ROOMS Two front rooms, furnished, second floor, for rent; hot water, small porch; good view, near imihi ofTlce, far lodging Apply 922 Telfair St. »li*c FOR SALE Real Estate ; A FEW MORE UP TO DATE HOMES In North Augusta also desirable | building lots L. F Verdery. 587 I Broad. 815 c BUY HILL LOTS NOW. Opposite Arsenal. No caeh pay ment; 6 per cent Interest; best loca tlon. Price |l,ooo up. Lots 100x200. MAURICE WALTON, 422 Leonard Building. AN IDEM. HOME IT WILL DOU ble lu value In ten years, stop pay. liir mnt; also 36 acres line land al Oram-wood Apply to C. T. Schmidt, 412 Walker St Sl6c DUELLING FI VK ROOM DUEL Una nnd store house in Rood condi tion Lot TfiX2n«. on Georgia Av nine North VtnttHla \pply to It I! Aus tin, on premises • SISp BUY HILL LOTS NOW. Opposite Arsenal. No cash pay ment; 6 per cent interest; best loca tion. Price SI,OOO up Lots 100x200. MAURICE WALTON. 422 Leonard Building. FOR RENT Real Estate. TO RENT THREE ROOM HOUSE No 420 2nd street, above high wat i r Apply lo $M '-’nil M Slip OFFICE 722 BROAD ST FOR RENT suitable frn doctor tu mess tinker Second flooi Bee Or. Welch. DentL.;. BElp RESIDENCE t t:t RROMI S I I ITH er In flats or as n whole Apply Oeo C Chambers, Orovetown. On SEtp RESIDENCE. NO 124 S GREENE BT Nice. New 7 room residence, all modern conveniences For psrtlcu lars sec tau'khurt & Co., No 1 I.imui ard Bldg. »l#l» RESIDENCE DON'T UK CAUGHT In the flood again Three residences ou ljnO block nroad st. Maxwell hnlldlnr. Rvery modern convent «-occ Apply K II Mi Lot don. toll Broad St. S 1 9c RESIDENCE SIN ROOM HOI SK. large yard and stable, near Georgia and Central railroad, for rent Apply 712 Calhoun St Apply M I. Brown. Mullarky & Sullivan Co. si Sc OFFICR CORNKII OF ALLEY REAR of Georgia Railroad Bank, from October Ist Rent 1200. Apply tieor gls Railroad Pank »12tf 110 l BE AN KI KGANT NEW hens, In North Augusta. West avc nue. near Hampton Terree.'two baths and all modern Improvements Sec It and you will rent It Apply B C Wall »iT Broad St SlOtf WANTED Real Estate DWELLING WAN I'KD TO RENT A dwelling with or > rooms front (Vi l»t \pply f»v. llroad > or u*!o» phono Your Lawn Probably nods repairing To do it quickly, nicely and perman ently use At J XANDEK SEED CO.’S EVERGREEN LAWN OKASS -SEEDS This is a correctly proportioned mixture -it the finest griic,-.o:< -pa ■ ia.ll> adapted to this climate. It will make a beautiful, velvety green, f" rman-n- lawn Price .''.dels tier lb , sufficient fn "00 square fee- Four lbs , lor $1 , Box, 15-lbs, $3.60. Special pric In larger quantities. Alexander Seed Co. Careful Seedsmen. 911 Broadway. Augusta, Ga. FOR SALE Miscellaneous COW: ONE JERSEY MILK COV\ j and calf for sale; will be on Broad St., H 63 on Friday 18th hbout II | o'clock. D. E Lanham, Ropers, S. c I 813p| DRESS SUIT. ONE SILK LINED i drees suit In perfect" condition. Will | s- ll cheap to quick buyer. Address | A. J., care Herald. Sloe; PIANO: A FIRST-CLASS SQUARE j piano In good condition, will sell at a bargain. Apply 573 Broad or 14 | Greene St, s!sp I IRON SAFE AND DESK CHAIR FOR sale Apply F Phtnlzy & Co. sl3e j - tUK SALE: HALF CORD DRY pine wood, delivered, for $1.50. Rustic swings $3.00 and Rocking Chairs $1 50 each. Home lino Colum bia. i Wyandottes, H. L. Wyandottes, ; Light Brahmas and White Rocks at special close out prices. Eggs for batching, all Breeds. Belvidere Poul try Farm, Phone 1184, Augusta, Ga. AUTOMOBILE GOOD AS NEW; 40 horsepower engine; can be seen at White's garrage; big bargain for quick buyee. Apply at once, Herald office. ts i HIGH WATER RUN US FROM NO. 8 Library Row, but we are where It will not touch us next time; No. 512 Leonard Building The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Bias C. But ler, Manager. 813c' OFFICE FURNITURE. ONE FLAT top desk; two desk chairs; two desk stools. Apply 23 McCartan St. al3x j WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS pupera for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald office. Jl6tf. SMITH PREMIER NO. 2 FOR SALE. In good condition, will sell at a bargain, flood put me out of business,- but I saved the typewriter Address Flood Victim," care Herald. Sl3c WRAPPING PAPER: OLD NEWS papers for wrapping purposes. Ap ply at Herald Office. JlGtf ENGINE GOOD 12 HORSEPOWER Atlas engine, practically new, for sale at a bargain Address Engine, care Herald. NO 7 REMINGTON TYPEWRITER "for sale" Must be gold quick; go- 1 lug to leave city and must sell before; going Address "P. l). Q 23, care : Herald. ’ Sl3c FOR SALE: SCHOOL BOOKS, NEW und oid bought and sold Dellquest’s New and Old Bookshop, 215 Seventh Bt. S3Oc * BUGGY ONE TOP BUGGY FOR sal,, cheap for cash. Apply R K Hatley, 629 Ellis St. BOOKS FOR SALE TUBMAN High School hooks. Catholic school hooks and hooks for all schools and Institutions of learning. Dellquests New and Old Bookshop 215 Seventh 81. 813tf FURNITURE ENTIRE HOUSE hold furniture, consist tug of bed (room diningroom and kitchen furni ture. matting, carpets, etc., at a sacri fice 761 Broad Bt. s!s|> PIANO ONE PIANO IN FIRST class rendition for sale Apply to E .1 Doris, 1302 May avenue slop SALOON BEST NEAR BEER SA loon In rlty for sale, rentrallv locat ed and sold for no fault, owner has ether Interest and cant look after this personallv. For Information see Geo Noes by 12 o'clock Monday. sl3p Business Opportunities BONDS :>o PER-CENT DISCOUNT Gilt-edged industrial. paving ♦> par cent; $.• * bond# |2O. CA*h or month ly payment# Drawer 52 Galesburg Hi 813 c / SFI I HUY OP 11 " th.i* n‘Rl rstati* vou ha\ • b**on try Ins to exchan qe can And a purchaser; my services are at your disposal. PROPERTY IV TUP dl 7"V Perhaps ' >u are looking for a horn*. ■ |_j (' 1 TU \' B you wish to buy tell me what you *N w. 1/l/lV fff f • salt and where you want It nnd I wtd furnish It CHARLES H. MATHENY, Room 330, Dyer Bldg. THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANTS FOE SALE Poultry an l Pet Stock MAMMOTH BRONZE TURKEYS; Ton. ’Be Geese, Muscovey Ducks; Barred I'Hnouth Hicks; all farm rained, he...‘by and from first-class stock. Prices reasonable. Address Bow jre Phinlzy Lrovetowu, Ga. ts BUFF ORPINGTONS A FEW NICE young cockrels for sale. From the original famous Cook strain. Bowdre Phinlzy. HELLING OUT MY WHITE WYAN dottes, pairs 3 and 4 dollars; trioes 4.50 and 6 dollars. Some fine birds for the money. W. E. Wall, VauciUße, S. C. Sl6c FRANK L. KRAMER, CHAMPION bicycle rider of the world, rides the Pierce Racer. W. H. Holmes, 308 Campbell St., sells them in Augusta. Sl3 FOE SALS Horses. Mules, Livestock, Harness, Carriages, Etc IF YOU DON’T BUY YOUR HORSES and mules from us, we both lose money. Augusta Stock Yards. RED POLL CATTLE: A FEW choice heifers arid bull ralves. They are hardy, clean stock, good milkers and with beef conformation. Just the kind of cattle you like to see around the farm. For prices and estimates, write Bowdre Phinlzy, Grovetown, Ga LOST AND FOUND. LOST, PIN: LOST IN CENTRAL part of city a round gold button shaped pin; monogram, "W. R. M.” Reward If returned to No. 411 Wash ington St. al3c STRAYED, HORSE: SATURDAY morning one grev horse; had c<|llar and bridle on when last seen. Re turn to Thomas & Barton Co. Sl4c Flood Shingles NO. 2, *2.00; NO. 1, $3.00; F. O. B our yard; fifty cents additional for handling. Industrial Lumber Co., North Augusta. 813tf Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN’S SHOES at coat. J. P. Saxon, 1166 Broad street. sl3c Clothes Cleaned NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE your muddy clothes cleaned before they go too far, for the sooner the better It is. Give me a trial. Miles Samuels. 219 Center St. sl3p Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J P. Saxon, 1460 Broad street. al3c Notice I WISH TO NOTIFY MY CUSTOM ers and friends lh»t I am now locat ed at 605 Kilts, where I can give them the best of work In tailoring and guar antee satisfaction. G. M. Alston. 605 Ellis St. sl3p Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN’S SHOES at cost. J. P Saxon, 1165 Broad street. si 3c College Notice THE BEST ASSORTMENT OF fountain pens, stationery, combs, brushes of ail kinds, and toilet art! ch-s in the city. Come in and look them over Parr's Pharmacy,—6l6 Broad St., Augusta, Ga. Acme Hatter HATS CLEANED, .BLOCKED AND dyed from 35c up. Straw hats clean ed blocked and shaped. 611 Ellis St. SUM School Supplies. FRESH GOODS JUST RECEIVED. Tablets, pencils, paper, craon, etc. Tessler Pharmacy, 1366 Broad St. SlOtf The “Century” Tire Com**# nearer lasting a century than any tire on the market, “and don’t you forget It.’* I handle* noth ing but the tnoHt durable bicycle#, and keep on hand the largest atoek of bicycle sundrle# in Auguoti What you get from me I# the very heat manufactured I buy for spot cash in large quantHlea, and can make you th*» lowest price* and easiest terms. If you ure In doubt an to my state meat, come in and* talk with me. and you will he convinced. W. H. Holmea, oOH Campbell St. Phone 1785. My telephone and ice water are free to ,all Come and make vurself at home. s!3c A Trial Will Prove 25 Words or Less of Help Wanted 25c OPPORTUNITY NOW IS YOUR TIME TO BUY LOTS IN SUM MERVILLE AND MONTE SANO BEFORE THEY ADVANCE IN PRICE; WE HAVE ANY NUM BER OF LOTS IN SUM MERVILLE AND MONTE SANO AT A VERY REA SONABLE PRICE. Koon & Beasley REAL ESTATE, 861 BROAD STREET. AUGUSTA, GA. The Flood I am out of the flood. And free from the mud. And ready, right now, to do “biz,” In dear old Augusta, The town without bluster, That's going ahead in a “whizz.” No room for doubters, Or “false alarm” shouters. They are not deserving of pity. We are needing the room For the glorious boom That's awaiting this proud old city. And the “Pierce" and the “Yale” Stood the flood and the gale, And likewise the “Century" tire; Because they are made Of the very best grade. To stand even the test of a fire. W. H. HOLMES, Bicycles and Bicycle Sundries, 368 Campbell St. Phone 1785. Come and get a handsome hand made pocket mirror FREE. al3c Notice WE HAVE JUST HAD OUR NEW show windows finished since the freshet and ar e now open and ready for business. While passing today be sure to notice our windows. We have something atSTtctive in them. Phone No. 2122. Central Garden. 1040 Broad St., Miss Annie Dow, Mgr.; J. Rival, Prop. Slsc Shoes. ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 146.) Broad street. si3c E. M. Deas. MEATS: HAS A FINE SELECT stock of home-raised beef, veal, pork extra fine lamb, spring lamb, etc. E. M Deas. 313 Jac.kson street. Phone 210. sl3c Alcazar WE HAVE A NICE MEAL TODAY. No ice cream until further notice. All kinds of soft drinks and cigars. Jim Selkirk, 512 Ninth strept. sl3p Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN’S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 116f> Brrtad street. sl3c Pressing BRING ME YOUR CLOTHES TO e'ean and press I guarantee you the best of work. AA'hy do I? Because 1 do all my own work. A trial is all I ask. Henry H. Gregory, 529 Broad St. sl3p Notice I AM NOW LOCATED AT 549 BROAD St., Miss Zlnn's old stand, with which I am prepared to do all up holstering. repairing and staining of all high class furniture Storing and packing a specialty. Hammond Ans icv. 549 Broad St. Slsc Upholstering REMEMBER THAT I DO UPHOL sterlng. furniture repairing, chair canlng. furniture packing and crat ing, Carpets and matting laid to or der; matting turned and cleaned; carpets renovated and cleaned on floor. Joe Gunby. 813 Ellis St. *l3p Concrete Work. CONCRETE WORK: I DO ALL kinds of concrete work, such as cement walks, reinforced work. 1 have the latest improved machinery, and an expert foreman, and am pre pared to turn out work for big or ders. Estimates and specifications furnished. A. H. McDaniel, Augus ta, Ga. j27tf Brighten Up. VARNISH STAINS, THAT WILL make water soaked furniture look like new. Augusta Builders Supply Co., 645 Broad St. ’Phone 321. o3c IF YOU WANT A PERMANENT roofing use Protection Brand. This roofing has a six inch lap and driving nails through the lap only and ce menting the over-lapping sheet to it that no nails are exposed. It can be laid by any handy man. This roofing is made asphalt and containing no tar. Sold by W. W. Jones, 117 Mclu tosn St., Augusta. Sl6c HIGH WATER got into lots of cash re gisters- We have cleaned about 50, let us have yours, as we make a specialty of this work. Phone 563. H. E. Fourcher Southern Cabinet Manu facturing Works, North Augusta. SHOW CASES OVERHAULED. ALL high-class furniture Cabinets of all descriptions made Manufacture of stair, bunk, and office fixtures and all classes of fine carpenter work. Phone No. 714. oos Barbecue Hash BARBECUE HASIi EVERY SATUR day. Ready at 11 o’clock a. m. 25c quart. Vandiver’s Meat Market, 1001 Ninth street. j2st! MRS. FRANCES FOX, PHOTOGRAPHER, Residence Studio, 819 Telfair St. Opposite Union Depot. Kodak films developed free of charge. Four Post Cards, 50c alOtf Sanitary Lime PROMPT DELIVERY. CALL ME UP for any quantity. A. H. McDaniel. Phone 16. Al2tf Windsor Spring Water RELIEVES NAUSEA, DYSPEPSIA, Kidney trouble; 5 gallons delivered 50 cents Phone 112. Alts Verdery Pressing Club. SUCCESSORS TO VERDERY, 313 Mclntosh St., phone 2425. Expert cleaning, pressing and repairing; hats cleaned and blocked; ladies' suits and skirts cleaned and pressed. All work guaranteed. J. P. Stephen, Mgr, 313 c Pickling Goods GREEN PEPPERS 25c PER PECK; green tomatoes 50c per peck; ap ple vinegar 30c per gallon; onions 25c per half peck; large white head "afi t-age 10c and 15c; spieces and etc. Now is the best time to do your pick ling. Please give me your order. L. A. Grimaud, 210 Cumming street, 'Phone No. 1305 sloe Plastering Material IVORY WOOD FIBRE PLASTER IS the best plastering material for walls and ceilings. It gives addi tional strength to the building and stays put forever. A. H. McDaniel, Augusta, Ga. jl4tf Drugs. WHEN IN NEED OF ANYTHING IN the drug line, phone 328. We de liver to any part of the city; also a full line of Bulat garden seed. Model Pharmacy. R. F. Matheny, Prop., cor ner Broad and Kolloek streets. slSc Horse Shoeing. ! HIGH WATER NEVER TOUCHED me cn horse shoe ng. I have one iof the best equipped horse shoeing shops in Augusta, and always carry a full line of shoes—forty-eight kegs. I Also use a great many hand-made ! shoes I fit all the shoes myself and see that they are put on properly. I solicit your patronage, or a part of If. at least. Three of the best shoer.t In town. I can shoe forty five head, four shoes each, per dav. Shoes one dollar per set and upwards. Monthly shoeing Horsp clipping Clipper blades sharpened. L. M. Hutto, 722 Ellis street. si3c Cottage For Sale STYLISH 6 ROOM COT TAGE IN NORTH AU GUSTA FOR SALE AT A SACRIFICE FOR PAR TICULARS, APPLY TO CITY P. O. BOX 717 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 WANTS Damaged Goods WE HAVE A FEW DAMAGED GOODS ON HAND AND WILL SELL THEM AT A GREAT SACRIFICE. COME AND NAME YOUR OWN PRICE. F. A. JONES 1215, 1217 BROAD ST. Fruits and Vegetables. -- IF YOU WANT NOTHING BUT fresh fruit and vegetables, I have them in large quantities; I also give you something free with every cash purchase. Phone orders given prompt attention. Call phone 69. Max Mo gulescu, 548 Broad street. gi3c Tomatoes. WE ARE SELLING FOR THE next three days the best two-pound can of tomatoes for 5c per can. W. R. Jones Sc Co. Phone 1160—1250 Broad St. s i3 C To Piano Owners WHO INTEND MOVING: FROM this date on your piano moved, tuned and cleaned for $5.00. The special price of tuning is $2.50. Call up Robt. J. Watson, No. 666 Broad Si. Phone 1717. Have your piano examin ed all work strictly first class. S2oc SAFES That have been in the flood require attention. Delays are dangerous— Be warned in time. We are experts and can handle any job. John F. Brickie 223 CAMPBELL ST- Typewriters. WE HAVE THE -BEST TYPE writer repair shop in Augusta, and as good as to be found in the South. All work guaranteed or money re funded. The Smith Premier Type writer Co.. No. 512 Leonard Bldg., Au gusta, Ga. Phon P No. 2005. Sl3c Watch and Clock Repairing r. brunstermann, a*. 212 mcin toph street, opposite Leonard Bldg., repairs the most complicated watches and clocks; all work guaranteed perfect ly satisfactory. Machine? Repaired ALL .MAKES OF MACHINES RE paired by an expert adjuster. If your machine was under water better have It looked after at once. Singer Sewing Machine Co., No. 946 Broad street. , 030 Barber Shop THE ROYAL- FIRST CLASS SER vice; hot and cold baths; toilets for the face; Florida Water, Lavender Water, Violet Hazel, Witch Hazel, Dr. Marshall’s met Cream, Dr. Aronld i Mentholene Cream, Dr. Marshall's Massage Cream, Koken's Camphor shave 10c; absolute cleanliness in every department. J. I, Edwards, proprietor, 209 Washington street. al4- fri sat.-sun Into • FOR RENT Two Greene St. Residences. Now dwelling on 1200 block with 7 rooms and bath S4O. Corner Elbert and Greene, large lot 8 rooms and bath... • $35. LOCKHART & COMPANY wooo.mow WIIITWI _ ffurrs puu^ma^SJ Ptcklrt- . LOMBAJLD COtUWNY. A. GA.