The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1908, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 13

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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 WANTS Mattress Renovating L. J. MUKRJtY, THE OLD RELIABLE renovator, old established, highest references; church cushions given special attention. Send them in. 527 Broad street. Phone 6G6. Sl3c Groceries W. L. POWELL, DEALER IN FANCY groceries, also make a specialty of chickens and fresh country butter and eggs. Special attention given to all orders. Your patronage solicited Free delivery. 705 Campbell street. i none No. 1519. Sl3c Shoes FIRST-CLASS SHOES AT DAMAGED prices. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad St. si 3c Shoes FIRST-CLASS SHOES AT DAMAGED prices. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad St. sl3c Shoes FIRST-CLASS SHOES AT DAMAGED prices. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad St. sl3c Furniture Repairing .HATS THE I'SE OF BUYING new furniture when you can have your old furniture done over and it will look as good as new for half the money. C. C. Mitchell, 519 Broad St. 815 c Shoes FIRST-CLASS SHOES AT DAMAGED prices. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad St. sl3c Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN’S SHOES at C'st. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. sl3c FISH FISH Fresh from Fisheries Daily. Vegetables, Celery, Fruits. : : : 0. D._FORENCE Phone 1067. 446 Broad St. Open for Business. NICK ECONOMOS HAS OPENED again with a full line of fruits, vegetables, segars, eandj. Bananas 10c and 15c per dozen. Will sell as cheap as any house in town. Am cut for business. No. 1202 Broad St. sl3p We Travel Fast The world is fast progressing. With every kind of scheme. Today wo "bottle" lightning To take the place of steam. The aeroplane, the airship. And the great big gas balloon Are modes of navigation That will Jse forgotten soon. But when you want to travel fast Like a message on a wire. Just ride my ‘‘Pierce” or ride my "Yale," Attached to my “Century" tire. W. H. Holmes, the man who deals exclusively in the best that pertains to Bicycles. My stock of bicycle sun dries surpasses any in Augusta, and, buying for spot cash, I can give you lowest prices and best terms. 308 Campbell St. Phone 1785. 815 c DON’T LET YOUR BI CYCLES GO TO RUIN, WE ARE READY AND CAN SAVE THEM. h. E. Fourcher 572 BROAD STREET. Verdery Pressing Club 813 mcintosh st., phone 2425. expert cleaning, pressing and re pairing; hats cleaned and blocked; ladies' suite and skirts cleaned and pressed. All work guaranteed, j. p. Stephen, Mgr. gi9c Shoes ALl< MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES a; cost J. P. Saxon, 1465 Rroa-1 street. *i3c Notice WHY Bt'Y A HAT, WHEN I CAN make your old one look new? I am no longer connected with the Augusta Ha' Cleaners on Campbell St. 1 am now With Ciillerlth Pressing Club, 315 Mclntosh St.. Phone 744. Verdhrv, the Hatter. 820 c Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN’S SHOES at cost. J. P Saxon, 1465 Broad street. • il3c Expert Cleaning LET ME CLEAN AND PRESS'YOUR suits I.adles skirts cleaned and pressed The best work for the least money ln*the city. Why buy a hat when I can make your old ones look new. Ciillerlth Pressing Club. Ver dery the Hatter, 315 Mclntosh St. 'Phone 744 , r 820 c Damaged by the FreShet. THE AUGUSTA TRUNK FACTORY will repair and put in flrst-’lass or der, your »ranks that were damaged by the water. Telephone them 592, they will send for your trunks, ex amine them and let you know coat be tore doing the work. If you prefer a nlee new trunk, they will take the old on' as part payment Give them I a call at hoi Broad, Wrong Sid* of Street. U i WANTS Reward FOR ANY CASE OF CHILLS AND fefer that Randall’s Chill and Fe ver tonic fails to cure. Guaranteed to cure where others fail. No cure no pay. Phone 2214—Randall's Phar macy. We deliver to any part of the city- otOe Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN’S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. S l3c Cheap Lumber A LARGE LOT OF FLOORING, CEIL ing and weather boarding, all grades; also a lot of rough lumber short and long leaf, from 1-ln boards to Bxlo framelng. All this stock must be disposed of in next 30 days. Address Standard Lumber Co., Exposition Ave. and 15th St., or E. J. O’Connor, 855 Broad St. tt Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN’S SHOES at cost, J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. s l3c Shoes ALL MEN AND WOMEN'S SHOES at cost. J. P. Saxon, 1465 Broad street. ai3 c FOR SALE House HOUSE: A BEAUTIFUL HOME. 122 Broad street, for sale; lot 45x120. and front; cement sidewalk; gas; a new house. Apply on premises. S2oc ITLSIITI WORKERS ID THE HSU FIND The Associated Charities met yester day to transact a few matters of routine nature, make reports on the work of aiding Augusta's Hood sufferers, and plan for future relief. The following resolu tions were adopted: Whereas, the Associated Charities of Atlanta. Ga., came to the timely and practical assistance of the General Re lief Committee in the trying ordeal oc casioned by the Hood, by sending to us three relief workers, in the persons of Mr. I. C. Logan, Secretary, of the Atlan ta Board of Charities, Miss Bdith Thompson and Miss Margaret Lang, all of whom have received special training in Relief Work. And Whereas Mr. Logan, Miss Thomp son and Miss Lang have rendered with out cost, in connection with the Asso ciated Charities of Augusta, the most valuable untiring, inteligent assistance throughought; without which expert as sistance, as we are officially informed, tfce Relief Work which has been carried on in this city for the past two weekH could not have been conducted with anything like the system and precision that has characterised it, therefore be. |t, Resolved, that the General Relief com mittee etxend to Mr. Logan, who has been forced to return to his duties in Atlanta, and to Miss Thompson and Miss Lang, and the Associated Charities of Atlanta, an expression of our most pro found appreciation for their most earnest intelligent and timely aid. Resolved, further, that in all the gene rous aid offered by outside towns and cities none has been more effective than that rendered by these earnest, effective, trained workers. CAMPAIGN IN MAINE ENDED SATURDAY NIGHT PORTLAND, Me. —The last words from the stump in the fall campaign In Maine were spoken tonight, and on Monday the voters, thoroughly familiar with th p issues at stake, which are local rather than national, and deal with the question of selling, taxation and reform in the adminis tration of state business, will decide the contest between the two leading political parties, with Bert M. Bcr nald. of Poland, leading the repub lican ticket, and Obediah Gardner, of Rockland, that of the democrats. TEMPERANCE PARADERS. LITTLE ROCK. Ark—During a parade tonight two miles In length In which the various churches and temperance organizations participated protesting against the Issuance of li censes to saloons, an issue that will be voted on In Arkansas Monday, unidentified parties assailed th& marchers with eggs Three preach era, a temperance leader and a specta tor wer e struck with the eggs, some of the eggs bespattering American flags. No arrests were made, but the police are Investigating the affair. Following the parade, the temperance leaders held an Immense demonstra tion attended by thousands of per sons The parade was the most unique In the history of Little Rock Women robed baby buggies contain Ing infants, while children In white dresses sang hymns along the lines of march. RECORD BALLOON FLIGHT. BERLIN—A record flight was made by the Military seml-Kigtd dirigible btloon under command of Major Gross, which returned shortly before noon today, alter having be. n In the a. for thirteen hours and two min utes rbla surpasses the record mad) by fount Zeppelin, when on July l,he traveled the greater part, of -tor'll ern Switzerland, occupying twelve hours in The journ.ljy The new record which was entirely It greeted with enthusiasm by the army officers indi-nt'tie.l min A Chorus Girl Countess Countess of Poulett, foi merly Miss Sylvia Lillian Storey, of the Gaiety Theatre Co., London. Her marriage to the Earl has just taken place. The picture to the right is that of the Earl, while be low is shown the seat of the Pouletts, near Crew kerne, in Somersetshire. DANISH MINISTRY RESIGNS. COPENHAGEN—The Danish prem ier, .1. C. Christensen, tonight, handed ! (he cabinet, resignation to the king, in accordance with the latter’s de mand Premier Christensen’s resignation had been loudly demanded by the public and the newspapers ever sine,- the downfall of M. Alberti, (he ex-mir. Inter of just let?, who recently sur rendered himself to the police and confessed to widespread frauds. CUBAN ELECTIONS NOV. 14. HAVANA—Gov. Magoon loday Is sued a decree fixing Nov. 14 as the date for holding the general elec tions. STEAMERS COLLIDE. SEATTLE, Washn.—ln the dense fog about 6:45 o'clock this morning, the steamer Chippewa, a large steel vessel on the Victoria run for the International Steamship company, crashed Into the steamer Sentinel, operated by the Kitsap Kouty Trans portation company and bringing about 35 prominent men and women from Crystal Springs, a fashionable sum mer colony on Balnbrldge Island, to Seattle. SUBSTITUTE FOR CURTAIN RODS. At a hardware store, get a copper, covered wire about as thick as your little finger, and have them cul It ihc width of your windows. Also buy two screw-eyes. Put a screw-eye on each side of the sash-opening, one of them so that the wire will slip In. Run the wire through the curtain castings and put. the ends in the eyes. Your curtains will hang aR nicely as though the fixtures had cost three times fifteen cent*, the actual cost of your "rods.” You May Choose For Yourself “Hard Times” or “Good Times” FOR IT HAB COME TO BE A PERSONAL PROS , LEM WITH EACH BUSINESS MAN. The "hard times" are over, generally speaking. „ They are not over for those people who are content to have them continue. With the advent of Fall activities In business will come to < a< h merchant, to each man who Is conduct Ing a business, the oppor tunity to sav a long good bye to "hard times," or to cling to them a little longer. It is to be, largely, a test of courage - the making of this choice. A teat of advertising courage—mainly. The stronger business men will choose good times as a mat ter of eourse and will proceed to make the choice effective by a campaign of real advertising There will he better, bigger more es fectlve advertising done this Fall than ever before. The afraid merchant will wonder 1 where the money Is coming from to pay the bills" He will, In some cases deddr that he must not "take the risk " That will be HIS DECISION FOR HARD TIMES" In preference f 0 "good time*,” so far as he, personally la concerned. Prosperity la now a pergonal question. Yours is a per sonal question with you. This it both true and important. Use THE HERALD For Results in Augusta.. THE AUGUSTA HERALD Water cress contains much sulphur, and is au excellent tonlr for com plexion and hair. Eal It raw or as a salad dressing. Make a salve of powdered alum and water and hind on the burn; the pain will immediately cease. Mrs. Edward Kelly f jja ••Li" Mrs. Edward Kelly, the mother of Mrs. Frank Gould, is reported to be engaged to Ralph Craft, an insurance broker. SPECIAL NOTICES TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to notify the public and all whom it may concern that l will not be responsible for any debts contracted In my name, except thos t . personally contracted by me GEORGE H. HOWARD Sept 290 Augusta. Ga.. Sept 9th, 1908. A CALLED MEETING OK THE stockholders of the Georgia Cheml cal Works will bo held at. Augusta, Ga., on Thursday the 24th day ot September, 1908, tor the purpose of amending the Hy laws. A. SMITH IRVINE. Sepjt 23c Secretary. WATER WORKS NOTICE. t'orntnencing Hits afternoon lla* water will l>o turned on twice a day, instead of once. From 7:tto to y it. in., and front 6:30 to S p, m. JOHN I) TWIQOft. Knpt Camtl and Water Works Sept, It If Dissolution Notice. Augusta, Ga.. Sept. Kith, 1908. The firm of Mathcny, Beasley A- Konn has i his day dissolved by mil tual consent, 1 withdrawing from the firm. Beasley & Koon will liquidate all accounts of the firm of Mntheny. Beasley <fc Koon. I will be found in future ai room 330 Dyer lildg.. where I will conduct a real estate broker age business. C B. MATHENY, Hoorn 330 Dyer Bldg. Wo expect to conduct, the real es tate business as heretofore at the same old stand. 861 Broad street. Mr. Koon lias had charge of the rent als and will continue to look after this department. BEASLEY AS KOON, 861 Broad St. alßc Public School Notice. Augusta, Ga., Sept. 12th, 1908. General Order. Owing lo tlie disappointment in Hie expected water supply, in eonse quence of the breaking of the tem porary dam, the public schools cannot now be supplied with water. There fore it is ordered: 1. That children bn enrolled on Monday morning and given their grade list of books. 2. That they be dismissed as soon as practicable on Ihe opening day. 3. That all pupils be notified that the school session will he postponed two weeks on account of the lack of water. Pupils will report again on SepL 2Sih, for further Instruction*. LAWTON B. EVANS, Superintendent. sLIc Charleston & Western Carolina Railway Th»» following arrivals departure* of nainn, Union Station, Augusta, (la., a* well «n collection* wi*h other compa nies, nre Himpiy given as Information, and are not guaranteed: (K/Tagilvo Mu y 31, 11*03.) DEPARTURES. 6:30 n. m No. 7, Polly for AnJerson, Heneoa, Wulhidla, etc. 10:10 a. m.—No. 1, Dally for Greenwood. Laurens, Greenville, Spartanburg, Hendersonville and Asheville. 2:06 p. m. No. 43, Pally except Sunda J for Allendale, Fairfax, Chaile*tom. Savannah, Heuufort, Port Royal. 7:00 a. m. No 38, Sunday only, for Al lendale, Charleuton, Heaulort, Pori Royal, Sttvan-aih. 4:40 p. m. No, 3, Pally far Greenwood, No. 5 loaveH Greenwood Ut tt;6o a. 11l- for Spartanburg ARRIVALS No, 4. Pally from* Greenwood, *l6 a. m. No. 41. dally except Sunday, from Chnrleaton, Savannah, Beaufort. Port Royal, etc., No. V.*, Hunduy only, from Beaufort, Port Royal, <*hurl«Mton and Ba vu ninth, 1.30 u. in 12 30 p. m. No. J. dully from Auhoville, Hpartanoina. Greenwood, etc., ti IS p. m. No. 8. dally from Anderson. McCormick, etc.. 7; <l6 p. m. Train* 41 and 42 and 37 and 38 run solid between Augusta and rhuflealon LflVctlve June IG, 1008, then* #wlli he Trl Weekly Parlor Gar nervine between Augusta and Asheville, having Augusta Tuesdays, Thursday h and Saturdays, Asheville Mondays. Wednesday and Fri days. TralriH Non. 1 and 2. KHNKHT WILLIAMS. General Agent. No 807 It it Hide nv. Augusta. Ga. CENTRAL OF GEORGIA RAILJWAY. (Current nenaaute* yo rn < tea to Gate.) (76th Meridian 'lime.) DEPARTURES. For Bavrtrinali and Maonu . .. For Puhlln and Savannah ..... "2:46pm For Savannah and Macon "*X 40prn For Savannah and Macon !! it :40pm For Havunnuh. "'J ybee, limited !l7:oaum ARRIVALS From Savannah and Ma<ou ... ••7:sf»pm From Suvan'uih and Macon 60am From Savannah and Macon . ...!!8:10am From Publin and Havaimah.... # 12;46|*rn From ti “Tybo* Limited 'l!iJ;46uni •Dally, ••lixoept Sunday. I'Hurid.iy only Drawing Room Bleeping Car* between AugUNfa and Savannah on night train*. Connect* at Milien with steep, trig ear* *o and from Macon. Atlan'a, Columbus, Birmingham and <’hleru*o. His. F. F POWLRS. W V\ HACKKTT. Corn'l. Agt Trnv. Push. Agl. 786 Broati Mt. ATLANTIC COAST line Schedule via Yemaasee) NOTE These arrivals and depar tures .ire given as Information, but arrival and comieellons are not guar anteed No 82. Effective No. MB North September 8, I9bß. South 12 pm Lv. Augusta Ar 12:40 pin 5:30 pm Ar Übas’n Lv 7:45 am 8 15 pm Ar Florence Lv 4:40 am s;|o am Ar Richmond Lv 7:25 pin k In am Ar Wnsh'n. Lv 3:45 pm ’0:00 .in Ar Baltimore Lv 2:13 pm 12 18 pm Ar VV. I’hlla Lv 11,55 am 2:45 pm Ar , New York <2sd Stl Lv 9:26 am I’ullmau BRGILLH car* between Augusta and New York, without change. L. D. Met;ULLUM, Commercial Ag't.t, 807 Broad Ht. T. U. White, w. .1 FRAIG, Gen. i’ass Agt Pass, Traf Mgr Wilmington, N. Li. IN AUGUSTS CHURCHES St. Patrick's Church, Very Rev. L. Bazin, V. U., rector; Rev. J. Hennessy, assistant. Sunday masses: 6:30, 8, 9:30 a. m. Sacred Heart Church Corner Greene amt McKlnne Sts. Rector, Rev. .1. Sherry, S. J. Pastors, Rev. J, Ijonergan, S. .1., and Rev. R. Macready, S ,1. Morning service: Masses at 5.80, 6.00. 7.30 and 9.30 Benediction after last mass, at 9.30 No evening service. St. Luke's Methodist Church. Corner Crawford avenue and St. Luke street. Preaching every Sun day at 11 a in. and 8:00 p. in. Pray er meeting il 8 ;t. m. every Wednes day night. Sunday school at 3:00 p. | \n. Kpworth League Devotional meet ing every Friday evening at 8:00. Women's Foreign Missionary, Monday after first Sunday at 4 p. in. Juvenile Missionary society moots first Sun day ut 4 p. ip. Board of stewards every first Tuesday at. 8 p. m. It. M. Dixon, pastor. Church of tie Atonement. Rev. S. It. Carpenter has returned, and will hold morning service at the j church of the Atonement bn Sufi da* at 11 a. nt. ( Sibley Presbyterian Church. Services at II a. in. and 8 p. ro. bv the pastor. Rev. .). A. Thompson \II aro invited St. Matthew's Lutheran Church. Walker street. Sunday morning, September 13, the service will be coil ducted In the German language by the pastor, Rev. William J. Flnck. All are cordially Invited to attend. The Brotherhood of St. Matthew's will meet Thursday evening at 8:30. The Sunday school meets every Sun day morning at 9:30. First Baptist Church. Services will he held In the lecture room, entrance oil Jackson atreet, at J! a. in. Tim minister, Sparks White Melton, I). D., will preach. No eve ntng service. Sunday school at 9.45 n. m. Everybody Invited. St. John Church Sermon in II a. in., in the Sunday school room by Fletcher Walton preacher In charge. No night serv ice. Sunday school at 9.30 a. no, f G. Goodrich, superintendent. Vis itors cordially welcome at all serv ices. Christian Church. Howard T. Gree, minister to the church si Mclntosh and Greene streets, tins returned to the city and announces that services will lie re slimed on Sunday. The Rlble school, E. B. Hook, superintendent, meets at j 9.45 a m. Communion and sermon nt 11 o'clock. Subject, "The Deluge In harmony with the action of the olli cr central churcheH there will he no evening service. All cordially invlt ed to attend. Greene Btreet Presbyterian Church Between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets. Rev. George K Outlie, pastor. There will be no church services, nor Sunday school In (his church Hun day. Bf. Paul’s Church. Rev. G. Sherwood Whitney, rector: 11 a. nv, morning prayer and sermon; 6 p. rri , Sunday school; 6 p m . even Ing prayer. The Rev. Mr. Woodward will officiate. Curtis Baptist Church, The morning service at 11. and the night service at 8.30, the pastor preaching at both services. The Sun day school meets at 4 o’clock In the afternoon. At the close of the morn Ing service there will be jin Impor tant, church conference, and all mem hers of the church now In the city are urged to he present at this con erence. Christ Presbyterian Church Corner Telfair and Humming Sts Pastor, .1. H. Ellis. We will resume our regular services Sunday, 13th Inst. Drenching services II a in. and 8.80 p. m. Sunday school 10 a in., week ly prayer meeting Wednesday tdghl All are cordially Invited to attend all these services. First Presbyterian Church, Corner Telfair and Seventh streets, i'reaehlng at 1| a m. by the Rev. A W. Nlsbet, of Savannah. Sabbath school at 5 o’clock. Wednesday even ing prayer service at 8:30 o’clock. Junior Christian Endeavor Tuesday evening at (j o’clock. St, James Church, Ilev Richard Wilkinson, I), I)., pas tor. Preaching at I] a. 11l and 8:30 p nt hy the pastor. Sunday school at 9:45 o'clock a. ni., J E. Parker, superintendent. Devotional meeting of the Epworth league at 7:30 o'clock p, m. Prayer service Wednes day evening at 8:30 o'clock In a word. Ht James church will resume all the regular services. Come anfl worship with us. You wlh b,, wel come. Reid Memorial Church, Rev. J. T plunket. D, n„ minister In charge. Sunday school at r, p. m Adult Bible class Ml 5; 18. p til., con doced (alternately) hy well known Bible students. Attractive music and strangers cordially Invited Bersan Baptist Church. Cor Telfair strtet and Crawford Avc Dreaming u t II a m by Rev. W. W. Randall, a' 4 o'cloek by Rev. J B Holley of the Second Baptist church. Preaching at 8 p. m by Hev. W. W. Randall Sunday sch-sil nt 2 p m., Robert Kennedy, Hupt. The public Is Invited to attend the above servlc-H. Sunday school workers meet Tm-sday night at 8 o'clock. I Prayer meeting Wednesday night. PAGE SEVEN Broadway Methollat Church. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday school at 9.30 j a m. Second Baptist Church. J. B. Holly, pastor: 11 a. m. and 8 p. m., services conducted by the pastor. A cordial Invitation to all. Asbury Church, Ilev. J. M. Bowden pastor. At 1J n. m. the service will be conducted by Miss Emma Gary, a returned mis sionary from China, who gave a very Impressive talk last Sunday at the Richmond camp meeting. Preaching at 8 p. m. by pastor. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Everyone Invttod. Colored Churches * Thankful Baptist Church, Corner of Walker and Lincoln Sts. Preaching Sunday morning nt ll o'clock by thq pastor, F. R. Wallace, I). I). Sunday school at 3p. m., E. G. Harmon, superintendent. Preaching night. Public cordially tnvtted. Mem bers requested to be present; busi ness of Importance. 1,. J. Mays, C. 0. Tabernacle Baptist Church, Rev. C. T. Walker, D. D.. 14,0., pnstor. Early prayer meeting at 6 a. m. Preaching nt 11 am and 8:30 p. m. Sabbath school at 3 p. m. The working clubs of the church will re port nt the night servlc 0 for the Wal ker Baptist association. H. Y. P. U. meeting on Thursday night at R p. m. Thu public Is cordially invited to all services. jj. 4 Mt. Calvary Baptist Church, W. II Dunn, pnstor. will celebrate her twenty-seventh anniversary on Sunday. Prayer meeting at 6 a. m. Preaching ut 11:30 a. 111. by Rev. W. .1. Wav 111 3 p nv; by Rev. W Jinking nt 8:30 p. 111. Pastor will read (he his tory of church. Preaching by Rev. Gray. Other preachers will be with us. Come over and help us. Metropolitan Baptist Church, Rev. G. S. Wilkins, D. D., pastor. Preaching at 11:30 a. m. and 8:30 p. m hy pastor The public Is Cordially Invited Gethseman e Baptist Church, Rev. T. 11. Holmes, pastor. Early prayer meeting at 6 a. m. Preaching at 11:30 a. nv by the Rev. .1. W. Cole man. from Mnnettn, H C. Baptism at I p. nv Communion at 2:30 p. m. ; at 3 p. 111. the Georgia Progress Society No. I anniversary will be preached hy (he Rev. T. It Holmes, pastor of the church. All the public are In vited to attend. First Congregational Church. tl h in. preaching service; text., acts 2.. 14. Prayerfully rend the 1-2 chapters of the acts of the Apostles as a means of preparation for the ser vice. Hunday school at 4:15 p. m. Our evening service will b„ held at 6:3(1 p. m. instead of 8:15 p. m. until j the lights are turned on. The pub [ lie Ih iiimhl cordially Invited lo wor ship with us. I). .1. Flynn, pnstor. folored Y. M. C. A. Hunday afternoon at 5 o'clock nt the colored Y. M. ('. A rooms the address will bo delivered by Rolit. H. Battey. the well known wheel wright and blacksmith. Halley belongs lo the “old HChool" hill keeps up lo dale because he reads much and because he is far above the average man In general Intelligence fie Is also an qrator of no 1 can abllliy Every colored mm who hears \\wi Hunday will enjoy It. Come you aro welcome. C. T. Wal ker, president; Silas X. Floyd, secro tary. St. Mary's Episcopal Church, No. 915 Telfair street. Though damaged greatly by the recent high water will resume services on next Hunday the 20tb. with a celebration of the Holy Communion at II a. m.; evensong 6 o’clock. Hunday school at 4 p. nv, by Rev. M. E Hpatches of Key West, Florida, lately of Ma con, Ga. Springfield Baptist Church, Rev. Geo. li. Dwells, pastor. Prayer meeting at 6 o’clock. Preaching at II o'clock. .Sunday school at 3 o’clock. Preaching at 8.30 o'clock. All the members and friends of this chureh are urged to I e present at alt of these servlees. as plans will b ( , ar- to refurnish our churrh from the damage of the recent flood. B. Y. P. 11. meeting Thursday night. THE WEATHER. WASHINGTON, I). C—Forecast: South Carolina: Fair Sunday; Monday fair In Interior, rain on ths coast; fresh to brisk north and north east winds. Georgia: Fair Sunday; Monday rain tn hoi>j, fair In the north portions; winds becoming fresh and brisk north and northeast. NEW YORK CONVENTION. ROCHESTER. N Y The New Yoik democratic aiate convention which will assemble here on Tuesoay next Is expected to have u country wldo national party in the corning election, Influence upon the prospecta of ths national party In the coming election, for the state always has been a de cisive political lull I It- ground PREBIDENT AT GARDEN PARTY. OYSTER BAY, N. Y President Roosevelt t-sik time thla afternoon to upend an hour at a garden party and talr given at. John A. Weeke'a beauti ful country home "Tranquility” for the benefit "I the Nassau hospital at Mlneola, to I. KRAMER STILL CHAMPION NEW YORK fly defeating "Jack" Clarke, champion aprlnt bicycle rid er of Australia In two straight heat* a mile mid •« half In Madison Square Garden tonight, Frank Kramer main lined hi* title of champion, Kramer s time for the half wa* on* mil-life, three seconds, and tor tha mile 2 uiluutes 35 stcoutljg