The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1908, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 14

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PAGE EIGHT FOR RENT. 1347 Hroad Street, 7 room* 825.00 508 El 11a Street, 6 room* 825.00 953 Greene Street. 12 room*.. 50.00 344 Green Street, 9 room* 45.00 506 Lincoln Street, 8 room* 30.00 957 Reynolds Stre. t in rui>ms .. 37.50 10C Reynold* Street. C room*.. . 12.50 338 Walker StreeL 7 room* 25 00 947 Telfair Street. . root- • flat 18.00 STORES. 1224 Broad Street.. 35 00 1252 Hroad SUTMt 65.00 570 Hroad Street 35.00 624 Campbell Street .. .. .. 45.00 222 Campbell Street 20 00 OFFICES. No. 765 Hroad Street *, 820.83 No. 8 Library Bid * ... 18 33 Office* la the PUa:cr* l . -aa A Savin** Bank Rulldln*. WILLIAM E. BUSH, IOW RENT I'ROM OCT. I. 606 Third SI , 6 room* and hath, new 127.50 413 T«lfalr, 8 room* and baLb 133 33 925 811'—8th 7 i •‘■nj* and bath 832.60 405 Twelfth St.. 6 room* and bath 825.00 Corner Greene and Twelfth, four r cms and hath. flat, third floor •• ..817.50 446 Hay. new. po**>-**ton Nov. 1, 7 rooms, steam heat and open grate*, . .a trinity and |ta>.. • 832.50 943 Reynolds. 8 r<">inn. modern 837.50 1242 Hroad Ht... 6 room a and bsth .. 825 00 1244 Hroad St., 6 room* and oath 825 00 STORES. 1288'Broad St., Store 833.33 206-207 Sixth St., store 830.00 MARTIN <Sr GARRETT, dyhr building ORDERS EXECUTED TO BUY AND SELL STOCKS. BONDS AND INVESTMENT SECURITIES ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. WE SOLICIT YOUR BUSINESS. ARGO & JESTER. 7 Libiary Building. Phone 12. FOR RE INT 420 Day Street, 9 room* ~ ~826 00 307 Washington Street, f. room*.. 25.00 309 Wu*hlngtnt) Street. 6 rnotna 25.00 632 Hroad Street, 8 room* 25.00 829 Telfair Street, 9 room* v .. 37 50 Telfair Street. The Hill, 10 rooms 58.00 404 Htßh sin , t s room* 12.00 North AttKoata, forest Avenue, 7 rooms 25.00 North Augusta. West Avenue, 5 room* 16.00 FLATS. 51964 Hroad Street. 3 rooms 18.00 1 bert Htri et roods 20.00 • 15.00 93) Kill* Street, 3 room*.. 12.00 STORES. Corner Telfair and Jackson Streets (Hi 00 Warehouse Walkec Street 83.33 APPLY TO CLARENCE E. CLARK, REAL ESTATE, ~ 842 BROAD STREET. Here’s a Good Rule! Lay aelde a little money every week (or the laid.up or the laid oft day. Or to meet euch an emergency ae that through which we have Juet paaeed. One Dollar will open an account—4 Per Cent Interact paid. THE AUGUSTA SAVINGS BANK M 3 BROAD STREET. ‘•WHERE SAVINGS ARE SAFE." S P R I N a s WE MANUFACTURE ALL GRADES OF Springs and Mattresses FROM $2.50 UP. Our ROYAL MONARCH Single Cone Spring Guaranteed to be Stronger Than Anything of its Prioe on the Market. You Will Dream Sweet Dreams on Our WHITE EAGLE, Sanitary Felt Mattress- Ask the Furniture Dealers. Auqusta Mattress and M'fq. Company STOCKS BEV.C. G. DILWQRTH RESIGNS TODAY Pastor of Curtis Baptist Church Will Become Worker for Lyceum Bu reau, Beginning of Next Year. Rev. Cha*. G. TMlworth, pastor of curtl* Haptlat church, and probably one of the beat known men In Au gusta, will formally tender hlg resig nation thla morning to the congrega tion a* paator of that church. He haa | accepted a position with the'Alka heat Lyceum Bureau and will go on the platform aa a lecturer. When naked concerning the matter he aatd: "Yea, I have resigned the pastorate of Curtla Baptist church, and that ; resignation la to be acted on Sunday i morning. My connection with the | work of the church will ceaae next January. My pastorate closed at that t!m f . will have covered a period of alrnoßl four and one-half yeara. The | reaignatlon will be final, and bo with out miration will he accepted. Dur -1 Ing the present pastorate more than , three hundred people have united with the church; and according to the i testimony of a number of the inem bera more money raised by the , rhiirrh for various purposes than ever before In Its history. "In addition m my regular church work I have been enabled to do some outside work. With the help of my associates in that iabor of love 1 have | seen the home of Florence Crlttenton | Mission removed from ItH former A Fall Greeting T McCreary's 7 U “: plare and now housed In modern! residence, and that free o( debt. “As>to my (utur e plans. One tiling Is definitely settled. 1 will remain In Augusta, and when my connection with Curtis Ilapttst church ceases In January, 1 relinquish the work of the j ■ pastorate temporarily and go with the | Vlkahest System of Atlanta In lecture work and organising. It Is work for which I feel 1 am adapted and It appeals to me. The position j has been pressed upon me In such u way that at last I gave my consent to take the cfre%made by that organ nation So Tar as I can see tny home] will still be In Augusta "lu spite of floods and freshets, I will have no regrets. Having drunk once of this Savannah river water,! you do not want to go elsewhere And If I had m> wish I would be pleased to round out tny days here and be laid away beneath her sod. Her peopl,. are genial hospitable and I kind. And a tnan gets from every | tmdy Just a little more than he could i expect or really deserves With the I proteottou of the community against J'he high vCater of our noble river, : where could a pleasanter home be found or a more charitable people be discovered? Here let me real." MATTRESSES JONES TRIAL HAS BEEN POSTPONED ftac&WH* of an «»r<i#r from Chits Jus tie* Y. J. l*ope of th* Supreme Court, the .rial of W r. Jom». charged with hav ing caused the death of hit wife, Mm Marlon Jonea. on s*unday night, July Mh wta brought to an abrupt halt this mom mg and cannot be heard beiore the first Monday in frebruury, ltO». In the in* lervenlng time, at lewet until the eur rme court has handed down Ite declaim. Mr Jonea will remain In the Union Coun ty jail. The action In securing the continuance t the caae waa not altogether a sur prise, indeed It waa rather expected b> he purple aa It waa known that th* "uneel for the defenoe waa vtgvureuaiy PlHMilng every effort to have the oaa •me to trail new. Thie opinion war HIS Store, the store where the best Clothes come from, sends today an Autumn Greeting, and announces its readiness to take care of anv wearable want that presents itself. The Season’s Choicest Models in Clothes of quality for Men, Boys, and Little Men are here, to gether with all the correct Hats and smartest creations in Haberdashery. We never entered upon a season better pre pared to give our patrons excellent ser vice and suit every man’s ideas and purse. We trust that we’ll have the pleasure of serving you. Always keep in mind that Hawes' celebrated Hats for $3.00, are the best in the country. THE AUGUSTA HERALD WANT MAGISTRATE HAHNJEMOVED Petition in Circulation in North Augusta Asking Governor to Replace him on Ground of Inoompe tenoy. I It ia learned from good authority that a petition la In circulation In North Auguata to have Maglatarte T. J. Hahn removed from Office. The petition la aa followa: To Gov. Anael; We the undersigned citizens of North Augusta respectfully ask the re moval of T. L. Hahn aa magistrate of this district, because, we have not confidence in his ability, or honestly to juatly perform she duties as such, aa he Is Incompetent.” Thla petition Is the outcome of the Salvage case tried before Magistrate Hahn Friday. It seemß that J. F. Wells caught two colts from the river belonging to Mr. Jake Levy and Mr. Levy told him to put the colts In Judge Getzens pasture and he would give him 810. Before Mr. Wells could put the colts there, Mr. Levy took out a poaaessery warrant for them. Mr Wells refused to give them up and had the case brought before the magistrate. Acordlng to one of the jurors the evidence was In favor of Mr. Wells as Mr Levy acknowledged having promised him $lO, but when the jury started to retire, Magistrate Hahn told them they must render a verdict In favor of Mr. Levy. The jury did not think that they could render a verdict in favor of Mr. Levy and do as their consciences dictated, so they refused to render a verdict and left the court room. AIR DOAAEIO HAVE A STARJOGRAM Black-Face Sketch, Soft Shoe Dancing, Rube Mu sician all This Week. The attendance at the Atr Dome last week broke all records, the show being the beet ever seen here for the price. This week Manager Worden states he has hooked equally as g"od a bill. AJl mun A McFarland do a black-face sketch and are said to be very fine. Dancing Marnell is the champion soft dan cer of America and has pleased his aud- I lences all over ths country. Fred L Perry is a Rube Musician and his violin playing is said to be so realistic It takes you back to tne -lays when you lived on the farm There are three performances lasting one hour each, the first beginning at eight o'clock Price* remain unchanged »nd ore five cents tor children and ten cent for adults to any part of the house Mis* Hattie Gallaher will be found at her former place. *62 Broad street, now the Andrew* Bros' company. Bhe Invites her friends to call. • trwrgthened when yesterday Judge KUi*h granted an order to Col George t.ihnstone allowing the counsel for the t.fsnss to employ expert chemists and Live them examine the stomach of Mrs >nee so that they could have evidence f their own a* well aa that offered b> he state which had the state chemist, v amine the stomach shortly sftor tht death of Mrs Jones. Fall and Winter Pictures only give an idea of some of the styles which will be worn this Fall, and which we can truthfully say has met with the highest appro val with those who have seen them. A Message From the Second Floor Our buyer advises our advertising man to announce that for boys’ and children’s suits, hats, caps and furnishings, mother’s will find a line seldom equaled. The label back of each coat is your safeguard. BEST YET Java Flovored Coffee. It is right in Flavor. Jt is right in Strength. ' It is right in Quality, it is right in Price. PER LB. 25 CENTS Sugar Reduced. 25 Lb. Sacks $1.40 GREAT^H mo PACIFIC: CO.^d 844 Broad Street. Phones 867 868 325 Stores in the U. S. Impressions of a Druggist. A heart laid bare, is what you ex pect to read of. If you judge W the heading, but what we want to confess I* that Will T. Caldwell's Drug Store Is not infallible to flood but serenely infallible to error when dispensing medicines Phone us your wants. We deliver promptly to any part of Augusta, JH/QUSTA.GA EDUCATIONAL SACRED HE4KI ACADEMY 1264 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga. Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, and empowered to confer diplomas. Offers superior educa tional advantages for girls. Musi cal culture and the training of organists a specialty. Reopens Sept 8, 1908. Preparatory school for boys from live to nine years of age. For particulars apply to the SISTER SUPERIOR. MISS HILL'S SCHOOL, The Hill, Augusta, Georgia. Day school and boarding de partment. Primary. Intermediate and College Preparatory. Sixth Year Begins Oct. 1, 1908. For catalog address MISS L. D. HILL, Grovetown, Ga. Academy of Richmond County AUGUSTA, GA. Session begins Thurs day, October 1, 1908. For information apply to CHAS. H. WITHROW. Principal. PRIVATE DETECTIVE AGENCY. All work strictly confi dential. HOWARD & KELLY Rooms 508 -509 Dyer Bldg* SbKDAY, SJDrixinxxtxJi 10 r 1908 Styles EDUCATIONAL St. Mary’s Academy Augusta, Ga. Day school for girls, conducted by Sisters of Mercy. Opens Monday, Sept. 14, 1908. For Particulars Apply to SISTER SUPERIOR. ST. PATRICK’S COMMERCIAL INSTITUTE Will Re-Open Monday, September 14. For terms and particulars apply to the DIRECTOR. SACRfD HEART COLLEGE 1306 Ellis Street, Augusta, Ga. For day scholars only. Empow ered to confer all Collegiate De grees. Thoroughly up-to-date. The curriculum Include* Phil osophy. Literature, Ancient and modern History, Physics, Chemis try, Astronomy, Mathematics Arithmetic, Bookkeeping, etc.. Ste nography and Typewriting at par ents option Mod' j|, Languages wiginut extra charg" RE-OPENS TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER BTH, 1908 For Catalogue .no particulars, ap ply at the College. JOHN J. SHERRY, S. J. President. READ HERALD WANTS