The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1908, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 19

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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Clearing House Certificates In removing th. eases of unused Certificates from the cellar of the Georgia Railroad Bank today, quite a number of th* Certifi cates were lost; many being found on the streets afterwards. This notice is given the public to warn them against receiving 1 U* e Certificates f rom anyone, as all but ninety-seven dollars of thdse issued last year have been redeemed. Augusta Clearing House Association By RUfUS h. BROWN, Manager. September 8, 1908. Senator Felder Tried to Save The State Some Money ATLANTA, Ga.—lt has been said that talk is cheap. This, however, does not apply to senators, one sena tor in particular—Senator J. P. Knight of the sixth, who, as the result ot his speech in the upper house Thursday, the state of Georgia is out nearly one thousand dollars. The senator consumed four hours in the discussion of a mo%n to adjourn, and as the legislature burns up $233 per hour, there you are. Now there's another senator who tried to stop this apparent disregard Df time and money. He was Senator ’’elder. And while he failed in his purpose, he is entitled to credit. It cost the state something, of course, to rhoke the filibuster, but dilatory tactics oontlnued and nothing was accomplished. President Flynt is said to ho responsible for this state of affairs, for he aligned himself with tlie minority and enabled a filibuster to continue after he had been over ruled. Here is how Senator Felder came in: As previously stated. Senator Knight spoke on a motion to adjourn. Son a ter Peacock made the point of WARINIINCI! 4-iooda and High Water I | Cruses Malaria. Fever and Colds; Avoid these by taking J. *Sc B. TOINIC 25 and 60c a Bottle. For sale by all Druggist. Prepared by J. <S: EJ. Medicine Co., Savannah. Ga MAKING BOTH ENDS MEET is a good rule to practice all through life. It applies to wall paper very aptly. To get AN APPROPRIATE PAPER for your room sometimes means a lit tle economy in some other direction. As ft is now, our new stock of wall paper is so cheap you needn't count on economy elsewhere. Come In and select what you yant and we will pa per your room tomorrow. W. C. Rhoades & Co., OPERA BUILDING. 'Phone 757. Harry D. Griffin, Newspaper Ad. Writing for Merchants, Banks and Firms. order that Knight’s motion to adjourn was out of order, because he had made the motion after the previous question on the motion to table the resolution had been called. President Flynt overruled the point. Senator Felder appealed from the decision of the chair. The appeal was entertained and Felder convinced a majority of thh senate that he was right and the president wrong. The effect of. the reversal of the chair was to sweep Knight off his feet, and rejoicing was general. Senator Felder, as is shown, cer tainly did try to do something yes terday in putting a stop to the fili buster which Senator Knight has con ducted for two days. It cost a few hundred for Senator Felder to lead the majority against the president of the senate, but it was a case where the minority had full control of the .situation. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE GAINS POPULARITY j —— Many Essentials are Found in This Once Popular Doctrine. LONDON—Nothing is more Interest ing than to watch the evolution of an ] idea, and the thought that is rapidly gaining ground in the Church is undouht edly that, while much of the premise of Christian Science is altogether false, a great many of the statements are not only in acord with the teaching of Chris tianity, hut are essential truths which have been overlooked through lack of faith. That the power of healing was given must be unquestioned by ail who read the Gospels, and to say that such a power after a time was withheld other than because of the unbelief of the fol lowers of Christ seems to be equally ap parent. The forces of the mind are only now being thoroughly understood. We have In these days a growing group of com plaints almost directly the outcome of overstrained nerves. That these must and ran he met by mental treatment undoubted, but the question is, Does the power stop there? This is a matter which has been brave ly faced by the assembled Hlshops in the Lambeth Conference, who have made a pronouncement which at any rate opens the door to further discus sion, and makes it evident that the most thoughtful and enlightened minds in the ecclesiastical world are of opinion that we have to ask ourselves very seriously how this matter stands. In America the subject has been more widely ventilated than in this country, but the coining of Dr. MrCoomb has caused great interest here. Mr. Moore Hickson, who is a native of Australia, has been for some time at work in Eng land. with singular results. He is a man of gifts, of strange mag netic force anu the humility of a child. He feels that he is merely an Instrument used, and that he passes on that which he receives from an august source. This is a subject of which we have not yet heard the last word, and unquestion ably in the near future much remain to be developed. P. 0. Box 738. Augusta, Oa. Snapshot of King of Spain u.k "v •'oIO r -> From a snapshot of the King of Spain, while strolling in London, incognito, 'FOBD INSPECTOR’S EXCELLENT IRK BULLETIN ISSUED BY THE DE PARTMENT SHOWING THE WORK DONE BY THE INSPECTOR ADULTERATED FOOD IN GA. This State Has Been Used as Dumping Ground for Manufacturers of Impure Goods. ATLANTA. Ga.—The Department of Agriculture has Just issued a bulletin gotten up by Dr. R. E. Stallings, State, Chemist, on Foods and Commercial Feed ing Stuffs inspected and analyzed in the State of Georgia up to June Ist. 1908, showing the excellent work done by food inspector, P. A. Methvin. In his report to Commissioner Hudson, Dr. Stallings says “The work in the lab oratory during the last few' months has shown conclusively that there was an enormous amount of adulterated articles on the market; It shows that our State has been the vertible dumping ground for the manufacturers of Impure goods. Since this department has taken up th*- matter the conditions of affairs have un dergone a revolution, the good effects produced by the law have demonstaten its usefulness,” Continuing this report says “The total amount expended by consumers for the last ten months ag gregate $2,102,715,00, these figures do not take into account the large amount of cotton seed meal that has been used for feed purposes. Since the enforce ment of the law relating to feed-stuff? began, the quality of feed has constantly improved. During this time many cat loads, aggregating many hundred tons of feed, have been found to be adulter ated. They were seized by order of this department and were shipped out of the State.” This report concludes with the statement “cotton seed meal, when a good quality, is one of the best and cheapest feeds on the market." From this report it is seen that the time is not far distant when Georgia farmers will be able to get all bi-products neces sary for feed use on their farms through the products raised thereon; it will no i longer be neceMsary to Import from the ] West high priced low grade feeds If he j will come to realize that the best as well j its the olicapest to be found, is that j which Is f'mt bl-product of the South's i wonderful cotton seed It will mean j saving in money and Increase In results i The Pure Food laiw of Georgia Is work- I lng wonders toward bringing Georgia in- , to Its own. Juat Exactly Right. "I have u»ed Dr. Kings New Life; Pills for several years, and find them Just exactly right. ' says Mr. A. A Felton, of Harrlsville, N. Y. New Life Pills relieve without the least ills comfort Best remedy for constipa tion. biliousness and mtUrla. 25c at all druggists. Canned Tomatoes. Melted butter poured on the top of canned tomatoes Just before sealing will make them keep sweet. Miss Tassle Conlon desires her friends to cal! at the Andrews Bros.' | company store, where she will ba glad Ui serve them. THE AuGUSTA HERALD COLORED RELIEF WORK PUSES More Contributions Re ceived and the Work is Approaching Close. (By Silax X. Floyd.) The following donations were hand ed in yesterday at the meeting of the moral Relief and Advisory commit tee by Rev. T. Walker, 1). D.: Rev. C. H. Tobias $ 2.00 Upv. A. F. Halley 1.00 it. Kemp, D. D. Charleston, K. C r.,00 .1 I. Durham. D !>.. Aiken, fi. C x.oo D. H. Porter, D. D., Albany, Ga. 30.00 Anna Speed 1.00 Rev. I. [). Davis 7.00 Walker Pilgrim Progress Socie ty No. i r,n.00 Amelia W. Sullivan Household of Ruth, No. 3|k .. 2.00 Total slll.OO Yesterday afternoon subsequent to ihe report, the following amounts were minded in to me: .lames L. Taylor, 25c; Thos. P. Lewis, $l ; L. K White $l and P. .1. Jenkins. sl. These men have been helpers at the various stations during the week, and decided voluntarily to give back to the gen eral relief committee a part ot the small sums thty worked for. This is a noble spirit, and 1 wish it was con tagious. Dr. Walker, chairman of Ihe color od committee, leaves town on Mowin' nigiit for Lexington, Ky., where h< goes to abend the meeting of the, Nu tlonal Baptist convention. He regret; to go, hut will be hack In a week, and resume his place at the head of the colored committee in winding up the work. On his return suitable res elutions will he passed thanking \.i rious friends who have been kind and helpful to us and through us, to our race. The colored Y M. f!. A station Is now closed, but the Hamburg station In charge of T. P. Lewis will con tinue for three or four days longet, or until the need has been supplied on the Carolina side, Mr. <!. tl Hanklnson, president of Hanklnscn Brick company, met nu- while I wu i on my way over to the Hamburg sta lion yesterday to pay off the workei and he said; "I a'D glad you all have come ovi here, and I hope the people will np predate what you have done. I thinn the people can get along now, win, the help you have given them.” Mr. Frank 11. Fleming was 100 hu: for urn to disturb him, but I desli him to know that, the tgolor* d coni mlttees extremely grateful to him foi b<*l?ig willing, through the Assoijaiej Charities, tc extend to out worker, the courtesy of ills big front offle Irom which to operate In their reli work. It was a magnificent thing do, and I wish some of our north' r., sympathisers (?) would comment | little on such an act as that. "Yankee" might have riven ills off In such a time, but the chances n that be would have chant'd nomethl' j for It. But for the two white newspup' In Aug iista the colored man's ear in the gron< crisis through which are now passing would not have lc | •could not have been —as -veil son , ns It ha* been. We ail need to In . off ottr hats to Mr, Phlnlxy and Mi Lovleas ' r have both stood lo ally by us Of course, the tdltor < | Ihe only colored newspaper In A" i gusta, Rev. W. I. White, has he- ] our friend. Mueh Spaee is given us In hts last week’s paper—published Thursday. J We Lighten Your Pane WITH Gas Arcs. Connections Free. Gas Company. Mrs. Florence Roberts Mrs. Florence Roberts, Die actress who is named in the suit, for divorce brought by Mrs. Clara Berber, of Newton, Mass., against Thnrlow Berger, the actor. BRYCE GONE TO ENGLAND. LONDON Ambassador Jam:; Bryce nailed for New York from Liverpool today ou the Mauretania. He rtlHO heartily approves, ho he told me. the course 1 took in going to the white people "right tiff" without waiting He ho* helped t-> turn con tributions our way, in addition to contributing himself. FURNITURE RENOVATING Will soon begin and you will need the necessities for the work. Now the very best article on the mark el today for this work is LIQUID VENEER, and we are the sole agents for this article in Augusta. There is no other just as good, for this is the best. All kinds and colors of floor stains. We have the the goods in all size packages. There is nothing that makes the floor look better than a fine coat of Htain. If any of your metal or discolored, there is nothing that equals PU T Z CREAM for putting it back in its original condition. If any of your furniture comes to pieces then it is LA PAGES GLUE that you need. It will hold tighter than any other kind of glue. Remember that, we carry everything you need for putting your furniture floor and walls back in their old condition.' We have Glass of all sizes and can fill orders rapidly. O'Connor &Schweers Paint Co Broad Street. - Augusta, Ga. SCHOOL BOOKS ami School Supplies, as Bags, Straps, Pencil Boxes, Pads, Ink, Pencils, Pens. Second Land books taken in exchange for new ones. RICHARD’S STATIONERY COMPANY. Lime! Lime! We will deIiver—DISINFECTANT LIME FOR TEN DAYS, in any pari of Augusta, 85c. Per Bbl. Augusta Builder’s Supply Co. Phone 321. 643 Broad St. WANTED—AbIe Bodied Laborers Apply at once to R. G. Hitt at lot opposite Lom bard Iron Works or office RIVERSIDE MILLS. ALSO DOUBLE TEAMS; none but those having good, strong animals capable of pulling a good load need apply. WOMEN ASSORTERS are request ed to return to work. RIVERSIDE MILLS PAGE FIVE