The Augusta herald. (Augusta, Ga.) 1890-1908, September 13, 1908, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13 Social And Personal NEWS FROM BISHOP REESE. St. PMil's “Church Bells" says: We have heard so little news from the blehep that we are pleased to be allowed to publish a few lines from a postal card received by Mr. W. K. Mlllerj Pgoarth, Walea, Am. 19, 1908. We have been here almost four weeks with my brother, have taken two or three trips. As I write I am looking across the Bristol Channel. Hope to be able to tackle London next week. Mrs Reese is very well and I am Improving SURPRISE PARTY. Miss Susie Walsh was the surprised hostess at a delightful little party Fri day evening at which wer e Present Misses Bertha Lackman. Oreaman, Daisy Pate, Katie .Walsh, haggle Marshall, Annie Markwalter, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. KmtagßWorth and Messrs. John Lackman. AdolphMark walter George Marshall, Mac Ken drick, Sim Kendrick, Will McCarthy. John Dorr. Games wer e enjoyed af ter which delicious refreshments were served the young hostess proving herself equal to the pleasant surprise. -Mrs Hoke Smith will leave Mon dav with Miss Faille Smith lor Hol lins Va., where Miss Callie Smi will’ be a student at the Hollins Ins - tate this winter. On her return Mrs Smith Miss Lucy Smith and ML Mary Brent Smith will tor Ne York where Miss Lucy Smith w 1 enter The Castle for the winter, and Mrs. Smith and Miss Smith will spend two months in New York city, flaming home for Christmas. M r s J H. Kstill and Miss Eliza beth Stearns left last night for At lanta. I-ater in the month Mrs. Es till will be joined by her nephew, . . Hill Sloane. who will enter Georg Technological Institute In Mrs Meldrim. Miss bopnn Meldrim, Miss Jane Meldrim Miss Sarah Cunningham and Miss Mildred Cunningham, who are at c ® s,,np .^' e ’ will leave there next week for West Point.—Savannah News. —Misses Lessle and Izzie Robert son have returned home after spend ing some time in Atlanta. —Mrs. J. M. Anderson and little son Lee" will return home today after spending some time at various points of interest among the North Carolina mountains. M rs j w. Crowly is visiting her sister Mrs. Holmes, in Tennille. —Miss Annie Latimer of Thomson, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. E. B. Pilcher, will return to her home this week. —Mrs. Frank T. Graham and chil dren left Friday to join Mr. Graham on a visit to Hendersonville. Miss Esther Graham’s friends will be pleas learn that she will be with her grandmother and aunt in Augusta this winter while attending St. Mary’s Academy. —Mr. J. O. Hall of Savannah pass ed through the city last week on his way to Griffin, Ga„ where he went in the interest of the Bell Telephone company with which he is connected. —Miss Anna Carson, of Atlnnta, will spend October with Mrs. George Smith. Your Earning Capacity Think of the time when your earning ra pacity will be lessened, or it may be cut off al together by accident or misfortune. Think of what you can save now. THEN SAVE IT. We pay four per cent, compounded semi-an nually. IRISH AMERICAN BANK. “The Bank for Your Savings.” k M Mourning Goods of all Kinds Brooches, Necklaces, Scarf Pins, Buttons, Studs.—Every 1 thing in Black. Wm. Schweigert & Co. We Extend the Glad Hand of Welcome to Everybody Whether you buy or whether you are sight-seeing, come in. There is a hearty welcome awaiting you every time you pay us a visit. It will be the endeaver of this store to si rve its patrons in the most satisfactory manner. We want your good will, and will nyake earnest strivings after it, by giving always good service and good values. We U e going to specialize. Everything we have will be a special, every offering to be \ ESPECIALLY GOOD—ESPECIALLY SELECTED—ESPECIALLY REASONABLE. We Have Selected a Few Out Of Our Host Of Specials For Tomorrow's Selling* EVERYTHING NEW AND FRESH. NOT AN INCH OF OLD GOODS IN THE HOUSE. A Chance to Practice Economy in Hosiery CHILDREN’S SCHOOL HOSE 19c FAST BLACK RIBBED HOSE, reinforced heel, toe ill/ and knee, opening price for the pair 1£ WOMEN'S HOSE 25c GUARANTEED NOT TO DYE, soft, fin e cotton hose, Ift v an opening special, for the pair IOC Very Timely Price Reductions on House Furnishings For Our Opening Sale 98c, 72 INCH ALL LINEN SATIN DAMASK, patterns artistic, n'l r a good value at the regular price, Opening Sale Price • XC $3.50 NAPKINS TO MATCH, 3-4 size O C for J All Blankets, Comforts and Spreads, including the new Scalloped Spreads, attractively priced. The design and colorings of our new Art Squares and Rugs are unusually lovely—Come and see them. Also our line of Lace Curtains. You will find the prices will interest you. \ 1 11/ ALL LINEN CRASH; WASH VERY SOFT AND WEARS WELL. OPENING PRICE >//2 C ONLY 9^BC We Feel We H .ve Eclipsed All Other Showings In The Ready-to-Wear. We Invite You To See Them. Phone 183 ENJOYABLE 01R r HDAY PARTY. Misses. Blanche and Lenta Powell, tic bright ii'tlo iltitq.hter of Mr. and Mrs. J. F Pow-y celebrated their third and fifth birthdays Thursday as ternoou from four till six c clock a-; h a party which proved a source of very 2 rear enjoyment to the young guests in attendance. Several games added to the pleasure of the afternoon after which they were ushered intc the sttpper room, where two tables, beau tifully i' “t'lit 1 arc.min ('dated the guests, li-' t<rfs ami >ces all in the roseate tine s-* appro,.’! t to ear ly chiliieo jil, were served. The young gii'sts whi rap.veil I lit- lightftil oc casion were Misses Mavdelle Wise man, Margaret Sttneback, Edna Toll fero, Ruth Scoit, Bessie Wright, Des sne Knhkie, Agnes Oreene, Frances Woodbury, Sarah Moore, Elizabeth Clark, Elizabeth Kllner, Velma Powell and Masters Kinard and Clarence Trowbridge, Milton and Morris Bold ing, Howard and Clarence Park, Ab>c The School Book Question. Tomorrow the pupils of the public schools will know what books to use and the school book rush will he on. Many who have already tried It will advise their friends to go to Dell quest's, on Mclntosh street, In the Leonard building, for, whether you buy new books or second-hand, they will take your old books In exchartfe. so as to still mak,. It to your advan tage to trade with them. Their plan of doing book buslnes# has come to be looked upon as of great benefit to the public. ANDREWS BRO’S. COMPANY Smith, Edmund Kuhlke and Cortes Powell. WEATHERSBi. E-MILLER WEDDING V/-DNEBDAY. Of del!< itful interest to many friends is the m image of Miss .Mary V, eatbersbse and Mi. William E. Mil ler, which will take pace on Tues day afternoo i at 2 o'clock at home of the bride's parents, vfi and Mrs. John Danila!: T' li Centre street. MR. W. F. DOBEY, JR WEDS MISS KIDWELL. A quiet event of Friday evening, yet one of special Interest to many friends was the marriage of Miss Katherine Gordon Kidwell and Mr. I Fred Dohrty, Jr., of Aiken, ri. C. No cards were sent out and the cere monv, wNch took place at the Curt!, Baptist ei.urch parsonage, the Kev. Charles Diiworth officiating, was at tended by the family connections and a few friends only. The bride was most attractive in a datntv gown of cream silk tissue and lace. After the ceremony the congratulations of their friends were received at the Kidwell home on Woodlawn Avc., where the young couple will make their home. Mrs. Doby Is the only daughter of Mr. .1. K. Kidwell and Is » most at tractive and charming young wo | man. | Mr. Dobey Is connected with Mr. Kidwell In business and is a young man of ability and worth, which tur. won for hint many friends during his residence here. I I “ EASTERN STAR. The regular semi-monthly meeting of Elizabeth Chapter No, 43 will b< nehl at o'clock Tuesday afternoon at Masonic Temple. CLUB MEETINGS. PYTHIAN MISTERS The Pythian Sisters will hold their regular meet, lug on Wednesday, September lfitl" at 8:30 p. m. Refreshments will f served after the business meeting and a pleasant time Is In store for all who attend. WEST END LIBRARY The West End Free Library association will meet at the Library on Tuesday morn ing. September 15th, at 11 o'clock. A full and prompt attendance Is urgent ly requested, as matters of Interest will be discussed KING'S DAUGHTERS—The regu lar monthly meeting of tbe City Union THE AUGUSTA HERALD. of the King's Daughters will he held at the Women's Club rooms, Monday, September 14th, at 5 o’clock. Annie A. Shumate, secretary. - —Miss Margaret Lyons and Miss Nell O'Keefe leave today for Sivun nah, where they will spend a few days with friends. —Mr. Harry McAullffe’a friends are very pleased to s< e him out after his recent accident during the freshet. - Mr. Belton Orchard, who has been in Atlanta for the past week, is ex pected home tomorrow. —Mr. Jerry Lyons left Friday for Ids home in Texas, after a pleasant : visit to Augusta relatives. Miss Florence Newsome returned Thursday from Lawtnnvllle. where | she visited frb nds. Miss Laura Belle Beach will leave tomorrow for Savannah, where Hhe wlli visit her uncle, Mr. W. K ! Pearce. —Miss Lillian Perkins returned yes terday from a delightful visit to Mrs. Stiles Dunbar at, Wadley, Ga. Miss Laura Beddenback hHK re turned to her home In Savannah, as l ter a pleasant visit with Mrs. .1. O. | Beach. Miss Etta Mae Otto, who bus been the attractive guest of Mrs Fol i som Perkins Roan, has returned to I her home In Macon. 1 Mr, and Mrs. Gaudry Crisp have ' returned from Mobile, Ala., and are now with Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Beach |on lower Ellis street. Mrs. M. 11. Dowling and Mrs, Wli ! Ham Allen hav,. returned from IndlHti Springs. * The news that Mrs Elizabeth Hu bert, with her very Interesting fain | lly, will remove to Atlanta this month, to locate In that city, will he I received with universal expressions •f regret. Mr. Edward Hubert, who J ill he graduated with honors at the /•red Heart College, will next term er the Georgia Srhooi of Tech .ologv In Atlanta , Mrs James Dowling, of Rlrmlng ham, Is the guest of Mrs. S. C. Jones ; on Telfair street, Mrs. f) M. Potter returned Mon day from s pleasant visit, to relatives In Macon. The many friends of Miss Mamie : Sherman ar„ delighted to see her out after a prolonged Illness resulting from a fall sustained over a year ago Miss Sherman's friends and former | patrons will welcome her hack at I Bleakley's after tbe Q' s*« Note These Record Values in Whftewear 10c “SEMPER IDEM" A well known standard shirting wo have *jl/ marked as an opening special at the low price of / /2^ 40 INCH W HITE LAWN, worth up to 10c the yard, in good lengths, for the yard only dC 19c FINE SOFT NAINSOOK, in practical lengths, an ideal rna- i'll/ terial for Cine work, the yard 1/L 25c PILLOW CASES, 36x45, good quality cotton, opening jo price for the pair IOC sl-25 FULL SIZE HEMMED SHEETS, of excellent, heavy n'T quality sheeting, sale [trice, per pair V/C —Mrs W. H. Puryoar and Misses Willie and Rlchardliie Puryear have returned from Savannah and Tybee. Mrs. John Connelly and Miss Caroline Bean*, hav,, prolonged their j stay In Columbia. Mr. J. .1. Camion is spending the weekend with his family In Havan j nah. Mlbb Bessie HHckett, of Havan nah. Is the attractive guest of Miss Mildred Carter on lower Ellis street ■ Mr John McCafferty, of Macon, Is In the city. Mrs, 11. H, Baker Is visiting her brother, Mr. J. B. Anderson, In War j renton. -Prof, C. H Bruce and his Interest Ing little family have returned to the 1 city after a pleasant stay of several months with relatives In Banks county. 4% The Planters loan and Saving bank 705 Broad Street. The Oldest Savings Bank In the City. In successful operation 38 years and growing more popu lar with the people and stronger In their confidence each year. In aelecting a bank for your Bavinge Account do not fail to Investigate the fa;iliti*a and etrength of this bank. Resources Over $1,000,000.00 Safe As “Safest.” The asms careful attention to small accounts as to tlw larger ones DepositAfhy Bn unde by Mall L. C. /ayna, Prau. Ct,,,. C. Howard, Caahlar. Augusta Trunk Factory, BAVED FROM THE- FRESH*- - GREAT REDUC TION BALE BTILL ON Few Slightly damaged Trunks from the water which we will sell at great sacrifice. TRUNKB, VALIBEB, BUIT CASES, LEATHER GOODS, ETC. Augusta Trunk Factory, BSI Broad—Wrong Side 8t„ Right Side of Prices. The 1 rade-|mlli ng power in Sofia Water depends largely on the syrups used. Every drop of syrup and ice cream served at this Fount, made personally by Turner Howard. For Those Who Know and Others. THE SAVOY. j On The Corner. I PAGE THREE 862 Broad Street Goat Is sma Telephone Us Phone 593. LET Ua REPAIR Your Trunk*, damaged by itiw wafnr. f'an makp them over strong as new—