Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 15, 1817, Image 1

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*• ~ i Ft I [VOL XXXII.] 1 ■-- 1 Bills on New York For sale by- N. L . Sf S, Siurges. Ociobcr 11. * tt Bills on New York For pale at the store of JV* L. & S. SturgeSj by Beers & S targes. October 11.* * ts Bills on New York AT SHORT SIGHT, For Sale by A. Slaughter & C. Labuzan. August 16. ■ , tf* Bills on New-York For Sale by Benjamin Picqqet. August 53. -ts Bills on New-York 1 For Sale by Ls, Barie. October 4. f Bills on New-York For Sale by Beach & Thomas. October 4. ______ (31erk Wanted. I A YOUNG man of respectable con- J\_ uexions who can come well recom mended, and none else .need apply? may hear of a situation in a dry good store— Apply to the printers. Oct. 11 —nt Family Flour. THE subscribers will keep constantly on hand for sale, a supply of SU PERFINE FLOUR, from one of the best mills in the Southern States. Wilson & Black. Oct. 8. ts - r* ' "■ Battalion Orders. AN Election will be held at the usual company parade ground, on Thurs day the 16th inst. between the usual hours for a Captain to fill the vacancy I dccasioned by the death of Capt. Miller •—also for a Lieutenant and £ns;gn to I command said company. Jiy order of s Gk B. Marshall. October 6. c I Regimental Orders PTIHE Tenth Regiment Georgia Militia A —Majors Watkins and Marshall, will be particularly careful, that their commissioned and non-commissioned of Jxcers have legal orders to parade their companies armed and equipped as the law directs, on THURSDAY the 23d of J|: this month,on Grafcn-street, opposite Mrs Moore’s in this city, at 9 o’clock, a. m. By order of Col. Peter Donaldson. Jonathan M. Harid, Adjust. October 4. f IH.WE appointed Alexander M*Kin stry my attorney during my absence from Augusta. t. C. THOMPSON. ts September 3. ts I &Wg are authorised to an I nounce Capt. JAMES BARTON, a can- B tiidate for the office of Receiver of Tax Returns for Richmond county at the en- B suing election. Sept. 13. I Carriages Gigs FOR SALE. HE subscriber his received an ad ditional supply of Gigs and Car riages of a superior quality, made by David Beach of Newark, and warranted ; good—They will be sold on accommo i dating terms. ALSO— Double Breasted COT TON GINS, of from 45 to 65 saws, 1 1, nude by Boatwright & Glaze.—apply to ' .. ' Gk 15. Marshall. September 3. ts FOB SALE, fl A Likely Young Female Slave , ; B A BOU VlB years of age, a good house ;fl XVL servant—also seamstress, iron and i B Washerwoman—sold for want of cash, i; I for which n bargain will be. given.—En u ■ 'jjdre lids office. Oct. 8. nt I To Rent, „ ■ the Market-House in Jlugusta, on Wednesday 29 th October , ie l jJpHAT* valuable swamp Plantation ofß ,-SL about four miles below Augusta, „ r m * aown as Samuel Bugg’s, for one year, rt B oramencing from the Ist January next. erH Yal. Walker, B „ one of the Trustees.- B October a. tdr H ■ ' rnfo GEOHOM ' GAZETTE. ■* ■■ The Subscribers, ARE DAILY RECEIVING, large quantities of GOODS, DIRECT FROM EUROPE. , TW / ’ 3 IiUCH they can and will sc 1 1 as V V low as any other house in the state that are regular dealers, ami will give the highest price for COTTON and.oth ,t Produce. Customers e. ill be prompt ly attended to, and their favours grate fully received by A. Erwin, Groce 6l Co. October 11 ts Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER , 1 Has taken a Stand a few doors above captain Ketchnms, North side, upper end of Broad-Street, IF a ERE HE WILL TRANSACT Commission Busi ness. And Expects a Supply of GROCERIES, SHORTLY. Widely will be disposed of low for cash. Isaac La Koche. October 11 ts The Subscribers, Having formed a connexion in Business , UNDER THK FIRM OF I*. Andrews ts Co. Respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, i and inform them that they have for sale, at their Tin Ware Manufac tory, broad street, JVV.r t door above Mr. J. TY. Bridges, ....An Extensive Assor'mcnt 0f,.. WARE, Os their own make, which they can con fidently recommend, —VIZ:— COOKING Utensils of every descrip tion Liquid and Dry Measure, according . to the regulations of the Market Japanned and Plated Ware Sheet Iron Stoves Hardware, Crockery Ware, Castings, and An assortment of Groceries. Orders for Conductors, Gutters, &c. attended to in town or country, at the shortest notice. N. B. Wanted, three good Journey men Tin Plate Workers, to whom libe ral wages will be given—two smart lads would be taken as apprentices. %* The highest price given for clean Cotton and Linen Rags. Richard Andrews, Ira C. Day. October 4 -ts Just Received from Virginia, 40001bs. Best Chewing Tobacco, \ ARIIANTED to be prime, for f V sale by the subscriber. D. Halst :n. September 27. f FOR SALE, 70,000 lbs. Prime GREEN COFFEE IN TIERCES AND BAGS. will be sold in lots to suit y purchasers, fpr satisfactory Town Paper, at 4 and 6 months, on applica tion to the subscribe*, JOHN TAYLOR, AtM’Kenzie, Bennoch Sc Co. September 13 ts FACTORAGE AND c OMMISSI ON B UStNESS. I-’HE subscribers having formed a co partnership under the firm of Han Mart, Oakarl ts Co. and rented the large anti convenient Wure-Houscs o Maj. Phinizy, will be ready, after the ;*rst of October, to receive goods or pro duce for storage at customary rates, and to attend to any business in their line and hope their industry and attention to business will entitle them to a liberal share of public patronage. J. Hanhart, J. Ganabl, Hr Btouder. Septembers, ISIT. cn> ■L 1XJ1"?'1"II’-—! WEDNESDAY, (K3TOHEJI 15 , 1817. RHR W—MAH mm MT «■■■ M RWRaW—MM———M— - 4 THE subscriber has associated Mr. William BootEuin Ids business, which will he conducted in future under the firm of George Hudson & co. George Hudson. October 11 v ts . G. Hudson, 4; Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Per the schooners Three »Sisters, and Young tS'ea Horse, from New-York. —An Extensive Assortment of — British, French & India DRY GOODS, Cutlery, Hardware, \ N D Groceries. * ALSO—- CROCKERY, —A N D Glass Ware, Which they are rmindd to sell on accommodating terms by the Package, Piece or otherwise, as may suit purrhasers. October 11 ts Lottery Tickets. For Sale BY THE SUBSCRIBER, At the Store of JV*. L. S. Sturges, TICKETS IN THE Second Class of the Oconee Navigation Lottery. > The Drawing of which will commence on the 18th day of December next. 4 J. C. Nickelson. October 8 cw Win. Sims, ts Co. Are now Receiving and Opening their , Winter's Supply of GOODS; Their Stock will be very Exten sive & Complete, consisting of BRITISH, FRENCH, INDIA & DOMESTIC GOODS, Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on their usual low and accommo dating terms. October 1. ts THE SUBSCRIBERS IN addition to their former stock of goods, have Just received, and will continue to receive through the summer and fall seasons, a general supply pf sta ple and Fancy goods, which will be sold low for cash, or fippiovc' 1 paper. The Following articles are among their RECENT SUP FLY— VIZ: 1 case Irish Linens 1 trunk Furniture Prints 1 do. Lace ground do. 1 case Furniture Dimity I do fancy Ginghams 1 trunk Merseilles Quilts 2 cases Northern Homespun 2 trunks 6-1 Cambric Muslin Figured ts plain Levantineand Flo rence Silks Plaid,Sarsnetts and Canton Hk’fs Extra Superfine London Cloths 1 case Horse and Gig Whips 2 cases Guns 100 pieces Cotton Bagging* ALSO. 20 boxes China 8 by 10 Window Glass D. P. & Powder, Shot and Lead Corsica and Sicily Madeira Wine Jamaica Rum Loaf and Lump Sugar White Lead, Linseed Oil, &x. T. & J. Cunningham. August 2. _ ts DISSOLUTION. milE Cop ar^nerß b>P °f T. 6IE, Flew tin, is this day dissolved by mutual consent —all those having demands a .jainst the late firm, will present them to Flewellin # Dickinson for settlement, and all those indebted, are requested to make immediate payment to the same.' Taylor Flewelliu, Eaton Flewellin. October 4. _ ts FOR SALE, Or -barter for a FIELD HAND, k VALUABLE House Servant—well qualified to attend upon a genteel family Apply a t t* s '" Sept 20 ts J. W. Bridges, IS NOW RECEIVING . AND OPENING, An Extensive Assortment 9 CONSISTING OF, British, French, India, and Do mestic DRY G .... —A LS O A General Assortment of Hardware and Cut lery. LIKEWISE A Complete Supply of GROCERIES. His Stock is extensive and complete, and will be offered at wholesale and re tail, on his “ usual low and accommoda ting terms.” Bills on New-York. October 11 4f FRESH 7 Drugs ts Chemicals. John F. Pouyat, Opposih the Exchange,Savannah. Has Just Received by Numerous Arri vals, a large and general assortment of DRUGS, tfc. Which he confidently recommends to the Public to be genuine, being carefully selected by himself. —AMONG THEM AKE-m Rhubarb Pulv. II boxes Roll Brim- Ditto Root stone Pulv. Jalap Lunar Caustic Ditto Ipccacuanna Colombo Root and Henry’s Magnesia Powder Magnesia Lump Race Ginger > f . Flake Manna Pulv. do, £ 1 Alex. Sennal Rad Gentian Cream Tartar Orange Peel Calomel Sandford’s Yellow Tartar Emetic Bark Blue and white Vit- Pulv- yellow & red riol Bark Rochelle Salts , Wafers assorted Sugar Lead Gum Opium, (Tur- Nutmegs & Cloves key) Cinnamon & Mace Ditto Tragacanth Laudanum Ditto Arabic Paregoric iEther Vitriolic Macaboy & Scotch Spts. Nitre Dulcis Snuff Ditto Hartshorn Volatile Salts Balsam Copive Sulphur ) Carb Soda. With a General Assortment of i * Pateßt Medicines Surgical Instruments Shop Furniture Perfumery of every description. And every other article usually dis pensed and found in a Medical Store. Where Planters, Merchants, Country Store Keepers, and all who deal in Drugs and Medicines, will be supplied with ev ery article warranted genuine at the low est prices. ~ i ., 240 Kegs first quality London WHITE LEAD, ground in Oil, just received by the ship Lucy, from Lon don —Always on hand Painter’s Colours Brushes and Oils, Varnish, &c. For sale low as above. October 8 ® Stainback Wilson AND James A. Black, HAYING associated themselves in business under the firm of WIL SON & BLACK, offer their services to their friends, and the public in general* in the ' » COMMISION AND Factorage Line. They have the Ware-House lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett ts Sims, where every attention will given to ren der general satisfaction. , Augusta, April 30 CALL ts SEE, SUPERB Paper Hanging. A LARGE and m6st elegant assort ment is now opened at the NEW CITY AUCTION STORE, worthy the attention of the public. A greater vari ety of Patterns were never before offered in this market. October 1. ts • N K • I ♦ TttE SUBSCRIBER Respectfully informs his friends and the public in general, THAT IN ADDITION TO |l|s FORMER stock of mrs, HB BAS JUST RBCKH S/D VERT fcXTENSIVJi ASSORTMENT. Which he will sell at a very small ad vance, for Cash or Approved Paper, jO.ENTLEMEN’s Black Beaver Hats vfl hme and Coarse Castor ditto me and Coarse Rorum ditto Vine and Coarse Wool . ditto Cadies’and Misses Beaver Bonnets • Moroccco Capa * Ditto Skins Military Goods of all kinds v. Gentlemen’s Fine Boots, & c . &e. ALSO, ON HAND—», Three or Four Hundred Pounds Beaver,, Which he will dispose of low for Cash; * John Barry, October 4. fcvv Hats , Dry Goods <^c. FIGURED and plain Canton Crapes, fashionable colours 4-4 Irish Linens Twilled Bbmbazetts, all colours Osnaburghs, Ticklenburghg Hesssians, ficc. &c. Ladies’ misses’and childrens’Beavers Gentlemens’ best Hats and Boots s . 50 cases mens’ roram and wool Hats 20 casks and 5 hhds. N.B.Rum * Cotton Cards, ftc* Just Received and for sale by Ames & Allen. ’ %* Who Hvill remove from their pre sent stand (upper end 6f Broad-Street) on Ist October next to the house of Dr. Watkins. ' ' • ... » .September 27 r " 4 Notice/ * THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers his servlets' to his friend* and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AN® Factorage Line. HAVING taken the lately occupied by Mr. Isaac L» Roche, where every attention wiij be given to render general satisfaction. ' John Burton. October 4 ts “ • ■■■ ■ 1 | Steam Boat Com pany. , THE Board will receive Application? for the appointments or Treasurer and Assistant of the Company in this place, until the 21st tost, inclusive. Candidates can ascertain the duties and salaries of their office, and the secu* nty required, by applying to the Presi dent. Augustus Brnx, Cashier . October 4 ' ts Just Received, i Razees, for two Horses , ' 2 Carriages 2 Gigs. Which will be sold low for Cash, by B. PICQUET. FOR SAEZ, Bills bn N. York. October I .. ’-tf SLAUGHTER # JLABUZAN Have Just Received A CONSIGNMENT of'Cotton Yarn, which they will sell on very ac commodating terms. August 8 ts • NOTICE HEZEKIAII DICKINSON having' purchased the interest of Mr. Eaton Klewedin in theconcern of T.& £• Flew ellin, the business will in future be car ried on under the lirm of FLEW ELLIN and DICKINSON ht the establishment of the late firm, whore they havcVm ex tensive ware-house Ik commodious sI&NMIb, for the reception of all k,inds bf produce and goods. They tender them services totjicirfriends and the public generally, and onl y ask for such encouragement is their attention and punctuality will ei * title them to. T aylor Klewellin, Hezekisßi Dickinson. September 3. t ts ~~ FOR SALE, A YOUNG Female Servant, 1/years ofage,well calculated for thb house —Apply at this office, ‘ October 4. , tt 1 "V 1 ; f" m ioO 9*|