Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 15, 1817, Image 3

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tfijc place of Mr. Jones wc hjve not ascer tained. ’ . • We have also reason to believe that H. ,¥. Brackenridge, esq. of this city, is to proceed in an official character with the commissioners; perhaps as Sedfttary to the missidn* <s»:d:«-!» — FROM K. HCIUID —-EFT. 30. Cruize of the Congress. - U. S. frigate Congress, Harbour of? . Port-au-Prince,StDomingo,July 23. $ We arrived here yesterday after a pas sage of 30 days frrtm the Balize. Nothing worthy of remark happened during that time. We leave this on the -sth fur Cape-Henry. Port-au-Prince bears the marks of a well laid out city. The hous es principally are built,of wood, two sto ries high. At present a great number of them are in ruins. The harbour is spacious and good, capable of containing 4or 5 hundred vessels. It has been well fortified, but at present the fortifications are entirely in ruins. President Pet;uu is a yellow man, about 5 feet 8 inches high, rather thin with an open countc -1 nance, and the gentleman*. He governs Mth mildness is beloved by his peo ple. The governfhent is a military re public. Hie naval force consist of one ■frigate, built by Adam and Noah Brown mounting 32 gan«*, formerly the General Gates, of New-ITork, and one brig of lb Sans, formerly the U. S. brig Fire-Fly. I 0 not know what his military force may be computed at. as every man has to turn out whenever his services may be. Squired. The people aro generally in dolent. *4 ■ Cape-Henry, 2d August. We arrived hereyesterday. The con trast between the two black princes is striking, as respects their form of govern ment. Here every thing is carried on in military style. Baron Dupe is the king’s prime minister. He is a black man and ts well informed, The king is at his country seat 15 miles in the interim’. The citv remains as the revolution left it, mostly in mins. The harbour is good but rather difficult of access. It is in differently defended. The king has an tmmence fortification 29 miles in the in terior, situated on a mountain about 2500 ♦ feet above the level of the sea. It is said there are 30(lpieccs of cannon moun ted on it-—This he intends for his retreat in case of invasion, and has it well stor ed with provisions and ammunition, He has schools established throughout his dominions. There is one at this plhce on the Lancastrian principle, consisting of 150 scholars, principally the sons of noblemen and officers. It appears to be his wish to enlighten his subjects as much as possible, and I believe him to be one ofthe most despotic princes of the age. Every person is the servant of the king , —-He call son them as circumstances may require. Prince John, the brother ofthe king, died about a month ago. Tic la vin lacte 21 days. During which time they red a gun tevery half hour, for which his ife paid g 4 per pound for the powder, de leave this to-morrow for the island f wUargaritfa. Fompart* , Island of Margaritla, > 21st August, y We arrived here yesterday and found tis place entirely in ruins, in possession : the patriots. Gen. Morillo had been ere endeavouring to establish the royal ithority, but hearing of the success of ic patriots on the Main, he drew otfhis wees on the 18th ult. consisting ol 3000 ten, to protect that quarter. During is stay at this Island, he succeeded in iking this place and made an attempt n Assumption, the capital of the Island, ut was repulsed. The governor of the iland paid us a visit to-day. He esti the loss of the royalisis w hile at iis Island at 1500 men. He further tates that the whole province of Guyan &is is in possession of the patriots— they murder men, women and children dtbout distinction. It is said the wo icn took an active part at the attack on Assumption, and wherever they found ne ofthe royal party wounded they dis latched him immediately. We leave his to-morrow for Cumana, where we 10 doubt shall hear another story. P *m ictar is situated on the E.S.E. part ofthe stand. Cumana , August 24. We arrived here yesterday, where we oundGen. Morillo with a force said to onsist of 5000 men. The royalist ac knowledge a loss of TOO men during their tajr at Margaritta. The news is confirm id of the whole province of Guyannais >eingin possession «t the patriots, and it s supposed they intend makingan attack >n Carraccas. General Morillo leaves fhis in a day or two for that place, where iie is mustering all his forces to oppose uiem. Ife leave this to-morrow for Barcelona. f . , l 1 z Barcelona, 29 th A ugnsf. ffe arrived hereyesterday, and leave ™! ‘ n course of the day for Laguira. this has suffered much by the re volutwn.' Last year sir Gicgor M‘Gre «it; shortly sftcrJt was re-faken y the royalists, when they put every jnanto the s\yord, who were enemies to or cause. The emancipation of this «ountry is,yet doubtful. There appears w ith the Al uough Bolivar styles himself comman .er mc " it is a mere nominal title. y person who can raise 2 or 300 men f»n | l ‘ msie if a general, and without S an y service to the commbu ÜBtt » he becomes a freebooter. . V ♦ jl ••' *; . Laguirty <ili September. Tnis city su'Jered much by the earliv quaßC in 1312; The lineup arc meatfly i built, the streets nar'Aw, crookejJ ■ and badly paved, like mpst of the Spanish towns on the Maine. Moiilio a*wi his fopce arrived Ikt yesTnhiy, He i- mar ching his troops fur Caraccas’. Kverv thing respecting the revolution is kept secret at this place. fVi\ leave (his to morrow for the U. S. You will rutw ask what has becmfte of Mr. Tyler, and wlv.t the object of our crui/.e. Mr. Tyler was sent out as the agent ofmir govern ment to that of Christoj.he's, to «7einami monies for property confiscated, but the black prince refused paying any such debts. The abject of our cruize on the Span ish Main is not known to rne. it is con jectured by some that it was to ascertain the Spanish force in (hat quarter in case ot a war with the Spanish government. Hampton Roads, 24 th Sept. IFe arrived here yesterday after a pas sage. of 20 days from Laguna. Mr. Tyler died on board the loth wist, after an ill ness of 11 days. P.S, He go to Norfolk, the first fail wind. Jixo the it le t teh. U. S. frigate Congress; Lyn- b Haven day, Sept. 2J. ' 3 IFc arrived here to-dav, 20 davs from Laguira. (Singe we left the New-Orlcans station, we have been in six different ports, viz: Port-au-Prince, Cape-Henry. Marguritta, Cumana, Barcelona, ami last Laguira. fFe arrived at Margaritta the 2lst of last month, lien. Murillo with an army of between 2 and 5000 men, hail left it 1 days previous. Me were informed by the patriots that the royal army had been on the island about 20 days: during which time they had five cn gagemcnts,and were defeated with a loss of about 1500, killed and wounded. The loss of the patriots was small. The war here is a war of extermination. Gene ra! .d/orilio arrived at Laguira about the 5:1 inst. from Cumana, with a part of his forces, say about 1700, all told. They expected an attack no Caraccas, where the v intended to concentrate their forces. You are acquainted with capt. Tyler of the ordnance department I believe.— His brother was on board of us as agent to Cape Henry, and departed this life on the 17th instant—He caught the fever at Laguira, and was sick about ten days. Our correspondent at Baltimore writes us that captain Gantz, of the brig Little- Frank, who arrived there last Sunday forenoon in 28 days from La-Veia-Cruz, informs, that the day before lie sailed there was a report thatgeneral Mina and all his army had been taken—Tins re port captain Gantz did not believe, as there were, no rejoicings or illuminations at La-VeraCruz, on the occasion. An important decree has recently been made by the Spanish government,'which authorises the free cultivation and sale of tobacco in the island of Cuba, and its free exportation thence to foreign countries, in Spanish vessels exclusively, on pay ment ot a moderate dutv. It moreover authorises the importation of .that article into.-Spain, on private account, by the port of Cadiz, Corunna and Alicant only, and its re-exportation (in Spanish vessels) free of further duty. The Military School at ’Vest Point.— It isstated in the National Intelligencer of Saturday, that a thorough investiga tion of the complaints and alledged a buses at the military school is soon to be had by order of the executive. Orders, it is said, have already been issued for a general court martial and court of inqui ry, <0 be held at West Point on the 20th of October next A Brussels paper of the 31st July states, that, on the preceding day, Mr. Eustis, our Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary, charged with the definitive arrangement of the com mcrcial relations between the United and the Netherlands, and to conclude a treaty for that purpose, dined with the king at the place of Lac ken. Captain Selby, of the Gazette, who arrived ac Ncvv-Yoik, from Port-au- Prince, states, that Mr. Johnson, of this city, who was some time ago arrested at Aux Cayes, was honorably acquitted on the Bth September, alter four months and 8 days detention at Port-au-Prince; the govuiunent not being able to shew cau»e-for arrest, or find any charges a gainst him.— Bui. Fed. Gaz. Is/ inst. 1 A Philadelphia paper says, We ' Jearn from an authentic source that his ! majesty the emperor of Russia has been • pie aseil to promote Mr, Daschkolf, Ins minister near the United states, to the rank of colonel.” ‘ In this country, the appointment of t a • foreign minister to the rank of colonel, • would not be considered as any great ■ promotion. Ibid. 1— 1 Extract of a letter from an intelligent ' officer at Belle Fontaine, dated Au -5 .gust 21. s “ Captain Duffy, who arrived here on - the 19th inst. brings information that a • cons derable number of Indians, of vaji • oifs tribes, were assembled at fort Arm strong They say that they expect in tire course of the week, theif force will 1 m. 2,200, and that their object is to at tack the Sioux-f-but this is questionable • 1 V ' - f r. .. ;f : important jscoivjenr. A nemmodc of wanufadturinf salt has been discovered by Air. Everard Hall, residing on Lifcfte Island, in Princes Anno'counly, Virginia which j>romisbs to bo highly important. It is asserted tlmt such is the saving of labor, introdu ced, by this invention, that it is believed, at an i expense comparatively trifling, an establishment be erected to pro duce five hundred bushels per day; and the imentor is confident, from the ex periments he has made on the sutject, that at the smallest calculation, one hun dred and fifty per cent per annum might be expected ujhmi the capitaUmplovcd, allowing the salt to sell for no more than 25 cents per bushel, clear of-freight. Baltimore Patriot. » From the Charleston Courier* *■ The following is a copy of a letter from gen. Washington to doctor Coch ran, director general of the military hos pitals during our revolutionary war. It whs obtained from the son of Dr. Coch ran, and its authenticity cun be vouched lor. It will serve to remove the reproach that has been sometimes cast upon the general of his possessing a cold and un sociable temper. The style of the let ter is playful and lively, and exhibits great goodness and sincerity of disposi tion. TJ' August IG. 1779 Dear Doctor.—l have asked Mrs. Cochran and Mrs. Livingston to dine with Ilie to-morrow; but ought I not to apprize them of their fare? As 11||£ de ception, even where the imagination on ly is concerned, I will. It is needless to promise that my ta . Die is large enough to hoick the ladies— -01 this they had occular pimofyesterday. To say howitis usually covered,is rath er more-essential, and this shall be the< purport of my letter. Since my arrival at this happy spot, we have had a ham, sometimes a shout der of bacon, to grace the head of the ta ble—a small piece of roast beef adorns the foot, and a. small dish of greens or beans (almost imperceptible) decorates the centre. When the cook has a mind to cut a figure (and this I presume he will attempt to do to-morrow) we have two beef slake pics or dishes of crabs in addition, one on each’side of (he centre dish, dividing the space, and reducing the distyiCe between dish and dish to about buffet, which without them would be nearly Impart. Os late he has had the siuyvisirtg luck to discover that ap ples will make pies; and it is a question it, amidst the violence of his efforts, wc do not get one of apples instead of hav ing both of beef. It the ladies can put up with such en tertainment, and submit to partake of i( on plates once fin, but now iron, (not become so by the labor of scouring) 1 shall be happy to sec them, I am dear sir, Your most ob’t.' servant. (iFORGE WJiSHLYOTOW. To Dr. John Cochran. DIED, on the Sd inst. Mr. John Hanhvht, a native of Switzerland, of the house of Hauhart, Gahald, <§• Co. of this place* ——, on Saturday morningjast, Ann Elizabeth Viuginla Bowers, aged 2 years, S months and 12 days, daughter of Mr. Samuel Bowers, of BaruwellDis trict, South-Carollna. Prices Current. Cotton - - i 26 to 27 Flour - - - 7to 8 Coffee - - - 23 to 24 Sugar, Orleans - . 13 to 15 Jamaica - - -.16 N. E. Rum • - 80 to 85 Whiskey, Northern . 85 Cogniac Brandy - 250 Poach ditto 125 West India Rum -■ 137$ Jamaica ditto - - 150 to IG2 Molasses . - - 60 cts. Salt - - - 100 Sweeds Iron - - 4$ to 5 —-ii ■■ Hi m*i —i—■ <r Entertainment. The Subscriber, AS taken maj. Thomas Woodward 2 jj. in co-partnership, at his former stand in Milledgcville, at the corner of <he public square, opposite Mr. Flem ming’s store. The house being commo dious, affords a number of convenient rooms for the accommodation of such gentlemen and ladies as may please to give them a call. They will at all times keep the best the market will afford, and their bar will be furnished with the best of Liquors, their stables with plenty of provender ami attentive ostlers, their house w ith honest servants, and every at tention paid for the accommodation of their guests. They therefore, respect fully solicit the patronage of a generous public. The House adjoins the Public Square, and is a very convenient situa tion for such members of the Legislature who may honor them with their company at'the ensuing session. They will be ena ablcd to accommodate from thirty to forty members. John Jeter , Thomas Woodward. ‘ October 13 c - M CTIpW j On; Monday the SOw instant, at 10 o’clock, A.M. Will he solt\ before the store of Thomas E. CoMeif, & Co. their entire stock in trade, consisting principal'}- of Groceries. . 7TRMS—Sums of and under S 100, cash—over g I Os), and'finder SSUO six ty days—over five hundred dollars, nine ty flays. Notes with approved endorsers. By order of the surviving copartner. James Fraser, aucUr. October 15 u Hauhart, Gauahl, St Co. Jlave Just Received) AX I) OFFli.ll FOU SALE, Low for Cash, or on a 1 abend ■ Credit, 200 Pieces Cotton Bagging 6 Bales London Dutlil &, Hose Blau . kets 5 ditto Lion Skins, assorted colours Apd Grey Bath Coating, A SMALL AMOI(TMENT OF BUTCH GOODS, S U C It A S Osnahurgs Tecklcnburghs' Brown Hoi Is Heady made Bngs Pocket and Toilet Glasses Beads, &c. FOR SALE, Drafts on New-York •Post-Notes of the L T . S. Bank, al Hauhart, Ganalil & Ca. Next door above Jlr. -lie Laigles. Octubtj* 15 ' - Lost or S f tolen7 . ON Monday morning last, between the hours of 4 and 7 o’clock, fiom the baggage ott the Northern stage, n while hair Trunk, about two and a half feet in length, containing principally va rious articles of female ami children’* clouihing, and a small quantity of Jew elry, among which were a -old repeating Watch, Breast Pins, Rings, and a gilt Necklace—also, a Table Spoon and two Tea Spoons, engraved with tiic letters C. A.—Among the clothing, wag two black silk gowns. Any person deliver ing the above Trunk, with its contents to the editors ol the Augusta Chronicle, or the Columbia s. r. Gazette, shall re ceive a reward of 10 dollars, and no questions will be asked. M. ANTONIO. October 15 _ ' ct - VORKEABLV to tlie last will <Sj* tes tament of James Pearce, late of Richmond countv, deceased. IHII bo sold, on the Ist Tuesday in December next, (if not previously disposed of it private sale,) THE FOLLOWING Tracts of Land, 600 Acres of Land on the wa ters of Bear creek, Franklin county, ori ginally granted to Nathaniel Pearre— Bounded N. E. by Call, on the other sides by lands of Win, Glascock, and George Walton. 202$ Acres Land, Lot No* SO, 3d dis trict, old Wilkinson county. 154 Acres Land in Wilkes county, near the mouth of Long creek, adjoining lands of Clue, and George Graves. 154 Acres in Rilkes county, adjoin ing land ofCloe Graves; each being part of 924 acres of land originally granted to Andrew Robinson. 92$ Acres of Land, Elbert county- Hounded by lands of Joshua Graves, and by Savannah river; being a part of a tract originally granted to Joshua Bradley. 143 Acres in Jackson county, adjoin ing lands of Joshua Grave a 83.3 Acres of Land in Warren county, on Duhart’s creek; also one other tract originally granted to Angus Martin. Title Deeds and Plots may be seen on the day of sale, when the terms of pur chase will be made known. J. T. ALLEN,} F . . L. PEARRE, $ fS * October 15 ts N otice. A LL those who arc indebted to the /ji. estate of the late Col. Theophilus Thomas, of Scriven county, deceased, are hereby notified to make immediate payment; and ail those to whom said estate is indebted, will prese.nt their de mands within the time prescribed by law, to Lucy Thomas, Sole adm\v . of said estate. October 14 ,11 10 Dollars Reward TQ) UN A WAY from the subscriber in Lincoln county , on the 4th inst. a negro fellow named Peter, about twenty years of age, 6 feet high, dark complex ion, had on when he left me, a white plains round jacket, with coloured cuds and col*Ar, a blue grounded homespun vest, and a new felt bat. Any person that will stop the said fellow, and lodge him in some safe jail, shall receive the above rewind, and all reasonableexpen ces paid. William o‘Keal. % October 15 la .vim 1 \ >■>*, - ‘ Wf* k■ ' M Tb iUt Web's of 4 - Thomas Peacock alien, Beemsed, 1 V DEPAR I'ljUi, this life at Lincoln Court-House, Georgia, on day, the 22(1 of July,.! 817; Thomas Pea cock, alien, aged IBmL SO to, 35, came from Ireland, paving* properly as fol lows, 1 waggon and hort®, & tolerable handsome j|ss«;itment «&Dry Goods, for a man of mg ocpnpatlon, viz': an Itioc rant Trader, commonly called a pedlar# The heirs of the said 'Chos. Peacodk, deceased are notified fft c*»mo within the time prescribed by (he escheat law of this state. The heirs can be more ful ly satisfied respecting the and also the death ofrthe said deccaaetl, by applying to the cschcator of Lincoln county.-Georgia. * •-% - in Hum Harptr, Eseheator. 4 October 15 -lawfim *** —""f **"■ * » Attention. I NOW oiler for sate, a valuable tract of LAND, belonging to th 6 egkte of John Jones, lying in Burke county, 10 miles above Wavnesborough, main road to Warrentonj containing 900 acres. Any gentleman wishing to purchase, a valuable tract of Lapd, will do wed to call and see the known by applying to the the premises* John Jones. October 14 upt ——— •<>' r i Mtice. INK months after date application ‘ Xw will be made to tire Inferior court of Richmond comity, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell forty acres of land, lying and oeing in Rich mond county, on the waters of Rockey cteUk,moreor I css, adjoining lands of Dr. Anderson Watkins and the applicant-** also one negro man slave named Sam. The above described property will be sold, for thn purpose of making a dlvi dcntjNbetwixt the hcii-s of John Lambert, Holland JtyTyre, adm'f. October 15, 1817. m9m List of Letters, Kemmning in the Post-Office, Waynesbm'ovgh, l«f October , 1817. •- tlarley AttaWay Edmund Lumpkin Widow Adkinson Aadley Maxwell $ Uobt. R. Atkinscn. Martha McCullough John Bowen Joseph M‘jC«llunv James Brown Milberu Wm. Bryant Dr. Man Richard M. Burton. Wm. Mulkey or Benj. F. Burton,2 John B. Morrison Elijah Byne Branch W. Miller Nancy Bugg Wm. Norman Aaron, Barrow Benjamin Nixon Reading D. Bryan Jojin Owens 2 Win. Burtlell Sally Pearc? Wm. Burnell Ralph Penrovy Littleberry Burch Wm. Powell William Beall John Roberts Levicy Bugg Phillip Robinson 2 Nancy Bugg Hedry Revelle Jacob Beal R. Richardson David Clage Whitinel Rutland Thomas Corved John Stockdale 2 Edward Cobb JamesG. Salsbary 2 Charles Cutto Mary Spence Maria Cravey Nat. T. Sandeford Silas Elliott St.Patrick’* David Earquart Lodge Thomas Forth John M. Sneyle CJz Floyd Nancy Speight John Grice John R. Smith Edmund Gray John Smyth John Goodwin Samuel Tarver Cary Godbee Wm. Trimole Dr, Jas. Hydman, 9 Etheidred Thomas Elizabeth Hamilton Wm. Urquahart Green G. Hill Benjamin Valletta** Rev. Ravid Howe Nathan Vickers John jwlwcll John Wynn 2 Jane Hughes Samuel vVildes 2 Mary Hughes Enoch Womble 2 William Jones 2 Ethan Whipple 3 Daniel Inrfian Isaac Welch Sarah Johcrson Jas. or Isaac Welch. George Johnson David Woolen Win. Iverson Elton Wells James Jackson Ann Wilson John Kilpatrick John K. Whaley Philip LUmpkin 2 Gibson West Ezekiel Lester Stephen Welbufn James Liptrott Moses Walker William Lasseter James Young. Thus. Leavitt John Carpenter, P. M* October 4 . it 1 ' GEORG lA, Joues County, AT a Meeting oi'the Inferior Court of said county, on the Petition of William Prior, praying the benefit of the laws of insolvency.—«o» Motion ot James Smith, attorney tVir the applicant. It is Ordered , That all and the creditors of the said Wm. Prior, be and (hey are hereby notified that the said Inferior Court will convene at Clinton, on the 27th day of, November next, to hear the application of the said William Prior, for the benefit of the insol reet law, when upon his delivering up fcoitajflifcaH his estate, for the benefit of ofs, he will be discharged according to law, unless cause should then and tnerc be shewn to ihe contrai#. As witness our hands as Justices of the Inferior Court of said county, this 15th day of Sept. 1017. liob’t.' Cunningham, i. *». c. E. J. Bower, j. i. c. • Jonathan Parish, f. Sept. 24