Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 15, 1817, Image 4

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Sheriff’s Side, • Will be Sold, On the Ist/iWday in* November next, * « the Cafrf.Hottsft sh Warrenton, Warren County, between the usual hour*. •v ■. ‘j* ; . All Jrafct or Lot of Land, lying jtiuJ Cfc in sa.d * county, on White’s CrceitV Conveyed to the said Outhree by Reubcrf Mugcehec, and E phraim Mflgeefiee, administrators of Na than Davis, dccdLeCi. —— •, Another Tract 6r Lot of Land on Big Brier Creek, containing £}o acres, conveyed to Uie said by WilUtun Wj.ite.-Ai.Bor ■A Another parcel of Laud adjoin- containing 50 teres, conveyed by David Wheeled, of Wilkinson County, levied on the above tracts of Land to satisfy an-execution issued out of the Supenor Court of Warden County, in fa vor of Jobns< a and Kunzie, vs. Abner Gutlu£e,*Fi. Fa. ■ ■ ■ ' ALSO — &0 A ct’es of Laud, granted to James Nipper, on M‘Caina Creek, being part of 150 acre survey, levied on and returned to me by Thomas Rivers, con stable—Conditions Cash. * ’> Aimer Kogers, Sh’fT. Sept. 24 j _lf Sheriff’s .Sale. ‘fcjSTTLI, he sold on the first Tuesday VY in November next, at Hie court house in Jicksonborough, Scriven coun ts befween the usual hours of ten and tnree o'clock, -• , 314 1,8 Acrea of river swamp land, second and third quality, lying in ti>e county of Striven, adjoining-Wm. Gibbons, Savannah river, and the mouth of Brier creek—levied on as the proper ty of James Bevill, dec. to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of Macklin Lunday, ex ecutor of Frances Lunday—property pointed out by Delia BcvilJ, adm’rx. of the estate said fames Bevill. Solomon JSCemp t s.s.c. Octpber 4. td<i. u'.it t*. Sold on Friday the 7th 3>V day of November next, at the house of William L. Beale, late of Co lumbia county, deceased. 1 Cotton Machine, 1 pair of Mill Stones, 1 Man’s Saddle and Bridle, and several other not here en umerated. ■ —ALSO.— , Part of iae stock of Horses, Cattle and Hogs, agreeable to an order of the Honorable the Court ol'Ordiiiary, for the benefit of the minors of said de ceased, Maryann Beale, Extr\y. Wm. Jonefc, Ex*r, Septerhbbr 13 ts For sale, „* i * THE subscriber odera for sale his Farm iu Columbia county, on the lienee t creek, V 5 miips above Augusta, containing 6UO uci es 'of land. The land is of a good quality, one half cleared and in cultivation—it is well watered and of mulatto and grey soil—tolerable good improvements—a gin that goes by water, an apple orchard of 450 trees of choice fruit, u peach orchard of 6000 trees, and all other fruit common in these parts. — The purchaser can be fornishecL with corn and fodder, and stock of all k|hd on the premises on good terms. • 1 expect to start to the Western coun try about the middle of August, and will be absent for two months. Persons wish ing to purchase, will do well to view the 1 land before that time—but in mj>abscnce application can be made to Joseph A. Smith, on the premises. J. W. Bmith. July g. ts For Sole, hundred and seventy Acres of oaa ami hickory Land, of good frailty,lying in Lincoln County, on Sa jVaiinah River, S 5 miles above Augusta, vith'dbout sOoj" a 100 acres cleared and mostly ifresh, and uude& a go al fence, on the premises arc several .springs of pure water, convenient to a handsome elevation to build on; young peach trees of chosen kinds; across this tract ot Laud runs Wells’s Creek, meander ing one mile-through nearly the centre, leaking considerable flat land, equal to Savannah low grounds. J. Henderson. •-Odtober 4 d * ~ 11 1 " Notice. AS the subscriber is going to rembve from Augusta, informs all those wno have any work at hisyhouse, tu come and get it in‘the course of thi? tQI . J' ’** also <*«U« and Pis- A n Wi at a reasonable price. H<X, ** S °" “ 4 for t TO . C* Atitome, I October , - A Bargain. A TRACT of JUml rrmlnini-jg 921, acres, and hrckorj%in Burke. *C6uiity,on thc souih side of hirlcr Creek, adjoiningrhiodf of Wm, Whitehead, Jacob jhostick, iViynsu John Whitehead, Samuel Dowse,and Deals; all well adap ted to the culture of corn and, cotton, on tne premises is a comfortable Dwelling House, and other necessary out build ings; also a on a stream call ed the Beaver-flam, thdreare£so acres of cleared land which is under good fence. A further description is deemed ’.idnetessary. ♦ Phillip Lumpkin- October 4 - r> d Bargain. subscriber offers for sale his B tract of land ly iug on M‘llcan creek in the counties of Burke ami Rich mond, containing eleven hundred acres, five or six hundred of which are oak and hickory,and well adapted to the culture of Corn and Cotton. On the premises in Richmond, on an elevated site is a dwelling house and II otliqr necessary out buildings—Tne excellent water and handsome situation is snfiicent to recom mend it as a place of undoubted health. There are one hundred and fifty acres cleared on the premises, one half of which is in Burke, the remainder in. Richmond, all fresh, under good fence, and in every way in good repair. A fur ther description is deemed unnecessary. Terms will be accommodating, Kcubcn Walker. October I. ts THE Following Property WILL be offered Cor sale, at the Court-House, in this city, on the first Tuesday in December next, being tho real estate of the late 11. Wayne, esq. and sold for the benefit of the heirs of said cstlite, viz Mouse aniMiOt No. 1, Yamacraw. Wharf Lot No. 1, . do. Wharf Lot No. 10, do. One Town Lot at Spring Hill. O ic five acre Lot, Chatham county, on the borders of the city. , Two Town Lots in Sunbtny. One Town Lot in Brunswick,- 470 acres prime river swamp Land on Argyle Island, about 320 acres cleared ami cultivated under dam, with quarter drains, trunks, water machine, barns, 1 overseers, winnowing and negro houses, a garden spot, with a grove of sweet orange and fig trees. The buildings are situatedon high knowles, out of the reach of freshets. This land produces as go'io crops as any on the river. The whole tract will be sold oi divided into, two tracts to suit purchasers. 800 aerfes pine Land; in the neighbor hood of Muututh, 11,000 acrea pine Land, in Effingham county, lad off in tracts of from three to five hundred acres each. 6000 acres of Land, in Scriven county, in different tracts; some of the tracts prime swamp and oak and hickory lands. 310 ajres of Land, Washington coun ty, oak and hickory. 202$ acres Land, Wilkinson county, 12th district, No. 265. 450 acres river swamp Land, in South Carolina, oposite the point of Argyle Isl and. From ten to twelve hundred acres of Land, ou the Salt ICctcher, in South- Carolina. Four Lots, iu the town of Columbia, South-Carolina. Terms to be made known on the day of sale. GEORGE ANDERSON,? JAMES M. WAV NE. $ executors Savannah. September 13, 1817. SaleT" Will bt Sold at Lincoln Court-House, on the Ist Tuesday in November next, say the fourth of said month, the per-. soiml property belonging to the estate of Thos. Peacock, alien, late of said county, deceased, consisting of A tolerable Assortment of Dry Goods, and one G. ld Watch, with other article* 100 tedious to enumerate—The sale will continue from day to day until, the said Goods and other property are sold—Terms of the above sale—The Money to be paid before the Goods ami other property are changed out of the possession of the Escheator. Wm. Harper, Escheator. October 1. ts A ROAN HORSE, supposed obe i? vr 16 vfcars old, and about 15 hands high, no brands perceivable; an old Sad dle, Waggon Bridle, ami Saddle Elan ket, was taken from a runaway negro, near this place ou last Sunday, and is now in the possession of the subscriber, living in Edgefield District, South-Car olina, within four miles of tho Augusta Bridge. Tho boy said he belonged to the widow Hanford, near Society Hill, Ueyond,Camden, in South-Carolina, and that he took the HorSc from the planta tion of his owner; thfe ow ner of the above b described property is Vfcquested to com ply with the law and take his own. James Hunter. Goober 4 * , D |tp-We are authorised to announce Anselm Buog, a candidate for the of fice of Sheriff, for Richmond eptraty at the ensuing election. 7? _ y. , • Reward! ITS) UN AW A Wrom the subscriber, liv-J {LAi ingpla*B(irke county, on the wa ters of Brier Creek? on the 6th of* Octo ber. TWO LIKELY** Negro fellows, March , an outlandish fellow, about S 5 years of age, about 6 feet high, of a very dark colour, with the lower part of his ears cut oft’ as a mark in his country, had on when he Runaway a suit of homespun clothes, he speaks good En glish. Mack , a country born, about £6 or 27 years old, about 5 feet 8 or 10 indies high, stout made, has a lump on his right jaw, caused by the flash of a gun; had on when he runaway a yellow suit of negro cloth. Any person or per sons apprehending and confining them in any jail within this ‘tate, so as 1 get them again, shall receive the above re ward, or 20 Dollars for each; ami ali reasonable expenccs paid if delivered to the subscriber, at his plantation in Burke county. - „ Win, Iverson. October 11 apt 20 Dollars Reward. EIUN AWAY from the subscriber, MX 011 the night of the 27th of Sept, last, a negro fellow by trie name of PE TEBppbout 26 or 27 years of age, stout yellowish complexion, and has a down look when spoken to—took with him when he went away a new fur hat and checked ginghams coat, his o ther cloathing not iccollected.—Any nerson apprehending the above named fellow, and delivering him to me on Lit tle river, Columbia county, near Rays ville, or who will lodge him in jail and give me information, so that I can get him, shall receive the above regard and all reasonable expenses. N. B.—-It is probable he may have a pass. ‘ Oct. 8 ctp JOTfWM. WEST THE FOLLOWING NEGROES, —viz. — & SAAC, who is about 35 years o!d, 5 feet 10 inches high, who’ slys he be longs (o James Riggins, living in Jack son County, and that he was sbden by David Stuart, and sold to Charles Wal ker, living in the fork of Saluda and Ree ;l.Y Rivers, in South-Carolina, Laurens District. PAUL, who says he belongs to John Frainick of Putnam County. DAFNEY, who says she belongs to Buckhalter, of Wnrrenten, and " AIRY, who says she belongs to James Campbell, of Warren Cov.nty. ’! he owners are requested to come for ward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away. A. RHODES, Jun’r. n. s. Sept. 20 ts Sheriff’s Sale Postponed. WILL UK OLD, on the first Tuesday , in October next , at the court house on the town of fVaynesborough, Burke county, between the usual hours, One black horse, levied on as Ihe property of Robert Jones, to satisfy an execution in favor of Wm. Allaway. against Thomas Sorsbv and Robert Jones. ALSO One moiety, or one eleventh part of a tract of land containing 225 acres, levied on as the property of Elizabeth Rowell, administratrix of John Rowell, dec, to satisfy an execution in favour of Green Roberts against Elizabeth Rowell, •adin’x. of John Rowell, dec. and Jacob I ipton—Levied on and returned to me by a constable. John Bell, b. b. c. August 30. A wds Sheriff’s Sale, WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at the court house in Waynesborough, Burke county, within the usual sale hours, One silver watch, silver chain and gold key, levied on as tin; property of ‘Villiam Stuart, jun. to satisfy an ex ecution in favor of Hardy Perry against said Stuart. —ALSO— -200 Acres of land in the county of Burke, on Dry Branch, adjoining lands of John Killpatrick and Jonathan Lewis—levied on as the property of Charles Roberts, to satisfy sundry small executions in favgr of Harley Attaway, adm’r. on the estate of Drury Bass, dec. and others, against Charles Roberts—the above land levied-on and returned to me by a constable. John Bell, s.b.c. October 4. • tds NOTICE. 9 |pHE copartnership formerly existing JL between Thomas A. Greene and Abner Greene, was dissolved on the 24th day of May, 1816, last, by % death of Thomas A. Greene, All persons having demands against the said concern will present them for adjustment; and those indebted are invited to make payment to the subscriber. Abner Greene. August |D. 1 ts ♦ ' * Eagle Tavern, - (?• • » .■ # r *ir W. Wi?, v -i-hism ’■ ' & ■ -pyA* AND SXVAAWn S.OTG E-OFFICE rg'CiE ( (.partnership heretofore exist- JL hig at this Stand, under the firm of Wjr. CHISOLM & Co. was dissolved on the 25th ultimo by mutual consent. WILLIAM CHISOLM, RICHARD I. EASTER, JAMES A. BLACK. {C?* The Subscribers having formed a connection at the above Establishment, will accommodate Town Boarders, and Transient and Country Gentlemen, as formerly, and solicit a continuation of the patronage of (heir acquaintances and (he public. The business will be conducted under the firm ofCHISOLM r & SHAN NON, who are authorized to receive all debts due the former establishment, and will pay all demands against the same. WILLIAM CHISOLM, WILLIAM SHANNON, June 25 ** ts Globe Tavern. BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, THE subscribers having purchased a lease of this Elegant and commodi ous establishment, inform their friends and the public in general, that their best exertions shall be used to render comfort able all those who may be pfeased to call on them. They have a number of pri vate Rooms handsomely furnished, sepa rate and apart from the bustle of the tav ern, for the accommodation of those to whom such bustle would be unpleasant— And having determined to spare no pains in providing every comfort, they rely with confidence upon the- support of the pub lic. Thomas Glascock, iPetcr Donaldson. June 30 * ts To Rent, TWO Front Rooms with a. Cellar, on the corner of Bridge Row, directly opposite the Toll -House. The situation is an excellent one for business. BRUX & &CURRY. Sept. 27 ’ NOTICE Will be sold at the Market-House in Augusta, on the Ist Tuesday in No vember next, between the usual hours. 1 Trpct of tkud containing 60 Acres more or less, adjoining Foster, Beall, and Murmy, \A Richmond Coun ty, on Butler’s Creek, the property of Lovelace Savage, late of Columbia Coun iy, deceased; sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors. Terms made known on the day. JAMES SAVAGE, -) ZACHARIAH SAVAGE, IjSU’rs. ALEXANDER AI LISON, J ELIZABETH SAVAGE, Kv’trx. September 17 NOTICE. A LL those indebted to the late firm of Messrs. JAMES A. BLACK. & Co. are requested to call and settle their accounts with Messrs. A. Bugg, & Co. who are fully authorized to settle the business of the said firm. John Tanner. ' June $. 'tf NOTICE. TVJ OW in Richmond Jail, NED, (he has called himself Whalebone) be longs to the estate of general Road of Sa vannah, he is about 47 or 48 years of age, his complexion is very black, is chun keyaud well made fellow. PETER, who says he belongs to Wm. Meneale nerr Lincoln court-house; he is about 20 years of age. about 5 feet 2 or 3 inches high, somewhat of a down look and of a yellowish cast, thick and well set fellow. The owners arc reques ted to come forward, prove tiieir proper ty,pay charges and take them away. A. Rhodes, jr. D. Sh’ff. October 11. ts NOTICE. —There will be an Elec tion held at Columbia court-hoase on Monday the 27th of October, (instant) for a Clerk of the Inferior Court, to fill the vacancy of Anderson Crawford, esq. de'eased. W. L. KENNON, j.i.e. W. MAGRUDKR, j.i.e. JOHN FOSTER, j.i.e. J. T. ALLfcN, j.i.e. October 11. tde NOTICE . A LL persons indebted to Col. Wil xjL LIAM Few, oiNew-Vorlc, arc here by ■ notified, that unless payments arc made on or before the Ist January next, suites will be commenced without dis crimination, as no further indulgence can be given by the subscribers. J, §* B. Howards, • Jlttornies for Wm. Few.- July 30. ts |C7* We\re authorised' to announce Richard Bush, a candidate for the of fice df Receiver of Tax Returns qf Richmond .county, at the ensuing elec tion. V Jinell S , Seven miles from Augusta, on the -* cea t v • Wnshlitgton road. The f^. : r r«x>t|itw ». M ve tang'it fc.-.qr mv EE therefore giv* -did* information to-nis fneuds (danr.) to his rumor - oos acquaintance, and tfie public in cen tral, that he has opened - A itouse of Entertainment, for the accommodation of all dfcont. ci vil travellers, aim lor no others, disorderly part of society he* wishes to pass by, as their absence wjll be a much tnpre delicious cordial than their money ndeed he is determined not to be pester/* ed with troublesome company; so tl at the weary traveller may limdown ( 0 rest in quiet These observations are made in consequence of this place being f 0 - merly established as one of great disor tier and confusion, which, with propriety induced thousands of gcutlbmen to by. The HOUSES ami STABLES, are o w repairing, and will s .on be. in gw „l order, with a general assortment of the best of Liquors; a well furnished Table: Clean jßcdsj a plenty for horses, with a good hostler,. and a desire to please which 1 hope will be-inducementj cient for the traveller to call, if not, he, must pass by. Gentlemen from town can be accom modated at the shortest notice; and all fa vours will be received with gratitude. A general assortment of GUO vCERIES will be kept here, and sold near ly at the Augusta prices. N. Durkee. f August 9. |r wom stages: HpHE public are informed that the ,8. Lipe of Stages from Augusfa tch Athens,(via.) Columbia C. H. Washing ton and Lexington, is now in operation,, persons wishing a passage, can enter their names at the Eagle-Tavern, Augusta, from which place it will start every Monday & Friday Evening at 5 w’clock, and arrive at Washington the evening of the next day at 5 o’clock. Terms 85 for each passenger, with an allowance of 20 pounds baggage, and 5 cents per pound, for extra baggage. F.very exertion will be made for the comfort of passengers. LONG Sc >!*REA. BC7’’ A Private Hack Is in constant readiness at Lexington, to convey per sons to the Madison Springs. The Editors of the Savannah Re publican arfe requested to inseit the a hove weekly for one month and send* their account to this office for settle ment. September 17 law2m T '"'T' ALL persons having claims against the estate of Daniel Hubbard, dec. are requested to render them in propaiiyv attested, witjiip the time prescribed By aw; and those indebted to the estate, are request ed to make immediate payment to annah Hubbard, adm’x. May 3. wffin ~ NOTICE. A N ELECTION will beholden on the third Tuesday, being the 21st of' October next, for Justices of the Inferior Court of Richmond county, at the court house in the city of Augusta.—By order of the Hon. the Inferior Court. John H. Maim, cVk. September 3. tde notlceT ON the first Monday in November next, application will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Richmond County, for an Order for the distribution of the estate of John Stuckey, sen’r. de ceased, for the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. JEPTHA DANIEL,? .. , s THO’ . H. JONES, $ August 6, 1817 w3m Notice. THE Subscriber having taken Mr. Nicholas Cashin, into co-part nership. The business in future will ba conducted under the firm of N. Cashin Co, JOHN CASHIN^ £0“ e are authorised to announce;. Col. Peter Donaldson, a candidate, for the office of Sheriff of Richmond count y, at the ensuing election.—|un. I I %*vve are authorised to announce Edmund Bugg, Jun. a candidate for toe office of tax collector of Richmond, .connty, at the ensiling election ■ Jnly 9% %are authorised to aunouaco, Thomas Handley a candidate for tin* office of tax. collector fur Richmond, cou r.ty, at the ensuing election. Inly %*Mr. Hiram Maim is a canduTcteR R - 1 Receiver of tax returns for Richnu»n>v. county at the ensuing election. June 21. ; arc authorised to announce Kd . If ward Hasscl. a candidate'for re. ceiverxrf tax returns for Columbia count’, at the ensuing election. August 6 . authoriz.pd to announce Jas yy Hutchinson a candidate for l a:v Collector of Columbia county a( the e r • suing election. > - Sept* 3{