Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 22, 1817, Image 1

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I AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, i I AJtD OEOIWI.I (IAZETTE. -1 JIL " ■ , .<■ ' ■ ' - w , / ' -*■ ■ ' ?’• . * •y ' ■A %• frou xxxn.] Wednesday, ooxonEiiaa, istr. :« [fro. isei i THK l At&VSti CHRONICLE, AND I GEORGIA GAZETTE, PUBLISHED UT ( KEAN, DUYC&NtK & PF.ARRE, AND SATURDAY, I Fir* Payable in I Advance. I AUCTION. I On THURSDAY, the 2oD INST. I Will be sold before our Store, Uol- I tun’s Range, without reserve. I 437 Packages I DRY GOODS! ■ —COMPRISING — ■ A very General and Seasonable As* I V ' sortipent ' 4MOSCST THEM AltS, * Blankets, I Plains, Superfine 8f coarse Cloths and Cassimeres, Coatings, Hosiery, Flannels, Irish Linens, Bombazetts, I , Muslins, Prints, | Bhirtings, Sheeting, Cambrics, &c. Terms will be liberal—made known on the day of sale—Sale to commence I at 11 o’clock. [ M. HERBERT fit Co. And. October 18 ts .ywfi*' 1 n~e». * m " , ; 1 " 11 “ ' **"" . Uissulutiou of Partnership. ffflHE Co-partnership of Lat-itte Sc Mf\V. Bruk, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. J. B. iiafitte, is au thorized to settle the business of tlw ab«re concern. J. B. Lafitte, W. Brux. . October 16 ct * The Subscriber, HAVING purchased all tire interest of W. BhuX, in the above con cern, will continue the same business heretofore at the same Stand, yvhere he solicits a-share.of public patronage— his assortment of GROCERIES, Dry Goods Hard, ware, CROCKERY, ts extensive, and will be complete in a few days. S. B. Lafitte. October 18 YOUNG LADIES* ACADEMY, Washington*Street, Augusta. Mrs. Grace, RESPECTFULLY informs the citi zens of Augusta and the public in general, that the Academy will open on .MONDAY, the 20th inst. where the va rious branches of education will be taught asusual. < Terms of Board and Tuition mode rate, and will be made known on appli cation. * ' October 18 ' Horses Wanted. t From 15 to 30 Good Draught ■ HORSES, For which the Cash will be paid. .APPLY to J antes Bolan. Bee’s creek, 4 miles from Coosawhatchie on the road leading to October 18 D I .I '■ .... ■ ■» —I . 1 J 11 ' * Bolting Cloths. subscribers have just received complete assortment. of the best quality DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. Edward Quin, & Co. June 25. * ts i'. ■' ■ Family Flour. •TpHE subscribers will keep constant!) JL on hand for sale, a supply ot SU PERFINE FLOUR, from one of th< best mills in the Southern States. Wilson & Black. Oct, -8. .* ts , ; n - , n M I I wwm* k STE are authorized to announce Jas ▼ y Hutchinson a candidate for Tai Collector of Columbia county at the en suing election. , ffepfc 3* . , * ** •. ■ *• ■ The Subscriber, Has lately weaved by different arti vain from New-York, A QUANTITY OF Saddlery Articles, —A ND — Coach Mounting: ——such as—- Springs, l«cp, stump joints Plated Hub Bands Coach Door Handles, &c. &c. Common Saddles and Bridles, by the - box or dozen Also, plated and common Bridle Bits Do. do. do. Stirrup Irons. The above and many other articles are received on consignment, and will be sold low for Cash. John Gimlrat. October 18 * nw Wm. Sitns, As Co. 1 Are now Receiving and Opening their, Winter's Supply of GOODS; Their Stock will be very Exten sive & Complete, consisting of BRITISH, FRENCH, India & domestic goods, Which they offer at Wholesale and Retail, on their usual low and accopmo dating terms. > . October 1. ts ' Lottery Tickets I For Bale 1 BY THE SUBSCRIBER, At the Store of N. L. 6f 8. Slurges , TICKETS IN THE Second Class of the Gconee Navigation ■ Lottery. The Drawing of which will commence on the lath day of December next \ J. C. Nickelson. October 8 cw THE SUBSCRIBERS IN addition to their former stock of goods, have just received, and will continue to receive through the summer md fall seasons, a general supply of sta ple and Fancy goods, which will be sold ow for cash, or approve' 1 paper. The Following articles are among their RECENT SUPPLY—VIZ. 1 case Irish Linens 1 trunk Furniture Prints 1 do. Lace ground do. 1 case Furniture Dimity 1 do fancy Ginghams 1 trunk Merseilles Quilts 2 cases Northern Homespun 2 trunks 6-1 Cambric Muslin " Figured <§’ plain Levant!neaud Flo rence Silks Plaid,Sarsnetls and Canton Hk’fs , Extra Superfine London Cloths 1 case Horse and Gig Whips 2 cases Guns 100 pieces Cotton Bagging. ALSO. 20 boxes China 8 by 10 Window Glass D. P. & Powder, Shot and Lead Corsica and Sicily Madeira Wine Jamaica Rum Loaf and Lump Sugar White Lead, Linseed Oil, &c. T. & J. Cunningham. August 2. ts Clerk Wanted. V YOUNG man of respectable con nexions who can come well recom mended, and none else need apply, may hear of a situation in a dry good store- Apply to the printers/ Oct. 11—pt Carriages Ar Gigs FOR SACK. HR subscriber has received an ad ditional supply of Gigs and Car riages of a superior quality, made by David Beach of Newark, and warranted good.—They will be sold* on accomme f dating terms. . ALSO—Several Double Breasted COT ’* TON GINS, of from 45 to 65 saws, made by Boatwright-& Glaze.—apply to G. B. Marshall. September 3. *f j ■ To Rent, At the Market-House in Augusta, on * Wednesday 29 th October, THAT valuable swamp Plantation about four miles below Augusta, ■ known as Samuel Sugg’s, for one year, r commencing from the Ist January next. 2 Val. Walker, one of the Trustees, October 8. 4 Tuttle Russell, HAVE JUST RECEIVER. 20 Barrels New-Knglahd Bum 5 Hilda. Whiskey 5 ditto Molasses 5 Cisvks London Porter . 12 dozen Jamaica Lime Juice 2 Boxes Havanna Sugar 1 Tierce Rice v G Boxes Chocolate, No. 2 30.000 Spanish Segura in j and ♦ boxes 2 Boxes Starch 5 Bbs. ami ID bags Filberts. , September 13 ts J. W. Bridges, ——ris no w Jmcsji'iNc. - AND OPENING, An Extensive Assortment, CONSISTING. OF, British, French, India, and Do mestic BUY GO —A L 8 O A General Assortment of • Hardware and Cut lery. LIKEWISE A Complete Snpplu of GROCERIES. His Stock is extensive and complete, and will be offered at wholesale and re tail, on his “ usual low and accommoda ting terms.” Bills on New- York. October 11 ts The Subscriber, OFFERS FOR SLE. 500 Bag* and Bids. Green Coffee 6 Tierces Jamaica do. 100 Bbis. Philadelphia Whisky 5 Hhds. N. E. Ruin 300 Pieces Inverness Bagging 20 Milds. Prime Sugars 2UOO Bushels Liverpool Suit 30 Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards Casks Colmeuar and Sicily Madei ra Wine - - 6 Qr. Chests Hyson Tea 9 Tons Shot assorted sizes 6 Tons English and Blistered Steel 20.000 lb. Iron, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. -—ALSO-** A General ssortmmt of DRY GOODS, Ax. ON CONSIGNMENT. Twenty-seven Packages assorted Cutlery & Hardware, To be sold on accomodating terms. Ji. kneeland. September 13 _ Just Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses 2 Carriages 2 Gigs. Which will be sold low for Cash, by B. lUCQUET. « 'FOR SALE, Bills on N. York. October 1 —4^. Bills on New-York. For Sah by ♦. - Ls. Barie. October 4. *_ Bills on New-York For Sale by , Beach & Thomas. October 4. Bills on New York AT SHORT SIGHT, For Sale he A. Slaughter & C. Labuxan. August 16. . ts Bills on New-York For Sale by Benjamin Picquet. Augnjt 23. ts Bills on New York For sale by N. h. % S. Sturgcs. October 11. tt Bills on New York For sale at the store of N, JL. & S. Sturges, by Beer« fc Stnrgoo. October 12- ts t ■ ** » / The Subscribers, ARE DAILY RECEIVING, I.XKOE QUANTITIES OF G O 0 .S, DIUF.CT PHOM EUROPE. WHICH they can and will sell at low as aby other house in the state < that me regular dealers, and will give the highest price for COTTON and oth er Produce. Customers will be prompt ly attended to, and their favours grate fully received by A. Erwin, Groce & €O. October 11 ~ ts ' IN ADDITION ~ CfflQ an extensive assortment of goods JL already on hand, the subscribers have just received by the ship June, from Liverpool, the Following Articles which they offer for sale on mode rate terms » 15 trunks Cambrics, Lenos, Calicoes and Boinbazetts 18 by 10 • 9by 11 10 by 12 20 crates Porter Bottles Shotfic. Lead, Sheet Sf jluop Iron,Casting Table Salt, &c. Ike. AL99. 10 barrels Linseed Oit 8 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine White Roram & Wool Hats 200 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 kegs Dupont dt co’s FF tkF.F.F. Gunpowder. Edward Quinn & Co. July 19, »ts SLAUGHTER ff LABUZAN Have Just Received A CONSIGNMENT of Colton Yarn, xYLwhich they will sell bn very ac commodating terms. f\- August 8 ts Stainhack ’ Wilson AND . Janies A. Black, HAVING associated themselves in business under the linn of WIL SON & BLACK, offer their services to their friends, and the public in general, in the 4 COMMISION AND Factorage Line. They have the Ware-House lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett Sims, where every attention will given to ren der general satisfaction. Augusta, April 30 CALL # SEE, SUPERB Paper Hanging. A LARGE and most~elegant assort /a. ment is now opened at. the NEW CITY AUCTION STORE, worthy the attention of tire public. A greater vari ety of Patterns were never before offered in this market. October I. . ts FOR SALhy *'' r ' Or barter for a FIELD HAND . A VALUABLE House Servant—well i L \_ qualified to attend upon a genteel , family Apply *t this Office. Sep*- 20 __ ts FOR SALLE , A YOUNG Female Servant, 17year* of age, well calculated for the house —Apply at this office. October 4. 1 ts DISSOLUTION*. K pHE Copartnership of T. &E. Flew s tin , is this day dissolved by mutual consent —all those having demands a- the late firm, will present them to Flewellin 8f Dickinson for settlement, and all those indebted, are requested to make immediate payment to the same. Taylor Flewellin, Eaton Flewellin. October 4. ts NOTICE. HEZEKIAH DICKINSON having purchased the interest of Mr. Eaton Flewellin io the concern of T. & E. Flew ellin, the business will in future he car ’ ried on under the firm of FLK WELLIN and DICKINSON at the establishment of the late firm, where they have an ex tensive ware-house tk commodious stores, > for the reception of all kinds of produce and goods. They tender tlieir services - to their friends and the public generally, and only ask for such encouragement as " tlieir attention and punctuality will en* l title them to. Taylor Fle wellin, Hezekiah Dickinson. Septembers. ts ■ Hanhart, Gandhi, •St Co. Have Just Received , AND OFF*R FOR SALE, Low for Cash, or on a Liberal ( r redit , * 200 Pieces Cotton Bagging 6 Bales London Duffil A kets 5 ditto Lion Skins, assorted colours And Grey Bath Coatiug. »~ A . S A SMALL ASSORTMENT O'fl DUTCH GOOES, —8 U c H A S Usnaburgs T ecklciiburghff Brown Rolls Beady made Bags Pocket and Toilet Glasses Beads, &c. , i Drafts on New-York Post-Notes of the V. S. Bank, at Hanhart, GanahUkCo, Next door above Mr, Ik Lai*le». October 15 X THE SUBSCRIBER Respectfully inform* his frienia and the public tn general, that in addition to mo former STOCK of HATS, HE HAh JUST RECEIVED A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT. Which lie will sell at a very small ad vance, for Cash or Approved Faper, /Jpl ENTLEM KNBlack Beaver Hat* JOT Fine And Coarse Castor ditto Fine and Coarse Rorum ditto Fine and Coarse Wool ditto Ladies’and Misses Beaver Bonnets Mwoccco Caps ' Ditto Skins Military Goods of all kinds Gentlemen’s Fine Boots, Ac. See. •—also, on hand-4- Three or Four Hundred Pounds Beaver, Which he will dispose of low for Cash. Mn Barry . October 4. xw Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers his services to his friends and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. HAYING taken the Ware-House lately occupied by Mr. Isaac La Roche, where every attention will Jbu given to render general satisfaction. John Burton. October 4 ts T factorage' AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. rHK subscribers having formed a co partnership underthe firm of Han hart, Gakahl Sf Co. and rented the large and convenient Ware-Houses of Maj. Plunizy, will be ready, after the ' first of October, to receive goods or pro duce for storage at customary rates, and to attend to any business in their line and hope their industry and attention to business will entitle'them to a liberal share of public patronage. J. Hanhart, J. Ganabl, H. Stoudcr. September 3, tglT. rm Regimental Orders Tenth Regiment Georgia Militia —Majors Watkins and Marshall, wilj be particularly careful, that their commissioned and non-commissioned of ficers have legal orders to parade their companies armed and equipped as the law directs, on THURSDAY the 23d of thismonth,on Green-street,opposite Mrs Moore’s in this city,at 9 o’clock, a. m. By order of Cot. Peter Donaldson. Jonathan M. Hand, October 4. r A LL persons having claims against the estate of Daniel Hubbard, dee. are requested to render them in property attested, within the time prescribed by aw; and those indebted to the estate, are requested to make immediate payment to ’ Hannah Hubbard, adm’x. May w6m • •V —U -U I II? I 1...1 WE are authorised to announce Ed* ward Kassel a candidate for re sciver of tax returns for Columbia county at the ensuing election. August 6T \