Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 25, 1817, Image 1

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■ \ w .—' ■ ** l,l g iiipp . AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, I GEORGIA GAZETTE. ] . SATUKDAy7ooTQBEb,BS, 1817. 1 ' rv.!’ 1 mPDTA^iiprtCLE, pfamdteojf t . KEAN, DUVC&NCK & p£aRRE, Kr.uf JpMWluItU i|f«H»t( PSw DaHOr*, hfISknUM, Payible in if'aß anti Winter GOODS. THE SttS&lßfcßS, . ffayi nciiied by the brijt Frediric,from «b*»Atta A*ft or*nika——. srjrl foumlw G O O I) S. "tT ONDON duffil, Bristol, and point Jl jJ Blankets ' iuTill and I2*| rose ditto Lion Skin and Flushing Coatings Drab Cloth and Flannels Superfine blue, black and green Broad cloths Superfine and common Cftssiineres Tuilonet and Mersaiies Vestings iiomba/.etts Twist and Cambric Shirtings 4*4 IrWh Linens, Brown ditto Furniture and superfine dark Calicoes Ginghams, Cambrics I Plain and figured Muslins Leno ditto Imitation, 1 Damask, and I# II A VT t, <s. Brunswick 1 Cotton and Worsted Hosier/ 1-4 and <j-4 Cotton Checks White jeans, cotton Cassimcrft ' Thread, silk and cotton Laces 3*4, 7*B, and 4-4 black and white fUk, lace and bobiuet Veils /China silk Gloves Sewing Silks and I'rftadl 1 case Guns, and t I.ditto German Steel, ctit Saw s esper, «d in a tew d y»— an ExrmuvE assonvuent Hardware, l*ead, Shot, and Casting #. • A t,SO / - —IN STORE— -80 lihds. Prime Sugars Molasses, Coffee N. E. and Jamaica Rurn Apple Brandy, <s*c. 11. Malone & Co. October 22 ts *T Til" “ ~ Richmond Academy HK Barents and Guardians ofCliil ,**- dreu are respectfully informed-that the Female School in the Richmond Ac |tlpmy, has again commenced, under the luperiu tendance of Mrs. H UI.BUUD. ISAAC HERBERT, Clerk to tha. Hoard of Trustees. , Fencing School. %JtR. MONTAiS informs the gentle men of Augusta, that, as soon as he can procure a sufficient number of E'jscribers, ho .wiii open a school at Mr. silo’s Long Room, fur the purpose ot iching flic useful and mardy exercise ot the SM.vLI < WORD, upon the I’nost modern anddiest approved system in that valuable science. Mr. Montab fiiar be seen at any time at Mr. Leslie's residence. - Get. 22. Wahted to Hire, A Negro Woman, that ,t\. hasbefen Ufced to house business.— Enquire, at this Qflice. ‘ 'October 25. • . c Wanted to Hire, IMMEDIATELY, •WO- Negfo men by the month, for JL w are-house service. Apply at this office. Oct. 22. *■ •i- - |ir| - ~ - . ... .. -i- Rdiqoval. ? subscribers have removed from JL' thenfold stand, on Taylor’s wharf. b> the brick building on the Bay, south east ot the Exchange, (recently occupied uy William T. Williams, esq. as a book and stationary stoic.) where they offer for sale a very extensive and general as sortment of HilY GOODS and H ARD WARE, principally received by the late arrivals from Liverpool—-of which they wall dispose, on reasonable terms, by the piece, package or duzen, for cash, pro duce or approved, paper. Janies Hickson, Co. Savannah,Oct. 2Q. am Blanks, N'egtly Ewteted. at this Office -J. W. Bridges, —IS NOW RECEIVING —... - AND OPENING, An Extensive Assortm^it, CONSISTING. OF, British, Fwcnch, India, ahd Do '* mestic DRY GOODS. i . x —A L 8 O—, , A General Assortment of Hardware and Cnt i, levy. ‘-LIKEWISE »2 Complete Supply of groceries.- His Stock is extensive and complete, ami will be ottered vd wholesale and re tail, on his “ usiuii fuio and accommoda ting terms” Mills on New- York. Or toiler 11 , ts Tuttle a Russell, HAVE JUST RECEIVED. 20 Barrels New-Englund Rum 5 Hluls. Whiskey 5 ditto Molasses 5 Casks London Porter 12 dozen Jamaica Lime Juice 2 Boxes Havanna-Sugar ' I Tioice Rice t> Boxes Chocolate, No. 2 30,000 Spanish Segars in $ and J boxes 2 Boxes JStarch 5 Bbs. and 10 bags Filberts. September IS ts The Wuhacriliers, ARE DAILY RECEIVING , large of G O O D S, DIRECT FROM EUROPE. WHICH they can and will sell as low as any other house in the slate that ore regular dealers, and |vill give the highest price for COTTON and oth er Produce. Customers will be prompt ly attended to, and their favours grate fully received by A. Erwin, Groce & C,o. October II ts CALL $ SEE, SURERM ~ Paper Hanging. A LARGE and most elegant assort INL went is now opened at, the NEW r C’ilV AUCTION STORE, worthy the attention, of the public. A greater vari ety of Patterns were never before offered in this market. October 1. ts FOR SALr , Or barter for a FIELD HAND. 4 VALUABLE House Servant—well *Tb qualified to attend upon a genteel family- Apply at this Office. Sept. 20 ts FOU SALE, A YOUNG Female Servant, 17ycars i jl ot age, well calculated for the house —Apply at this office. October 4. * ts I hc subscriber offers Ins services to tiie citizens of Columbia county for the ijliicc of Clerk of the Hon orable Inferior Court; and solicits the said court la the office of the Clerk of. Ordinary. a James Lovelace. October 22 4t IMMelitr TWO Front Rooms with a Cellar, on M the corner of Bridge Row, directly opposite the Toll House. The situation is an excellent one for business. BRUX & SCURRY. 27 ■ To Rent, Until Ist October , 1818, THE house formerly occupied by Mr- B. Picquet, on the north side of Btn.ul street, near the market, and pos session given immediately. The stand s well situated for business. Apply to A. 15agg, $ Co. October 22. b * .NOTICE. rHE copartnership formerly existing between Thomas A. Gr-ene and Miner Greene, was dissolved on the 24th day of May, 1816, last, by the death of Thomas A. Greene. All persons having demands against the said concern will present them for adjustment; and those Indebted are invited to make payment to the subscriber., Abner Greene. August SO. ts The Subscribers, Having formed a connexion in Business, VNDKR THX FIRM 0* R. Andrews $ Co. Respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, and inform them that they have for sale at their j Tin Ware tory , RROAB STREKt, vV ext door above Air. J. JV. Bridges , AssorMtent 0f... WARE, Os their own make, which they can con fidently recommend, VIZ:— ('I QOKING Utensils of every descrip.- J ticn Liquid and Pry Measure, According ,' to the regulat ions of the Market Japanned and Plated Ware | Sheet Iron Stoves Hardware, Crockery Ware, Castings, and Au assortment of Groceries. Orders tor Conductors, Gutters, &c. attended to in town or country, at the shortest notice. j N. li Wanted, three good Journey men Tin Plate Workers, to whom libe ral wages w ill be given-*-! vyo smart lads would be taken as apprentices, *,* The highest price given for clean Cotton and Linen Rags. . Richard Andrews, Ira C. l)ay. Octobc/4 ts TTpiIE subscriber has associated Mr. 4 William Boojcp.r in his business, which will be conducted in future under the firm of George Hudson & co- Gcorge Hudson. October II * ts G. Hudson, A* Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Per the schooners . Three listers, and Young .Sea ’Horse, from New-York. —An Extensive Assortment of— British, French. & India DRY GOODS. • / Cutlery, H , Groceries. also CROCKERY, , tA *N D Glass Wave, Which they are determined to «ell on accommodating terms by the Package, Piece or otherwise, as may 1 suit purchasers. October 11 * > ts DISSOLUTION*. THE T. &E. Flew tin, is this day dissolved by mutual consent—all those having demands a-- gainstthe late firm, will present them to Flewellin Dickinson for settlement, and all tho>e indebted, are requested to make immediate payment to the same. Taylor Flewellin, i Jkatoa Flewellin. October 4. t» NOTICE. HEZRKIAH DICKINSON having purchased the interest ofMr. Eaton Flewellin in the concern of T. & K. F!ew cllin, the business will in future be car ried on under the firm of FLEWELLIN and DICKINSON at the establishment of the late firm, where they have an ex tensive ware-house & commodious stores,, for the reception of all kinds of produce and goods. They tender their services to their friends and the public generally, and only ask for such encouragement as ’ their attention and punctuality will en title them to. Tavlor KUnvollm, i/ * Hezekiab Dickinson. September 3. ‘ ts Attention. I NOW offer for sate, a valuable tract of LAND, belonging to of I ichn Jones, lying in Burke ciroity, 10 i miles above Waynesborough, on the. F main road to Warrcntqn; containing r 900 acres. Any gentleman wishing: to I purchase a valuable tract of Land, will : do wed to call and see the land—Terms i known by applying to the subscriber on the premises. ‘ .1 John Jones. October 14 ,X P* » i* »* ' ■ Imi w—w— L r T >, I C. H. HAYDEN 8 ■ Lottery and Exchange Office, Savannah, ■ fs now Established on the. Baj, nearly opposite the Exchange? * - in ■“ k ‘'*’ t • '**” “WJ of TICKETS “•« *• popular Lot& A correct CHECK BOOK, .i,ol the Managers’ LIST of ever, dav’a feircsaar- in -° f HClvEisland SHARES in the following Lotteries now on hand: ' Surgical Institution of Baltimore* HIGHEST PRIZES. # Hollars 100,000 a,OOO hSfcwSs^ 50.000 5,000 | f r 20.000 5,600 I * 7 • 10,000 5,000 a L 10 of, 1,000 cadi I? ST >: 20 of 500 each V' 100 of 100 each, &c. Washington JMonument, Now drawing in he city of Baltimore—rth over, and all the capital Fauna . in the wheel, viz: * Hollars 20,000 i ' ' 20,000 * . ■ 80,000 4 of 10,000 each >’M 4of 5,000 each * h „ 20 of i,OOO each ' ? fC7*Pncc9 of whule Tickets, Monument BJS. V Ditto Surgical Institution g 55. . < ' Ami Shares in proportion. { Orders for Tickets enclosing the Cash, will be promptly attended!©, October 22. ts - ' Notice. THE Subscriber having taken Mr. Nicholas Cashin, into co-part nership. The business in future will be conducted under the firm of N. Cashin Co. JOHN CASHIN. N. Cashin g Co. —ARE RKOVEINO PART OF THEIR—\ Fall Supply of GOODS, Which wilh those on the river, will make tlieir Assortment very genera!, —consisting or— Dry Goods, AND Groceries , sc. 4rc. AMONG WHICH AREI 20,000 lbs. Prime Sugar 8,000 do. Green Cottec ' 5 bbls. double ivfined Loaf Sugar 2 chests superior Hyson Tea 4 hhds. tine flavored Jamaica Rum 2 do. West-India ditto 2 hhds. ? N ew . Eng!and RUM iJ j * 10 qr. casks superior Malaga Wine 1 pipe C icily Madeira ditto 1 ditto Cogniac Brandy 2 ditto real Holland Gin 1 ditto Pceponts N. ditto 2 ditto Vinegar, very lihe 8 hhds. Philadelphia Rye Whisky 10 ton Swedes Iron, assorted German and Blistered Steel Boxes Negro Pipes Ditto Window Glass 7by 9, Cby 10, and 10 by 12 / Dupont’s best Gun Powder * Copperass, Pepper, Spice and Ginger 3,000 bushels Liverpool Salt i.OOO ditto coarse Alum ditto, &c. &c. The above GOODS will bo sold at small advance for Cash, or Town Accep tances, or bartered for produce at a fair price; they feel a confidence in assuring their customers and the public generally, that they are enabled to sell Goods this season as low as they can be bought in this market. Octob u r t t ' lawp Notice'. THE SUBSCRIBER, Offers his services to his friends r and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. HAVING taken the Ware-House lately occupied by Mr. Isaac La Roche, where every attention will be given to render general satisfaction. John Button. October 4 - * JA V • • • 7* K ** * ky w Notice. THE SUBSCRIH&Ify Has taken a Stand a few doorti above captain Ketchums, North aide, unoer end of Broad-Street. WHERE HE Wilt TRJVSACV Commission Bus!, ness. „ And Expects a Supply of GROCERIES, SHORTLY. Which will be disposed of low for cash. . Isaac La Roche. October pi * ff in addition f THIO an extensive assortment of goods JL already on hand, the subscribers have* just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the Following Articles which they for sale on mode rate terms i 15 trunks Cambrics, Lenos, Calicoes and Bombazetts } Bby 10 J ' 9by 11 lOby \% 20 crates Porter Bottles Shot & Lead, Sheet & Hoop Iroo, Casting Table Salt, &c. &c« . / ALS#. 10 barrels Linseed Oil 8 cases Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine yy hiteßoram & Wool Hats 200 nieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 kegs Dupont dt co*s. FF & F.F.F. Gunpowder. . inward Quinn & Co. _^tf SLAUGHTER f LABUzMS Hate Just Heceived *. A CONSIGNMENT of Cotyon Yarn, “ which they will sell bn very ac commodating terms. Augusts i • * ts — i, n. ■■ \pm FACTOKABB “ AND V COMMISSION B USINESH^_^ THE subscriber, having formed a to partnership under the firm (tfHAM rart, Ganahl Co. and rented -the large and convenient Ware-Rouses of Maj, Phinizy, will be ready, after the first of October, to receive goods or pro duce for storage at; customary rates, and to attend to any business in their line <• - and hope,their industry Mid attention to businesswilkeatitlcthemto ahWral dure of public patronage. an baai;, Septembers, 181 7. «• v « •Jr "v y •*