Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, October 29, 1817, Image 1

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AUGUSTA UHRONICUB, m vb r.Komii.l gazette. . .&.■*. . >'"v r f , f•* . ■ ■—*—■— ' - ■ -»• ■ ■ ■ iM.. ... : : -« ■ ■• ; ■■ *. . - -a . . ■ • .---- ■ ggggggg ii-» -W-' " t ' - 1 ■ - , i . '.■■■■i. .u mi i nuxtassmassm VOh XXXIt] W fi&.DN KBDAV, OCTOBER 29, 1817. [No. 1563/) ——■— l ———jW*—"“WWW——■ l I 1 ■ lll^l .1.1.11 ——■—■«■■■————«T———————kt— 4 '• t THE • AUGUSTA CUROmChK, AND GEORGIA GAZETTE, I’URI.ISH KD IIY . . JOS AN, DUYCKINCK. & PEARRR, EVERV WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY} , JPi&flioliari ’per annum, J*ayatl« in 9 Advance. 4 : Tuttle <V Russell. HAVE JUST lIECEir/At. tO Poncbeous 4th proof Jamaica Rum, fine fiiivor 5 do West-ludia ditto 3 Pipes' Holland Gin 3 ditto Cogniac Brandy 2 ditto Sicily Madeira Wine lUQr. casks do do do 20 do do Malaga do 20 bbls. N. E. Ruin 40 do Muscovado Sugar 20 do Potatoes $ hlids. Shrub 2 tierces white Witie Vinegar 5 do Cider do •'* 10 bbls. Loaf Sugar JO do. Lump do 20 dozen Hair Selves 10 do brass and iron wire do 5 chests Hyson Tea 10 cuddys do do 50 boxes muscatel and bloom Raisins 10 kegs Cavendish Tobacco * 30 boxes Soap different qualities 1 3.0 ditto superior Newark Cider 2 years old 30 ditto Chocolate, Nos. I,2<§* 3 10 ditto London Mustard 10 bbls. Filberts 6 dozen Olives 1U ditto Flints in Brandy 10 ditto Martinique Cordials, assorted £0 boxes Spanish Segars, Martin’s brand 20.000 do do in half and qr. boxes 1 3 dozen Guaging Rods and Out Sticks j 10 ditto House Bells t ditto Table do 3 boxes and 2 kegs Starch I SO barrels Porter 5 bags Pimento 5 ditto Pepper 2 cases ladies’ Work Baskets, assorted 2 dozen market ditto 10 kegs Harvey’s English double battle Gun Powder, in lb. p ipers sealed 4000 ibs. (Hastings, assorted, f] October 23 ts I Just Received, I AND FOR SALE AT THE CLOTHING I WARE-HOUSE, I 40 Packages, ■Comprising an extensive and well select ® ed assortment of ■READY MADE CLOTHING. I .. C. S. BUCKLE. I October 25 ct | FlewelUn k Dickinson, I/far 6 Just Received Tor Sale , f 100 Pieces Prime Inverness I Cotton Bagging, 1 Which they will sell low for cash orap ■proved paper, with town acceptances. ■ Ajtetober 25. > ts I £/* In the Ware-Mouse of Flew ■d,.’.i<& Dickinson, 60 pieces of Cotton ■Urging, marked X which the owner is ■cquesfed to call fur. 1 Oc'nber 25 ts I John S. Walker, ■Having taken into copartnersip Mr. Da- I vid A. Northrop, the Business will in I future be -conducted under the firm WValkcr Northrop I At? the Old Stand on Broad-Street, WHERE' all orders will be thank fully received and punctually at ■ tended to—Theyjjatter themselves that ■ 'tab- knowledge of the business and at ■ tention to it will secure them a share of ■ public patronage. Walker Sf Northrop. ■ 25 ts I Wanted, I \ N OVERSEER to take charge of a ■ V plantation a few miles from Augus- at this office.—Oct. 25. ts ■ Just Received, I 2 Razees, for two Horses ■ 2 Carriages ■ *V hich wul be sold low for Cash, by I • h hcquet. Ih«w%s ,( ? R 3ALE ’ Pills on N. York. I October 1 ts ; 1 — * JS'l. . ■ 11,I 1 , .. <* The Subscriber, OFFERS FOR SLR, 300 Bags and Bids. Green Codec 6 'Pierces Jamaica do. 100 llblsi Philadelphia Whisky 5 Hlnls: N. K; Him 30*-> Pieces Inverness Bagging 20 Hhds. Priflfte'Sugars 2000 bushels Liverpool Salt SOfiiißtefe No.. 10, (niton Cards ■ r Casks Columnar and Sicily Made} ra Wine 6 Qr. Chests Hyson Tea ’ L 9 Tons Shot assorted sizes 6 Tons English and Blistered Steel , 20,000 ib' Iron, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. ALSO— A General ssortment of DRY GOODS, vVc. ON CONSIGNMENT. Twenty-seven Packages assorted Cutlery & Hardware, To be sold on accomodating terms, S. KNEE LAND. September 13 *** 1 HE SUBStvIIiBKR Respectfully informs his friends and the pablit in general , in AT IN PITKIN TO HIS FORMER STOCK o UK HAS JUST RECEIVED. A VERY EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT. Which he will sell at a very small ad vance, for Cash or Approved Paper, VIZ^— ENTLEMKN’s Black Beaver Hats ".TT Fine and Coarse Castor ditto Fine and Coarse Homin' ditto ' Fine and Coarse Wool , ditto- I Ladies’and Misses Beaver Bonnets 1 Morocco o Caps J Ditto Skins | Military Gopds of all kinds j Gentlemen’s Fine Boots, tkc. &e. —ALSO, ON HAND I Three or Four Hundred Founds Beaver, I Which he will dispose of low for sash. 1 John Barry. j October 4. e\v J -■*— 1 ■ - ■ ■' 1 The Subscriber, I Has lately received by different arri vals from Nrw-York, j A 1 QUANTITY OF Saddlery Articles, | —A nD — Coach Mounting: such as I £jRRINGS, Lace, Stump Joints J kjl Plated Hub Bands JL ,J Coach Door Handles, Btc. &c. ■r | Common SadiUes and Bridles,, by the box or dozen I Also, 'plated and common Bridle Bits I Do. do. do. Stirrup Irons. J The above, and many other article.-, J are received on consignment, and will he J sold low for Cash. , John Giudrat. j Gctoher 18 vw Bills ou New-York For Sale by I Ls. Baiie. j October 4. v Bills ou New-York 1 For Sale by Dcach & Thomas. nl S a ; - 4, v l » ■ ■ ■ i «j9|us,ou New York I 'AT SHORT SIGHT, I For Sale by II A. Slaughter &C. Lahuzan. J August J 6. tt ; Bills on New-York t r/tyr Sale by Benjamin Pirquol. t J Aug'-r 23. Bills on New'lock -I For sale by , * N, L. % 8. Sturges. a | Ocioher 11, tt Bills on New York " J For sale at the store of J\T, L. & I 8. Sturges, by J / ' Beers & Sturges. I October 11. ts Mr. MoQtais’ FENCING IsdiOOL, will Open at Jtfr. Leslie’s I Loog Room, qu .Vonday Evemsg qexi | by caniUe iiglif; and be continued every • jfomlav and Tuesday evenings- follow -1 ■ Oktoßer Sts ts- J o Win. Sims, «S(*Co. Are now Receiving and Opening their, Winter’s Supply of GOODS; Their StockAviiljjc very Exten sive k thimplvWf cqusistii'g of BHITiSU, FKENCiI, IN DIA & DOMESTIC (iOODS, Which they oflbr at Wholesale and Retail, on their usual low and uccuuiaw ddting terms. October 1. ts THE StITsCRIBERS I N addition to tlieir lonner stock of goods, have just received, and will cnntimie to receive through the summer and fall seasons, a general supply ofsta ple ind Fancy goods, winch w ill he sold low for cash, or appiove l ' paper. The Follow ing articles arc among their RECENT SUFFLY—ITZ. 1 case Irish Linens 1 trunk Furniture Prints 1 do. Lace ground do. ,1 case Furniture Dimity A do fancy Ginghams 1 trunk Merseilles Quilts 2 cases Northern Homespun 2 trunks 0-1 Cambric Muslin Figured dj* plain Lcvantineiini Flo rence bilks Plaid,Sarsnetts and Canton Ilk’fs Extra Superfine London Cloths 1 case Horse and Gig Whips 2 cases Guns 100 pieces Colton Bagging. ALSO. 20 China 8 by 10 Window Glass D. P. & Powder, Wiiot and Lead Corsica and Sicily Madeira Wine Jamaica Rum Loaf and Lump Sugar White Lead, Linseed Oil, Ac. T. k J. Cziuningluim. August 9. _r If Lottery Tickets. For Sale BY THE SUBSCRIBER, At the Store of N. L. S. Sturges, TICKETS IN THE Second Class of the Oconee Navigation Lottery . The Dewing «f which will commence on the Ibthday of December next. J. C, Nlckelson. October 8 ' cvv Staiuback Wilson AND James A. Black,. ; | A VINO associated themselves in i i. business under the firm of WTL SON & BLACK, offer their services to their friends, and the punlic in general, n tiic •. COMMISION AND Factorage Line. ♦ They have the W are-llouse lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett «y Sims, where every attention will given to ren der general satisfaction. Augusta, April 30 NOTICE, f’MIE Subscribers COMP TING g R OOM, is in tho House lately occupied by Robert Lang and-Co. north .side of upper end of Broad-street. John A. Barnes. October 24 if BILLS on NEW-YOUK—for sale, by MICil’L. F. UOisC'LAIR. October 25 ts * £> Those having unsettled ac counts either with Joim S Walker, or the - late firm of Walker and Glover, ttre re quested to come forward, as it nqw be ■ cqmes necessary that all former accounts should be closed. JOHNS. WALKER. r October 25 ts Dissolution of Copartnership . THE business Heretofore carried on n this city, in the name ot John Haynesworth, in which John F. Delorme, was a copartner, was closed ou the ,- fgtinst. and the copartnership illssolved. John llayneswor*h. T’ . October 25 ■* 3pt '» wrE are #.diorized to announce Jm* ;t yyf Hutchinson a candidate for Tax y Collector of Columbia county at tlm ea r- jUing election, 1 . Sept ‘ -4- J. W. Bridges, ■»■■■"» nonr Hhc&insG —- 1 AND OPENING, 'i An Extensive Assortment, CONSISTJNrt OF- Biitish, Fmicli, If.dia, and Do mestic DRY GOODS. —A L 8 0— , . ♦ A .General Assortment of. Hardware and Cut lery. A Complete Supply if GROGEIUES. is extensive and complete, and will be offered at wholesale and re tail, on his “ usual low and aceommoda •ting terms.” - . . Bills on New- York. OcloWri 11 < ts Fall and Winter GOODS. THE SUBSCRIBERS, Have received by the brig Frederic, from Liverpool, AN I. ARE NOW OPENING— THE FOLLOWING G O O 1) S. LONDON duffil, Bristol, and point Blankets fill i1 i and 121 rose djtto 1 Lion skin and Drab Cloth and Flannels Superfine blue, black and green Broad cloths , Super line and common 'Cassimeres l odonet and Idcrsaiie/ Veadngs. Bombazetts a _ Twist and Cambric Shirtings, 4-4 Irish Linens, Brown ditto Furniture and superfine dark Calicoes Giughajus, CamlAics Plain and figured Musliu» Lino ditto Imitation, 1 / Damask, and is H A W L ft Brunswick J '■ . Cotton and Worsted Hosiery 5-4 and 6-4 Cottoiu Clicks. White Jeans, cottoM Cussimcre Thread, silk and cotton Laces 3-4, 7-8, and 4-4 Black-and white silk, lace and China silk Gloves, * . Sewing Silks and Treads I case Guns, ami I ditto German Steel, H cutvSaw'S —And exptx ed hi >* tew <l-'y«—- AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTitENT OF Hardware, Lead, Shot, and Castings. ALSO —IN STORE— -80 Hhds. Pvime Sugars .Molasses, Coffee N. E. and Jamaica Rum Apple Brandy, <sfa. 11. Malone & Co. October 22 ts Fencing School. MIL MONTAIS informs the gentle men of Augusta, that as soon as be can procure a...sufficient number of subscribers, he will open a school at Mr. Leslie's Long Room, for the purpose of teaching the useful and manly exercise of the SMALL SWORD, upon the most modem and best approved system in that valuable science. may be seen at any time at Mr. Leslie’s residence. *» Oct. 22. Wanted to Hire, A. STEADY Negro Woman, that IJI has been used to house busings.- Enquire at this Office. October 22. c Wanted f|» Hire, IMMEDIATELY, TWO Negro inch by tile month, for ware-hoqse service. Apply at this office. 1 ’ ’ Oct. 22. * ■rwrA.rt’y * " To Rent, At the Markei-Rouse in Wednesday 29 th October , THAI' valuable swamp Plantation about four mites below Augusta, , known as SamuoUßugg’s, for One year, commencing from the Ist January next. Tal. Walker, ✓.. . one of thg.Trustees. October Wt - • " ; .iA ,j ’ 1 • - J -J... .1 . 1... UI.JLJIl 1 !Jl 1 . G. Hudson, HAVE JUST RECEIVED, ‘ Par the schooners Three Sistdra, and - Young fifea Horse, from New-York. —An Ejcfennive Assortment of— in****- British, French & India ""* DRY GOODS, Cutlery, Hardware, Groceries. * ALSO— '*** CROCKERY, —A N 9 Glass Ware, -y f. f f / Which they are determined td sell on accommodating terms Jyr the Package, Piece or otherwise, As may suit purrhaaers. October II ts ¥he J}RE DAILY RECBIVIJWv •■* 'LARGE qiIANTITIBS OF G O O 1) S, DIRECT FROM EUROPE,| WHICH they can and sell ar low as any other house in the state that are regular deal erf, and will give the highest price for COTTON and oth er Produce. Customers will be prompt ly attended to, and their favours grate fully received by „ r< • / ' A. Erwin, Groce k Co. ♦ October 11 ts ■ • jj,?HE subscriber has associated •M r. JL William Booeer in,his business, which will be conducted in future under the firm of George Hudson & co v George Hudson, October it ' ts CALL SEE; SUPERB ■ Paper Hanging. A LARGE and most elegant assort ment is now opened at the NEW CITY AUCTION STORE, worthy the attention of the public. A greater vari ety of Patterns wire never before offered in this market. October I. - ■ _ ts mssoLijTibM , TpHB Copartnership of T. & E. Flew *■ hn , is this day dissolved by mutual > consent—all those having demands a gainst the lute firm, wilt present them to Flewellin 6f Dickinson for settlement,- and all those indebted, ate requested to make immediate payment to the same. V Taylor Flewellin, Eaton Flewellin. October 4. if JVOTJCE * [TEZEKIAH DICKINSON having jEjI purchased the interest of Mr. Eaton Flewellin in the concern ofT. & E. FRw ellin, the business will in future be car ried on under the firm of FLEWELLIN and DICKINSON at the establishment of the late firm, where they have an ex tensive ware-house & Commodious stores, for the reception of all kinds of produce and goods. They tender their services to their friends and the public generally , and only ask for such encouragement as their attention and punctuality will en title them to. Taylor Flewellin, Uezekiah Dickinson. September 3. ts Family • THE subscribers wilUpeep constantl? on hand foi* sale, a supply of SU PERFINE FLOUR, from one dt teh best mills in the-Soutnern States'. Wilson & Black. Oct. 8. £ , ts ; FOR SALE* ’ * Or barter for a ■F'JELD A VALUABLE Rouse Servant— /V qualified to attend *pon a genteel family Apply at this Office. Sept. 20 ts FOR SALE,. A YOUNG Female Servant, 17 years /V of age, well calculated for the house ---Apply at this Office. October 4. ts » V -in ■< ■" <w« ■■ .■" '■ v 1 • ■ The subscriber offers bin t services to the citizens of Columbia , , countyforthe office of Clerk of tboHon,- , orable Inferior Court; and solicits thp . said court for the office of the Clerk m . Ordinary. * James LoveUce, r October • df v mJ