Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 22, 1817, Image 1

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A . i. ii i. m m\ »> ifiy " ~~ MM 1 CHS Augusta r cnnomcin. AND GEORGIA GAZETTE, PUBLISHED BY WSAN, DUYCKINCK & PEaRRE, EVERT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, •Pivc Dollars per annum , Payable in - Advance. \ Reach & Thomas, TVlshinglv decline the Dry Goods business Offer for Hale, Their Entire Stock At the Ncw-York Cost, on a credit of 32 months, for approved paper. If re quired,their stand will be given Up to the 1 at a moderate rent. November 12. ,cw i Meriwether Beal, SCo. ARE NOW OPENING, I In Cummings’ Brick Building , next Afaor above S. Kmeland. U AN EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT OF I GOODS from Livcfpoolrr I. AMOSG WHICH AR E kiCItJPERFINF and common Cloths I Ditto dittoCissimeics , I Flannels, Romhazetls, Blankets I Plains, &c. &c. I Ali. of which t!)«y will sell on the I? post accommodating terms, for Cash or I*l Produce.. I ‘ Kelt. 12 2ln I- i* ■*' *•**■■■ ■ r "*»■ # v; Notice. If MMIE subscribers hereby announce I JL that they have extended a branch |« fTheir business to Augusta, to be con id (acted by Mr. James Woodrow, under It he firm of I James Woodrow I ■ # Co. I JJud are notv Opening , at the Store r formerly occupied by Adam But cfte ar son, Esq | i AN E TENSIVE A SORTMENT OF IVWT GO OVS I SARD WARE, I Imported in the ship Georgia, anil oth m recent arrivals from Britain, which 1 Rbe sold at a moderate advance for lii ah,Produce, or Approved Papir. I | ANDREW LOW $ Co. ■J Savannah, Nov. 1 ts I Irs. Yanzant, and I S Miss Ware, m ifpeeffuUy inform their friends, and m the public, that they have ctmmen - B l ltd the B tMinary Business, B the north side of Broad-Street, near B the market, and opposite Mr. 1; Store. Bl I®RE THEY HAVE JUST RECEIVED, I And are note Opening, B~ WAn Elegant Assortment of ■ ®OODS, | HJY THE ABOVE LLYE, Bhi cl. tbey will sell on very moderate II Terms. ff; AMONG WHICH ARE, #1 INE Open Work, and Fancy Straw w Hats and Bonnets newest fashion gsi Ik Sattin ditto ditto B Ai A elegant assortment of Feathers and H \ Artificial Flowers il pi adems, Robe Trimming 9 Ci dlarets B M ohair Caps - 111 A ■ large assortment of Ribbons H Wests of Band Boxes, &c. &c. 111. B. Mantumaking will be done in Bherttewcst fashion, and on the shortest jKiatific. BjfjlvflpfMr 15 St BfBMHE- subscribers have connected HJL themselves in the mercantile bush B uess under the firm of B A, Picquet %L. P. Dugas. ■ iHey are receiving at present a general H| assortmet of . I Dry Goods, ■ jßardware, ■ groceries § ■ Crockery Wave, will be sold on very accommo 9bMSu| terms. HP Antoine Picquot, mmi i>«5 as - ' *> AUGUSTA CHRONICLE, AND GEORGIA GAZETTE. - - -*• - • : .• vi,. . . faU and Winter GOODS. The Subscribers have receive d, by the ship Georgia, and other recent ar rivals from Liverpool and Green ock, UPWARDS OF 1000 Packages of Seasonable Dry Goods; Comprising a complete Assortment of Woolen, Worsted, Lin hi, Cotton and Silk GOODS; Which have been carefully selected by one of the partners, ami will be sold bt the piece 6v package, at a moderate ad vance, for cash, cotton, or undoubted pa per., fld" Families can be supplied, by the piece or dozen, on reasonable terms. Andrew Low Co. Savannah. Oct. 29 ' 1m THE SUHSCRIIiERS Have entered into Copartnership under the firm of Felix G. Gibson # Co And are now receiving an Exten sive assortment of British, French, India% Domestic DRY GOODS. ■ i —ALSO HARDWARE & CUTLERY, AND A General Assortment of GROCERIES, Ail of which will be sold low and on accommodating terms Bills of Exchange On New-York & Boston for sale . Felix I*. Gibs n, ~ William G. Gilbert. October 29. ts IN ADDITION 7*TH) an extensive assortment of goods B “already on hand, the subscribers have just received by the ship Jane, from Liverpool, the Following Articles which they oiler for sale on mode rate terms ; 13 trunks Cambrics, Lenos, Calicoes and Bombazetts , 1 Bby 10 50 boxes Crown Glass, I 9 by 11 J 10 by 12 20 crates Poj ter Bottles Shot fit Lead, Sheet <s■ Hoop Iron,Casting Table Salt, &c. &c. ALSO. 10 barrels Linseed Oil . 8 crises Looking Glasses, assorted 14 do. Fine White Roram & Wool Hats 200 pieces Inverness Cotton Bagging 30 kegs Dupont & co’s. FF & F.F.F. Gunpowder. Edward Quinn & Co. July 19, ts I ——■ ■ i ——■ . i -■-■■■ -' I. ■ Removal . a Wheeler, Bradley’s & Co. Have Removed their Stand one door cost of the City Hotel, where they are Opening, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, Consisting of the following Articles, READY made Clothing of all des criptions Drv Goods, a general assortment Looking Glasses from I to a 100 dol lars the pair Silver, plated and common Castors Ditto, ditto and brittania Tea Setts Ditto Table and Tea Spoons Gold Watch Chains, Seals and Keys Ladies’ Bracelets and Finger Rings Brass Andirons, Shovels and Tongs Cooper Tea Kettles Cottee Roasters Ladies’ and Gentleme#.’ Beaver Hats Ditto ditto Boots and Shoes Windsor Chairs, <SJ*c. <s*c. N. B. The whole will be sold at very reduced prices. Nov 1 ' / « Bills on New York For sale at the store of J\T / L. & S. Sturges, by Beers & Sturges. October 11. ts ‘ ' wiuhm.i SATURIur, XOVEMHKIt »8, 1817. - : % W. Bridgrn i Has received on Consignment and ' For Sale, ; , 30 Hhds. k2O BbU. - 1 New E. Hum. November 8 ts So'acji.~ llL v' : & The undersigned being ap pointed a Committee to procure asuiia-r blc Building lor the temporary accom modation ot a Branch of the Bank of the United States, in this place. -Willglad ly confer with any prison, disposed to rent such ajjuilding—And Uiatno unne cessary delay may take place, at early interview is invited. The Directors being desirous of enabling ihelnstitution to com mence business us soon as practicable. JV.j IVJtiTE , ) ADJiM HUTCHESON. I Cum. F. IVjiLlyEll , J November 8 ts ' ' WANTED Four Journeymen TWAEHS. ■ 11. ANDREWS. • The Savannah Museum unci Charles ton Southern Patriotare requested to lo se* t the above two weeks each, and for ward their accounts to thisollice for pay ment. Nov. X»- Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER , ’las taken a Stand a few doors above captain Ketclnnas, North side, upper end of Broad-Street, WHERE HE WILL I'RAH'iAC‘f Commission Busi r ■; • ■ j ness. And Expects a Supply of GROCERIES, SHORTLY, Which will be disposed of low for cash. Isaac La Koche. October 11 ts -—mu on. , , Stainback Wilson AND James A. Black, HAVING associated themselves in business under the firm of WIL SON & BLACK? oiler their services to their friends, and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. They have the Ware-House lately oc cupied by Messrs. Barrett «£' Sims, where every attention will given to ren der general satisfaction. Auguijla, April 30 Notice. THE SUBSCRIBER, , Offers his serif ices to his friends and the public in general, in the COMMISSION AND Factorage Line. HAVING taken the VVare-lluuse lately occupied by Mr. Isaac La Roche, where every attention will be given to render general satisfaction. John Burton. October 4 ts SLATES. Hanhart , Gandhi 8( Co. AGENTS for the New-York Slate Company, offer to contract for any quantity and quality at the company prices—-They offer for sale, Bills on New-York, United States’ Post Notes, 500 and 100 dollar Notes. Nov. 1 ts HANH\UT, aTaN UIL & Co. HAVING REMOVED their Coun ting Room , into the brick bouse lately occupied by Albert Brux, Esq. are now ready to receive Cotton, Pro duce, and all other kind of Goods for Storage, and to transact any business in the Commission Line, they will be thank ful for a share of public patronage, and hope to {jive satisfaction to their custom ers. Nov. I If ■ Bolting Cloths. THE subscribers have just received complete assortment of the best quality DUTCH BOLTING CLOTHS. Edward June S 3, tVT ' 11 a. > . r Nj kotwe, ** having formed ft/wtov ■ the BAILING BUSINESS, under the firm of T ; J BELL # q O . Intend currying if. on in oil Us bra* ches, vix. Loaf Broad of all kinds Ship Bread and Biscuit! liulfcr Biscuit, and Confectionary! On Ah iwosk-Street, near the river. A| NB solicit a share of the patron rLM. a g« ol‘the citizens of Ahgusta ami Savanngh, and will endeavor to give general sutisfaclion, bv impoi ting for the purpose, northward hour. Tney will a 1 whys keep on hand for sale, by the single pound or barrel, to suit piivate iamlies, northward and country Flour of the bes£ quality. Persons willing to lav our them with iheir custom will please ‘o leave their names and place of rcsi deuce at the shop, corner of Reynold »*nd M‘lntosh streets. Also Wanted. I wo Boys ot good principles as Ap« pnnfjces ti> the above business. J. Bell. Benjamin Pearson. .. November 0 ts | The Subscriber, UFFJSRS FUR SLB, 000 Bags ami Bbls. Grepn Coffee ti Pierces Jamaica do. 100 Bbls. Philadelphia Whisky 5 ilhds. N. K. limit 300 Pieces Inverness Baaeintr 20 Hhds, Prime Sugars 2000 Bushels Liverpool Salt 30 Boxes No. 10, Cotton Cards Casks Columnar and Sicily Madei ra Wine 0 Qr. Cliests Hyson Tea t °us Shot assorted sizes 0 lons English and Blistered Steel 20,000 lb. Iron, Swedes and English 15 Kegs Powder. b ~—ALSO— / A General smrtmeut DRY HOODS, &c. ON CONSIGNMENT. Twenty-seven Packages assorted Cutlery & Hardware^ To be sold on accomodating terms. S. KNEE LAND. September 13, - | . Removal. subscribers have removed from 3 their old stand, on Taylor’s wharf, to the brick building on (he Bay, south east of the Exchange, (recently occupied by William T. Williams, esq. as a book and stationary store,) where they offer lor sale a very extensive and general as sortment of DRV GOODS and |IAUD WARE, principally received by the late arrivals from Liverpool—of which they will dispose, on reasonable terms, by the piece, package or dtzen, for cash, pro duce or approved paper. James Dichoon, &* Co• Savannah, Oct. 22. am FlevveUin & Dickinson, Have Just Received For- Sale , 100 Pieces Prime Inverness Cotton Bagging, Which they will sell low for cash or ap proved paper, with town acceptances. October 25. ts NOTICE. r Subscribers COMP TING %'UOOM, Is in the House lately occupied by Robert Lang and Co, north side of upper end of Broad-at’-ret. John A. Barnet. October 24 ts O. Hudson, Co. HAVE JUST RECEIVED, Per the schooners Three Sfisters, and Young Sen Horse, from New-York. —An Extensive Assortment of— British, French & India DRY GOODS, Cutlery , Hardware, -A N D Groceries^ + . ‘i “ALSO CROCKERY, —A N D Glass Ware, Which they arc determined to sell on accommodating terms by the Package, Piece or otherwise, as may suitpurrhasers. 5 , October 11 ts •i { -Piittock $ Marsh, X Merchant j> KSPBCTFIILLY nJlity the inhi- ■' bitants of Augusta and the adja cent country, that they have removed to the store south side of Broad Street,- roe cently Occupied by Mr. Dickinson, near* !y opposite the City Hotel, where they will be happy to execute any order* in their line. They have now on their way from Sirpnnnuh, a good assort merit of keauv.madk CLOTHING, Made under their own i S ection sineb April las l-bud^' London Cloths aND ' CASSJME&ES, OF THIE FIRST QUALITY, * ■ Which they will offer for sale, in thd course of next week, as low as o*ii be- Kcbasfcd in thirdly"of er f ual fineness chasers are invited to call and mine for themselves. I To Let, Jl dwelling in the house above described. November 14, • F McLawsA Holt," Acknowledge with gratitude the support encouragement they have rec’d.fromthcir friends hitlierto;they have made such additions to their Ware-Hou ses and Stores «s to accommodate those who feel disposed to favor them with their custom, and hope by devoting their whole attention to FAC TO HABE AND COMMISSION B ÜBINESB, to give feneral satisfaction--Their ComntTng* louse is at the corner, above the Eagle* Tavern, Augusta. " NI -'ember 15 * ■ tit • , t . l r .J~ i . \ Z4* BALES, consisting of Rose, Point and Duffll Blanket*, Just Received and Jor sole by ' Ames & Allen. # ■' Additional supplies of HATS, Seasonable Dry Goods, Spermaceti Can* dies. Cheese, Wine, <Jv, Ac. November 8 Jacob Dan forth, Has Just Received, at his store in Broad-Street, ' A General assortment of * DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hard Ware, Cutlery and Crockery Ware, Also, a Large Assortment of Men’s, Women’s and Children’* Shoes, And an Kltgnnt Supply of Northern Monies pun, and Five Boxes Hats, assorted. .The whole of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms He still continues his Nail Manufactory, and has on hand a supply of nails of all sizes. He lino alto Just Received, \ IS Saw-Mill Cranks & Stirrups of the most substantial kind, and best workmanship. November 8 tlstM JACOB JDANFORTH AND GEORGE mB MAVE formed a connexion in trade, at the uppermost scores on the north 4Pe Broad-street, Augusta, w hich will be conducted in the name of GEORGE BUTLER, % Co. V * They have on hand a general assorfc**- tnenf of Dry Goods and GrocericsT* Cut Nails, Hardware and Crockery, Which they will dispose oT on the lowest terms for Cash, or exchange for country produce, on the most liberal terms. Nwvimber 8. To Lot. “T THE Stoije and Dwelling House, lately occupied by George Kenne dy, & Co, on South side of Broad Street, next dooi* above Mr. D. Rakfon; The situation is very eligible for vending Goods and purchrsinj of produce—-Ou the Lot are convenient Backstorcs. Sta ble and carri-ige House, &c For terms apply to DAVID M KINNEV. Novcmbe'r J 5. , . ' ". [No. tsro.i Begaeaesaaefyi—»v? js