Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 22, 1817, Image 2

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Hutchinson, Co. f Howard's corner, opposite the Post-\ Office,) HAVE JUST RECEIVED ; A very General Assartmari of European American GOODS, Selected by themselves from the last- Importation, -which they offer at the most reduced prices .* They wish to sell their entire -etoclf; and to suchas are disposed to buy the whole or the greater portion, a very; liberal credit writ be given, and the benefit of their lease on that excellent stand now occupied by them, if de sired. They have also a Large Slock of GROCERIES Viz Jamaica, AVeat-Tmlia & Northern Rum Wine, Porter, Whiskey, &c. Jamaica, Havanna Acoimnon Sugar Loaf Sugar Coffee, Tea, &c. Pepper, Spice Ginger, Almonds, Filbelts,‘&c. IRON and NAILS of all sorts SALT, November 15. ear - Dickinson & Starnes 1 WARE-HOUSE. THE subscribers having associated themselves in business under the firm of Dickinson ie Starnes, oiler set-vices to their friends and the public -in the • „ Commission & Factorage Line. Ttye Ware-House is entirely detached from any building liable to fire, and on a good construction,immedistely injlhe rear of Cosby Dickinson’s new building, and opposite the centre of tire upper square • —-where every attention will ue given to tender general satisfaction. C. DIKIN SON, E. STARVES, r November S. 2wlw2m lilt. iiaLhEb * Asthmatic Pills! The following voluntary certificates ■must sufficiently *vmce inti* oin~ gulur and surprising efficacy. QT CERTIFICATES. This may certify, that 1 have been ve -2 much troubled with the asthma and tticulty of breathing for about four years, during which time I have made use of a variety of medicines, and to no effect, until I had recourse to Dr. Relfe’s Asthmatic Pills, prepared by W. T. Conway, on taking which, to my great Joy, 1 was relieved, ami can safely re commend them as an invaluable Medi cine to others in like cases. Elias Spencer. Windham, Cou. May 6,1817. Thefollowing certificate from Messrs Minor and Hidings Grant, Drug gists, Stufford, Con. must be truly interesting to the afflicted. “ Your (Dr. Relfe’s asthmatic Pills) have.performed a miraculous cure in this town—A man, about 50, had been confi ned -some months, his 'feet and legs badly swollen, a bad cough, respiration difficult, and was given over by his phy sicians and friends, who considered him in a confirmed consumption, after taking three boxesof these Pills, all the threat ning symptoms are removed, and he is fast recovering. Stafford, Sept. 1. These Pills give instant case in a!I coughs, colds, asthmas, difficulty of breathing, wheezing, tightness of the chest, consumption, pain in the side, spitting of blood, chillness, and shiver ings, the forerunners of fevers, &c.— Common colds are removed in a few hours,the aged will experience relief e qually instantaneous when the lungs are" affected—Price One Dollar. Ask for “ Dr. Relie’s Asthmatic Pills,” one box containing 12 Pills frequently ef fects a cure. JVbne are Genuine but those signed « W. T.-Conway.” Ms The above Medicine is prepared and Sold, wholesale, by the soleVoprietor, W. T. Conway, No. 1, Hamiltou-Place, Common-street, Boston, and retailed by Wm. J. Hobby, At the Augusta Book-Store. •fad most Druggists, Booksellers and Post-Masters throughout the United States. (J3T Pamphlets of many extraordinary cures, may be had at the agent’s, gratis. C3r A large discount to country tra ders, and those who buy to sell again. November 12 ts Attention. SNOW offer tor sale,a valuable tract of LAND, belonging to the estate of m Jones, lying in Burke county, 10 miles above Waynesborough, on the main road to W arrenton; containing 900 acres. Any gentleman wishing to purchase a valuable tract of Land, will do well to call and see the land—Terms known by applying to the subscriber on toe premises. ~ • John Jones. October |4 '• „pt i *STew Hoods, Jlofit Received by the Subscriber, Which in addition to former importa tions, completes a very Extensive Assortment of HEADY MADE CLOTHING, —— consisting cy—— O'UPERFtNEbIue cloth Spanish cloaks Real Tartan Plaids do. do. with/ fur trimmings. Brown Cauiblet Cloaks. Bourbon and Waterloo Surtouts,various colours, ’ Superfipe broad cloth great coats. Double milled drab ditto, Flushing and Lyou Skin ditto. Dress coats of the best cloth and newest fashion, <! Coatees, Pantaloons, Cloth, double and single milled cassi-, meres, Berlin web, and various, kind.-: of cord, Waistcoats—comprising a choice selec tion of Patterns and various kinds of goods. { Childrens’elegantly, trimmed dresses, Inside flcecesA flannels Vests &Dr:uvers Super linen and cotton shirts, Boy’s clothing of-every kind & quality, Servants do. do. Cheap &c. C. 8. BUCKLE. November 10. o YOUNG LADIES' A C A D E M Y, Washington-Street, Augusta. Mrs. RESPECTFULLY informs the citi zens of Augusta and Republic in general, that the Academy will open on MONDAY, the 20th iust. where the va rious branches of education will be taught as usual. Terms of Board and Tuition mode rate, and will be made known on appli cation. October 18 ts _ 10 R HALV" 300 Acres of Land, I VINO about seven miles from this A City, upon the Washington road, most of it is well timbered—there are upwards of forty acres cleared anfl un der good fence—there is also on the pro mises, an excellent dwelling house, and out houses, a good Peach and Apple Orchard, and uncommon good water in abundance. ALSO To be disposed of, Four Prime Negroes.—ls not sold at private sale be fore the first day of January next, the whole will be. sold at the market-house to the highest bidder on that day—A cre dit will be given-if required/ for good personal security, and a mortgage on all. Apply to Isaac La Roche. November 1 tds 10 Dollars Reward MY Negro Woman FRANKY, well known in and about Augusta and Savannah, has absented herself, and the above reward will be paid to any person who will apprehend and place her in the must convenient jail, or deliver her to me. All persons are cautioned against harboring her. Isaac La R ochc. November 15, ts Doctors J. G. M‘WHORTER and J. B. GUMMING, having united their interest in the practice of Physic, Surgery and Midwifery, tender their prof essional services to'their friends and the public, and hope by their alliance to be able to pay punctual attendance to both Town and Country friends. "By ap plying two doors above the Post-Office, one or the other will always bo found. November 12. ts Dr. Yanheddegliem From France. Respectfully informs the citi zens of Augusta and its vicinity, that he has established himself in this city, where he intends’ pursuing the PRACTICE OF MEDICINE in its va rious branches, and Hatters himself that he will be enabled, from his knowledge and experience, to render general satis faction. He may be found when not en gaged in his Professional Duties, at the house of Messrs. Tardy «$* Bouycr. November 13 ts WASHINGTON Jockey Club Races WILL commence on the Ist Wed nesday in December next, free for any Horse, Mare or Gelding from any part of the world—Weights agreea ble to the Augusta Turf. Ist Day’s Running, 3 mile heats, for a purse of g 400 2d—2 mile heats 300 3d—Mile heats for a purse supposed to be worth be tween s & 400 By order of the President. R. H, M 4 Crea, Sec’ry. \ October 22 m ■a ’ | ■■■■. AUGUSTA, NO?. 32. A CARD, &T The FEMALE ASYLUM ac knowledge the liberal donation of “A T LANTIHt” received thro’ the medi um of the Post-Office. The Institution tenders its sincere thanks for tins modest pledge -of unknown charity. SVAXm^mERICA. The confused and contradictory de tails of the-conflict between Spain and her revolted colonies havo so obstructed the channel of correct information, that we are unable to form the most remote conjecture of their relative situation. This stale of uncertainty, which has marked the progress ofthe contest, naturally de taches a considerable portion ofthat inter est from .the struggle, which it v. ould otherwise excite. No matter in what ca. se the sympathies of tire heart may be enlisted, the moving principle loses* imperceptibly its interest, as long as the object continues to be enshrouded in the gloom of falsehood apd conjecture. It is owing to causes like these, that wc generally turn away with loathing' from the silly and inflated accounts, of the Revolution in Spanish America, with which our papers abound. We have now before us an Article from 'Caraccas, which States that the civil war in Mexico has completely terminated, through the influence of a general amnesty granted to the Insurgents by Ferdinand—that, Galzada, a Royalist, I tad gainod -a com plete victory over Pnuz, who lost 400 men killed, 500 prisoners, 9000 horses, and all his camp equipage. The ac counts from Curaccoa, appear equally favorable to the Royalists, staling the entire discomfiture of the Patriots at Guira. Advices from the Patriots, on the -other hand are diametrically oppo site—claiming advantages equally as great. Such is the complex and dis tracted view we have of the state of things in South-America—from which the public mind can gathir nothing satis factory or conclusive. MUledgeville , Nuv. 18. The proceedings of the Legislature are beginning to assume an interesting aspect. Many important subjects, (as will be seen by reference to the synopsis, in -this day’s paper, of what has been done) are under consideration. Other measures of equal magnitude, are in an incipient state, and will be brought for ward as soon as they can be matured.— A spirit of harmony being generally che rished by the members, unmeaning polit ical distinctions, which disgust the ear and pall upon the mind, have found no resting place among them. All are equal ly emulous to serve their country—all vie with each other in zealous endeavors to promote the public interest: And, from the wise and liberal policy by which many are governed, we indulge with confidence the hope, that the present session will constitute an rcra in the le gislative annals of the state. The passage of the bill in Senate, to prevent the circulation of unchartered notes, produced an animated discussion, the substance of which will be published in a future paper, being prepared for the press at too late an hour to be inserted in the present number. That bill, a copy of which we subjoin, is now before 1 *- House of Representatives, where it will probably be acted on to-day.-— -Journal. A BILL, To bo entitled, An Act to prevent the is suing, signing, vending, passing or circulating bills, notes or orders, of a certain description, other than those of Chartered Banks, add for establishing the interest thereon. 'lie it enacted by the Senate and House <f Representatives of the State of Geor gia, in General Assembly met , and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same , That if any person or persons, cor poration, company or copartnership, shall after the first day of June next, is sue, sign, pass, or attempt to pass or give in payment for any debt, lands, goods, chattels, wares, merchandize, produce or other commodity; or other thing or things; or in exchange for other bills or money, any bill or bills, note or notes or order, that is, arc or may be, either in whole or in part, printed or engraved, or with any figure, representation or like ness, engraved or printed thereon, ex cept bills or notes of some chartered Rank, such person or persons, corpora tion, company or copartnership, shall be guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on con viction thereof in anyone of the Superior courts in this state, shall for each and ev ery such offence be fined in a sum not exceeding five hundred dollars, and shall moreover, forfeit all and evciy one of such bill or bills, note or notes, order or orders so passed or offered to be pass ed, to the person or persons to whom the same is, or are offered or tendered; and it shall t)d the duty of such person or persohs to whom the same is or are of fered, to prosecute the offender for such misdemeanor, provided nothing herein, contained shall be so construed as to operate or have any effect on any note or notes of hand commonly cai;od. pro missory notes, taken by executor or cxe cutors, executrix or executrixes, admin istrator or administrators,adminlstratfix or administratrixes, or guardian or guar dians, for the rent of land, hire of slaves and property sold by these as such, whe ther written or printed in part or the whole. And be it further enacted. ' That all notes,bills or orders of the above descrip tion, which are now in circulation, or may hereafter be in circulation, and Hot taken in by the issuer* or signers of the same, on the above first day of Jane, shall after that date bear interest at and after the rate of fifty per centum per an num, until the same is paid off with the interest; which note, bill or order, with the interest, shall be recovered in any court of law or equity in this state, hav ing cognizance of like sums, provided that no such bill, note or order shall bear such interest as is mentioned in this section, unless the holder of suchbill jnotc or order, shall present the some to the person or persons (having issued or sign ed the same) for payment. November 19. The joint committee to whom has been refered the practicability and expediency of disposing of the territory lately ac quired from the Creek and Cherokee In dians, it is supposed, will report this day, that it is impracticable and inexpedient to make any disposition of the'lands du ring the present session—and recommend to his excellency the governor, on. his re ceiving official information on the subject, to appoint fit and proper persons not, ex ceeding three, to attend, on the part of Georgia, to the running of the different boundary lines, %nd to ascertain the true head ofthe St. Mary’s; and vo take such other steps as lie may think calculated to insure the earliest disposition and set tlement of said teritory. The following gentlemen have been appointed by the legislature Directors of the State Bank—Messrs. Win. B. Bul lock, Edward Harden, Abram B. Fannin, Jonathan Bathdle, Thomas U. Ik Charl ton, and Andrew G. Simmes. Directors of the Planter’s Bank— Messrs. John Pray ami John 11, MorelU STATE CENSUS. IT s h Counties. £■' §-3 P _ :__?J Baldwin, 4036 4001 8037 Burke, 6189 5580 11769 Camden, 1552 5026 4578 Clarke, 5064 2975 8039 Chatham, 4770 11215 15G85 Effingham, 1679 1140 2810 Elbert, 6602 5180 11782 Greene, 6825 6155 13980 Jackson, 10241 2770 13011 Jones, 9260 5679 149^9 Jasper, J 0358 4467 14825 Jefferson, 4179 2984 71G3 Laurens, 3146 1672 4818 Lincoln, 3226 2831 6057 Liberty, 1431 2875 4306 Morgan, 8579 5000 13579 Madison, 2G30 788 3418 Moutgomry 1152 740 1892 MHntosh, 1271 343 7 4708 Hancock, 6773 6819 13592 Franklin, 9260 2123 11383 Oglethrope, 6856 6516 13372 Pulaski, 3075 1508 4883 Putnam, 5823 5702 14525 Richmond, 4117 4914 9031 -Scriven, 2218 1734 3952 Twiggs, 6620 2395 9015 Wilkinson, 5023 1113 6136 Warren, 6227 3660 9887 Wilkes, 7854 8595 16449 Washington 6070 3336 9424 Returns have not vet been received from the counties of Br yan, Bullock, Co lumbia, Emanuel, Glynn, Tatuall, Tel fair and Wayne. Legislature of Georgia. SENATE. Thursday, 13 th November. The joint committee to enquire into the expediency of encreasing the sala ries of the officers ofthe state, made the following Report, which being read, was ordered to lie on the table, to wit: “ In executing the delicate duty which has been assigned to us, your committee are not unaware of the difficulties atten ding it. Deep rooted prejudices exist a gaiust the measure; and a laudable jea lousy on the part of the people, renders it always unpleasant to their representa tives to propose an increase of pay to the officers of government. Necessity only should authorise, or can justify such a proceeding: and your committee having duly consiAwed the subject, will not shrink from the responsibility of declar ing it as their decided opinion, that at this time it is absolutely necessary, that some further provision should be made for the functionaries of the state. Your committee would be wholly a verse to such an increase of compensation, as might enable the incumbents to amass large fortunes from the public treasury: but it cannot be denied, that where the serv ices of an individual are required to be devoted to the state, a salary com mensurate at least, to the comfortable support of himself and family, should fc*v. gWcn. Thai such is not the case at rr-1 settt, is fully clcmonsUatnl i,y daily cx peri«nce. Men of the lis si talent* sui* respectability arc compelled to retire from the public service, oniy because a just regard to their domestic concerns imperiously requires it of them, itistruo that persons can always be found to fill the public offices, at the preset salaries: but it is not true that the best abilities of the country arc brought into operation by them. Patriotism enough does exist, to make the compensation but a secondary consi* deration with many, but ought a state to require that the best of its members should be rained in the service of their country ? Economy in government rigidly under stood, consists in such a liberal applica tion of the public means, as will insure the able and faithful performance of it* duties: if it falls short of this, the desir able end is not attained, ami that which was intended lor economy di generates into a ruinous parsimony. ' But if the present salaries, ever were sufficient, it is evident that (hey cannot be so now; every article of subsistence ha,?, doubled and in many instances trebled in, value recently, insomuch (hat what might have been considered heretofore as an adequate compensation to the %icers of the government, is barely a pittance at this period of time. Your committee therefore fee) no he sitation in recommending the adoption of the following resolution by the Legisla*- ture— Resolved, that it is expedient, to in crease the salaries of the officers of the government.” Friday, 1 4th November. Mr, Henly reported a bill to alter the 1 st sec. of the 5d art. of the Constitution. / Mr. Elliot notified the Senate, that he /should move for the appointment of a Icommittee to enquire in,o the expediency of originating a system for (he establish ment of £ ee schools throughout this stat e. Ihe bill to prevent the circulation of unchartered notes, passed the Senate,; i 3 to 12. Those in the affirmative, were Mess rs. Beady, John Blackmon, Cuthbert, E mannel, Foster, Gold wire, Griffin, Groves Hatcher, Hogg, Hudspeth, Knight,ho ck lieart, N. Mitchell, Montgomery, Pil es, Pope, Porter, Ryan, Swain, Thomps Vanhrackel and Wimberly. Those in the negative, arc Messrs, Blackshear,Js.Blackmon, Brown,Cleve land, Elliot, Fleming, Harris, Henlly, Mathews, Thos. Mitchell, Powell, and Walker. . HOUSE OF REPRESENT Monday, 1 Oth November. Mr. Harden, (of Chatham) called u- ja resolution which he ha.’, laid ott the tab Je, bud the same being read was agreed tq »as follows, to wit: Resolved, That Messrs Harden, Ci itli •bert, Sanders, Townsend and Moure (of Greene) be appointed to join a corai nit tec from Senate, to take into considerat ion the expediency of increasing the salaries of the public officers of the t itate,. of Georgia. Wednesday, 12 th Novenu kr. A letter was received and read, from the Executive, communicating the re sit uation of Brigadier General Daniel S Stew art, of the cavalry of this state— also, sundry Resolution adopted by the s tates of Connecticut, New-York, North-( 2aro lina and Kentucky, respecting ce rtaia proposed amendments to the Con. cita tion of the United States. Mr. Williamson, agreeablyAq njofice, moved for the appointment of a* co minib tee to prepare and report a bill to t ax the Branch Banks of the United Strides ia this state— Ordered, r M at Messrs. Willi amson, Tankersly and Blair be tha ,t coin mittee. Mr. Owens presented aMetnori al from the President and directors of t’h'3 Ma rine and Fire Insurance company of Sa vannah, (praying to be allowed tjo issue bills and discount paper) which w as read and referred to a sclect'committt ic, con sisting of Messrs. Owens, Jacknonand Avery. Thursday, IS th Note tnber. Messrs. Crocker, *cllj Pope and Mathews, to report a - hill a P‘ propriating money for each county in (his state which has not received its por tion of the amount allowed by law for erecting and supporting an Academy. Friday, i Ath Novt ruber. Mr. J. Moore moved for the •• ippoini merit of a committee to prepare a bill to admit as evidence in Courts of Justice all bills of sale for personal propi irty tin are legally executed—Order* id tha Messrs. Moore, Jackson dad W alton G that committee. Saturday, 15th No' icmber, A resolution was reported by 1 he com mittee appointed for that purp )se, au thorising the Governor to subsuribe foi such part of the en creased capit il of Augusta Bank, as is reserved t p her by the act of incorporation. INJJIJNSJ Extract of a letter from gen. Rdmuniß P. Gaiues to his excellency the {.nvernorß (received by express on Saturday G st ’H dated “Head Quarters, Port Oainc* November g, 1817. ■ Sir, —I bad the honor to recc ive at * ■ Montgomery on the eve of ray n lovemen* hither, your excellency’s comm anicaW® of The 17th September. My d isposao j force, consisting of the 4th an d (th *® fantry, marched -on the 20th i ®