Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 22, 1817, Image 3

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W Coneka on our pew route, and arriv ed at this place last night. I had entertained a hope that the Se minole Indians, apprised of this move ment, would yield to my demand, and thereby obviate the necessity of marching to the frontier, the auxiliary force which you were pleased to put in readiness for the purpose. This hope has not been re alized. On the contrary, it appears from the best information 1 can obtain, that the Serainoles, have made arrangements to collect their force, amounting to up wards of two thousand warriors, and at tack us as'soon as we cross Flint river.— Although I put little faith in their threats, and believe their numbers to be overra ted—yet, under all the circumstances of the case, 1 feel it to be my duly to re quest of your excellency, the,, regiment of Infantry and squadron of Cavalry, de signated for this service; and that they may be ordered to assemble at Ft. Haw kins on the 25th ilisf. or as soon alter that day as may be practicab'e— where the infantry will be armed and cquiped, and the whole mustered and inspected, . by major Nix of the army of the United States. I apprehend it. will not be prac ticable to arm the cavalry, but in part:— It is therefore very desirable that this part of the force, should bring with them their own arms and equipments—other wise 1 shall be under the necessity of putting muskets in the hands of such as I may be unable otherwise to arm.” -U Copy of a letter from, major Tiviggs to gen. Haines, dated “ Ft . Scotty 1 stj\'ov. Sir, —Since my last communication, nothing of any importance lias occurred in this quarter, 1 have u character in confinement, who was present at the mee ting at the Mikasuka town the last of September. The determination of the Indians is, to give up no murderers or others to the whites, and as soon as wo cross Flint river to attack u:s. The chiefs counted the number present at the mee ting—there were 2700 warriors.” (The governor lias issued orders for the drafted militia to rendezvous at the place appointed on the first day of De cember. J . thiTfujrujas. Capt. Arnold of the ship Lucy from (Bordeaux has brought out despatches for government from the American Minis ters at the Court of Spain. It is presu med that these despatches relate to the negociatioas carrying on between the United States and -Spain as to the pur chase of the Fioridas. It is distinctly understood, on very good authority, that Great-Bntain has said to Spain, “ If you chouse too keep the Fioridas it is well; but if you determine to sell them, we think we have a right to the prefer ence and we shall expect the first oiler.” This language has offended and embar rassed the Court of Madrid, although we do not believe it will influence its deter mination; indeed we leel confident that that determination is made, and is now in the United States. We come to this conclusion from a knowledge of the fact that the Spanish Minister, Don Onis, has at tliis moment in his possession seal' P,D DESPATCHES from his COUlt, which despatches he is directed not to open ttit i'd the meeting of Congress!!! Demo. Press. - — — From Moore's Poems. DREAMS. In slumber, I prithee, hov is it That souls are oft taking the air, And paying each other a visit, While bodies are—Heaven knows where? ■ I ry- „ I Last night, ’tis in rain to deny it, I Your Soul took a fancy to roam, I For 1 heard her, on tiptoe so quiet, Come ask, whether mine was at home. I And mine let her in with delight, I And they talk’ and they kist the lime tltto’ I For when souls come together at night, There is no knowing what they may’nt I ? d °* I And yOnr little soul, Heaven bless her: Had much to complain and to say, I Os how sadly you wrong and oppress her, I By keeping her prison’d ail day. 1 41 If I happen,” said she, but to steal For a peep now and then to her eye, I Or, to quiet the fever I leel, I Just venture abroad on a sigh; I In an instant she frightens me in I With some phantom of prudence or I terror, I For fear I should stray into sin, I Or, what is still worse, into error! | Bo instead of displaying my graces 1 Thro’ looks aud thro’ words, and thro mien, ■1 am sl\ut up in corners and places, I Wliere truly I blush to be seen!” ■fyon hearing this piteous confession, ,B My Soul, looking tenderly at her, as tor grace and discretion, I lie did not know much ol the matter; B*But, to-morrow sweet Spirit! he sa:d ■ Be at home after midnight, and then will come when your lady’s in k. eil ». And we’ll talk o'er the subject again.’ «she whisper’d a word in his car, vB I suppose to her door to direct him, —j us t a ft er midnight my dcar,^ B Vuur polite little Soul may expect him. CbMMUNtOATIOik We understand that in a short tim.e our Theatre will be opened for ONE NIGHT ONLY, when will be presen ted an Evening’s Entertainment; Benefit of Mr. Macdonald. Cotton, 31 a. 33 cts; ; «* ' m i —mm—in in wpi i . |j-We are authorised to an nounce Major John D’Antignac a can didate for Receiver of Tax Returns, at the election. , npv. 22. H. DUNTON, HAS .TOST RECEIVED, AND INTENDB' KEEPING, A General Assortment , and Constant Supply, of Gtnuiijf GROCE LUES, —AND ’ - LIQUORS. Suitable for Town Customers', Country Merchants and Planters, at moderate prices. * WHOLESALE AND RETAIL; V AMONG WHICH ARE THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES. 60 Bags Prime Green Coffee I Minis, and bbls. of first and second quality SUGARS Ditto and ditto loaf, Jump, and bastard ditto i. Ditto Molasses Chocolate, Pepper and Spice /' Imperial, 1 Hyson, and I leftS. Hyson &km J 1 Pipe old and very superiorN Madeira * I Qr. casks l. v. Tcneijifle 's. Do. ditto Sherry ( S 3 Do. ditto Malaga J C& 4th Proof Jamaica "J 3d ditto West-lndia >|| || 111 2.5 Bbls. &G hints. N* E.p , First Chon Holland Gin Table Salt, and superior Vinegar —ToGBTHSK WITU— -100 Demi Johns 100 Setts Wooden Measures 40 Boxes Spermaceti Candles 20 Ditto Mould ditto. 20 Ditto first quality Turpentine Soap 100 Casks of Cut Nails, of a superior quality, consisting of 3d. 4d. Gd. Bd. U)d. 12d. and 20d. 40 Ditto Cut Brads, Bd. lOd. J2d. and 20d. 5000 lbs. Shot, from B. B. to No.. 8 Ax Bar and small Sweedc’s Iron German and Blistered Steel 20 Kegs Treble F. Gun Powder, (English) A quantity of Northern Bed Ticking. Ginghams, Stripes, Sheeting and Shirting 40 Pieces excellent Inverness Bag ging* # c - ALSO. A s pot OF Dry Goods Hard ware, Which will be offered very low, being determined to turn his whole attention to the Grocery liusiness. ON CONSIGNMENT, —A Large ((jiartti'y of — Saddler’s Tacks, OF EVBHY SIZE. Which will be sold low by the quantity. November 22 ■ ts To Adventurers. PERSONS desirous of having Ship ments of Cotton or other Produce, made to any part of Europe, or the Nor thern States, are informed that the sub scribers will undertake to make such shipments through the most respectable. Mercantile Houses, FREE OF AN I CHARGE, except the mere forwarding rates—and on tlie produce being placed subject to their order, will advance TWO THIRDS THE AMOUNT OF IN VOICE, cither in Cash or Bills ot Ex change. The most satisfactory referen ces as to respectability «s'c. can be given on anplication- Winter # Bolton. F". 22 St AN Overseer Wanted, take‘charge of a plantation in JL the neighbourhood of Augusta. — Enquire at this Office. N ovember 22. ts GEORGIA, } Lincoln county. $ WHEREAS Major John M‘Dowell, has applied for letters of administration on the estate and effects of Benajah Smith, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admo nish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and ap pear at my office witlwn the time allow ed by law to shew cause (if any they Ttave) why said letters of administration fiould not be granted. Given under my hand this 12th day ol November, 1817. WILLIAM HAjRPEU) c. c. o. New Ooods. Charles HAS JUST RECEIVED, •find (jffers for Sale at his Store, fottr doors below M-Keuzic, hcnnoch , & Co*s. in lots to suit purchasers, 12 BALES broad cloths, Superfine, fine anij, common,fc s ‘ . 4 Ditfo Cassimerqs, do. do. ' do.( .2 ditto Serges* j 1 ditto Slue Plain*, i. „> 1 ditto Duflllhr/ v * 2 ditto Bomb<r/.ct<s, 8 Cases Calicoes, 2 ditto Furnitures, i 1 ditto Oil m bricks, 1 ditto Silk Hose, assorted, Blankets, Guernsey l«Vocka& Drawers, Twisf, Ribbons, silKand cojtou Shawls Angola Hose, Crapes, Sewuijg Silks, Gauze Handkerchiefs, Florentine Vest ings, Sarsnetts, §'c. i . ALfciU 110 Trunks Slioes. ✓ containing a general assortment, 14 Ditto Wellington Boots, 60 Cases Haty, assorted, 40 Barrels N. E. Rum, 20 Boxes Soap, 25 Ditto Cheese. November 22. ts James €. Campbell : V & Co. At the store formerly occupied by Messrs John M, Davenport & Co. nmth side ? of Broad-Street. have Deceived, Ihl the late arrivals from Europe, A LARGE ‘ AND GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF . FALL GOODS, Which with a full supply of Domestic ones, will be sold on very reasonable terms for Cash, Town Paper, or Country Produce. November •_ c THK FI KM OF L. C. Cantelou Co. fS This Day dissolved by its own lim itation, ail unsettled basin ess will be arranged by L. C. Cantelou. L. C. Cantelou, Wm. B Cantelou, G, "B. Lamar. Nov. 32 e Tile Subscribers, HAVE re-united their Business,which will be conducted under the firm oiCJIJY'TELOU # Co. L. C. Cantelou*. I* L. Cantelou, Win. B. Canteloo. Nov. £2 o To Let, A STORE, as gohd a stand as any in ttie city to purchase Produce, op posite the uppermost, pump on Broad- Street, and possession given immediate ly—For particulars enquire of T homas Pve. __Nov. £2 ts Twenty Dollars Reward. JD AN A WAY on the 26th ultimo, mv Negro Woman DIANA, about 4u years old, very dark complexion, remai kahle tall foi a woman, she is fi/efeet ten or eleven inches high, handsomely formed, and has several teeth out before, she is well known in the city of Augus ta, and down the Savannah river, as far as the long reaches. I am confident that she is harbored on board of one of the Augusta Boats, and taken to Savannah, backward and fatwards—owners of bints and patroons that goes the river, arc res pectfully solid fed to keep a look out for her;. Tne above reward will be given to any person, that will secure her into the Augusta or Savannah Jail, or deliver her to me at my residence in Columbia coun ty- Zachamh Williams, (jdr The Savannah Republican will please to insert the above three times, and forward their account to this olfic e for payment. Nov, 22 c Ten Dollars Reward. RANAWAV on the sth inst. from tne house of Mrs. Sandwich, near this place, an African Negro Woman, named JWLYC i . She is about 25 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 indie’s high, her face is very much scored with t!:e marks of her country; she Speaks brokon English, and when agitated her pronunciation is unintelligible. The above reward with all reasonable cxpenceswill be paid for her delivery to Mrs. Sandwich, living on the Sand-Hills, or to John E. Kean,in Augusta. Nov. 22 Georgia, } Lincoln county. £ WHEREAS Samuel Jeter has ap plied for letters of administration on the estate and etfects of Sarah Je ter, deceased, These are therefore to cite and admo monish all and singular die kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and ap pear at my office, within the time pre scribed by law to shew cause (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, at of fice, this llth day of November, 1817. WILLIAM H.ARFEH, c. c. o. S 100,000. -> Eichelberger and Clcmm, , Ua b* Seven or Eight TICKETS in the GRAND SURGICAL L O T T E II Y, OF BALTIMORE. YKT UNSOLD. Which if nut disposed of the 25th inst. will then be transmitted to Balti more, the drawing commences on the following day. Nov. 22 * V *lt Die Subscribers, Having connected themselves in Bu siness, r.vDtu this n«M of Bigelow & Hand, ' AUK WOW OVEWUVG, At the Store recently occupied by Mr. Benjamin -Picquet, near the Market, Broad-Street. —A GI4NKHAL ASSORTMENT OF— FRESH IMPORTED Dry Goodr,, Groceries Hard ware. Which will bo sold at wholesale or re tail on very Accommodating terms. A. Bigelow, scriT. ' J. M. Hand. November 22 3w FIFTY DOLLARS ItEWAltki. RAN AWAY from the subscriber a Negro Man named VLJITO —It is presumed bis height is about 5 feet 10 or eleven inches. His complexion of the African though u native. Rather meagre visage, thick lips, stout nose apd large eyes—His hands and feet are rath er larger than proportionate, and his fin gers long and tapering—No scars recol lected but one occasioned by a burn or some other cause on one of his bands.— He is about 24 years of age, well made, except a little inclinations of his knees, and speaks sensibly. His dress not re collected. Having relations ih Savan nah and on St. Helena, South Carolina, it is supposed he make for either the one place or the other, hut from some conversation be had with his fellow boat hands previously to his absconding, it is likely he may attempt an escape to St. Mary’s, and from thence to the Spanish possessions. The above reward and all reasonable expeuces will be paid to any one for his apprehension and safe delive ry info any jail in South-Carolina or Georgia, and lor information thereof sent to the Post-Office of Augusta, Geo. Andrew Miller. C 3” The editors of the Savannah Mu seum aqd the Charleston Courier, are re quested to give the above three insertions In their respective papers, and forward their accounts to this office for payment. Nov. 22 . *st Take JSoticei I HEREBY forwarn any person from trading for a Note given by Jesse Jones, payable to Jesse Durden, for 25 Dollars—the date of the note not recol lected, but due 25(h December 1820— The Note is paid. Jesse'Jones. Nov. 22 2tawp Five Dollars Reward. STRAYED or Stolen from the Sub scriber, living in Augusta, on the I2ih inst. a small Bay Horse, in good or der, with glass eyes, and bis two hind feet white. The above reward and all reasonable expeuces will be given to any person who will deliver said Horse to Gustavos Parker. Nov. 92 n ~~ TWE ■ • HEZEKIAII DICKINSON having purchased the interest of Mr. Eaton Klcwellin in the concern of T. & E. Flew ellin, the business will in future be car ried on under t ic linn of FLEWELLIN and DICKINSON at the establishment of the late firm, where they have an ex tensive ware-house Ik commodious stores, for the reception of all kinds of produce and goods. They tender their services to their friends and the public generally, and only ask lor such encouragement as their attention and punctuality will en title them to. Taylor Flewellm, liezckiali Dickinson. September 3. ts For Sale, AT well known Tract of Land, in Columbia county/ called Mount Hope, ten miles above Augusta, on Sa vannah river, containing 528 acres—• which is equal if not superior, to any tract of Land, in the county. There is on the premises a good Dwelling House, Kitchen, Gin House, Stables, Corn House, and all the necessary buildings oh a Plantation, all under a good fentfe; the terms, will be made known, by appli cation to subscribers, on the premises. ' John B. Wilkinson, - Wm, u, Blackwell, October 25 I Administrator's Sates. Will be sold before the Post-Office on Wednesday) 17th of December next the property of Samuel Brant, deceas! ed, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors, vir. , 1 Riding Chair demijons of Copal Varnish Quantity of Coach Lace f andlfts ’ Joints, and Bands rlated Stirrup Irons and Webbs Saddle Bosses and Cut Ta c ks, tfc.tfc. David M‘Kiaoeo * , James Johnson, C "“H* l **. • Ji™- 8 3 tds MARSHALL'S S.iLES O POSTPONED. * h ® ) S li Tuvsd y in December next, at the market-house, in the cuy ot Augusta, between the usual hours of sale, will be sold. v ~u,Mno,,r, One third of an improved LOT in of°(vl n? °, 1 e , ter^ Ur g’ on the west side Allen. t ‘ Stre ’ ad J flunn S Graham »nd o • ’”V •' . ; -■ | t —AI.SO— One Lot of Land lying in Elbert county, in the fork of Cold Water c eek and Savannah River, containing l acre* more or less, the .bovo pro,*4 | evied ’ t ,“ * an .*' Xecut,on is! »ued from C .V CU |? CoUrt ofthe United States, for the d.stnct of Georgia, in fa vour of John Clemlening, vs. Win, Pat terson-cond.t.ons cash, purchaser* to pay fortifies. Thos. T. Trip!«tl, Drp, JU ar J). G. November 8 t p SALE. ' Will be sold on the first Tuesday in De cembcr next, at the court-house, in the town of Waynesborough, Burke county within the usual sale hours. One Negro Woman named Af fa» a9 t,ie Fopcrty of Jeremi. ah W. Williams, to satisfy sundry small executions in favour of Charles Lile, a gamst Jeremiah W. Williams, and Jo seph Attaway, jun’r. levied on and re turned to me by a constable. ■—ALSO— One Negro W omafl named Bet. ty, and her child named Handy, levied on as the property Win. M. Scruggs, to w-n y 9U i‘ t,l T executions in favor of William Stone and others* levied on and returned to me by a constable. John Bell, i. u. c. tf bargains to be habT WILL BE SOLD, On Wcdnesday the 3d,day of Deem* ber nextf to the highest bidder • THAT excellent tract of land con. taming 500 acres, owned by the subscriber, nine miles above Augusta, lying immediately on the Savannah river, and containing a handsome proportion of first rate low pounds—Also, lo or 18 likely NEGROES, several Horses, a few good Cows and a small stock of bheen, together with some Household and kitchen Furniture. Terms made known on the day of sale. Edward W, Collier. October 29. ( d„ Notice. THE Subscriber offers for sale hi? plantation containing more than 800 acres, about 300 of which is cleared and m a high state of cultivation; situated within one mile of Columbia Court house, and on both sides of the Main Road leading from that place to Augusta —ALSO— b r His White Horse Tavern at Columbia Court house. As it is expected that no person will purchase without viewing the premises, a further description is deemed unnecessary—Young field Negroes and cash will be received in payment. John Briscoe. November 5. Executor’s sale. WILL be sold on MONDAY, the lat day of December next, at the plantation of the late Rev’d. Love lace Savage, a part of the personal prop erty of the said Lovelace Savage, de ceased, consisting or, t Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Planta tion Tools, &c. together with Nine NEGROES, ami 650 acres of Land on Butler’s creek; a survey of the Land will be made previous to the day of sale. The terms will be made known on dh; day of sale—The sale to continue froin'**"*. day to the whole is sold. A. H. Allison, "I Zachariah Savage, j Columbia county Oct. 15 ts The Subscriber , TAKES this opportunity to mforn his friends and the public, that Hr has purchased Jolpi Rucker’s TJU\ YARD, and STOCK OF LEATHER in Elbert county, and taken his lease and stuck of Leathet in Augusta, and has on hand at both yards, an assortment oi Leather for sale on low terms, also C6V Hides, that is well salted ind cured. Any person wishing to purchase in An-v gusU, may to W tn. Fowler. James £ acker. October 18 luwGm *«*Mr. Hiram Mantis a candidate % Receiver of tax returns for RiclimmA county at the ensuing oiectiom Juno£*. r