Augusta chronicle, and Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1817-1820, November 22, 1817, Image 4

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Win. Sims, Co. Are now Receiving and Opening their. Winter’s Supply of GOODS,- Their Stock -will be very E*te*u «ivc k Complete, cousistiug of 1 BRITISH, FRENCH, INDIA & DOMESTIC WOODS, t - Which they oflol- at Wholesale mnrt Betail, on their.usual low. and accommo dating terms. I October 1. ** Mias iSrohson, Having taken his old stand on bridge Wrest', inform* the citizens of Au gusta, that he is now opening » A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Japahed Tin Ware He hps obtained tome of the first rate workmen from New-York, and will be able to make Gutter# and Conduc tors at the shortest notice —Also, Scales, Weights and Measures, agree-, able to the Augusta Standard. iti HAS on HASD, 2000 weight of new Pewter, at wholesale and retail A small-consignment of Books Assorted Ivory and Horn Combs 100 patent Tinder Boxes, on an entire pew plan. •J—AliSO^ - A lurgr Assortment of GKO C ERIE'S, At Wholesale or mail . 1000 casks northern Cheese, on tl'e River, and daily expected. Q3T Old Pewter, Brass and Copper, received in payment , November R . 1 ts _ : The Htihncribers, Having formed a connexion in Business, I ' VNOKH THI FIRM OF 11. Andrews & Co. Respectfully solicit the patronage of the citizens of Augusta and its vicinity, and inform then, ‘that they have tor v sale at their Tin Ware Manufac tory, | irVo street, Next door above Mr. J. W, Bridges , euaive Assortment 0f.,. WARE, Os their own make, which they can con* fidently recommend, VIZ:— COOKING Utensils of every descrip*' tion Liquid and Dry Measure., according to the regulations of the Market Japanned and Plated Ware Sheet linn Stove# Hardware, Crockery Ware, Castings, and Au assortment of Groceries. i Orders for Conductors, Gutters, &c. attended to imtown or country, at the shortest notice. N. B Wanted, three good Journey*, men Tin Plate Workers, to whom libe ral wages will be given-*—two smart lads would be taken as apprentices. V The highest price given for clean Cotton and Linen Rags. Richavtl Andrews, Ira 0. Day. October 4 ts m mm unm i .-I. ' -- . m ■ J list Received, 2 Razees, for two Horses & Carriages ■ 1 8 Gigs. - * . - Which will be sold low for Cash, by B. PICQtIET. ton SALE, Bills on N. York. October t ts . Bills on New-York For Sale by Beach & Thomas. October 4.. Bills on New York AT SHORT SIGHT, For, Sale bg A Slaughter A 0. Labuzan. August 16. ts Bills on Ne w York For sale by • JS.'L. $ 8. Storges. J October 11. ts “ ■“ 1 mmm It, ■ >■* • m I a m. . BILLS on NEW-YORK—for sale/ by MICITL. F. BOISCLAIR. October ~ ts Flour. subscribers will keep constantly 1 oa hand for sale, a supply of SU- FLOUR, from one el the *fcest miUain the Southern States. Wilson & Black. .fIsVJ, U J. W. Bridges, . 7 S V&tV tfifk/FJNC—— AND OPENING, An Extensive Assortment, CONSISTING OF, British, French, India, and Do- , mestic BUY GOODS. —A L 8 O A General Assortment of. i, Hdrdtcare and Cut lery. uLIKEWISIJ A Complete Supply of GROCERIES. His Stock to extensive and complete, and will be offered at wholesale and re tail, on his “ usual low and accommoda ting terms.” Bills on New - York* October 11 ts " Thcßubscribers, ARE DAILY RECEIVING , LARGE -QUANTITIES OF G 0 0 D S, , “DIRECT* YUOJI EUROPE. WHICH they can aiql will sell av low as any other house in the state that ore regular dealers,>aml will give the highest price for COTI ON nnd oth er Produce. Customers will be.prompt iy attended to, and llicir favours grate fully receivcdby ' A. Erwin, Groce dc X3o» October 1.1 ts Removal. ftIHE subscriber wishes to inform his I friends and the public in general, that he has removed his BOOT' & SHOE SHOP from his f ormer stand to the house lately occupied by Mr. llaynesworth, south side of Broad street, three doors 1 - above the corner at the Market house,' where he has on hand An Elegant Assortment of BOOTS $ SHOES, Long end Wellington Boots, Wax’ll and Morocco Shoecccs, Ditto ditto Pumps, Ditto Ladies’ Jackson Ties, Ditto do. Walking Shoes, Ditto Morocco Slippers of all kinds, And an extensive assortment ot Negro, Shoes—all of which have been just re-, ceivcd from New-York. (J3T lie likewise intends carrying on the Manufacture and Repairing of Boots and Shoes, ami hopes from his strict at tention to business, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. ' WILLIAM TUTT. November 5. ' ts Beers $ Hturges, JVkttr/y opposite MKenxie, Uennoch , ' Se Co’s. HAVE JUST RECEIVED And offer for sale cheap, at Whole salt and Retail, an entire new assortment of DRY GOODS, Mar dm are §* Groceries, among which are and Point Blankets, Extra 1 W large and assorted Rose, do. Super fine Cloths and Kerseymeres, Double milled Drab and Pelisse Cloths, Black and coloured Bombazettes, Super Bom bazine, Vigonia and other Vestings, Carlisle and American Ginghams, Ele gant Furniture Dimities, Men’s and Wo inen’s beaver gloves, Cotton and Worst ed hosiery, negroes’ do. white and red. flannel, Green Baize, Cotton checks,. Steam loom shirtings, Oil cloths, Flush ings, Canton hk’fs. Brown linen, Cotton braces, Huinhums, Silk hose, Crash, Crapes, Silk hk’fs and Shawld, Long lawn, Madias and flag hk’fs, Black and colored cambric, Wellington, furniture and undressed calicoes and Chintz. And a great variety of other articles. They have also on the River , and expected soon, Damlanntt & Chow Cbow Ilk’fs. Black and cliangeable Florences, Sars nets, Seushaws and black Florentines, Longue llomals, Green, orange & crim son Ratinett, Irish linens, sheetings amt table diaper, Britaunias, Dark ground and imitation shawls, Marseilles Vest ings, Bed Tick, &c. —-ALSO Jamaica. Sugar, Green Coffee, Coffot&c Brandy, W. I. & N. E. Rum, Manufactured Tobacco, * Teneriffc and Malaga Wine, *Cut Nails, '.Goshen Cheese, &c. Sfc.Jjfc. « They will sdl Bills cm New York at 60 daps sight. November 19. ts 'Brought to Columbia" County Jail. 4 NEGRO lad named Edmond, who says he belongs to James and John Nanae. Edmond is about 17years old, common size. Garah Davis, Jailor, Nov. 15 3t Huntington tßurriU DIRECTLY OPPOSITE THE OltY-HOtEL, ( HAVE JUST RECEIVED An Extensive Assortment of Watches Which they offer for Bale at reduced G prices—consisting of OLD and Silver Patent Lever and Plain Watches, one elegant Mu sical Repeater, Gold chains, seals and teys, variety of patterns, Miniature settings,Gold necklaces, Pearl and plain bracelets with gold *hnd hair bands, a great variety of rings, finger-rings and breast-pins,set with pearl, jitt, coral, Ac. Silver Table Desert & Tea spoons, Ladles, Sugar Tongs, #c. Silver and plated Tea Sets, Plated Castors, Caudle sticks,Emitters and trays, Silver bodkins and tooth-picks, Pearl head ornaments, Dressing esses, Poeket-books, Wallets and bill-bosks, Indispeiuhbles and clasps, Opera and sandglasses, coral and bells* coral and glass beads, Tortoise shell, pearl and silvwvsnaff boxes, gold and shell sleeve buttons, Maltese and ball buttons, with rings* atccl and gilt watch chains* seals and keys—Low priced Sil ver Watches by the dozen. N. B.—‘Watches of every description - carefully repaired on the shortest notice. November 19. 0 TlieSuhsciibcr Has on Hand & For Sale^ MATIFER, 1 i Cinnamon, Cloves, Mini Peach, I Annisecd, Fennel Seed, LOrUiaiS ‘Pepper'Mint, Double & Single ALSO , Wine, Hum) Brandy & Gin. Town and Country Merchants ans [ Families, can be suppliea with the above , articles very low for cash, at the upper end of Broad street, opposite to Mr, .John M. Davenport’s. Thomas Pye. November 19. nw Mississippi Stock, In Small hills. 2 For Sale or Baiter for Prime COTTON. APPLY TO Robert Lang SCo. November 19 9t Sneed, Weathers, . & Co. - - * Have Just Received a General Assortment of [ Fall Winter Goods ALSO, A UUANTJTY OF—— f Groceries, Which they will sell on their comu odating terms. Novcmbsr 19. ts Administrators Sales. IN Pursuance of an order of the honor able the Inferior Court, will be sokl; ou Monday, the 24th inat. at the Store lately occupied by William C. Lawrenoe, deceased, a part of tl.e personal effects of the said deceased, consisting of the fol lowing articles:— Part of a ChestHyson Tea 2 Bids. Glauber Salts 9 Bags Coffee 4 Blacksnfiths Bellows 3 Boxes Camphor 5 Kegs Tobacco , •31 Bbfs. and one Hhd.N. E. Rum 6 Hbds. and two Bbla. Whiskey 1 7 Hhds. Molasses I Bbl Brandy—One do. Cherry do. 11 Hhds. Rum .12 Hhds. and three Bids. sugar 2 Bbls, Lump, and one Loot Sugar 25 Pieces Coarse Woolens 4 Ditto Point Blankets. Terms made known on. the day of sale.' ' Win. J. Hobby, > ; , , J.S, Burney. J ( tem November 15. : Battalion Orders. AN Election will be held at the Compting room of Messrs. Wilson & Black on Saturday the 29th inet. be tween the usual hours, for Captain, Lieu tenant and Ensign, to command thes9Bth ' District Company, Georgia Militia. By order of | Green B. Marshall, ■Major 75th Bat. G. M. November 19.> te FOR SALE. A LIKELY NEGRO FELLOW, an excellent Blacksmith, 20 years of , age. His character for honesty and so briety is well known, and can be satis factorily established. Also for Bede, ' 100,000 Shingles, For particulars apply at this Office. November 19 w2SD A Waggtmer WANTED -1 ONSTANT employment and liberal 1 wages will be given for a man that , can come well recommended, for the purpose of Driving a Waggon, by Sneed, Weathers & Co. , November jtS ts MtiftON, 1 on Tuesday the ssui imunt will be add at the store of Messrs. „hn Speakman, 4* Co. Frazer’s Wharf, Savannah, tfi close .a consign-* ment, 500 Pieces Superior Inverness and Dundee Cotton Bagging, Just landing from the brig Eliza Ann, from Greenock. Terms made know 11 on the day of sale,—Sale to commence at 12 o’clock. M. Herbert, auct’r. November J 9. . .. * Carriage* and Giggs. ,FOK SALE. THE subscribe has received an ad ditional supply of Gigs and Car riages of a superior quality, made by David of Newark, and warranted good.—They will be sold on accommo dating terms. v x * ALSO—Several Double Breasted COT TON GINS, of from 45 to C 5 (Saws, made by Boatwright & Glaze.—apply to > G. B. Marshall, September 3. m \ ~ .ts bikV’AhlN AH HIVED Lands for Sale, Aud a Bargain will be Given. 1350 acres on Savannah' river, Lin coln county, including the mouth of Soap ~creek, with a gsotl Saw and Grist Mill j new and in good order,and in an excel led tsetllcment for custom to both; there is la ad enough cleared to work about 10 hands; and good for cotton or corn. , There is a great proportion Os the tract ! good low-grounds, and as good up-land as there is iaGeorgia. In so large a bo i dy it is not to bo expected all «o be of the first quality, but land of the same quality (noth low-grounds aiul upland) and quantity, lyiwg'in ft body to clear, is not easily found on the Savanndh river, above Augusta. This place is situated about 37 miles above Augusta, in a very healthy settlement; it has several fine (Springs on it, a good place for a shad fishery in the creek beidw the mill; or a seine place, on the river might be had with very little trouble. The toll from the grist-mill will bread fifty in family, , the saw mill may be worked 10 great ad vantage, and the water is sufficient to grind, saw and gin all the winter and spiing. Any further description of this place is deemed unnecessary- To a gen tleman who wishes to settle in tnis state, it is presumed a better opportunity will not offer, 285 Acres on river, including what is called M 4 (Joys ferry, , as follows: —200 acres on the Carolina 1 side. —7s in an inland, greater part of which is cleared—and 10 on the Geor gia side, including a tolerable dwelling _ house, ginAhd.gin house, there is no im provemeuts on the land on the Carolina side. The island is not excelled as cot ton land by any .above Augusta on the same river. —ALSO.— ■ 250 Acres adjoining Lincoln ‘ court-house, good corn and cotton land. ! These lands will be sold low and on ac > commodating terms, and indisputable ti - ties given, fur further particulars apply ’ to Thomas Murray, of Lincoln county, Georgia, or to Benjamin Glover, of Ab beville District, isouth-Carolina. Benjamin Glover, Thomas Murray. ; November 10 4w 1 Lauds for Sale. ONE tract containing 541 acres in Edgefield District, S.C. near Beach Island, hounded by lauds of John Ash bury, John Star, George Miller, and John Pryor, and others. ■ One T ract containing 133 acres, tn Edgefield District, on Savannah riv er, bounded by Lands oi John Pact-, .. Mr. Hay, Druey Pace, and the River. As it is presumed no one will purchase ' without first seeing the above lands,those who are disposed -to get information as - to situation, price, &c. are re ter red to Mrs. McLaws and Holt, or to Mr.. A -1 braham Maukley, Charleston, South ! Carolina. 1 November 15 ts ; ‘ ~ iroa ;,auj; ■ A TRAC Tol Land in Lincoln conn -1 ty, containing from 570 to 600 acres chiefly oak,mixed with hickory and dogwood—gray soil, suitable for tlF* cu<- ture of Cotton, Corn, Wheat, and a part good Tobacco about 90 acres cleared andunder fence, part of which is fresh. This tract is situated about 9 , miles west of Grinage’s Saw Mill, li ' miles from Savannah river, and 1 i miles from the Petersburg!! road; it is said to be as healthy a situation as any inGeor gia—has several excel lent springs, and is , well watered by a creek that runs thro’ it. On the premises a large n,ew dwel-, ling bouse, containing sis zooms, and ev-, cry necessary out house* together with a young orchard of choice fruit trees. This place will be sold low. and the terms' made easy to the purchaser. Those who may wish to purchase, are requested to call on the subscriber and view the premises. S. Cowling. Lincoln county, Nov. 15, 1817. ts Blanks, Neatly Executed at this Office. Tavern. 4 > BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, wibscriberS'hav'mg purchased a JL lease of this Elegant and comiumlf. ous establishment, inform l!’,cir tVioiu/s and the public in general, that their best exertions shall be used to render cmr.for {. ■ able all those who may be pleased loeidl on them. They have a number of p 6 vate Rooms handsomely furnished, sepa rate and apart from the bustle of the tai, ern, Tor the accommodation of those to whom such bustle would be unpleasant— And having determined to spare no pains In providing every comfort, they rely with confidence upon the support of the Sub lie. Thomas Glascock, Peter Donaldson. June SO ‘ ts MOTIVE. William White, TTTTAVING a desire to aqcomtnoijafe* JuL the gentlemen of Augusta, and strangers also, who may faVorhiin with their custom, hopes they will not sign of the BELL, at Campbell's Grove, as he Hatters himself of rendering every comfort in a.public line—assuch he hopjjr to meet with liberal encouragement from the public in gtneraL From 10 to gentlemen can be accommodated with yearly boarding, on the shortest notice. Gentlemen travellers can also be accom modated with good stabling for horsdp, and the best of fodder and grain. November 12.- cw THE Following Property WILL be offered for sale, at tne Court-House,in this city, on the first Tuesday in December next, being the real estate of the late R. Wayne, esq. and sold for the benefit of the heirs of said estate, viz : House and LofNo, 1, Yamacraw. Wharf Lot No. 1, do. Whau f Lot No. 10, do. One Town Lot at Spring Hill. One five acre Lot, Chatham county, bn . the borders of the tity. Two Town Lots in Sunbury. - One Town Lot in Brunswick. 470 acres prime river swamp Land on Argyle Island, about 320 acres cleared and cultivated under dam, with quarter drains, trunks, water machine, barns overseers, winnowing and negro houses a garden spot, with a grove of sweet oran're and fig trees. The buildings are ■ situated on highknowles, out of the roach of freshets. This land produces as good crops as any>on the river. The whole tract will be gold o\ divided into two tracts to suit purchasers. 800 acres pine Land; in the neighbor . hood erf Mouteith, 11,000 acres pine Land, in Effingham ; county, lad off in tracts of from three to live hundred acres each. 6000 acres of Land, in Scrrveu county, in different (tracts; some of the tracts ; pr ime swamp and oak and hickory land?. 310'acres of Land, Washington coun ty, oak and hickory. ; 202$ acres Lind, Wilkinson county,, 12th district, No. 265* 450 acres river swamp Land, in South Carolina, oposite the point of Argyle Isl and. j From ten to twelve hundred acres of Land, on the Salt Ketcher, in South- Carolina. .< Four Lots m the town of Columbia, South-Carolina. Terms to be made known on the day of sale. - ■ * GEORGE ANDERSON, > JAMES M. WAYNE. f e,r ; Savannah , September lb- r AGREEABLY to the last - will tament of James Pearre, late of Richmond county, deceased. Will he sold, on the Ist Tuesday in December ncjLt, (if* not previously disposed of at private sale,) the foelowino . Tracts of Land, viz. - •500 Acres of Land on then a* tors of Bear creek, Franklin county, ori ginally granted to. Nathaniel Pearre— Bounded N. E. by Call, on the other sides by lauds .of f Fin. Glascock, all “ < George JFalton, 202$ Acres Band, Lot No. 30,3 d dxS' trict, old Wilkinson county. 154 Acres Land in JTilkes county* ; near the mouth of Long creek, adjoining lands of Clue, and George Graves. , 154 Acres in. JFilkes county, auj°* n * iog land of Clue Graves; each being P ar ’ of 924 acres of land originally grants to Andrew Robinson. 92$ Acres of Land, Elbert county-^ Bounded by lands ofJoshua Graves, an by Savannah river; being a part ol utrac originally granted to Joshua Bradley 143 Acres in Jackson county, adjoin* ■ ing lands of Joshua Graves. . I 833 Acres of Land in JTarnin cobldj’l on Duhart’s creek; also one othyr originally granted to Angus Maytift. B Title Deeds and Plots may be the day of sale, when the terms W J**l chase will be made known. J. T. ALLEN, > go*. I L, BEARRE, $ t October 15 We are authorised nounce Augustus Crawford 1 , » for clerk of the gupefipr court uJt'tObtfW bia county. October 25 *