Augusta chronicle and Georgia advertiser. (Augusta, Ga.) 1822-1831, August 18, 1830, Image 2

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LATE ASD IMPORTANT FROM ENG LAND. Death of King George Vie Fourth, and Ac cession of miiianj the Fourth J— This intelli gence* i:< brougltt by the packet ship flltin chester, Captain Sketchley, at New-York from Liverpool whence she sailed on the Ist July. it does not appear that there will be any material changes in the Ministry.— We give amongst our extracts some of the rumours on this subject; but the Cou rier of the 29th, says those rumours are unfounded, and states “ upon the best au thority, that his Majesty took tho earliest opportunity of expressing his unlimited confidence in the Duke of Wellington. & his determination to give to the Govern ment his warmest and most cordial sup port.” It is said in one paper that the King on having the resignation of the Ministers tendered to him, restored the seals, and behaved to the Duke of Wellington in the most cordial manner. The King and the Dake of Wellington went up to London from Husky together. The distress in Ireland has led to some great and terrible riots. The particulars of one at Limerick are given at great length in the London Morning Herald of the .Kith. The scarcity and consequent high price of potatoes was the immedi ate cause t hat led to it. A number of lives wore lost, and mttch property de stroyed. The latter is estimated at £5,- 000. The military wore ordered out, at last succeeded in quelling the rioters. The extracts from the French papers, furnish us with some additional particu lars on the two great topics of interest in that country—the expedition against Al giers, and the elections. The Journal du Commerce of the 20th says, that of 170 nominations which were then known the opposition had obtained 122, and the ministry off. One hundred voters of the address had already been re-elected, and been reinforced by 22deputies, who were not of the last Chamber. The ministeri al list consistedof 43 deputies of the Ibl who opposed the address, and of 10 new deputies. The Journal du Commerce anticipates the complete success of the liberal party. The second edition of the Message!' of 28(h says, that of the 193 deputies ejected on the23d, but four remain to be known. The constitutional deputies of every de scription amountto 144, ministerial to 4-5. The same paper contains an account of an engagement that had taken place be- . tween the French and Turks before Al giers. The positions of the former were attacked by the enemy,4o,ooo strong, on tho 19th of June. The French opposed but 25,090 fighting men, the rest being ne cessary to protect the landing of the ma terial from the licet. The Algerines made the attack with great impetuosity, and it is stated that the great utility of the precautionary mea sures of chovnux de frize were fully test er!. They were found very effectual in defending the infantry from the hordes of Arab cavalry. The light continued six hours, but, European tactics and discip line at length prevailed. The loss is not slated, but it is supposed that it was very heavy especially among the artillery.— The Arabs are better marksmen than the French. The ground was well calcula ted to give advantage to irregular troops. Toe Algerines had several mountain pans carried on camels’ backs, which dij great execution. On the retreat of the Algerines, the troops were thrown into great disorder. They had a camp in the rear for which they retreated in horrible confusion, hol ly pursued by the French, who carried the camp on the same day. On the 20th the pursuit was resumed, and a second h#ttlc took place. Os this it is only said that ifwas as brilliant as the first. A third engagement was expected. The se cond battle was fought near Midi KhahT whence the road leads to Sultan Khalissi. the fort of the Emperor. Tho number of Wounded is stated in Count Uourmont's official note at 309. An official bulletin from Admiral Dit perre is also given, In which it is stag'd that tiie finding of the materiel continues to go my with activity. The weathe ris spo ken by both Count ISounnont and Du perre as' “ magnificent.” The slaughter among the Arab infantry is said to have been great. The conduct of the French troops is highly extolled. The spoil? captured are rigid brass cannons, 400 tents—those of tlic Aga and of the . Mays of Constantin ami Titeri are magnificent; 100 camels, and a large quantity of powder and ball. Marly of the Arabs had deserted to the French. , „ , \v, June 30, j V Bulletin, of which the following is r. eopy, has hern thistnornin.g received by Secretary Sir Robert Feel, one of his 31a jcgiy s principal Secretaries of State:— “Windsor Castle, June 20.-11 has pleased Almighty God to take from this world the K mg’s Most Excellent Majesty. “HHs Majesty expired at a quarter past Jo clock this morning* without pain. (Signed) “11. HALFORD, “31. J. TIERNEY.” In the course of Friday evening, before Time o’clock, the physicians intimated to the Royal patient their inability to give him further relief, and their opinion that his Inst moments were rapidly approach ing. To which his .Majesty replied, “God’s veil! bo done! ’ and in a few moments af ro-, he asked “Where is Chichester!” ,i he Bishop ol Chichester was instantly summoned ta tho royal chamber, and at ins bauds tho dying sovereign received the-sarrament. During the adininistra f!on this rite his majesty was much loss troubled by the cough than ho hail been previously, and afterwards it gradually ■subsided, and towards midnight he sunk iulo a state of apparently quiet repose, •winch continued until about throe o’clock, when he became rather restless, and fec ;l>ly expressed a wish to have his head ■placed in a more elevated position. Pro ■vious to this all the attendants hud retired, except Sir Rlathcw Tierney and Sir Wa then Waller, and they instantly attemp ted to afford his 3lajosty the relief ho -had requested: but they bad scarcely rommencecl the attempt when his Majes ty suddenly motioned them to desist, and placing both his hands upon his breast, he ejaculated, “Oh! this is not rigid, Ibis is ■death*— l Oh, God! lam di/ingl” These were the last and the only dist inct words h- altered after having received the holy sacrament: and from this time his disso lution came on so quietly and so gradual i v, that the physicians had some difficulty in ascertaining precisely at what mo ment he ceased to exist. The body was removed from the bed to the conch on which his majesty usually reposed throughout his illness, and cov ered with a fine linen sheet —turned down so as to expose a part of the bust; and in this state it was submitted to the view, not only of the whole of the domestics of the royal household, but to the out-door servants from the stables, their families and acquaintances, and the royal trades men resident here. They were freely admitted from about live o’clock in the morning until after eight, by which time several hundred persons had availed themselves of the opportunity of not only seeing their deceased sovereign, but of taking him by the hand; and according to the concurrent account of many of them, that hand was warm and pliant three hours after death. It is said this exhibition of the royal remains was strictly in accordance with a wish ex pressed by his late majesty on the eve ning preceding his dissolution. Sir Astlcy Cooper performed the oper ation of opening tho body, for the pur pose of ascertaining the causeof bis 31a j'-sty’s disease. The operation occupied two hoars, and the result fully justified in every particular the expectation of the late King's physicians, both as to the complaint, which has proved fatal to the King, and its melancholy result. The heart was considerably enlarged, and adhered to the neighboring parts. Some of the valves were ossified, and some water remained in the chest. The im mediate cause of the sudden demise was occasioned by the rupture of a ves sel near the stomach. This organ con tained same ounces of blood, anti more was found in the bowels. When the operation was concluded, spices were introduced into the body, and it was then closed. TIIE ACCESSION OF WILLIAM IV. His Majesty William IV. arrived at St.'.lames’ Palace a few moments before twelve o’clock on Saturday, and appear ed to be in excellent health. The King entered tho State-room, in which the throne is placed, about one o’clock. His .Majesty was habited in an Admiral’s uniform, and took his station at the throne. The whole of tho 31embcrs of the late King’s Privy Council, who had arrived at the Palace, were assembled in this apartment.—His .Majesty read the follovv lowingdeclaration, viz: “I am convinced that yon will fully participate in the affliction which I am suffering on account of the loss of a Sove reign, under whose auspices, os Regent and as King, this country has maintained during war its ancient reputation and glory—has enjoyed a long period of hap piness nnd internal peace—and has pos sessed the friendship, respect, and confi dence of foreign Powers. “In addition to that loss which I sus tain in common with you, and with all who lived under the Government of a most beneficent and gracious King, I have to lament the death of a beloved and af fectionate brother, with whom I have lived, from my earliest, years, in forms of the most cordial and uninterrupted friend ship, nnd to whose favor and kindness 1 have been most deeply indebted. “After hming passed my life in the service of my country, and having, I trust, uniformly acted ns the most faithful sub ject and servant of the King, I am now called upon, under the dispensation of Almighty God, to administer the Govern ment of this groat empire. lam fully sensible of the difficulties which 1 have to encounter; lint I possess the advantage of having witnessed the conductor my revered father, and my lamented anil beloved brother; nnd 1 rely with confi dence upon the advice and assistance of Parliament, and upon its zealous co-ope ration in my anxious endeavors, under the blessing of Divine Providence, to re tain the Reformed Religion established by law, to protect the rights and liberties, and to prom etho prosperity and hap piness of all classes of my people.” Whereupon the Lords of the Council made it their humble request to bis .Ma jesty that bis Majesty's most gracious de claration to their Lordships might be made public, which his .Majesty was pleased to ordernccordingly. While receiving this address, his 31a jesly was deeply affected, Tho members of the Royal Family, viz: the Duke of Cumberland, the Duke of Sussex, the Duke of Gloucester, and Prince Leopold, knelt before the King nnd took the oath of allegiance. Their Royal Highnesses then lose, awl were. “'VcVriiln members Ol his .Majesty's Privy Council. The Archbishop of Canterbu ry, the Lord Chancellor, and the Arch bishop ol York, went through the same ceremony : the other members of Ids late .Majesty’s Privy Council severally knelt before the King, took the oaths of allegi ance, and then rose, and wore resworn members of the Privy Council. The liord Chancellor administered to the King three oaths—the first to govern this kingdom according to its laws and customs; the King then took the oath for tho security of the Church of Scotland, and subscribed. two instruments, which were witnessed by some of the Privy Councillors. His .Majesty, in Council, then ordered tiie two stamps, the one containing George R. and the other the initials G. R. which had been, under the authority of an act of Parliament, applied to official papers, as the King’s signature, to be destroyed, they were accordingly broken in the presence! His .Majesty, in Council, was pleased to order that the coinage should continue in the same, state until further orders. The Privy Council gave orders for proclaiming ids present Majesty, with the usual ceremonies, and at the accustomed places, King of these Realms, by the style and title of King William the Fourth.— 'l’iie ceremony to lake place on Monday. The Lord Chancellor, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Archbishop of York, and the Bishop of London, altered the prayer in the church service for King William ami Queen Adelaide. The Rev. Dr. Carey, late Bishop of Exeter, was introduced to his .Majesty, nnd did homage on being translated to tho See of St. Asnpii; as did also tiie Rev. Dr. Bethel!, late Bishop of Gloucester, on being translated to the See of Exeter. The King gave an audience to the Duke of Wellington, when his Grace kissed hands, as First Lord of tiie Treasury.— Tho other .Ministers and Officers, and also the Members of the late King’s House- e«TMI(C|« HUS® EBllfftfSW* iioicl, who attended the Court, kissed hands, on their re-appointment to office. PROCLAMATION. His Majesty, accompanied by the Duke >f Gloucester and the Earl of Errol, ar rived at his palace in St. dame’s, about twenty minutes before ten o'clock on Monday morning, June 28lh, from his residence in Bushy Park. At ten o’clock, the firing of a double royal salute announced the commence ment of the ceremony of proclaiming his Majesty King William IV. Sir George Naylor, King of Anns, with the Heralds 1 and Pursuivants in their robes of office, ami eight officers of arms, on horseback, hearing massive silver maces, were in attendance in the court-yard at tho west : end of the palace. A detachment of the 1’ Life Guards were drawn up opposite to t the palace. The public were admitted > into the court yard to witness the cereino * ny. A few minutes after ten o'clock the ■ window of the presence Chamber was thrown open, and the King camp for - ward alone, habited in a suit of mourning, - ami wearing the ribband of the order of - the garter. His Majesty bowed graee -1 fully three times to the numerous assein i blagc in the Court below, by whom he J was greeted with the loudest acclama * tions. ’ A band of fifteen trumpets, who ap -5 peared in their splendid state dresses im- I mediately struck up “God save the King.” s All the assemblage uncovered on the ap ' pearunce of his majesty. The Duke of Cumberland, the Duke of ' Sussex, the Duke of Gloucester, Prince ■ Leopold, the Cabinet Ministers, and the * Great Officers of State formed themselves ■ into a semicircle round the window at which his Majesty appeared. Sir George Naylor, as King of Arms, , from his station in the Court-yard, exact ly underneath the window where the King stood, then read the proclamation, announcing the decease of the late King ' ami the accession of the present Majesty. . Sir George was more than oneo interrup . led by tiie cheering of the multitude. Sir George repeated the words “King Wil liam tho Fourth” in an exalted lone of voice, and the acclamation was then redoubled. The band then played “God Save the King.” His Majesty who had been agitated during the reading of the proclamation, bowed repeatedly, and then retired. The procession moved from the Palace, and proceeded towards the city. II aving arrived at the end of < ’lumcery lane the King at Arms again read the proclamation. It was received with loud cheering', waving of hats, handkerchiefs, and every other demonstration of loyalty and nffi'cti m. The Peers were in attendance on the SSth. The Marquis of Landsdownc post poned the consideration of the Forgery bill to the Ist July. Hkuai.d's College, June 88, In pursuance of an order of his Majes ty in Council, the 88th of June, l&iO, these are to give public notice, that it is expect ed that all persons, upon the present oc casion of the death ofhis late Majesty of ■ blessed memory, do put themselves into decent mourning, the said mourning to be gin cn Wednesday next, the 30th hist. NORFOLK. Earl Marshall, I London, June 2.'). Report of Changer. —The Duke of ‘ion- J (rose is re-appointed Lord Chamhc-iain It is said that this office had been offered to the Marquis of Hertford, and declined. ‘ Admiral Freeman, Admiral of tho fleet. , in the room of bis Majesty. Admiral Biekcrton, General of Ma- 1 rincs. < Sir Sidney Smith, Lieutenant General 1 of Marines. s Lord Byron and Lord Napier, Lords ) of the Bedchamber. ‘ Dake of Gordon, in the Household. ‘ Dutchess of Gordon, .Mistress of the * Robes. General Macdonald, Adjutant Goner- * al. « Col. G. Fitzelarenoc, Deo. Ad. Gener al. On the 29th June the new King sent the following message to Parliament: “ WILLIAM R. she King feels that the House of v u 1 - v ltol 'tain« a jui?t sense of the OSS I which His Majesty niul the country have ( Submitted by the death of the late King f his Majesty's lamented brother, and that the House of Lords sympathises wish bis ' Majesty in the deep affliction in wit ch his i Majesty is plunged by this mournful event. The King having taken into his serious j consideration the advanced period of the session, and the state of public busi ness, feels unwilling to recommend the < introduction of any new matter, which by i its postponement, would tend tolha.di -tri- , ment of the public service. His Majesty has adverted to the provisions of the iau which decrees the termination of Par liament within an early period tiller the s demise of the Crown, and his Majesty i being of opinion that it will be most eon dttsivc to the general convenience and to the public interests oi’the country, to call, : with as little delay as possible, a New Parliament, his Majesty recommends to the liouiic of Lords to make such tem porary provision ns may be requisite for the public service in the intervals that ■ may elapse between the close of the pres- ; cat session and the assembling of a new 1 Parliament.” • , The Duke of if’cllinglim then addressed the House to this cflect:—My Lords, your Lordships must bo anxious to take the earliest opportunity of making known 1 your sentiments of condolence to His .Majesty, respecting the loss which His .Majesty and we have all sustained in the 1 death of our late lamented Monarch. My Lords, with respect to the latter pari of the Message which 1 have just had the honor . of delivering, by bis majesty's command, I i beg to propose the postponement of all consideration on that point to another pe riod, and that we do confine ourselves, on i the present occasion, to expressions of the loss wo have experienced; and our congratulations to bis Majesty on bis ac- . cession to the Throne. Alter a labored eulogy on the lute King, the Duke said, 1 beg to move, my Lords— That a humble address be presented to bis .Majesty, to assure his .Majesty that, we fully participate in the severe affliction his .Majesty is suffering, on account of the i death of the late King, Ids Majesty's bro ther. of blessed and glorious memory. [Here follow other eulogistic and con gratulatory expressions, as substance of the address, in which Grey, Buckingham, Goderich, Richmond, Lost on. concurred.] On the same day, in the House of Com- mons, sir Robert Peel delivered the mes sage of the new King, the reading of which he followed up with an eulogy on the late King, and the moving of an ad dress of condolence and Congratulation to his present Majesty. The motion was seconded by Mr. Brougham, and the ad dress, which was the same as that of the House of Lords, was adopted unani mously. A telegraphic despatch from Toulon, communicated on the 27th June, furnish es the following from the French army before A Igiers:— Six thousand Arabs presented them selves on the 20th at our outposts to make their submission to the French Ar my. They have been desired to return to their homes, and they have promised to do so. In the following night another corps of Arabs presented themselves.— Our troops were preparing to repulse them, but the Arabs fired their arms iu the air, made their submission, and the same answer an us given them. From the Athenian, August 10. THE COMMENCEMENT. This annual Jubilee of the State, has again returned with the ceaseless revo lution of time, and was celebrated in this place during the lust week. As usual we had a most brilliant assemblage of learn ing and talents, and beauty and fashion, to give spirit and gayety to the scene.— The concourse of visiters we think was more numerous than usual. The Commencement Sermon was preached on Sunday by the Rev. Presi dent Cheiuh. We will leave to others who heard this chaste production to point to its merits and beauties. On Tuesday the Junior Exhibition took place in the College Chapel, before n crowded audience. To say that tho young men acquitted themselves with honor, is doing them bare justice. This class bids fair to shine with a bright bis tre al the next Commencement. The following are the names of the orator and the subjects on which they treated. Gardner, jr.—" ‘Tis moral grandeur makes tU c mighty man.” Rennet Harris.—“Ah who can tell the triumphs of the mind, n.v truth ilimnin’d and by taste refin’d.” IVm. TV. Wiggins.— Uussia’s growing power is to be dreaded. James C. RuPert. —I.a Fayette. Wm. P. While. —“lf hindrances obstruct thy way, Thy mujnuninii.y display, And let thy strength be known." Josijih Sajfuld “The warrior’s name, Though chimed on all the longues of thine, Sounds less harmonious to the grateful mind, Than lie who fashions and improves mankind." • Lemuel R. Rohetteon. —Liberty the nurse of genius. U’m. 11. Mitchell. —“ The age of virtuous politics is pass ed.” T. Robinson, jr, —The Soul. E. Starnes.—“To he or not to be ? that is his question." SamuelD. Mitchell.— " And wherefore does the student trim liis lamp, While stars their descant sing a round the midnight throne,” On Wednesday was Omn nr 'noement day, urn! at an early hour, the audience began to assemble at the College Chape!. Long before the exercises commenced, the Chapel was crowded to excess, while ' hundreds were standing in -front and around it, unable to get admittance. The | display of beauty and loveliness it is said . surpassed any thing that has heretofore been seen in this place. We did not on- ' ter tho execrable little coop, feeling it our duty to. give place to visiters. We arc 1 told the graduating class acquitted them selves with much ability. We shall re quest, and hope to obtain the address of . President Church for publication. The order of the exercise, with the names and su!,jeels are subjoined : * I fngh L. Henderson. —Latin Salutatory, \ * Charles IV. Howard. —English Salutatory, - *ffm. H. /hint. —Diflcrent modes of in ves- ; ligation in Natural Science. | Jl. li. Elliott. —" The world's a school of wrong, i And what proficients swarm around.” dVathaniel G. Foster. —Knowledge is Pow- i or. I (Tlisabovolwoyonnggfntlomon equal.) I George IV. Vance. —Tho piobable degree i of mental culture in America. < Thomas /V. Dyer. —American Literature, i Francis /!. Colliding. —The 19th Century i iu Amcrca. . : Edward M. Herron. —lmportance of a Nu- < vy. t ( rite three above young gentlemen t considered equal.) 1 Ti m. Me Elroy. —National Sins. | James .1 /. Umith. —The utility of Physics I and Metaphysics to Man, compara- s lively considered. | (The above two young gentlemen con- f sidered equal.) ; I I'm, McKinley, (2d honor,) —General as- s signed subject. .Moral Science, particu- ‘ lur theme Intellectual Philosophy. I * David S. White. —( Valrdictoky(— .Mental I Cultivation. ■, Degrees conferred. i President's Address to the Graduates, t In addition to the above, the following 1 young gentlemen graduated, nnd flic tie- ’ gree of Bachelor of Arts was conferred f on each of the graduating class: ' Thomas Beall, Robert Houghton, John M. Bard era, Felix MeKinne, j Aurelius Franklin, Albert G. Bemines, Joseph J. Griffin, Amos Whitehead. ( Alex’r. I Grinnge, Tho degree of Master of Arts was con- i ferred on the following gentlemen, alum- i ni of this College, to wit: , Erasmus L. Aeco, Win. B. Lampkin, i John Campbell, A. L. Lewis, l Samuel Cnssels, A. H. Mitchell, i Edmund Cobb, Briggs 11. Moultree, I Kinelien L llaralsonThoinas M’Grndcr, t 8. W. Harris, J. A.T. Setnines, &: George Harris, on J. W. Halterlee, Henry P. Hill, Mvmnus, ofMiddle- Janies Hillycr, bury College. c Joseph Kenney, On Thursday morning Judge Chariton , delivered the annual address before the Phi Kappa Societies ] of the Georgia University, in the College Chapel, to n crowded audience. The i subject was classical learning. The ora tion displayed much erudition, and tva.« , delivered with Judge Charlton's usual nervous oratory and correct taste. We • The fimr yours gemlemrn whose names rre irnrhr.i with an nslerirli than* tverc considered equal by the Fa- i enlty, and equally entitled to the lirst honor. They drew . lots for the V ale artery, nnd Mr. White war thfi C,rlnt»ir ' drawer. ’ ■ I ■ expect this address will be requested by ‘ the Society, and laid before the public. It will not detract from the literary reputa tion of Georgia. Extract of a letter to the Editors of the Sa vannah Republican, dated Athens, August ■ Glh, l!SJ0. Thomas U. P. Charlton, Esq. delivered an oration yesterday before the two liter ary societies olTranklin College, and to one ofthe largest assemblies ever wit nessed here, —hundreds were excluded for the want of room. Jt was most gra ciously received, and the following is an extract from the letter addressed to Mr. Charlton, by the Committee:— ‘ It is with unfeigned satisfaction, that this Society, (the Dcinosthenian,) through their Com mittee. present to you their 1 harks, for your very instructive, classical, and en ergetic oration, deliverd before tlem on the sth inst. We think it not only mine cessary, but entirely useless to aid any eulogiiun to it. It is to be but seen and heard, and to be admired—we corgratu late ourselves that the duties of that of fice, to which yon were appointed, have been so ably discharged; and we pre sume, that the marked and deep altcn tion which reigned throughout the as sembly, during its delivery, must have afforded no small gratification to your self. The strong and maul; style in which it is written, and the degree of interest which it has excited rathe public mind, induce us to believe, that it would not he unacceptable to the public mind. The Society, influenced by these consid erations, beg of you, through (heir Com mittee, a copy of your oration for publi cation.’ From the Athcuian. A land reptile liar, been discovered late ly, near Lexington, in Kentucky, mid is described in the Gazette ofthe 2d inst. as follows; “A snake of uncommon and ex traordinary dimensions, was seen near this place a low weeks since, by Mr. .1. B. Ilai bin, one of the most worthy and respectable citizens of onr county. He informs us that passing through a ane, skirted on each side by a thick forest, be saw this snake, with his head resting up on the limbs of a tree, his tail extending to the ground. Surprised nt the sight ol such a monster, he dismounted, and after striking it with stones, &c. compelled ii to compelled it to come down the tree, after which it mounted itselfon the fence, with its head erect. He was within ten or fifteen steps of the monster, for half an hour, and represents it to have been about eighteen or twenty feet long, as large round as an ordinary stove-pipe, and of a brindlo color. His eyes were ol the same hue as his skin, and as laege as a four pence half penny—[a thrip.] Ma ny ofthe neighbors arc gone in scan !> of hi m, and' discovered his trail, which led to n cave. His tail is perfectly blunt, and he is supposed to be of the bull jie eics.” To which the !Vew-York Evening Post adds, in a subsequent paper to the one which contained this account, “The story seems not to have been a fable.— The Lexington Gazette mentions that ho was committing “terrible havoc” a niong the horses, cows and other cattle in that neighborhood, ami that his bel lowing had been distinctly heard, a night or two before, at intervals, through the whole night. So formidable ami somueh apprehended is this extraordinary snake, that a reward of five hundred dollars has been offered to him who shall kill it, and several companies of the Kentucky mili tia had been ordered to hold tliemsclvcs in readiness to go out against It. ’ ■—— During the last week a report was cur rent in ibis place that a party of U. Stales Troops bad fired upon a party of Gold Diggers in the Cherokee territory, ten of whom were killed. The report is with out foundation. Col. King has since ar rived at Athens, direct from the territory, who stales that no such affair took place, and that the Gold Diggers had nearly a.I left the country.— lb. —C£&— iVomilie NV\v-Voj’li Courier & Enquirer, of be 2J insi. THE FORGED LETTER It has been repeatedly asserted that the letter first published in the literary (Subaltern purporting to he from Mr. Jef ferson, eulogising Mr. Clay, was a forge ry. In reply to this Mr. South worth the editor, ollered to exhibit it to any gentle man who felt disposed to call and exam ine it. He has been taken nt his word and now mark the result. The Provi dence Republican Herald ofthe .’list. ult. says {C/ 5 * “Tin; Lettish, which hc,s been the rounds of the newspapers, said to have been written by Mr. J(Hereon in praise of Henry Elay, as we stated in our last paper, is generally believed to be a sheer fabrication, got up to see how fir public credulity might be played upon. A gentleman, a few days since, called on the person, who has declared he was in pos session of the original, and that it should “be exposed to the observation & scruti ny of any gentleman who nmy bedispesed to sec it,” and expressed a desire to ex amine, it. The request v.'as denied —it was nut to be seen. We repeat, the letter is a sheer fabrication—and if the editors of the v-lny papers in this town will publicly exj ress their opinion, they will say the same thing.—They dare not say they believe it to be genuine.” “What will the coalition do next!— X. B. This Mr. Southworlh is the man (who fabricated the story relative to the Earl of .Selkirk, Lord Cochran, f'dr Charles Sexton, and the Duke of Saxe Weimar, which was very innocently re published by us some days since; and is the same gentleman who has lately issu ed proposals lor publishing a daily paper in this city! Why even the coalition in this city would not ecimtcnatice such a man. but we believe, would cheerfully gel rid of a portion of the fcjwiss corps they now have on hand.” ©♦•••• FIiCE IX TVASIOXGTOX. X. 11. We regret to learn, (says the Xewpoit Spectator) that the ilourMting village at Washington, was nearly half consumed on the23d nit. 'The principal sufferers are, Henry nnd Samuel Mathers, sons of the iatl- Dr. Mothers, owners ofthe tavern house oc cupied by Mr. Lawrence and Xathnn Braincrd, Xathan Bfainerd, jr Hrainerd and Boutclle, (goods damaged by remo val from the store) William Davis, E phram Davis and David Farnsworth, jr. We arc informed that the whole loss is estimated at 700!) dollars. Insm xnee, 3009 dollars, in the X. 11, .Mnlnol Fire in surance Company. 1 AUGUSTA! WEDNESDAY. AUGUST - **Be just, and fear not.” To Correspondents.—“Candour^cT^ 1 us, entirely, if he supposed, from our rem a ° t s . that wo were willing to publish more tl,, ’ , bare statement, of similar brevity t 0 tb„ !• • “item” on the subject-which seemed all he previously requested. Were the sub , 0,10 of S cneral interest to our readers or „ to a very limited portion of them, we mi-ht I P ,ace to tlie extensive extracts marked in U, e , apd paper he has sent us; but wo have al, c i" ■ on file, much matter, far more valuable an/,? tcresting, which is at present excluded for i v • I ofroom - A «d besides, we have, now, gtro ”‘ reasons (which he can hear from us personal]!” to doubt the propriety of his motives. And if has more to say on the subject, | IC will p i t . ai ’ to favor us with an interview. “A friend to Education” is again neccssari. ly excluded, with much other original and select" cd matter, for want of room. The poetical effusions of “Ella,” “Albert ” and “Arion,” are received, and shall be publish ed as early as possible. . “Tickler” is informed that wo keep tl ]0 Honorable Captain William Brunswick li. ris, Esquire, for our own especial amusement and will not allow him io he abused or ridiculed by any one else. If there was the slightest pro. Lability of his being elected, it would be quite a different thing. We have acquired the same kind of affectionate regard for him, that a testy ur cliin has for the patient cur that serves as a safe, ty-valve for all his petulant humors—the more ; we lick him, the more wo like him; and wc are 1 now half inclined to vote for him, since he can’t ' possibly be elected. We arc writing a most pathetic, and mournful elegy on Ins ( approaching political demise, which we intend to publish, as a tribute to bis respected and en , dcared memory; but at present have progicsscd ‘ no farther than the 103rd verse. A candidate for the Legislature, says, in t , Savannah paper; “We want a Court of Ap. peals. He is mistaken. Wo want no such i thing. We want a Court for the Correction of 1 Errors; not “ a Court of Appeals" nor “ a Court of Errors and Appeals.” Let the people fc f Georgia be careful how they suffer themselves | v be hurtlicned with such an incubus as a Court of Appeals. We stated, a few days ago, on the authority of gentlemen from Athens, (hat Col. Billups of Oglethorpe, had declined a candidacy for Con. gross; but, seeing that his name is still kept bo fore the public, as a candidate, in the Athenian, wc presume our information must be incorrect and that he is still a candidate. The Courier of N. Orleans, states, on the a(N thority ofthe individual who conducted the bin;, ness of the establishment destroyed by fire, that the number of bales of Colton consumed, was 2080, instead of 1203, as stutodby another paper, and copied into our las'. No. In q,n article of ours, of the .'loth June—com. mooting on the evident efforts, on the part r,fib Southern Recorder, and other papers of the Troup party, to got up an excitement, to favor their party views—among other remarks of nitrq urging upon their opponents, the propriety of not permitting themselves to be goaded into the p». litical trap set for them, wore ihc following: 1 “The Troup party contiols ten presses—nearly all decided party papers—its opponents lint JW) apd but one of those a party paper. It is not difficult, then, to perceive why the Troup party has always thriven best, and only, in times of Party excitement; and that it is to its interest to keep up that excitement, at all hazards—in fart, that its very existence depends on it. I:s oppo nents depend, as a body, on truth, justice, res. son, and argument. Those can ho heard only in calm and moderate times, when the passions and prejudices and hos-tilitios of party, arc lulled to sleep.” W e were casually asked the other day, in a letter, if the “one party paper” alluded to above, applied to the Statesman ,(• Patriot, and, to our no little astonishment, if it was intended inil u way of censure ! How such an idea as this question imports, could have got into the mind ofthe writer, is to us utterly incomprehensible: but as possibly it may be entertained by others, wc have thought it proper to reply to it the publicly. The idea of censure, even in lliomo;' remote degree, never entered into onr tnotights. The impression wc intended to convoy, wa l that there being but one Republican party papa opposed to the “nearly ten” Troup party pa per?, it is utterly impracticable for that one, in limes of parly excitement, to maintain a success fid contest against all the others, and correct, successfully, all their mis-statements; and tlmre fore, manifestly to the interest of the Republican party, to avoid excitements—to reason calmly ami dispassionately with the people, and not suffer themselves to he aroused to hostility and rashness, by the goading remarks of llicir oppo nents. Perhaps the writer thinks censure im plied, by the mere fact of our indicating that a nothcr paper, the Statesman and Patriot, wM what ours is not. Wc cannot think this indicate) censure, and declare, most positively, that none was intended. The political situation of lb* Statesman and Patriot, with regard to pnd.'i was essentially, and necessarily, different troiu that of the Chronicle and Advertiser, h " chiefly a political paper, and owed its patrona?* mainly to a party, which had a right to eiped from it, a liberal, independent, and manly fllP port. Had wc conducted it, wo should unlie«’ tatingly have taken that loading interest in pw ties and party matters, which clislinguislied in intelligent and gentlemanly editor, and shomd have been proud to have had the power to do so with equal ability, usefulness, and po|iul arl, 3 But the leading interest of our paper, it i| can said to have such a one, is commercial. Sitna c asitis, in the midst of a large cemmercia) eo® 13 nity> in the operations of which, the whole is more orless interested, —&marc deep!) t in ought else connected with lids city or ECC of country —it necessarily takes rouchofd s( - actcr, like every thing else, from the le*di"? fluences around it. And though, asa 'ji. on*, as wo“. as cwriraercial papw» •* oesS '