Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, September 13, 1806, Image 3

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    I the Editor of the Philadelphia Aurora
Jijs been charge! with publilhing libels
jjTgif'ft G rv, IvHxCean and the Mirquis
Yroj '■> and\b*v3fr before the M tyor's Com*
of that city. On being required to give
far good behaviour uncill the next
j.l.yorS 0 Vart, he jpfldvelv refiffed, and
wh c /liimitted fr> prtf in. The matter was
hr ■ 1 :'!(• before Chief Justice. Tiigh n in, by
Hi > '5 C'-'rpvis, when if was determined by
the Ja Igif after a long hearing, “ That it
was ml agreeable to the spirit of our con
iHru-igo, and most conduflive to the Tup.
predion of libels, to adopt it as a general
rule, not to demand fure f y for good beha
viour bef»re convi&ion.'* Major Pierce
Butler was security with the Editor in 1000
daitofs ?ft:b for his attendance at next court. ’
We are just informed* that Mr. Tillot
fon, cn Monday lafl-, in his fait agiinft
James Cheatham, for a libel, obtained a
verdift, hr a (tariff's jury at Albany, for
thefum of Fourteen hundred dollars.
A. T. Evening Po/i,
On th-r;th infi. the emperor Bom ap art g
entered the 37th year of his age.—We un
ilerfbnd the grand Military fete which hs
p'-o tiifed his arrtiy after the bottle of Aufhtr.
litz, was to commence on day in Paris
eud continue three days.
(Bijion Ctntinel.)
Thornwalsow, the Celebrated sculptor,
at R’vne, is fini(hingaft,uueof £/Arr/y, 22
tect h’gh, for die United States of America.
Tt will he the fid piece of the arts sent from
Italy to the nevv world. —London taper,
A Ptris paper of the 20*h June, gives fhp
following (fitement of the commerce of the
city of Bordeaux-*- drnvrd, in the month
ofM iv, tod vessels, manned with y 66 men,
of tons, g Jt4 SV/e./, Ito velids, of
11,896 tons, manned with 760 men.
The diamonds worn by the queen of Eng.
land on his m .jelly's birth-day were worth
130,000!. ilcrling. “ It is a fafl “ that
all the laborers in England having families
ate paupers.”— -~~Cobbeti,
Mr. Man roe, the American minifier,
Ins taken a houlc for the season at Low-
Ley ton.
It is extraordinary how time adds to the
Value offomc things;—l brass half crown,
of limes 11. coined in Ireland, lately fold
for fen guineas.
At a file of the eff-fts of the late Mr,
Frankland, of Saffex, a load-ftune fold for
rp/. an O rery for yyo/. and 3 Turning
lathe for one thousand and Jtxty pounds.
■ Lon. pup,
By the use of this machine, the four sides
of a chi ;siev may he comolctei? swept and
feraped in the (mall Ip ice of time of i or t
minutes, in favor of such a dlfcoveiy, not
only economy, but humanity, powerfully
Where this patent brula is used, the >
builder need not make 'he file m >re th in nine
inches by which meins the draught
will be Wronger ; fire can be immediately
extinguished and fuel served. Aurora.
—— -*i '
A gentleman lately through the Indian na- (
tion informs, that he p'flf d there the 17th
Jane ihe day after theccdpfe of thefun, that
the [ idi ms were aff-mbled in Urge bodies,
wirh 1 view (th-v fall) to (ta>t away the
eclipse. He observes that he fappofes that
the n imber of guns fired on that occafiou ex
ceeded one thousand. This fliers what de
gree offuperiiitioa prevails among them',
T renton paper.
The Emperor Napoleon has offered to the
Court of Bavaria, 4.0,066 bulhels of grain,
and the bifeuit remaining in the fort refs of ,
Bnnnau ; to be diftribufed among those who y
fuff;red moil in the lall campaign.— ibid.
The late Col, Hoomes (of Virginir) Race
Kories are advci tifed for Lie in October
It is with unfeigned concern that we per
form it he p,:sr.ful talk of recording the death
of the conspicuous patriot Meriwether
Jones, Esq. who. departed this life about
\ y /clock on Siturday evening the 9th of
Augu* 1 , at the Warm Sitings, in Bath
County, in the 4. 1 fl year cl his age.—Same
years ago Editor of th* Smm r 'et.
Impartial L'hferver.
Valuable Plantation,
CONSISTING.©? i6?7 acres on Savan
nah R verin Burke C unty, and 767
on tiW oopofite file in South Carolina
"The value of the Pine Lands, on this (He,
and the rich Viw Grounds on the other fid*
of the river, tenders the whole a
Valuable TJlate.
The ad vantages of an elevated
fitaation, the cftahiifli sent of a F-rry con
stantly, and with the command of Lands 01
every q la'ity, upon a n.av’gable river, are
ft> well known as to need no other dc.cap
tion. —Terms of payment, and the pnc.»
viM beeafv; for particular*, apply * n A.o
fufta to Thomas Flournoy efq ; of Seaborn
Jones efq at his fiat in Sciiven county*
*ad in Savannah to
July 12. (ts)
Mil dTta I- ,
AUGUSTA, Sept. 13.
Since ourlaft, we have accounts from
urope to the 7th July.—ln this paner we
ave given the paragraphs that appeared to
'J» the moil inrerefting. A great deal of
important projefls seems to be before the
contending powers of Europe, and from the
complexion of affairs, are likely to be soon
developed. From circumstances, it would
appear chat oar afFiirs with Great Britain
are not to be so fpeedilv brought loan atni.
c&oie conclusion, as had been lardy expefted*
Miranda, aided by the British, has made
good his landing in South America, but un
fortunately, a number of his aflbeiates who
lell into the hands of the Spaniards, have
been put to death.
During the summer, we have indulged
our readers in town, with the paper on Fri
day evenings, but now that the dies arc.
growing short, we (hall not have it in.our
power 10 publiih before Saturday morning.
The draught continues, which .we are
sorry to find blafrs ail the fair profpedls of
the planter— not more than half crops of
cotton* it is said, will be made this year.
Elf Eliot returns— continued from. our lajl,
Oglethorpe—Troup 138 Smelt 63
ttartis 2.
Greene—Smelt 366 Troup fit Harris 13,
Clark—Smelt 472 Prolog Harris 13.
Hancock—Troup 15r Smelt 86.
Lincoln—Troup 133 Smelt 43.
ChathawC—Troup 160 Smelt 8 Harris t.
Frnxlin—Smelt 190 Troup 3.
EClloch —Troup 60. Smelt 1.
Baldwin— Troup 36. Smelt 18.
Washington—Troup 112, Smelt 12.
Burke— ‘Troup 131 Smelt 88.
Liberty—Troup 19 Smelt 6.
Bryan— Troup 43 Smelt 1.
Ll bert —Majority for Smelt. ;
*“■ -sm.iiUi
Copy of a letter from Col. Hanukins to his
Excellency Governor MILLEDGE.
Ulcgfaohatch, Aug. 30, 1806.
YOUR favor for me left in the care of
General Meriwether, I received from him
on the 15th, the day I informed you I fhmid
be there.—As I went up I made arrange
ments with Captain Fielder to get chain car
riers and every thing ncceffary to complete
the line, with as little ddav as poifiblc. I
had it in contemplation on the way, to get
Mr. Franklin the surveyor appointed by your
Lcgiflature for thedtftricl adjoining on the
line; and being informed of his death, I r ent
Captain Fielder for Mr. M'Agrin the coun
ty surveyor of Clerk, who was engaged be
fore 1 had the opportunity of meeting with
Mr. Wailes; as this gentleman had been
waiting tor some time to expedation of run
ning the line, he deiermined notwirhftand
ing the difappointmeiu to go on and aid us
on the p >rt of the (fate, and to his correct
knowledge in his, profeifion We are indebted
for having atcomplifhed our huiincfa in kfs
* time than otherwise we (hould have done,
and with all pollible exaftnefs.—
The doing the bulincfs in this way has
' meet the approbation of all persons, who
vifired us on the line—The fettltrs over the
line have declared a determination to go
into Baldwin county, without delay—The
true line from the High (hoals to Ulcofau
hatch is S. 27. 40. W. and the diftancc
36 miles 74 chains; and a map will be re
ported to you as soon as I receive it from the
surveyor. I write you on my knee.
I am with fincerc esteem and regard.
Sir yeur obedient servant.
[The Readers of the Augusta Chronicle
have not yet seen the following paper,
lately publilhed in the Richmond E qd
rcr, in a communication under the signa
ture of Decius—fuppefed John Rand rlph
—it is interelting, and as such we give it
On the 6th December, the following
fidcntul meflage was received from the Prc
fident ;
<« The depredations which had been com
mitted on the commerce of the U dted States
during a preceding war, by persons under
the authority of Spain, are fuffioiendy known
to all. These made it a duty to require
Iron lint government indemnification for
our injured citizens. A convention was
accordingly' entered into between the mioi
fterof the United States at Muirid, and
the minister of that government for foreign
affairs, by which it was agreed, that fpolia
lions committed by Spanilh fubjefts, and
carried into ports of Spain, (hould be paid
for by that nation, and that those commit
; ted bv French fubjefls, and carried into
I Spinidi ports, ihoald remain for further dis
! cuffrm. Before this convention was re
turned to Spain with our ratification, the
tran fer of Louisiana by France to tne Uni
ted States, took place ; an event as unex
pe‘fed as difagrceable to Spain. From that
moment fire Teemed to change her condu t
and disposition towards us. It w i lS .
manifefied by her protest agamft the nght of
France to alienate Louisiana to us, which
however was soon retracted and the rig t
confirmed. Then high offence was mamfef
ted at the aft of Congress est abiding a col
lection diftrift on the Mobile, although, by
2 n authentic declaration immediately made,
it wus expressly confined to our acknowl
edged limits—anT(he now refuted tt ratify |
the convention signed by her own tr.inifter
tinder the eye of his sovereign, unless we
would confcnt to alterations of its terms,
which would hav-e affected «ur claims against
her, for foliations by French fubjctls car*
tied into Spanish ports.
“ To obtain jutHce, as well as to restore
frienjffiip, I thought alpecial mission ad
visable, and according!/ appointed James
Monroe minister extramdinary and plenipci
tenri try to repair to Madrid, and, in con
junction with our miniffer resident there, to
endeavor to procure a ratification of the for
mer convention, and to come to an under
ftandiqg with Spain as to the boundaries of
Louisiana. It appeared at once, that her
policy was to refeive hcrfelfforeyents, and,
in the mean time, to keep our differences in
an undetermined, state, This will be evi
dent from the papers now communicated to
you. After nearly five months of fruitiefs
endeavor to bring them to fornc definite and
' fatisfadory rcfult, our ministers ended the
conferences; without having been able to
obtain indemnity for foliations of any de
/cripi;on, or any fatisfadion as to the bounda
ries of Louisiana, other than a declaration
that we had no rights Eaffward the Iberville,
and that our line to the Well was one,
which would have left us but a firing as land
on that bank of the river Miflillippi. Our
injured citizens were thus left wiihsut any
prsjfpeft of retribution from the Wrong-doer,
and as ta boundary, each party was to take
its own courfc. That which they have
chef a to pursue, will appear from the detfi
raemsnow communicated.— They duthorife
the inference that it is their intention to ad
vance on our poffcjjhns, ulftil they Jhull be
repiejftd by att oppofiu* force, Considering
that Ctngrefs alyn'e is conjiitutionuliy inves
ted with thepnfuer r/ nuy —
fra n peace tv iuar. I have thought It my
duty to await their authority, for ufiog fence
in any degree which could he avoided. I
have hardy intruded the mincers Rationed
in the »«ighhourlnod of the aggrellions, to
proteftour citizens from violence, to pat
rolc within the borders usually delivered to
us, and not to go out, of them, but when
n;ce(T.iry to reptl ah inread, dr to refeue a
ticizrn or his property f and the Spanish
remaining at New. Orleans are required to
depart without further delay. It ought to
he nated here, that fincc the late change
in the (late of affairs in Europe, Spain has
ordered her cruizcrt and courts to reipett
our treaty with her.
,r fhecondnft of France, and the part
flic may take in the rnifundei(landings, be
tween the United Stales and Spain, arc too
important to be unconsidered, She was
prompt apd dcci-i id in her declarations, that
our demands on Spain for French spoliations,
etinied into Spanish ports; were included in
the fctlcment lie tween the United States
and France. She took at once the ground
that fhc had no right from Spain, and had
meant to detver us none eaffward of the
Iberville: her fitsnCe as to the weftern
boundaty leaving us to infer her opinion
might he againtt Spain in that q i-mer.
- Whatever direction file might mean to give
to thefi* differences, it does not appear that
(he lias contemplated their proceeding to
actual rupture, or that at the date of our
last advicCs from Paris, her government had
any suspicion of the hoflile attimde Spain
had taken here. On the contrary we have
reason to believe that file (France) was dis
posed to efifrCt a fettlerncnc on a plui| analo
gous to what oufr miniflets had propoftd,
and f s comprchenftve as to remove as fir as
pofiible the grounds of luturc collision and
controversy on the Eaftetnas well as Wcf
tern fide of the Miflifappi,
** The prefeiit criffs in Europe is favara
ble fur pressing such a fettlemcnr, and not
a moment should be loft in availing ourselves
of it. Should it pals unimproved, our fitua.
tion would become much more difficult.
Formal war is not neccffary, it is not pro.
bahie that it will follow ; but the protection
of our citizens, the spirit and honour of oUr
country require that force Jhould be interpo
sed in a certain degree. If will probably
contribute ta advance the objcfl of peace.
“ But the caurfe to be pursued will require
the command of means which it belongs to
Congress exclusively to yield or deny. To
them I communicate every fact material for
th. ir information, and the documents neef
fary to enable them to judge for thcmfelves.
To their nufiom then I look for the course I
am to pursue, and will pursue with Jincere
zeal that which they shall approved *
On Saturday the 27th
instant, Mr. A. Marihall will
preach a Funeral Sermon, at
Mr. Willaby Barton’s*
And on Sunday
ftant. at the late refidencc of
Levin Collins dec.
[DIED,] at the Warm Springs in North.
Ca ol na, Mr. JoariuA Meals, for fevc
ral years pall a refpcCiable merchant in Au
, at Spirit creek, on Saturday the
6 h inst. Miss Eliza Bpale, daughter of
Mr. James 8.-aV, of ibis county, in the
14th year of her age.
(ITJ- We arc authorifed to (late,
that Elijah Clark, efq. is a cendidatc
for congress, at the next general clcftion.
I September Cm [j/]
C 4* Wc arc adthorifed to publish
Obadiah Jones Esq. is a candidate tor
Congress at the next general cleiflion.
August 30. 3t
Richmond County .
I ACKNOWLEDGE the Honor you have
done me, & the confidence you have here
tofore reposed in me, as your Senator, and
now beg leave to inform you, that I decline
being a candidate at the next general elec
September 1806.
THIS it to forwarn all petfoha from
taking an alignment po two Cotton
Receipts given by roc to Benj arain Wheeler,
in favor of Ebcnczcr Doughtv of Hancock
county, in the year 1804, as I difehar
ged laid receipts, and he re*nf:s to give
them op. JOHN NEVES.
N. B. The above roentionrd receipts
wcre'given for cotton received in patt pay
of 1311 pounds clean Gotten, which I Jetff
said Doughty, *, N.
Warren ten, September 15» Tv] 1
month* from the date hereof, *r>-
plicatioa will be made to the honorable in-,
fetior court of Burke County, lor leave to
fell 392 acres ot land, lying and being in
said county, on the north fi'e of Brier
Cfcelf adlntntiior Inhn PierCft.arul -
Ihersj the fame being patt of the reaTcflat*
of John Jordan dec, lor the benefit of the
heirs and creditors.
September 13, [jfj
At an Extra Meeting of
Council. •
StPTEMBER 9th, 1806.
'The following Rcfolutions were
entered info.
Resolved by the city
Council of Augusta, that ia
all cases where doubts may anfe with re
fpeft tc Haves following any ufeful occupa
tion for the foie ufc of his mailer, he Cull
he brougt before the Council where he
Ihall prove by hi* laid matter, or the person
hiripg him from his owner, that he is in
lus immediate employ, and that he receives
the emoluments arising for his (the said
Haves) Work, and in otdu to pr*.v*M «lv»
Council from being called together ir. like
cases, he may be takeri before any two
members of the Council who fiiall have the
power of determining.
Resolved, that no person with
in the limits ot the City ot Aopufta, lh?l|
have the piivilcdge of hiring a fl .vc to any
person of colour, under any ci nfidemion
whatever—finder a penalty' not exceeding
twcnty*five dollars iotevty fu h »flfence*
Extract from the Minuter
N. W, HKHBRT, CL'k, c. c.
September 13. (3D
Franklin County.
WHEREAS the diflutbance that rook
place in Wanton Cou t in Decem
ber 1804 still continues, in confeqnei cc of
which the Lid county of Walton Lio such
an unorganised state at to prevent an elec
tion being held ia said county, as tlx elec
tion laws of this state direll.
Therefore; We the undctfigncd Jnfticei
deem it our duty to adhere to and take the
privilege layed down in the firft feftien of
the fourth article of the oonftitututn of this
Notice, thcteforcaii hereby given, that
an eleflion will be held at the he use of John
D. Terrell at Mullia’a fotd, on, Tugalo,
Franklin county, on the fiift Monday in
October next, for* and Rcprcfcn-
Utivts from Walton county.
By order, of
September 13. (at)
For Sale, at the Jail in
September 6.
NIKE months from the date hereof, ap
plication will b' made to the he hoc*,
tie, the Inferior comt y* Columbia county,
for ah order to fell the following two trails
of land in said county, belonging to the
est ate of Samuel Hart deccafcd.
250 acres of Oak and Hickory
land on Harts’ creek, adjoining Benjamin
Hardin and others.
250 acres of Oak and Hickory
land adjoining fori Cloud and others.
ESTER GREEN, 5 aamrt >
April j. limits.