Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, September 13, 1806, Image 4
SHERIFF’S SALE. i On iht firji Tuefday in QSiobtr next, at tht M'vrket h vfe in the city of Avgujla, at the vjuuL f'. 'ursy _ , Will be Sold, One two fiory houfc, and lot, with f!*e improvement*, in ihs \la3gc of Harr-lfc-i:;, ox fr*c krty &re*t, nearly op pull c Kan ib ug Ware hmtfc—a fuller be given of this property, on the d v/ of fafe j the above bon ie and 1 t levied on as tiu. property ol Fnzcl M‘- Tyre, to faiis y sundry cxt^alixi. ALSO. •" One cotton machine of 32 laws. ALSO, 37 unimproved lots in Harrijf b’.ftg, lying 01 tbs foiith ILe of iircad fired. ALSO. Five acres of ground, more or !c f , with a prh’.ite vVatc- house, aid a good {t iaed hrufr,, with tvvo fireplaces, called I rn! known as '■he Planters house, uppofiie the Warevhnufs door, bounded an the t.tft by Savannah river, on the north b/ free t iv ty on the South by a lot of Prize 1. M‘ I’yu/v and on ih* we t !»y lam] b*. I ng, 1 inp t t:c et>d f«t?r Cases; the ab'vc levied on as the*?ro>.e/> i>» : ta lew* Har ris 11 mr;a f y a judgment in fhvau of iiluii & feat fun, t A LUO. One Grey Horse, levied on as the ptoperty of V7,a. Fte, to fatis^y of a fn;t, CfendeiLg it other;, w, John Fee j and Wm. Fee, claimants, MiSO, \ fidIAJII . k*T tl-IA mow« a .ictiedf-Q a» tit? property of George Poe? fun, to, fafisfy a judgment ia favor of the ad tn’n of jvLph Co*. t, H ' M'TYRE, a. n. c. September 6 [ p j SHERIFF’S SALE, 0» the firfi Tvtjd ty in Ottcb. r next, at the Mdthet Jhujein the City of Au«tifia, at ih: vtuoL hnyrs, WILL BE SOLD , OnE fifty acre lor in the town (hip of Angn-fta, km ,wn by number thirty fsven, s*nd boo"dad 1 uth'vrfhvanfFy by the tow. fh : p line and Andrew M L an'sict, b> ingnnmb -:r twenty-fit; n cawHluwJJy by AnWew M'Lesn’# land *nd the towi.fhlp; portheatt .-ard.-y by Hnd fmveyed f:;t Moo- I fly B of. and known by the number, thirty- / ! nghr; fc'mahe;.ilwardjy by land of Eerja lUin We titer ? r d known by the number %%, granted t'J Ribrrt W-dton ; the above d/cirwh fi'ty tete let, levied on at the pro pc tty of William Ui!e, to fatufy a ricirietta Naylor rdmii.iiLa inx of Geoig? Naylor, for the use of* E roanuel Warcbczec. H. M»TYRE, s. r. c. Seht:trl>:r 6. (y ) SHERIFF’S SALE, On the Jit fi Twfcay in OSobcr next, at the j Market-hw/e in the City of Augufia, at ih * vfrrl hett'\', , WILL BE , One BOAT, runing fron) Au i’i'-'H t» Sr.vsntwh, knoavn by the name of INDUSTRY, levied on as the property of Jufeph Thomas, to fttisfy an execution in favor «f Sea’.v rn Jones elv„ JLn. HARRIS, d. sr. c. 1 Sepftfnirr 6, v J^ t ] Si-IE RIFF’s "SALE, Or the firji Tut/Jay in O&ebr.r next, at Franklin C'>irt■ between the hours cf to anti j o'cloik. "will be sold. 140 acres ofiand, more or Jets, in Franklin county, on the w ten of E ft-rnola, Walk f, Waken r.nd John Ho taper. Whereon Karctck now lives, ttkrn a«hi« property to fatijfy V.'.ji. Barton. Gash. O. C. CLEVELAND, n s. September 6. [ ]t j Administrators Sale. On the if.h nay of ORcbfr next, trill it fidd, on the plar.tJiien in Columbia ccurdy > part rs the ptrjcuai efiate of jf - hn CaruU df'efiHd, % s CONSISTING cf Pock of various kind*, fach »» Hrrfrs, Cattle, Sheep, and Hoys. Houfchedd fcniimre, plantation ‘ Utcnfr’s, &c. &c. Term* -will be msde kno»n on the day ©f fait. V M • CAH R RH-, Udm’r, ACnN C ARRELL, Adm’rx, September 6* [^i] tfPt ALL penens indebted i° fek the late Crra of ~ Wuuam H r Jacjc & ; Bp Co or to tM tf.atc of Andrew , dc w! cccfod, by bond cr note, are o»Mie R?cre called on for immediate fettiement • no farther Cod'd gin re r»n be given.—Thofc indebted to either of the above mentioned trmi on epee account, »jc requeued to liquidate the fame previous to the fa ft day of September next,—After that date, , fuiti will be against dclin. qcents without di'*crsr.tjna!<on. ]Af/.ESBEGGS, Advtr. 3*b ** (’J) SHERIFF’S SALE. j On tkefirjtTue/iay in next, at the j Market Utu-ci t the City oj Ati°vjia as I , the ujuai fours t Will be Sold, 200 acres of land lying and be- > ing iu the county ot Richmond, Dcundcd by lindt ot jamcf Bcail and Savannah river, known and difii»gotr«'*d by Beah’j Meant. - ALbO, ioo acres ot land lying on the ' waters of a izit (Mr'- ck 2nd bounded by land* of NC hnuel BWI, the above proper ty Icvis'l oo as the property of JJathau Bjall, tof.aify fund*/ executions. A\SO, Fifty acres of land with the im pw'sin-.tus thereon, w: bin tour mile* of Auguiia on the Savannah road, bounded by j land* of John M*'Tyic, Ananivs Cooper and land belonging to the estate of ”’na. M*- Dade aod otlicis, the above land and im pfovitnro-'B levied on as the ‘property of John MCvI.-ur.ds and pointed out by (aid M’M’nnix to fa;itfy a judgment in favor of -Starling Jordan. ALSO, One lot in the town of Augusta,. known by No. 4, well improved with a hit 'it B-iok S'ore Houle and a wood ft ri hvj-tfc or h-u r es for bounded cn vhu "4-t bv the river lircct, on tdi-i north by a lot b?V.uing to the efiate of D. B. Bntlr, the sooth ky n Ms beiorging to Ja’» To* L, and on the wcltbf M‘l«toSi fiteat-The j above levied on a* S;c property of Major Win. M. C iwlei, and pointed cut by laid ( ( o .vlcc, to D isfy .3 Judgnjaat in fiycr of 1 T.’nmjii Yoar.t4- ,t i >r 1 ALSO, Two Negro fellows, cne named Sara and trie outer narn dLi k. the above negioc* le vied on as the prune tty t>f.Cbar!e.« Mo tint ro fcfijljr a jodgicent in fa~w« of Philip F. Raifoo. ALSO, Two Negroes named Dem and fluody. h Horn and Char, the above levied on a* the property bfl.-ngi l g, to the tftate c! &;mu<d to fsti.sly an. cxernTar. ia taver of the admiaillrators of J hn Pearce, ALSO. 202 1-2 acres of land in Bald win county, i.i difirlft, known by No. 48. ALSO, One negro w oman named Aggy. t. LAO, The northermoft part of lof No. I 38 hi *be uiM ii v: Pu’C'fbjjg, well impro 1 '' dv b.undng <•* cesfo liirdt in the front & l-u ; a tuV* r defcriptioti v> jil be gi ven on ‘ho day of fa c- the above levied on m th- proparty of Nathaniel P. Beach, and (-tiiiited out by Lid S ach, to fatiCy fondiy executors,— Cucditiocsof fa'c, C /.sir, * ' . ALSO, 1 : By Pcftponcmcnt. One Negro fellow by the name 0? FIBER, cue'regro boy by the 1 ame of Heofon, Levied on 31 the oropeity nelong ing to the tfhteof Smith Milner dcccafrd, to fidify an txecu ion in favour of John j Miiner, 13. M TYPE, s. r. c. 3O. [tq SHERIFF’S SALeT Ov thfjirji Tue/dny in Q Sober vtxU at Co luwpia Court IJoufc, ietwean the v/uai hours. Will be Sold. 500 Acres of land in Liberty couiiti , ihrtt v,a adv, Tie-l to b** ibid the fill 'lucid-*)’ in jc- . to (adrfy two txecu tians'i 1 Kcnry hLtnptrin, in ia *cr . C. D; fert and Gialfcock 1 tor Barren, h pr ftpon«d untiil the Silt To f .ay in OCU bt r, ALSO, 200 acres of iand that was ad vertiied to be Imd the fird Tuefday in Au guli, at the property of Reuben fircefeo, ) to Ltiify rxecuti na, viz- adr .r'?. H. Ca;tcr and* Carter, vs. fnid Brccfon, i» paftp.ined untiil the fi<ft in Oft ober. ALSO, One Still executed as the prop erty ot Civ• c* CL t(»faij,fy an a* ecution in ftvor of Daniel Elaitne, pgakft Solomon and Charfes G. Ellis, * ALSO, Cn ihe firji Tu'-fJav in Nnumltr vext, Seven negroes (viz.) JACK, 0- thertvilj cadto general, Ad?m, joner, Ca nd. e , Rarhat . Jiin and Jrjcxriait, and Cxtecn fccsd of and two mare#, and al! the houfrhuld arid kronen furritarP, to f-uisfy an execution in favor of Jo*. Giant, vs- Kzikicl Harrcfi, upon the tpreclufnrc ofiDL-Ogfjci—C l WMU(i aiu H fair Cas h . Wm. FLEMING, 8 c. c. 3°* [3;] SHERIFF’S SALE, On thtf rfi Tue/dcy in Otlcier t, at the ~'latktt- Houjc in the i*ity 6t du&ufla. at the vfyal hours. Will be Sold, One Negro Fellow by the name of Pol>do e. levied on a* the properly of Clufloy Bofilck jtinr. Pointed out by the defendant one rsecatirn ia favor of the admin-ftraters es WUKsm Por. Jwr, hAP.RISS, n, s. R . c 1 AuguH 30; j j SHERIFF’S SALE. ! | Ofithejirji Turf day in QStober next, at the Market- Ujyt in the City of Augujia, at i Jv. usual hours. The former fait not being complyd uiiih. WILL BE , One Brown Bay Horse, levied on as the of Floyd Jarvis, to {-•.t -i»fy one ftxecuttonin favor of Patrick M‘- DowaU. Ja. HARRIS, d. s. k. c, Scp’fiinLr (~ GEORGIA, Richmond county. At a meeting cf the honorable the lnferi or Court, on Monday the nlh jaly, iZcC. Ptefcot ihtir Honors* John Willson, 1 John, t Jufices. John Catlett*' ON the application of Wi'liarr. Batkr, fitting that he hconfined in ihccufio dy of the Shcr.ff, under i» bail w,rit, iffaed at the firit of Michsei and John Comad and co. and thst he is unable to p;-y .the debt or give Lifi for the fame, and prayirg the benefit of the aif psfTd for the relief ol in folvcnt debtors. Orderjo# That the said Wi!iiam But ler noti;y his creditors either in pcifon or by giving fistr days n.tica in the Chron icle and L'jlLra’ian Cvn'lrcl, picvi as to the fir It Monday in October next, u which time an caaminiuioii will be bad and a dif chsfge grafted if no ecu'? is (hewn to the contrary ; and the Sheriff it hereby eon mar,d>d to have the body of she (aid Wif ii«m Bat’cr before a;, at: 10 o’clock, • at the Ccart-Houfc, on the Hid Mon day in O&obur ucJb, Taken f cm (he minutes. Matthew fox chk, BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT Os PttE US I; ED SUf'ES. General fnj}.Office, Avvnji I c th, 1806. 1 ROPOSALS tv-1! f:c received at this Os. See in, t il the 1 5 h day of December next inck.iive, (or ( making and repairing the ft*. Waal parts of she Full Road from Nashville to Natchez, hereinafter mentioned—that is to fa) : No. 1. From NafS'.vilie to BnffrilocCrctk The difiance is elnrraied arr 54 milts—-All this diftante, cr the principal part of it, the .'oad has been cut out by the military and prepared conveniently for efu, feme lev/ years since. No. 2. From Snake Creek to Grindftone ford, Difiancc eltimated at 40 miles’. T his part cf the roui'e, was likewise, (omc years since, cutout by the military und the ioad prepared Hr public uie. 'I he rout marked out some years fif;cc by ‘ Edmund P. Gsincb, (efq. will he pursued the whole distance excepting the fpute be tween the Chic kafaw towns and the full folding place oi the waters oi the Big Black which will be lefm vejtd, view of materially Ifffsr.itig the defiance. The read is to be made and completed by * tbvfirff day of Otf ober in the year 1807, and the wok is, in sll refpefts, 10 he doi e to the approbation oCßcimn Jonathan Meio", or Thomas clq. egent fur the United States, »ej;f!;r g in th<. Indian cct.n tiics. In njeking titfamc, the fcilcwii g rules are Hr icily to he observed. id. The road muli be made ar leaf! twen ty feet wide, and ait the tiini cr and under brrlh taken off for that; 2nd. Ail nr.arihy places are to be caufivay. cd, and ail caufevvays are to be at Halt ten feet w ide. 3d. All fircamsunder forty feet in width, not fordable at thstr common winter tide, are to be bridged, by good {ecuse bridges, well built aoo rnadc fafe and fccure for p a s. ftge, the bridges to be at Hart twelve feet wide. 4th. A tree (hell be laid across all larger streams where the bread.h of .he Bream dots not exceed the length of any rise, to i>c found within half a mile of tfce place. GIDEON' GRANGER. Poihnaiter General. S-pt ember C. (pi). CT Ihe printers'-ctr.ployed by the Gen, eral Pnff Office arc reqaefied to in'ert this weekly the nest fix weeks. • ~~' FOR SALE, MY Houfcs and Lot, North | fide of Broad-firm, near | the Mark?; the if?mi is an exoeUeiit one 1 for traiffafting business on a large or fmaJl 1 Tale, with three tenements Aifo, aCct lon Machine with 87 saws, nil iu complete repair—Th? terms of fate, one rnd two yean credit; this indclgcnce, certainly is an objeef to an alive i t rf n —P< ff fii o a fohcbsd on. the ift of Oclobct next.— For >ar(her particulars apply tome. SAMUEL M. SMYTH. ’ T J y f p* [ti] Now in Richmond Jail, A new negre fellow by the name ofMOODY, about y (ett 7or 8 inches high, 20 01■ 2% years of age ; he fa vs he hclonge«l to Michael Silvert ot Richmond county, { and was foid by him to Samuel Lockhart.- The owner is requested to come forward, prove property, p«y charge, and him aw 7* r HARRIS Jailor, '/ Au S urt Z rf, £ ti j * Now in Richfnond jail. A NEGRO FELtOW hy n2Tre , f BILLY bORRELS ; Is is tbcai 28 o ? 0 years of agt, 5 tcet 8 on o inches ri- n, lia» on a brown coulourcd big sr.d Utht couloured cotdsd Pantaloons, and fclLk. hat, he says he belongs to Mis. Rkc 5 a Sa vannah ; The owner is requeued to come forward prove her pfopeity, jay chergt? ant. take him ?«'ay, Jr. LJARRiSS, i>. s. &. <;. September 6. [if ] For Sale, A Stout Likely, hor.cft and sober EELLOvSt, courtry b« «n, 3l o> ; yi.n bf »<»«—a complete fbhl h nd, erd 1 capable of :aki’>s» cate of a plantation, atsd a very (roodha-v‘ tor a bca;-.—Enquire at the ChtcK tcie Cilice. September 6- ryj notice; WILL commence felling, on j Monday theaOih OiioUi r.i x', anti cyu, t:cce from ray to day until the v. hole E io/f , .i il£ jSS» fo.<f4 | «<>. tfli’iy lilt Jrt<} Jacob Wtfl recce fed, ccnfstijgg ct Horlcr, Cank, Hog*, liouiihold L.d Kitchen multure, &c,—Coodkiotu will be made knows tu the dry rs fr,!<. SAw A H VvEST, Admr'sr JOHN M. WEST. Ain't Sepicmln 6 /j j THE SUBSCRIBER^ WT- nTNG to fettle all jrO der- nde againlH him, will d»fp ft: <f hi* pofieffions on Lsttle Spirit c ; fi!U g ti a Saw-ciil'. j a complete f-cp&j - vei hms Hr*) a good two fthiy Jv.xdry h ife, knchvin sSmI fatfk» I) >ufe, with a ! l ether neef flary out baildiof* for hwvt-tt Sec. and 420 ac?»8 as good f ine land as aay it. the coq»?y of Rich;no«d; eo acre: of which are cleared, and under jsrood ferce—his outftandiog paixrrt will he taken in pay. isissir, and she terms made cafr- Wm- lifI«TYS'E. , September 6, [,] ~to~rekt. IN the town of Walhington, two Houles and Lots; any perion requiring it, any be accommodated vv-iih» either a'private or public ftors houfr, by applying fj 'WILLIAM SANSOM, Seftcruisr 6 . {3;] TO RENT. THE BRICK HOUSE atpre fent occupied by ’oft. Har- ris FcfTdTion of which may be * » had on the fir ft day of October. WILLIAM KENNEDY. » Ayfyufi z. (if) notice: r partneilhip of John & JL Joseph G. Cormick, being diftblved by the death of the latter, the buftnefs will be continued as usual by JOHN CORMICK-. September 6 T'/J If Mr. Baley Bor ret, late of Bungay or tire neighborhood of Bungay, Suf folk county* England, is living, hy •an application to the printer, he ill hear or femething to'his advantage. Mr. Borrct is reported to have rai ded in Hancock County in iBci. >-fr 1 9- ■ M Ten Dollars , m ' 1> Nr AWAY Lcii \ha to f& f A Subfcribcr, cn the |>y ,& 23’ c* Ia R mont*’, as Ax- J * can c ß fo b '/ R3rn -* of Jacob, afcciu 19 cr a ts -VT 5 fees 4 or 5 it-cbs# brgn, nan rft markable fmsfl feet end, bis cc«r.- try marks aison» fide ot hu b.eafi j ha<l ou st the time he vyer.t r ff, s bcaiefpcr. &:» * and pantiSoens, and a iruail b jje I ruicitafeti tbs said r,*gro Etl March or M-'., William V/ilbcurn, who lives b* Fraekßu county on ri”< r. and I h?»’cev— iceforl to believe that hr is g-;r.c for th V pl&ce • he it fa j.rtbu fellow, and I ntp >1 vri! dscy fcif iigl t ncrlft »*% 1 a me —Are psrir.n that will ap.-re-bend du. Hid fell. • ' .and bri».g him to mo, ii> Liocolu coc-r/ near Rajrs Mil!? on Little River, Lim in fotoe Jejl, id that I get Hna, fiiili ie eelve the ibovc reward.frem mr, William evanil dugvji 23. N ( r) Blnks of ail kinds exeuted at the ihortsft notice, at fihfs Cilice.