Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, September 20, 1806, Image 1
AUGUSTA CHRONICLE. Vol. XX.] F R E E D O M of the P R p q o rv . _ THE r K E o S and TRIAL nr JURY shall remain inviolate. [Nu. 104* 1 ■ „>i ■ ■ ~ ■. n V-*” 1 ;. i,ii ’ <i ■■ "*——■■■ —...». ■ iIG US A; (Georgu) Pointed bv D. DRISCOL, near the Market. SATURDAY, September 20, 1806. [3 M, per Ana.'] <Wwmui|iM» | « | » ,F "i>»» l "i Min I i «— _ | ' | " mm W— -- ,- T - -- ----.. Jones Sc Semmeg, AR£ now opening an cxten five affortmenc cf Dry Goods & Groceries , Seietfcd by themfclves at the bed innhern markets, confining of the most essential article* in reqjefi izi the Country trade.—Taeit ft ck being large, and ?* they ' will be eonOantly trplcniftiing it, Store- and M<*tch»m*, who may not bare jTiip.’HeiJ themfeives; will find it to their in tere.ft tr> give them * tail. Tima terms Will se liberal. They have like wife in view, a enr.GderabJo enlargement of tficir Ware house, for the reception and Borage of Produce and Goods, and mil, bj their attention to the j CommifTion Eufinefs, Endeavour 'o meric a (hare of the public patronage in th’t line; their charge* will be as lowa* usual, aud regular attendance w»U bs given. September «• t*n for Sale, On very low Terms. 6 Hhi« best green ceff c, 7p *arrel« Mufeavacto Sugar, t Hhd|.! do, do. 3 C fief!) Hvfon Tea, s B xct No. 8 Cotton Card?* i do. No. to do, do. i P pprr, xooy Wt, preen CopraTs, ro Barrels N-mhwatd Rum, , x Hhdt. do. do. i HhT«. Jamaica do, 2 dO. \\ I. dO. t Hhds. M'dalfes, x y Ton B. Steel) I do, German do, Ed piJceg Cotton Bagging, 2 Crates Crockery Ware, i -»*> pitravr price i, i Lnle low pri=c knaped Hat!, 22 pieces long Lawns, i Trunk low price Cslliccc*, jo do. Cotton Stripes. All of which wid be fold at wbo ? cfale or ECt •i*. for Calh r r Produce, by HAKRISOtJ 13 HAMILTON. Oa Camrr.:ffi-!i, Ijoo bufhth graund S . - /.fl Aupufta, Augnft I / Ta£lorags and Com mission Bufmefs. THE Sub filbert having entered into Faitneilh p, under the firm of Barrett&Sims, In the above line of bufmefs in this city, inform their friend* and the pub- general, that they fln!l continue to occupy th* fame Stores, as heretofore oc:u pied by Thomas Barrett, where tney aic , creftng. in’addition* a large Cotton Ware-Houje, 'Which them tocra to store tcioo Bile* of Cotton at one time, fecorc loom the VVta'her. THOMAS BtARRfiTT, / BENJAMIN £2 MS. Atirvi $O. " THE SUBSCRIBER Offers For Fate, His STOCK in Trade , Confiding of a small though choice afiortment of DRY GOODS, lately imported, with a fuppi/ of Liquors and Groceries , Which he will dfpnfc of <->n low term * ' icd on a libera* credit. • ISAAC HERBERT. June 7, TBO6. Doctor Burke, HAVING at length rcfolved, to make Auguila, his future ftfiicncc, inform* the community, that I e Hill refome the Pfaftice. IrD Hve* in the large Rack Houfc, rt the vpF CI crd ct , Rroad-Strcct, belonging to the eftatc ox Col. Witkins, V July 2s, Os) I STUBEN’S Military Fxercise,., ■ For /ait at this osces JuJl received a Frejb ojjottmetitof Medicines & Medicinal Drags THO’s I. WRAYj LT AVING just arrived with a general X affortmtm, laid in under his own in. fyeciion, at the best American Marker- } 'ixwuh he kv:11 dfpffi cf on really moderate teriht. He has added to his former articles a fine sflbftment of nice Conftdioririts, Henry’s patent Magnelia, cflcncc ot Spruce, indelible ink for marking clothes, two Elcthical Machine?—and lately appointed agent for Docior oolomom, having brought wjth him a large supply of genuine Balm ol GileAd and ANTi-lMP£Tioinrs. 4f A judicious writer temarhsj that, “ to (< Jive with fatisfaflion to ore's iclfandoth. “ era, to procure as many comforts of life as “ arc confident wi>h our mental and bodily confliiution, and to avert impending dan- i “ gerj or, in other word?, to prtferveour ct lelves lioin the injurious attacks of ester* tl n a! agents, arc nearly the whole oi w!„u « relates to the practical part of humsn “ hfe." If then te live with fatisfafrmn ** to ourfdves and otlurs is so defiiaMc, “ how can wc accoiDphfh it when ftp lived “ of that which is mure to be eileeh'.ed ilian “ gold and tr afu e \-~-that i which enlarges “ the fipul which, when pofTcifcd, “ leaves lilile more to be wished tot—-that (t which when wanted is the greaich ot “ W3.nts—even that which is the greatest cf “ ail blelfings, namely Health ! The “principal source of misery,- then, being “ the iofsof this great jewel, it behoves us “ to find a remedy for those diseases which “ have hitherto baffled thelkill of the Facul “ ty, namely nervous, confumptivc, and i “ hypochondriac. If any one man hos e*ar { “ been more fuccefsful than another, it is “ Djftor Solomon, who hrs brought ids j “ Cordial Balm of Gtj.ead tofuch per “ lection that it never fads removing il.e “ vvorlt and molt crabbed disorders ot this “ nature. 11 always exhilifates and cheers “ the spirits, braces and invigorates the “ whole frame. Such a medicine, for ifV “ qTaViTits YlSe detififafed MArt IU Vein, “ deserves the wjoadrous encouragement ii “ meets with from ail ranks, why Inve he* n •< fortunate enough to have rccohrfe to it. “ Pamphlets on its efficacy delivered ( “ graitis by the agenty “ And fAd in bottlesy price d hree Del “ lars each. Augpjia, Asigiijt so. {//] jolirf Hill &Co. Have JuJi Received from New fork, pari 0; ifietr Summer and Fail GOODS, VIZ: SUPERFINE Cloths & CaflimcM, Plain and Kindal Cottons, Ladies and Gcmiemcn’i flue Sc coaife Kata, ) Cadcpcs and Chintzes, Jaconet, MuiMui, Mullins. Laced Carnbrick Sc Chsmbry J Humhums and Dinut cr, Velvets and Fancy Cords, Colt n and Si k Sufpcndtll, Brown Hollands, Scin ai d Shop Twine, Ladies K'd and Murodco Slippers, Mns fi;« and corife Shoes, Wntiog Paper by the r am. Cutlery and Hardware, of almost every de ftiipticn. O.iV HAND— -20 Hhd». P/imc Sugars, 2* Bbls, dc. ditto, ,000 Wt. beR Grc: n C< G e, Hyfon and Imperial 'leas. Crockery Ware by the Crate, Empty Buttles by the Hhd. Sherry and Malaga Wines, Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin. Cognise B.andy, *£. &=• With a great variety of articles, . too tedium 10 enumerate, tark-ng xa tr.s whole a complete and* general afl Mmtvty ; all of which will be disposed of si tc fual prices, for caik or cottok. Coon- ■ try Merchants wiif 00 well to arai. them* , f ivesoftheopportur.i y o» calling. »» will have an opporrani y otfurcif.ung ti.enr fc.ves upon the most reduced teirus. Augufi 30. INK POWDER^ j Os the very befr kind, to be had 5 on low terms (by wholesale and re ’ ta ijj at the Chronicle Office. THOMAS BUTT\ t> H,E: PFC'T FULLY inform* the Pa’lie, that he ba« jaft aiiiv.*d i> AuguHa, and i opened Score ia Mr. Murrm's New House, lately occupied by McflVi John ! Howard ts 1 Co, With a choice Selection of the Following Goods, WHICH HE WILL SELL ON VERY MODER ATE terms; WHOLE SALE or RE TAIL, V n : REST F’:jx and Tow Oznaburg*, Dr >w n and WSiite P atillar, Idih Linen and B itanias. Cotton Shnting, Siik and Chtton Umbrella*, Lorg Lowns and Camb ios,, Laced Canabii k and Leno Veils, 4 4 and 6 4 Lcno Mi.fliiT, B a>.k love blnwliand Veil*, L ift nog and Belong*, Ladies Silk Pcltccs, B : aok tnd White pc nic Glove*, IVntk ■till-f do, Whtrc ?nd coiM, Cc icon do. Ladies long walh Leather do. Ging'vim* and Gbambia Mtfl.'n, Csiabiick Midi ids, A ver*t elegant jfibrtnent cf rich Ml H a* Irons 50 cents to c do)#, pc? y:trd, A Lw pieces of richley ornamented CircsflLn Robs#—very elegant, Puliicat and Handkoschicfa, N w Red Baudannoa , do. Linen and Czmbrick Pocket do, Cott n do. do. Ribbons no 1 f ilk do. Velvet Ribb :n and Ferrets, Stb/ci P ul*for Sonnet*, Laces and Edgclngs, I' ct., white and coi'd Sewing Si!k and Twill, Ounce Thread, - I'd Thread*, ccihmon end patent, Adejnha Cotton 'thread in papers ami A. 1 111 from r/gd. to White Calicoes and Fahiaai, ' t nd 6 4 Cotton Gncck, i and Sfd Tick, Cslinvucoca and Durant*, B:'mb zincs and Bombazetts. Florentines, Crape* and Perfnnit Silk and Cotton Sufpcr.ders, B'a.k and coi'd bell London made Flats, Superfine Cloth and CafiiTiercß, Curdcnoys, Velveteens and Thickfits, BuffNankeens, Humhums, Flannels and cocifc WjoJcns, ; 106 Readj* madcVeft*, A hinofome affortrnent of Boots and Shoes, Lidies emb oideted .and plain Cotton Stocking*, Mint do, do, do. Bo s and M.ffc* Stocking*, . Dioities, Jane* and Jencts, Draper Tab e Cloths and Toweling, Diaper Holland Ta e» ard Bobbins, Bi te and white Pavilion Gauze, A large siff irtmtnt of Leghorn and Split Straw B nn ct*, Artifi-ial VVrtathi, Feather* & Flowers, Cotton aad Silk Trimmings, Steel Bogies for Bonnet*, T ble krivc* and Forks, j|P P*n and Packet Knives, RrZOr* and R;-zor* f tropi, Tinned Iron and Fultian Spocns and Di. viders, Gimblets, (3c, (3c, July 19. [tfj * -* r - - NOTICE. Thefale of the real EJfate of William Tyler • dec . to toil: | r P A WO hundred and fixtykcres the iatc rcudencc of the dectafed, 297 a crcs 00 Savannah river, be the a nc mote or !ef, which Hr* been advcu.fed to be fold this d*y at Columbia Court Hni'e, poblifh ,'d in the Chronicle i» peftpuned, till the hilt Tuesday in Oft .her next, j Wm. berry, 7 Eeuj. LEIGH, * \ Aim's* A, CRAWFORD, i Avrujl 30. (St) i Ten Dollars Reward. f } AN-AWAY frem the fubferiber a ma- V Jatto girl of the nance ol SALLY, It j* fn* i» in the vicinity ot AuguSa, or in Beach 111,nd-~whoever bring* her to me ia Augusta, fnall receive the above 1 c ward. I GEORGE W. EVANS. 3*b 5- ' [Vi . \ For the CHRONICLE. (Concluded frort ortr IrJi.J reviewing the foregoing (a”s we are impelled to inquire, vvhut is thedutv of a government couftiiutcd for the welfare an! hippiocfs ot the people ? The anfiver is rea dy—to ina& plaris ard ialutaty laws for a rule of civil condurt, and to manage the pub, lie funds, {9 as eg leave every man in the full aud peaceable enjoyment of the profits of his labor and induili). This is the dfince of good government. Where thifc ohjeda are faithfully and j idicioulv attended to, and the blcllings refill ting from such a Hate of things fully enjoyed, flic people have arrived at the ftenith oi political happiness. This invialvlc Hate of things howeve is unattain able in mud countries—mhe cxpenccs incurred in the various departments of a well ergani. * 1 govermrirnr, muff he defrayed, ii the public funds are infufficicnt for that ptirpofe, such deficiency mull be supplied by enntribu. lions from the private ptirfs of the people, drawn from the profits of individual lahir andiudafiry. The government has no tight to levy th'/t tint rib minus, cr taxes, but that of hr erf it), cf cour e, so long a they have public p.o.iatv in their hands, fifTi'i. enr to difeharge ail demands again'! the Hate taxation ought never to be rtlorted to. The (iturrtion of the (late of Georgia, at the dole ot the revolution* in the year 1803, and in the prefint year iBv6, was such as to have ♦hablcd Her to attain the pofiiblc de gree of political happiness. At the lirft pe riod, (he hud at her difpofitinn the lauds ly ing in the comities of Franklin, Jackson, Ciatk, part of Oglethorpe, thegreateflpartof Greene, Hancock, Wafhineton, M mtgo mery and Tnttnall j at the second period ihe had at her difpofuion the lands lying iri the counties of Baldwin, Wiikinfen, Sc Wayne l ; and at the last period, the balance of the o.ikmulgce fork eltimated is before Hated at more than j oto.odo of acres. A prudenr, and just ddpoiittun of the public property, at any onepf ihofe periods, would h»vc left us free from debt, and have tllahliftied a permanent fund, the mterefi of which would have teUevid us forever ttom the burthen of taxa ioh, at ie ift in time of peace. It may be —; prlAi , 'ittation us circumfiurrtr ™r led to the adoption ot’3 Tram m iiicsiutct jn — narrow, fofdf'Jh, so dijhoneji, and »uinoas to the fuhjlantial, and permanent intcreft of the present, Sc fuccceding generations ? An inorfntate attachnient to popularity m ///- ordinate dejtre to obtain or retain a fiat in the General AflV/nSly has been the fatalcaufe. T’hc real/übjidntial, and permanent in ter,ft of the fia e, has been fact diced at the (brine of popularity. So fi>‘.ng, and fu/cinating arc its charms that u frequently Itac's i's vo taries, no , rotdy N fcJ adidilhonclily, but pub licly boast of it. Read your newfpsprrs, & you will among your representatives, feme who have the effrontery to bead of their political difnofleily. “ / voted agaivji ft I lirg the land, fays tne, be case I thought it •wrong to fell ihe poor man's I ud to pay the rich man's debt," and a great deal cf such , nonsense. Surely my lellow citizens our representatives tr.uft have a very bad opit ion of both our underltanding and honelly, when they court onr fuffrage by acknowledging thcmfelVcs to be fools cr knaves ; but the senator of Greene, fays he believes the frac tional furvevs will pty the publi<;debt.*— Now, E. E. Paik Efijaire, far as you are, in the arts of deception, did you not blo(h when you made that affcrUcn— you expeft to cfcape deletion, and gull joor conffituents in that way ? The fracti onal surveys in Baldwin and Wiikinfen amount to 52,000 and Tome odd acres—Jiow much do you estimate the frac tions at ? Not more than three times that amount; but fuppofe’ it may be four times j can you with a long hypocritical face, gravely offer!, in the face of) cur country, that even 150,000 acres, will fatisfy a claim cf 406,070 acres, and over and above that, pay a debt oj t,coo,cco dqlkts ? fie ! fie! tie! never again (ufltryour desire to retain a feat, which you have difgraccd, to lead you into a dint! and palpable violation of truth. The idea of cftahlifhirg a perma nent revenue, to exempt the people from taxatieu, may he ttcatcd by (rdne, as a visi onary febeme; the example hnwevdr of the ! (late of New York, (hews it to be pradica- I ble. That ftatc, with much lets vacant i territory, than Georgia, has abfoluuly ac c-.-m; fdhed thirl deiirable ebjed. Ard the example of the United Spates, who rtceivc nearly half a million of doffers annually, from the fsie of public lands, evinces the practicability of the plan. But it is the payment of the public dtb', out of the pub -1 lie property, upon which I principally infill. ! 11 tnis position is wrfing in Georgia, it is j also wrong in New York, and in the U. States. It is pofltblethat it never occurred to the people ®f New Y- rk, and the. Con gress of thfeU. States, that public Property * the Gretrjborough taper of the lsth Auguji lift