Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1806-1817, October 04, 1806, Image 4
Defaulters in Warren County , are as In Capt. Jones's DiJlriFl. Gideon Harrir, John Barge, John Bald win, Willi im Slaughter fen. In Capt. Hill's DiJlriFl. John Will. J hn Hill, Robert Gray, Buttcl M. Cullen. In Capt , Wilson's Dili rill. Rebt. White, Abfh* Smyth, Jr»ho Wal kv, John Murrjr, JohnSroyth, John Wall, Thomac Ai fl*y jau'c. In Capt. Neal's DiJlriFl. John Croekit, In Capt. Baker's Diftriil. Ai a Chipmon. Ik Capt. Carter's DiJlriFl. f'ilveftet lalow, James Minter, WiUiam Cvrcwsyt Widow Sim mend a, John Lzvv- | ' is. In Capt. H‘all's DiJlriFl. Humbert Mitchel, Jamis Holland. In Capt. Tlurnny's DiJlriFl. 1 Ts pry Merle, Diiiiel M. Daoiellcy, Jvhn Glhfon, j In Capt. DeuereaKx's DijlriFi. i Lfeph Philips, John Hcfl;r, '1 homai i J In Capt. Near Jam's DijlriFi. James Brno-, Bhrrcl Stc;kcn», Caleb 1 Stsphens, Jertfai Ptewarf, Pulley Stewart, j G tldman Taplcy, J;>b Alien, Littlebcrry | PoK'tf «- This i» a true return zs from each Cap tain ; certified 1 v ive RADFORD I;UTT, r. t. r. S.pteniler 27. {»./) SHERIFFS - SALE, On th’ f.rfl Tup Any tn November next, at Co'.mHa CeitH- I-loup, between the vfual - hours. WILL BE SOLD. j 300 acres of land in Columbia ! con ty, pining pfle Winfrey and Cuming, j eaecuird a? the property of William B*r- | licit, to ftttsfj two executions viz. adm'f i WM im Poo and J urtr* BFckilonc xk. said Barnett. ALSO, 60 acres of land on the waters | of thi Kioltce creak j;i ring Pearrv ?,r.d o- | then,; <1 iii ilu property of Benjamin | Fuller, to fatisty an execution in favor of t Thomas Bantu, AL>O, too acres ofland in Columbia c ‘unty joining Anderlon Crawford and John T, Alien, executed to!«fy an execution founded upon the foredofure oi a mergage in favor of Thomas Jnaci egairdt Elijah BufiVeP. ALSO, 800 acres of pine land in the county of Colurr.b;. , on (hi wafer* of the Urhee creek, adjoining Georg; Magnsder and others, executed a* the property of Spent, to Luiify an execution in fa tor ol John Baraco. ALSO, loc-o acres of land in the coun tv of Columbia bounded l»y land* of Pniisp P.arrcy and o>herj on the Mouth Ka'l and Mouth Weft by Lu !* of WillLrr. Rar.fcy ' and others at the time of furvry, executed > t.V fnis.'y an i.xeco.'ion upon the foree'efure cf 3 mortgage, E.vV J. M TTccn vj. JoHi u i Gsinasc. ~ WM, FLEMING, s. c. c. September 27. (jtj SHERIFF’S SALE. On ihefirjl 'Tuefday in No'Jtnb ;» rcxl , at Columbia Court.Hmfe between the vfual he airs. Will be Sold. tight notes of hand—-four of 1 the note- given by Binpmin Wat for, pay able to Martin Hays, on the 25th December * i S'.6 to the amount of nicety dollar*. AL*O, One on Thomas Watson pay- I able to Mania Ha; t or, the 25.1 b December ; 1 S:6, for thirty dollars—Three cn An*bo ny Gr.nctt, payable to James Csttledge ' jnnr. nu the 25 h D rsir.bcr 1 B;6i for fc- ■ vrnty dollar—TJi* above notes executed | ?.e (he property oi jofrph Kdmondfon, ti i'nhty an cxec.o'ion in Tver of the admini- • Biatitx of Wiilitn Jenuiga, tr. JoTeph Ed- j cionfcn. JAMES LUKE, 0. s c.c, Sipt. 27. }j ) { COLLECTORS SALES. [ ; ■ On Saturday the iS h cf OSloher next, at the u/ucl hrare , at the Market.houje in i ike Citv of Jvgu:la, sold. I One mgro vcman named Sa- I rrh, levied cn s» the property cf Samuel Biyg (rew dr chafed) for f,.xcs due for the vtan 1803, ifcs& ISOS, K*l, 23d, A LSO, One cotton Gin, levied on as the property of George Fee, to fatisfy taxet cue by him, set the year 1805, izdoi. 511 cent*. J. HUTCHINSON, Colleger. Sffit. *7. , [ 4 O STUBFK’S Military For /ai: at this o§tu. I I SHERIFPs SALE. On theJirji Tuejacy in Qtiober next, at the Market-Houfle in the City oj Augufla at the usual hiurs, 'Will be Sold, 200 acres of land lying and be ing in the count y oi Richmond, uounded by lands of James Beall and Savannah river known and diftingoiihed by Beall'i Mount, ALSO. ioo acres ot land lying on the wafer* o! Spirit Greek r.nd bounded by land* of Nathaniel Beall, the above rro( cr ty levied on as the property 01 Nathan Bead, tofatLfy fur.dry executions. ALSO, Fifty acres of land withthe im provements thereon, within four miles of AuguSa on,the Savannah road, bounded by lan !s of John M‘Tyrc, Ananias Cooper and land belonging to the estate of Wm. M*- Dade and others, the above land and im provements ievied on cs the property of John M‘Mxnni» sad pminted out by said M‘M.inni* to fatirfy a judgment iu favor of Starting Jordan. ALSO, One lot in the town of Augufla, known by No, 4, will improved with a L»roe Br'ck Store Hcufe end a wood {lore hotfc or holder for itoage, bounded on the cast by the river Urcet, on th-> north by a lot belonin* to the edate of D. B. .Butler, the fjii'.U by s lot l elorging to fa’* Tr. r h, and on the rest by M‘lntofti Ilrcst- 'i'he above levied on ?» the property of Major Wm. M. Cowlcf, and pnii ted out by said Cowles, 10 Satisfy 2 judgment iu saver of Thonm Young junior AL*CV Two Negro fellows, one named Srtn and the other Darned Dick, the above n?s»roe* levied on as the property of Charles Miii’ii! t) fatis r y a judgment in favor of Phillo F. Raifon. ALSO, Two Negroes named Dem and Sandy, a Horluand Ch?.ir, the above levied on ao the property belonging to the estate of SrnVucl Buyg, to fatliJy an execution ia Savor of the admin)Orator* of John Pearce. ALSO, 202 1-2 acres of land in Bald win county, ift diflrift,known by No. 48. ALSO, One negro woman named Aggy. AISO, The northermoft part of lot No. 38 in the town oS well impro ved, bounding,cm centre street in the front & let* ; a fuller defeription will be gi ven on the day ot fax - the above levied on g» the property of Nathaniel P- B’ach, snd pointed out by fai l B-ach, to fati; 'y Binary sxccations.—Conditions of sale, Cash. ALSO, By Poftponcm'cnt. One Negro fellow by the name of PIPER, one negro boy by the name of Henson, Levied on as the property belong ing to the estate cl Smith Milner deceaf?d, to (h:l»fy pn execution ia favour of John Milner, H. M‘TYRE, s. ac, Avr^nft 30. [6f] SHERIFFs SALEr On the Jirji Tve/chiy in O&oier next, at the Market- Hcvje in the City of Augufla, at the vfual hours. Will be Sold, One Negro Fellow by the name of P.dydo c. levied on as the property of Chtflsy Boftick jonr. Pointed out by the defendant to f.iUi y one execution in favor of the admir.iftrators cf William Put. Jur. HARRISS, os, R. c Avgttfi 30. (6 1) Sheriffs saleT On ike firfl -iuf.jd.ay in Ofiolnr next, at the Market Houje in the City cj Augufla, at the ujuat hours , v WILL BE SOLD , OnE fifty acre lot in the town fbipof Augulia, known by number rhiriy fcvoo, and bounded foutb weft ward !y by the towrfhip line and Andrew M Leon's lot, be ing number twenty, fix ; northwefiwardly by Andrew M'Lcan'slasd rnd the town (hip; nottheaftwardly by land Purveyed for Moo dy Bmt, and known by the number, thiity tight; fuuuthtaflwardiy by land of Benja min Wcbfter a id known by the cumber *s, originally granted to Robert Walton ; the above described fifty lor, levied on as the property of William Ri'e, to fatisfy a judgment; Henrietta Nsylcr admintftfa trix of Geerge Naylor, for the ufc of £• manuel Wambcxie. H. M'TYRE, s. r, c. Seh/rmier 6, ($0 SHERIFF’S SALE, On thefujl ? vefiay in Odder next, at the Mcrht-hcvft in the City of Augufla, at the vfnel hours. WILL BE , One BOAT, riming from Au gusta to Savannah, known by the name of INDUSTRY, levied on as theproperty of Jofcph Thomas, to fatiify an execution in farcr of Seaborn Jones efq. JUr, HARRIS* o. s. r. c. September 6, Jjt] SHERIFF’S SALE. On the firjl TuefJay in QELoher next , nt the Market- h'jufe in the city of Augvjia t at the ufucil hours, Will be Sold, One two story house, and lot, with the improvement*, in the village of Hatnfourg, on free ferry fircct, nearly op pofitc the Harrisburg Ware heufe—a fuller defeription will be given of this property, | on the day of file; the above house and lot levied on as the property of Frizd M‘- Tyre, to latisfy fandry executions, ALSO, One cotton machine ©f 5 2 favvs. ALSO, 37 unimproved lots in Harrif buig, lying on the touch fiJc cf Etoad / flreet. J ALSO, Five acres of ground, more cr LG, with a private Ware-house, and a good framed house, with two fireplaces, called j end known as the flamers house, opposite j the Warc-hoafe door, bnuadctl on the eeft | by Savannah river, on the north by free 1 ferry street, on (he Sotnh by a lot of Frizel 1 M'Tyre't, and cn the well by land belong, in® to the eflatn of Peter Corns; the above levied cn ns the protect)- of Fz'kifl Har ris to fatisty a judgment in favor of Harris & Pearson, (;< One Grey Horse, levied on as the property of Wm. Fer, to fatisfy erf 8 cl « fait, Cinder ing & others, vs. John Fee and Wm. Fee, claimants, 7 _ ALSO, ' One negro fellow by the name of Sam, levied on s: (he property ol George Peajfon, to fatisfy a judgment in favor of the Edm’ts of Jofcpb Cox. H. M‘TYRE, s. ft. c. September 6, [5/] ' \ SHERIFF’S SALE. On the firjt Tu.fdnv in OSlobtr rext, at the Market- House in the City of Augujia, at the usual hours. The fotmcrjdle not i being complied with. WILL BE SOLD , One Frown Bay Horse, levied on as the property ol F<o)d jaivis, to fat itfy one execution in favor of Patrick M‘- Dow-all, Jr. HARRIS, d. s, k. c. September 6. [jt] I s GEORGIA, Richmond county, At a meeting of the honorable the Inferior Court, in Monday the fih July, tBo6. Present their Honors, John Willson, J John Course, £ Jufiices, John Catlett, j ON the application of William Ruticr, listing that he is confined in the eafic dy of the Sheriff, under a bait writ, ifiucd a: the fait of Michael and John Conred ar.d co. and that he is unable to pay the tkbt of give b .il for the fame, and praying the ( benefit of the aft pftVcd lor the r*litf of ia iblvrnt debtors. Ordered, That the said William But ler notiiy hit creditors either in perfun or by giving sixty days notice in the Chron icle and Columbian Ccntincl, prevLus to the firli Mosulay in Oftober next, at which time an examination wiil had and adif chargc granted if no cause is (hewn to the contrary; and the Sheriff is hereby c-ctr,- manded to have the body of the said Wil liam Butler bcfoie a-, at 10 o'clock, at the Court-House, on the Lid fir (I Mon day in Oftobtr next. Taken Jem the mi-fates. MATTHEW FOX Clerk . •' Now in Richmond jail, ' A new negro fellow by the name of MOODY, at out 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, I 20 or 28 years of age ; he fays he belonged I 10 Michicl Silvert of Richmond county, j and was fold by him to Samuel Lockhai t.— ‘ The owner is reqjelled to come forwya.l, j prove property, pay charges and lake him awav. JUr. HARRIS, Jailor. Aiegufi 30. [tlj Nowin Richmond Jail, i •v A 1 l \ NEGRO FELLOW by the name ot j BILLY SORKii-LS; he it about 28 or 30 year* of age, 5 feet 8 or r 0 inche* high, bar on a brown coulmired big coat end light couloured enrded Pantaloon*, and black hat, he lavs he belong* to Mts. Rice in Ss ; vannah ; The owner is requeued to come forward prove her property, pay charges andtaice him away, Jr. HARRISS, d. s. r, c. September 6. [yi] Adminiflrator’s Sale. Oa Thursday the 6th day of Nov. next. i Will be Sold, At the Market-House in Augulja. 22 Head of Cattle. | Condition* made known on the day ofTahe. ; I JOSI&H BSHKSON, Ado'r. I oepL'm-irr 27. (*t \ | 1 THE SUBSCRIBER, WISHING to fettle HI just denied* ag?.inft hiar, will dsfpcfe of hit Foffcffon* on Little Spirit creek, car,filling of a Saw-mill in complete repair {wrh'cne fd*-) a good ttvo fiery dwelling house, kitchen and smoke hoefe, wiili all ether neccffary cut buildings for sawyers Sec. and 400 acres as good pine land as any in tie county of Richmond; 50 acre* of which arc cleared, and under good fence hi? outftardirg papers will be teken in pny raent, and the term* wade rafy- Wm. M»TYRE. September 6. [tf; For Sale, A Stout Likely, honest and fobcf FELLOW, country born, about 33! ov sa years of age- a complete field h?nd, and capable of taking cate of a plantation, and a very good hand for a boat,—Enquire at the Chronicle Office. Scpietiihr 6. ft/j NOTICE^ 7he Suf'fcriher has For Sale 16 Likely African Negroes, They have been one year in the ccifritrv, and irc;!f-'d t > advantage—the a bovc Negroes ate a well chosen frr, and will be fold low for cash rr produce. ASA GARRETT. September 20. [’,]) If Mr. Baley Bor ret, late of Bungay or the neighborhood ot Bungay, Suf folk county, England, is living, by an application to the printer, he will hear offomething to his advantage, Mr. Bdrrct is reported to have rcli, ded in Hancock County in 2801, 7"b *9- (3.7;) montatlleT FOR SALE, TH A T Valuable Plantation . CONSIST ING of 26:7 acres on Savan nah R:vet in Buike County, and 767 on flic eppefite fid c in Scmh Carolina— The value of the Pine Lands, on this fide, and the rich low Grounds on the other of the river, render? the whole a ' Valuable FJlate. The advantages of an elevated Gtuaticn, the cfiablifhment cfa Fnsy con fiantly, and with the command of Lands cf every quality, upon a navigable river, arc so well known as to need no other defer ip. tion.—Terms of payment, and the price, will be cafy; for particular*, apply in Au pofta to Thomas Ficurrnyefq ; of Seaborn |ones cfq. at his feat in Sciivcn county, and in Savannah to Wm. STEPHENS. July 12. (ts) NOTICK 9liefate of the real Est ate cf William ’Tyltx dec, to wit : TTWO hundred and fixly acres the late refidencc of the deceased, 297 2- ctet on Savannah river, be the fame mote cr lehr, which ha* been adverfifed to be fold this day at Columbia Court Hcufc, publifii cd in the Chronicle i* pofi poned, tiU tbs* firft Tucfday in .October rest,* ‘ Wm. BERRY, j - Bawj. LEIGH, i-Aem/s . A. CRAY.TORD. 3 30- (6t) Ten Dollars Reward. R ANYWAY from the fuhfcriher a mu latto git! of the name of SALLY, I: ii ftfppt fed {he i» in the vicinity of Auguflc, or in Beach IfLnd—whoever brings her 10 me in Augusta, (hall receive til's* shove reward. % GEORGE W. EVANS. vn Twenty dollars reward* #T> ANA WAY from the' J[\. Subfciiber, a Ne?rcf' man-named “—he v/as lr ft month con* * , finedia Sd-;»fi>l’d. is;., frocn v?u;i« h- v/u uketf mmo, ctlicd, ami let t-t* with to this place, but made his cfespe (with hia irons on) abett £ 12 miles from jail. Frederick is a French 1 negro, about 30 yesrs old, five feet 601 if* inches high. Whccvcr will deliver hi'i to me at WaGwnglon, Georgia, fiial- f ceivc the above reward, or for fecoringh-" in anv jail so I get him, cirht ddhr: us ‘ be paid, on application to MTLid.vs &* :v Augusta, or to lewis ?rjjnnovr : r WdJliVt&tG L/'t zo, k- *