Newspaper Page Text
■■ vs, ~ .
f 0 M&tfKtr fEJRS DAY.
AddrefTcd to his friends in town
and Country.
GOOD morrow fair Ladies, and Gcmcn,
good morrow;
This day comes but once, therefore I fed
forro w /
Aid as fortune would have it, Pm con
demis’d to the Ball* v
So wAh you a happy new)year, from winter
to fall. Derry down, &c.
What’s it tame, what the grumblers may fay,
So yon are pleaf’dwith my weekly ej/ay *
Oi ffba/l'hs* t, in spite of the D /,
Tht’ the yar may hriu ? forth amass of
mire evil. Derry down, occ.
Then to encourage my ardent desire ,
Add to my tuel a little mere fire—
Tier’s nothing y> pUafing as a touch of the
F§t you know, one and all, we r pushing
for feif. Derry down, * c -
OF late we’ve ntdny things monfirous new !
Old P ruff a becomes more & more biae /
Germany with all her fates, topfy tnrvy,
And the Ruff an Bear, in a httrly burly !
The Dane, ike Swede, the Saxon too
Are all alarm’d at the Bugga-boo i
Napoleon flail is on,
Perhaps, to meet old Kouli-Kan.
England f rives to stem the torrent.
Add of dsjhny to break the current
But what the fates for her intend,
I dare not venture to portend .
At home we have our whigs and fortes,
Telling lies and idle (lories —
A din a ted ail, by fel.pdrty spirit.
We hardly know who has the mofl merit •
Bat one thing is certain.—as ylain as the
That Je? person is the friend of people.
The Subscribers,
Following Goods,
At their (lore in the up per end of Broad street,
which thy offer forfile at the lowcji
price, for CASH 01 troduCl.
Cotton, Tobacco, Tallow and Beef-wax,
Jam. Rum by the Hogflicad and retail by
the quart.
Fourth proof, Nortwari do
Gin, Holland, and Northward*
Coeniac Brandy bell quality,
* Molalles by the Hhd. and by the quart,
Cider by the Barrel,
Sherry and Tencriff Wines,
Paint and Linked Oil,
Shot, Lead and Powder, ,
Northward Soap, by the box or retail,
Iron and Steel—Hand.faws,
Sythcs, Frying Pans and Weeding Kocs.
■e Currying-combs and Leading lines,
Tumblers by the Straw or fngle.
Corks by the. Grefs or Dozen,
Ginger and Hyfon Tea, bell quality,
Mufcovado Sugar, by the barrel or retail,
Loaf Ditto, Raisins and Demijohns,
Northward Potatoes by the barrel or bulhel,
Nail* assorted,
Ozaaburgs flaxen and tow, by the piece or
Hats, fine and courfc, by tlic doz. or nnglf,
Humhums, affotred, by the piece or yard,
Calicoes Sc W miens, Umbrelas very cheap,
Rice, Coffee, Cheese,
JRtams of paper, Knives and forks,
Ground Allum Salt.
With a variety of other articles too tedi
ous to mention;
| • January J. [ tf J
For Sale.
I A Great Bargain
| * Will be given of a Good
And plated harness.
§ Anply to . „ tT
January ‘y
Will be Rented,
Untill theft of January next.
At the Market- house in Augusta on Thurs.
day the 'ithinf. at 12 o’clock,
The Plantation,
WHEREON the Sabfcriher now lives
—it being only two mi es from
! Augusta; the healthiness ct the utnation
| makes it a defir.ible place, to those who may
j want such. The water is excellent ; and
1 S/ime and fifh to be b?d in duefcafon.
At the fame time will be lured five or fix
negroes among, them are an excellent conk,
f Washer and Ironer ; tw» .good boat hands,
I and two, who have been ufvcl to the plough.
- —-Terms—bond and approved security.
January 3.
*** The Members of the Au
| gufta Jockm Club arc requeued to meet at
f the Ci ry-HqjEL this morning at ten o’.
I clock. Bv order of the Preftdint.
Geo: S. HOUSTON, Sec’y.
Jonua'j 3, 1807.
I 1
Wf -'A - ‘V% I'M' ' 1
• Jonathan Vafler,
MOIST rcfpeftfully inform!
and the public, that he has receive"
a general aflbrtment of
Which he will dispose of on moderate
terms, by wholefaleor retail—for cash or
January 3, (ts)
If applied to fion. I
The Subscriber will hire for th®'
ensuing year, federal good
Boat Hands* ! \
Long accuftoirxd to the river.
January 3. [p
£3- One e Thoufand Dollars
WILL be given to ary Physician, or
other Pi ifi-n, who will cure me of
a Cancer, or rather a bad ulcerous (dre in
my right ham, a little below my knap. It
has been ol many years Handing, a*d for
seven months pafl, in a much worst Hate
1 than ultra*. Should any person oi still,
who lives at a didance, undertake k cute
me, without the , left of ray limb, 1 will
bear all his cxpcnces here end to tire place
of his refidcnce rgain, and give tty above
reward. Any person, of cither fck, mr;y
have a trial of their {kill, who give
me reason to believe they can cure it.
Come quick, kind Phyfican, tor you
will be too late. I
City of NaichtKt Ntv, 10, iSobi ~
Will Sold '
At Public Auction at thshbufc
of Captain Darby, nr* the lad Sal itday in
this month, Eight Negroes,,, a mani woman,
boys and girls, fold to complete divition
araoogft the heirs of William Cjit tendon,
dtoeaied, the terms of falc wade k nown ,6n
the day of title ,& the negroes km fepna re
ly. ;
For felf, and as Guardian for thdMinors,
January 3. I [3*J
A Lift of Letjters
Remaining in the Poj-Ojjice.
Augusta, (Geo,) January ill, 1807.
James Atter, Hugh Njagee,
William Aden, James NLcManus,
Nafy AnderLa, > WiilianjMartin,
William Arnet, J Daniel Mabry,
1 Scriven county. Mrs, Safah M‘Efee,
! B Mary Morris
f ifaac Beckwith, Wrightlboro.
i John Btale, / N
I Che ft y Boftwick, Wm. Naylor,
William H. Brcwn, Henry/NuDgczcr.
C John JkiclioLon, jun,
Isaac Coleman, 1 O
John Collier, Dr. A H. Odam,
John Cole, Shadiich O'Bryan,
Charles Crawford, I P
Rev, Adam Cloud, Jamm Paimore,
Jeffj or John Cherry. Leonard M. Peek,
D Jamcfi Panton,
Thomis Duly, Mrii Sarah Patterson,
Dsvid Duwnic, Burkin H. Pitts,
Stephen Daniel. careThumas Parker,
of Mr. John M‘Vea«,Edvfard Prather,
K Beijl'n Philip*, Scti-
Wiliiam El toft, veu county.
Thomas Ellis, ' R
Monficar El’ucnard, Je|e Rountree,
F Join Robinson,
Barnard Fickling, Jojl Robcrtfoa,
Samuel Frilhic, Rectal Rogers,
Mrs, Ann Fox, Mpi’es Rtcc.
Jamea Farnlworth, S
G Jihn Sturgefs,
Mis. S, Greenwood. Sfth Stubblefield,
H Bisi-j’n Smith,
Hobby & Bunco, • ’l’
B.nj’a Hightower, Henry Turknctt,
Cap:, 'I ho's Haynes, Thomas,
A. Hatch r, E i(hi Tiignam,
Tltcmas Hart, Wor. Too;, Scvivaa
John Harris, County.
Freeman Hardy S. C. ! ■ -V
Col, Caleb Howell, fofrph Virdcm,
Cap:. Hunt, David Yin-,
Ker. Ja’s Hclccmbe,pavid Veafon,
John Huff, C. Vofe,
Mist Sulanah Harkinejarats Violcau.
Atubrofe Halchkifs,
J Wm. WiUis,
James Jones, Hughes Walton,
RLh’d Sc Nat; J elks, J -ha T. Well,
WiUiam johmoa. Joel Wctll-j,
K John Winn,
Galravus Kennedy, John S, Walker,
William Kelley, George Watkins,
Thomas Kcfterfon, JAT.e V/ri^hf,
L Wra. Widiamfon,
James Langley, John Wallis, \
J, Livenmn, Wm. O’WhipjiiC,
John Daniel Lewis, John Wrigicy,
M David Walker.
Joha MacManus, ;
S. M. Smyth,
I/i addition to his former f'ppfy
ico Jars of the best boiled Oil,
* r > Hhds. Sugar,
1 z Puncheon* of Roto,
20 Barrel* Brandy,
2 Bale* Hutnhnms,
36 Keg* white lead,
1 $ Boxes window glass,
2 Tons Iron, *
t Faggots German Steel,
1 Toll flhcar moulds,
. top ib. Seine twine,
50 ib. Turkey cotton,
36 bolts Oanaburgs,
1 Case Irifli and 1 Dutch linenb.
With many other articles, too tedious
to mention, which will be fold on mode
rate terms for cash or produce.
Bercmher 27., a . [tf]
The Subscriber,
HAVING fuffered coniiderably by the
late fire, requests that all those indebt
ed to him will come and fettle with him, k
likewifs tint thole to whom he is indebted
will furailh their accounts,
' January 3, 1807. +
Ten Dollars Reward,
JA BSCONDED from the
£\. fobfcriber'.s plantation
on Turknett's illand, a ne.
' gro fellows, bv the names of
well known about the
tuwn; it is imnccefiary to give any further
d('fcvipti«n—Whoever lodges laid negroes in
Richmond Jail, faail receive the above re
waed from
January 3. It
On the fi r ft Twfday in February next, at
the “Market-houft in the city of Augufa,
between the rtfual hours.
Will be Sold,
One Houfc and Lot in the city
of Augorta, known by number iX, bounded
01 site fuuth by Broad-Strccr, on the weft by
Lincoln itreet, on the north by Reynold
1 fi tter, and on the eat by lot 29 ; the above
{ deferibed left and improvements, levied on
as the property of John D'Antignae, as fe
enriry for Juhn Cobbs, to fatisty an execu
tion in favor of Robert Crefwcll, & pointed
our by said Crefweil.
ALSO, One Negro Fellow, named
PHILL; levied on as the property of John
Cobbs and others, tafaiisfv sundry exccu
If. M'TYRE. s. r. c.
January 3. />’ U'J
On tin firfl Turf day in February mxt, at
Franklin Court houft , between thi hours
of 10 and 3 o’clock,
Will be Sold,
500 acres of land in Franklin
Camay, on the waters cf the North fork
of Broad rivet being part of a sot vey of
999 acres granted ta Peter Wibiamfon,
adjoioing John Allen, James Hooper, John
and Andy Williatnfoa, being the place and
including the plantation whereon Samuei fl
Phillips new live,, taken as hi* property**
to fytHty Martin P, Spaikei—pointed out
by the defendant,—Condirom—-c a»h.
H* TERRELL, Sheriff.
January 3. ip [3 1 ] '
On the f r ft Tuefdyy in February next, at
Oglethorpe Court-hov/e, the Jcllowifig
Will be Sold,
Cnc negro woman named Sally, about J
twenty.(is years old, or.c boy named Rich
mond about fix yra i old, one negro man
named Smith, thirtjjti eight years old, all
likely, and taken as the prcpcity of Haw
kin* Bulloch, to fttisfy Nathaniel Most a r <d
the Adminittrators of Pitman Lumpkin
and pointed out by the defendant,
ALSO, ibB£ acrc»of land more or left
in Oglethorpe county Joining James M‘-
Gchec and Thomas |Lcttet» taken as ti e
property of Pitman deceased, to
fatisfy Thom* Gardner co. for the ule
of John Letter against Jofcph Lumpkin
(Adminittrator of Pitman Lumpkin,) Haw.
kins Eullo'h, and Thomai Gardner (x ro.
agdntt fnfrph Lumpkinftjtviviog copart
ner of Pitman Lumpkin, ard pointed cut
by Joseph Lr.rnpkin Adrotnittrafor.
Al/O. 550 acre* of land mote or left |
in Oglethorpe county cn the waters of
the Grave Creek jai.injy land* of B;rj.
Tribble and Scyraorc Lee, er.;th tolerable
improvements, token *1 the property of
William Kidd, to ftrirfy Nathaniel Mcft,
and pointed out by K dd.
ALSO, too acre* cf 'and more cr left
in Ogltr'iorpc county on the waters of
Gioud* creek, taken as sh« property of
Thomas O’Kelly to fatisfy a
obtained by George Croft, tv* {aid o’ Kel'y
in a justices Court levied on and Returned
ta me by the Conttablc. GonAfticns— cattl,
T: W. SCOTT* Sheriff.
January 3. i \ jtj
Malls of the United States,-
' 'S' l ON THE ■ ' m
Until the twenty fir ft day of *
From Augusta, by Little Fiver, Lincfli
c. h. Peteifburg and Elbcrtofl, t»JTqV
lin c. H. once a week. ™
Leave Franklin every Thmfday *
and arrive at Aoguffa oa Saturday b
M. Lsave Augusta every Sunday 44
m. and arrive at c. h.
day by neon, . y
From the High Shcals, of Appal»chtf<
ver, by Coweta, Point Reafent pr Tudftm*.
batchee, and Alabama river, to Fort
dert once a week. ' fij
Leave High Shoals every Satcidßjrat %
v. M. and arrive Jit Fort Stcridtrr ft*
next Friday by 6 r m. feavc Fort Stod*
dert every Sunday at 4 a. m. and arrive aft
High Shoals ths next Saturday by 1 a sell
From Augusta, by Columbia c, h. if
Walhington once a week.
I-cavc Augufla every Sunday at 3 r. n
and arrive at Wafhlngiou on Monday by M
p. m. Leave VlTlhington every Tueidam
at « 4. m. and arrive at Augutla cn
nefday by ro a. u.
From Wafhirgunt, by Burris’*, Lexir.g
ton, Athens, Watkinfvilltt, & Clatli lboro*> J
to jackfon c, «. a week.
Leave Wafhirgton every Tjatfday Rt 8.
a. M. and arrive at Jackson c. h. on j
Wcdnefday by 6 p. xt. Leave jackfon c»
h. every Sunday at 6 a. m. and arrive at
Walhington on Monday by 4 p, m.
From W-fhingtdn, by Gresr (boro’, Pow
chon, Richardlomihe, Sparta, George
town and Wrrttnion, to Louisville once «
Leave Washington every Tuefdar at 6
a. *l. and arrive at Louisville cn Friday
by r t a. M. leave Louisville every Friday
at3P. m. and anivc at Wdhingtcn on
Monday by 5 p. in.
From Louisville, by Sandcrfville, and
Fjrt-Wilkinfon to Millcdgeville once a
Leave Louisville every Friday at 4 r,
m. and arrive at Millcdgeville on Saturday
by 4 p, m. Leave Miliedgeville every
Thursday at 6 a. m. and arrive at Louif
vilfe on Friday by 1 o a, m.
From Riceboro', by Fort James, to
Tattnall c. h. and from Riceboro', to ,
Sun bury once a week.
Leave Riceboro', every Wedncfday at 11
a. M, and arrive at Snnbury fey 1 p, m.
Leave Snnbury every Wcdnefday at 4 p»
m, and arrive at Tattnall c. h. cn Friday
by 6 p. m. Leave Tattnall c. h. every
Saturday at 6 a, v. and arrive at Ricebo
r y on Sunday by 6p. m.
i. THE Pclbmaftci Genera? tray expe
dite the mails and alter the times of arrival
and departure at any time during the cou
tinu;mcc of the contrcfts, he stipulating an
adequate compcnfaticn for ary extra ex
po nfe tl>at may be cccafioncd thereby.
z. Fifteen minuter Dm II be allowed sot
opening and doling the mails at all cfficc*
I? where no particular iinje isfjucificd.
3. For every thirty minutes delay (una
voidable accidents cxccptec) in arriving af
ter the time preferibed in any cent ptyplifi'
ccntrtfior lhall forfeit etc dollar; and if
the delay continues until the departure c c
any depending mail, whereby the m?s!s fie
jftined f t fuib depending mail |of#i tr‘ •
an additional forfeiture oi five dclftn flra'l
be ii anted.
4. News-papers as well as letter# arc ta
be lent in the mail; and if any per fun m«.
king prcpofals, tit fires to carry jpws-pa
pci:, other than these conveyed iftpHemaif,
for his own tmolctnem, he nu lr in
his propofols for what sum he will carry
wish the emolument, & for whaiftjia with
out that emolument.
C- Should any pe.rfon making ycpcf&Js
delire an alteration of the firms of arrival
and departure above f; ccifitd, he riuft Sale
' in h:i trepofa’s the alteration driirtd, artl
the difference they will make in the terms
j of the contract
6, Perfcm making propofols ate drfired
!, t° ftatc their prices l y the year- These
, who central w ill receive their pay qumer
lv in the mcntl s of Augnft, November,
February and May, in ci;c menth after the
ex,lrttsonbf crch quarter.
7. No other than a free v, hire perfoo (hail
be employrd to convey the mail,
8 Where tlrprcpofcr intends to convey
the trail in ;he body of » f?gc carriage, h,
i v. ct fiicd in C?.tc it ic his ('wpofsb, * > •
q The P.fbralcf r<f.:ne* to
I hiwfeif ti c cf declaritg at
1 at an end wherever three iattnre* happen ./
which art' 0. t to the Ids of a trip each. ff JL
to. '1 He contract for the abort
to b.t in operation on the fi*ft day es April t
next, and art to continue in forcc for IWtfcM
CEtstRAL Post office,
Wajhtngttn City,
No-vim her 13. 4#
f >