Newspaper Page Text
Jones & Semmes’s,
tommiffion Ware Houfc
for fix reception *f all kinds of
tSoods and Product .
c public that their
lltton Ware H6ufe,
to any in this city, and that thei r
,on to the bufinef*, of thole who may
t( it to fh««r care, will be unremitted,
rates of Storage ami Commissions will
pw as any in this place. ♦
?y are also just receiving at
«re on Broad-hreet, a supply ol
Frelh Goods,
ijlittf of the fdlt'w'idg ar tides :
« Humhums, i bale Lionfltin coatings,
lrilh linen, 1 box,Sufpenders,
I'roofjamaica 7 IvM
Northward J in barrels Sc hhd*.
tifes in hhd*.
on, Malaga \ WINES in
neriflfc 6c Sherry j qr, calks
land Gin and best Cogniac Brandy
and loaf Sugars
Fee, Pepper, Spice and Nutmegs
• Yon, Young Hyfon snd Sulhong Tea's
.C Tons of Country and Swedes Iron for
Waggon and Carriage tire
ere Moulds—London Porter
Ucs of aflbrtcd Crockery
And on Conftgnment,
,oo Bufticl# Ground Salt.
All ot which will he fold on the lowed
{ftiu for ca(h or Produce.
aq. ['Q
Benjamin Hall & Co.
RESPECTFULLY inform their friends
and the puaiio that they have just re
cced at their flora one door bslow Mr.
George Randolph’* Printing Office, the
following Articles, which they will fell low
for cash orcountry Pr*dwc*» by whola
fale and retail.
Back Strap and Common Fair
Top Boot*.
Sawarrow and three qr.nter do#
Mens Co*rfe snd fine Grots affqrted,
Boys do. do. do.
Ladies Kid, Morocco & leather Slipper*,
Misses Morocco and leather do. •
Children’s Leather Sc Morocco Bofcins,
Wax’d Calf Skins, Fair Top do.
Seal fleina, Calf feinr, ft Cordovan Boct
Mens and Wotncrs Saddles.
Plated & common Bridle* & Martingals,
Hcrffi-wbip* a»d Whip Thongs,
Saddle Bagga,
Mem CaGer and Rorum Halts,
Lad is* snd Boys do.
Shoe Blacking & Shoe Bruflws,
Together wj»h a few rheamt of writing
Paper. •
November (”/
Lewis M‘Coy;
V f OST refpeafuUy informs the public,
IVJL that be has leafed fora term of year,
that Kpng eftabliflrd Tavern, north fide cf
B'osdf trect Augufia, Gcorg:a,
Where his B«r ia wellAipplicd with winks,
His Larder wit« the best provifijn* the mar
ket HU Stable, which is large,
any and Ipomtn odious, is well stored with
Coin Fodder and. every ucccffary for thole
hurfea, which jteay be put under Ms care,
attended by a fcb;r, careful and attentive
Oftier. m
Frornrois unremitting attention
to bufinef*ji wilh the comfort* & fiti*’niSUon of
hi- gueG**jfr aided by Hi* family, he hopes
tol obtain uva re of ihc public patronage ;
wljMi it (ball ever he hi* defirc to merit.
A number cf gentlemen can be
accommodated With board by the week,
month, or year, on the ofual tcrir.:.
November 8. ({/)
A Great Bargain.
THE fubfetiber offers for falc hi* efta
blilhrocut in the To vn of WAR
RENTON ; confiding of an acre of ground
with improvements thereon, viz. a large
Frame Dwelling House, Store House, Gin
Houfc aud other nsceffaty out buildings in
«x»d repair,—By rerfoD* wirtung to en
gage in * public Hue, the prefect oppor
tunity of an advantageous cftablifhcrat
oh* not to be neglafted- -as it U Well
swn aaan lan. to the general throng of
U«n passing from the upper parts of
’rate and the westward, to Augusta,
ah, Lnuifville, &c. ftc.
as aw extremely accommodating.---
,h.r particulars, apply to Gresh a m
Esq at Warrenton, or to the sub- .
t Milledgcvillc. k
Si Thomas dbnt. I
•M- m
J. 3c R. Blackburn,
RtfjtftfJky inform thdr friends and the pub -
He, that they have taken a Slate four doors
below Judge Broad-Street: ..
and have just RECEIVED,
The Following Goods,
BACKSTRAP, Suwarrow, >
Fair and Fzlfetop and > BOOTS,
Plain 3
Fine Shoe* firft and second quality,
Coarfc ditto.
Ldaies black Nforocce and leather Spring
A la'geand general affartment of Children's
Morocco and leather Shoetect and Slip
A large assortment of LEATHER, con
fiding of Bootlegs, (Saif, Kid, Seal and
Morocco Skins,
With s general and rery elegant aflbrtin*ot
of Ladies plain and embroidered Eaglith
and American Kid, and Tarn bored Fox
Plain and printed Calicoes,
Fancy Marfeille*,
Plain cambilck Muflini.
Cotton Girdica lor the waist,
Black and white fl<k do.
Silk Cords and Taflela for caps,
Ditto for gown fleeve*,
Silk Frog* for gown back#,
White and black open Lace,
Ssltiag, white fi;k Brade,
Cotton do.
Large Ball Trimming,
Black Cotton Cord,
Brown and bine filkdo.
Faff Trimming, Silver Thread.
White and black rich lace Vr ila,
Black lace Cloak*, white Cetton * neck
Ball cotton for Tawing*
Cambray Muflia,
6-4 Figured do.
6 4 Lsneaa do.
Straw Sarfcnet,
Leneaa Vilc«, Shoe Bows,
Shincal do.
Large Cameli hair Shawl*,
Straw Bonnets, Leghorn ditto,
Patent Safpenden,
Plain and figured rich loft Crapes,
Men* k Womens plain isoed Cotton Hofc,
Mens coarfc and fine worfied do.
Coat and Vcft Buttons,
Ladies and Miffts heaver habit
Mens blue, brown and mixed Cloud), and
Friae Wrappers,
Ditto Lion Skin,
London Bott’ed Porter, Sc Bettled Cider.
A small Confignmcnt of Cordials,
Confiding of Shrub, Cinnamon, and
AH of which they are determined to fell
on the lowest terms for OR COUN
OHeber ... [tf]
In the Stone Building, known
by vhe name at the COFFEE-HOUSE, for
year* past, where genrleraui can beaccommo
dated with the befl of ctueriainmcnt, by
kvannah, November ao. 1806.
Boots & Shoes,
To be had vvholcfalc & retail on mod
erate terms at Mr. JeiTc Stewart’s
* heather & Grocery Store ,
Nearly oppolitc the late Col. Wat
kin'* Building*, and two doors abeve Mr.
Burdeli’i ftcrc.
N comber 15. (ts)
Valuable Plantation.
CON>ISTING of 1617 acres on Savan
nah River in Burke County, and 767
on tke opposite fide in Scuth-Carolina —
The value of the Pine Lands, ca this fide,
and the rich lew Grounds on the other fide
of the river, renders the whole a
Valuable FJlate,
The advantages of an elevated
fixation, the efiabiilhtncnt of a Ferry con.
ftaatly, snd with the command of Lands of
every quality, upon a navigable river, are
so well known a* to need no other deferip
tion.-—Terms of payment, and the price,
wiilbeeafy; for particular*, apply in Au
pufta to Thomas Flccrnoyefq j of Seaborn
Jones efq. at hi* feat in Sciiven county,
and in Savannah to
July it, (ts)
Sheriff's titles. Bills of falc
Mortgages, &c. may be had at
this Office, ' v
—a.. ■ - -
■ „ f ■
John Caftiin, r
TTAVING removed to the Brick-Store
JTX between Thomas Camming efq. and
Mrs. Longstreet’s Boarding houfc, in broad
ftrcet, offin for fa|p the
Following Goods,
On very lew Urns, for Cajh or any kind es
Country Produce.
RofeADff’l blankets] 150 draws ot Tomb
Saper|ne blue, Black] lerr,
k Mixed Cloths I Cotton cards No. 10, r
Second quality di tod Ponder Ihot & bar lead
Bath Coating & Ly- Iron Steal and Shear
on-flein, moulds,
Notts Plains and Trace Chains, Wag
ftkiads, gen boxes, Sc ear*
Great Coats, bells,
White red and yellow Hoes and Nails affot.
flaanels, ted,
Velveteen St Thick- Slates and Pencils,
sett, Pots, ovens & ikiilets
- Swaasdown and Mar Coffee- mills Sc frying
falea qaillting, Fan:,
Irifli lianens Sc hum- Bed cords and leading
bans, do. Shcetinp lines,
White* brown pla-Crockery Ware,
tiUflt, 1 case of Gallery,
Ofnabuigs * Packing, 1 do. Saddlery,
A handjirme effort- 1 do. coarse and fine
mentef Callicees, Hats,,
1 White * black Cam- Hair Gfccra,
brie, Writing k Wrapping
Shatnbray Moflio, Paper,
Lappet k figured do. i #m ' I- A N rum
Dimity fombaaett & Best Cogniac Brandy,
Dit'anU. Real Holland Gin,
- Handkerchief?, Sugar, Ccffsc k Mo-
Men and Women’* l^ffcs,
cotton »nd wotfted frelh hyfon tea, * loaf
Hole, sugar,
A few prices Cotton Ginger, Spice, Pep-
Bagglnt, per. Nutmegs and
Cotton & Burn checks Cinnamon,
1 trunk of Basnets, Brimstone & copperas
1 z doe. board & 15 boxes of Soap,
bonnet wire, 800 Chccfes,
Shoes afforjrd, 300 bunch*s Unions,
Mackerel * Herring, Apples and chefnuts,
3 bar Philanel. Beer, SALT,
10 do. Noywd cider, Bsft negro head and
t® barrels IrUh Pota- pigtail Tobacco,
toes, Good mould candles.
December to, (ts)
1 —
IN conformity with a concurred and ap
proved rffolution, passed at the late
feflien of thclegiflature, immediately after
the fiift Monday in February next, a lift of
the Tsx Colfcftors who may then be in
arrears, with Ihe amount due by each, and
the names of jheir facurities, will be pub
lished in one qf the Gazettes of Savannah
and Augusta, ted in thof? of Louifvillc,
Sputa. Grcrnlborongh, Wi;lhington and
Peteilbsrkh; ind immediately after the
firft Monday in April next, txccu Jons will
iffae against such of said Colkfton as (hall
not ;h;n have Ijnslly retried thtir accounts.
G to. R. CLAYTON, Treefurer.
ELEAZBR, EARLEY, Conpt’r gcn>
Treafnry OJfice. Georgia, )
Loutjmile, Dec, i 0.1806 .5 (4O
Great Bargains.
THE Subfcribbr intending to leave Au
gusta, cffsft for sale his HOUSE &
LOT therein--. Also, his Sand-hill rsfi
dcncc, containing 65 acres of Land, with
a convenient Dwelling Houfc, and necess
ary out houses, within 120 yards of an ex
cellent Soring of pure water. There arc
nearly to® bearing Peach, and various oth
er fruit trees; enciofed with a good fence,
and within four mil's of Augusto. The
terms msy be known by applying to the
fuhfcriber, or in lis abfcncc to Defter
Harris, or Nicholas Ware, Esq.
December 20. ; (tl)
Fbe Subscriber has For Sale 16
j m/ V s .
African Negroes,
They have been cue year in the
country, and worked to advantage—thelja
bove Negroes are a v/ejl chofcn set, and wil
be fold low Tor cash or produce.
September 20. Us)
Waflied out of the fubferi
ber’s Gin-Hnufe on Little river, on Satur
day the 29th Novermbcr last,
I A New Cotton Gin,
only worked two or three weeks; contiin
ing 47 frws or circles—the £adcr fha!l he
well rewarded for h.s trcub% cr app'ica
'torn to J. GRINAGE _
December 13. (ts)
A Distiller, who understands
the making of
Good Whiflcey.
Liberal encouragement will be givcn-.-Fn
q-rire at this CfTire,
December 13. (ts)
jo Puncheons 4th proof Jamaica run,
6 Hhds, prime Mufcavado sugar,
% ( Barrtii do . do do
1 pipe Holland Gin, 1 do Northern de>
$ q’r Ctfici Sherry Wine,
1 Hhd. Loa( fogar, 3 Tiercea do,
3 boxes Chocolate, 2 tons Swedes Iron,
2 Country do. 1 BliSered Steel,
\ do. Gorman do.
1 Bale lew priced coating,
1 ditto Kendal Cottons,
9 pieces Duffel 1 Blankets,
1 Box 4 4 Irlfh linens, Ido do.
z- Trunks fslhienable Callicoca,
2 Bales hum.humt, 20 kegs White lead,
Which will be fold wholcfalc
and retail on very reasonable terma for
Cash or Cotton.
Augusta, Dec. so. [tt]
Patent New London Bilious Pills *
A Frefli Supply,
’'Juft received from the
Gross, Dozen or Retail, by the fubfcribtr,
November *9, (tl)
By the fubferiber, an attire,
indttftriom, sober, hsn«tt, k attentive man,
to taift charge of a Plantation and ne
groes; a married man will b« preferred—
none need apply but such sj can come well
recommended for the above quails?m.
Geo. W, EVANS.
December 13, (ts)
Factorage and Com
miflion Bufmefs.
THE Subscribers having entered int#
Partnerlhip, under tbs firm of
Barrett & Sims,
In the above line of bufinef* in
his city, inform their friends and the pub
lic in general, that they fliall continue /to
occupy the fame Stores, as heretofore occu
pied by Thomas Barrett, where t'my ate
crefling, in addition, a large
Cotton Ware-House.
Which will afford them room to ftorc
3000 Bales of Cotton *t ons time* feente
from the Weather,
Auguf 30.
Jockey Club Races.
At a meeting of the augusta joc- ,
kl e y cl y b on the 2 oth inf,
RESOLVED, that the Races
for the enfuirg year commence on the last
Wednesday in January, 1807, free for any
Horfc, Marc or Gelding, f r om any part of
the world.
The Purses and Dijlances as Follows 9
—V I z
First day's running, four mile heats, for
a purse of 500 dollars.
Second day's running, three mile heats,
for a purse of 300 dollars.
Third days running, two mile heats, for
a purse of 200 dollars.
Fourth days running, a fnecpftake, tw%
mile heats, for the entrance money and over
plus, supposed to be worth from z|;o to 350
The weights and regulations agreeably to
the dlablifhtd rules.
By order if the Club.
GEO: S. HOUSTON, Src’/y.
November 29.
Office) s for the enfmng year,
John Catlett, P ref dertf.
Cheslev Bostick, Pice P ref dent.
Geo i S. Houston, Herniary,
Geo : F. Randolph, Trcafnrer.
Jockey Club Races*
KESOLVED, that the Races for th*
cutting year com encc at the Chero-*
j kce Fond*, ot|the ftcc-nd Wedntfdjy ‘A
| January next, free lot any Horie, Marc
j Gelding, from any part of the world,
j - The purfts and di f bnrn as fctlcws :
First day'* running, three mile he«t«. hr
j a purse of about two hundred and fifty dot*
1 Ia»«.
Sjeood iUy% rtsrr bg, *wc mPe hrn'T,.
frr a j a' r e oi abuut one hundred and C ■ en
ty d'diars.
Third day, a Swcep’Hke, ore n:i!c heat> *
for the entrance rc^r^v,
WagkU tfiebajksd CgrwMt to /a*
gufla Rules.
November 22. ' [4 v j ;
N. B. All lub r cuhen are Mccefird tt>
nay tbeir fubuari prior* to the, ftb.ccrbfr
on or be r ore the firft dsy'» to mit g