Newspaper Page Text
Heath nt Port GibHon*Go>ieruHliy of Coluin
butt—ProaptenH of the Fever Plague.
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
Port Gibson. October 2.—Among the
deaths are I ridge J. B. Thuster and Dr.
W. D. Sprott. Hon.-G. W. Humphreys
has th'rfy cases on his place.
Columbus, Ga. , October 2. —Oolum
bus has contributed $4,026 for fever
sufferers, and contributions continue.
Fifty Death* in JleHiplilw«Jlo*cow and
<xi*iind Junction.
Memphis. October 2.—Fifty deaths
are reported to the Board of Health in
the twenty four hours ending at 6, p. m.
The following is received : Moscow,
Tenn., October 2 —Drs. Hill and Stover
are both down with fever, and physi
cians of the Howard Medical Corps re
port a large number of sick in he vicini
ty of Gill’s Station, three miles east.
The Howards report 99 cases.
Grand Junction, Tenn., October I.
Deaths in the last two days, 7; cases, 4.
Among the deaths yesterday are C G.
Hardy, volunteer telegraph operator
from New Albany, Ind.; Dr. Joe. H,
Prewett, who died to day, was a promi
nent citizen.
Bay St Louis, October 2—Twenty
three cases and iwo deaths yesterday.
Tanjipahoa, October 2.—Nine cases;
one very low.
Thibedeaux, October 2. Twenty
cases and three deaths.
Vicksburg, October 2 —Twelve deaths
yesterday, three from the country. The
Howards make another appeal, and say
the fever is spreading with fearful ra
pidity in the country. It is safe to say
there are eight hundred cases in the
country and ontside the city.
New Orleans, October 2 —Governor
Nicholls has issued a proclamation re
commending Wednesday, October the
9:h, as a day of fasting, humiliation and
prayer for deliverance from the scourge
From coon to 6, •>. m , yesterday, there
were 17 deaths and 136 cases. There
were 7 new cases at St. Vincent’s Or
phau Asylum, including Sister Gonsea-
Amour the deaths are X. X Bar
rett, comedian, a student in the Theo
logical Seminary and John A. Pepper,
steamboat man.
Winona, Miss., October 2.—One case
to-day but no deaths.
The Flrirt October Election Disastrous to De
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
Denver, 00l , October 2.—Returns
of the election as far as received indi
cate the election of the entire Republi
can State ticket, by a majority over the
combined Democrat and Greenback
vote. Returns thus far show more
Greenback strength in Boulder county
than elsewhere.
The indications this hour (10:30, p.
in.) are that the Republicans have car
ried every Ward in Denver, except the
Sixth, and in that, they will have a ma
jority of eight hundred over the Demo
crats in this county. The Chairman of
the Republican State Central Commit
tee claims the State by twenty-five
thousand majority, and two-thirds of
the Legislature.
Carlalu ;Allrruilona Which Blßiinirvk .lluni
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
Berlin, October 2.—The Committee
on the Socialist bill commenced the sec
ond reading of that measure. Count
Von Eulenburg, Minister of the Inte
nor, said the amendments made on the
first reading appeared on the whole, ao
eeptable, but the Government wished
that some minor niteration should be
made. Members of the Court of Appeal
must be selected from the highest
Courts of Justice, and the Emperor
must have unrestricted right to appoint
its President and Vice-President. The
limitations of the operation of the law
to the period expiring on March 31st,
1881, is inadmissible. The term is much
too short. The Government preferred
that no definite limit should be im
posed. In consequence of this miniate
rial speech the committee deferred dis
cussion in order to arrive at an under
standing among themselves.
Rewawlx For IHnrilererx.
(Special ,o the Evening Sentinel.]
New Orleans, October 2.—The Gov
ernor has also issued a proclamation of
fering inwards for the arrest and convic
tion of ihe parties who hung the colored
man Bivadheart, Hept ember 17th, in
West Fdiciaua until nearly dead and
then beat hie wife and two children
Also, for the merderers of Thomas Dal
ton, September 21st, in West Feliciana
parish. ..
iHeuaclii* Attitude Toward the Ottoman
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
Constantinople. October 2.—Savfet
Pasha, the grand Vizier and Minister of
loreign Affairs, has sent a circular to
the Powers calling attention to the fact
that the Greek Government on authori
ty of reports from its Consuls in Thes
saly and Epirus, charges the Porte with
stirring up the fanaticism of the Al
banians against Greece and providing
them with arms. Savfet Pasha declares
the assertions is calumny communicat
ed to the Cabinet by Greece for the
purpose of justifying her military pre
[ rations which are really direct threats
of aggression against the Ottoman em
pire. He proceeds to make counter
charges and says the Porte is daily ap
prised of the machinations of Greek
agents in Thessaly and Epirus to arouse
pe iceable population. Moreover, he
statt < that Greece is preparing to place
in th« field, within one month, an army
of 40,000, with a reserve of 35,000. This
fact, conjointly with large orders for
supplies and a loan of ten millions,
leaves no doubt of the aggressive inten
tions of Greece.
The Hungarian Crisis.
Lond in, October 2. The Standard
has the following from Vienna : ‘‘The
Emperor has not yet accepted the resig
nation of the Hungarian Ministers. Here
the crisis is considered to be more a
question of figures than of principle.
Much depends on the Ministry deciding
whether the occupation of Novi Bazar
will be effected this year or next.”
Constantinople, October 2 - The
Porte intends submitting the treaty of
peace with Russia to the Powers.
London, October 2.—A Bombay dis
patch says the latest from Simila reports
that an opportunity has been afforded
the Ameer of Afghanistan to make
amends for the affront offered the Brit
ish envoy.
The Australian Cricket Hatch In New York.
[Bpe )iil to the Evening Sentinel.]
New k’oRX. October 2 —Tb« flrat in.
ning in the international cricket match,
to-day, resulted in favor of the Austra
lians by a score of 70 to 63. In the sec
ond inning the Americans scored 38,
when the wickets were drawn. The
match will be concluded to-morrow.
Bad Weather Inter seres With Louisville
St. Louis, October 2.-—Bad weather
> gain interfered with the races to-day.
The first race, free for all stallions,
purse of $1,500 divided, one heat was
trotted in almost a hurricane, Bonesedor
taking the heat in 2:255, Woodford’s
Mambrino second, Scott’s Thomas third.
Cincinnati, October 2—The Fall
trotting meeting at Chester Driving Park
opened to day. The attendance was
fair, weather fine and track splendid.
The first race for SBOO divided, for 2:25
class, Dr. Lewis, 1,2, 3,1, 1; Tom
Keeler, 2,3, 1,2, 2; Lewinski, 4,5, 3,
4,4; Orange Girl, 5,1, 4,5, 5; Gray
Salem, 3,4, 2,3, 3; Rip Rap, 6, distanc
ed; Dream, 7, distanced—time, 2:265,
2:295, 2:265, 2:275, 2:265. The second
race, lor a purse of SBOO divided, 2:37
class, Lannie G., 5,4, 4,5; Oceania
Chief, 4,1, 1,1; Webster, 8,8, 7,7 ;
Lady Sampson, 1,5, 5,3; Hero, 2,3, 3,
4; Mountaineer, 7,7, 6,5; Tola, 6,6, 8,
8; Gen. Lee, 3,2, 2, 2—time, 2:285, 28$,
2:30, 2:28$
O’Leary Still Leads.
New York, October 2 - -O’Leary had
made one hundred and seventy miles at
ten o’clock. Hughes one hundred and
fifty at half past ten. O’Leary is still
fresh while Hughes is fagged out.
The Bank of Ginscow Gone.
London, October 1. —A circular signed
by all Scotch banks has been issued an
nouncing that the City of Glasgow banx
will not open doors to-day and will cease
to issue totes in order to lessen incon
venience to the public. Other Scotch
banks will accept its notes as usual.—
The City of Glasgow bank has a paid
up capital of one million pounds.—
Liabilities fifty million dollars
Liability shareholders unlimited. One
hundred pound shares of the bank
were dealt in yesterday at over two hun
dred, and within a week at two hundred
and thirty-seven. The bank was estab
fished in 1839, and had from fifty to
sixty branches. It is the heaviest, bank
failure in Scotland since 1851. when this
concern also suspended. Other Scotch
banks were asked for assistance, but
a' or examining the books at a meeting
yesterday they refused to do so.
- — —— — l ——
Utiua, October 2. - The Greenbaoker
of the Oneida District nominated James
Oshkosh, October 2.—The Republi
cans of the Sixth District nominated
J. V. Jones.
Texas Republics. In leetln*.
[Special to Eve ng t entinel. |
Galveston, Ootol r I.—A special
from Dallas says : The Republican
Convention met to ey. The platform
endorses the Republ an National plat
form of 1876 and th administration of
President Grant; a currency re
deemable in coin; < dares that the
interests of the coiwy demand a re
turn to specie pays. n't, and charges
the Democratic pat with involving
the country in war d(it and misery. It
states the Governmerr, ' pledged to re
deem fully their bonds which were the
means of maintaining . uatian’s life
in time of peril and!congratulates the
country on the wise Lancia! legislation
of the Republican prty. ’ Nominations
not yet mnde.
Alarming and Out rag. im, Depredation, oi
-Hex!, ns.
[Special to the EvJ-ir: Sentinel ]
Washington, Octc»..r 2.—Toe con
tractor for carrying ,he mails between
Fort Worth, Texas, sti< Yuma, Arizona,
reports to the Post i)ffice> Department I
that his coaches hav/1 <en attacked ano j
robbed twenty-sevej tines in the past
six weeks by bandits. In iw
instance, where the oaoh contained 700
pounds of silver, th’ robbers overpow
ered the passengers and driver, seized
the vehicle and and drove away
with the plunder. Ie has secured from I
the War Departmenti.n order for troops '
to accompany the dail coach, so as to j
prevent such lawlessu'ss,
The Aineunt of a Caihler’a Detnlcntlon.
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.|
Providence, R. 1., October 2.—Fur-j
ther examination into the affairs < f the '
Grocers’ and Producer’s Bank indicates
that the defalcation of Cashier Calder
reaches eighty thousand, probably one
hundred thousand dollars, fully half
the capital of the banV is t<>ue, but it is
though* a coiiwf*rwU amount will be
recovered. Calder wai arrested this
Gen. Mherman InNists Upon Its Importance.
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
San Francisco, October 2. Gen.
Sherman has written a letter to D. D.
Colton, Vice-President of the Southern
Pacific Railroad, dwelling upon the im
portance of the yoad to the interests of
Arizona and to the development of
trade and friendly relations with Mexi
A Model Peace Congress.
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
Paris, October 2. —The International
Peace Congress ended yesterday with
the sitting somewhat confused occasion
ally. Mr. Bratiano defended Roumania
energetically against the reflections of
one of the speakers regarding alleged
religious persecutions in that province,
the majority disapproved his defense.
Later in the session Mr. Dupree attack
ed the Vatican in offensive terms, and
was stopped by the President.
Railroad Suit.
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
St. Louis, October 2.—ln the suit of
the Union Trust Company of New York,
and Baring Bros., England, reprepre
sented by Ward Bros., of New York,
against St. Louis Iron Mountain and
Southern Railroad Company to fore
close certain consolidated mortgage
bonds on the ground of default in
the payment of interest, Judge Dillion,
of the United States Circuit Court, ren
dered a decision to day denying fore
closure but not dismissing the bill.
Foreign Jll**ion*.
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
Milwaukee, October 2.—The Ameri
can Board of Commissioners for foreign
missions began their sixty-ninth annual
session to-dsv. About fifteen hundred
delegates and their families are in at
tendance. The Society is in a flourish
ing condition.
Racing on the Pacltlc (Slope.
[Special to the Evening Sentinel.]
San Franoiboo, October 2.—At San
Jose, yesterday, Abe Edington won the
2 21 race, beating Doty and Quoqcotte
Time, 2.24, 235, 245.
— - ■■ I
r Hniversalist ministers have agreed
t; umend entire abstinence from
tt ■> of tobefico. Hope they will re
port the results <u the end of the first
year. By the way, did it ever occur to
anybody that ministers who preach tem
perance in all things are among the
most intemperate indulgers in the nar
cotic weed ? -Philadelphia Bulletin.
[From the Morning -Chronicle. |
New Orleans, October I,—At Holly
Springs, yesterday, eleven deaths and
twenty-three new cases. Am<’ r ‘g the
deaths, D. J. Oliver, Dr. W. MeKirnsy.
Physicians say the fever is on the de
No New Cases in ChatlHiiooga.
Chattanooga, October 1. —Two deaths
from fever during the past twenty-four
I ours and no new cases. The Citizens’
Relief Committee publish a card, spying
that the funds and supplies on hand tire
amply sufficient for all immediate needs, j
Baton Rouffe and Pore Gibbon.
Baton Rouge, October 1. -Eighty
eight cases and two deaths.
Port Gibson, October I.—The epi
demic has greatly abated here, but is
spreading to an alarming extent in the
co intry and forcing refugees back to
town. There are 600 cases here out of
*b<- remniningpopulationof7oo. Deaths,
Cincinnati. October I.—Mr Eglauer,
of Menken & Co., of Memphis, died
here to-day of fever.
The Fever In New Orlenn*.
New Ob< bans, October I.—Fifty-four
I deaths and 231 cases. Reports to the
I Board of Health indicate an increase
over yesterday. Many cases are report
ed where whole families heretofore ex j
ernpt have been stricken down. The j
Howards refuse to furnish aid throneh I
other associations and reiterate the |
i former statement that they have snf ,
i ficient funds to meet every demand |
i upon them for the relief of the destitute j
I sick.
i Southampton, October I.—One death
I and one case at Pilot Town.
I ..
; They Chase Policemen and Have To Be Sup- I
pressed by the Jlilltarv.
Cincinnati, October I.—A special dis- •
patch says: Last night at Akron, Ohio,
two policemen proceeded to an old forge
within the city limits to arrest a tramp,
on suspicion of being concerned in the
i Orrville poof ofliie robbery When they,
reached the forge they were met bv a
j gang of tramps, who chased them to
I the city at the muzzles of revolvers.
I Great excitement prevailed. The Mayor
; issued a eall to get a company of the
Eighth regiment to arrest the tramps.
Company B, of the National Guards,
came to the assistance of the police and
captured eighteen tramps, the remain
der escaping.
London, October I. Private dis
patches received at Paris substantially
confirms the view expressed by the Lon
don Post, on the 28:h ultimo, to the ef
fect that intimations have been made to
England of Russia’s intention to imme
diately recall the mission to Afghanis
j Report of the Department of Agriculture-
State Averaged.
Washington, October I.—Reports to
the Department of Agriculture show
that the oats yield will probably equal
that of 1876, which amounted to over
four hundred million bushels. The
highest State average is in Copnectieut
and the lowest in Texas. The twelve
largest tobacco States, representing
about 95 per cent, of the total product,
report the September condition of the
crop follows : Kentucky, 68; Vir
ginia, 90; Missouri, 87; Tennessee, 94;
Maryland, 89; Pennsylvania, 90; North
Carolina, 97; Ohio, 82; Indiana, 90;
Connecticut, 115; Illinois, 79; Massa
chusetts, 100. The general average of
these States is 81 against 80 in August.
The Connecticut valley had a prosper
ous sea ion and reports a large crop of
excellent quality. The Chesapeake
region, as a whole, falls about 8 per
cent, below the average.
Affair* In Mexico—-Merchant* Want Clone
Kelation* With the United state*.
Havana, October I. The steamer
City of New York, from Vera Cruz,
brings the following intelligence :
City of Mexico, September 24 —Senor
Mata, Secretary of Foreign Affairs, has
resigned on account of ill health. It is
believed that Senor Zumacona will be
his successor. The reception of Zrrpa
oona in the western cities of the United
States had made a most favorable im
pression. Mexican merchants are en
thusiastically in favor of entering into
close commercial relations with the
United States. American residents con
tributed upwards of $2,000 for the fever
sufferers in the South.
— »
The Idle Coal iVlinc*.
Pottsville, Pa., October I.—Work
will be resumed to-morrow in Colhers
ville, to continue two weeks, and on No
vember Ist another resumption is ex
pected, to continue a month.
Revenue Raid (tiplure ut Moonahlen
Whisky—lndian Hovement..
Washington, October I.—Commis
sioner Baum received the following ■
from Revenue agent Chapman, dated
Statesville, N. C., September 3fflh:
Capt. A. C. Bryan has just returned
feim,. a ra id on South Mountain. He
captured and secured twenty-seven pack
ages of about one thousand gallons; of t
whiskey and brandy, two stills and
three caps, three stillworms and ten
bushels of meal and destroyed four
thousand gallons of mash and-beer and
i one hundred gallons of low wrnee( He
was fired upon and had Special Deputy
Long’s horse killed.
The t'ommissioner of Indian Abairs
has received information that ' Red
Cloud’s Indians begun to move to tjhe
White Ciay Reservation on Ihe 21st of
September. Spotted Tail’s Indians
moved three weeks ago to the Rosebud
Agency, seventy miles west of the -Mis
souri. Among the cadet-midshipman
appointed to-day to enter tfie naval
academy to fill vacancies caused by the
failure of candidates in June last, 'were
Marbury Johnson and Edward Solomon,
of Georgia; Sidney Z. Mitchell, Ala
bama; Thomas H. Gignilliat, Georgia.
O. H. Irish, of Nebraska, Assistant-
Chief of the Burea of Engraving and
Printing, has been promoted to beChief
vice McPherson, resigned. Daniel W.
I Willson, of Ohio, will be assiSttlnt-
I chief. General Halbert O. Paaae-has
; been appointed Commissioner of Pat
j ents. Dean Stanley is here' ’ '
Colonel J. W. McArdle and Captain
> Lake, Jr., of Mississippi, called oh the
i President and requested him to recon-
I eider his action in appointing James
■ Hill, colored, to be Postmaster ( at
Vicksburg, and urged that Mr, Pease
'be allowed to serve out his term, which
! expires in March next.
! PbovidEnob, R. 1., October I.—A
heavy defalcation is reported in the Gro
cers and Producers Bank, a State insti
tution of a hundred and sixty thousand
dollars capital. It is alleged that the
cashier, J. B. Calder, permitted three
ar four friends to overdrew o< bsye
funds until one third of the capital is
hopelessly lost. An investigation is go
ing on
New London, October I.—lt has trans
pired that Wesley W. Bishop, of Nor
wich, charged with poisoning his wife,
larriet Bishop, and Chas. M. Cobb, Jr.,
has made a confession, implicating Kate
M. Cobb, his paramour, in the guilt.
Bishop confesses criminal intimacy with
Mrs. Cobb, procuring poison for Mrs.
Cobb with which to destroy the life of
her husband, and his knowledge that
she administered it. He denies that he
poisoned Mrs. Bishop, and imputes the
crime to the woman.
Newport, R. 1., October I.—Hon.
Geo. Bancroft, the historian while out
riding this p. m , with a lady, was
thrown from his carriage, the horses be
coming and was seriously
injured. Fears are entertained that his
legs are broken. The lady and the
coachman were slightly injured.
Baltimore, October I.—The British
steamship Donati, which arrived to-day
from Rio, reports that on September
24 in lat 20:30 n., long. 58:40 w., at
8:30, p. m , she sighted a strange light
to northward, bore down and found a
large ship supposed to be American, on
fire fore and aft; she had evidently not
long been abandoned. There was no
appearance of anybody on board. The
Donati cruised around sometime and
searched to the|southwest several miles,
but could see nothing of any boats and
: continued on her course.
W. A (Thomson, M. P. for Welland,
proprietor of the Canada Southern Rail
way, died in Queenstown yesterday
The ferry boat Union, of the New
burgh and Fishkill Line, was burned at
her wharf at Newburgh yesterday morn
ing. She will prove a total loss. In
sured for forty thousand dollars—prob
ably two-thirds her value.
A special says Senator Thurman,
while addressing a large meeting Mon
day night, at Bel Air, Ohio, was taken
, suddenly ill and conveyed to his hotel,
where he is now lying in a helpless con
| dition. His illness, which is not oon
' sidered dangerous, is the result of over
' work.
The Captain of the steamer United
States, which arrived at Boston yester
day from Savannah, reports that on the
' night of the 26th inst., twenty-one miles
( Southeast of Cape Romain, he saw the
brig Thomas, from Charleston to Liver
pool, on fire. He rescued the crew and
brought them to that port.
They were taking their luncheon very
industriously at a “fashionable salon.”
: “There's a lot of weather gauges,” said
Snooks. “As how ?” we querieo. “Bar
room eaters!” he slowly replied, and
« then quaffed his beer as if nothing had