The Advertiser-republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1873-1874, February 14, 1874, Image 1

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TERMS OP THE ADVERTISER-REPUBLICAN. DAILY EDITION, byviail or carrier, one year, $7; six months, $3 50,- three months, $1 75, paid in advance. WEEKLY EDITION, one year, $1 50; six months 75 cents, payable in advance. CIRCULA TIOX.—The A D VERTISER-REPUB LICAN enjoys a circulation exceeding that of any other daily in the State of Georgia. ADVERTISING.—Transient Advertising $1 per square first insertion, and 75 c. for subsequent in sertions. Contract Advertising offered at rea sonable rates. Local and Business Notices 2Sc. and 15c. per line. BEARD <Se KIMBALL, Proprietors. BY TEL ; EGRAFH. NOON DISPATCHES. EOREIGX. Uuulisli Elections—Schnelrter Sick. London, February 18.—Lord George F. Hamilton, and Mr. Cope," Conservatives, were elected for Middlesex by overwhelm ing majorities The county was last repre sented by a Conservative and a Liberal. Mr. Schneider, President of the Corps Legislat'd under the last Emperor, has had a stroke of apoplexy. Sonth America Epidemics. Lisbon, February 13. —The yellow fever is unabated in Rio. The cholera is raging in Buenos Ayres, ir.i.s hixg to -V. Washington, February 13.—Senate.—Mr. Sargeant presented a protest of citizens ot California against the influx of the Chinese to this country. Mr. Gordon introduced a bill in relation to the claim for cotton seized by the-Treas ury Department. Mr. Goldthwaite presented a memorial for the improvement of Mobile bay, Ala bama, which was referred to the Commerce Committee. House.—Unimportant business. Marine Disaster. London, February 13.—The bark Pulci nella, from New' York for Bristol, with a cargo of one hundred and eighty thousand bushels of wheat, went ashore at Castle down, Ireland, Wednesday, and sunk. Twelve of the crew were drowned. Religion in Schools. Albany, February 13. —In the Assembly a motion to withdraw the State appropria tions from all academies under the control of religious or denominational societies, or which make a religious profession a test of admission, was defeated. Searching for a Body. New York, February 13.—The Committee of Alderman made another ineffectual search for the remains of Nathaniel French, the Masonic Grandmaster, who was buried in the Potter’s field. Mortuary Report. New York, February 13.—8. Brockway, proprietor of the New York Hotel, is dead. BEIILIX AX I) ROME. [From the New York Tribune.] The contest between the German govern ment and the Roman Catholic Church is rapidly coming to a crisis. Archbishop Le dochowski, after the confiscation of all his property by repeated fines, lias been im prisoned for appointing parish priests with out the consent of the civil authorities, and for threatening one of his priests with ex communication. Pastors who derive their appointment from him have been warned that they will be punished if tiiey attempt to execute any ecclesiastic functions. One of the official newspapers of Germany lias aroused general excitement and alarm by hinting that something must be done to re strain the violence of the Ultramontane press, not only within the empire, but in France and Belgium. The houses of the Jesuits have been broken up, and the mem bers of the society are compelled to choose between quitting the country and abandon ing their religious character. In short, the Imperial government makes no secret of its belief that Ultramontanism, that is to say, the religious opinion of nearly all Cathoiic Germany, is subversive of the established political order, and does not conceal its in tention to assume the control of ecclesias tical appointments, and of ail religions ed u<*ng*on, not to speak of more violent measures against the most conspicuous of the Papal champions. The result of a year’s contest in this mat ter is beginning to appear. The govern ment has got one archbishop in prison, and lias encouraged the formation of congrega tions of the Old Catliolics —of which con gregations there are about one hundred in the empire, according to the statement of Bishop Reinkens last September. But on the other hand an extraordinary impulse has been given to the Church party, and the recent elections have enormously in creased the strength of the Ultramontane opposition in the German Parliament. This of course was to have been expected. The surest way to encourage the Roman Catho lics was to martyr an obstinate Archbishop or two, and as Prince Bismarck is likely to go on from one hostile measure to another, it is plain that the danger of a serious con flict becomes greater 'and greater every day. While the civil power continues on its"present course, we do not see where it can stop short of asserting the absolute right of the State to set up or to put down any religion it pleases; and in these days office speech and free thought a preten sion of that kind would be fatal to any party that should put it forth. The doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church are Just the same here that they are in Germany, and there is no part of the world in which the Pope has more devoted and uncompromising adherents than in the United States. American bishops exercise freely the authority which the archbishop of Posen is sent to jail for assuming, and priests may preach,' say mass, teach any thing they'please, or excommunicate with hell, book and candle, and our government will never trouble its head about them. They have no power except what they de rive from the free consent of their parish ioners. Their commands are binding only on the consciences of their people. If they are dangerous to the State, the State has not found it out, and gets on comfortably enough without religious perplexities of any kind, only taking care that all denomi nations have fair play and keep the peace. It seems to us that the simplest solution of tiie dilliciiltv in Germany would be to adopt the American principle of a free church in a free State. Whatever Ameri cans may think about the doctrines of Rome and the assertions of the Syllabus, the German method of refuting them is repug nent to all our notions of liberty and equal ity. .nvestigatiox into the case of a wealiuy gentleman who died at Park Hospital, New York, and was subsequently buried in the common trench oil Hart Island, with nearly seven hundred others, has revealed a sickening history of venality and brutality among the employes of the Charity Commissioners of the metropolis. Complaint is made by one woman that the bodv of her husband, who had been drowned four weeks previously, and of whom a description had been left at the Morgue, together with her address, was carelessly thrown into the trench. Her ap plication for its recovery was refused by the official in charge, on the ground that his negligence would cost him his place. Another woman, on applying for the body of her father, whose name and residence were known at the lunatic asylum in which lie died, and given to the authorities at the Morgue, learned that it had been - given a nay’' to a medical college, and only by the Interference of a friend did she succeed iu rescuing the mutilated] remains. It is believed that fuller investigation will un eanu nearly as many frauds as those prac ticed upon the corpses in the Potter’s I- ield. -A brisk little tight took place a few . days before Christmas in I’lute county, Utah, between a party of four Navajo In dians and four white settlers. McCarty and three other whites went to a cabin belong ing to a man named Beaver, in which were tho lour Indians, to warm themselves. McCarty found his brand on a beef hide, and proposed that the Indians give him a pony tor the stolen beef. The Indians at once began the tight with hows and arrows. The white men left the cabin. One Indian seized young McCarty’s rifle, when a Herman named John shot the Indian through the head. Another drew his bow on Tom Richardson, w hen young McCarty shot the Navajo through the hand. The white* then retired about fifty yards and got a bale of hay, which they rolled toward the cabin with the intention of setting it on nre and burning the Indians. The three Indians fled, but ttie one wounded in the hand was shot dead The other two took McCarty’s horses and started off. After a sixteen mu,.- chase a third Indian was * shied, and ttie fourth escaped. Tnis is the story told by the whites, who captured W&i to etti* it VOL LXXII. nine horses, four saddles, and a lot of blankets. The surviving lndifin has not yet been interviewed. ■r.i cKsoxviia-E. „ Something About Knilroiub. Editors Advertiser-Republican : In a former letter I alluded to the short-sighted policy of Savannah, in making their freight tariffs to Jacksonville so high that it di verted a large trade 1 to ajjd from Florida. Before the war there werethree steamers making weekly trips to the Ist. John's river and but one from Charleston; since the war, and now, there is but a single steamer of moderate size from Savanffah and two large steamers from Charleston; while the Ifffisinessf of Jacksonville iias*4nore than Quadrupled. Comment is unnecessary. Sa vannah has lost the trade"and Charleston lias gained it. Our merchants citi get goods from New York, by steamer and connec tions, cheaper than from Savannah.% In staple which are generally brought by vessels' to this port, there is often a scarcity, a<id if we couldiget at such times corn, hay, pork, lacc®, flour, etc.* from your city at reasonable weights, a large business would be dpne. I must not specify, but will say generally that your freights are largely in excess proportion ally to ihose from Nqw Orleans, Charleston and NOW York. Your verify these freights by inspection or your tariffs. 'There has been quite am effort by Georgia railroad men to get i# cpocession from our State to continue the Atlantic and Gulf railroad through Floma to l’<n sabota. While it is desirable to ligve a railroad connection with Pensaco la, yet It would be impolitic 'for us to be cut off and subject to a policy which Tyould leave us subject to the monopoly of a rival road. I do not think this cession made, although there is no telling what money may do with venal legislators. We have another live Lord here, Viscount Porker, who annually visits Florida, a pleasant and unassuming gentleman. Cheney, our Postmaster, has explained, and prosecution withdrawn. The National Hotel and the St. James alternate in pleasant hops, which are en joyed by their respective guests and citizens. Weather charming out doors; streets filled with promenaders and carriages. The pul pits of the several churches are filled with distinguished clergymen from abroad. The younger people are all alive for St. Valentine’s day, and then comes Lent, when most of* Our people subside, and do penance for a time by abstaining from the usual pleasures hitherto enjoyed. . Business rather better, and people are looking forward hopefully. F. B. I’apy, the energetic superintendent and manager of the Florida Central railroad, is here, and fast putting the road in order, and is get ting new rolling stock. If we had more such men our roads ivould be equal to the best. Picnics and excursions are now in order, and the legitimate consequences of wed dings will follow. Your paper, being neicsy and commer cially full, is well received, and 1 think gets its full share of patronage. Captain Jack. THE DISABILITIES OF ADMIRAL SEMMES. Washington, February 10.—General Gor don had referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee to-day a hill to remove the dis abilities of Admiral Semmes. The amount of sectional bitterness displayed towards this officer lias been second only to that exhibited toward Jefferson Davis himself, and great opposition will no doubt be made to conferring upon him the privilege to hold office. Several years since he was elected to an honorable office by bis fellow citizens of Mobile, which he could not accept by reason of the political disabilities resting upon him. He inflicted more material in jury upon the commerce of the North than any other man who served the Confederacy. As time wanes the memories of these tilings will grow fainter, and sooner or later Ad miral Semmes will stand on the same foot ing as all other citizens, in liis letter to General Gordon asking that action be taken to remove his disabilities, he incloses the following straightforward statement as his petition to two houses of Congress: “The undersigned respectfully shows unto your honorable bodies that prior to the late war between the United States and the Confederate States he was a commander in the navy of the United States, domiciled in the State of Alabama, of wiiich State he had been a citizen for a number of years ; that viewing the questions at issue between the Northern and Southern States, from a Southern standpoint, lie believed in the right of secession of a State for cause; and in a contest of allegiance as between his State and the Federal government, he believed his allegiance to he ultimately due to his State; that when his State se ceded he felt himself in honor hound to follow her fortunes for better or for worse; that his State did secede, and upon the happening of that event lie tendered ills resignation to the then Secretary of the Navy, who well knew the object of the tender, and that his resignation was ac cepted ; that being by such acceptance re lieved from all his obligations to the Fed eral government which grew out of his late commission, he returned to the State which he believed was entitled to liis alle giance, took up arms in lier defence, and defended her and the Confederate States of which she had become a member, to the best of his ability. That at the close of the war he retired to private life, and has again become a citizen of the United States, having as a voter of Alabama sworn to support and defend the constitution of the United States and the Union of the States. Having thus renewed liis allegiance to the Federal constitution in good faith, lie desires the prompt and entire oblivion, except in so far as history may deal with the subject of the late differences between the two sections. He has the natural affection of an American citizen for the land of liis birth, and the same pride as formerly in the glory and prosperity of tills country, and of his whole country; and he now requests your honorable bodies to re move the political disabilities under which lie has so long labored, and restore him to the full and free embrace of the only country which he cares to claim. Respectfully, Raphael Semmes. “ Done at Mobile, in the State of Alabama, on this the thirtieth day of Januarv, A. I). 1874." SOW HERN SUGAR. [Pi or. i the Chicago Tribune.] The soil of Louisiana is specially adapted to the culture of the sugar cane. Labor is abundant and comparatively cheap. The markets are easily accessible. The sugar and molasses produced are said to be the best of their kind. Yet despite all these advantages, the average annual shrinkage in the supply of saccharine sweets, for the last thirteen years, lias been 14,000 hogs heads of sugar and 800,000 gallons of molasses. The war, Warmoth, Casey, Kellogg—these pests are doubtless responsi ble for no small part of the State's in dustrial retrogression, but there has been still another and a greater cause. The yield of sugar to the acre has steadily diminished, not only on lands that might reasonably be thought to be worn out, but on all lands. The trouble is with tire cane. It Is an exotic plant which needs to be oc casionally renewed. Otherwise, when re moved front its tropical home, it gradually deteriorates and loses its productive power. Last year an effort was made to bring new cane from India and Egypt, where the yield is nearly four times as large as it is in Lou isiana. The plan was undertaken so late in the season, however, that it failed. It is now proposed that the State shall appropri ate $50,0J0 to send a competent buyer to Hindostan as early as the Ist of April. The country is expected to furnish a na val vessel to" bring back a cargo of fresh and healthy cane. Why it should go into the business of freight-carrier for Louisiana planters it is not easy .to see, pernaps as a slight expression of its sorrow for having forced Kellojg upon those planters. There is more reason lor Louisiana’s going into Lie business of cane-buyer. The State lias a curious conucctiou with the Citizens’ B tnk, in virtue of which the bank pays the irverest on certain State bonds that are secured l>v mortgage on a great number of SAVANNAH, GA„ SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 14, 1874. plantations. If these plantations should be stocked with fresh cane, the yield probably quadrupled, and the obligations might he quickly paid off The annual diminution of 14,000 hogs heads of sugar and 800.000 gallons of mo usses is a matter that concerns the whole country. We are largely dependent on Louisiana for our sugar supply. According to the census of 1870, the total product of the sugar was 87,043 hogsheads, and of cane molasses, 6,593,333 gallons. Of these, Louisiana produced 80,076 hogsheads, and 4,485,159 gallons. If the present rate of de crease continues, ihe last sweet tiling in that most unsavory State will soon disap pear. GEORGIA XEWS. —Waycross is now the county seat proper of Ware county. —Macon has sent about fifty of her people to Mardi Gras. —lt is said that Smith, the Ordinary of Ware county, lias resigned. —A colored girl in Columbus committed suicide by taking morphine. —The Valdosta people are tickled to death about their late Court House bail. —A lad in Americus named Cameron fell from, a scaffold, injuring himself fright fully. —Rev. Mr. Key proposes to erect a church for the benefit of the benighted heathens ot Waycross. . —A Camilla man has lost forty dollars and the general stringency there is worse than during the panic. —Colonel Styles is the warmest defender of Kimball that Georgia has. His last paper overflows with Kimball. —The genial Colonel Carey W. Styles went to the masquerade hall at Albany as chief of the Iron Mountain banditti. —William Duckworth, of Americus, was attacked last Tuesday by two brothers named Hobb, who cut him in a serious manner, and then fled. . t-A malicious fellow exploded a “can non fire cracker” under the window of the Harmonic Hall in Macon, during the pro gress of a ball, creating a panic for the time being. —Mr. Dunbar, who is engaged in the saw mill business near Number 101, on the At lantic and Gulf railroad, came near being killed by a negro on Thursday of last week, who felled him to the ground and escaped. —fcommenting upon J. H. E’s letter to the Morning News, the Albany News says his efforts to show that the true interests of Savannah are hound up in the Central and absolutely dependent upon the per petual monopoly of that great corporation, is a good joke, and we doubt not will arouse the risibles of tiiose who have ob served the benefits to cities of multiplied rail facilities, —The Atlanta Constiution learns that a movement has been set on foot to vote an extra pay, outside of his salary, of a percent age of one per cent, or something near that, to State Treasurer Jones, for his success in negotiating the large sale of bonds known as the Nutting bonds. The Constitution op poses it, but believes Treasurer Jones should have recompense for any extra ex pense incurred. —Last Wednesday as the south hound freight trains were crossing the bridge over tiie Chickamauga creek, about one' and a half miles from Ringgold, the last section (train) happened to a serious accident. Tiie bridge gave way, and the tender, with five or six loaded cars and the entire bridge, with a loud crash, went down into the water. The engine just escaped, hut was thrown off the track. The engine was saved by the coolness and prompt action of the engineer, Herndon, who gave the en gine a full head of steam, causing it to plunge forward with such velocity that it just cleared the falling bridge. —Tiie State Agricultural Convention, now in session at Columbus, is fully attended by delegates from all parts of the State. Nothing of especial interest has yet been accomplished. Discussion was evidently the favorite business during tiie first day’s proceedings. Oil the secovd day, with Gen. Colquitt in the chair, the convention got through with cousiderab*; business. We make some extracts from the proceedings : Colonel Thomas Hardeman made an elo quent speech, in which he said: The con summation devoutly to be wished is for returns to show a loss in cotton and a gain in cereals. The last three years show 100,000 to 300,000 more bales of cotton pro duced than before tiie war. The State this season will show a production of 600,000 bales, against tiie same last year. He proved conclusively from actual returns that large crops of cotton and small grain crops did not yield as much money as small cotton and large grain crops. It is objected that though the State has thus gained in wealth, planters have not. Why? There were railroad monopolists and capital ex tortionists before the war. They cannot be the causes. Before the war farmers had their smoke-houses and corn cribs in Geor gia : now they have them in the North and West. They have planted so much cotton as to reduce its price and leave no margin, and by having no rotation of crops have deteriorated the fertility of the land. He showed from returns that Atlanta alone had received $20,000,000 of Western produce for distribution in Georgia. That received at Columbus (does not go bv Atlanta), Savan nah and other points will swell this amount to $30,000,000 to $40,000,000, all of which could be saved by raising supplies at home. To abolish liens planters must raise supplies and then cotton, and thus they will be independent of factors. Let the prodigal return to his father’s house.” General Colquitt called the attention of the convention to the fact that the actual supplies obtained outside the State were about equal in value to her entire cotton crop; so we send out all the money we get. Instead of cheap transportation to the West, he wanted it so high as to amount to a prohibition of prime articles that ought to be raised in the State. Col. S. Barnett, of Wilkes, said the underlying principle to the failure of farmers was that too few wanted to work. They had too much brains and wanted to oversee. Mr. Paine, of Cobb : “ Resolved, That a committee of five be ap pointed to report on the importance of di rect trade.” Resolution was adopted and Capt. E. T. Paine, of Cobh; Col. W. J. Lawton, of Bibb ; Gen. G. P. Harrison, of Savannah ; Col. D. S. Johnson, of Morgan, and Col. T. W. Fleming, of Baker, were ap pointed that committee. MARRIAGE BY CONTRACT. A Wife Sues Her fluslmntl and Rela tives for Conspiracy—Domestic Idle in France. Pittsburg, Pa., February 7.—An inter esting case of alleged conspiracy is on trial in the courts of this city, the incidents being of quite a romantic nature. The prosecutrix is Regina Steiner and the de fendants her husband and a number of Lis relatives. Mrs. Steiner is a large, hand some, middle-aged woman, a native of Alsace. She appeared in court in the rich est and costliest of toilets and with a profu sion of elegant jewelry. It appears that in 1860 a wealthy merchant named Gottfried Jacque made her acquaintance and secured her as his mistress. They lived together for over two years, when Mr. Jacque con cluded to marry someone else, and after revolving the question over, he hired Julius Steiner to marry her, agreeing to settle upon her an annuity of $1,200 iu gold, for the support of herself and children. Steiner came to America and remained for a while in New York, but ultimately came to Pittsburg, where he finally settled. After the lapse of about nine months he re turned to Paris, married Regina, in pur suance of the previous arrangements be tween himself and Jacque, with whom she had been living, and brought her to Ameri ca, together with two children, of whom the wealthy merchant was father. In the mean while the merchant had settled on Regina an annuity of 6,000 francs ; but before the Yqar had expired after their arrival here, the husband, with the other defendants, commenced a series of systematic abuses of the wife. They tried to force her into Dix mont Insane Asylum, and in other various ways to rid themselves of her presence. For a considerable time it seems that her husband appropriated her mouey to his own purposes, and with it purchased some prop erty—that was not recorded, however—and and lie conveyed it to Adam Weigand, a relative, evidently for the purpose of get ting rid of the difficulties occasioned. The defendants deny any conspiracy for the sake ol obtaining the annuity. The paper provides that the two must marry, and the inference is that tiie money be longs equally to the husband and wife. The case is still going on. NOTES OF THE DAY. —No Senator of the United States has ever been elected President. —Queen Victoria Is said to be writing a hook, the scene being laid in Germany. English officers gave a $5,000 set of gold and silver to the Duke of Edinburgh’s beau tiful Russian bride. —An old lady in Washington was recently heard to observe, on taking up the morning paper, “I wonder if anybody has been born that I know.” —The insurance companies contend that an explosion is not a fire. A suit on this point has followed the blowing up of Brad ford & Co.’s mill in Bennington. The com panies will only settle the loss that was caused by fire after the premises had been blown into comparative worthlessness. —Asa Packer, of Mauch Chunk, is one of the rich men in Pennsylvania. He is said to be worth $25,000,’000, and began life without a penny as the driver of a canal boat on the Lehigh canal. His fortune came mainly from the purchase at low rates of coal lands in the region of his present place of residence. —Nellie Weeman has killed herself in Springfield, Mass., at tiie age of seventeen, because she believed that she. could not be come a Christian. She had attended revival meetings in the Methodist Church and the dread of eternal punishment there aroused had affected her mind. She was a bright, intellectual girl, but very sensitive and im pressible. —The Washington correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial states under date of the 7th inst., that interest in the pending investigation of the district affairs has not in the least abated. Discussion is general upon the conduct and motives of Senators who refuse to perform a duty because it is unpleasant and the drift of it is decidedly uncomplimentary to them. —On Monday, a week ago, a boy, aged twelve years, was liberated at Amboy, on the Illinois Central, from an empty box in which he had been imprisoned for six days and nights, without food or water. He crawled into the car at Cairo to sleep. The boy vims much emaciated, and had both feet badly frozen. He was sent to his relatives in Chicago. —Men send their sons to Europe that they may learn languages; but every man cannot go to Europe. It is not safe for every one to go there. I have seen men come hack from Europe who reminded me very much of their valises—pasted over witti the names of a great many hotels and cities, and half defaced pictures of moun tains and lakes, but with constitutions very much battered, and less inside than when they started — Rev. Dr. SCorrs. —ln London there is a safe-deposit com pany whose vaults are sunk to a depth of fifty feet below the surface of the street, and form four stories, connected by hy draulic lift, and rest ou a concrete bed fif teen feet in thickness. The walls are built of fire-proof Staffordshire bricks a yard in thickness, witli an inner shell of chilled steel three inches thick. The whole is en closed in an outer wall of Sussex bricks, ten feet thick. The stories above tiie ground floor will be used as offices. —Marion Grange 391, of Hamilton county, lowa, lias severed its connection with the State and National Granges. They claim that the machinery of the order is useless and expensive, and only for the gain of a few individuals who wish to live on salaries paid by the farmers, and to use the farmers for political ends; that worthless patents for agricultural machinery are being palmed off at enormous prices, and that the chiefs of the order are tyrannical and usurping. —The Mount Kisco Weekly says that Mr. John I). Haggarty of that place lias a violiu made by Jacob Steiner, of Absam, in 1640, which he will sell for SI,OOO. Mr. Haggarty overvalues the instrument. The violins of Jacob Steiner were formerly much es teemed, and some of them have been sold lor even a larger price than he asks for his. Now, however, they are less valuable than tiie instruments of the great Cremona makers. A good Steiner ought now to be worth from S3OO to $250. —A New York letter says : “Bishop Cum mins continues liis administrations, accord ing to the standards oi the Reformed Episcopal Church, at Steinway Hall, in Fourteenth street. As the seats are free the congregation, generally speaking, is quite numerous. Nothing further has trans pired concerning the new church which the Bishop’s friends are endeavoring to provide him with farther up town, hut the under standing is that the subscriptions are mak ing satisfactory progress. There is also some talk of establishing here a newspaper organ for the new church, but it is doubtful whether there is anything in that. After the church building is obtained the news paper project will he more in order.” —The incidental expenses of the Senate during the session qf 1872 were swollen by the cost of 2,017 pounds of sugar, seventy boxes of lemons, ninety pounds of tea, thirty-seven gallons of cologne, 10 gallons of hay rum, 463 hair brushes ($2 to $3 each), 300 or 400 combs, French cosmetics, toilet powder-puffs, etc. No one who reads this list will wonder hereafter at Senator Conk ling’s back hair and beauteous complexion. A man who is given every year six brushes, five combs, half a gallon oi' cologne, and a modicum of bay rum, besides a general as sortment of powder-puffs and French cos metics, ought to be more “trim and trig fra’ top to toe” than John Anderson ever dreamed of being. —Paris theatres are universally admitted to he at present, without exception, the most uncomfortable places of amusement that any one can visit. The boxes are so small that the chairs have to be taken out to allow the ladies to enter, and the balco nies are so narrow that it is scarcely possi ble for a gentleman to pass to and fro ; and in most theatres ladies are not admitted to the stalls. So that what with the private boxes being all in the shade, and the best dressed ladies thus being placed behind the balconies, and tiie stalls being filled with black coats (unrelieved even by a white tie), a Paris theatre is pleasant neither to the eye nor the feelings. And when you see that densely packed mass, and you know how difficult that egress is, you cannot pre vent yourself imagining what would happen if a cry of “Fire!” were to startle the audi ence. —The engineer in Cincinnati who dis posed of a dog by throwing him into the fire box, lias Tost his place, been heavily fined, and is now undergoing a disgraceful imprisonment,. One man at least, beside himself, thinks that lie is hardly treated. A correspondent takes pains to write a news paper that “ the dog was killed an Instant before touching the living coals of fire, as one breath of the flame must have destroyed life and feeling instantly,” adding: “From the howl that is being" heard from this ill starred cur’s champions they must believe that after being thrown in and the door closed on him, the hard hearted engineer resisted all his whining appeals to be re leased, and confined him to everlasting tor ture.” This is all very well; but still we should like, as Charles Lamb remarked in the case of alleged hydrophobia, to have the opinion of the party most interested. We mean, of course, the dog. Charles Gray, who has been run out of the canvass for the municipal election in Philadelphia by affidavits charging him with being a thief, has brought suit against the Sunday Transcript for having charged him with being a swindler and a thief. On a hearing of the case, Gray could not state what his business at New York really was, his assailants asserting it to be that of a professional thief. WHITE AND GOLD SEED BICE. 10,000 Bushels for Sale. DA V AST. WAPLES A CO janU-lm PAINTS, OILS, ETC. PAINTING. REMOVAL. The continued success in our busi- NESS iorthe last six years, has compelled us to seek mors spacious quarters, and we have secured that line Store, No. 98 Bryan street, be tween Drayton and Abercorn streets, where we have, with much care and expense, fitted up one of the finest PAINT, OIL AND GLASS ESTABLISHMENTS in the country. We would respectfully ask from our friends and the public a continuance oi their past favors at our Sew Stand. CHRIS. MURPtrr. CHAS. CLARK. PAINTING. MURPHY & CLARK, NO. 98 BRYAN STREET, BETW EEN DRAYTON AND ABERCORN STS., SAVANNAH, G A ~ House, Ship, Steamboat, Sign j* _ AND ORNAMENTAL PUNTERS, Grilding, Graining’, MARBLING, GLAZING, AND Paper Hanging-. We are prepared to offer estimates for every description of Painting in any part of Georgia, South Carolina and Florida, and guarantee satisfaction in the execution of our work. We keep always in store a select stock of the following articles: PITRE ENHI.ISH IS. B. LEAD. ATLANTIC and all other brands of LEA DS. DIES, VARNISHES, PETTY, BRUSH GItOITND and ENAMELLED GLASS. STAINED and PLAINT of various colors. COACH, FURNITURE, I)EHAR and other VARNISHES pat up in quart, pint and half pint bottles ready for use. Double and Single Thick French, English and and American WEASS. GOLD LEAF, BRONZE, Glaziers’ DIA MONDS. Machinery OIES and Axle GREASE. STEP LADDERS. Skylight and Builders’ LADDERS. A Select Stock of GOI.D and PLAIN PA PER HANGINGS. Persons desiriDg work and material in our line would do well to give us a call before going elsewhere. PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL SIGN WORK Executed with Neatness and Dispatch. febß-tf PAINT AI OIL STORE No. 3 Whitaker St., corner Bay lane. ftAVANNAH GEORGIA JOHN OLIVER. —DKALBK IN WHITE LEAD AND ZINC, PAINTS and COLORS, dry and n oil; WINDOW GLASS, PUTTY, BRUSHES VARNISHES, OILS, AND TURPENTINE. SASHES.. BLINDS and DOORS Mixed Paint si. all Colors and Shades - ' -) HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTI IVO GLAZING, ETC. mareh3o-tf PMTB ASTRAL Oil* WARRANTED PURE, —FOR SALE BY BOLSHAW & SILVA At Fifty Cents per Gallon. janlß-tf J 1 Hour seventy page illustrated® CATALOGUE OF |DOOK,S, SASHES,! BLINDS, HStair Rails, Newels, Fancy Glass,g ■Mailed to any one interested in buildingS Hon receipt of stamp. KEOGH & THORXE, Nos. 251 and 256 Canal street. If nov2S-12m New York City, fl MB IflfllL MHIUAIT OIL Avery high test oil, in the use of which no accident is possible. Pure, Inodorous and the Best Illumi nator in the World. Every Family Should Use It. Can be burned in ordinary Kerosene Lamps. Put up in Patent FAUCET NOZZLE CANS, from which the Oil can be drawn without loss of oil or without lifting the can. By the DEVOE MANF’G CO., New York. feb6-lm DOB SALE. J MPROVED AND UNIMPROVED LOTS FOR sale at Thunderbolt. Apply to JEFFERSON ROBERTS, feb!2-lw At the Park House. BUTTEB. ~ /-* m FIRKINS FINE BUTTER, JUST RK- X. J CEIVED and for sa'.e by feb!3-tf C. L. GILBERT & CO. LIME FOR FERTILIZING BARRELS FOR SALE LOW BY R.‘bl3-31 RICHARDSON k BARNARD. HAY, i BALES PRIME NORTHERN HAY 009 Bales Prime Eastern Hay. For sale by ' feb!2 JAMES F, BROWN & CO. PATENT MEDICINES, KEARNEYS^ FLUID EXTRACT BUCIU! only known remedy for BRIGHT’S DISEASE, And a positive remedy for GOUT, GRAVEL, STRICTURES, DIA BETES, DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUS DEBILITY, DROPSY", Non-Retention or Ineontinence of Urine, Irritation, Inflammation or Ulceration of the BLIDDER AND KIDNEYS, SPERM ATORRHG2 A, Leucorrhoea or Whites, Diseases of the Prostrate Gland, Stone in the Bladder, Colculus Gravel or Brickdust Deposit and Mucus or Milky Discharges. KEARNEY’S EXTRACT BUCIIV Permanently Cures ail Diseases of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS, Existing in Men, Women and Children, NO MATTER WHAT THE AGE ! Professor Steele says: “ One bottle of Kearney’s Fluid Extract Buchu is worth more than all other Buchus combined.” Price, One Dollar Per Bottle, cr Six Bottles for Five Dollars. Depot, 104 Duane St„ New York. A Physician in attendance to answer corres pondence and give advice gratis. nr Send stamp for Pamphlets, free. TO TIIE NERVOUS AND DEBILITATED, OF BOTH SEXES, No Charge for Advice and Consultation. DR. J. B. DYOTT, GRADUATE OF JEFFER SON MEDICAL COLLEGE, Philadelphia, author of several valuable works, can be con sulted on all Diseases of the Sexual or Urinary Organs (which he lias made an especial study), either in male or female, no matter from what, cause originating or of how long standing. A practice of thirty years enables him to treat diseases with success. Cures guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Those at a distance can forward letter describing symptoms and en closing stamp to prepay postage. Send for the “ Guide to Health.” Price loc. T. B. DYOTT, M. !., Physician and Surg-on, lot Duane street, N. Y. janl3-eodd&wly Hardens and invigorates the Gums ; Purifies and Perfumes the Breath ; Cleanses, Beautifies and Preserves tho TEETH, Use it daily, and your teeth will be the last ®f nature’s iritis to fail you. Sold by all Drnggists jel-eodAwtf 85 PEB CENT. LESS THAN NEW YORK COST! Must be sold this month, to close out our Detail Stock, the balance of our i of : BLANKETS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS, WINTER DRESS GOODS, CASSIMERES, CLOTH TABLE COVERS, WOOL SHIRTS, At 25 per cent. lets than New York cost, for CASH ONLY. EINSTEIN, ECKIUS & CO., Nos. 151 and 153 Congress street, febl Savannah, Ga. ROBINSON, CHASE & C 0„ BANKERS, No, 18 Broad street, N, Y. Transact a General Banking Business in all its details, allowing interest upon deposits to BANKS, SAVINGS INSTITUTIONS, PRIVATE BANKERS, AND INDIVIDUALS. Particular attention paid to the investment of ESTATE AND TRUST FUNDS, and infirmation regarding the same furnished upon application. Buy and sell upon commission Gold, United States Stocks, and all securities dealt in at the New York Stock Exchange. First-class Municipal and Railroad Loans ne gotiated. Eugene N. Robinson, Thomas B. Atkins. GEORGE H. CUASE, WILLIAM T. MORRIS. lehS-3m ccTJxY^Tjoala. \ TONS PICTOU SOFT COAL IN large lumps for parlor use. 500 Tons RED ASH COAL, egg Size. 200 Tons RED ASK COAL, stove size. 300 Tons CUMBERLAND COAL. For sale in lots to suit purchasers by Jan2B-tit CLAGHOKN A CIJNNINGTIAM. COAL. jpiGG (HARD) $9; STOVE (HARD) $9; PIC TOU (soft) $S ; Tennessee (soft) sll. For de livering the same $1 per ton. E. B. CHIPMAN, dec3o City Hotel Building, Bay street. J . F LEMING, NO' 32 BULL STREET, Boots and Shoes Made to Order. 7REPAIRING DONE AT SHORT NOTICE. Jan2(f-tf. SMOKERS’ MATERIAL. C CHOICEST IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC j CIGARS, PIPES, TOBACCO, etc., at the uew Cigar Store of M. DELGARDO, febß-2rawl m No. 30Bull street. TANARUS). T. I )T X N\ BANKER A"V !} BKOKER, Brunswick, Ga. a > UYS AND SELLS EXCHANGE ON NEW f A York, Savannah, Boston, and Philadel phia, at imves' ilia ket rales. Buys nnd seils Gold and Silver and Commer cial Paper. Interest allowed on Special De positß. Collections promptly attended to, and business solicited. Janlß-8m ESTABLISHED 1802 MISCELLANEOUS. Mlli, EXCHANGE -AND COLLECTION OFFICE —OF EDWARD C. ANDERSON, Jr. NO. 11 REYNOLDS SQUARE. FORMERLY PLANTERS’ BANK SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Deposits received subject to Check at Sight, and Interest allowed by agreement. Gold, Stocks, Bonds, and Foriegn and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. Collections made on all accessible points, and promptly remitted for in New York Exchange at current rates. No commissions charged on collections made in the city. Merchants’ Cash Boxes, and other valuables, received on special deposit (and deposited in the large Fire Proof Vaults of the Banking House) subject to owners’ orders, at any and all times during hanking hours, june6-tf sTvannahclubstables (WHITAKER, PRESIDENT AND YORK STS.) ELEGANT OPEN AND CLOSE CARRIAGES, PELETONS, BUGGIES And Ladies’ and Gents’ Saddle Horsds on Liv ery, at Short Notice and Reasonable Terms. Particular attention paid to BOAKDING HORSES WITH FIRST-CLASS ACCOMMODATIONS. Railroads, Steamers, Theatre and Party Calls promptly attended. Only Stable in town running a CLARENCE. dec3t-tf GEO. W, HUSSEY. Proprietor. ************ ***************************************** i L. J. GUILMARTIN. JOHN FLANNERY. J j L, J. GUILMARTIN&CO, I COTTON FACTORS ; —and— ; ; Commission JYTercliants, ; I (Kelly’s Block), j BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GA. j l A (JESTS FOB BRADLEY’S PHOSPHATE, j J * ; Jewell’s Hills Yarns and Domestics, Etc. : BAGGING, ROPE AMD IRON TIES j i ALWAYS ON HAND. f Usual facilities extended to Customers. J * augl7-4md&6mw *********************************************** ****** dll CENTRAL GARDEN, Broughton Street, Opposite Mai’sliall House. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULD INFORM his friends (ladies and gentlemen) and the public generally that he will keep constantly on hand a choice assortment of LAGER BEER, ALES, WINES. L.IQUOUB AND CIGARS. ts- MUSIC from 8 to 11 o’clock. CHARLES SEILER, oct29-_l2m Proprietor- FINE ART ROOMS, NO. 128 BROUGHTON STREET. CONSTANTLY ON HAND A LARGE AS SORTMENT of new Chromos, Engravings, Gilt and Black Walnut Mouldings, Rustic and Photograph Frames, Brackets, Stereoscopes, Steroscopic Views, etc. novl4-3m **> E. W. CUMINGS. J. W. TYNAN ENGINEER and MACHINIST CANAL STREET, Near Charleston W liar I'. O EPAIRS ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY IV BOILERS, etc. BLACKSMITH WORK In all its branches mar4-ly V. O. CONNOR, Dray, Cart, Truck and Wagon Manufacturer, Wheelwright, Horse Shoer and BLACKSMITH. Also repairs in first-class order Carriages, Buggies, etc. Keeps a large supply of White Oak Lumber for sale of various lengths and thickness, and of excellent quality CORNER OF BRYAN AND WEST BROAD, Savannah, Ga. ang4-l2mo M. mTsullivan. DEALER IN SHAD, Fresh arid Salt Water Fish Also, Terrapin, Turtle, Shrimps, Crabs, Shell and Open Oysters, Bay Lane, Near Corner of Barnard Street. Orders from the country will meet with prompt attention. jan!B-4m SYY MPllli Sill CLOTHING! AT sacrifice. LILIENTHAL & KOHN A RE NOW OFFERING TIIEIR IMMENSE J\ stock of MEN’S, YOUTHS’, BOYS’ AND CHILDREN’S Garments at 25 PERCENT. LESS THAN ORIGI NAL COST. HATS AND FANCY GOODS In endless varieties, which we will sell RE GARDLESS OF COST. INO ENA.GGERATION, This is the best opportunity ever offered to buyers. YVill sell without interruption until further notice. LILIENTHAL & KOHN’S EMPORIUM OF FASHION, No. ICL Congress street, opposite the Morket. nov2s COMING! THEFINEGOODSARF HERE G eouge s. NICIIOLS HAS JUST RECEIVED A BEAUTIFUL AS SORTMENT of Boys’ and Children's Cloth. Casstmere and Velvet Suits. Also, HATS and CAPS to lit all sizes, Over coats, Talmas, etc. Shirts. Undershlrt3, Drawers, Night Caps and Night Shirts, Shaker and Cashmere Undershirts, Rows, Ties, etc,, at ( lec9 No. 130 ItItOUI.HTON STREET. PLANTING POTATOES. Five hundred barrels just re ceived : EARLY ROSE, EARLY GOODWIN, PINK EYES, JACKSON WHITES. JAMES F. BROWN & CO., janS No. 87 Bay street. SEED RICE FOR SALE. ( i OLD AND WHITE SEED RICE, MILL * and hand threshed, for sale by DIOS, HABERSHAM’S SON & CO. febio-tf CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. City Marshal’s Sale. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN MARCH/ NEXT, between the legal hours oT SaTe; before the Court House door in the city of Si - vannah, and under the direction of the Commit tee on Public Sales anil City Lots, will be sold the following property, for arrears of ground rent duo the city of Savannah: BROWN WARD. East Half Lot No. 15 and improvements, Mrs. W. R. l’ostell, 4 quarters. Lot No. 42 and improvements, Dr. James J. Waring, G quarters. Lot No. 43 and improvements, Dr. James J. Waring, G quarters. Lot No. G 5 and improvements, Dr. J. B. Read, 4 quarters. Lot No. GS and improvements, Dr. J. B. Read, 4 quarters. Lot No. G 7 and improvements, Peter Berane, 4 quarters. CALHOUN. Lot No. 3 and improvement.*, F. J. Caampion, Trustee, 4 quarters. Lot No. 4 and improvements, F. J. Champion; Trustee, 4 quarters. Lot No. 6 and improvements, Estate Augustus Bonaud, G quarters. Lot No. 9 and improvements, J. 11. Graybiil, 4 quarters. Lot No. 10 and Improvements, J. 11. Graybiil, 4 quarters. Lot No. 21 and improvements, Estate Julian Rousseau, 6 quarters. Lot No. 26 and improvements, B. J. AVilson, 4 quarters. Lot No. 29 and improvements, James John ston, 4 quarters. CHARLTON. Lot No. 1 and improvements, Francis Mcln tire, 4 quarters. Lot No. 2 and improvements, Francis Mclu tire, 4 quarters. South half Lot No. 14 and improvements, Su san E. George and children, 5 quarters. Northwest one-eighth Lot No. 23 and improve ments, David Bailey, G quarters. South half Lot No. 23 and improvements, Su san E. George and children, 5 quarters. Northwest one-quarter Lot No. 24 and Im provements, David Bailey, 6 quarters. Lot No. 33 and improvements, Dr. J. B. Read, Trustee, 4 quarters. North half Lot No. 35 and improvements, Dr. J. B. Read, Trustee, 4 quarters. West half Lot No. 25 and improvements, M. T. Quinan, 9 quarters. CHATHAM. Lot No. 3 and improvements, Christopher White, 8 quarters. East two-third Lot No. 10 and improvements, Mary A. Bradley, 4 quarters. COLUMBIA. Lot No. 5 and improvements, John Feeley, G quarters. Lot No. 10 and improvements, Miss E. Baric, 4 quarters. Lot No. 15 and improvements, Mrs. L. E. Fos. ter, 4 quarters. West half Lot No. 20 and improvements, M. G. Fnrguson and children, 4 quarters. South hall Lot No. 24 and improvements, 1,. J. B. Fairchild, 6 quarters. Lot No. 38 and improvements, W. B. Adams, Trustee, G quarteis. CRAWFORD. North half lot No. 13 and improvements, Michael Scanlan, 7 quarters. Sonth half lot No. 13 and improvements, Win Symons, 6 quarters. Lot No. 25 and improvements, E. C. Johnston and children, 5 quarters. Lot No. 26 and improvements, E. C. Johnston and children, 5 quarters. Lot No. 27 and improvements, E. C. JoUnston and children, 5 quarters. Lot No. 43 and improvements, Jas. T. Buck ner, G quarters. Lot No. 44 and improvements, Jas. T. Buck-, ner, 6 quarters. Lot No. 65 and improvements, estate Horace Gillum, 4 quarters. Lot No. 68 and improvements, trustee Mrs. Lama, 4 quarters. ELBERT. AA'est half lot No. 31 and improvements, Geo, M. Willett, 4 quarters. East half lot No. 31 and improvements, J. G. Mehrtens, 4 quarters. FORSYTII. Lot No. 3 and improvements, Geo. T. Nichols and wife, 4 quarters. Lot No. 51 and improvements, William Hone, 4 quarters. Lot No. 55 and improvements, W. 11. Baker, 4 quarters. Lot No. 57 and improvements, Malcolm McLean, 5 quarters. Lot No. 69 and improvements, Lamar i King, 7 quarters. NEW FRANKLIN. West hall lot No. 1 and improvements, F. J. Champion, trustee, 4 quarters. Lot No. 2 and improvements, F. J. Champion, trustee, 4 quarters. GREENE, Lot No. 2 and improvements, Mrs. M. A, Dent, 7 quarters. Lot No. 14 and improvements, Thomas Maloney, 5 quarters. Nortli half lot No. 25 anil improvements, J. D. Shehan, trustee, 4 quarters. JACKSON. Sonth half Lot No. 20 and improvements, trustee, Mrs. Lama, 4 quarters. Lot No. 30 and improvements, csls’e John Schley, 4 quarters. JASPER. Lot No. 9 and improvements, F. J. Champion, trustee, 4 quarters. Lot No. 21 and improvements. F. J. Cham pion, trustee, 5 quarters. LLOYD. Lot No. 6, P. 11. Mallette, G quarters. Lot No. 30 and improvements, Est. M. Lowen thall, 4 quarters. Lot No. 31, Est M. Lowenthal, 4 quarters. Lot No. 32, John Collier, administrator, G quarters. Lot N0.39 and improvements, J. L. Iloumiiiat, 7 quarters. Lot No. 42, Est M. Loweuthall, 4 quarters. Lot No. 43, Est M. Lowenthal), 4 quarters. Lot No. 44 and improvements, Hamlet A- Bailey, 7 quarters. Lot No. 47, Est M. Lowenthal], 4 quarters. Lot No. 50, Est M. Lowenthall, 4 quarters. Lot No. 52 and improvements, AVm. H. Tur ner, 4 quarters. Lot No. 55 and improvements, estate Terence Nugent, 4 quarters. East half Lot No. 62 and improvements, Ann C. Dixon, G quart: rs. Lot No. 75 and improvements, W. P. Mc- Kenna, 4 quarters. LAFAYETTE. West half Lot No. 1 and improvements, Thos, McGrath, 4 quarters. Lot No. 21 and improvements, F. J. Cham pion, trustee, 4 quarters. Lot No. 22 and improvements, F. J. Cham pion, trustee, 4 quarters. Lot No. 42 and improvements, James H. John ston, 4 quarters. LIBERTY’. Lot No. G and improvements, estate W. A. Thomas, 6 quarters. Lot No. Sand improvements, Dr. F. Y’. Clark, 4 quarters. Lot No. 9 and improvements, Dr. F. Y’. Clark, 4 quarters. Lot No. 10 and improvements, Dr. F. Y. Clark, 4 quarters. Lot No. 23 and improvements, trustee, Mrs. Lama, 4 quarters. Southeast fraction Lot No. 24, Henry Hyam, G quarters. East half Lot No. 2G and improvements, JO3 Myers, Phdadelphia, 4 quarters. South half Lot No. 29 and improvements, Est Carl Craft, 7 quarters. MONTEREY’. West half lot No. 8 and improvements, Mrs. S. P. Ball, 6 quarters. Lot No. 41 and improvements, Jas. H. John ston, 4 quarters. Lot No. 42 and improvements, Jas. H. John ston, 4 quarters. PULASKI. Lot No. 37 and improvements, estate W. A. Thomas, 8 quarters. STEPHENS. Lot No. 16 and improvements, Airs. Mary C. AA’ilkins, 5 quarters. Lot No. 44 and improvements, Mrs. Augusta F. Wayne, 7 quarters. Lot No. 74, Thos. P. Robb, 5 quarters. TROUP. Lot No. 4 and improvements, Airs. A'. Baric, 5 quarters. Lot No. 15 and improvements, C. E. Barie, 7 quarters. Lot No. 2S and improvements, John Kenny, trustee, Kenny, G quarters. AVest half lot No. 32 and improvements, Brag don & Segur, G quarters. AA’ARREN. Lot No. 4 and improvements, estate Mary Cullen, 5 quarters. AV’ASHINGTON. South half lot No. 29 and improvements, Den nis Reordau, 4 quarters. East Half lot No. 30 and improvements, Airs. Thos. Cooney, S quarters. AVESLEY. Lot No. l and improvements, Jas. K. John ston, 4 quarters. Lot No. 2 and improvements, Jas. 11. John stou, 4 quarters. AVest half lot No. 10 and improv meiUs .F. ' . Stone, trustee. 7 quarters. Lot No. 15 ami improvements, estate -A. Bo naud. Sr., G quarters. GEO. AV. STILES, fehl-td City Mars'eil. Conklin’s Premium Butter, JN SMALL PACKAGES FOR FAMILY l “ and for shipping, at .8. B. GUODAi-i., . feh3 A’-o. I ll BA' BMICMS r THIRTEEN THOUSAND EASTERN HAIGI JL BRICKS, suitable for- paving purposes, landed from schooner A. E. Cliase, lroih Maine, to fir,r WILDER A CO. THE ATLANTIC PAPER COMPANY j is NOW PREPARED TO FILL ORDERS FOR Straw Wrapping Paper. ALL StZBS CONSTANTLY ON HAND. RICHARDSON ft BARN i jan2s-tl • ‘