Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, November 13, 1820, Image 3

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. anil static, trsoWcl»« the Arf-SUSEngland, admitted even court, actually rolun « Sawurn attestation o» * eer f? h Twe nty yeara have rolled over 5°° d -nr7and vet the same foul charge adultery, sustained not aj before by the i‘J b le fabrication, of Englishmen, but fttercd by the tobitod invention «f It* a i, u ;jht to be affixed is the even ]'*TJher life, in the face of a generous ne'onle 1 A kind of eacnmental i/wiS packed and assorted cargo ot ill affidavits has been 1 " from Italy to Westminister; that “ pound, of .he people’s money paid the pedlar who selected the *2^ ‘Hd with this infected freight, , JhS Should have performed quarantine T it vomited its moral pestilence a 6ffoi u.. the Queen of England is to be Attainted? It cannot be. * - we have given much, very much indeed, to foreigners, but we will not con- ZZe to them the bard earned pnnc.ples •British justice. If i« not to be endur *• "hat two acquittals should be followed hv a third experiment ; that when the •no-lish testament has failed, an Italian* ESS *» fl! b ' pe r"il *° 5 ,. 11 “ t •hen people of character here have been Tisrredited, others should be rcctuited who have no character any where - ; but a love all it is intolerable, that a defence Ws woman should pass her life in endless •erudition, with one trial in swift succcs- Jon following another, in the hye per la-is, that her noble heart which has defi proof should perish in the torture of eternal accusation. Send back, then, to i ta iv, those alien adventurer.: the t n d of their birth, .nd the habit, oftheir Kves, alike unfit them for an >■ nglish court of justice ” There is no spark of free- x 1(l1 __no grace of religion—no sense of morils in their degenerate soil. Rlfemin ate in manners; sensual from their cra dles; crafty, venal, and officious; natural ized to crime; outcasts of credulity ; they have seen from their infancy their court y bagnio; their very churches scenes of dai a, assassination!; their faith it form; their marriage ceremony a mere mask for the most incestuous intercourse ; gold is the God before which they prpstrate every impulse of their nature. “ A auri sacra tames! quid non mortajla pectora cogis!” the one.- indignant exclamation of their antiquity, has become the, maxim oftheir jnodern practice. No nice extreme a true Itnlton knows; But, bid him go to Hell—to hell he goes. Away with them *ny where from us; they cannot live in England, they will die in the purity of it. moral hemisphere. Mean while, during this accursed scru tiny, even while the legal blood-hounds were on the scent, the last dear stay which bound her to the world parted, the Pnn qisi Charlotte died! I will not h.rrow up a father's feelings, by dwelling on this dreadful recollection. The poet says, fist even grief finds comfort in society, and England wept with you. But, oh, find! what must have been that, hapless mother’s misery, when first the dismal tidings came upon her!—The darling •hild over whose cradle she had shed so many tears; whose lightest look was trea sured in her memory; who mid the world’s frown, still smiled upon her; the fy\r and lovely lower, which when her orb was quenched in tears, lost not its filial, its divine fidelity! It was blighted in its JWossom; its verdant stem was withered! and in a foreign land she heard it, and alone —no, no, not quite alone. The Mv! midons ofßritish hate were rsund her. when her heart’s salt ter. were blind fay her, a German Nobleman was plunder tng her letters. Bethink you, Sire, if that fair paragon of daughters lived, would England’s heart be wrung with this en quiry ? Oh ? she would have torn the dia •mods from her brow, and dashed caHi toyal mockery to the earth, and rushed Adore the people not in a Monarch’s but in nature’* majesty —a child appealing for her persecuted mother! and God, would bless the and man would hallow’ it and every little infant in the land whoa mother's warm tear upon her check, Would turn by instinct to that sacred sum mons Your daughter, in hep shroud, is set alive , Sire—her spirit is amongst us— it rose iintcmbed when her poor mother landed—it walks amid the people—it has left the angels, to protect a parent. The theme is sacred, and I will not sully »t; 1 will not recapitulate the griefs, and, Worse than grid*, the little, pitiful delibe late insults which are burning on every tongue in England. Every hop l - blighted r—every friend discountenanced—her kind ted in their grave; her declared innocence made but the herald to a more cruel accu '‘cr two trials followed b; a third, . third on the same charge—her Royal Caracter insinuated away by German pick. and Italian conspirators—herdivorce ught by an extraordinary procedur ipon grounds untenable before anv usual «ay or ecclesiastical tribunal—her name “!* X ® r ased fyom the Liturgy—her na a rights as a mother disregarded, and vr evil rights as a Queen sought to he exterminated! and all this-all. because She dared to touch the sacred soil of liber imni- j°*V , atle not herself, an h.‘Jjrlj ad: dterejs! because she would not ami lU,<> Rn aD andonment of herself l she lu f enf ‘ I ' o,ls country over which E re 'S n t .nd to which and the m! k° u nd by the most tender ties, , • indelible obligations Yes le s! r.hl. C ra^ n ‘ ficcncei which hound her hv yc °’', d p " ,cure for her . offered so i ho u affeCt Buch t'b’erness chltract «r,snd such devo Kiev tho.Krh.T >Ur of .. y °' ,r Uo - val bcd ’ If darling ?"***’ —treason T r a ‘‘ ouMe treason kouor tIL yo " r W o9 *’ t( > whose tZI C(Mn P rom iaed— treason to th- h 1 But ,1?* m °* ey U,ey t’" l9 prostrat- Uiinrg If! , P llp,,ed the infamous tern to' Atl 6 - Wa * "»'«• S'"-* was right V.T n „ 'L e ;,r ,aliuble ftcc,l *crs! even wit.!, srhmm y ’ ne y.- r WM victim cent, to be not nl?t c ° nsc * unce I believe her gent o,j her b* j* , e * evil ' cs coin‘B c '* * n,i Which BhaJl "«* crifTie ’ b "‘ • third tim, ! ,p i « f adultery, now for was right herlf U,C c d ap ' ainat her. She V «ber Lnr.? 1 " f . ,he c "‘'t, which 4nf with : n, and all-buoy fling bp aveiv o wav ""' i»- »"’• trot. i.\' l>"—Bril- i Dirit ? ? her flu JT. «nd Mr-,ns ? m 18 hcr Flot-May the Al- tfeni the Boyd! Teasel triumphant into harbor! Sire, I am almost done; I have touched hut slightly on your Queen*, misfortunes —I have contracted the volume of her miseries to a page, and if upon that page one word offend yon, impute it to my zeal nut my intention. Accustomed all my lile to speak the simple truth, 1 offer t‘ with feurlesis hopcsty to my Sovereign. You are in a difficult—it may be in a most perilous emergency. Banish from your court the sycophants who abuse you; surround your palace with approv. ing multitudes, not with armed tnercena narics. Other crowns may be bestowed by despot, and entrenched by cannon, but, Tire throne we honor i. the people’s choice. Its bulwark is the popul.r heart, and its brightest ornament domestic virtue. — Forget not also, there is a throne which is above even the throne of England— where flatterers cannot oome-where kings are scepterless. The vows you made are written in language brighter than,, the sun, and in the course of nature, you must soon confront them; prepare the way by effacing now, each seeming slight, and fancied injury; and when you answer the last awful trumpet, be your answer this:—“ GOD, I FORGIVE,—I HOPE TO BE FORGIVEN.” But, if against al) policy, and all im munity, and all religion, you should hearken to the counsels which further countenance this unmanly persecution, then must I appeal not to you,' but to your parliament. I appeal to the sacred prelacy of England, whether the holy vows which their high church adminis tered# have been* kept towards this illus trious lady—whether the hand of man should have erased her from that page, with which it is worse than blasphemy in man to interfere—whether, as heaven’s vice gerent., they will not abjure the sordid passions of the earth, imitate the inspired humanity of their Saviour, and. Tike Him, protect a persecuted creature from the insatiate fangs of ruthless, bloody, & untir ing accusation ! I appeal t* the hereditary peerage of the realm whether they will aid this levelling denunciation of their Queen—whether they will exhibit the unseem'- spectacle of illustrious rank and royal lineage de graded for the crime of Claiming its inhe ritance ; whether they will hold a sort of civil crimination, where the accused is en titled to the mercy of an impeachment, or whether they will say with their immor tal ancestors; « We will not tamper with the laws of England ?” I appeal t* the ermined, independent j'udg ei, whether lifeto be ihade a perpetual indictment—whether two acquittals should not discountenance a third experiment whether, if any subject suitor came to their tribunal thus circumstanced, clai.iiing eith * divorce or compensation, they would grant bis suit, and I invoke from them, by the eternal of British justice the same measure for the peasant and the prince ? I appeal to the Common* in parliament assembled representing the fathers and the husbands of the nation—l beseech them by the outraged morals of the land!—by the overshadowed dignity of the throne by the holiest and tenderest forms of re ligion !—by the honour of the army, the sanctity of the church, the safety of the state, & the character*f the country! you by the solemn virtues which consecrated their hearths! by those fond endearments of nature and of habits which attach them to their cherished wives and fmi lies, I implore their tears, their protection, knd heir pity upon the married widow and he childless mother! To those high powers and authorities! appeal with the firmest confidence in their •*onor, their integrity, and their wisdom, vlay their conduct justify my faith, and raise no blush on the cheek of our posteri ty. 1 have the honor to subscribe myself Sire. Your Majesty's most faithful subject CHARLES PHILLIPS. APftPlftTA. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13. CCr“RicaMO*D" will he attended to in our next. Circumstances, over which we had no controul, hare delayed the ap pearance of his communication. Since the publication of the Governor's Massage, we have received no further in telligence from Milledgeville. It is said that considerable discontent prevails to wards the Penitentiary system under its present organization: and that it is ptob able, material changes will be made in its code of penal laws. For our own part, we have long entertained an opinion that tire penal code of Georgia could be consider ably improved, without receiving any es sential injury The Editor of the Chronicle with whom the Editor of the Savannah Republican had a “convemii .n” onthe subject of the Vin ' dietitian of Secretary Crawford, is at pre sent absent. On hi. return wc feel pretty well assured that he will satisfactorily ex plain the nature of that conversation, how ever amalgamated it may have been. The Editor of the Republican admits diat a vindication of, the kind is on hand ; but says, he “understands that Mr. Craw -1 ford has expressed a wish, that no answer should be made to any part of the book” (i e. Governor Clark’s charges) “ which relate to him.” And thereby concludes, that it is “quite problematical if the de fence is ever laid before the public.” Are we to understand from this expression, tha' the Republican means, no vindication is necessary f„. If so, “’fore God” we can only say, that Queen Caroline, alack ? has more substantial ground for complaint than 1 has been generally conceded to her. r 1 ■ ~ ~ ■—■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ - ; IViCfeg Curt tut. 1 r*~— r cottox 12}n13} ■ Do. H vgivq 23 a2» i Yuatcuo , <tn42 st'ttin 11 a 13 0 .ALT 85 • none 500 co«* ,37} a 50 MEAt .50 a 61 3 !• corriTS ‘ 4(J a32 Edttd. J. Burdin & Co. Are low reoly to iqpply thiir Gusto* ruera with almost any article of Drj Goods, Cutlery, Hardware, and groceries At Whole Sale or Retail, on accommo dating Term ». ALSO, 1 Just BectireJ CASES Fashionable Straw Bonnets, l j r sale cheap bv the case. November 13 fit ’JjJvj) BUSHELS CORN, Just Re ceived, ami for sale by L. C. Can! clou, Co. November 13 It 8 10 Reward. StIUYKO or stolen on Tuesday night 7th Nov from the wharf in Augusta, a Soritel Horse, of the following description, blind with tlje left eye, snip ' on the nose, small star on the forehead, and the right hind foot white up to the footlock, he is a short round bodied horse, with a short swich tail about 10 years old. Whoever will take up said horse and send him to his owner, or give) informa tion so he can He regain’d shall receive the above reward *nd all reasonable charges paid. Apply to the subscriber at the Steam Boat Office. Washington Lamar, November IS it* m Georgia, Lincoln. nv " “ HERF.AS, James Wadsworth has applied for letters of administration on the Estate and Effects of Ruth WilHtm son, late of this county deceased These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said Ruth Williamson, dsceus cd, to be and appear at my office williin the time allowed by law, to shew cause, if any they ha e, why said letters of ad ministration should no,t be granted. Given under my hand this ninth day of November, 1820. William Harper, o c o. Nov 13 v Georgia, Lincoln HERBAB, John Me Kinney has ap plied for letters of Administration on tkr Estate and effects of Zachariah McKinney late of this county decaaSed These are therefore to cite and ad monish all and singnlar the kindred and creditors of said Zachariah Me Kinney de ceased, to be and appear at my office within the time allowed by law, to shew cause, if any they have, why said letters* of administration should not be granted Given under my hand this ninth day of November, 1820. William Harper, c c o. Nov 13 , Having disposed of my interest in the Es'ablishment of ’*e AUGUSTA CHRONICLE SI (iEOR OTA GAZETTE, to Mr. J K At Charlton, the subscriber tenders his best thanks to the community fcr the patron age he hat hitherto enjoyed, and ear nestly recommends his friend to their consideration; »E.YJAAfTN T. DUYCKINCK. November 11 AUCTION. n Tuesday th« 14th inst At 10 o’clock, W\\\ be rm\d, Before the Olohe-Tavern, nilhout reserve.- & PIPES Holland Gin. 3 do. Northern do 1 Hhd. Jamaica Hum, and 20 Bbis. Mackerel. aiso, 20 Pieces fine and super Broadcloths 10 do 3U4 Drab do 30 do coarse and fine Cassimcret 30 do Silk Stripe Toileneltes 10® fine Cassimere Shawls, 30 dozen black worsted Hos© 15 do Lamb’s wool half do 100 lbs Scotch sewing Thread Leno and Cambric Muslins, Ice. Together with a number of other arti cles in the Dry Good and Grocery line. Terms at the sale. I sham Thompson, AUCTIONEER. November 7———tds AUCTION. n Tuesday the iMh inst. WILL BE SOLD, C Before the Globe Tavern. J BB Pieces CO’ITON BAGGING, Without reserve, Sale to Commence at 12 o’clock. Terms Cash. Isham Thompson, AUCTIONEER. November, 11.— (D* Wanted Imracdiatc y, at this Office, two Journeymen Prin ters. Vjh° understand their business November 7-—— * TO BEN'L A. TENEMENT (No. 4) in Bridge Row for particulars apply to the Subscriber. James Johnson, sen. October® Cl t nr McmtAH ware • Mayor of (he City of Au gnsta. A PROCLAMATION. T ». ME signal manifestation of good ies* and leader mercy, towards life Inhabitant# of this City and in vicinity, during Jht past bummer and present Autumn, de mands public testimonials of gratitude and obligation to the Great Author©f all the blessings Unit we enjoy.—Wnen w. look around us and surrey the nudanclio ’>' mortality which disease of the most irm ligy.ant type lias visited upon our fellow , citizens, and especially on the inhabitants of die city of Savanna!,, (fur whose afflic tions and suffering* nil the sympathy of j . our nature has been enlisted) we'can hut feel a deep serge of gratitude fur the . health which the citizens of our City and »• vicinity, have been permitted to en joy; audit is considered proper and high ly becoming, that this .community shouhl. in an exemplary manner, testify their acknowledgements for this gracious dis pentation of Providence 1 do there fore by virtue of a Resolution of the City Council of Augusta, issue this my Proclamation, recommending tliat WED NESDAY, the 15tli inst. beset apart and observed l.i tins City and its vicinity, as .a Day of Public Humiliation, Tka»hojfMnq and Praya —and the respective Churches i of this place are desired to assemble .h©c* Congregations on that day, ami perfo; iti Divine Worship suited to the solemnity of the occasion—and the citizens arc respcct fnlly inv ted to abstain from till secular em ployments during a day that should be : consecrated io religious purposes. , Nicholas Ware. By the Mayor , D Clank, c. c. REMOVAL. f HE subscriber respectfully infbrm* his customers and the public, that he has tak en the brick store directly opposite his former residence, where he oilers for sale od General Assortment of II \TS And Military Goods, On the lowest irms, for Cash, or town acceptances. J. Barry. Octoker 24 »-6t Fresh and Fashionable Just RECEIVED, and for Sale, foi Caek only ) at the Store of Dimoek $ Marsh, Opporite City. Ifoti f. • October s——lßt iCVRa Isham Thompson. Offers his services to his friends and ■ public in the Auction £sf Commission Bu siness. lie occupies the stand lately held b Ihompsunand Black, where all favours will be received and duly attended to. November 7 Dissolution. .HE Co-partnership heretofore exist ing between the subscribers, under the. firm of Tmompsos a Black, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having demands against said firm will present them to James A. Black fur settlement, and persons in ar rears, will make immediate payment to the same, who is duly authorised to settle the business of said concern ISHAM THOMPSON, JAMES A. BLACK. November 7 3t&w3t Notice. JOHN CASUITT. Has remo.ed liia .tore to the upper ei .d of Broad-street, opposite to the Plan ters Hotel. Where he offers for sale a choice assortment of Liquors, Wines, SI Groceries, London Porter, Salt, Iron, Sec. London Duffle, Point and Rose, Negro Jackets and Trowsers, Coarse ivhoes, &,c. With many other articles suitable for the present season, all of which he will sell at fair prices, for Cash or produce. November 11——w6w N B Orders for Lumber, left at the store will be attended to with punctuality NtrriCK.’ KjAKAWAY from the Subscriber, some ( time in January last, a NEGRO WOMAN named Hannah, (but will perhaps, call herself Army or Nancy;) about forty years of age; nothing remarkable by which she j can be known. She will, perhaps, on in- i tcrogation, say she belongs to Skelton, i Stallings, or Culberson. She left home * in January last. Any person who will , give the subscriber, or Wm Lamkin, (sheriff of Richmond county,) intelligence of her, will receive a liberal reward. Wm. H. Bay, Administrator of C. Culberson, dec’d. November 11 3t dy'The Editors of the Georgia Journal J are requested to give the above two in serlions, and forward their accounts to 1 Greeusborough Pest Office for payment. ' ■— » 1 *** We are authorized to announce ANSELM BUGG Esq. as a candi late for the office of Receiver of Pax Returns, for Kicbmoud county, at the ensuing election. November ijl tfe JNOiICK. EDNESDAY next the 15th in* taut being set apart for Religious devotion, tlita office will not lie open lor business; >. ? scquently, persons having note* oraccep tances to pay on that day are hereby nOtr fied that such must be paid on Tuesday* the clay preceding. William Jonos, cashier. Novrnnbcr 13, It. ; ■■ Bunk of A.ugu*ta, Tuesday, 14/A November.l H2O. 0O“ To-morrow (the 15(h) being U«k day appo'iited liy the City Council of Ay» gnsia, to be observed as a day of lilt* initiation, Thanksgiving and Prayer; and it general suspension of business being recommended-—this Hank will be closed: All paper due to-morrow, must be paid (his .lay, Augustus Moore, Cushion. November 13 J Private Boarding House. Mrs. SANDWICH has opened a Pri vaf. Hoarding House on the corner of Washington and Ellis Streets, in tho .Tenement formerly occupied by Mr. Oli ver Reid. Young I.adies from the country can be comfortably accommodated, N n*e ■ her 13 ft’ 11IIE Copartnership hitherto existing, .between the Subscribers under the firm cf Hi xtinotow, & Huhuill, was dis solved oo the first inst, by mutual consent all those indebted to or having demand* against the firm are requested to call on J. Rumll who is duly authorized te settle tlyt. same. i i» Richard Runtinirtoa,. O i John, Burrill, November 13, 2w. To W\e, Vu\j\\c7 ** THE Undersigned take this method toy inform their friends and the publiq, ,(»at they continue to transact Rasims* st their WARE HOUSE in AUGUSTA,*. S*iiSiro3i^ AND VJomm\sßum .Merchants, Their WARE HOUSE and STOHE\ S are in good order for the rece/ition if Merchandize and Country Produce; And they intend to give their undivided attention to the business, and hope by in. dustry and prompt attention to all orders, to give general satisfaction to those wh* may favour them with their custom. McLaws Holt. OCT 'The Washington News, Greensb** rough Selector, and Milledgeville Journal and Recorder, ate requested to publish the above 8 times, and nirward their ac'tag t( this office f it* pa meat. _ Sept. 9 ..w> ilolcoMbe 45 i'acker, itiETURNS thanks to their friends and • i public for past services and assure all hose who think proper to favor them with theirhurinessthe ensuing season, ilia no ekertinns on their part shall be wanting to give satisfacti , THEIM WA R E ll 0 VH E roa thk bkl'f.ptioii or Cotton # MftfcTaanAiit, Are in complete order and in a central part of the city They will attend to re ceiving and forward GOODS to thein friends in the up country, and all Business in the COMMISSION LINK. October 14 4t vr female .Academy , and Mrs. Wms will open the®, Academj for Young Ladies in Augu.tu on the first Monday in December” (i m no. diately after the close of their present engagement as principals of the Po we I tow Academy) in Mr DANFORTH’a School Room on Reynolds street, Beside the omnus CLamsTssr branch es of Female Education, the course instruction will comprehend Logic, Rite, tone, Moral and Natural Philosophy, „f th* Human Mind, &c. kc.—also, should it b* wished, the Latin, and Greek Language. Terms of Tuition will depend upon the branches studied, and may be known bw application at the Augusta Book-store, where an opportunity may betaken of en tering scholars until the number proposed is filled up. Every proper attention will be given t» the conduct and deportment of young L*> dies from the country, who may be placed under their charge during the winter and spring—who, also, beside the usual in* st ruction of the school, may receiae th# instructions of masters in Music, Orawium and the French Language. October 28, —— FUU tiALK.~ * A. HOUSE and Lot, situated in tkt Healthiest part of this city. The Houew is divided into two tenements, each ten* ment having five rooms and a piazzal and all out buildings required to esch. withs, Por Particularsenqiuifc November 7—.— w2jr notice: Ai.L persona indebted to the late dim* E H. BILLINGS, & Co. are requested to make immediate payment to the subscrir her, who on a surrender of the effects qf the firm by A C. Hillings one of the Pat ti »s was appointed assignee by the CredK tors and is the only person authorised t. receive the debts due said firm. * JOHN C. SNBA», Aoetgne*. November, B—lm Blanks * . FwSsUat this Offiaqi .