Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1820-1821, October 05, 1821, Image 4

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v m*,.-. % NATION At WOBS. PROPOSALS JB r JOHN M. SANDERSON, or ratuoupflu. For publishing by Subscription, a Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. BY JOHN SANDERSON. HEN we consider the personal qual yj ities of the statesmen who were as associated in the Congress of the United States, and whose name* are affixed to the Declaration'of.lndependence, the perilous occasion which dennanded the exercise of their wisdom and deliberations, and the influence of their councils on the interests •of mankind, we must acknowledge, that very rarely a more imposing and magnifi cent spectacle has been exhibited to the world; and we shall«cek in vain, in the annals of nations, for an event more wor thy of commemoration, or of being cher ished forever in the hearts of a grateful ’& generous people. The love of indepen dence is interwoven with the frame and constitution of the human mind. It is al most the first sentiment that animates the* infant's features in the cradle, and amongst all the actions and enterprizes of man, has awakened into activity a greatei exertion of the virtuoua energies of his nature, none has excited a greater warmth of veneration, and has more imperious claims upon our gratitude, than resistance to tyranny and political oppression. In those republican states which have been the admiration of the world, the fin* tribute of genius was paid to the patriot and hero who promoted the cause of liber ty, and maintained the independence anc dignity as man. The animated canvas, •and the breathing marble snatched his features from the grasp of death, and the historian inscribed his name and achieve, menu in the imperishable records of fame. It would indeed be no favorable presage of the perpetuity of our republican insti tutions to discover an insensibility to the obligations we owe to the members of the Illustrious patrons of the American free dom. They advanced us, by their mag nanimity, from the inglorious state of co tonial subjection, and from the arbitrary dominion of a foregn power, to the dis tinguished elevation of a sovereign and in dependent people; they asserted, and maintained the imprescritible rights of hu manity, by the “ mutual pledge of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred ho ■nor,” and as long as virtue holds her em pire in the hearts of their successors, the example df these generous benefactors will not be lost to the world, their names will not pass away nor be forgotten, or their glorious deeds be confounded in the common and casual transactions of life.— Ingratitude is a vice that in nations, as Well aa individuals, indicates the last de jrree of degeneracy and corruption. It ia A vice implies the absence of every vir trie; it was in the age of Caligula that the nanie of the Scipios was prescribed and the statute of Brutus brought death npon its possessor. ‘•The glory of our ancestors is the light Vjf posterity,” and the homage of the Tiv Ing cannot be offered to the merits of the illustrious dead with an ineficlual or ste rile admiration. Great and splendid ac tions will seldom be achieved by men who tjpvc humble or ordinary objects in pros pect It is by contemplating the lives and Wharaclers of those who are marked out ■from the multitude by their eminent qual Ides, that we become emulous of their virtues and their renown. It is by read ing the history of their renew n.—lt is by nailing the himory of their generous and noble actions, that sympathetic emotions are excited in the heart, and by a reitera tion of such feelings, that grandeur of sen time ut, dignity and elevation of character, Mid habits of virtue are generated and confirmed.- Lycugua clad in armour the fUtutes cf Ibc gods, that even in their de votions, the cititens of Sparta might have the images of war before their eyes; ob serving well that the disposition of the (hind, like a limb of the bouy, was invigo fated by exercise and activity. “He in terwove,” says Plutarch, “ the praise ol virtue and the contempt es vice in all theii pursuits and recreation, and by these arti they were possessed with a thirst of honor an enthusiasm bordering on insanity, am ■bad not a wish for their country.” Th« trophies of Miltiades interrupted tin rieep of Themiatocles; and I'hesus, ir listening to the exploits of Herculus, wai fired with his spirit, and became the sue cessful rivsl ot bis fame. The uncultivat ed savage catches the Ham? of emulatioi from the deeds of his ancestors, and hangs bis hut with tha emblems of his father*i t)lor. More need not be said to enforce the Utility of the publication we have under* taken, and which we now submit to the patronage of our fellow’ citizens. CONDITIONS. The work will be published in 8 vol lames, at intervals of six mouths snd de livered to subscribers at $2 50 per volume in boards, 3 00 do. bound in sheep, plain 350 do. do. in calfi plain 363 do. do. do. gilt. |ftt will contain upwards of 30 portraits, engraven by Mr. James B. Loagocre, a< J fac-siinilit'B of the signatures, helices a number of allegorical cmbdltsi »ents.— The paper and printing will 1 1 of the Gat .quality, and every exertio < laed to make it, as it should be, a Nation «. Work The first vriumeri now published, and {ibmiurd Msi specimen of the work.— houhl soy of the succeeding ones prove Inferior, subscribers will be at liberty to Withdraw their names. OLy Subscriptions <c th absve viork vrii -6c recet'jeJ ut t/us office, and at the Plan ter Ho I. May 17— W AMU> UTON t uffee-Uouse. THE ihscrib.-r having greatly impro v-d, aid still adding considerable itnprov' m>:v* to his HOUSE in Washing ton, invites the patronage cf those who tnay v, s t he up country He assures •ueh as may tuvor h\m with tneir call*, that every exertion shall be made to render the time agreeable, and »very delicacy Which the country can afford, shall be pro surcd, to render bis board acceptable. A, U. Sneed. Wj 13 ts jl t Pno3PP.CTU3r : OX , 1 ANetciflaper, to be published in t\tr Mobile, Alabama, TTHXIKK THE VITLB OT TO* Mobile Commercial Register.. THE rising importance of the State ot Alabama; its progress in wealth and Respectability, in which its sea ports so largely participate, notwithstanding the severity of the times; ■ its many advantages, both as to commerce and agriculture; and its consequent increasing weight in tne great national scale,—are circumstances which cannot but be viewed with peculiar 1 interest, by those holding frequent and I profitable intercourse with (he state, as well as by its resident citizens, and Justi -1 ty the anticipation that another commer-i dal paper, if properly conducted, will meet with the necessary patronage, at least -to preserve its existence. Under these circumstances, and cncou raged 'by the solicitations and assurances of friends in the several parts of this as well as in other states, the subscribers venture to dffer their services to their friends and the public, as editors of a new journal, princi lly relying on the exer cise of their commercial experience in one department, and that of their industry in another, to render the publication useful and amusing to their mercantile and agri cultural friends. The advantages of a well regulated press in desseminating useful information; in inculcating salutary principles, in bringing into notice new sections of coun try, and disclosing tlieir resources,—nave been too often and too ably discussed to require further comment. JONATHAN BATTELLB. JOHN W. TOWNSEND. Montgomery, August 1, 1821. TEBMB. The Cdwwsbcul Rboisteh will be pub listed on a large tuper-roy al sheet, City paper twice a week during eight months, and once a week during four months in the year, at Eight Dollars, payable half in advance. Country paper once a week, of (he same sire, to contain all the news and now advertismenls published in the city paper, will be mail at Three Dollars, payable before the first number is issued: Four Dollars, il paid within six months; or Five Dollars, at the ■ end of the year. djf’ The first number will appear as ear ly as practicable after the Ist of November next. A Proclamation, • By his Excellency THOMAS KEN » NETT, Governor and Common der in Chief , in and over the State of Bourh-Curolina. ! Where as, at a Court of General , Sessions, held in and for the District of Ban.well, JOHN ANTHONY the elder, . Was convicted of the wilful and deliberate murder of Elias Mohoan, and sentenced , (o have been executed on the 25th of May last, but was subsequently respited until t (he 271 hof July. And, whereas the said convict did, on . the night of the 20lh July, (having previ . ously disguised himself in the-dress of his Wife,who was permitted to visit him)elude the vigilance of the Jailor, and escap from the custoday ufthc Sheriff of said p District; Now therefore,that Public jnstice t be fully vindicated, that the said John An* | thonv be subjected’to the penalty incur r red for his offence, 1 have thought proper i , to issue this my Proclamation, hereby y offering a Reward of TWO HUNDRED j DOLLARS, (R200) to any person or per s suns who shall apprehend the said John ~ Anthony, and deliver him ’into the *ousto dy of any Sheriff within th.s State. The said John Anthony is about five feet six or seven inches -high, sharp vis c age small black eyes, emaciated from, long confinement, an' l apparently much e dejected; he is about fifty eight years of age, stoops consideraoiy and isbowleg e ged- Given under my hand and the seal of State, at Charleston, this tenth ,f day of August, in the year of our i r Lord one tliousand eight hunched t g and twenty one, an the forty sixth r> year of the independence of the d United States of America ic \(L. S.J Tbo: Bennett. 11 By the Governor, is B. T- WATTS, Secretary of State. t" Found, n £ > s SOMETIME since, a Red Morocco * Pocket Book, containing Receipts and money—other valuable properly to the e owner. It is supposed to belong to a Mr. ’* Stephen Lyles, of Columbia County. The c owner can have it by paying fo r this Ad vertisement. July 19 if Wanted to Purchase, A Comfortable MOUSE and LOT. or« vacant Lot, situated in a centre I part of 11 the city. A liberal payment would be made tnridvance, and indisputable securi ty given for the balance, at short time.— •» For fm-tlur particulars, enquire at the ■1 Chronicle office 8 August 23—ts e 3Vi itaWovs a AN AAVDY from my plantation in Pti- Li. taskt county, on Wednesday last, a 1 Mulatto Fellow by the name of : N*ku, ~ -ho elk him-.lf NKI. M’RAY—h.l.l bon* 24 yeaia of age, of middle size, has i. a broad face, pretty large mouth, & busily . hati—as he took a number of clothes with him, I cannot describe his dress. I have no doubt but he haa procured a pass of some kind, and may possibly change his name. I purchased said negro nearly 3 years since of David Barclay, Esq. of Rich mond, Va. to winch place he may possibly attempt logo Whoever will apprehend said negro and deliver him to me, or se cure him in some safe jail so that I get him, shall receive the above rewarc. : VV B. M’Gchee. • August 27- v*4w Notice. 1 \T!NE months after date application r I.W will be made to thp honorable the i Court of Ordinary of Burke county, lor * leave to at U the real testate as the late Dr. Thomas Leavitt, deceased Kliza A. Leavitt, adm’x- April 19,—»-ai9a JB2i j Notice. months after date application will be made to the honorable the ‘Justices of the Inferior court, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell one hundred and fifty acres of land in Ourke county, adjoining Tindall, S. Jen kins and others. ALSO, , Two hundred and fifty acres in Walton county. No. 105, sold for the benefit of, the heirs and creditors of Solomon Daniel, deceased. Martha Daniel, ex’x* Burke county, July 6,1821. m9in GEORGIA. XAVtrOZJV SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1821—Monday the 23d day ... Slauter Cowling, "t vs. RULKfor Nathaniel Adams, -adminis- > forciosure trator on the estate of Na- nj Mart. thanicl Adams, deceased. J guge. XJpON the petition of Slauter Cowling, praying the foreclosing the equity of re demption in and to all that tiact of land lying and being in the. county of Lincoln and state of Georgia, containing five hun dred and seventy acres, more or less, ad joining lands ofGalherel and Saunders on the Sou’h; East war illy by lands of Mrs Hunter and John Ware; Northwardly by Seastrunk’s land, and Weslwardly by lands of Uobert Fleming and eatatemf Dowsing, winch said tract of land was mortgaged by Nathaniel Adams in hie life time to your petitioner, the better to secure the sum. of three thousand two hundred -and forty seven dollars and sixty tvve cents, with interest. On motion of Mioysh Henley, sttorncy or said Slauter Cowling— lt is Ordered, that the principal, interest, and cost be paid into court within twelve months li om this di.y, otherwise the equity<of redemp tion in and to the niorigagedipcemises will bd from henceforth for ever bared and' foreclosed, and this rule be published in one of lire public gaieties of this state, once in every month until the lime ap pointed by this rule for payment, or a co py served upon the said administrator of the mortgagor or his special agent, at least six months previous to the time the mo ney is directed to be paid into'court. True copy taken from the minutes of 'Lincoln Superior‘Coui'l, April Term, 1321—Monday thg •'23ei day of said Month. Peter Lamar, cl’k. May 3 ml 2m E strays. Georgia, Columbia County. •f EfiSK Holder of District No. 4, polls' betore William B. Tankereley, Esq. one sorrel horse, twelve or thirteen years old, four feet ten inches high, with a star in his forehead, sway back, mostly inclined to pace Appraised to forty dollars. Jeremiah Roberts, ini DiatrictNo. 4, tolls before Wrru B. Tan kewley, Esq one bright sorreJTborse, five feel high, with white hind feet, left eye out, with a star fifteen .or six teen years old. Appraised to thirty dol lars. Eugenia Fennell, tolls before Taylor Wiley, Esq. one bay horse, heavy made, shod all round, thirteen or fourteen years old. Appraised to seventy five dollars In District No. 7, John Crabtree, tolls before John Magalm, Esq, one Sorrel mare, both hind feet white, a white streak in her face, some saddle ; spots, no brands discovered, four feet; 'nine inches high, between fourteen andi . sixteen years-old. Appraised to twenty two dollars. In District Ko., John ■ Jones, tolls before Solomon Hogt., Esq. r a brown horse, between twelve and fifteen i years old, with some saddle spots, four • feet and a half high. Appraised to tweu -1 ty five dollars. I: In District No. 6, Ro bert Shaw, tolls before Soloman lioge, Esq two bay horses, one with a star in his fore head, white hair about the root of his tail, seven or eight years old, a small spot of while hairs on his left hind foot, four feet nine inches high ; the other with a star in his forehead, and both hind feel white, six or seven years old, five feet five inches high. One appraised to fifty dollars, and i the other to thirty dollars H. Lamar, Cl*k. JidytQ— ■ ■ ts Twenty Dollars Reward , And all Reasonable Expenses WILL be paid for apprehending and lodging in any jail in the state of Georgia, a Negro Fellow’ named MARTIN He is owned in Savannah, has absconded and is supposed to be lurking about An* gusts. Market, as his business at home is butchering—He is about 30 years old, six feet high, square built, has two of lm front teeth out, and has a scar on hish?ad —tor further particulars enquire at this Office. Sept. s—-ts RANAWAY. FROM the subscriber, a Young Negro man < named TOM, (supposed not over twenty one-years of age,) lie is of smal stature, and a good jobbing carpenter by trade.—He is well known in this place' and Savannah, and is supposed to be lurk ing about the vicinity of this city, or on his way to Savannah. Any person apprehending the said fel low’ and delivering him to Messrs. A. Slaughter, U C. Labuzan. or lodging aim in jail, shall receive Ten Dollars re ward. ISAAC LAROCHE. Augusta, Nov. 17 ts 4 NOTICE. Copartnership heretofore existing Jl ffhder the firm of Robert O'/ate & Co is this day dissolved by mutual consent- The unsettled business of the concern will be attended to exclusively by A. Cunning, ham. A. Cunningham, I John Dent, Robert Wbte. August <5 32t iG eorgia, DtfrkcCounty. SUPERIOR COURT—April Term, 1821. Pretent the Honorable Joan H. Mohtoo mf.kt. Judge. Richard Richaidson.) vs. > RULE NISI. Jeremiah Miller: 3 UPON the petition of Richard Richard son, praying the foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption of a certain tract or parcel of land lying, being and situate in the county of Burke and State of Geor gia, bounded as follows :—that is to say Northwardly by land formerly owned and possessed by Jordan Taylor; Eastward!) tiy James r l inda', Philip Thomas and John Smith’s land; Southwardly by James Mar tin’s land, and Westwardly by Joshua Nunoh’s land, containing one thousand acres, more or less, having (he creek rivu let, or -branch called the Rosemary, run ning through a part of said tract or puree 1 of land, which said tiac f or parcel t;f land ' was on the sixth day of May, in -the yvi»’ of uirLord one thousand, sight hit;.died j and seventeen mortgaged by the “.ml le remiah Miller to the said Rrciiasd /rich ardson, to seem ft t2:e payment of t !-»■ sum of three thousand three hundred ami c! ven dollars and eighty three cents, with tiu ; interest accruing thereon, lobe paid i.n '.ln first day of February next, lifter the tiatf (<t said mortgage, with interest from the! first day of Jununrv, in the year of om Lord, one thousand, eight hundred arm seventeen, and agreeable to the-condition oi a bend bearing even date with said •mortgage—Or, .notion of Felix J. Burns, attorney for the said Richard Richardson,; It is Ordered tliat the said Jeremiah Miller do within twelve months pay into the Clerk’s office, the principal, interest, and cost due on said mortgage, or in default thereof, the equity Os redemption in the said mortgaged premises will from thence forth he for ever foreclosed and bared, i Itiis further ordered that a copy of the! foregoing rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state, oncea -month for twelve months, or 'be personally serv ed on the said Jeremiah Miller six months before the time appointed for the pay ment of the money into court as aforesaid.. Extract from the miirutes/28th .dpril 1821. John Carpenter, el k. May 3 ml2'n lianawaj, FROM the subserrherin Warrenton last ■ March, a Negro Fellow rrmed LHAWLES The said fellow is in age between thirty five and forty yenrs.'Of yellowish-complex ion; sloops forwards when he walks, and of rather a down cast look. He was for merly die property df George W. Dent, 1 which information may lead perhaps to a more ready-apprehension df him. Twenty ty dollars willbegivento any person tliat will deliver the said fellow iothc subscri ber in Warrenton, or ‘lodge him in any jail'.-in -the state, so that he can 'be had. Philander i). Paris. j August 27 4>t LOST, A"VN Tuesday last, between Ray’s creek D and Mrs. Dawton,'in Harrisbutgh, a bine Homespun Coat, new, with the left lappel torn about three inches, with a red Morocco -Pocket'Rook in the pocket, con taining about forty dollars—among which are 3 Noi th-CarolinaTen Dollar Hills, with other small notes, amounting to nearly or about ten dollars': Also, a Note on John Moore for five dollars, a Note on George Woods for 14'1 dollars. Land Receipts, ar.d sundry other papers. A handsome ! reward will be given to any parson finding ! the same, by leaving it at Messrs. Slaugh i Her & Labuzan. William Hart. •' , August 9— 3 t NOTICE. j/Vl-L persons are forewarned trading for the following Notes, viz. One note of hand on Wm. Lewis, in favor of John Lan kin, for ten dollars, dated August sth, 1821; one other of six dollars, given by said Lewis, in favor of Isaac Downs, (date not recollected,); one other on Samuel Tenniswood, for three dollars and fifty , cents, In favor of John Lankin. Tiie above Notes, with some money, are supposed to be taken by a negro on the I6*h hist. Wm. McCain. Septemher27—3t _ Georgia—Warren comity. Clerlc’t Office of the Court of Ordinary w HERE AS John MCrary and Samuel Hall, applies for Letters Dismissory from their Administration of the Estate of Mat thew M‘Crary,<lec’d. These are there fore, to notify all persons concerned, to enter their objections (if any they have) in my office, within the time prescribed by law, or Letters will issue accordingly. Given under my band at office, this 13th day of February, 1821 ' Jno. Torrence, Clk, c. o. February 19 m9m months after date application i3l will be mad* to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sell two hundred and fifty acres of land, lying in the second district ofF.arly, and known as lot No 39, the same being the real property of Emanuel Gregory <1 - ceased, and sold fur the benefit of ail con cerned. Lewis Gregory, adm’r. Notice. SIX months after date, application will be made to the honorable court of or dinary of Burke county,for letters of dis mission from the administration of James Bust, late of Burke county, deceased, as lie has fully settled the administration of said estate John Stockdale March 8 mfim Notice, 'VJTNE months after date application iNI will be made to the Inferior Court ot Warren county, while sitting on ordiran business for leave to sell the real estate of James Brady, deceased. Wm. Sluters, adm’r. Jammy k* ci»tn Administrator's W ▼ f ILL be sold oo Tuesdav the 4t) December next, at the market fioJ the city of Augusta, U4 * The real estate of Jam Kiemon, dec. late of Edgefield Hi... South-Carolina, being for the berufi tue heirs and creditors r.f said deceit Kobt. McCombs, acini Sept. 20— ■ . ids In Equity. Agnes Nesbitt, } * vs. _ C Hugh W. Nesbitt, et. al. obedience to an order of the Ci . of Kip my, will be sold on Tuesday fi st <l:l ) January next, at the •’"•“‘•t-'i Cni ’ ie, on Reach island, , m „, ■ht clone year, ngan«- ,f Negro, g/fi a to oU m number- the cost uud fee soil in c:’sb and notes, nor! fern ity be r.-quired— purclm-rs will pay for f us sale for the N\ a - , es . ‘ } wt M liitSchl Brook( sT' In Equity. ;lohn Garrett, and Wife, VS, ( Tohn Day, ftdm’r, snd others. 5 Panic 1 N obedience to an order of the Ci of Equity, will he sold at Edgefield co house on the first Monday in Deceit next, on a credit ot one and two veai tracts ol Land of the estate of Janies 1 derrated, lying adjoining each m within fifteen miles of Augusta, and i ti-ining upwards of 1000 acres. The 1 and fees of suit, in cash, and bond, security, will be required. Purcha will pay for title deeds to each tract hittield Brooks, Com’r Edgefield distric Edgefield Court-house, Bept’r ?7 Executive Department, ( •Mtlledgevilie, 4th Aug The following llesoultions being ta np, it is. Ordered, That, they be published o a fortnight,•wt each of the Gazettes of 1 static until the next general election. Attest, JOHN BURCH, Stc'ry, E., In Senate, 9 th May, IS2 The committee to whom was ufefl the presentments of the Grand June Green ami Hancock counties, report That whereas it isjthe undoubted r of the good people of this state, w ever they .shall think fit, to altei change the fundamental compact by w they are associated ; and it has been presented to this legislature, that g numbers of the citizens of the said i are desirous of altering the Constitc thereof. And whereas it “is the duty the legislative body to give effect to public will, when the same shall have I coiTectly ascertained. Be it therefore resolved by the Se nod House of Representatives of die S -of Georgia in General Assembly i That it shall be the duty of the madisil who shall preside at the elections of ir bers of the General Assembly, in several counties of the state, at ihe i general election, to receive and reg the votes of the persons voting at the election, on the propriety of callin Convention for the purpose of red the Constitution of this state ; and to end, the said magistrates are hereby quired, upon receiving the vote of t and every individual, to enquire whe it is the will of such voter, that uCoiit ticn for the purpose aforesaid, shall called or not, and to record the answe such enquiry upon the ticket given ii 1 such vo:er, by writing thereon acton to the truth of the fact, the word “ ( vention,” which shall indicate the of the voter, that a Convention stj;d called, or the words, “ No Conveatu which shall indicate the will of »ucl vo that such Convention shall not be call And he it further resolved, That it s be the duty of the (magistrates afores to make a correct return of the voUs taken as aforesaid, to the governor of; within thirty days after the said electi to be by him submitted to the next Le lature, to the intent, that they may mi provision for calling a Convention, t majority of the citizens of this state s require the same to be done. Anil be it fnrhtcr resolved, That His 1 cellency the Governor be and he is heu requested to have the foregoing rest) tions published in the gazettes of t states tor thiee monthsd>efore the n general election, and pay for the same of the coniingentfund. William W. Williams'! and wife, and others, IN F.QUITV vs. >Bill for Partiti Thomas Philips, and otliers. J IN obedience to an order of the co of Equity, will be sold at Edgen Court House on the first Monday m tember next, on a credit of one years, a tract of land containing 437 act adjoining lands of John Ryan> Randolph and others, being the reside of the late V. m. Jeter, dec. On the p noses arc a comfortable two story , ling house, a gin house, barn necessarv out buiWings* with abou aces of'open land remarkably we" tered bv springs Purchasers will tiulred to give bond £& security, to p , cash the cost and fees of suit, am title deed to the land. liitfield Brooks Commissioner in £q u * : . ( Edgefield Gcui t House, ? 20th June, 1«*0. 5 Notice# Three months after date, app j ;®?j will be made to the honorable t ■ court of Burke county, when «W«S ordinary purposes, for leave gro Han, named Dudley, belong 'K be estate of John Rogers, dec d, fi*r fit of the heirs and crcduora ®' sa ' < N , JOSEPH MAOEB*. with the tnllMi-s Bepteabet 27—*12*