Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, October 15, 1821, Image 1

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Augusta Chronicle 4; Georgia Gazette. t a,- v r’ '■* .* ‘ 'X \ ' ' , . V 4 • & ‘ll I I .!■■■■ M, | ■■■ ■ ■■ -■■■ | - - - -1 VOIi. 36. Monday, S“™ e Cvil, I that r me " do ’ ''r^^r ; .. ? October 45,1824. Jfew BotUv-.No. 4, lac good is oft interred with their bones. 5 ■ ttinv *T |l TALLENCE BF-YAK, HiQ Pieces Cotton Bsgging, Ear. Cssks Sherry;Wine, HI ft* Hotheads prune Sugar, HLinC /*°P e » &c * k *- FOR SALE _ subscriber’s Commission Ware- H? jjfper end South side of Broad y' WILLIAM H. EG AM KpdjTHftrdinCo. ■(£ removed to the next door be- K, Bridge Bank. 27— ■ <>t ■raw Bonnets, B $ c * ■cases Straw Bonnet*, Bands and Btp> received and for sale by the Ktn , i/part of which are Cottage Bfißell Crowns, equal, if not supe ever offered for sale in thia mar- Kieirise for a*le a* usual, fehorn Flats, Hfithanr extra crowns, and crowna n Jewett, Abell 8{ co- I Upper wing City Hotel, flwiber 24——^w4t IcOTTON I RE-HOUSE Ilium h. egan, BIN'G taken the Warehouse lately ■d by J& W Harper, upper end, Ideofßroad Street, for thcrecep- I PRODUCE , li And the transaction of ■mmissioii Business Is, hopes, that ita convenient ac- Hation, and his own unremitting 80, may ensure him a share of Pub- Enber 6 oawtf [goods if Savannah. ■KGE W. COE is now openingsn tensive assortment of Goods, auifh the approaching season, —cmraisTiir* or— iite Welch Plains be aud mixed do adon Duffil Blanket* le and Point do avy Cotton Bagging ck and colored Bombazetts to worsted Hosiery ifino and lamb’s wool Hose atrfine white Flannel he, red and yellow Flannels totan Plaid* bperfine wide black Bombazeena Hjg Handkerchiefs Superfine Cloths and Cassitnere* mice Cloths Brussels and Venitian Carpeting feanh r uuga Domestic Plaids and Stripe* hnabnrgs Dish and German Linens tortoise shell Cpmbs llain black Nankin Crapes landarin Crape Dresses »b a variety of other articles, which 'sale on accommodating terms, at I tomer of Broughton and Barnard i*i for cash or approved paper. • ftember 10 lin _ J. Hewitt, *•**• of Afusie from Menu .York and Boston, ISPECTFULLY acquaints the pub ic, that he intends during the onau to, to Teach the Piano Forte, AuA Ringing, ilhe proper'method of accomolpany- Ihe Voice, according to the modern I'! alsso VIOLJX AMD VIOLAM f-t'O, with the Science of Composi -1 Should sufficient encouragement be en * he intends Augusta shall be his fu -5 residence. ‘rnns may be known by applying at : Book Store of Mr, S. Sturges, a few J* below the Banks.—Any commands .were for him, will receive every at *on. We are authorized jounce JAMES S, SHAFFER, Esq. “didate for the office of Sheriff of to’ond county, at the ensuing election pril s t s PUBLISHED EVERT 2$ Thursday, P *VR DOLLARS per annum, pay** m advance.—The Country Paper, wonee & week, at THREE DOL s ’ payable also in advance. Affine two door 9 below the Olohe Ta ad-Street, THE sahscriber offers for sale, an ele gant assortment of FRENCH FAN CY GOODS, just received per the latest arrivals Consisting of Embroidered CoUerets do Inserting Trimmings Black and White plain Silk Stockings do do Embroidered do White Italian Crapes Satin figured Ribbons Craped do Small Merino Shawls White Satin Linen Cambriek Handkerchiefs Plain Linen Cambriek Black and White Leghorns Black and White Ostrich Feathers Chippings far Milliners See. The whole of the above goods, are now opened and to be seen at Messrs. Tardy and Son. John Morand. may 21—— liROCEKIES, Wm. H Co. Offer for Sale , 130 bags prime green Coffee SO barrells prime N. O. Sugar 8 pipes purs Holland Gin 3 do do Cog Brandy 5 hhds J, Rum I 2 Half pipes Sicelyt Madeira Wine 50 barrels loaf Sugar : 500 q. boxes Spanish Segars 40 do do Imperial > B/ k Gunpowder & Hyson S X Jut 200 qr- Canisters, do do do 10 Bags Pimento and Ginger, 16 Do. Pepper, 20 Backs Fresh Almonds, 15 Boxes No. 1 Soap, 200 Bags Shot, assorted, 100 Kegs Duponts Powder, 20 do. Best Kichnyond Tobacco, 12 Boxes Chocolate. 22 Barrels N. E. Gin, 36 Casks Cheese, 100 Boxes do. 3000 Bushels Salt. I October 31—ts Wm. H. Thompson & co. Have just received , and offer for sale, 100 Bags Prime Green Coffee 10 Hhds. Superior St. Croix sugar. 40 Do. Muscovado Sugar. 20 Qr. Casks Teneriffe Wine. 500 Qr. Boxes Spanish Segars, 5 Pipes Cog. Brandy. 10 Do. Holland Gin. 5 Hhds. Ja Rum. 10 Boxes Speim. Candles. 12 Kegs Ladies Twist Tobacco. 20 Do. Sweet scented Do. 5 Boxes London Mustard. 10 Casks best London Porter. 100 Pieces Inverness and Dundee bagging 5000 Rushe s Liverpool ground salt, august 20——3 in ijc. £sc. 400 piece. best Hutsi* Ifemp COT 1 [ TON BAGCifNG, 100 do do Tow Bagging, 43 inch* wide, i 125 coil Bale Rope, 45 hhds. prime Sugar, 25 barrels Loaf Sugar, 300 bags Shot, assorted sizes, IS boxes Whittemore'sNo. 10,Cot ton Cards, 30 barrels No. 3, Mackerel IS half barrels do. 65 kegs patent Cut Nails, 20 qr. boxes Hyson, 1 r Fon 20 do do GUnpowder, S 1 Cu I 20 do do imperial, J I 50 do do Spanish Segars, I 43 hhds Philadelphia? Rye Whiskey J 35 barrels do do I 5 pipes pure Holland G’m, I 3 do do Brandy, 33 barrels N. B. Rum, 30 do do Gin, 1 10 qr. casks Teneriffe Wine, I 5 tons Swede Iron, assorted, I 3,500 bushels Liverpool ground Salt, J All which will be sold very low for cash, I or town acceptances, by , 1 A. Mitchell <S. Clarke. J Augusta, Sept. 13— Factorage CommisaUm j BUSINESS. THE undersigned have entered into co-partnership, under the firm of I JIILBUO & GROWS, 1 for the purpose of transacting WARE -1 HOUSE and COMMISSION BUSINESS, 1 at the stand recently occupied by Messrs. H. & W. Poe, and previously by Messrs I Wilson «c Black. Their Warehouse is in I complete order, and will oe opened on I the first of October next, for the reception §of produce f and storage of merchandize; I *nd they confidently hope, from their tin- I -emitting attention to business, to merit a I share of public patronage. I Henry T. Bilbro, j Sjlvanus B. Groves. I August a, Aug. 27— —9t. _ To Mechanics. I THE Justices of the Inferior court of- I the county of Columbia will, from the pr< I sent date, until the Ist Tuesday in Sept. I next, receive sealed proposals for the 1 building a Jail in said county. All persons ■ I wishing to undertake the same can have a 1 1 complete plan, by applying to the her* I >fs»id court. There will be paid in ad- I vance, when the work is commenced, two . I thousand dollars. I H. Lamar, Cl'k i. c. Law Office. 1 T X HE subscriber-has moved bis offiri to an upper tenement of th« Augusta Book Store, where he may be generally found, and his professional services com manded. John F. King. October s #1 ■— Lost, ON the evening the 30th September, a saddle almost new, with brass stir nips, for which the finder shall receive an adequate compensation, upon delivering it at this office. Oct. s——2t TET ALLY 8 4 JAMES BALL, JRjESPF.CTFUI.LY informs his friends and the public, that he has taken his for mer stand back of the Bridge Bank, and hopes from his due attention to business, that he will be patronized by a liberal public. He also informs the public that his house shall be kept in such style as will make it comfortable to those who will give him a call —and that it shall not be resor ted to by characters who will not respect the House. September 27—-ts To Lent, And posa.*sion pl.en immediately, the house on the lower end as Broad street, at present occupied by the subscriber, with excellent out-buildings attached—also the rooms over his store, four doors above the market. George Dunbar. October 5- • 3t Info rmatidn W anted. A-ROUT two or three weeks past, some person came to the shop of the subscri bers and either borrowed or took without permission, a sett of Gig Harness, nearly new—the bucklesnnd terrettsof the har ness are covered with black leather—ls borrowed, the person who has them, will please return them immediate ly. Leeds & Lynes. Oct- S.—— ts Ik. H.VVING declined the sales of Mer chandise lor the purpose of attending to a General Commission Business, desires atl persona indebted to him to make pay ment without delay. September 20—— 2t DR. SAVAGE HAVING arranged his business more to Ills satisfaction, again otfet s his pro fessional services td his former friends, and may always be found at his old stand, except when professionally engaged. September 10—-4 w (jtj* 1 he of fers for sale his BEAL PROPERTY, upon Washington-street, extending from Mr; Joseph Danforth's Lot to the corner upon Reynold-street. Robert Raymond Reid. Scpumber 3—ts Advertisement. AA HEDEAS the subscriber has taken the Boarding House, just below the goai ;nd market house, on Broad street, in the s-ity of Augusta, returns his thanks to a generous public for the support already given, and solicits a continuance of their favors, and pledges himself to give every attention, and boarding at the following rates, co writ:—Horses boarded at 50 cents per nights single feed 37$ : boarding for man per day git dinner-60 cents; sup per 37$ cents t breakfast 37 j S bed 25 cents—clean nice bed* and a well furnish ed table, and a good attentive host ler from the north. I also keep a Wagon Yard in k good order, gratis, to those that take boarding. I am; &c. &c. Thornton Uoleman. * April 23. gjr The Milledgevillc Recorder, Co lumbia, S. C. State Gazette, and Raleigh , Minerva, will re-pnbhshthe above monthly five months, and forward their acet unts ’ to Uiis office for payment. SlO Reward. ' T* 1 XkUN-AWAY from the Subscriber near ■ twelve months since, my negro girl, by ‘ the name of RHODA, of light complexion, about 10 or 11 years of age. it is expected she is harbored in thiscitv. The above reward andallrea sonable expences will be paid for her ap prehension and|deiivcry tojthe subscriber. Any person found harboring or conceal. * ing said girl, will be prosecuted to the ut most extent of the law. ; Mary Campbell, s October B—3t _ ______ J Taylor Flew i- .ms, is authorised to collect account* u for the Chronicle office. Kean § Charlton. *cpt6 Washington City, Argntl I*l 1821 AT All those Soldiers I ■tnd other* who have put claim* into my ■hand* fqpoetrlement, are dewred to return mv receipt for such papers to this place, Teceiv* their claims Mettled, or their papers unsettled. O, TV. Callis. September 17 w!2w WASHINGTON Coffee-House. THE subscriber having greatly impro ved, and still adding considerable improvement* to hi* HOUSE in Washing, tun, invites the patronage of those who may visit the up country He assures such as may fnvof him witii their calls, that every exertion thall be made to render the time agreedde, and every delicacy which the count y can afford, shall be pro cured, to render his board acceptable. A. U. Sneed. July 12 if Tq Rent, AND possession given the first day of October next, the house at present occupied as an office by W. W. Holt Esq- Apply to J. P. King Esq. or F. Walker. September 3—ts To Rent, AuD peweesilon Riven, the first nf Oc tohert next, the Store and Dwelling House, on the North side of Broad St. a fey doors above tli City Hotel, occupi ed ifie present year, Messrs. Sjone & Rey nolds For terms, apply to John Woolfolk* Sept 17 Notice. The Subscriber offers for BENT, Four Houses, on Washington Street. Possession given on the Ist October next. Most of those Holts':* are calculated for family re*i denci and offices. Persons wishing to Rent during my absence, will call on Mr. Henry Mealing. A. J. Dill. September 13 ts TO REIST, THE Store Back Room Cellar and Ruck Stores, occupied the present year by Messrs. Store & Reynolds- Possession gi ven the first ofOctober next—apply to John Wooifolk. September 27 . - - —j A Proclamation, By bh E-Tcellmey THOMAS UEN *IsETT, Governor and Common dvr in Chief, in and over the Slate of South-Carolina. W HEIfEAS, at a Court of General Sessions, held in and tor the District of Barnwell, JOHN ANTHONY the elder, was convicted of the wilful and deliberate murder of Elias Mohuaw, and sentenced to have been executed on the 25th of May last, but was subsequently respited until the 271 h of July. And, whereas the said convict did, on the night of the 20th July, (having previ ously disguised himself in the dress of his wife,who was permitted to visit him)elude the vigilance of the Jailor, and escap from the custoday of the Sheriff of said District: Now therefore,that Public Justice be fully vindicated, that the said John An them be subjected to the penalty incur red for his offence, I have thought proper to issue this my Proclamation, hereby offering a Reward of TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS, ($200) to any person or per sons who shall apprehend the said John Anthony, and deliver him into the custo dy of any Sheriff within this Stab . The said John Anthony is about five feet six or seven inches high, sharp vis age small black eyes, emaciated from long confinement, and apparently much dejected; he is about fifty eight years of age, stoops consideranly and is bow leg ged Given under my hand and the seal of State, at Charleston, this tenth day of August, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty one, an the forty sixth year of the Independence of the United States of America. (L. B.J Tho; Bennett. By the Governor, B. T- WATTS, Secretary of State. Select .School Tot TOl'JfG Lw4lri.ES. The Summer term of B. B. Hopkins* 1 Institution closes on the 6th of October, and on Monday, the 15th, the Schao will be opened in Town for the reception i f Pupils; and as there are at prestm »-ve ral vacancies, an additional number would be thankfully received gy BOARDING can be had in the fam ily, if derired September 3Y—3t NATIONAL WORK. PROPOSALS BTJOHMM. SAXDEUSOM, or riiiLAi>Ki,pa«a, For publishing by Suhsriptmi, a Biography of the Signers of the Declaration of Independence. BY JOHN SANDERSON. VS} HEN we consider the personal qual 7» ities of the statesmen who were as associated in the Congress of the United Stales, and whose names are affixed to the Declaration of Independence, the perilous occasion which demanded the exercise of their wisdom and deliberations, and the influence of their councils on the interests of mankind, we must actnowledga, that very rarely a more imposing and mugnifi. cent spectacle has been exhibited to the world; and we shall seek in vain, in the annals of nations, for an event more wor by of commemoration, or of being cher islied forever in the hearts of a grateful Sc generous people. The love of indepen dence is interwoven with the frame auu constitution of.the human mind. It is al most the first sentiment that animates the i nlant’s features in the cradle, and amongst all the actions and enterprises of man, none has awakened into activity a greater exertion of the virtuous energies of hla nature, none has excited a greater warmth of veneration, and has more imperious claims upon our gratitude, than resistance to tyranny and political oppression. In those republican slates which have been the admiration of the world, the fir** tribute of genius was paid to the patriot and hero who promoted the cause of liber ty, and maintained the independence anc dignity of man. The animated canvas, and the breathing marble snatched his Natures from the grasp of death, and the historian inscribed his name and achieve ments in the imperishable records of fame. It would indeed be no favorable presage } of the perpetuity of our republican insti- i unions to discover an insensibility to the obligations we owe to the members of the illustrious patrons of the American free dom. They advanced us, hy their mag nanimity, from the inglorious state of co lonial subjection, and from the arbitrary dominion of a foregn power, to the dis tinguished elevation of a sovereign and in dependent people; they asserted, and maintained the imprescritible rights of hu manity, by the “ mutual pledge of their lives, their fortunes, and their sacred ho nor,’* and as long as virtue holds her em pire in the hearts of their successors, the example of these generous benefactors will not be lost to the world, their names will not pass away nor be forgotten, or thrir glorious deeds be confounded in the common and casual transactions of life.*— Ingratitude is a vice that in nations, as well as individuals, indicates the last de gree of degeneracy and corruption. It is a vjee implies the absence of every vir toe; it w»s in the age of Caligula that the name of the Scipius was prescribed and the statute of Brutus brought death upon its possessor. “ The glory of our ancestors is the light of posterity,’’and the homage of the liv ing cannot be offered to the merits of the illustrious dead with an inefletnal or ste rile admiration. Great and splendid ac tions will seldom be achieved by men who have humble or ordinary objects in pros pect. it is by contemplating the lives and characters of those who are marked out from the multitude by their eminent qual ities, that we become emulous of their virtues and their renown. It is by read ing the history of their renown.—lt is by | reading the his ory of their generous and noble actions, that sympathetic emotions are excited in the heart, and by a reitera tion of such feelings, that grandeur of sen timent, dignity and elevation of character, and habits of virtue are generated and confirmed.- Lycugus clad in armour the statutes of the gods, thatevenin their de votions, the citizens of Sparta might have the images of war before their eyes; ob serving well that the disposition of the mind, like a -imb of the body, was invigo rated by exercise and activity. “He in terwove,” says Plutarch, “ the praise of virtue and the contempt of vice in all their pursuits and recreation, and by these arts they were possessed with a thirst of honor, an enthusiasm bordering on insanity, ami had not a wish for their country.’* The trophies of Uiltiades interrupted the sleep of Tliemistocles; and Thesus, in listening to the exploits of Herculus, was fired with his spirit, and became the suc cessful rival of Ins fame. The uncultivat ed savage catches the flame of emulation from the deeds of bis ancestors, and hangs his hut with the emblems of his father’s valor. More need not he said to enforce the utility of the publication we have under taken, and which we now submit to the patronage of our fellow citizens. CONDITIONS. The work will be published in 8 vol lumes, at intervals of six months nnd de livered to subscribers at $2 50 per volume in boards, 3 00 do. bound in sheep, plain 350 do. do in calf, plain 362 do. do. do. gilt. It will contain upwards of 50 portraits, engraven by Mr. James B. Longocre,and ftc-similivs of the signatures, besides a number of allegorical embellishments,—■ The paper and printing will k «of the first quality, and every exertio i used to make it. a* it should be, a Motion c .Work. I The first volume is now published, and j submitted as a specimen of the work.— j should any of the succeeding ones prove j inferior, subscribers will be at liberty to ( withdraw their names. qy Subscriptions to the above work toill he received at this office, and at the Plan •. tei *# Hotel, j —■—3t * ‘ -1- LJ*- - X ■■■« , Job Printing Neatly executed m this Office, j PROSPECTUS or A Newspaper, to he published in the town of Mobile, Alabama, rsnun thb title op the Mobile Commercial Register. fIIHE rising importance of the Slate of Alabama; its progress in wealth ami Respectability, in which its sea ports so large!) participate, notwithstanding the severity of die times ; its many advantages, both us to commerce and agriculture; and its consequent increasing weight in tne great national scale, —are circumstances which cannot but be viewed with peculiar interest, hy those holding frequent and profitable intercourse with the state, as well us by its resident citizens, and justi fy the anticipation that another commer cial paper, if properly conducted, will meet with the necessary patronage, at least to preserve its existence. Under these circumstances, and encou raged by the solicitations and assurances of friends in the several parts of this as well as in oilier states, the subscribers venture to offer their services to their friends and the public, ns editors of a new journal, principally relying on the exer- , cise of their commercial experience in on® department, and that of their industry in another, to render the publication useful ami amusing to then mercantile; and agri cultural friends. The advantages of a well regulated press in dessemina'.ing useful information; in inculcating salutary principles, in bringing into notice ne w sections of try, and disclosing llitir ;■( sources —*»ve been too often nnd li o ably discussed to require further comment. JONATHAN RATTKI.f R. JOHN W. TOWNSEND. Montgomery, Attyust 1, 18.11. TERMS. The Commkhoial RauisTKn will be pub lished on a large super-royal sheet, Oily ! paper twice a week during eight months, ami once a week during four months iu the year, at Eight Dollars, payable half in advance. Country paper once a week, of the same size, to contain all the news and new advertisments published in the city paper, will be forwarded by mail at Three Dollars, payable before the first number is issued: Four Dollars, if paid within six months; or Five Dollars, at the end of the year. QJ' The first number will appear as ear ly us practicable after the Ist ot November next. The Euterpeiad. TThE first volume of thr EUf EtfPEIAD or MUSICAL. INTELLIGENCER AND LADIFiS GAZETTE, ended in April.— The second Volume has commenced, much improved, and considerably 'enlarg ed, comprising tight quarto pages wnli a sheet of Music in every number, and in published semi monthly, On Saturdays, at three dollars p*r minim, by John 11. Parker, No. 2, Milk-Street, Boston. May 31- WAKE-HOUSE. JOHN 0. HOLCOMBE, Returns thanks to his friends ami the j public (for past favors) in Ins line of bu siness, and takes this method of inform them that he has erected a New Ware House FOR THE RECEPTION OF tusy, Nest the upper end ol Hioud Street, on the Houthsideon the LOT. beiow Messrs KRItl ang* and he hopes from stuck personal attention to ad business com mitted to his care, to insure a continua tion of patronage He will continue to RECEIVE and forward GOODS to his frends in the up country, and to transact all business in the Commission Line THE SITUATION OF THE Ware. Home, Excludes it almost Inti rely from the dan ger of FI UK! On Consignme , 100,000 Cypress Shingles, 50 Tierces, liostou Stone Lime , for sale low cash, Abo.y as ujuvC Sept 10 w 4 , 2—-' —« > -* - - - j■- THE SUBSCRIBER Offers for tale on reasonable terms, j A. Valuable Tract ol* Land, j TiVlNfi or the Big Kiokee Creek, with, in a mile and a half of C« iimbia Court. ; House, containing 351 seres, about 200 ot ' which are cleared. On the pren ises is a sprin t of excellent water, and all the usual (improvements of a country farm.' Per* ! sons wishing to purchase will srp’v to the i subscriber at his residence on the pre. i raises. 1 Harmon g Lamar. I June 4—— wßw