Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, October 15, 1821, Image 4

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Monthly Notices. Georgia, Burke County. SUPERIOR COURT—April Term, 1821. Preterit the Honorable .limit H Moxtgo mkrv, Judge. Richard Hichaidson,} v*. f RULE NISI. Jeremiah Miller; y UPON the petition of Richard Richard son, praying the-foreclosure of the Equity of Redemption of a certain tract oi‘ parcel of laud lying, being and situate tn the comity of llurke and State of Geor gia, hounded as follows :—that is to say, ‘ Northwardly by land formerly owned anil {ossessed by Jovian Taylor.; Eastwardly y James Tindal, Philip Thomas and John Bmith'a land; Southwardly hy James Mar lin's land, and Wcstwardly by Joshua Nunon’s land, containing one thousand acres, more or less, having the creek rivu let, or branch called the Rosemary, run ning through n part as said tract or parcel' es land, which said tract or parcel of land wa» on the sixth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand, eight hundred and seventeen mortgaged hy the said Je remiah Miller to the said Richard Hicti ardsun, to secure the payment of the sum, of three thousand three hundred and ele ven dollars and eighty three cents, with the interest accruing thereon, to he paid on the first day of February next, after the dale of said mortgage, with interest from the first day of January, in the year of our ] Lord, one thousand, eight hundred and seventeen, and agreeable to the condition of a bond bearing even date with said 1 mortgage—On motion of Felix J. Burns, attorney for the said Richard Richardson, .ft it Ordered that the said Jeremiah Miller do within twelve months pay into the Clerk's office the principal, interest, and cost due on said mortgage, or in default thereof, the equity of redemption in the said mortgaged premises will from thence forth he fwr ever foreclosed and bared. It is further ordered that a copy of the foregoing rule be published in one of the fmblic gaaettee of this state, once u month or twelve months, or he personally serv ed mi the said Jeremiah Miller six mouths before the time appointed for the pay ment of the money into court as afort said Extract from the minute «, 28 th April 1821. John Carpenter, cl’k. May 3 ml2m GKOUUIA. LINCOLN SUPERIOR COURT, April Term, 1821—Monday the 23d day Slanler Cowling, T va. RULE for Nathaniel Adams, adminis- ftrcloture trator on the estate of Na- oj Mart thaniel Adams, deceased. J sage. UfON the petition of Slauter Cowling, praying the foreclosing the equity of re demption in and to all that tract of land lying and being in the county of Lincoln and state of Georgia, containing five hun dred and sevantv acres, more or less, ad joining lands of Gatlierel and Saunders on the South; Eastwardly by lands of Mrs Hunter and John Ware; Northwardly by Seastrunk’s land, and Wcstwardly by lands of Robert Fleming and estate of-Dowsing, which said tract of land was mortgaged by Nathaniel Adama in Ida life time to your petitioner, the better to secure the sum of three thousand two hundred and forty •even dollars and sixty two cents, with Interest pn motion of Micajah Henley, attorney or said Slauter Cowling —lt it Ordered, that the principal, interest, and cost be paid into court within twelve months from this daf, otherwise the equity of redemp tion in and to the mortgaged premises will he from henceforth for ever bared and foreclosed, and this rule be published in one of the public gazettes of this state, once in every month until the time ap pointed by this rule for payment, or a co py served upon the said administrator of the mortgagor or his special agent, at least six months previous to the time (he mo ney is directed to be paid into court. True copy taken from the minutes of Lincoln Superior Court, April Term, IS2l—Monday the 23d day of said Month. Peter Lnmar, cl’k. May 3 ml 2m » Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Burke county, for leave to sell the real est ate of the late Dr. Thou as Leavit, deceased. Eliza A. Leavitt, adm’x. April 19, m9m 1821 Notice. ALL persons indebted to the estate of the late Dr Thomr.s Leavitt, dec’d, either by note or open account, are re- , quested to come forward and pay the same before the Ist day of November next.— All persons having claims against the es tate are notified to exhibit them to the administratrix within the time prescribed by law, properly authenticated. Eliza A. Leavitt, adm’x. April 19. ts Notice. Months after date, application ’ will be made to the Honorable Court of Ordinary, for the county of Lincoln, for leave to sell four hundred and thirty acres of land, more or lew, on the waters of Little River, joining Samuels and others, •Iso, the negroes belonging to the estate of Hctckia Spiers, late of said county, de ceased Wm. Willingham, Zachariah fcpirrs, Adminietrateri. March 29.——m9m Notice. months after date application -L*! will be made to the honorable ilu Justices of the Inferior court, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to set one hundred ami fifty acres es land ir, Burke county, adjoining Tindall, 3. Jen kins and others. ALSO, Two hundred and fifty acres in Walter. County, No. 105, sold for the benefit c» the heirs and creditors of Solomon Daniel, deceased. , Martha Daniel, ex’x. Burke county, July 6,1821.—m90> Notice, months after date application il will be made to the Inferior Court of Warren county, while sitting on ordinary business for leave to sell the real estate of James Brady, deceased. Wm. Shivers, adm’r. January 1 Notice. Nine Months after date hereof appli cation will be made to the honorable the court of Ordinary for Columbia coun., : ty, for leave to sell twenty thousand acres of land in the county of Montgomery, ihe same being part ,of the real astute of /a doc Magmder, deceased—to be sold for tha benefit of the heirs and creditors of said deceased. George Magmder, adm’r. Tresey Magmder, adm’x. July 2, 1821—m9m ; Notice. NINE months after date, application 1 will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Richmond county, for leave to sell all the real estate of James Reiman, deceased, for the benefit of the . heirs and creditors of said deceased. R. M‘Coombs, adm’r. November 23 m9m Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Columbia county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell thirteen hundred and ninety nine acres of pine land vn Richmond county on both sides of Butler’s creek, on which there is a saw and gtiat-mill, it being part of the real estate of John Foster, late of said county, decased. Elizabeth Foster, J Arthur Foster, >I; Collier Foster, j ? 1 ; May 7, 182 m»m 1 Notice. SIX months after date, application will be made to the honorable court of or dinary of llurke county,for letters of dis mission ftomthe administration of James Hust, late of Burke county, deceased, as he has fully settLd the admiuislration of said estate , John Stockdnle March B———m6m Notice. months after date, application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Burke county, when sitting for ordinary purposes, lor leave to sell a Ne gro Man, named Dudley, belonging to the estate of John Rogers, dec’d, for the bene fit of tlie heirs and creditors of said dec’d. JOSEPH MADERY, Adtn’r,' with the will annexed September 27—» 13t Nine months after date application will be mads to the honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county for leave to sell two hundred and fifty acres of land, lying in the second district of Early, and known as lot No 39, the name being the real property of Emanuel Gregory de ceased, and sold fur the benefit of all con cerned. Lewis Gregory, adm’r. Admiirstrator’s Sale. ILL be sold on Tuesday the 4th of December next, at the market house in the city of Auguata, The real estate of James Kiernon, dec. late of Edgefield ilistric , South-Caroiina, being for the benefit of the heirs and creditor* of said deceased ' Roht. McCombs, adm’r. Sept. 20—-tda In Equity. John Garrett, and Wife, "% BILL vs. V for John Day, adm’r, and others. A Partition. I.N obedience to an ord»r of the Court 1 of Equity, will be sold at Edgefield court- Imuae on the first Monday in December; next, on a credit of one and (wo years, 5 tracts of Land of the estate of James Day, deceased, lying adjoining each other, within fifteen mile* of Augusta, and con taining upwards of 1000 acres. The cost and fees of suit, in cash, and bond, and security, will be required. Purchasers will pay for title deeds to each tract Whitfield Brooks, ComT Edge he’d district Edgefield Court house. Id Equity. Agnes Nesbitt, V va. C Hugh W. Nesbitt, et. al. J In obedience to an order of the Court of Equity, will be sold on Tuesday, the first day of January next, at the house of -Joseph Carrie, an Beach island, on a cre dit of one year, a gang its Negroes, from 25 to 30 in number—the cost and fees of suit in cash and notes, and seemity v. ill be required—purchasers will pay for hills of sale for the Negroes. W hitfield Brooks, Commissioner in Equity. Edgefield Court-house, Sept. 27 Georgia, V» arren CountyT Clerk’s office of the court of Ordinary vSy HRREAS Rosa Stevens Applies for ‘otters of administration on the estate of 4quils Stevens, late of this county deed. And, whereas the said Ross Stevens ap. .dies for letters of administration on the state of Owen B. Stevens, late of said ■ounty deed.—These are therefore to cite snd admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of the said deceased person ally or either of them, to enter their objec tions (if any they have! in my office, with in ihe time prescribed oy law Given under my hand, at office, tkie Mb . July 1831 John Torrence, elk. c*o. July 30—' Sheriffs Sales. WILL be sold at the court-house in Warrcnton, on the first Tuesday in' November next, between the usual hour, of sale, 3 Negroes, to wit: Fillis, for ty three years of age, Cherry, 28 years of age; Mariah,4 years of age, tabm as the property of Uedick Bass, to satisfy an ex . ccution in favor of Baker £t Heeth, vs. Ke dick Bass, pointed out by the defendant. ALSO— One negro girl by the name of • Winny, 14 yeais of age, levied sa tisfy an execution in favor of Baker and Heeth, vs Kindal McTyeire, pointed out by defendant. —ALSO— One let in the town of Warren ton, containing twenty six feet by eigh teen, with a black smith’* shop on it, ad , joining of the road to Powelton, levied on to satisfy several small executions in fa vor of Parris and Woodward and others, vs. Mitchel Jones Returned to sac by a constable. —ALSO— -75 acre* of pine land adjoin ing of Stanford & others—Levied on to sa tisfy an execution in favor of Mercy May sc adm’r. vs. Hugh Ticer—returned to me by a constable. •i. Rogers* a. w. c. October .5. ——tds Sheriff Sale. WILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November next at the court home in the town of Waynesborough within the • usual hours, 100 Acres pine land av»<l one hundred and fifty acres pine land, alt . adjoining lands of Mary Godbce, levied on as the property of Wm. Me ore, to satisfy John Adams. —ALSO— If)O acres land adjoining lands of Timothy Murray and oilier-", ' vi ed on as the property of Joshua W. Kim bal, to satisfy Stone & Reynolds ALSO— One ninth part of a negro woman named Agg_., levied on ns the pro party of Adam Wallace, to satisfy William ■ Reynolds. —ALSO— One cow anti calf, levied on as the property of Jot.n Croat, r, t« sa tisfy his fax for the y< «u* 1820--property pointed owt by Joshua S. 1 redwelL —ALSO - 4 Negroes, to wit—Adam, Philis, Jane and Sampson, levied on as the property of Wm. Womble, deceased, to srtisfy Fanny Jones, and others, —ALSO— -3 Negroes?, to wit—Latia and her two children, Jesse and Derm, levied on as the property of Roberts ’I ho mas, to sat'nfy an execution in favor of Bigelow &. Hand and others. S. W. Blount, s. b. c. October 5 4t Sheriff’s Safe. Wnx t>« soldon the first Tuetdsy in November next, at the Court House in Jacksonborough. Scriven county, between the usual hours of ten and three o’clock. One negro boj named Ar temas, about fourteen years old, levied on as the property of John Connelly, to sa tisfy sundry executions in Ihvor of J. S. Bryan, levied and returned to me by a constable. i Solomon Kemp, s.s.e. October 5 tds Sheriff’s Sales. Will, BE sold at the Court House, in War.enton on the first uesdayin N’vf iuobep next, between the hours < f sale One flfty saw gin, four aaddk trees, one li t of irons, one saddle, one stove, pipe and lot of gin girts, six girts, one pair of martingills, levied on as the property of Joei Kinsey, to satisfy an exe cution in favor of Baker and Heeth and others, vs, Joei Kinsey, pointed out by de fendant. ALSO— One negro girl by the name of Minty,,au>>ut twelve years old, levied on to satisfy several small executions in favor of Broom & Persons aud others: vs. Mi'.di et Jones, levied on by a constable, pointed out by plaintiff. —ALSO Two brds and furniture, levi ed on to satisfy an execution m favor Ba ker & Heeth, vs James Newsom and Asa Newsom. —ALSO— One negro girl by the nam« of Harriot, 11 or 12 years of ngt, levied on to satisfy- several small executions in favor of James Brady, vs. Austin Baker—re turned by a constable. A, Rogers, s. w. c. Oct. S Sheriff’s Sale Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in December next, at the in Wam-nton, between the usual hours of sale, The half of owe wagon and four horse*, taken on the; foreclosure of a mortgage, in favor of Janies Pollhil), vs. John G. Andrews—pointed out by plaintiff, Oct 2d, 1821. A. Rogers, s.w c. October s—-wtds5 —-wtds To Rent, THE DWELLING on Bay street at present occupied by Mrs. Sarea, with a Urge and commodious garden attached thereto Also, An excellent stand on GeriVtfr street, for the grocery business, at present occupied by Mr. Jones. Thomas 8. Oliver, Administrator of B. Oliver, ts Tfi Collectors Sale. W ILT be sold on the fi -st Tuesday i:. December next, at the niaikr* house in the city of Augusta, between the usual sal , hours, 100 acres of land in Warren count), levied on as the properly of John lleynolds, to satisfy his State and counU lax for the year 1820.— Tax due gi 81 $ cent*. ALSO— One house and lot near Sum mervlhe, Uic.iiiio.ia county, levieu on as the property of Daniel Bioxuin, to satisfy • Ills suite and county tax for the year 1820. fax due §3 87$ cenis. —ALSO— -82 1-3 Acres of land in Rich mtmti county, levied on as the property o' James H. Tilly, to sa isfy his s'ftte and comity tax fop the year 1820. Tax due $! 56$ cents. —ALSO— -849 acres of land in /Richmond cornuv, levied on as the property of Dick son Atkisnn, to satisfy bis state and coun ty tax for the year 1820 Tax due $2 28 cents —ALSO— -100 acres of land m /iicbmord county, levied on as the piopefiv of Tho mas Lewis, to satisfy his staic and co>mfy tax fortlie year 1320. Tax due $2 00. ALSO— 19G acres of land in Burke comity, levied on as the property <>| Va lindaWard, Seaborn Ward, guardian, to satisfy h;r state and county tax tor the year 1329 las dh>- Rl SO cents. —ALSO— One house and lot in the citv Si of Augut.ui, ndjoiniitf' end oi the Bridge Bank, and f: on!mg on Broad street, . levied on as the property of.FvllxG. Gib : sen, & Co. to satisfy their s'ale and coun ty lax for the year 1820. Tax due Jgls6 85 cents. —ALTO— One house and lot in the«ity ■of Augusta, adjourn g lot ol Job S. Bar ney, levied on as the property ot Mrs. Ann ' W. S urges, or sou, to satisfy state and •county tax for the year I£2o. Tax due $8 59 cents. ALSO— Ouc bouse and lot in the city I . f Migist.', adjoining lot ot Mrs David McKinney and others, fronting on Broad [ street, levied on as the property of Adam ■ lutchesoM, to satisfy Ins stale ami county tax lor the year 1820. Tax due $53 43 cents. —ALSO— SOO acres of h mi in Richmond . cvinty ifvictl ou as the properly of Wil liam B C. Walker, to satisfy his slate and county tax for the year 1820;—Tax due 'KS 37$ cents. —ALSO— One house and lot in the city of Augtis a, known as the property of Stainback Wilson, levied on to satisfy his slate and county tax for the year 1820. Tax due $6 87$ cents hi. Bugg, T« C, October 5. tds Coroner’s Sales. w ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in November next, at the Court House, in the Town of Wayncsborotigb, Burke county. One sorrel horste, levied on as the property of Jesse Farrow, to sa tisfy an Execution in favor of Sturges an u Blount, against Jesse Farrow. Willard Roberts, cor October B—oaw tds IV lt,L he sold, on Satin-day, the lOih tv of November next, in the county of Warren, at the late residence of Robert Johnson, deceased, all the Property of the said deceased, consisting of, horses, cattle, hogs, one yoke of oxen and cart, plantati on tools, and household Furniture, too tedious to mention, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors Terms made known ontthe of sale. Littleton Johnson, A dm’r September 24 ts rv otico. ALL persons having demands against the Estate of Alexander Carter, late of Burke county, deceased, are hereby notified to present their accounts duly at tested within the lime prescribed by law; and all those who are indebted will avail themselves of this notice, to come forward and make such arrangements as will be satisfactory John C. Poythress, Qualified adm’r on the estate of A. Carter. P. S—ln my absence application can be made to my attorney, J, E. Morris, Esq’r, from whom any necessary information can he obtained relative to the settlement of said estate Waynesboro,’ Sept 10 Negroes for Sale, At l\v* foot ot U\o bridge, South- oiotina, U© Likely VOtNG NEGROES, m rnongst them a number of field handr, house servants, See. which will be sold low for cash, by applying t« John Woolfolk. September 27 4t Administrators Sale, TEHLI be sold on the first Tuesday in m December next, at the Court- House in Warren county, agreeable to an order ofthe Inferior Court, the following property belonging to the estate ofjamea Brady, dec. A valuable tract of Oak and Hickory land, lying on the main road be tween Warrcnton and Foweiton, a part of which is under tolerable cultivation—on the premises are a comfortable dwelling House, a Store House and a new Gin House, with other necessary out buildings. I The situation is well calculated for a pub-1 lie at and, and affords many advantages to I a person disposed to enter into the coun try trade. Terms of sale made made known on the day. Wm Shivers, Aim’r. September 10 ■ - 4wt A LIST OF LETTERS, Remaining in the Post-Office, Augusta (6a.) Ist Oct. 1821.—Persona wishing letters from this list, will please ask for advertised letters. A K i Armstrong A. Ketehum Joseph Antony Rtioda Kelly Solomon Appleton Samuel L Atkinson Jno. L. Lnmkin James Aniis Mathew Louis M Armstrong John Lard Elvira Allen Jas. W, Lawson W C Auspack Fluiip Lefoy John ! Allen D, * Liverman John B Low John Hell Mr. Lacce Dr C Boyd Hezekiab A, Lamar John Si Co. Utiriz Michael Lamkin Wil lam Brenan M. E. Lacy Freeman B al Elizabeth Lee Needham I Howiian Charles M . Bryant Elza Ann Middleton Agaihy Barker E W McKenzie Mrs A. 11. Brantley Benj. B McGill Elisay I Bacon Mary a Moz Ann Hlolock John Marlin Angus Barnes William Mitchcl James I Bttgg W H Mullally Stephen ' Bussey I H Martin f'ltos Smitt R.iigis John MHchel B B I i H y d Hugh Marshall Howell H . i! John T MeTyre John • j Brown A H McLaughlan I) C liouiinau George Moore Richard : Brantley J W McNeil Daniel F , j liedle llcsin D Mjatt Wni 'I Bond Nathaniel P Mitchel Bird ’ Brown Amelia Marsh Beverly H i! James AJcAllum John ! Il.oclalr James McMullin John Bauiln Juan Moore Lucy W Blevins John Mason Winfield Brewer Ktfeecca Matthews George • G Marks Jane L , , Cain Charles Murray Patrick I . Cannon Betsey N . Cone Reuben Nolen William j Clark Lucy Norris Thomas Collins William Nutting Benj r Crvtclificld Joab Nixon Joshua C Cunningham Ann P O Clark Charles, jr. Oliver Stephen H J Cooper Martha Otis Prince H ■ Carson Robt, Rev. Olaver Affee : Baffin Hillry O'Keefe Elizabeth Clark Gabriel P Colton Samuel Peterkin John C entente Daniel Pierce J P I Campbell James Patson David 1 Clanton Holt -Pierce Benjamin i Coghlan John Price Charles Campbell Randall Pemberton Joseph ! Carre P P Pritchard Jno W D Payne Elizabeth [ Daniel Robert Pardu Susan Douglas Phebe Pemberton Alton E [ Dunbar George R Davis Via! B Russel rev. Jas ' > Dosset Philip Read Wm B Dye James M /Jives John Doughty Jno M Rossu Jno B Dalton CUT Bryan Mary 1 E Roebuck Ezekiel ! Evans Geo W Ramsey Edwd B Edwards Bedford Romahde Roharte . Eovins John Roys Maria-L Evans L uisa H Ramsay Mary Ann • Edwards David S Eliigood Thomas Stark Aletltia Edglish Eiiva Smith Lavina F Staley Jacob Fergersom Wm Snead Charlotte , Fester John I. S Shelly Archibald , Fornoto St Clark Scull James Fry William Snead Lavinia . Freal James Sultic John |, Farrington Wm Shaw James • G StaynerJohn Germany John Seymour Benj i 1 Gray John I T Green Turnefold Tilton Arther B Craves Mary Turner Jno M Gordon Mr. Trad well Adoniram | Garret Caty Thompson Jams M Gibson F G Thompson James H U Haynes Frauds Usher Henry . Hart Moses Vallaton Hugh Hawes Edw’d. W Hatched William Whitaker Cyrus Hull .las* B Whitfield George Hamilton T|N Wood Penelope Honeywell Elliot Wilson Joseph W Husk Ilium on Watkins Susan Hart Elizabeth Williams Mary Harris Walter Winaus Oaniet Haverslick Mathias Walker Joshua Hill John Wood Wm A Hammond Jacob Willy Francis ilousley William Williams George Hau ls Lewis Wiliams Lud Harris Lud W Wilkins S J Humble John Ware Margaret Hewett Janies Wrlker Daniel Harmon Jno M Walton Thus J Hyde Wm G Willy James J Wilson L Laurence Jeuckes Ebenezer Wagner John Jones Willy Walker Jas M Johnson Samuel Wood &c. B. Judd George B y Johnson Penninah Yarnold Lucy M Jones Joseph Young William Young George W James Yraser. V. M.. October 1 3t Notice. AGREEABLE to an order ofthe Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, w ill be sold on the first Tuesday in Janua ry next, at the Market-house in the city of Augusta, the NEGROES belonging to the Estate of Major Ferdi nand Phinizy, late of said county, dec’d, for (he benefit of the heirs and creditors— Terms made known on the day of sale; JOILY PBIJYIZY, Acting administrator of the Estate of F. Phinizy. October 1, 1821 Agreeably to an Order ObTAINED from the Honorable the Court of Ordinary of Richmond county, will be sold on the first Monday in Janua ry next, at the Market-house in the city of Augusta, m sm©:a©3ss 9 I Belonging to the Estate of David tic ! Kinney, dec’d, for the benefit of his heirs and creditors. Constance S. McKinney, Administratrix. September 37—w!2t J UelWVeViem, TOrtsVr HE Public Examination of the v„. Ladies in this Institution, will co on Monday the Uth of October ?*«*. *. M The P.JSV (bansof pupils with the neighbourin' attendj SC,e " Ce "•***»% inviw On the first day. the Young Ladies be examined ,n Natural Philosophy Astronomy, & in pure Mathematics tn solution algebraically ofthe most diffi questions in common Arilhinatic The Winter session will cemmesr the first Monday in November October 8—- . 2t T?»o*m\\ng $ Lodging Mr 3. M. SANDWICH, respect inform* her friends and the public, she has rented a commodious part of (late Bridge Hank Tenement)! J she can comfortably receive Boarder! Lodgers from ih e 15th iimtau-J 1 commodating terms. J October 8. I Va« | PLANTATIOI FOR SALE. 1 THE Subscriber oilers for sale! Plantation, situated twelve nB hove Augusta, between Fury’s ferr-B the Washington road. The buildinfl all in excellent repair, and the iarfl soil, fences, and all that pertains ■ cultivation, equal to any in the ne J hood The quantity of land, is°fl three hundred and forty three acres I above plantation will be offered at |B sale until the 2nd of November nexl if not disposed of then, will be sfl pnblic sale to the highest bidder. B of sale, may be known by applying tfi Campbell of Augusta, William Blacfl or Joaegh Grafton of Columbia cl who will shew the Premises. ■ Bennet Crafl Columbia County 16th August 182fl| August 16 w2Nov. V \ a\v\ab\e f PLANTATIOI ron SALE. * THE Subscribers offers for Safl| well known stand of John Beall, latfl| twelve miles from Augusts. tion and Buildings on the said pBI are all in excellent repair,and tiiß|| for soil, fences and all that cultivation, surpassed by none HR S tate. The body of land tract, is supposed to be from 800 acres. The above plantation wilflw sered at private sale until the Isfln vember next,'and if not then dispH|| will be aold at public sale on Tuesday in November next, to the B|| bidder. Terms of Sale may be kBH applying to James H. Smith, of (Georgia) or to Charles Beal), oß|| W. Beall on (he premises. harlcs Beall, 1 John W. Beall, > ■! James H.Smith j Bf May 31 3ra IB FOR SALE, ■ A HOUSE & lot fronting oiflfel Street and Ellis Street— contains half an acre, between ftflp H. Man and Mrs. Fox’s. The * lo ßfj very little repairs may be made aSpo able dwelling for a small famlbß 1 tents apply to Hfe G. B. Mai ■ Angust 9 ts 20 Dolls. Rewß Stolen from a store in on the 3d instant, (by forcibly the back window during dinneßjJP Dollars in Cash, with one piece Mg handkerchiefs, and 3 or 4 doz SR and other cotton ditto. Among was one 5 dollar gold piece, or ABp i Eagle. Should the like be nl*| miy suspicious character, the spectfully requested to stop it. above reward shall be promptly WK the apprehension and delivery thief at this office. Sc October 5 -—2 t THE SUBSCRIBE® OFFER FOR SALE, B A PART OF THS Bm Spring-Hill-MUI 3'BP of laxb, (Lately belonging to the Estate Jones, Esq ) ,Bm LYING on both sides of' Butler in the county of present in the occupancy of Hoisclair. Tlie part offered mirably well timbered, andwou^M vided to accommodate purchasers^g within four or five miles of the gusta, embraces some beautifully sites for summer residences, havii«|j springs of pure water. Slaughter Sj Lab® F. Walker, I Fropb’^H July 16 G corgi a—Warren co l Clerk’s Office of the Court oj WHEREAS John M’Crary Hall, applies for Letters their Administration of the thew M’Crary, dec’d. lhe ®® C H| fore, to notify all P er^n 3 ,hB enter their objections (d in my office, witliin the 1 bv law, or Letters will issuesc* Given under my hand at olnc , w. day of February, 1321 Jno- Torrence, February 19 Jfl J