Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, November 26, 1821, Image 1
• * . /. * . M < Augusta Chronicle 4c Georgia Gazette. ——— ---—. ■ ' f •~ ” Sgggag=gagss=ga!!=s:===!a=i = ! = g! == . v I 01/, ol’>. j i'do rainy, 5" be evil, that men do, lives after them; y t i“ The good is oft interred with their bones,” 5 trailer 36, 1831. [Jfcw Series —No. u.j —i ■r .*■ _ , » ' ’ .kwevt, AMI, § Co. Upper IVtVff City Hole!, j A VE RECEIVED FROM N. YORK, A OTSEVM ASSOUTIIEXT OV Sfaple % Fancy jsm VIZ I )I'PFR, common ami low priced, black, blue and mixed clolhs & Cassimeres, ti per and Common Valencia, Toilanette, Sviiiisdown and Marseilles Vestings, wteetts and B ombazines, atinnetts. Flannels and Oil Cloths, [ar.kin and Canton Crapes, all colors, jluiido. white, black and Green, tjper light and dark prints and chintz calicoes, [and cotton flag handkerchiefs, ambric cravats, white, spotted, figured and checkered, } U 64 cambrics, and cambric and com moa dimoties, Cases 4-4 Irish Linens, da. Super brown do. irkey red, blue, Madrass and Polycat handkerchiefs, lien and imitation cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs, iPf Lawns, Russia and Irish Diapers, fjiviL Bucksin, and Beaver Gloves, fcS:essed and undressed kid do. ulet embrodered mot hies, miles quilt counterpins 4 4 square, (inf silks, black, white, green, blue (ml assorted colors, ten cords, balls and threads, entapes f threads and bobbins, sing and floss cotton, lov flats and millinetts, ponders, children’s socks, imere, merino and silk shawls, ill & Imitation Tucking 8c side combs, d, Ivory and Horn Pocket ditto. ions—an extensive assortment of all colors, ds, Striped, figured and plain, i and pearl' edged Taflety fioin No 1 t 027, Florences, Satins, Sin shews plain £c figured of various colours, Lice, plain and figured, iace edging, black and white, hose, Gentlemens’ and Ladies’ black and white, plain and figured, sad Tabby Velvets, various colors, lace shawls, veils and handkerchiefs, put needlework muslin robes and talking dresses, from 12 to 30 dol lars, very rich, priced needle-work, tambored and tibroidered do, mi, mull and book muslin Flounces «4lnserting Trimmings, died muslin Bands or Coiarelts, talUceo, a gond assortment, cheap, I Eardrops, Snaps, Clasps, Hooks and I Eyes and Nucklaccsj Neclaces, Clasps and Snaps, rs, ivory, silk and thread, shirt, sus- I (tenders and vest buttons, I lice’s extra gilt and coronation coat I aid vest buttons, it Scissors and Chains for do. mim Bouum and common Razors nnd I strops, itsmen’s pocket and Pen Knives, leg Cards and Dressing Combs, able Ink and Osnaburg Thread, lestic Plaids, Stripes, Checks, Shirt- I legs ami Shearings, 1 IhoxtSjhy the dozen or package, 'Uemore’sNo 10 Cotton Cards, Btc. I also Straw Bonnets. I cases of very superior Straw Bon- I ißands, and Trimmings, of various I eras, such as bell crowns, double I % round fronts, cottage shape, kc- I ■cheap for the quality. I he above goods are offered at whole- I and retail for cash, or on time for ap- I *<4paper- Regular supplies will be I ‘ived from our partner in New York, I cliVill enable us to liave constantly on I 1 a fen cal assortment of fresh season ; foods; and fiorn the patronage we creceived the year pas', wc are in rd to believe we have sold, and shall Unite to sell at least as cheap as our lltbora ‘ | Member 8. ts iiissolutfiai. HE Co-partnership heretofore existing ' crtl'e firm of JW Laics Cs Holt, is this dissolved by limitation. The imset- Wsineft of the concern, will be at to by Mr John S. Holt, who will * ln d generally at the Compting Room J 4 '® House of the late firm. ’*return our sincere thanks to our and the public for (he liberal sup llity have given us, and hope their ’ftsor, Mr. ,1. S. Holt, will continue to ;•! an equal share of public patronage, Storage AND foiamissiuii Business. bs desirable to have the affairs of the rim settled without delay, and wc rttore solicit those who are indebted payment; and those who have demand against the late concern, to s -iil them for settlement. James M>Laws, John IS. Holt. Member 8- 8t Notice. months after dale, application will made to the honwrable court of or- JJ ot Burke county,for letters of dis I 0 !* horn the administration of James of Burke county, deceased, as « fully settl d Uie administration oi * estate N\ John Stwkdale ’ •M k Kei\Me $ Bcnaocß Have received, by the ships Oglethorp< and Emily, from Liverpool, and late arrivals from the north, an extensive supply of British, French, India & Do mestic DRY GOODS. AISO, Hardware. W hich they offer to country merchants on the most reasonable terms November 12 _ w 2m Notice. “IP ** HR Co-partnership heretofore exist mg under the firm of F. C. Taylor & Go was by mutual consent, dissolved on the loth day of August last. F. C. Taylor, Dexter Chapin, N. B. Business hereafter will becontin ue «1 by F. C Taylor. Nnvemher 12—— if * Cotton 9 &tock, AND E'x.claange, Broker. THE subscriber has taken an office in the building lately occupied by Messrs Stewart k Hargraves, on the north side of Broad-street, opposite to the Post- Office—where he offeis his services in the above business, and hopes, by strict personal attention, to obtain the patron age of his friends and the public. 1 he great facilities afforded by brokers in commercial operations generally, render it remarkable that the merchants of Au gusta and the planters have long sustain ed the inconvenience of having none, and particularly a Colton Broker, In almost every other cotton mart the business is principally done by brokers; and hence the ease, certainly and dispatch with which it is executed. The same sj’slcm is perfectly practicable here. The mer chant, by applying at the office of the sub scriber, may hereafter save himself the trouble of sampling his cotton and looking up a purchaser;—the planter need be no longer involved in doubt and difficulty to ascertain the true state of the market, nor subject himself to the caprice of the wary speculator—and the purchaser will at all limes know where to resort for cot ton at the market prlo«. Office Kegulaiions relative to Gotten. I Ist- In order to give time for sampling, citizens offering cotton are requested to leave the ware-house receipts by eight o’clock, a. m.—ls left later than nine, sales cannot be realized rill the succeding day. If more convenient, the receipts may be enclosed in a letter of instructions, and dropped in the letter box the night pro- I vious. I 2d. Colton will be sampled and rccciv- I cd from wagons till ten o’clock, a. m.— I if offered after that hour, sales cannot be I realized till next day. I 3J. Warehouse expenses will invariably I be deducted from the account sales. I 4ih. Sales will commence at ten o’clock I and close at twelve, a. i*. I sth. Persons choosing to limit and 11m- I iling higher than the market, will have I their receipts returned them on paying I GJ cents fora bag entry andsampling. I 6th. Commissions on sales, 25 cents a I bale. Orders from the country, rn- I closing the warehouse receipts, will be I promptly executed. Stock Exchange and Brokerage, Jn their Various Branehes, I Will be attended to at all times during of- I lice hours, which will be from eight o’- I clock a. m, till two o’clock *■- m. and from 1 tin ce o’clock till five p. m. j John Kinney, jun’r. I ffj* Money is sometimes worth more j than at others Persons having it to loan. I may, in the strictest confidence, avail I themselves of tire advantages of the mar | ket, by applying at the above office. November 8. ts ~ QUAKER SPRINGS^ I JnS be t> u * )Scr i^ er has taken that well TA known stand. | QeAh.r.n Springs. , I LATELY occupied by Major Durkee, ' I situated seven miles above Augusta on I ( he Washington’ road and hopes from { his attention to business to give general I satisfaction: John Turpin. j November 8• - 1 —ts I gj(j|XD Barrels Prime New Flour, just 1 I ceeivex and for sale by ' William H. Egan. j Upper end , South side of Broad-street I November 8 ~t. Flour. I 100 Barrels .iipeifine Family I flour for sale—low for cash only, j By 1. Thompson. * j November 8 4-t I S 3" We are authorized to I announce Capt. D. BERRY, a candidate I ,- or the Office of Sheriff for Richmond I county at the ensuing election. * J'Pe’w \ovk ;, hat store. * subscriber respectfully inform: ins friends and (lie public, that he has re moved his store to the Brick Building he tween the dwelling house of Thotnai Gumming, Esq. and the. store of Mr. O Sellick, four doors above Malone’s corner, where he is now opening his Fall Supply of IHllVffSjj CONSISTING or THE Different Qualities aud Latest Fashions, . From the manufactories of Messrs. Tweedy . Benedict, Ives A White, and other ap > proved New-York Manufactories. —ALSO— Black and White Wool Hats, . t Morocco Caps , Military Hats, Banboxes in nests, All of which are offered on reasonable terms for cash or tow n acceptances, George Hannah. October 25 fm ~ COTTON WIRE-HOUSE. WILLIAM 11. EGAN, Having taken the Warehouse lately occupied by J &W Harper, upper end. South side of Broad Street, for the recep tion of PRODUCE. j And the transaction of Commission Business generally, hopes, that its convenient ac commodation, and his own unremitting attention, may ensure hifrt a share of Pub lic patronage. September 6 oawif FRESH Imported Goods AT SAVANNAH. Betvrge W. (ioc, IS SOW OPENING An Extensive Assortment of BOOBS, Suitable for the approaching Season, —eoNßisTtNo or— White Welch Plains Blue and mixed do London Duffil Blankets Rose and Point do Heavy Cotton Bugging Black and colored Bombazclts Fine worsted Hosiery Merino aud lamb’s wool Hose Snpeifme white Flannel Blue, red and yellow ’Flannels Tartan Plaids Superfine wide Black IJoinbazeena Flag Handkerchiefs Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres Felice Cloths Brussels and Venitian Carpetings Hearth Rugs Domestic Plaids aud Stripes Ozuaburgs Irish and German Linens ; Tortoise shell Combs Plain black Nankin Crapes' Mandarin Crape Dresses j With a variety of other articles, which are for sale on accommodating terms, at the corner of Broughton and Barnard streets, for cash or approved paper. October 29 t2SD Administrator’s Sale. AgREEABLY’ to an Order of the Court of Ordinary, of Richmond county, will be sold on the first Tuesday in January next, at the Market-Mouse, in the City of Augusta, the JNEGUOES belonging to the Estate of Major Ferdi nand Phinizy, late of said county, dec’d, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors The Sale will continue from day to day, until all are sold; and the terms will be made known at the rime. JOHM' piiimzr, Acting administrator of tiic Estate o F. Phinizy. | O ctober 29, 1821 tds i ■ ■ . ■ 1 si. wißQGonr, MKHCI/.iVT TAILOR, E» Respectfully informs ins custom -1 ers and the public generally, that he con tinues to carry on his business in Cants tor’s Brick Store, in Broad Street, near t ly opposite the City Hotel He feels thankful lor past favors, and solicits a continuance : he pledges himself that his Work shall not be exceeded by any done in this city, aud will constantly keep on hand, ' VyVnUva, Cassimeres and Y eatings, OF THE BESTUUALITY; Which he will sell, and make up on J moderate terms. e rfj- RECEIVED the LATEST New d York and Philadelphia FASHION’S. October ftsliington City, .irgust Ist 1821. (tP AH those Solcliere is i !n<J ,o' ku ™ have put Claims mto hands locsettlement, are desired to return j. m > receipt for such papers to this place, receive their claims settled. Or their papers unsettled. r, O. W. Callis. September IF— iSw Final olicn. All persons indebted to the firmed ksAN e’ Cjiariton, by note or open ac count, are informed that they will he once more waitedon, and if an immediate t settlement is nut made, suit will be in stantly commenjjed. r K Charlton. I . October 18 lm otice, ’ W , »» E sre authorized to state that Cant. EDMUND BUGQLwiJI be a candidate for 1 Tax Collector at ensuing Election. 0T The Georgi| Advertiser and Au . gusta Herald will please insert the same until .lanu/irv. 1 Oct 22/ * I I Notice* THltktti ironies after date, application wil be. made to the Cnuri-fif Ordin ary of Aulirtiovd CountVi for leave to di- Vide tin! estate of Major Ferdinand Phinizy late of puis county, deceased. John Phinizy, acting afin’or of the estate of F. Phinizy ' Octobtf 1 j Coffee ! lit£/(£J|IAGS prime Green Coffee 10 Uhdsj - - ditto retailing Molasses F jj sale low for Cash only, I J3y I. Thompson. Novomtp F 5t Taie Subscribers, HAVlfia moved to the Store next doo Mr Kneeland, where they arc receivindf and opening au extensive as sortmentof SialitiuaT^, Amoiw’st whicii ate the following NEW WOXKS: Riifier’s Letters, Ward’s Let tern Percy’s Anecdotes Nos. 3 audjf, and Birckwood’s Magazine, No. 20, J. $ H. Ely. October 15. 6l W. 11. Turpin Has recently received a fresh supply of Genuine MfcAicines, l amls, Oi\, Which lie assures his friends and the public he is determined to sell as 10-w as they can bo procured in the city November 1 w4t Female Academy Mr. & Mr*. WARNE'S ecbool for Young Ladies will be open for the recep tion of Sciiolars, THIS DAY, in the house at the corner of Washington and Reynold streets. Mr. k Mis. W. will devote ‘he same tithe, and attention to theirscho ioi'S as heretofore, and leach the same branch' s A Muster is engaged to give lessons in Draining, at the school rooms— If proper encouragement is given, this institution will he made a permanent one, and continued during the summer at the Sand Hills. Nov. 12 ts Card. IE IT, r.-.p-clfitly inform* Rer friends and the public, that she intends .opening her SCHOOL, on Monday, the 22nd inst. in Reynold Street,directly opposite Mr. James Gard ner’s where she will attend to all the Branches of the English Language, French and Music. Mrs. J. has also engaged a Lady, to teach Needle Work. October 18 w lm The Subscriber COFFERS for sale a part of Lot No. 12, situate on Broad street, above Springfield, and extending from the street to the river. Further particular made known on appli cation to Nathaniel B, Julian. October 25———6 t ! The Public are Informed, 11 AT a part of the LAND, situated on * Broad Street, above Springfield, and ex » lending from the Street to the River, as * advertised for sale by Nathaniel 11. Julian, ; in the Chronicle of the 25th mst. belongs » tome. P. H. Cams, October 29——5 t Wants a Situation in a Gro cery Store, i A YOUNG MAN who is well qualified - fir that business. Satisfactory references can be given. Apply at this olficc> Oct 22 ts _ TIIE subscriber still continues to keep * supply ol the best London imparted PUNCHES. W. Unix, For isaie, PAIR of young well broke HORS ES, live and six years old—Also a good family HOUSE and GlG—Apply at the Globe-Tavern. Oct. .22—-ts Savannah Arid Augusta Stage. THE proprietors of the Auynsta line of Stages edition travellers from taking sews between the established offices, without baying their names inserted on h way bill. A practice has hitherto ex isled ot suffering persons to enter the i^ C L lo !C S> rear tnconvenicnce of those who have taken regular seats, and which yields no profit to the proprietors. It cannot be allowed for the future. The greatest attention will be paid to the ac comodation of the regular passengers; which consideration does not a huh of the carriage being overcrowded hv inter ,o l )e - Nov, 12— ts 830 Be ward. AnBnONOEITm June Tssl, African negro woman, belonging to the subscriber, about 30 years of age, and country marked in her face, is well known in this city.——l will give Twenty Dol lars if taken about this city and secured in jail; or, if at a distance, all reasonable expenses. M, Sandwich. November 12 If ~ WANTED, ~~ .fV GOOD COOK, for which liberal wages will be given.—Apply at this office. November 12 ts To Beat, A, LARGE .ml citmforr.He D.tllinp House, to which are attached three and an half acres of Land. This house is in the lower part of the city, on Ellis-slreet, and is every way desirable as a residence for a private family Immediate possession will be given.—Apply to William W. Holt, Esp oi to Nicholas Ware, Executor of li’m. Bacon. November 8 if. Land for Sale. WILL be sold a tract of LAND, con taining upwards of 400 aers, on Sa vannah River, 22 miles above Augusta, in Columbia county, on the road leading from the Court House to Edgefield Court House. If any yerson wishing to pur chase can view the premises, and know the terras hy applying to either of the sub scribers, ou the premises. W. & R. H. Meriwether. November 8 law3wpd QJ* The Subscriber wil! accommodate with BOARD, a few Chil dren, should any offer from the Country who are desirous of attending school in town. Robert Walker. October 29———t To Rent, THE DWELLING on Bay street at present occupied by Mrs. Sarea, with a large and commodious garden attached thereto, An excellent stand on Center street, for the grocery business, at present occupied by Mr. Jones. Thomas 8. Oliver, Administrator of B. Oliver. September 6 ts Georgia.—Warren County. Clerk’s office, of the Court of Ordinary WHEREAS Joseph Culpepperapplej for letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Duckworth late of said County deceased. ’! liesc are therefore t< cite ond admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within th< time allowed by law to shew cause (ifany they have) why said letters of Adminis tration should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, tliis sth Nov 1821, Jno. Torrence Clk. c. o. Nov. 12. Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the honorable tin usUces of Uie Interior court, when sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to seL one hundred and fifty acres of land in Burke county, adjoining Tindall, S. Jen kins and others. ALSO, Two hundred and fifty acres in Walton county, No. 105, sold for the benefit ol the heirs and creditors of Solomon Daniel, deceased. Martha Daniel, ex’x. Burke county, July 6,1821. m9m *** We are authorized to announce JAMES S. SHAFFER, Esq. a candidate for the office of Sheriff ol Richmond county, at tp» ensuing election April S p 850 KeAYatd. a. OIOI.EN from a wagon enramjird sV the foot of the Sand U Us, on the night of the 6th instant, a large bright Sorrel Horse; no marks or white hairs on him recollected. He is about five y«ars old. has a large bushy tail, and long mane; is about five feet one inch high; shod all round.’ The above reward will be paid for the apprehension of the Thief with the Horse,or Ten Dollars for life horafe alone. Apply at the Globe Tavern, or to Will. A. Cobb, For* Creek, Hancock County, Geo. Nov 22 -ts til Firkins Butter* (PRIME.) Just received and for sale by I. Thompson November 15—41 Raisins. 56 Boxes IWisins, 56 Ao. CtanAWg, Just November ts ts , Fresh Raisins, .N Quarter and h.ll'Ruxe. just received and for sale by. John Gin drat. Nov. 12———3 t \Vant» 11 Situation, •As Clcik in a Dry Good or Grocery Store, a Young Man who believes that satisfactory r-ftrenceu can be given—Ap ply at this Office. November 15——ts FOB S4LM: Negro Woman with two Chil dren; she can be recommended as a first rate Cook, a good Washer ami (roner. James Johnson.* Nov. 15- --ts W 77 ONE day after date 1 promise tlx pay James Butler, or bearer, seventy ven dollars for value received this day of May, JB3l,—(Signed) Andrew Butler. GEORGIA. Richmond County. 5 JL »;mowing ap£ ’ peared Francis Grace, who being sworn, saith that he is a joint copartner in the concern of S. MutLAimx, U Co. indthat they were on the ninth day November instant, possessed of » note in their own right, of which the above is a copy, all near as this deponent recollects, and thw the said note has been lost ordestroyed- Francis Grace.. Sworn to before me this 13th ? day of November, 1821- $ R. Busu, j. f. A NOTICE. LL persons are cautioned against trad.. ing for the above note, as the undersign td will apply to the Superior Court now sitting for the establishment of a copy thereof, of which those concerned will take notice. S, Mullally £5 Co. November 15.-- 3t QJ* The undersigned of fers for sale bis HEAL upon Washington-strcet, extending from Mr. Joseph Danforth’s Lot to the coiner upon Reynold-atreet. Robert Raymond Reid* September 3—ts State of Georgia. n the Superior court of Richmond county. Mat Tkmm, 1821 t’resent—- The lion. John, 11, Montgomery , Judge, Ei.izabuth Gumming, j vh C Petition for divorte John B. Cunning, 3 fpHE petition and process in this case, JL having been returned by the Sheriff, “ the defendant not to be found”—On mo tion of Flaintiff’s attorney. Ordered, that service be perfected bv publishing this rule in one of the public Gazettes of tin* state, once a month for six months. Takenf~om the minutes. Clerk’s office, 20th June 1821. John C. Snead, d. c. June 21. m6tr» Notice. NINE months after date application will be made to the honorable the Inferior court of Columbia county, while ■tiling for ordinary purposes, for leave to -ell thirteen hundred and ninety nine icre.s of pine laud in Richmond county on both sides of Butler’s creek, on winch there is a saw and grist-mill, it being part of the real estate of John Foster, late of .aid county, dccased. Elizabeth Foster, i Arthur Foster, > Collier Foster, 3 Mav 7, 182- na9m *** A Journeyman Frin ‘er would find employment and obtain ibernl wages, at the office of a Newspa oer called « We, iuk I’zoFtx,” printed at Millecipeville. Novcmdcr 12 ts ""