Augusta chronicle & Georgia gazette. (Augusta, Ga.) 1821-1822, November 29, 1821, Image 4

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    Georgia, Burke County.
SUrEftWIl GOUBI April Tem, I*2l
Pretent the Jlanerahle Jo«» U. Moju'oo
mkiiv, Judge.
MM »*-**•.> 801.8 iilSI.
.tcrcmialx Miller j . .
UPON the petition of Hicham Hichnro
soii, praying the foreclosure of tin
Equity of Hidomplion of tx certain true I
or parcel of laud lyi"KV “ti.J situate
in thecounty of Burke and State of Geor-,
gia, bounded as follows lint is to say.
Northwardly l.y land formerly owned and
possessed by .lordan Taj Ur; hastvyar. ly
by .lames Tindal, Philip ’ homas
hmitb’s land; Southwardly by'James Si-r
--tin's land, and YVestwardly by Joshua
Nunon’s land, containing «nc thousand
ucres, more or less, having thc'Creck- nx ii
lat, or branch called Urn Mosciriary, miH
yi'nip through a part of-said tract or parcel
of laml, which said trac* or parcel of land
■was on the sixth day of May, in the year ,
of our Lord one thousand, tight hnmlieih
ami seventeen mortgaged by the mud Je
remiah Miller to the said Uicliard Audi
Wilson, to seeme the payment ol the (mm
of three thousand three hundred and -ele
ven dollars and eighty three cents, with llu;
interest accruing thereon, to he paid <»u the,
first day of February n«i, after the date
,>f said mortgag l ’, with interest from (be
f rnt day of January, in the yeilr of our
howl, one thousand, eight hundred ami.
Beventccn, and agreeable l<> the condition
of o bond bearing even date w ith said;,
mortgage —On motion of Felix tl. Hums,
attorney for the said Uichavdllichardson,
It it Ordered that the said Jeremiah Miller
do within twelve months pay into the
Clerk’s office the principal, intercut, and
< »st due on said mortgage, or in default
thereof, the equity of redemption in the
said mortgaged premises will Irom thence
forth he for ever foreclosed and hared.
!t is further ordered ttlpU a copy of the
foregoing rule be published in one of the
public gazettes of this state, once a month
for twelve momh.‘>, or be personally serv
ed on llic said .leremtah Miller six months
before the time aplWSilted far the pay
ment of the money injjo pourt ap aforesaid.
Ikrtract from the mivv'lcs,'2mfi ityril'lH*!.
John Carpenter, cl’k.
May 3 ml 2-.
April Term, 1821—Monday the 23d day
Stouter Cowling, "1
vs. 1 'RULE.fat'
Nathaniel Adams, udminis- y furclntnre
tralor on the estate of Na- I oj Murt
thanicl Adams, deceased. J gage.
Upon the petition of Stouter Cowling, I
praying (lie foreclosing the eqhlty of re
nemp’ion in and to all that tract of land
lying and being in tlie county of Lincoln
/ml state of Georgia, containing five hum
died and sevenl' acres, more or less, ad
iinning lands of Catherel and Saunders on
the Sou'll; Basiwardly by lands’of Mrs
Hunter and John Ware; Northwardly by
Seastrunk’s land, and vVesiwardly by lands
of Hubert Fleming and estate of Dowsing, ■
which said tract of land was mortgaged by
Nathaniel Adams in hto life time to your
petitioner, the better to secure the sum
o» three thousand two hundred and forty
seven dollars and sixty two cents* with
On motion of Mioajab Henley, attorney
or said Slimier Cowling —lt t* Ordered,
that (he principal, Interest, and-c -si be
paid into court within twelve months ft om
this dry, otherwise the equity of redemp
tion it and to the mortgaged premises will
be .from henceforth for ever hared and
foreclosed, and this rule be published in
one of the public, gazettes of this state,
once in every month until the time ap
pointed by this rule for payment, or a c.o
py served upon'the said administrator of
the mortgagoi or his special spent, at least
i.ix months previous to the time the mo
ney is directed to he paid into court.
True .copy taken minutes of
Lincoln Superior Court, April Term,
IS2l—Monday the 23d day of said
Month. x ,
Peter Lamur, cl’k.
May 3- —l2m - . .
X IN* months after date applicatio
will he made to the honorable th'
Court of Ordinary of Burke county, for |
leave to sill the read estate of the late Ur-
Thou as Leavitt, deceased.
Eliza A. Leavitt, fidni’x.
April 19, tn9m 1821
ALL persons indebted to the estate of
ttie Ute Dr. Thomas Leavitt, dic’d,
either by n*> open account, are re
quested to com.-' ;rward and pay the same
before the bit day of. November nekl.—
All persons having claims'- Kgaifisl the es
tate arc notified to exhibit them to the
administratrix within the time prescribed
by law, properly authenticated
Eli/.a A. Leavitt, adm’x. i
Api-s 1 I ---*. - ' v
INE Months after date, application
will be made to the' Honorable Court of
O'rlinarv, fur (he county of Lincoln, lor
leave to seil four hundred and thirty acres
of land, more or less on the w aters, ot
Utile Hivns,-joining. otliei s,
Msn, ihe negroes uqlonging to the estate
or ilei ekla Spiers, late of said county, de
Win. Willingham,
Zachariah spiers,
March 29.-—w?tn
* V
N'l\R mom Us after date application
will be ihads to the honorable the
Court of Ordinary of UichmondCounty for
leave (■• sell two hundred and fifty acres of
ho d. lying in the second district qf Early,
and knew-ins lot No 39, tKeiMqpe' 'being
the real of Emanuel Gregory'de- I
ecu-i.d, uud sold for tue benefit of all con-
Owned , *.»
Lewis Gregorys adinV.
*** VV© are authorized to
six ounce Col F UOISCIAtU, asV
caumdau- f>r Hcc-.tvcr of Tax Ueturns fur
mg ‘ Uo&mond lhc w**
Sheriffs Sale.
Will he Sold, at the Court-House, in
Warrenloii, on the. first Tuesday in De
cember next, between the hours of bale.
200 acres of pine land,
on the wtttcts of Brier Lre<4, adjoining
of Blonllbrd antlotheia, it being tbr place
whereon Thomas Bosh now lives; levied
on toaatisfy an execution in lavorof Lnr
kin Bate., vs. Andrew Bush and Thomas
Hush, pointed out bv Thomas Bush.
Ouc Negro girl, by the
name of Morning, six or seven years old ;
levied on to satisfy several small execu
tions mi fi-vor of 11. U. Thompson and
others, vs. James ■Rogers, juu. levied on
and returne d to me hy a Constable, an I
pointed out by defendant.
—.41. SO—
-454-ncrCß of hind, more
or less, un the wa'ers of 'Long-Creek, nd
.■joining of Friend if Johnson, ami thers, it
being the place whereon Sandeford now
lives, with gooil improvements on it,levi- .
cel on to satitfy an Execution, in favor of
Kzi kiel Smith, and others, vs. Henjamin
Sandeford, -Charles Darrel and Nathan
Culpepper, pointed nut by Sandeford.
—ju. so
ft or 10 acres of Cotton
in tlie- field taken to satisfy an Execution
in favor of Thus. Maddox, and others, vs. ‘
.las. Cady, jun. pointed out by defen
— 4l. SO—
-5 Negroes, to viit: I?cn*
a man about 35 years of age, llebecca,
about the same, and Kitty, Nancy 10 or 12,
Alford, A op 8, three beds and furniture,
one set of tables, one sideboard and bu
reau,. 12 setting chairs, with all the furni
rnre belonging to the house, 10 head of
cattle, one cait and steers, a hay mare -and
sorrel horse; levied on to satisfy an exe
cution in tavor hi the State, vs. James
Lay less, .las. Cady, jun. and Jacob Guratl,
pointed out by Laylcss.
—ALSO —■
110 ncrcs of pine hincV
on the waters of Fort creek, it being the
'place whereon tlie defendant now lives ;
levied on to satisfy an execution in favor
«.f David Cixtly vsCadcr Darrel, pointed
o«t by llarrel.
-400 acres, more or less,
n r Oak and Hickory land, on the waters
nf Hedlick, adjoining of Jas lingers,
Wynn !a others, with good improvements
un it, it being the place whereon the de
fendant now lives; levied on to satisfy an
'.edition in favor of Baker and Itcclli,
Vi. Jack Dcvenpurl.
A. liogers, s. vv. c.
November 1 wlds.
SbcrilV's S:»le.
"y\ ILL be sold at the court-house in
Warren ton on the first Tuesday in Decem
ber next, between the usual hours of sale j
One looking glass, two trunks
fashionable cloalhi -g, consisting oi one,
big coat, coatees and pantaloons, waisn
coa's, &c.—-also, lot of coarse broad chubs,
one hat, one pair «i taylors pressing irons,
one banbux, several other articles too te
dious to mention, levied on as the pro
perty of Louis Morin, to satisfy an execu
tion in favor of Francis Houycr, vs. Louis
A. H. McCormick, d.s.w.o.
November 5 wds
Hherilf’s Sale.
Will be sold on the first TUESDAY in
December next, at the Couri-houste in
YVarrenlon- bttiwjen the usual hours of
sale, "
The half of one vyagon ami
four horse*, taken on the foreclos-uie of
a mortgage, in favor of James I’ollluil,
vs John G. Andrews—pointed out by
pluiutilf, Oct 2d, 1821.
A. lingers, s.w c.
October 5 wtds
T I'oWtclot’s £ nlc
( be sold on the first. Tuesday ii.
Ilorcmbx r next, at the market house in Hie
city of Augusta, between the usual sale
100 acres of land in Warren
county, levied on as the property of John
lU-ytuilds to satisfy his Slate and county
ta\for the year 1820.—Tax due 8! J
One bouse and lot near Sum
merville, Itichmond county, levie.i on as
(Tie property. of-Dafuiel Bloxunx, to satisfy
his state and county lax fur the year IB2ti.
Fax due g 3 87} cunts.
-196 acres of land in Burke
county, levied on as the property <>• Va
linda Ward, Seaborn Ward, guardian, to
satisfy ln;r state and county tax for the
year 1820. Tax due gl 50 cents.
One house and lot in the city
of Augusta, adjoining lower end of the
lirklgt Bank, and fronting on llroad street,
levied mi as tlie property of Felix t«. Gib
son, 8x Go. to satisfy their stale and etmn
ty tax for the year 1839. Tax duv Jjl.H'
85 cents. —ALSO—
One house and lot in the city
of Augusta, adjoining lot of Job S. B»i
ney, levied on ;xs the property of Mrs. Ann
YV. S‘urges, or son, to satisfy stale »nd
county lax for the year 1820. Tax due
§8 59 cents.
One house and lot in the city
of Augusta, adjoining lot of Mrs. David
McKinney ami others, fronting on Hro id
street, leviml on as the pioperty of Adam
(iutclicsnii, to satisfy bis slate ami county
tax lor the year 15120. Tux due §53 43
One house and lot in the city
of Angus.a, known as the property of
Staiixback Wilson, levied on to satisfy his
. state and comity lax (or the year 182 Q
Tax due §8 87$ cents-
IS. Bugg, T. 0.
October i.epp •std
Sheriff’s Sale.
WILL be sold at Lincolnlon on the
first Tuculnyin December next, between
the usual hours of sale,
One negro man by the narne
ol Dave, taken as the properly of Darter
Wilkeson, to satisfy two executions again*'
rui i Wilkeson, fine in favor of Thomas M.
Bondc-runl vs. said Wilkeson ; one in favor
of Ansel U. Neigh vs. said Wilkeson —
pointed out by plaintiff's attorney’.
{ One negro named .1 acob, laken
as the property of Wm. Covi tglon—i.x --
vcmioos, one in favor of Sloval kki . an,
for Jimits Lamkin vs. said Covington , one
in favor of Morgan Sr. Smith, for Wm Ans
(in vs. said Covington—property pointed
out by the plaintiff— To tug
>t T . Uussev, d.s.l.c.
November 5 wds
Administrators Hale.
W ILL be sold on Friday the fonr
i| teenth ejay of December next, at the late
residence of William Jones, decease*,, of
Ilutkccounty,all the perishable properly,
of said-deceased, consisting of Corn and ’■
Fodder, Morses, Mutes, Stock of Hogs
and Cattle; —also the household and kilch
enifai nilure, and the farming utensils', and (
a number of other article's too tedious ro
■ enumerate. Terms of sale mace known
•on the day.
Augustus 11. Anderson.
Isaac Walker,
Administrators. :
November s— ts ■
Administratrix Sale.
W ILL be sold on Tuesday the 4lh of
January, 1822, aUheUttc residence of Ur.,
Thomas Leavetle, deceased, of ifurke'
county, all the perishable property of said
deceased, consisting of Negroes, Stock <d
all kind, Household and Kitchen Furniture
Corn, Fodder, Plantation utensils, kc.—
Terms of sale —Cash.
Will be rented at the same time, the
Plantation, whereon the said deceased re
Eliza A* Leave it;', adm’x.
November 8 w 6>v.
ILL Ih. sold on t!ic IStli tiny ol I).'*
eeniber next, at the late residence of;
William M‘Natt, late of the county oi
Httrke, deceased: a Stock of Cattle, a
Set of Blacksmith's Tools, two Feather
-lids, Bedsteads and Furniture, one
Horse, and a number of other Articles,
toy tedious to mention. Terms—twelve ,
months credit will be given with small
notes, and approved security Property
not to be removed until the terms of sale
are C ’tnplied with.
Philip Lumpkin, AdmV.
October 29 wui.
Admin stru tor’s Sale.
ILL he sold on Tuesday the 4th of
December next, at the market house in
the city of Augusta,
The real estate of James
Kiernon, dec. late of F.dg« Jiekl district,
South-Carolioa, being l<u - the benefit ol
the heirs and credito s f said deceased
Uobt. : Met.'ombs, adm’r.
Hept. 2'- it's .
In Equity.
Agnes Nesbitt, T
vs. s
Hugh W. Nesbitt, et. si. J
In obedience to an order < f tbc Court
of Equity, will be sold on Tuesday, the
liist day of January next, at the bouse of
Joseph Currie, on Beach island, on a cre
dit ofone year, a gang of Negiors, from
25 to 30 in number—the cost and fees of
suit in cash and notes, and seemity will
be required—purchasers will pay for bills
of sale for the Negroes.
W hitfield Brooks,
Commissioner in Equity.
Edgefield Court-house. Sen*. 27
lit Equity.
John Garrett, and Wife, T BILL
vs. C for
John Day, adui’r, and others, y Partition.
In obedience to an order of the Court
of Equity, will be sold at Edgefield court
house on the first Monday in Dcccmb t
next, on a credit ot one and two years, S
tracts ol Land of the estate of James Day,
deceased, lying adj.lining each other,
within fifteen miles of Augusta, and cqn
taiuiug upwards of liKJO acres, idle cost
aud fees of suit, in cash, and bond, and
security, will be required. Purchasers
will pay for title deeds to each tract
Whitfield Brooks,
Cotn’r Edgefield district.
Edgefield Court-house, Svpt'r 27
George Hammond,y
Attorney, kc. f IN EQUITY
r» ? 'Bill to sell trust
Charles Goodwin. J estate.
In obedience to an order of the court of
Equity will be sold at Edgefield Court
House, (South Carolina,) on the first Mon
day in December nest, on a credit of one
and two years a tract of land, containing
nine hundred and forty nine acres, agree
ably to the original plat, lying on Dorse
creek, within a few miles of
The tract consists of a considerable pro
portion of swamp land of the first quality.
I‘ltt high land is well adapted to the cul
tore of coni and rot ton, and affords a most
el N ’ble k beautiful site fiirbuilding, which
a view of August* and itsti.
entity. Tim cost and fees in cash, and
bond and security will be required The
purchaser will pav for a title deed.
Whit. B.ooks,
Commissioner in Equity.
Edgefield Court House, }
20th Oct. 1831. S
Job Printing.
Neatly Executed at this Office
globe TATEBN
and savannah and western
KrBPECTFCI.LV acquaints his friends
a/.il the public that his house has under
gone a thorough repair, and that it wilt
' afford to Boulders, and Travellers, are
ccption as comfortable as any other llsiab*
lishment of the kind in tbe Solhern Slates.
The Globe is Situated on Broad Street
in the very center of the City and offers
1 peculiar advantages to the Planter, and to
■ Men of business generally.
. His stables are furnished with the best
of provender, and with faithful anil atten
tive hostlers, lie only solicits from the pub
-1 lie that proportion of iratronage which Ins
attention to business and to the conilorl
of itis customers may entitle him to.
A Literary, Commercial and PohUca
Will be shortly opened Tor the accom
modation of his Customers.
(Mober, 15. if
I.I,ESPRCTFIT.I.Y iiform's Ins friends
and the public, that he has taken his for
mer stand back of the Bridge 11 ink, and
hopes from his due attention to business
that he will be patronized by a liberal
public. He also informs the public that In*
' house shall he kept in such style as will
; make it comfortable to those who will give
him a call—and that it shall not be resor
ted to by characters who will not respect
the House.
S- (< ndier 27 if
Profs scr of Mu :ic from .A tvi>- York anil
Respectfully acquaints the Pub
lic, that the c-iic,< urugemenl he Inis re
ceived, has dt tciiniiicd him I j commence
the instruction of Priphs, on the
Piano Porte mill in Sing
ing with the proper method of accompa
, living the Vice, according to the most ap
proved modern style on Jllunilny the 4ih
•of November, he will also give lessons on
with the Science of Composition. As the
iiutnhcr of his pupils will necessarily be
limited, an early application mils', be made
i for the feM remaining Vacancies.
Any commands L. It ate BOOK STORE
of Mr. S. Sxl’iuiks, will receive every at
November I—3t
Dancing AcaAvm^.
M >, COLMESNlL'respectfully informs
the Ladies and Gentlemen of Augusta,
tint, he will open his HANDING SCHOOL
on the first Saturday in November, and
it will continue open throughout the Sea
son, for Subscribers Mr. C. being well
know n in this place, fullers himself that
Paronjs and Guardians will favor him With
the Tuition of their Children,
Le ssons will be -given on every Satur-.
day morning, from 9 until 12 o’clock, ami'
in the evening from 3 o’clock until sun
set. Price of Tuition Ten Dollars per
quarter payable in advance.
Two and half months tuition will be the
full quarter, including three Exhibition
Balls, to which parents and guardians of
his Scholars are invited.
N. 11. Ladies and Gentlemen who may
wish to take private Lessons in Dancing,
Mr. C. will be happy to wait upon them
at their houses or at the Dancing Acade
my, on Green-street
Augusta, October 2.1—•-fit
A Great Bargain.
rpilF. subscriber offers for sale Iter plan-
JL tation ii. Burke county, the late re
sidence of Dr. Tomas Leavitt, dec. con
taining fiat) acres, more or less, lying near
Waytn s.lorough, ami well-adapted to the
culture Corn, Colton, and-.grain of every
kind, a comfortable dwelling house-with
all necessary out buildings including a
large ntw ;;in house and gin. Payments
made easy, and possesion given the first
ofJanuu-y, 1822,: ml if required the put
chaser can he snplied with corn, fodder
and stork of all kinds on the ptemlses. —
For Anther particulars, enquire of the
subscriber on the premises.
Klizn A. Leavitt, adm’x.
April 19 m9in
For Sate ,
TPIIAT well known and valuable plan
tation whereon William Tones, deceased,
lived, in the comity of Burke, containing
Fifteen Hundred acres of oak and hickoty
land, and shout two hundred acres clear
ed, well adapted to the culture of corn
and cotton. On the above premises there
Is a good two story house, and all other
necessary out buildings, and an excellent
Saw and Grist Mill on a never failing
stream—three hundred acres more of pine
land adjoining the above, lying in the
county of Richmond, and about seventy
acres cleared. We deem a further des
cription unnecessary, hut invite all those
persons who wish to purchase a valuable
place, to come and view the premise* and
judge fir themselves. For further parti
culars apply to
Augustus H. Anderson,
Isaac Walker,
Administrators of the estate of Wm. Jones.
Nov I— N. s—ts
The House and Lot,
OITUATED on Broad and Lincoln
streets, are now offered f>r sale, it will be
in tbe market until the 25th day of De
eember, at which time, it not sold, it will
be withdrawn and will not be offered a
gain. The situation of the property is
pleasant and healthy, its front is 180 feet
and runs back to Ellis street 160 feet.
For the terms apply to
Wm. A Cobb,
By hit .lgent t
I. Thompson.
November 26——
r.LBEJtrOJV A'ovtinbei SO, 1821
llVvlsion 'vivdevs.
V V 11,1.1 AM JONES, F.sq of Lincoln
County, is lt«rcb> appointed division lu
sprdorot ilie Fourth Division, Georgia
Militia, with the Title and Rank. of Lieu
tenant Colonel, vice Colonel Micajah
Henlv, resigned All officers and private*
in sai’d Division, willTespcct andebey Kin
Wiley Thompson,
M >j Gen Con/d’g
November 22 4t
A Kreat Bargain.
J. HR subscriber being dt sirens to-re
move to the Western country} again offers
for sale his
■whereontie now lives, situated in Cohiin
bia county, thiiteen miles from Augus
r», and niwe from Columbia Cnurt-Ilous- ,
•iiTiincn.lately leading from the latteeta the
former place. 1 his tract ot T-aud,
contains throe hundred and twenty-four
acres, about lw» hundred ten of which is
cleared, and under good fences; the soil
is equal to any upland in the county, ami
a pan of that which is to clear, is equal
to any in the state. The situation isliigh
and believed to be as healthy as any in
the neighbourhood. On toe .premises is
a good-dwelling house, good kitchen, anil
all necessary out buildings, including a
new Gin House and Stables. Also, a large
Orchard of Peach, Apple am! Cherry
trees, a good garden, two flush springs
of pure water, quite convenient, ’lbis
Plantation having having been advertised
last spring} 1 deem it unnecessary to say
anv thing more of its situation, qualities,
&c. as it is expected that those wishing
to purchase will view it themselves. —
Should this tract of land he too small,
there arc five or six hundred acres ot good
lands adj lining, which nuy be bought on
good terms immediately.
The above described tract of land will
he offered at private sale, until '1 hursday,
the-sth day of December nest, and if not
sold will then be pul up to the highest
bidder, together with all the Plantation
tools, corn, fodder, household & kitchen
furniture. For further particulars, en
quire of Ml" John tushin, of Augusta}
Mr. John Turpin, at the Quaker Spring,
Mr. IJynaum of Columbia Court House,
or to the subscriber on the premises.
Little berry Clanton,
October 18 law ids
AU, persons to wliom ll>e pstote of
William Jones, deceased, (late ol llufke
county) are indebted to, are requested to
bring their accounts forward, in terms of
the law ; and that are indebted to
the estate, are requested to come forward
and make immediate payment to
Augustus H. Anderson,
Isaac Walker,
November 5 ts
N otice.
ALT. persons having demands against ■
the Estate of Alexander Carter, late
of Hurke county, deceased, are hereby
notified to present their accounts duly at-t
tested within the time prescribed by law j
and all those who are indebted will avail
themselves of this notice, to come forward
and make such arrangements as will be
John C. Poythress,
Qualified adm’r on the estate of A
I’. S—ln my absence application can be
made to my attorney, J. F. Morris, Esq’r,
from whom any necessary information cun
be obtained relative to the .settlement of
said estate
Way ntsuoro,’Sept 10
Administrator’s Sale.
Will be sold on tin.* STlh day of De
cember next, at the house of William Je
ter, agreeable to an order of the honora
ble the Inferior court for ordinary pur
poses, the property of Jeremiah Garlrill,
dec consisting <f Negroes, the stock ot
Cattle, Horses, aiv* Household &. Kitchen
Furniture, with many oilier too
tedious to menu<m,
William .letor, tulrn , r.
November 12 \v3tp
Administrator’s Sale.
the first Monday in January next;
will be sold at I.incoln court house, one
Negro Girl named Alcey, the property of
Zachariah McKinney, dec. late of Lincoln
county, sold agreeable to an order of the
court of Ordinary of said county, for the
benefit of the heirs. Terms made know n
on the day of sale.
John McKinney,
Travis McKimney,
Mmiuitlruiora •
November 12 w3tp
land for sale.
THE subscriber offers for sale, a valu
able Tract of Land, lying on Fishing-creek,
Lincoln county, containing 620 acres hav
ing on it a good dwelling house, gin house,
and all other necessary buildings—a con
sidcrable part ot the land in cultivation, is
fresh, and under good fence. It will be
sold very low for cash—but if preferred,
a credit of one or two years will be given :
Enquire of the subscriber living in Gosh
en, Lincoln county
James E. Todd,
Agent for John W. Freeman.
October 22 w 6
To Kent*
TP HE dwelling house os Reynold Street,
lately occupied by Major Crayton, posses
sion given on first day of November. Ap
ply to
John Phinizy, acting
Adm'r of the estate (j f F, F/unity,
October 3t
November Term, 1821
Present the Hon. J ,„ N jj. MoSTS(J *
1 The Planter's M.v>k of^
’ ;li State of Or*ir,.-iii, !
' of Mama | Petition for For,
; M ‘ K, "" e . >- closure,
" A lam Ilutchis-n, anti j
four Lets >n.:tn«l ;
HU Hl'. S'l s'/.
Upon ill- petition of -hr pi, ntet
!<i.nk of the Stale of Ceor.-ia, P lt ,,
the foreclosure «fth c Equity of ItUf-w
lion in and to four lots or J.» n( i '
1) ingin the city of Align, i-.. K c niv »,
s'j.'o aforesaid, Imowir-tir ih- plan j.
ai 1 ° :lt ut the upper end of Ihoad.Sires
s b y I)an, el Suites, Surveyor General ,
the twenty-eighth day of pebnmrv,eic
teen hundred and eigh m,, ami lying ,
(lie south side of U nad-Sireet, as nut
hers nine, ten, eh vvn and twelve,'rer,,;
i ing each tliirly feet finut on said |f Ala
• Street, and extendin'- hack io Kllis-Strci
, as by v ferenee to said plan will mar? fn
:• app< ar; which said foil- lots of | VI .
, mortgaged by Adam Hutchison, « n t
r first day of .fitly, one thousand eight In
s d r ed and eighteen, to IJartta M'Kinne, a
I by said Mania M-Kinne assigned to’t
1 said Planter’s Think, on the twentv.jfm
I day of July, fire thousand fight InimJ
i and nineteen, on which tnnr'gagc tin!
t is now due twelve hundred and s ; xu J
#, ven dollars and a half, with interest. I
I- And now at this term, upon nmiml
• Thomas Flournoy, in behalf of said l’ a l
? It is ordered, That the principal, Intel
’ and cos's due upon the said moiijpccl
R paid unto curt, within twelve ninil
> from the da'e Tiereof, or the I quill
1 Uedemption in the said mortpS-.ed, fl
' mises will be foreclosed, and the same I
,' posed of as the law dirvets. And I
f farther ordered, That this Utile be isl
- lished in one of the public Gtzetlefl
, this State at least once in every moH
J until the time appointed for paum-nlfl
i served on the mortgagor or bis
agent, at bast six moths previous loH
I time the money is directed to bo paidH
, i (~'l\ih nf om the Mimilei.J H
John H. Mann, <{’■
, Clerk’s Office, 13th Nov. 1821
fIMIE public are tiereby
’ JL Captain .lames Ware, nf die coH
of Amhcrl, and State of Virginia, iuH
pointed one Principal Agent forth,; Hj
d c, eastern and northern Stales; aniHl
mund Mucker, esq. of Rutherford ceflj
State of Tennessee has been
one Principal Agent fertile swilii-ntHI
western States.—Alt licenses to
p Valent Thnteaux, signed by either (Hi
singly, or by one primnai agent,nr
( bordinate agents appointed bv
p by us, shu’l he us if-signed by b ;h
JSclsoq C. DawsonH
Ambrose Rucker, H
November 12 \vßw Ppj
Lands Mill
THE subscriber offers for file bis
tali on on both sides of IVillisn
Swamp Creek.—lt is supposed to ci
500 C acres, but was origina'ly stir
for 4000 ; and has upon it two Grist
and one Saw Mill. For further parti
apply to my brother, Major It,chi
Long, of Wilkes county, or to me
the premises.
John Junius Lon<
Washington county, )
Nov. IJ, 1821. S
Administrator’s Sa*
WILL be sold to the highest bit
the house of James Landers, late (
coin county, deceased, on the last
December next, all the personal pr
of said deceased, consisting oi st<
various kinds; also the plantation
household and kitchen furniture,
the present crop of corn, fodder a
lon, and sundry other things too t
to mention Terms made known
day of sale.
John H. Walker, atlm
November 12 3t I
Adoiini&trator’s Salß
'I'VILL be sold on Tuesday (I
day of January next, at bincolnH
house, between the usual hours,
able to an order of the honorable
ordinary of said county, a i t tie
longing* to the estate of .lames
dec. Twelve months credit will
by the purchaser giving sms I
appro'ed security.
John H. Walker, atlifl
November Id 3t
Notice. B
NINE months after date apß
will be made to the
rior court of Lincoln county.
sell all i!ie real estate of James
dec with the widow’s d irer !)■
laud lyiuir on Gray’s creek in smM|
John //. Walker, aw
November 13. 1821 —
' Notice.
A 1,1, persons having »”)' <!f
gainst the estate of J anicß
late of Lincoln county, tlec. »f
notified to render in their » ccu
attested according to law.
John 11. Walker, a
November 12- 3t
830 He war
African negro woman, be o> S
subscriber, about "0 ye*”
country marked in her f“ ce >
in this city. 1 w.I . g"' e ' v
lars ik taken about tins r >
in jail; or, if at a- distance,
esp “ s "- M. Sand
November 13 —ts