Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, December 28, 1831, Image 1

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apqitsta emowflu. rn:U!Mrp Ernnv A •■•‘ ! - NI S I ) AV am, SATCUD.V V MOliMMi.liV \ • M. KJ3>7f| JR ?•'ivji . TSRMS: PAPER. VIVK ROUaAR« ■hn ‘.l??*, P°» cW < »» «*o»ee, or .SIX ’* ««r ‘ a l ' u * yi*Hr. WKIiKLV PAPER. Tjn:n;-:i)OL!.Ai?spcr i io -n.i o{’ i!u» year. • :,,KT >v ‘'‘ (exceptatlUe choice of r * l r r, r ,) ur),M a!1 arrwi.-;.avs arc paid. „ # WR nSL\\il! VTft» lire iits'ericd temiv-eekiy J. w- 1 -j. centsper v.;iian\ i*»r flu.? r»r>i iurrriion, and W 3-1 roa|ss »*r cadi su.:C(. a C4liii!i iii v»<e42y, a* 62 i--> c- i»ts pci* sfjiurc lor c:ich intvv.t* n— ami r.r.tihly (when i. one sejanre) at S?l for each ihscriion.— *V‘; ‘ • However sinnH, I.* »•', i !«•.-.<Ui;?n fcouurc. ' / r intended 10 i f Hfniied have (tie miuiuur r.» stnai-uTid 'y or Wiv!.U\ vvntien on them, or t n;y ;i !•.*. in..;u*tidi cJomi-wcekly tit) lor bid. and char ted iircordiM-dy. i’nc puhlHicr upon lM!?'«v»‘Jfihc ri-k of alt remit u* *') laoijey i-.uidc • > liim liy Aiail—■tin*. person r«*.;uii— h.r.-st payiiur the po.- taqv, and ohtalnini; fro;a U.e I'ost di;t-ier # a wriut a or v. rhal Kcknov.!.’. of the fteistiut!, and It.-* dep.r-i!c i;i bln liiiVo, wiiiclt shall he given • •. -.i* puMi.-Vr i?i ri-c rlatpi. I .KiTFd’rj (on i»nr»Sr.**^«-> mugt he post paid, or they vFil u.*» luM.iktMi out oft la* ni!Uv. ! ■i, % iv« OS? TKB UNITED STATES '*' •j* i»ni*nm* ;n Hi;*; pap.n. j’; f!.recntor», -3! ref rj, amfOv.ardlc.nt, Vi/K8 of J A.\»l or NFCiilOUS.hy AdimnMni .xecutofs, or <.in »>, are required, l»y law, to ■ >•.' lr-*’.| .n ilirt liiv.l in I'.e inonfli, heiween the ■ •'uj■*• ot alia the i"if»-i;oun, and ihrcrinllu* afternoon,at v'oari- ioi ! <i» c/f il;e. cnmiiy iu vvhicli the properly j -•.‘!i \ • 'i*»; of these sales innsl ho iy!wu in a public ■ if,. d \TV ‘-ay. previous irt t!i»* day of sale, v • c i.fih**. iah of ittriwal prisperiy. nni. l lie yriven ; • *'ii.nne,p, KOlf'i* V I'.iy.--■ previous to the day oiVnle. A* ela tin- deS; , :oel e etlitors ofuQ e.- ta<’o, must he •vdv: imd Ihr FOIvTV days. Iv-iuo tint applaaiion wdl lo* made t» the Court oi •fr ■; a.*v ; : »r leave to seli CAM) or NKtiKUli», must C-* n-i!iiisl»ctl for FOLK MONTHS?. •«**. e >:«:■ ; zxjp-x j Mr. TIIOS.II \HUI3TT j my ilniy aulltoii-etl A f$JpSS pent, (luring my absence IVwin the city. TIMS. OIiASroCK. Xov. ‘iih, isai 10 TO THE VOTERS OP Richmond Ccmsty. rS'tili'j snhs' i’ilicc nnaotttiee-' l*ii!tst>?i E. >i comlidiiie ihf Siiei il)‘olV:\i(l c(in:i Iv. it the election to ho Itchi cn tin* ilc-l •Womliiy in Jammiy next, anti respect litily solic-ts their siillVa.***’ !. JAMES ITEMnOSE. Dec "Jl 'J l-M pj- We tov ;iuil»*i e ,in;t noce U-J MICHAEIi 1\ HOSSeijAIIS.J a CiindiJate I'm* i o-eleeii. I * 111;• «,ih. •* <>l i Hrrtivcr of Tax lie; urns, nt the cnsiiin*? j .liimr.try election. j SlrrtJl til m J p. ~~> W'e are niiihori'/c il to xniionacc j a caidiila!:; lor Ueccivor oC l ax iiflnrsis, | ior the count y of Hielunoiul, ut the ap ; i;roue.hinp election. Scot 7 !«t h — I it -j v\V are milh.-'i'i/.c'l'.o e-a .vniee! , LLi (‘apt. W.lf. 51. JiAOBH, nil eamliiliilo lot* iho .'lii: .* ol jieeci'.T o' |, Tax !’c!ii:ns, for liteliutostil cottnly, at ( the* easuinij election, on tin* lirat Aiornlay I; in Jumtary next. V Dv v.i) tr M • f y — 3 We arc* aatoo. iseil to ainiomic! LU nu:vVi:r«’ cu ifn>\ a <'m-. j 1 *!i.late lor Tax <’.oiledor of Miclnnoml co.iaiv, iii (lie cuMithtp election. iWttfi_ t<i -i; rr-TJ A. 1 !!! ■ VS’I Ml l ,{ » A re-<pei*t-1 ' UJ In liy oilers himself as a<’ ;>=> 11 i -it <•; jUt* the* (r;fkc o(* C-OiNilidr oi I«r‘ju»i*».t» ; ou & n |: o\\0 \\ i* ovaiJlho: i/.e.-l» > -nteotsi ee J fiAHVI'. IMUISIB, a cmnli j <l,ilc far luc app'aintmcnt <>l ’ ,oi*i*a**r. l a i (iit* comity of Uichinoinl. nl the ensuing clcvtian. Nov i) 1 if — Z 3 We are eitaeri/.* -1 ' i mmoimee !!, J UiCTI AHO IN fiSFs-SI. as a , amlitlalc far tho oliire of * N.>ma*r • ' jil. inaonii comity, at the election m Jan uary next. \ov !> "11 11 J >r \Veasaa!h■ -eil- . minimum j UJ' IfAKOV ISEVEE, ;.s a can ; lor rc-ei«.‘Clion lo ihe oilier oi Cor-, i oner of l.iclnaoml counly, at the elec-j ] in .laminry next. \nv_o I; 1 12 I*’ We an* aiii’enM/.e,! louaii“unce | . I[j .JOSEPH liOUlilXEAl’. | a ciimliclafe ior the ulliet* ul ‘.'■'•‘>ner lui : / tiieiim fiuleotuily. at the c.echon in *lan j.try next. j\ OV __ rZ* ~y \V%\ HIV. HH*» WK'fH » ’ HJ.I I J Uj J JlO A,SA M! X HO yv h AM»ii , Minliclme for tin* oime oi to.nmnei, for ( ,!u, county of lliehi.ioiul, at me election , j in Jiiiniai y next. t \ov :J0 ~ iOTM]* a'X\ the first Siitnnlav in January 0i next, the Cty Council wnl appon t *ae folio’.' in- ™«y Officers, lor t!,e ensn r,,.v ve;tf. with the salaries annesX'<i . ■ >I arslial, with a salary oi ,<«[jj , ])ej)iliy <h'. ejj) c Clerk oft’oiiaeil, V: I t.lollocl'ai’ ami i reasurei, , t’lerlv of lower nmiAef, , t lerk of epper nim het, (..J ( Street officer, ; Jailor, . .>*;(, Iveeper ofaiatrazme, > Twof'otistahlos, each , Keeper of hospital, . sVrsoils *' ' 1 esiro l 'us *to'© l >tam anyoftf e. • fvc<roi:e r appointments, an! omul lain , U” i «-*.*•WVofi i lerli, on or he.ore 10 O ciook, A. M. OI; **oeß. MeSfAtKEB. eta*. Plo(> J - t<l h ; ! I .iUGuSTsJ, if " •«''«'* lssl- j (JV ”\eston NV a\\ . /? s ..1 as e rthe-2-tl. inst theti-.ioof fe ; .i -r the Charleston •> «J ,u u.-f .. r.) x . m. i'istecil ol ha.l si 10 ■-JT ■ .same tlays here» ; c !’f ■ i . W >l. V .MiC rjL . c OifmcrTZi* A tlsll:l * ,l r ‘ subseriher has on hand. X&. a larijeaiul extea-i\cass.a lineal of CvOiifecfeicmaries, 1 f»f<*\cry cleseriptian, and cf his own nin -1 niilac Inre, hieh tuny hi* had mi as ren i j sonahle lerms, us can he procured in any r ; similar estnhlishment in the tSmlhnn j country, ('iistnmers may depend upon [ punctuality and despatch. ! > M. l^llEFlKlllf'K. i Piroitil si. opposite thel)ridre Dank Hail,li,nr. Nov :;u ' . j »i}.WIAII«“ Ah\,mm;hv.i a, 0.. imvc 8 removed to the stare formerly ■' •' ei iijmod l,y Air. James Hones, ns a f’rockery Store, nt the corner of Hroad i and :51eliitosh slreets, nearly opposite j the Post Olliee. I They Imvc received by recent arrivals Irom I’tiileilelpliia nnd \nv N ork. nn EXTi: \Sn-E ASSORT,)]EXT OE E c (JiatM. AS'. Whieii they oiler to Physicians, jMer einmis and others, on as terms ns •hey can he purchased in Anpnsta. A I.SO, On hand, Jsot) pnllons winter strained "s >erm Oil. i>laeeahoy, llappee. Neoleli mil American t.enllenien's Sunils, j I’hysicians prescriptions pul up at all | horn's. ! -Nov h 11 Wtinted Immediately • V 0 11v TVO OaUAVVVN'VV.UU, ,/fejO Work on the Elmrlcston Hail S. Hoad. Apply at the I’tttnn. near • ’of .Marsh's mills, on Horse creels. Oct s if *2 -n'r.i’f* v • 4 < i V \‘7 :f\D Wv’.v.vA Sw-AYt\ VNv.VhRV\f)\V MiS» U'lLKiflV 11/’lbi. pi re a 'Nnirse of Eessans in ( f ? the llread ,Sword Exercise, <’nt ami Thrit*), and Attack mid iJcfor.ce. . trie Mason'e Ual! —the cent se to he com prised of !.'? I' Sso.i ■. !o eoinine.'ice on the lirs! ."iliMidny in Saminiy and eoiitinne ' each day i’icreaftrr. in the all a'lioim or evening, as may h« most •eonvenicnt I<~. ( the pupils generally. Terms, f.ip lii ond sword exorcise alone, si, and for (ho cn. nnd iiirnst and attack an 1 defence in ml j ■'ilion, tjpv the course—if a snllicicnt man her ni'piipiis l>e obtained to (iirni a class, y I’he lessons will be general, to members J d the lilehmond any others' | who may desii’e to ultend—nnd will he I 1 given hi each or all of the exercises, ms je each mail may wish. ), Of?* Apidy to cither of the Oilicers of die liiclinimnl I Her 21 C 2 ( mi x ■ \ " ““ " ' * M a?K€i!3iVJKi> •* TV il *7*IIOBSBV 9 ' at Tin: A!T«USTA HOOK STOUR. IST iFI 1 and death of I,ord Fitzgerald. Eafayctt'* in Americsi, a Journal ofa N'alnralisl, T’hc Uravo, ii SJoxolit'l, Clati Hook, Alfeetioifs tiift, p Fi jcndsUip's Olfering, Ilhnr's Eciitures, I’le d *n.s of Warsaw, Anaslutius, Mnsoo s Farriery, fully, ili'iv.ii’s Novels, »)*e. vVe. lice 21 2t 122 |>d il’OMlil XL’OTSTA wwaoifiwji *ej' A n rno Lj oU 'J&.to o»i I J *r9Mnt%vj Jmi * j On lin ji. s! 'J'aci.l ii In Jnauartj next, |li be sold ut the .Market-house | ;* y f in the city of Augusta, between i * tin - legal limn s of sale. j ■' One Side hoard, one Safe, and one j pine Table, levied on as ihe property ol | ” F. E. 'S', tirown. to satisfy a li fa. Irom |•* the Eonrt of Eoninuni Fleas—lsaac W.j ,‘tlorrel vs. said J’rown. E, li. <HiASEOEK. Shf. C. .7. v Pee 10 Id IH " A VOl.'.NCf aiAN. Eradaate of one ; of the Hr.-t Seminaries in Ihe Ended ( Stales, and li,r several years an iiislrnc- n tor of youth, wishes employ men! as Frill- f eipai ol’aa Academy, or private School, n from the first i f January next. Fnrli calm* attention will be given to students (j who may \v isb to obtain n knowledge t.i j the Lanpuitges, or the login r branches oi l * iMntheinnties. j j, Eommuiiieations addressed to Annus . Anpnsta Pest Office, post paid, between this and Christmas, stating the situation, j salary, Ac. oftlie {School, will he attend-1J ed to. it O 1 Is) fi<w g 'FUfiB3XVOSBK.'<» 1 subscriber has Just deceived I 4 fr >iii France, a large assortment * of Fire Works, consisting of.Sky Hock i els. Homan Candles, Mans of I, 2. 2 and 1 changes, Wlici i dockets, Flower Pots, Miiuibs, 4'C <sc<>. ’ * M. FREDERICK, NevHn (7__ l Zi U7heut Lox(WTkeet>« to .Mr. Cum iriings’ fjavv huiltlings, crji+i&sii-— near the I’o.-t Office. Aupuste. Xov. 10th Ibdl. I*3 | v '. rv / V r» "v v JBISM. A. MB-:iBA, %% '"form the Radios of Att- VT g-Mstunid Its vicinity, that she nn-jast received (from F,„.j s a „,i \ t>w - Vu, u ) " dirge assortment of itli' B jI j B A A R V A X i) PAXfr 4nUO'B>£, which she oilers for sale at her old stand Xo. t2<>ss, Uroad-sfreet, on the lowest ernis, i ,z : Fashionable silk nnd straw Wonnots, ilohhinetl Mpcnccis and Fillareens, Holibiiiett and Dress Ea'is, Hloiul edged and Hibbons, Enj) and Entcftring d > I'Vatlier Flowers and Mead Flowers, j I’vrnmid do. for Cokes, " 'lks of various dcserioii.'-i-j, Duds, T >ys, Ears, and braids, .K*. d-e. DRESSES of the newest patterns.' October 2d. - 3 as Po&atoos, &c. .TFST RECEIVIdf. K*-*gs (irst rail* kialtiiiciv fniri! rVeiy r*JP VJ bills, iVordiern Potatoes, !•>,<«» ’ lbs. prime Mhbiii igs, Id kegs (i< slien Hut ter, I O') bids, new wheat Canal Flour, I'i'd boxes prime new Cheese, 2110 casks fri*s!i Mtone S/imi*, U:J smail kegs Water Crackers, For sale by* ti 11. METE A EF. Oct. o i eg A U rsjNHA FOR SALE AT THE Hit ARE on better terms than tiny inn he furnish ed fr -m New \ ork, for sale by A. .MACKENZIE. fTf" Enliders eaa have a further stiii ! * Iv, by aj-piying ns above. .' * 11V I'd " Ttsllirii IS^vTiSeT 4€. / SI HE sabscritieis are now in posses ll sion of their fn'l stock of (foods, ree ivi I persbijis Ogl< tlior)in am' Wil- Jiaio l/.‘imld nt Mavannab, direct irom Eiverp.-ol—wliieb they oiler to country Mei'eh mis mid others upon terms as lih- I'i tt! a* will he met with in any other nlnr ket in tie.* Failed Mtates. Their was pn. i based by one of ibe iirm in England fore: *’i. which gives them ndvanbigi*.- eipmlled by no bouse in tl'.is Mtale, nor surpassed by any in the Elmi lesion or Northern Markets. Their arrangements nre perimiiient, and such as will eintlik* tliem ;d all times to he in early receipt of lie,* newest style ofsh ipes and p ‘tlerns. Fi cling confident, id' ma-j king il to Ihe interest ol those wishing supplies they respee, fully solicit poti on age—and pledge* t!n*mst*lves no pains will i>e spared to give satisfaction. I*. It. ih\A b"ll A Co iSHTj Itrond street. .Vngiisln, near life Merchants’and Planters’ Dunk. (IC/—The AI held: i 11, (fenlght Jouitlill anil ( hirolinian « ill give* the alow e twelve insertions nnd forward their bills for payment. Nov 0 If II THE CTIAUEESTON CBOCHUaY STOH3. /O’HI, Miihseribers well known in J3_ tieorgin, sis dealers in Earthen ware, Chian, <>'ln-s, Ac. lieg leave t<> in- I’urm their numerous eiis(oniers, as welt ns others on their way to Eimriestoa, that ilieir slock i-- now complete, mid pro nounced by judges to lie the best in the 1 o.iln/ SlnUs. wbieh they are ofiering to mercliunls at as low u rate as any mar ket in jhii'tioi. They are well a ware that promises un less supported by facts, arc useless, and worse than useless; they make no pro mises, nor iippeai lojniljlicrijinjinlhi/ ogaiaM uoifir/nl cotr.ljinulions or pncitlo inoiiopuh/. • they are well satisfied that the public know how to appreciate such appeals.— No market is closed against us, but on the reverse all nre open, and our Inisi- ' ness solicited by (bo inunufaeturer ; our i friends are many and powerful, and with I numerous other advantages, our facilities I for doing business arc not npniUrd by any i dealer in Ctu/pistn, unsurpassed by any in | ,\’rw- York. ( We would say, in conclusion, Hint we j intend making it the inlrn»t of purchasers , to buy from ns; our prices shall hr ‘/me, i and terms lihc.rnl. We refer to our cus tomers in every village in Georgia Ibr , the respectability of our house and rcc- i tiUidcofour business principles. 11. 13. GLEASON k Eo. JVo. 2<>l /f/ag Street, Chari,'.stun. Feb '<l ts J(» i’:xiiCJUToir/si silk. On .he first I’u (day in January next, I 15 *711.L be sold at the lower iJlarkei , V T House, in this city, within llu ' usiuil hours of side : Eighty five shares of the Capita Mtock of the Hank of Augusta, belongin' to the estate of John Willson, deceased Terms Cash, Hankaldc Money. JOHN MOORE, ErV. Nov ID td 11 1 4T. I PIEECS hemp.(lax,tow an iloineslie Hugging, 2-VI coils hale Hope, (ItHMI bushels Liverpool Salt, :«t> hhds. Mr. Croix, N. O. & Port Hien Mu.gars, fififi bags (’olii »>, ud Is. superior prime green Cotfee, d<» bids. <|o. do. ,|o. filMI kegs eat nails, assorted, '-*<> tons Swedes Iron, nssorted, ■IOO bagsMbot, assorted, I0t!0 pounds bagging twine, 5 lons Plough Moulds, Jl bms Eastings, assorted, 75 boxes 1 obacco, <0 barrels loaf and lump Mngar, 200 w hole mul balfboxes Moap, 10 boxes spermaceti Candles, f* 20 do. tallow do. •>0 hhds. Molasses, ») barrels Flour. <0 boxes hunch Raisins, ■lit caddy boxes Hyson. Gtinpow der and Imperial Teas. <•5 quarter casks sweet Malagti Wine, k. 5 do IVnurriffi* k Sicily iMadeira J pipes pare old do Cognac brandy, pure, 5 do Holland Gin do 5 Lids pure Jamaica Hnin, do Itarrels Xolbcrn Gin, 00 <jo Northern Rum, 1 > no Cordials, !10 Hags black Popper, * I * i|;> Pimento, 25 bigs (finger (Race.) 5 blnlsgreen Copperas, 20 k(gs Jladder, 10 k»gs Maltpclre, 20 do Glauber and Epsom Salts, 5 boxes Hi mistime, :i barrels A limn, 50 boxes S by 10 winilovV Glass, 2 boxes licgwootl, 200 reams wrapping Paper, 125 tin writing and letter do. 2000 pounds shoe Thread, HOOO pounds prime Haeon, 0000 Spanish and eominon Megars, Nl(H) pair Ml oes, well assorted, 50 boxes leaver and wool Hals, 25 dozseal and leather eaps, s 10 nixes cotton and wool Curds, 1(1 barrels Almonds, 20 half bairets crackers, 10 kegs bar Lead, hi*!) ministers splendid sporting Gun powder, 100 men and women's Muddles. Hridlos, sVe. AI.SO, 100 pieces dntlli* nnd point Hlankels, d 0 do red. white sV green Flannels, 25 hales Homespun iisnirled, 05 pieces Negro- cloth—together | with a Well assorted stock ol’Mlaple and I Fancy Goods, suitable for the country j trade. 1 At.So, Dlnek,south's Hollow s, Anvils and Vices, Mpades and Shovels, mill cross cut am! hiimi Saws, Mill Irons, Trace, Imller, fitlb and log chains, Uitles nnd Guns, carpenter's Planes, Mad Irons, EotleoMills, hoop mid slu*el Iron—with a handsome assortment ol cutlery and shelf Goods—lbr sale on tin most favorable lerms' y, W. k 11. HRVMON, ()ppnsitr the L'lube Unti l. pefobet* 22 ts « HOATIIIiIM HAIT» wv'rfA HE NDLES Prime Northern H* Hay, will be sold low from the Wharf. SIMIO Fresh Mwcel Oranges, do Kegs prime Goshen Hatter, 20 Easks Goshen Cheese. 100 Darrels Potatoes nnd Onions, 20 Doves Codfish, For Male by G. 11. METCALF. Nov 5 10 3U • €* UlCitOltf’S. BMIfrTIKN, law/iLii ia future take place on MO\- V V DA\ Nights. Dee 21 ‘22 Cypress Shingles. loo^boo g TVPHEMM MHINGLE.S, For Male on tlic Wharf, l>y HARDER k FLAIR, Airrt tntluw the Itridgi: Hank llnililin<e. Dec 2 I -22 v Is appointed Agent, at Augusta, for TIIIS BOOK, The Repository of AR TS, LITERATURE + EASIIIOX. This \ a!ualile work is issued in monlbly numbers, each number containing 50 large octavo pages or more, printed on line super-royal paper. Every iiitmbei contains a piece of Music, one copper plate Engraving, and at least four wood Cuts, illustrative of some of the contents ; and every three, months u colored Plate oftlie latest fashions—and is furnished at the moderate price, of #3 a year. A specimen oftlie work may be seen at the Augusta Hook, where subscrip tions arc received. Dec 21 3t 9.2 IN&iiKD NAVIGATION ISSURAKCIS. riiiiK iMixiiamc'h I.nsubaxckComt'am - . ( JB. will insure against Fire, Huildings and Alcrchundise. in the city, or in the country, mvl Cotton in Ware houses.— \lso, Colton and, against >oss or damage on the river, or upon tin "igli Mean to any port in the L'. (States >iy their Agent in Augusta. JAM. IIAHHIMON, Agent. O'?* Office in .Mr. Ctimmgin’s Law Hujblings. \orni:. ravin sn iseriber has made engage "‘I M nienls with Mr. 71. Ogden, wel known in this city, as a lirst rate ineelm nic, mul Ibr many years Ibreimin am general siiperinfendent at Hall's. II: to Hallers Dims elf together w ith his Ibrmei experienced hands, to be abletagivesn tistaefion to those that may liivur him w ith a call. .fast Received from the Northern 7ln anliietories, 3 superior close Carriages, 3 Rarom hivi amt 2 (iigs. Also, on the river, a first rale Conehee, and he expects in a few days, 2 of lledcnburg's light close (‘a cringes. CHAM. L. HALL. Dee I I , |; j ’* Di'sirons ofenlarging my » § business, I have appointed J a tins Johnson, Jna'r. of _ Augusta, Geo. my Agent. A I orders will be Ibrwardod to me, by bint, free ofoosf. Gigs, Mnlkies, Tiltmr-* ries. Hng'gies, I’aronelies, and Veldelea ol all descriptions, will be warranted to suit or no sale; nnd will be made to or der ut a short notice. JA7I EM TERNHI LL, .Veiert/7.‘, .Vue Jersey. TIII'I SI’BM ICIR|]R HAS on hand, a general assortment of Carriages of all kinds, selected 'roin the best Mnnnfaelming Establish nienls at the North. He lias also made arrangements to receive New Wink weekly, nnd endeavoring to rendersalis- Isietion to Ids friends, by Ids unwearied attention to business. In* still desires a continuance of patronage. JAM EM JOHNSON, J,i„. Corner of Mclntosh and Itrynohl street, nj,po st I e to Messrs. Ileant d* Cook s H arthonse.. It?* N. It. Carriages ami Harness re paired nt the shortest notice. Dec 21 21 UaHTEO STATICS MLtaSi LINE FOR NEW ORLEANS. (’fill'll Proprietors respeeilblly inform ; JhL the public, thnl they will not la* ne- , countable Ibr the loss or miscarriage ol | nay Trunks, Dales, Doxt—', Packages. , or articles of any description, carried cn , '•‘lit in any ol* lluUr oi S(<miiii j |{outs, (‘hiat w ith or wiihoul |»n-Hon/uf<‘» , >‘. j .\,'l goods must be considered at the risk of the owner or owners thereof, other wise f lit* y will not he token. J A 71 EM REESII )E A EO. June 25 75 i*(j*ijic; «aijk7 b a 'l'he following VALDAELE IREAL1 REAL ESTATE, will be sold !liiiiV ul *'i^t- l ‘field E. 11. on Hie firs.' • Monday in January next, on a , credit ol one, two, and thru'years, viz : j One Tract of Land, on Turkey Creek, , containing 1500 acres, adjoining lands ot ( Harriet 7iiles, Jumitlmii Weaver and o- j lliers, being I lie* residence oftlie late Phil | ip and Elizabeth Railbrd, On lids (met. . are mi excellent Dwelling House, (tin . House, and other necessary buildings , and improvements. The Dwelling ( Hon--n is 20 miles fl-om Augusta, at the , intersection of the Longeanv and A itgns- , ta roads, and is well situated for- a Tnv- j ern or Store. I Also, a Tract of Land, on Turkey t Creek, containing !MM) acres, mljoiidng lands of Jolm Eogl.urn and Elisha Dnr ronton. This tract is within 0 miles of ' Edgefield, affords much excellent limber, ami includes a good Mill-sent. Also, a Tract, of Land, on Cloud's Creek, containing 275 acres, adjoining , lands of Kennerly, Watson and others. This tract contains 2h<l or more acres of fresh and fertile cleared land, anil has upon il a good Gill and Mcrew and other . improvements On the next day alter the sale oftlie real Estate, vvesliall proceed to sell on ‘ the premises, commencing at the residence ’ oftlie late Piiiiip and Elizabeth Railbrd, and thence to the tract last mimed, ‘ Negroes, Dorse;; and Mlock of every de- J si ription, Household and Kitchen Fur niture, Corn, Fodder, Ate. Ac. The ’ terms ofsale oftlie personalty, will be 1 made known at the sale. VV7I. HAIFORI), } , JNO. I). HAIFORI), $ ,l - The Augusta Chronicle mid Colimihiu Telescope, will publish the above week ly until January, and send in their ac counts. * Edgefield, $. C. Oct. 15. I SHE wt.f 5 * f HE subscriber acquaints flic public ' M. that he has engaged T. M. Moons, Mpoon .Maker, and that he can now have Spoons, Ladles, and Sugar Tongs made to order, of fine- Silver. Work in the above line, will he faithfully done, nnd on reasonable terms. Persons having old broken silver spoons, or other old -ilver articles, ran have them made into •iew Spoons, at No. I 17, Droad-st. Au- s gusta. . JOHN oriiMAIHN. Qjr 3 Old Silver taken in exchange for j new Spoons. ( 71 ay U ts 03 , 1 — W Jtmm 1 W3W «iOOO^ ,„i SNOWDEN &. SHU AH, it | “ a< '’ hccaved Phis /Jay from .\nu York. i watered mid fashionable If figured tSilks. •r I Extra figured French Muslins and War i- saw Prints, it Rich whiff Gauze Veils and Crape dc fSiiien fSJmwls, Super plain French Ginghams and Thi bet \V r ool Handkerchiefs, \ew stile Ihney Gloves and rich Bon net Ribbons, Super blk & 1 aiicy col’d Fur Tippets. I case Irish Linen* and extra line bird's eye Diaper, Super 4-4 bleached Shirtings and wide \\ althani Sheetings. -.. Dec 21 At oj J| i' ti<i. »\i »WIXTUK ; 4<Of»i>s THE SVOSOHIHEJtS ARE \o)Vreceiv ixo r/IEJIi SUPPLY OP & vpmw&ww i DieV^OOE)^ ( . Consisting of a great variety of rsioFin, cV F t.\( v •iUTWLiJH AV TllEUi, Y’lyr I i fi-4 Thibet and Pderiiio Cloths, ofdiffeP * fill colors, and the latest sty loot’Goods for Ladies fail and winter dresses, English and llaiian Lustrings, and Gros do Naples, !• nncy ( rape Sim wls, large ah?, embroid ered nail plain, Fancy colored silk and cotton Hosiery Reticules, rich bonnet «(• bell Ribbons,' t.ipsy, leghorn, plait and open straw Bonnets, 41.50, Super bine, black »J- fancy color’d Cloths, « assmieres and Sattinels, very chro/>, C 1 blue Cloths, mid white welsh Plains-, Prime goods for servants wear, •‘I bales Carpetings, some extra quality, and rich colors, London, dallle, and point lllnnkcts, Domestic Goods in great variety. U./* They will receive throughout (ho season, considerable additions to their Present .Stork, which, for extent and va riety, cannot he excelled in this market. Their price* shall be aw low, if not low er. (Imn goods of a similar kind can bo oflered at in this place. JOHN EDGAR .V Co. Pet 1 10a MJI.JW.I URjJPEs, Frui.cs, Rar sins, Oranges, Apples, ike. Arc. „ .... JM. Frederick. Nov .JO 71 I'ACTOUAGK Ac ( OiI M ISSION rCTI HE Subscriber having commenced n. the above business in Augusta, will devote Ills time exclusively to the inter est of his friends mid others, who mny patronize him. All Cotton and other Produce, or goods sent to him for slo inae, will he stored inn fast rate Fire I’roof Ware-House, at the customary charges. All orders to him, previous to his arrival at Augusta, directed to (lie cure of John C. Holcombe, will meet with prompt attention. His olliee, for Ibe present, is at the lii'st door above Holcombe iV‘ Coalfields. A RiVI STEAD RICHARDSON. Oct. H TO KENT, j_A The STORE, nnd *g*«Kk PLANTATION ISiSsS nt Shell-Bluff, in Burke county, -‘hul poateaalon given in Jiimun i/ next. There ts upwards of 100 acres of clear ed Lund under (cnee—the Store-House is a substantial building, and mi active and profitable business now In opera tion— the Cotton House capable of stor ing I0(»0 bales of Colton—an established Ferry, nnd the Landing nnd Storage of very considerable quantities of Goods, with a good Fishery, would render this a desirable and profitable establishment to an Industrious and enterprising imli vidinil. If desirable, the Stock of Goods on blind mny be had, and in that case, immediate possession would be given.— For farther particulars, apply to the sub scriber. ' ATTOX PEMBERTON. ‘ Bitrlec r.t.unty, Nov, 10. PI 11 llAlili. The subscriber begs leave to inform bis friends and (he public generally, that he bos taken that largo and commodious Mouse, formerly occupied asn TJtVEJ/.\ by William Hardin, and hopes from his long experience in business, to be able to give the most decided satisfaction to all who may favor him with their patronage. His Bar will be supplied with the best ofLiipmrs—and his Table furnished with every thing the country affords. His Sin bio will be supplied with the best of pro vender, and ntlended by nn experienced mid attentive Ostler. FRANCIS A. IIUSON. __Nov 2 Ht w }» UuaYdvaw’w Notice. I]AOUR months after date, application . will l»e made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin county, when sitting for Ordinary Purposes for leave to sell Lot No. 2 in the 2(>(li District of Leo county, us the properly of Melissa Cockbarn. GEORGE COCK BURN, Gum-t Tn. Oct 2ft 7 mlm - D£lTl§T|(T* .J. a. CLEVELAND, Dentist, RE.SPECTFUI.LY offers .his P.o fessibnnl Services to (he citizens of Augusta. Those who may nesiiy services, arc invited to cull sdJJrrfTKhis stay in this place will bo short. Ladies will be attended nt their dwi ! lings if required. He may bo found et bis room in the upper wing of the Uni ted (Slates Hotel. .Nov 30 ts