Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, December 31, 1831, Image 1

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CHBOHIOU. COISNKII or Jackson vV Elus-stiuets ~ rr7sass===^====r——■—l ! 7 Hf> iY, DIH'OIHKR *sl, CKB I • VOMJiHE 10.--\O. 2f, rUHLISIIKD EVERY U KD.M’SHAV AM) S.VTUKDAV AIO!l\l\0, Y A. lI.J’EMBEI>,T(»I. TERMS SRMI-WREKI.V PAPER. FIVK DOUUAKsj (■or annum, payable advance, or SIX DOLLARS at me r .n of the year. WEEKLY PAPER, TURKU DOLLARS per I SR'.miii, payable iit adoanee, or FOUR DOLLARS ut | i k* *ntl of ilie year. -No paper will lx; (except :U the choice of ; |»u!»!isher.) until all arrearages are paid. A DVtUTISEME V rS arc inserted Mmz-irwity I nt 0!> ! -•> cents per square, for the first insertion, and 13 3-4 cer.ts for each succeeding insertion— weekly, at fl‘i l-*2 etuis per square for each inscriion~and numtUy (when no; exceeding’ one square) at 81 for each insertion.— None, however small, is charged lessihan one square. Those intended to he limited must have the number o. insertion's semi-weekly or weekly, written on them, or they will he inserted semi-weekly till forbid, ami char ged accordingly. The publisher takes upon hiinselfthe risk of all remit tances of money made to him by Mail—the person remit ting, first paying the postage, and obtaining from the Post master, a written or \< rbal acknowledgement of the •mount, and it s deposite in his other,, which shall be given lo tin* publisher in case of miscarriage. LF.TTKRS (on business) must be post paid, or they Wot not he taken out ofilic olTicc. .r'l'nnM^'y 3 P F THE UNITED STATES arc published in this paper. To Executors, Administrator* , and Guardiant. S.VLKS of LAND or NKCiKOHlr?,by Administrn torr, .xecutors, or Uuardians, are required, by law, to be held u the first Tuesday lathe month, between the liour- of cn in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, at ihe L.'uirt-iOtjsc of the county in which ihe property is .-iiuate,.—No ice of these sales must be given in a public ga/ciie, 551XT V »uy« previous to the day of sale. Notice of the of personal property, must be given \n like manner, I* OUTV days r evinus to the day of sale,. Notice to the. debtors and creditors of a nos tale, must be published tor FORTY days. Notice lluit application will be made to the Court, oi Or Unary for leave to sell LAND or Ni£(SilOl££, must he p ibiislied for FOUR MONTHS. Tfwijll jKM^p^anCTaMWwaiMWiigßgaawgßß x .-Bcgr.TTganarn Richmond Academy. rjfidu Exercises of the above Aeade- M. my will lie resumed on tlie Second d;:y of January next, (1832) under the care ril’thc subscriber, us Rue-rou, nnd of the Rov’d Sfrumi I'avi.oii, us Phincii'al ol’ihe English Department. Air. Cn.vui.Fs still officiates as assistant English Teach er, and will in addition, instruct a class’ in the French Language without any extra charge. Mr. Taylor will receive trirls into Ids department, and will ensure the most careful and delicate attention to them. 'The Hector respect fully refers public attention to the course of studies prescri hed by the Trustees to (lie pupils in his department, and suggests to those win feel disposed to give their sons a classi cal education, that it. is important to commence regularly with a class. The experience of one j ear lias proved the ctlieacy of the plan, which was adopted ( by his immediate employers, the Hoard , of Trustees. JAS. T. WAUDEL, Hector. ( tie! rad from the Mine t s of the Hoard of Trus tees, ill their session. on It ednesdny. '2Ulh i ill. *• Hivnleed, That the Hoard approve and adopt the following Scheme of Classili ealion of the pupils and Iheirstadies, and | that Ihe same he of force until tint farthei order of the Hoard." I’LAX OF A COURSE FOH Till. CL. ISSICdL DEFAHTMEXT. VUOllMv)N\> AC A\) Vi.WY. FIHST YEAH. Latin Grammar (Gould's Adam’s stu died 1-. vice.) Latin Header (Prof. Jacobs’) first series do do do second series. Cornelius Nepos Boston eiii. wit lion i translation. ■ , r , - . ) Penmanship— Geography (, s ( u i|( ( . X01 ,.,U Arithmetic, I'i.c, si„ declamation SECOXD Yi.AH. { a'sar’s Commentaries, f (Chirk’s) i | original com- Selecta* If Prolanis, ( position, am l Altai's introduction to the j Deelamatorj making «f Latin, j exercises. Sallust, I’rof. Antlion's (_ ('icero’s select • .rations (scvea)Ce.talinc, Ceeiiius, Hilo, and Arrlnas. Greek t ■rainmar. (Anthon’s \ elpy's) sln died throughout the course," Til lit I) YEAH. ♦ .reck rentier, (I’rof Ja- ( coh’o.) j original coni- Virgil, (N V. edition, J. ) position, and G. Cooper) j Declamation Cicero tie Amicitia and ( Seueciite [ Xenophon's Cyprnsdia, (I rooks) Aigelira, (Day's or Hyan’s) Roman Antiquities (Adam's) FOURTH YEA It. Homan antiquities .V Algebra, continued Horace, (Professor Antlion's) (,'icero de Orntcre, Homer’s Iliad. 1 books, Geometry, (Playfair's) | ‘Trigonometry with practical application ) Hhetoriod instruction, with delivery, at , staled periods, oforigimil 'l'heses. JAMES Me LA \VS, < lerk. ; Dec 2M 21 23 A C A JK M A. S Institution is in successful op- j 8. .‘ration, under the direction ol Mr., \ «;;s Lokio.v, whose well known abili ty and indefatigable industry in the du ties of his School, deservedly entitle him lo the patronage of the public. Parents in ay rest assured that every necessary attention will be paid to the morals of their sons, whom they may commU to the care and instruction ol Mr. Lofton. Prom tiie general good hca.tli and pre reid improvement in the morals of Jvl berton, the Trustees Hatter themselves, that parents and guardians will avail; themselves of the advantages ol tins la-! iditntion to educate their children muT wards. TRUMS OK TUITION, YEAR. For the Latin and Greek Languages, Mathematics and Sciences, , Fnglish Grammar and Geography. ; Heading. Hilling, i)‘C. “ | No scholar admitted into school lor a shorter period than three months. ! Hoard and'Tuition eon he had with, the 'Teacher, SIOO per scholastic year, if paid within the year. Board can he had in the villain*, or neighborhood,for from «lo **|>ei' month. WILEY THOMPSON. JBI’THA V. UAKKIK WM. N. KICHAKDBON, ISAAC N. DAVIS, 2 nistecs. Elberton, a G P w frn a . ' nsii-.d Hie suhscriher lias on hand. • '•ii’ironnd extensive ass rtment of i'o\ F3*:rTH>.Vi ISIIN .nt every desiaioti n. and of his ounma | nufiielnre. which may he had an as rea j s - on ; , ble terms, as can he procured in any | similar estalilishment in (lie Southern I country. Customers may depend upon punctuality and despatch. O. URFnEITTCK. Hrond st. opposite, the. Bridge Bank Bail,tin rr. Nov 30 17 REUTOVA 1.. 4 C INN I\Cill \II A Co. have 2*.* removed t«» tiie store formerly occupied hy 31 r. James Hones,, as a Crockery Store, at tiie corner of Hroad and Mclntosh streets, nearly opposite the Post Ollice. 'They have received by recent arrivals from Philadelphia and New York, an EXTt:\SirE ASSORTMENT OF mtcnscTNUs, PAINTS, OI.ASS, A* . \\ liicti they oiler to Physicians, Mer chants and others, on as good terms as they can lie purchased in Augusta. A, On hand, 500 gallons winter strained Suerm Oil, Maccahoy, Happec, (Scotch and American t.entlcmen s Snuffs. Physicians prescriptions put up at all hours. Nov 9 n <il » liMWIC OVJEtt-SIIOE*. fpi The Suhscriher has receiv- Uj ed tin’s day, hy Ihe Wash- a large assortment of Ladies Oinn Elastic Pru nella Stools Gentlemen's India iitdilicr Over tSho. s and Hoots—together with every article in the Hoot and !Shoe Line H. W. POIJC E. Doc2S ({(, •_>;} Female Academy. ii. ii, 'jsSsT' ILL resume the duties of her Aca $ ¥ demy, on .Monday, 2d Jummry, in which all (lie branches, comprising a (!onrse of EXGLISH S’J'l DIES, will he taught. a, FHEXCIf, SFAXISII, MUSIC, DAX CIXG,, 1X1) FLA IX .1X1) OHXA MEXTAL XKEDLE HO HE. RATES Or TUITION. J’er (pairin', lludiincnls. s(> (It). HeadiiigAVriting, Arithmetic, O tliogra phy. t.ranimar .)• Geography, -tsS (K). The nliove with Heading and Parsing in blank verse, Orthoepy, Spurred and Pi- lane History, Ancient and Modern Geography, with the use of .Maps and Globes, $lO 00. The above with Pomposition, Botany, Ornithology. Gi ology, Natural .V Mo ral Piiilosophy, Belles Lcllres, and Hhetorie. sl2 00. French, Bcllesletlres .J* Rhetoric $ 00. -punish *' “ “ 8 00. Music •' “ “ 15 00. (ioarding, lodtring. washing, fuel and 'Tuition, in all the brunches, comprising tin* course of English studies 13 75 A select iimnher of young Indies would ne accommodated with boarding, lodg - - iag and washing. HEFEHEXCES. Miss D'.ttv. Charleston, !S. C. ■las. P. VVadduu, Hector oflheJiichmond Academy. Rev. 8«. K. Talmapf. Rev. Francis Dfi.avkaux, } Wnltcrhoro' Rev. Eihvaiui Pai.mkr, S. (!. lion. \Vm D. .Martin. Barnwell, $. C. Col. Wm. Pixcknfv, Wallcrlioro, S. ll.Ei.mouf, ilo. Dec 28 2t 13 TIII2 JIOW AM. If INSURANCE CTONTIM E lo take risks on Build lags and Mereliaiulii.e —also on Cot- j | lon in Warehouses, and from hence to Charleston and Savannah. A. MACKENZIE. Agent. Sept 21 3m 100 |~UABSTIIB<':% r WASM*:» pax HE suhscriher offers for Sal in 8a- H vannaii n large assortment ofllie lirst < 1 11 ; 1 1iIy Earthenware, in line order; nnd will si'll the same for < ity 'acceptan ces. in lots often crates or more, on as I low terms, as ware of equal quality is sold, either in Charleston or New York. S. H PARK !AN. Savannah, Dec. 7. 1831 Ct-w2m 18 TIIK T BSCRI BEil H\ V | Y (.i lately been burnt mil, at his old stand near the Globe Hotel, respectfully informs his friends mid the public generally, tliot ho has taken the small Brick Front Store. No. ! -7. north side id’Hroml street. 3 doors above Mr. ! John Moore's corner, lately occupied by 1 Mr. Dunlap, and nearly opposite Messrs. ! Sibley iV Morrison's corner, where he ! iioues bv his devoted attention to the COXFECTIOX. U,y HI SIX ESS. in till its branches, to share their former lib *ral DANIEL DILL. Dee 8 33 I wrari*:* ' )l vn in the slon (>1 llui HiibscribtT. j since the Inti; lire. 1 lie owner can receive the same, on nppliention, by paying for this advertisement. j ol |\ CAKRIB. Dee •> H* 23 ■ iCglr- e * ’( f--’' s 1 ' •S* 11 ( Vs - ■■ d... t *i*'T Mas. A. SOSA, ED inform the Ladies of in t ▼ gust,! and its vEHniry. that she inis m>t received (from Paris and Ncw -1 oik,) a large assortment of dlllililYUSV AND THfV »OOD§, which she oilers for sale at her old stand No. *2OB. Broad-street, on the lowest onus, \ r/..\ I'nshioimhle silk and straw Bonnets, Hohliinetl Spom-ers and Pillareens, Hohhinclt ami Dress Caps, Blond edged and Wallin Ribbons, Cap and Lutestring do i Feather Flowers and H< a<l Flowers, Pyramid do. for Cukes, wilhs ol various ih'scriptions, Dolls. Toys, Curs, and Braids. t s.„. J-v, DRESSES of the newest patterns. October 29. 3inS Lard, Potatoes, .HIST RECEIVED. Kegs first rate Baltimore Lard 20 bids. Northern Potatoes, 10.000 |!,s. prime Middlings, Id kegs Goshen Butler, 100 Uhls, new wheat Canal Flour, 100 hoses prime new Cheese, 200 casks fresh Stone Lime. 100 small kegs Water Crackers, For sale by G H. METCALF. Oct. 5. I 100,000 WUMifefll FOR SALE AT THE WHARF on better terms than they cun he furnish ed from New York, for sale by A. MACKENZIE. Builders can haven further sup ply. by applying ns above. July 13 80 j UAKTfIH^WAftfB, HE subscribers are now in posses _M. sion of their fall stock of G ods, received per ships Dglcthorpe and Wil- ' liaoi Donald at Savannah, direct Irani Liverpool—which they oiler ti> country Merchants and others upon terms ns lib oral as will he met with in any other mar- ' kef in the United shales. Their Slock was purchased by one of I hi! firm in England foreash. which gives them advantages equalled by no house in (Ids .Stale, nor surpassed by any in tin* Clmrleston or Northern Markets. Their arrangements are perunment, and such as will enable them at all*lime’s to he in early receipt ofthonewesl style ufsliapes and patterns. Feeling ( oniident of ma king it to the interest of those wishing; supplies they respecdnlly solicit patron age—mid pledge theinsi'lves no pains will be spared lo give satisfaction. P. B. TAYLOR & Co Broad slmd. Augusta, near the Merchants' anil Planters’ Bank. Athenian, Georgia Journal anil Carolinian will give tin-nliove twelve insertions ami forward their bills for payment. Nov 9 If 11 TIIE CHARLESTON CROCKERY STORE. rai ,lE Subscribers well known in! Ja_ Georgia, as dealers in Earthen . ware, China, Ghus. &c. beg leave to in form their numerous customers, ns well as others on their way to Charleston, that their stock is now complete, and pro nounced hy judges to lie the best in the United Slates, which (hey arc offering to merchants at as low a rate us any mar ; ket in America. They are well aware that promises un less supported hy facts, are useless, ami worse than useless; they make no pro ; mises. nor appeal to pnhlicsympathy against ; ! powerful comhinations or private nionujndi/, ■ they arc well satisfied that the public i know howto appreciate such appeals.— ! No market is closed against as, hut on | Ihe reverse all tire open, and onr Imsi ' ness solicited by the manufacturer ; our J friends are many ami powerful, and with i numerous other advantages, our facilities , i for doing business are not equalled by any . ■ dealer in Augusta, unsurpassed by any in ,' Xew York. \Ve would say, in conclusion, that we . i intend making it th o interest ofpurehnsers !to bay from ns; onr prices shall be loti\ i and terms liberal. We refer to onr ens . jtomers in every village in Georgia I’m I I i (lie respaw.tability of onr bouse ami rec 1 tilmleofour business principles. H. B. GLEASON .V Co. .Vo. 201 King Street, Chart,stun. | Fell 19 tr 49 DEBTORS the Estate of Wm. W. Harden, i are requested to make imineiliati ,1 payment: ami those to whom the Ehluli is indehted will present tlu*ir eluiins, li* s gaily attested, for payment. ELAIIRA HARDEN, Exx. JOHN LAMAIt, FAr. Oct. 29 8 \ taiocutuus, ac. I*IEECB hemp.(lax, tow and domestic Bagging, 250 coils bah* Rope, litHH) bushels Ijiverpool Ba!t. 3-50 hhils. St. • mix, N, t.». Porto Rico Sugars, GOO bugs Codec, 30 Is. superior prime green Codec, 49 hlds. do, do. <lo. 500 kegs cut nails, nssorleil, 2<! tons Swedes Iron, assorted, 400 hugs Shot, assorted, l(KM) pounds bagging twine, 5 tons Plough Moulds, 5 tons Castings, assorted, 75 boxes I obaoco, 70 barrels loaf and lamp Sugar, 200 whole am! half boxes Soap, 40 boxes spermaceti Candles, „ do. tallow ilo, 30 birds. Molasses, 50 barrels Flour, 70 boxes hunch Raisins, 40 caddy boxes Hyson. Gnnpow-j der and Imperial 'Teas, <5 quarter casks sweet Malarra Wine. 25 do Tenner!lll* & Sicily Madeira, 3 pipes pure old 410 8 do Cognac brandy, pure, 5 do Holland (.Mn do 5 hhd.s pure Jamaica Hum, 45 ham-ls Nolhern Gin, 90 do Northern Hum, 15 <lo Clordials, 30 bags black Pepper, 15 do Pimento, 25 hags Ginger (Hare.) 5 hints green Copperas, 20 kegs Madder, 10 kegs Saltpetre, 20 do Glauber ami Epsom Sails, 5 boxes Brimstone, 3 barrels A limn, 50 ho\(‘s 8 by It) window Glass, 2 boxes liOgu ood, 290 reams wrapping Paper, 125 do writing and letter do. 2990 pounds shoe 'Thread, 8900 pounds prime Bacon, 9900 Spanish and common Segars, 8000 pair Shoes, well assorted, 50 boxes beaver and wool Hats, . 25 doss seal and leather caps, 40 boxes cotton and wool Cards, 10 barrels Almonds, 20 half barrels crackers, 10 kegs lair Lead, 300 canisters splendid sporting Gun powder, 100 men and women’s Saddles, Bridles, Arc. a, 100 pieecs (ladle and point Blankets, 40 do red. while & green Flannels, 25 hales Homespun assorted, 35 pieces Negro cloth—together with n well assorted stock of (Staple and Fancy Goods, suitable for the country 1 trade. ALSO, Blacksmith's Bellows. Anvils nnd A’ices. !Bpades nnd (Shovels, mill cross cut and hand Saws, Mill Irons, 'Truce, halier, fifih and log chains, Bides and Guns, carpenter's Pianos, Sail Irons, Codec AI ills, hoop and sheet Iron—with :i handsome assortment of cutlery and shelf Goods—for sale on the most favorable terms 1 y, W. cV If. BRYSON, Opposite the Globe Hold. October 22 ts (I ioTs niUKX fli V, &€'• &* 1 . BUNDLES Prime Northern Hay, will be sold low from the SV harp. 5990 Fresh Sweet Oranges, 40 Kegs prime Goshen Butter, 20 Casks Goshen Cheese. 100 Barrels Potatoes and Onions, 20 Boxes Codfish, For Sale by G. 11. METCALF. Nov 5 10 IMBSTTHW, ACR7TLL in Put arc take place on MOV V V DAY Nights. Dec 21 22 Cypress Shisiglcs, ioo7oo«i CTVPRI ISS SHINGLES, For Sale J on the Wharf, hy BARBER A BLAIR, Xrxl door below the JSrklg: Hank Hnilding. Dec 2J 22 Will. .J. IIOHISV Is appointed Agent at Align ta, for TIIK li.ilfV’W 680024, 'J'he Repository of ARTS, LITERATURE FASHION'. This Milnahle work is issued in monlhlv numbers, each number containing 59 large octavo pages or more, printed on line super-royal paper. Every number contains a piece of Music, one copper plate Engrsiving, and at least four wood I 'uts, illustrative of some of the contents ; and every three months a colored Plate of the laiesl fashions—and is furnished at the moderate price of $3 it year. A specimen of the work may he seen id the Augusta Book, where subscrip tions are receiv ed. j Dec 21 3t 22 i n as bs i\ bo, a.a IWfJGiiWij) NAViaikTION 1 rnniiE mla iiami.’s I.nsi’hanci-; Company, j H will insure against Fire, Buildings and Merchandise, in the city, or in the -Minlry, mid Cotton in Ware houses.—- > Iso, Cotton and Merchandise, against .oss or damage on the river, or upon tin 9igb Seas to any port in the U. Stales .y (heir Agent in Augusta. JAS. HARRISON. Agent, fOdice in Mr. Cnnimgin’s Law Buildings. i itOTICU. FBI HE subscriber Inis made engage- I M. ments with Mr. M. Ogden, well known in tliiscity, as a lir-t rate media air. and lor many years foreman and general superintendent at Dolls. He i] Halters him-elf together with his former experienced hands, to he aide togive sn tistaetion to those that may I'uvor him with a rail. .last Ueeeived from the Northern ,Ma nnlaelories. 3 superior elose Carriages. 3Daronehes and - Digs. Also, on the river, a first rate ('onrhee, and he expects in a few days, 2 of I ledeaharg's light elose Carriages. CHAM. L. 11 ALL. I>ee 1 I |<> £> Desirous ofenlarging my ” hnsiness. I have appointed qJoins Johnson, Jun'r. of Augusta, Woo my Agent. A l orders will In* forwarded to me, hy him. free of cost. Digs. Sulkies, Tilhar ries. Haggles, Dimmehes, and Vehicles of all descriptions, will he warranted to suit or no sale; and will he made to or der at a short notice. JAMES TI’DNDIILL, .\nrork, AVir Jewry. r H"B§ HAS on hand, a general assortment . of Carriages of all hinds, selected from the hest Manufacturing Establish meats at the North, lie has also made arrangements to receive l New Work weekly, and en 1 *avoringto rendersatis faclion to his friends, hy his unwearied attention to hnsiness, he still desires a continuance of patronage. JAM KM JOHNSON . Jun. Corner of Mclntofh anil Itn/nold street, oppo tiUr to Missm. Heard i\* Cook'tt l\ onhousr. IN. 11. Carriages and Harness re paired at the shortest notice. Dee 21 21 (JI hII MKT I.OAhST It £j ET’S ef'f'V’V , STACIE Odieo is ‘‘‘l ,0 Mr. Cum tilings’ Law hail.lings, near I he Post Olliee. Augusta, Nov. IDih 1831. w3m 13 CLASSICAL, MATHEMATICAL, AND ENGLISH PKJII.VAiri* A NTHO.W MALONE wtlt—w+uaj.. j this instilntion in this eily. on the 2d ol next .Imiuary, at the I’arsunage of the Catholic (limn h. Mr. Malone will re ecive only a select mmiher of pupils, U* whom lie pledges himsi If to do anipf justice. Air. M. will hold an nnnind ex amination of tin* pupils of his seminary, to which the public will he invited, nno he confidently hopes that on that oeea sion, parents and guardians, who shall favor him w ith their confidence, will he well pleased \v ith the improvement \\hieh their children or wards shall have made. As to capacity, or moral elmr artei*, the most respcetahle reference will he given. As to terms, which shall he moderate, <)*e. apply til the seminary. N. 11. ’fhe English depiirlmenl in mi i dilion to the snhordinatt* hranehes ot j spelling, reading, dictionary, »N English j grammar, will eomprehead saered and | propliane history, geography, English | composition, deelaniation, c)*o \t*. Dee I I ID HiiiviM it*oom ~ mviw siitiseriher neipiaints the public E3 that he has engaged TS. Moons. Spoon Maker, and that he can now liav e Spoons, Ladles, ami Sugar Tongs made to order, of line Silver Work in (he above line, will he faithfully dune, and on reasonable terms. Persons having old broken silver spoons, or other old silver articles, eaa have them made into new Spoons, at No. I L, I’rond st. Au gusta. JOHN (H IMAKIN. Old Silver taken in exchange for new Spoons. May II If «3 EIEANBERRIES 4 Aln Darrels Cranberries. put up for family use. This U.iv Deceiv ed hy Ci. H. METCALF. Nov 10 18 B''Oi£ NUiS-l \'V TIIK Av\gwalu V»o t ik-'r-Ao v c. rsyni: ciiuisrM.y alm.ixjic n.r flj 15;52 Containing besides the usual valuable matter, Dishop 1 leher s Missi onary Hymn, with inappropriate music. Dee 2H 23 notiui^ HjAOl'D months after date application 21 ’ will he made to the honorable the Inferior Coml of Diehmond county, for leave to sell the real estate Cieorge Hill, late of said comity, deceased. ItOUT. PHH.IP, Adin’r. Nov 0 dim II AOTHI)> ft JAj persons indebted f > the estate ot 1%. Cieorge Hill, deceased, m e reijuired to make immediate payment; and those having demniids against said estate, me eipiested to render in their accounts, ac '"d"l” l " ' uoilT. PHILIP,Admr. Nov 9 •'» w , SNoWDBN & SHEAR. Have It revived i'/iis Day from. JW'lv ) ork, I I’l'jU rich watered uiui fashionable • figured Wilks. ■ Extra figured French Muslins and War saw Prints, Kich while Gauze Veils and Crape de Whion Whawls, Wuper plain French Ginghams ami Thi hei Wool I landkerehiels, \ew stile fancy Gloves and rich Bon net Kihhons, Wuper hlk \ (aney eol’d l-'m* Tippets. I case Irish Linens and extra line bird's eye Diaper, Wuper ‘l-1 bleached Shirtings and wide Waltham Sheetings. Dei 21 4t oj I'& lilliil l» Wtvi'blt <>ooits, THE SUBSCRIBERS ARE \()IV RECEII L\o THEIR SUITE V OF i>«v (iiooi),s Consisting of a great variety of VSHFUJL A FA JVC Y HUH CUES l.y I’ll El R LL\E, VIZ: b- l I'hibet and Merino Cloths, ofdilfer enl colors, and the latest style of Goods for Ladies bill and winter dresses, English and ftaiian Luslring-s, and tiros lie [Naples, Fancy C’rapeSimwls, large siz „embroid ered and plain, Fancy colored silk and cotton Hosiery, Uelieules. rich bonnet ij* belt Ribbons, <«i|>Ky, leghorn, plait and open straw Bonnets, At.SO, Super blue, black <)• fancy color’d Cloths, Cnssimeres and Waltinels. very chray, (> I bine Cloths, and while welsh Plains, prime goods for servants wear, I) bales Carpetings, some extra quality, and rich colors, London, dntlle, and point Blankets, Domestic Goods in great variety. Of/"* They will receive throughout the season, considerable additions to their present Slock, which, for extent and va riety, cannot be excelled in this market. Their prices shall be ns low, if not low er limn goods of a similar kind cun bo offered at in this place. .JOHN EDGAR & Co. <>« t 1 l(i;t just i£i:( i:i\ui). M.7 / Jl(!,/] (Htjll’ES, Prunes, Rai sins, Oranges, Apples. Ar\r. M. FKL'DERB K. Nov JM) 71 I A CTO B A GIT,aT(MI iil ISSION KOSKINFWM. in: Subscriber Inn ing commenced B the above business in Augusta, will devote his time exclusively to the inter est ofhis friends ami others, who may patronize him. All Colton and other Produce, or goods sent to him for sto rage, will be stored in a (li st rate Fire Jil’.pnf , Ware-1 louse, at (he customary charges. All orders to him, previous to ids arrival at Augusta, directed to the ■ are of John C. Holcombe, will meet with prompt attention. His oflice, for die present, is at the first door nbovu Holcombe <1- (’arnfields. ARiMtSTEAD RICHARDSON. Oct. H ; .‘lull ym.w.v.i/oH (riven in January nu t. There is upwards of 100 acres of clear ed Land under fence—the Wtoro- House |is a substantial building, and an active I and profitable business now in opera j lion—the Cotton (louse capable of stor | ing lOtiO bales of Colton—an established I ferry. and the Landing and Storage of j 'cry considerable quantities of Goods, with a good Fishery, would render this a desirable and profitable establishment l-> an industrious and enterprising indi vidual. I f desirable, the Stock of Goods on band may be had, and in that case, ! immediate possession would be given.— For further particulars, apply to the sub -criber. ATTON PEMBERTON. Darke er.nnly. Nov, 1(1. 13 ■j&Mk IHACDOVOUGH Jim liAiifi. ■ The snhsrriher la-gs leave to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has token that largo and commodious House, formerly occupied as a 7W V EH.\ by William Hardin, and hopes from his long experience iu business, to be able to give the most decided satisfaction to uli who may favor him with their patronoge. liis Bar will be supplied with the best of Liquors—and ids Table furnished with every thing the country affords. His Sla Me will be supplied with the best of pro vender, and attended by an experienced and attentive Ostler. FRANCIS A. IHTSON. Nov 2 Stw i) UuvmVmu’s TsoVvec. OCR months idler date, application / will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Franklin county, when silting for Ordinary Purposes for leave to sell Lot No. 2 iu the 2(ith District of Lee county, as the property of Melissa Cockhtiru. GEORGE COCK BURN, EuanTn. Oct 2(1 7 mini DEVTISTKV. j j. A. CLEVELAND, Dentist KESPI.CTFULLV offers his Pro , fessional Services to the citizens of Augusta. Those wlio may desire his services, are invited to call soon, us ins stay in this place will be short. Ladies will be attended at their (hvt-i lings if required. Ho may he found nt his room in the upper wing of the Foi led Slates Hotel. Nov .‘JO «f 17