Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, May 05, 1832, Image 4

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idt<&3P2i2& Mnowift* ®r-wwPß&** TBIE SMftSCIWTOEIS* OUnto Proprietor of the Globe Tavern, and more recently of the Mansion Hooso,) V EoksLtve to annoanee to hisfriends ami the i.-.1.h0 generally,t hat l.«bn*ta ken that elegant mid eommodioas lire proof br.ek .... ig .... the - « iKd and .1 ackson Streets, am! immediately 111.- new Mason .. 11: 1.. It is sitnated in the most central part ol the City- tmd is in me \e. > In at t ol hnsi n ;. beie. r in the vicinity ofthe Augusta IJank, and the Uraaeh linn it ol the State o Georgia. This Establishment is known us the GMLOBI2 HOTEL, traveller, t'e* daily hoarder or the fashionable visitor, the UIAHA: pri sen.s uuoiu modations inferior to none in the Southern Mates. . . Haring conducted for a m.n.her of years, two among the mort popular Hot -U Inilii Citv.l.c Hatters himself that Ids experience in business,added to (he stipe. oi ad aiila-vs of situation &. the resources under Ins eontronl, will enab.c him to U,e nost deeidod satisfaction to all who may honor him with their patronage. I f;« r \ l\\ 4 CS arc send well vrntilutod, sun I iimply s;i}>j»lu"tl u iUi Hit • best of provender, and attended by experietieed and steady ostlers—in addition to wlddi, the subscriber will bestow his own personal unremitting attention, <x in ins •tOiarges, will not forgot the pressure of the limes. . j®P|. ■? * "*■ vu>- Qjr* 'l'he following s-TAtiES arrive at, and depart from, the Cii.oiu; 'Jotki. regularly na follows: MiUiinmidViia.K Mr.utK arrives rvrry day, id (I o’clock I*. 31.—and departs id ry day. at 11 i*. iM. Uui.uauiA, S. C. Stuii; arrives every day. ;:l P o’clock, P. M.—and departs every Jay, a V o'clock, I’. IM. Arm.ns Htaub arrives every 'i’.urd nj and Frida;/, fit ('. o’clock I*. it!. —and de parts civ/'i/ Alumliii/ and Thursday, at 10 o clock A. ,M. < Jnr.K.NVii.i.K, S. (I. Svuii; arrives n:rr:/ 'i’urrdri ttad Saturday, at 7 o'clock. P. pi. —and departs ei u n/ 'l’hur.<il ry and Suud.ii/. id - o'clock, A . M. < 'aiinksv n.t.H, H. C. Sr auk arrives errry Friday, at (> o'eloek. I* A! —find, departs every Mntdui/, tit I o'clock, A. iM. WITiMA.AI SIIA.WOX. Augusta, June 1 SIJI. vIUWT IKTWHI VBOS*, AT Tlir, Augusta Siook Store. TVJOIOI V\ and ItniiK i s .lourii• 1 1, labrnry of fhitcrtaiaing’ knowledge, J til to ol‘ 1 f«' 1 it; - iti ll !- K now ledge, Sherwood's Scrip! uro Friats, Kirklmm's HTnmnnir, Ladies* Hook, M Tiers |took, Frugal Housewife, <i.M)l HH lidMK'. flicks Future Stale, I'l iin iiiiil line packet Testaments* I’olynicrinn Testaments, Sii.-rn I’ri vtit it, Henry mi Frayer, •»iluxy of Wit, American < !oiistitiition , », t 'lm k on I In* Fromises, Stewarts visit to tin* Sonlli Sons,, looly of the Manor. sh: .yards on Ihe \;fetioas. Huies I.irinony of the I livine AtlrlhaUv-. IN .v American Speaker, Fro,/oil S -elling liooks, Tcleiaaqne. AVorkiag Man's Companion, (tiiy on Vstrnnomy, Alexanders llyinns, Stewart's Hebrew (’hristomathy, 1 forte Solilaiice. iNe. tVe. march :!l *>o SSegVO luv 'sAa'. A .MAN sorvao.t, hot worn IJd and In jPSk, years of age. tin excellent Can iage I>n vor, and lirst rate house servant \ p ply to L. HULL A. To. ninrch 10 11 ms, (r:<*to a iujmirmay coscr.i:* ,.ni MV ini' use of iJr. «i miter's imsiona bio Fills, persons of either sex, ib they carefully follow the very valiial»lo. plain, ainl copious itiroolions accompa nying them, nre onsililoil elieetually to o ra.lic.Uo A CHUT A IN' IHSKAsfc. mil! to restore lost health, with rd.s , mifth/ ainl, certainty, it) n low days. I 10' ’ I ho exietisive sale and unexam pled success of this .Medicine, in this other cities.mid principal towns throngh- Oil 1 the laiion, for the last fn'leea y ears, I which it was satisfactorily pro | pa - ed by Hr. Conway. ineoatestltdy pe ive, that when used .villi the I N.I Jit 1 Tm)\ FO W UKIfS, it clieetsa thorough mid speedy i are of diet dee elfal <|isor j dec, denominated the N, ■. rgn ■<J the Ui-\ /.‘if. (, /**T'he Fills are accompanied, when the ease reipiires it, with the I.N.IHC . TH>\ FOWDLSIS and CFdiATC these constitute a most powerful modi I cine, applicable t |*the vartwa s'ogfo!'| tins Froteaa disorder.* f«,'/ ami jihia ili J rv'aois, with a popular tmt'fV. cxplainim? > ih- various *i/mp!oms, Hint the ninttc of I. rut ; wait, neconipuny each box, so lb it per sons of either sox may rare thenwel.. , ( I'rice rs tin; iWsSd a her: the Injection i Voted r.« ti A I 'crate oil cents arci.J For s.iie by TUI*PIN \ D .WTIGX.VC, Unierglslt, .lllgtlfUl, (All). (['r 3 ’o'jserve4liat none arc genuine mi ■:.gned T. Kmuita, on Ihe outside prin tt ■.■a'oer. ia )2l .j- A )' C'd.VATp'si.vbF, , if j i. 'I ’•■'7 Wi*.tl-\\. n Ib-st rate j i J~~- 'N i-ll.M' mid lr a;er. A Ne-li ,u' Id yours oi l. likely. muWn j i ”■ a iin-t rale h;u e servant. \ '■■ ' A oiimn—a lirst rideseaiastre-s, j j ■- ' oid ir .nor and not to be excel! 1 i c*’ in the State, with her female it I i, .. , it two yours oJ’aoe. - j ro 16 53 j j\\VVU \ i.WAVVI. * Sp. Mil suhseriher lta\in<; perelmsed sL a stn.ill j dentation near fialoiilon proposes to lake six oreifciit young - men ol' goo I moral character, between Ihe ages of Fdand 17 to provide for (heir in struction in Hie various branches of Mid ueatioii, in Affi'iealtiire, mid in the die chanie Ai ts. Apparatus to illustrate ihe sciences of ('lienii'lry, Asiroiiumy, Nal itral Fhilosopliy, <Ve. will be procured and a .Meeltahio pimp creeled. . v <lk)'.i!s of tin’s kind established in Tenues ee am! in tiie ' 1 iddie and North j ei n Siat«'s have iloarished beyond the ex pectation;-of the most sanguine, linn deeds .if applications lo enter students have been roje; ft d during the ye ir for tiie w-.nil ofaeei.nMaod.itloii. The writer ! has Ives! m eed by several respectable | ami literary gentlemen, who have prom ised llieirson . I i i pea a idmilur one in ■ teorg'la ami be now designs to make Ihe experiment. So many months have e lapsed in on a she. since he Ibianed Ihe dt (eriniaaiion. lhal lie has not. time (a state a!i tiie particulars of his plan : nor will he m i!i'‘ liigli pivteasions in re gard to ids (jii a hi;, "at i >ii- tj. a- (be aato md that shall he b avaed, lie .. il! eil leaver however to imparl instruction as far and IIS well as he is aide. A-sistan - e will be procured in te telling She in ■■ hanie arbs oid some of common the hr.inch. :■ |of Seiueatiiiii. The object is lo make practical men and .pialify them to be- ! come good tea 'hei- of schools. in gnvernnu nl, h* l will endet.'or to cct the pa l l ot a parri.t and treat i lie pa pils ,1-; l.i • .del !r< !i; bat he must he ;djey I e.l. t desires no pm eat to sen Ihi - son | wh i i.- unwilling to have halt sibaiil to | tiie rcgiil.ltinas of the seh >d. !ia; h e-til l dent will labor or It h-iu-v in nr nfi.uit n.f a. - . * ■ hi’i in t'n »/•(•■ A - . ('are will he t.tU-mi. as the vvath r grows j warm, lhal they be not exposed a> a mid I day suit, till they beeom • inured o atble 1 1 exercise, by <"iip!ey ing tht* m - big ■ and e. ct.higs. f-‘o many hours will nut lm requisite all the year, but m a busy sea-on.'semewh; - .! mure. Ilueh stud ait will provide himself with 1 sheets, towels tV blankets—and it would ;he economical lor him lo have a coarse ( sait lo wear during (lie hours of labor. : ISooks, stationary, oil. will b<> fur j nished (hose who need them at the low lest price. The times ufexmuina'ioas end I vacations cannot now Ie- minted i«eli gi mis service »vili he ;vlI ended e. cry sub j bath in Id itonton a li'tle more than a mile i distant. | Those who wish lo enter .their sees | mast give inf iraiation and secure places I by the lihli of January. The school wif I he opened on the Cdd. I lidters ." ).</ /nrt'ti. aildres?ed to Lhiton tun. will receive ntleulion. | V\cgw\vvUous - .wu\ 'Vovu\s. I Ihe coarse of instruction will occu py three years. tl. Foard. lodging, washing, tuition. A:e. (or the Ist year will be gfld; for llie sd : nad_ for the t\\ ;yod. Faynu ids. half yearly in advance. ADIFI, SIIKHWOOD. nalonlon. llec. Id, IS!1, g(j i> Fou s viTe7 A GREAT JXAR&AStf is now olferod in the sale of a tract, oi tot ofL Wl). in Carroll county, w hich is discovered to he rich in the tSohltii prn/irr- , t>: The owner being on the eve of a long iourm y to the North, will now sell it lon •fa q dek application is made, liuiispu •able titles wild be delivered. AFFIjV AT Tills OFFIf C June 1(» 7~J ~ _ X .a ■ mpi ii iriTTlTTwfti ,t dßiTi' irpr ‘ lir ' T ' " ■ Klg ~ egeacag ■.■sKsrsg m ■ w * Pift®SiH3CTI T S!. rSI !IIS Prospectus respectfully ' n ' B. firms the Patrons of the WASII ijITOTO.V NEWS. and public gener ally. that (Japt. Thomas A., hav ing resigned the publication of the above limited paper—it will continue to i-stie under other superintendents. Its proprietors will not east any re flection on its past, nor will they vouch unequivocally for its future character and usefulness. Nevertheless, front a de cent regard to public opinion, and injus-' • ice to their own feelings, they must dis claim that unhallowed proscription by . which innocence is alien condemned without a trial, the motives oi our last public men misrepresented, and their characters unjustly defamed. The party spirit which i nns so exces sively high in our State, has curried a long with it the most baleful consequen ces. J.ikc (he wily serpent in Paradise, ii has long since wound its way iato our Legislative assemblies —itself a poison, audits bite death. Under the Cloak ol ' patriotism it has retarded the prosperity oft he State, by distracting the counsel-of its political wisdom. * They cannot support‘the rash entlat siasni of si heated partisan, any inure (bun they run the mistaken zeal of blind ed bigotry ; who worships man more than principle, worships an idol. Such a devotion they cun never join. “Mea sures and not men ' is their motto. They support the Constitution of the li S.. and declare with their vcncrablc Fliief -Magistrate that “The Federal Fu ion must be preserved. They support the sovereignty oi t ie. States in all those powers not granted to the Federal Doverninenl; and aoknowl ■ edge (he sovereignty of the Federal (iev ernment in all those (lowers granted by the t ’oast it til ion, and not reserved to the Stales. The columns of this paper w., I ho open to judicious essays on all subjects, origin id and select—which may tend to inform llmlmnd or correct the heart. Morals. Education, Politics, Agrmnltare. Arc. will ' claim frequent nltention. Their design ; is. rather to he useful than ostentatious. I Truth, consequently will he their Polar I Star:’and though they may sometimes T veer from the magnet, they will always endeavor to sail within its happy inllu eaee. As they fee! themselves at liberty to express any opinion which they believe will advance the .public or private inter est of their iellow-eiti/.ens, no will they be free, by temperate discussion, to ex pose any policy ol an opposite tendency. . With these feelings and views, this pa perl-submitted to (be patronage of a generous At enlightened piddle. Hoping, that—though it may not be a luminary of . the first magnitude, yet. for moral and li lerftrv wortii, i! may shine like a fixed I star, with pure and steady lustre. J This paper will continued* be forward i ( >d |» it« prcr-cnt patrons, unless by them 1 instructed to the contrary. the teims will remain as heretofore. All letters and commmdeations in re lation to 1 1dsoliiee. will facet with prompt 1 aiiention ifgos/puc/itmi addressed to the Proprietors. () The Editors of the tJeo-fgm Jour nal,*olm»nielc and Fourier■ Augusta,and Athenian, are requested to give the above Prospectus four insertions, and forward Ilnur accounts to the-proprietors for pay meat. Jan. 11, 1831. -t It TH E UAb TiV * S SOK €• ff A K B 8 PFHHISHF.I) in the FityofSav- H ammh. and under the lull* improved arrangement of -the Western Mail, de parts the interior, Mobile. New Dr leans, *Ne eaeh day. a few hours alter it is issued, arriving at Augusta in 38 at .Mibedge ville in 48. and at Macon in 5 I hours after its? departure. Terms *3s 00 per annum in advance. '5'J! ID (OI XTIJY (1E()1!GIA\ Is published three times a week and eon tains nil the intelligence, including new advertisements, published in the It aly paper. Terms go 00 per annum, paya ble in ad entire. The Georgian, daily add tri weekly, j contains (he'mJest ('ontmcreial. Political: I it an -tie tV .Miscellaneous intelligence, and particular pains are bestowed upon dm .Marine department, where also will j be found ail that relates t > Darien and i Flmrieslon. A Pri-.'e Furrent. carefully j I corrected from statements oi buyers am! | sellers, together w ill) remarks on the t transactions of the week. is published j every Balurdny. the Foreign Exports | noted daily, and regular tables of the j Exports' of oar )>riaeipal staples, both Foreign tuid Coastwise, published once a month. Advertisements from abroad will be! conspicuously inserted in both papers at | 75 ets, per square of I i lines for the lirst. j and -u *, cents far every succeeding pith lieation, when daily, or 50 cents when twice or three limes per week. Eegalj notices carefully published, so as to coin- ] plv with the requisitions of the law. Jan ! I 38 Iftnv Family Atlas, I $ n i:co.yoM,'c.ii' rri.. is, hr the ija. use of fnnilies mid young persons. • eontaiuiug“ loi q*s. with various Table- , of Fepalatiuii tiiiil Extent : heights of mountains. lengllss of rivers, canals mails railroads with v lews of buildings, dress, the. in the various countries. Botne work ot lias kind is almost ia lispensablo in every family—ami none lias ever boon pulilished so cheep and portable, ns this. Price 81 si!. This day published by IF 11 AUD.rON, L.FKI) ,V IIOJ.LUIOOK, Huston. April 1 I 54 V\\F \u\VOx\U3 \ TVV VUsvOMVSC, ! A NT *t be i lectures deli' ored before (In' : I Vsl American liisiituioof Instrutllon in j , Heston. Aug TUI. To which is all ied. | an Essay <>u tiio conslrueliou ol 8ehou!! i Houses, with plates* j, AISO. In pamphlet form, on Essay on tlio | j construction ol'Behool Mooses, to which | . was awarded the prize olfered by the j ( Am, los. of Inslraction. Aug. IN'H. Just ; i oMistied by H It'l L UtOSO.W LD It IJ .)'• li'Al.filtUOK. School Hook Publishers. • Huston. j •April 11 51 w. 111 ' ~~~rzzm FOR SAIiE* 1,100 <m 1,200 ACIRES of miSTITH Saw, Flour, 1 Hire Mills ¥ t on it; fsitnotetl in I?nrnwell triet, S. C., 38 miles IVe.n Augusta and 10 from the Village ofT’amweli, about on a line direct from Charleston to Augusta, therefore it is presumed the rail road w ill either pass through it or not far oG. — Price $3,000; one-lifth cash or approved endorsed paper at 00 and 00 days, the ba lance at 1. 2. 3, and 4 years credit, with interest and mortgage of the premises.— Titles indisputable and warranted. Apply to JOHN GFIMAIHX. Watchmaker, No. 147 Broad street, Augusta. July I) VO Savs&iiah Btivor Navigation | f HE affairs rtf said For.ipaey, having | been brought to a close, with the exception of paying the Stockholders, j the undersigned gives notice to all eon ■ corned, that, a final Dividend of One l»ol- i larnnd Forty-Six Cents per Share, (on I •all Shares on which )ji;33 .has been paid) j will he paid to the Stockholders or then’ j legal representatives, accompanied by ; t bo proper vouchers, on applies; I ion c< the ' first Hriek Huiiding West of the New 1 .Market, {{road street, Augusta, to i J. W.BKfHHES. Augusta. Oct. CO, F-clll. wtf N TIIK Weekly Moniiaj Courier j AM) \ T JE W- \ Oil K F N lIBEiH ! On Saturday, the 28th January. in«t., | the Proj>rietors of the Morning Fourier j and New-"Vork Enquirer, intend pub lishing on the largest (biio sheet ever is ■ sued, it W eekly Newspujier to contain ] all that appears during (ho week in their daily paper. It will be published on fine! paper, with new type; and to place it within the reach ofall classes oftln* eont munity, it will he afforded to subscribers at the reduced price of rnnr.r', kot.i.aus per annum. jun/iih!r utirtij/ adiumcr, Su eonsequeiiee of the other Daily I’a pers in NeW-Vorh. determining not to | board vessels and receive their news on , Sunday, the Publishers of the Fourier «V I Enquirer have lately invested Tin nr hum I riioi sAM) noi l.aiis in a separate newses tublislmient. consisting o! one Beliooner of ninety tons, one of sixty tons, and Ihe necessary row-boats. This cstablisb • ment is supported at the annual expense of mm; 'i'll(U’SANi) noi.l.a us, and vessels from Europe are hoarded at sea and their news disseminated through the eotiatry . with great dispatch, long before they rear h the harbour. In its polities, the Coubihr A E.vqtrtßKU is purely Democratic —adhering to the principles and usages of Iho Uepubliean Party, and advocating (lie re-election of Denerai J ackson to the Presidency. Its I columns are able devoted to Foreign ! and Domestic Intelligence, Morals, la teral are and the Fine Arts. In morals, however, it does not act upon the creed of Fanatics or Higots, baton the contra ry. in< ideates those principles of morali ty and religion only, which are ton tided ujion peace and go xl will to all mankind —the fruit of which is tolerance and bro therly affeet'on instead of “persecution for opinion’s sake.” Fpwards of torn thousand copies of the Fourier and Enquirer are published Daily, and more than tiuii;k tu icsam) ■ Mend-weekly; and in (lie Fily of New-, Fork its daily circulation is known to l;e , more than an hundred per emit, greater than any other paper. These facts are referred to, as affording the only com- I mentary the Proprietors can with pro I priely oiler on the quality of the matter ! which will he found in theirconlempia- j led weekly (mbliention. It is intended to publish 17.500 copies i of the first number of the paper, which i w ill he distributed in different parts oij die country, and one copy sent to each ! Post Master in the Fnited States, in or- I der that a specimen of the publication ! may be examined. r r.«T)TAS i . Daily Paper tjiHt ,u-r nnn.'l r ,„ m j Semi-Weekly do. 4 per aim. > . •: J ‘ e nmilriinci I WiiEKliV do. 3 per aim. ) Any |)‘'rson who may obtain eight Mtb-eribers to the weekly paper and re- | aiit the amount, shall bo furnished v it!: a i j copy gratis; and In companies often! subscribers, who associate and remit i I twenty-live dollars, it will he sent far | | 83 50 each per annum. I Post a.' ri-.ns whohave no object iofts j i to net as our Agents, tire requested to j receive subscriptions and remit Ihe mo- j ney at the risk of t!ie Publishers, at the | time ofordering the (taper. —!t is expect- ■ ; ed that (hey' will retain in their hands li) i j per cent, of Ihe amount received, ns a re- \ j muneratiun lor their trouble. I mwi ! Ss!AEE bereaflei regularly atlend ( fs. the Superior Courts of liichmond j ‘ 'minty. My ollhie and residenec are in i (treensboroagh. Pitsods residing in j Augusta, having business to transact, i reqairiug the services of a l.awyer, in j tbe counties of ttrecne, ftforgan. New- | lan. Chtrke, OgU-torpe. V» ilkes. Uncoln 'i'aHiaferro, ,Monroe, or llaneoek, and who may choose to entrust it to me. | will have an opitortanity of conferring | with me personally., twice in a year,) in relaltion to it. FIIANCIS It. CONE. Dee 5 ts 18 l> appointed Agent at Augusta, for TSIK JiAOY’S SSOOK 9 The Repository of A RTB, IITERA Tl B.K Sr FASHIOH. I "fills valuable work i < issued in montldy i mmibor~. eneli number containing 5(5 1 large octavo pairus or more, printed on I line sap-er-rayal paper. Every number j eontaiiis n piece of Jfii-ae, one eojipcr- ; I'iale Fagre.ving, and at least (bur w ood Fa!-', illustrative of seme ofthe contents,! and every three months a colored P-ale i oft ho latest fa-iaon-—and is furnished i at the mo b rale price oi - 83 a year, A specimen ofthe work may be ; teen at the Augusta Hook, where subscrip tions are received. i Dec 31 Kjf P( I>si. (■'i i »\ CD \ J'l {A TE !> CO A! CO IX I) J OF CUHEHS AND fcASfSAPA liiliLA, an iiioHensivc, positive, and speedy Kennedy tor tin; cure of Gouor rhiea,"Gleet, Demina Weakness, Srhrie- . taro, Whites, I’ftins in tin* Loins. Kid nios, Irritation of the Bladder and c re thru, Crave!. and other Diseases of She Urinary Passages. This most cliicaeious Preparation is. conveniently used, and totally devoid of j irritating ipmiities, frequently perform- | lag cures in a few days; it is healthful to the stomach, and hy ito means mi- j pleasant In the palate: possessing ail the active medicinal properties necessary for the cure of the above Diseases, willi oat any liability of injriA- to (be system hy exposure to the weather. It has ob tained the sanction cf many of the re -1 spec-tabic members of t!ie Faculty, and i and the approbation of all those who i have had occasion for its use. “ ,/l j\rat ire on Ike .Vnlhimil Properties <>j NiowwrtVto. eompUni/rottt the hat .‘htllwrl I hr ,” strongly elucidate the high repute ! and great, success which has long at | leaded its use, in various interna! Citron i ic Diseases. j Another choice Ingredient, obtaining i event celebrity in Europe, has also been j 1 introduced, forming a safe, speedy, and ! ; permanent care for the above diseases, j Prepared by fd. (I. Barclay. Jl. 15. j I Siranii. Ifondon : and L>r sale bv I I r ' TI.TiPIX & I>*AXTH.\/U'. j A on.vrs, .//eg!, dcorirhi. ; j Sept. 8 wfitn 9*i I THU AllUl^TA j l? 5 : fHlliE Ist Vai nberof " Tiic A i .W. .1 of Improvements in the i listefu! Arts and Mirror of the Patent Of tier, containing authentic descriptions and illustrative drawings cf the re cords, ppcc.iticalions and models of die Patent Otiiee, hy permission of the I Secretary of .State, being a faithful rep resontalion of the state of the arts in America, tVc. JV. I*. Poor and Win Green A; Co. Editors and proprietors: j J. L. Skinner assistant Editor, with an appendix containing the Patent Laws" !&.«•. Wnhscrinlions for the above work wilt be received at (be ,‘h/!>'iin/ii Irmk -More, wlicre the first number can be examined —it will no doubt contain mur’/i useful ir format ion of the slate and progress cl the mechanic arts in our country. Oct *2!) H PSi DJ-tPt RITES Os TJUtd f\ aox rrcrarFfSrtr?* er:!?:rr±rw> * ra tVi'W w ! u, tr. t A r* I Nt-NrtA ilS’apor, to bo Published Weekly* at MO NT G (>M£R V, ALA BAM A. "ff\ issuing proposal for the Suerm-ntx JS.II Hit Aim, the proprietors disregarding those appeals usually made to the kindly r.nd patriotic feelings of the Public. deem 1 it barely necessary to state the political principles which shall guide its course. | The excitement winch has spread ! throughout the whole frenthern country. ! in cnusaijunee ol’ t!i(> unrighteous Tnrill | of IS'-jp, has created a marhed- dl.lerence i in the political sentihmnts of' (he eith-teas j of the >*runlh,ns tuueking the pevveis ol the Genera! Government—which d:!l‘.-r ence, it is our candid belief, will in a great measure be removed, by laving be- i fore them, in ns chair Pud intelligible I form as possible, the principles and cor- j reel policy of our entirely new and expo riaidital government. The course we think has not been pursued in a <di,crl n I lint‘s as might have been wished. The j disputes of parties have usurped p.<, 1 largely the columns of the few orthodox * papers in onreoxinlry, to allow a candid, ! sober and dispassionate investigation ol | our national policy—and, of (he defeat* relations which exist—and v. liicii were j intended by the framers efthe United I I States Constitution to exist—between! I the several .Slates;mid the Federal dm - ! I eminent. Wo would not indeed by tin ! ! expression of lids opinion, lie supposed to those prints of dereliction ot • duty, hut merely to stale a fact, w hich must he apparent to the Editors them I selves of these papers. ! To present, therefore In the piddle, a! i sheet upon which shall he .inset ibeii the j run; esuseifM.i-ts of (lie Constitution—to I explain the object and aim ofonr Federal Union, and (be only means by which it j may, at this imminent crisis, be " saved j at its last gasp,” and forever after perpet i ualed—and to maintain and defend the i reserved rights, powers and privileges 1 ot I lie .’'•totes, ns severally independent j and sovereign in regard to the sain j rights, powers and privileges—is (he ; purpose of the publication of the ilia; ! ui), The proprietors bind themselves to. : the support of no individuals for the Presidency of these United mates. Wei i hold reserved to onrsvdves the right ot I | commenting upon the public acts of pub- 1 i lie men, whether lor approbation or re- ! j proof-—esteeming it the liighest and most i j sacred duty and privilege of the Press, to I descant up.on the acts and proceedings, | whether of one cfihiai personage, or of a I , constituted body, lively, fearlessly and i [ iintr-.umiuded by pledges. Men are placed ( in odiee to transact tho business of the | People, and a watchful eye should he [ kept over them. .No man has yet been ; found, so unbiassed by his o v-a interest, tis to give himself up wholly to the per i cf j r.blic duties, solely (or the i public good—none so pare, as to imbue I his constituents to confide to him their ! interest am! welfare, blindly, oral with- j | out a stated and periodical revise! of ids acts. For these reasons, no premises I are made, no pledges given, to incou--i -eratdy reprehend the course and i-i'n- ' j due! nfl'-is one psblic fnnetir IK , ; | to blindly applaud the scnliim nts ~”d ' I deeds ol that other minisler of the n.. 0 . \ pie, ' ' ’ t. uvr-r V3i. 1 ‘o • • «>I I A Vi'll'.V \ I'J’E. i-'r,—’i he S?i \,,n w ill he »•!;•« jcd weekly.on a large tmp.ei iai .beet «i;f . j new *ype and lino paper, i .Mioscibptton, s-.’i Oii payable on dm re .wipt rf;::r fix ! umber/*H Orl il.cax | piriilion of six meinliP/or &5W »t the end ot the year. Sir'’Persons m. ldir.T Pahseription pa ’ ! )!l 's will- confer fuyor i>y forwardint i llieiii (o tiie proprietors at Columbia Ss I C. hytiic’JOth next. Editors of Xews papers are 'requested . to give the above a lew insertions. Feb Ci> ts .11 A5. A'Ji K Kj And Coixtmlssiox: Bcv-s 818 AVI IN (.«taken the store i.. ■ fled by Sir. C. Pmu.iv; i.. / lima; to Iraasael <l,o Auetioii ' mission Business, as roeentiv liy bint, and solicit n eoigj...,, patronage Air. Phillips has j, (v .,‘ with. My attention will be if-v';, * ' elasivo'y <o Hoods on j am prepared It) make advaiav. | amount, and on liberal terms, . d. Ni A KiS:'' i - i AuoriTA, lOlh Jan.. isJT x ‘ Wlnskeyi &£,n, SUacJsctc". * ■ •* 2£ei;e: v edT v ’ hhda. Fhihldel.dii.i F V( . iri -(Mmnvls do. d.l Z. ~'-> do. :S . fha. Id do. No, I iifuckerel, ;1.. do, ,'|a. iio, 10 boxes Loaf if'ugr.r, :i d ■i''- casks sweet AUd.iga iiMHiO Spanish tfegars. f t *r J. iMAKniI »iV mareji :',l if bf 3i\zt UcczivaA. j il. fig bales Brown Shirti , 2 eases bleached da. ’ t! do. Fluids and fsirlai.s, d do. low price;! £!,-in j AN) (lag. White am! e.d ae'.l s I slose, and a genera! assortment ( r'' j Bry G-ooclj, {■'on Sam-; uy, d. MAUSH..\f i mrdi ft! ts ¥A.IjM Sa£<; A bfif*' .it's’i 1 it to Tin:i), J- AtAHiSISAbi, nmreh 3S .... g&OT3C-iib, 1 HR hrin ol' t,. HSJJjA. Co, V::!l, e ,JL dissolved on the Ist o!‘ April n'n by mutual consent.' The husin/ss’f concern wiii be settled sit their -.ic-, /,- L. Hull. ,'iii those indebted to them v. ii! !,r - , , enough to call and settle lla-ir hiii'. o ' projmred to do ;,o when called those to whom tiny niv imieiit.xi v-h hand in their accounts as soon a- g..-'. bio. tr. If. Oliver will attend at (liPsH.ii. during the whole of (he present ninrdun '■sake settlenieiits, and it is to he hrg.l, llml all with whom they sire to hr t .it.,r! wiil conic forward. L. HUibi',. f i! tEd Vi;;: £■ *!» £ i saS i» i’l N'-’id'i I, for tl: ffeoiiage |.e y/J? lies tminsredy ex p. i'eiieeii. 1,,; Ids f iends and the ji’ulji-, ||m! her, i cm t mie the AUCTION AND GENERAL COMMISSW ’e»jp h r -■ • a ■-n i, . Mi* A. . -‘:f .Xf tis. s/f At the rnine .■'•■lore eu |d.K own n» v”% aid ivi!: eruicuvorto merit tic . • Miimr-r at t.Xeir lavo'fs by pronipPu'ss am! ::V i 'inn. i he will i'e prajtared through tin ravins j of Ids. friends to nntke !i(lvui,cw us iisa: j march ‘-'I ts f t.S Rb« 1 Ski VS*. I) TstOAi SJI'.l v’.v. 111, fT? F E<;m prime (} ishfii IJailer. ■; do do Dairy <!.. jA 1 .H t >, 'f bbls .\o. ?! Mackerel, and wi 1... -f-i low. hv 1,. 1! fid. Apiiin ,i j U'icc, i ollce, I' ci tiR sii ißiifl, 1 rifBUU and .MOLAdNi: lauding and for sale hv i.. HULL A. CP March 1,4 ts j KogvocA v\l VfVwwc ! I Xegro Fellows; 1 first rate !lev-f imy: i excellent fine!;, (a Woman.) Apply to 1,. I:F!,f. As« •JlisSl’ iSEtIEIA'E!), BADS prime UOFFIfM I f'Sy '^J* 5 Ft ferees prime Wire, And for sale low, by April IS L, Mi bb ■p ISlillN prime A j; WF.d w P.P ~) IJye Din 10 do Eye Whiskey f/?“ Just ricciv ed, and for sale low t.f. i cash, or town acceptances, <>!) die -■ If. 11l J,L &(■*>• j r.’nreh I 1 i -' 1 ! By ths Uvst Boai s£s& WATA^’^.ISa. I .^4^ ! »»if«. Mm-kcrci. it; i’ii Ivins (irst fpmhty (doshen liiitt' C A1 S.», •Test received, i '?) {’lds. s'lipcriiue Cana! {'lour, h”’ l,l Hilly use, r.h Bids, superfine V irginia Flour, ■Jd Tierces Prime Kice, I Half'J’iercct‘7 dp, ft <ir>. do. ,’U.' i 'j'ttrjH’ntiao South | j mis. N. Mum 1 8 Pipes Hellmid Gin. _ Fur sale at verv low nrlet w . It” i ’ l. iH ‘ ; ; *ty •> i’ 1? ifi ’ 7 f.t 1 I‘. It- fa .* 1K J ’ ’.l \ I.!r j/ T ! V* .i[\ Hull'S. So. ?! ttadverth u c !? WP wiil be sold low bv I>. i«'- bb A pril 23 Ui ATKiIiNEV AT LAW ;17W. \S sc f <1 ed i :i I!:i w k 1 :i s viU** V»- y / j.» d county, ’■ ;.»rnghi. and will i :1 ;i« i (bounties of the Miiiithw ' y if i.::n.rr.n, nf tin; JVcwulgte, und. >■ the Flint Circuit, Unwkinsviiie, May 2 'M 'PJie Columbus Democrat. ... grtipli. Augusta t.'iu’onicl _ - Journal, will rmblishtl.o '■ 1