Augusta chronicle. (Augusta, Ga.) 1831-1836, December 31, 1836, Image 1

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k iBT A. 11. 4; W. P. PEMBERtOS. AUGUSTA. UEimßlilt 31, f*»«. ~ V OU .Hi; st -WO. 14. bc—naa—— — ■ m iiiwaasiaMaMamw uni im ■ ■■■» rr - pi~ji a ■■■. —— . . - . ... , ■ 1 '**' iS% Published Kvery IY Si SATtJRttAj^^JOSXIXS No. 261 Broad-strcct, opposite Slid MASONIC HAIL. TERMS. SEMI-WEEKLY PAPER, FIVE DOL LARS poi in advance, or SIX DOLLARS at lire end of tlic year. WEEKLY PAPER, THREE DOLLARS per annual, Jmytihlc in advance', or TOUR DOL LARS at lire end of the year. No paper will be discontinued (except at tbe ■choice of publisher,) until all arrearages arc paid. ADVERTISEMENTS are inserted semi-week y at 62i cents per square, for the first insertion, sand 43$ cents for each succeeding insertion— weekly, at 02 J cents per square for each insertion, and monthly (when not exceeding one square) at $1 for each insertion. None, however small, is 'Charged less than one square. Those intended to bo limited must have the number of insertions, scmiwveekly or weekly, written on them, or they will be inserted semi-weekly till forbid, and chat ged accordingly. The publishers take upon themselves the risk of VII remittances of money made to them by Mail— the prison remitting, first paying the postage, and obtaining from the Postmaster, a written or verbal acknowledgement of the amount, and of its depo sits in his office, to ho given to the publishers in case of miscarriage. tfo Executors, Administrators, and GuardianS SALES of LAND or' NEGROES, hy Admin istrators, Executors, or Guardians, arc required by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month, between the hours often in the forenoon, and three in the afternoon, as the Court-house of the county in which the property is situate.—No tice of these sales must be given in a public gazette, SIXTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice of the sale of personal property, must be given in tike manner, FORTY days previous to the day of sale. Notice to the debtors and creditors of an estate, must be published for FORTY days. Notice that application will be made to the Court of Ordinary for leave to sell LAND or NE GROES,must be published for FOUR MONTHS. MMMBMPBOMPUB—MBPBOB—WW gnaITIIB.I—rwniWi.i la-rratuaMiH Ms, BAROUCHES, CHARIOTEES, TiI,HER , KVS, GIGS, SULKIES, FANCY, PLEA \ SURE, AND PE ODER’S WAGONS, t)f the latest style, and of every description, or dered, manufactured, and selected expressly for this market, and for sale by ROLL, at his extensive Fire Proof Carriage Ware-House, corner of Washington and Reynold streets, near the Eagle & Phomix Hotel, Augusta,. Georgia, ■ And at the very lowest prices. (fj* Persons wishing to purchase fashionable and durable Vehicles,have only to call at ROLL’S to be suited. Also, for sale, all kinds of Harness, Carriage Furniture, &c. Vehicles of all kinds, made to order. Repairing done at short notice. August 13 6m 91 jp|| carriage jp# VisQalr Repository. THE subscribers have on hand, and arc con stantly receiving (of their own manufac ture,) CARRIAGES of every description, which they oiler for sale, bn the most favorable terms, at their Repository, 303 Ur mid Street, . I uyusta, viz: Coaches, Chariotees, Dicky seat Barouches, Stanhopes, standing and extension top Barouches, Phaetons, Buggies, Gigs, Sulkies, Wagons, ofall kinds, together with a largo assortment of Har ness. Persons wishing to buy will do well to look before they purchase elsewhere. Orders for any description of Carriages will bo thankfully received and executed in the best manner and at the shoitest notice. H. S. HOADLEY & CO. Augusta, Geo. H. S. & G. HOADLEY. 0 Now Haven, Conn. October 29 XO ‘ .VO TICE. IN conformity to the Proclamation of His Ex cellency the Governor, an election will ho held at the usual places in Richmond county, on Monday, the 3d January next, for a Member of Congress, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of G. W. B. TOWNS ; also for five Justices of the Inferior Court, a Tax Collector, and a Receiver a Tax Returns. Given under our hands, this 11th day of De cember, 1836. EDWARD THOMAS, a. i. c. it. c. JOHN P. EVE, .r. i. c. n. c. GREEN B. MARSHALL, j. t. c. n. c. Doc 17 td 24 NOTICE. ON the first Saturday in, January next, (ho City Council will appoint the following Of ficers, for the ensuing year, with the salaries an nexed, viz: Clerk of Council, with a salary of SIOO Collector and Treasurer, “ 700 Marshal, “ 1500 Deputy do “ 800 Two Constables, " (each) 600 ■Clerk of lower Market, “ 600 Clerk of upper do “ 60 Jailor, “ 700 Keeper of Magazine, “ 250 Eight Watchmen, $1 per night, Clerk Court of Common Pleas, City Sheriff, City Surveyor, Four Vendue Masters, Published by order of Council, passed the 17th December, 1836. GEO. M. WALKER, Clerk. December 21 ”5 E STRAY. Cscrorgia, Richmond County: jjtgt Tolled before me by Peter, (gintSx--— Galahor, in the city of Augusta, / )3_idk¥lll onc Drown Marc MULE, blind of v J fyx tbe right eye, some scattering while hairs on the forehead, both shoul ders much rubbed by tbe collar, and low in or der. Appraised by G. F. Parish and J. G. Mc- Golrick at Ton Dollars. J. W. MEREDITH, J. P. A true Extract from (ho Estray Book. JAMES McLAWS, Clerk. Dec 21 3t 25 Executrix’s Notice. PERSONS indebted to Ihe estate of RICH ARD TUBMAN, deceased, arc required to make payment; & those having claims against \the said estate will present them for settlement. \ \ EMILY H. TUBMAN, Ex’x. I \Nov. 10 6w 16 ‘ . '■'•l*'' . i. mjih. iv v{ . ; 6 i>R. PETERS’ '• VEGETABLE A.VTI-/M/AOUS PILLS, HAVING now acquireifian exalted reputa tion in private practise by an invariable ( efficacy which could only Hue resulted from ’ their exalted worth, has convinced the proprietor that he Stas only to make them extensively known " to render that reputation universal. 1 Unlike the clamorous host of quack medicines, ’’ with which Ihe columns of (ho public press are y crowded, these Pills have the testimony of the 1 | whole medical profession in their favor, and not a * single case of ill consequence or ineflicacy is to ‘ I he alleged against them. “ | They are composed entirely of vegetable mat ' ter, and they honestly promise no more than ■ | they faithfully perform. ■ i A physician of eminence who tlad witnessed 11 the clficacy of these Pills in his own private practice, had the candor recently to acknowledge to the proprietor that he had never used an arti k cle that answered a better purpose for what they • arc recommended, and that they ought deserved -1 ly to stand at the head of the whole class of 1 such remedies. Perhaps no article of the kind , has ever been offered to the public, supported by f testimonials of a character so decisive, from sour • ces as respectable, or that has met with more geu , al favor. Thseo Pills have been most successfully ctn t ployed in almost every variety of functional dis * order of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver, and Spleen; such as llcart-Burn, Acid Eructations, Nausea, , Head Ache, pain and distention of the Stomach and Bowels, Incipient Diarrhoea, Cholic, Jaun * dice, Flatulence, Habitual Costivoncss, Loss of • Appetite, Sick Head Ache, &c. They are a safe . and comfortable aperient for females during preg nancy and subsequent confinement, relieving sickness of the Stomach, Head Ache, Heart- Burn, and many incident Nervous Affections; literary men, students, and most other persons of sedentary habits, find them very convenient. Those who indulge too freely in the pleasures of the table, find speedy relict from the sense of oppression and, distortion vtfiich follow by taking lire Pills. Those who arc drinking Mineral Wa ters, and particularly those from ague and fever districts, will find them a valuable adjunct. Those who arc exposed to the vicissitudes of weather, on voyages or journeys, can take them at all times with perfect safety. Dr. P. having been educated under the most eminent American and European Medical pro fessors, and practised his profession many years in different climates, considers himself Veil qual ified to judge on the nature of inveterate disease: Prepared hy Joseph Priestly Peters, M. D. P. 13. C. P. M. at his Institution for the cure of ob stinate diseases, hy moans of vegetable remedies, No. 129 Liberty Street, N. York, inventor and sole proprietor. Each box contains forty Pills. Price 50 cents. DEATH AND_ DISEASE. I . -lAmsmuWfWF taw. . >» A minil well lodged, and masculine of course. Dbatii met Disease the other day, And thus they gossipped on the way. Death.—How comes it friend, in every shape You lot so many folks escape ! A few years back, and every elf, Once sick, you laid upon tiro shelf, Dyspepsia then had power to kill— Asthma defied the doctor’s skill— The lancet too, at all tribes sought, Its hecatomb of victims brought, Then Custivcness could fatal prove, And Rheumatism no power remove; A simple cold where’er you went, A subject to my kingdom sent. How comes it thou, that now-a-days, Folks slip your-gripo and go their ways 1 Asthma subsides— Dyspepsia's cured, The lancet is no more endured ; The sick to day forget all sorrow, And laugh at both of us to-morrow. Disease —Dread sire ! I use all means I can, To abbreviate the life of man : I dog his footsteps from his birth, ’Till he returns to mother earth ; And though ’tis true that my success Is daily growing less and less, This satisfaction I can feel, I have not slackened in my zeal, I used all means I used of old, Changes of weathci—hot and cold, I give them colds ; I give thorn pains ; I rack their hones ; 1 fire their veins; I poison them with rancid bile, In place of the digestive chyle, Yet ail is useless —nothing kills. Death —How’s that! Disease—They all take Peter’s Pills. A fresh supply of these celebrated Pills with (ho Patent Vegetable Medicinal Stomachic® ct Hepatic®, for tbe euro of Dyspepsia and LiVcr complaints, , Just received and for sale by HAVILAND, RISLE Y, & Co. THOMAS BARRETT. Octi 26 Cm 9 New PEA.VTEw smo tee, Ala cion, Alabama. J a The undersigned having pur chased die above Establishment, begs j ■ * 153 leave respectfully to inform the pub-1 MML lie at large, that he is ready at all 1 times to accommodate those who may favor him j with their custom. The house is at present tin dergning a thorough repair, and he hopes in a short lime, to make it present an appearance in ferior to none in the country. The health and location of Marion, make it a desirable summer retreat for all those who may feel disposed to seek a healthy residence during the prevalence ofsick ncss in die lower country. The house shall, at all times bo supplied with the best that this and the Mobile markets afford, and no pains nor ex pense will bo spared to render comfortable those who may call upon him. His Bar is inferior to none in ihe Southern country, and shall always be supplied with the choicest Liquors. His sta ble shall he constantly supplied with plenty of 1 xprovonder, and good and careful Ostlers. Persons travelling can he accommodated at all times with HACKS kept for that purpose. The Office of the Northern and Southern line of sta ges is also kept at the Plantei’s Hotel, where per sons wishing can procure scats. There is also a Barbel’s shop attached to the establishment. ASA WHEELER. August 24 6m 94 Negro Cloth. THE SCBSCIUUEnS OFFEU FOH SAEI, BALES heavy Domestic Negro Cloth 2 « best British Kerseys 1 “ low priced Salinetts f J. P. SETZE, & CO. / Oct. 99 10 NMvW GOODS. Mu'otrlfcp ,<!• Shear, HAVE received by recent arrivals from New York and Philadelphia, n very largo sup ply of Staple and Fancy DRV GOODS, suita ble for the Fall and Winter season, comprising a great variety es new and splendid articles, which they have selected with great care from the most recent importations, and to which they respectful ly invito the attention of the public—among them are Extra blue, block and fancy colored Cloths and Cassimercs ' Superior blue, brown and inixt Satinets. Do French Casincts and Kentucky Joans i Extra white Gauze, Thibet wool, Siiiciun and i Welch Flannels r Superior red and green Flannels : Do Salisbury Flarvnelsand spotted Circassians Extra 6-4 French Merinos, of superior manufac , ture (the best article imported) and of the most i fashionable shades—a very large assortment i Extra 3-4 and 0-4 German and English Merinos i and Circassians > Superior French and English black Bomhasihs Do Black and colored Bombazetls. - Extra black Gro do Paris and Mattooni’s blk. i Italian Lustrings (very rich lustre) Extra double width black Italian Lustrings (very I rich lustre) s Superior and very heavy blk. Gro. de Swiss i Extra rich lig’d and fancy colored Checked Silks Superior white and black Satins and blk. Modes Do white and colored Florences, and black Sin s chews and Sarscnclts 1 Extra black and fancy colored Challys Superior blk. Grenadine and blk. Crape de Lyon Do colored Pongees and fancy Poplins • Extra rich 6-4 Chiucllc Shawls (a new and splen did article) • Superior 3-4 and 4-4 rich Thibet Wool Hdkfs. Do Gauze arid rish German Shawls and Hdkfs. Do Black Thibet Wool Shawls and Hdkfs. Do white, black and Scarlet Merino Shawls Do Braganza, Valcntia and Prussian’ Shawls Ladies rich Cravats, and fancy CliElloWincs Do Rich embroidered Satin Scarfs and Col lars, edged with down (a new article) Do superior white down Stocks and Mohair Caps Extra rich noedio worked Lace and Muslin Capes and Collars of the latest style and most splen did patterns (a very large supply) Infant’s worked Caps (superior styled A largo supply of superior Lace and Muslin Edgings and Insertings Extra needle worked Linen Cambric Hdkfs. from $350 to S3O (splendid style) Superior plain Hemstichcd Linen Cambric Hdkfs. [extra qualify] Extra plain white crimson and fancy Pongee mid English Silk Hdkfs. Superior Turkey Red cotton fiagg and fancy Madrass Hdkfs Rich fancy Belt Ribbons [new stylo] Superior 7-8 and 4-4 Irish Linens Do 5-4 and 6-4 Linen Sheetings [extra quality] Do 8-4 and 10-4 Table and Damask Diaper Extra 8-4, 18-4 and 14-4 Damask Table Cloths [rich patterns] Superior Damask Napkins and white Doyles Do Silocian, Birds Eye, and Russia Diapers Huckaback ( a very superior article for Towelling Extra 7-8, 4 4 and 9 8 Furniture Dimities A large assortment of German and American cot ton Fringes Superior plain and fig’d Swiss, Book and Mull Muslins Extra rich Chocked Swiss and Oriental Muslins Superior plain Jackonctts, Cambrics and Nansook Muslins Bishop Lawns and fancy Furniture Muslins Superior plain and fig’d Bobbinets Do Thread and Bohbinell Edgings and Insert ings Plain Bobbinet and Grecian Quillings Black and fancy colored Worsted Laces Superior 3-4 and 4 4 French Prints (new patern) Do English and American Prints and Rich Furniture Prints Do white and green Colored Oil Silks Ladies superior white and blk English Silk Hose Do superior white and black Merino and Worsted Hose Do superior while, brown, black and fancy col ored cotton Hose Misses superior white atrd fancy colored cotton Hose, No. 1,3, 3 and 4 Gentlemen’s superior long, white, brown artd Mint cotton Hose Do superior white and black English Silk half Hose Do white and Mixt Lambs Wool and Angola half Hose Do superior white, black, brown and filrlcy co lored cotton half Hose Youths and Boys superior Mixt half Hose Nos. 1,2, 3 atrd 4 Ladies superior black, white and colored H. S. Gloves Ladies superior white and black English Silk Sc picnic Gloves Ladies superior Long while, kid and Long pie nic Gloves Gentlemen’s superior black, white and Colored 11. S. Gloves Do superior buck, heaver and woollen Gloves Do superior Gum Elastic and silk SuspCndcrs Do very superior silk under Shirts Do superior silk and cotton Umbrellas A very largo assortment of Gentlemen's superior Stcoks (some very narrow) Ladies Corsets, of a very superior stylo (No 1,9, 3,4, 5 and 0) Do down Sleeves and superior white and black corded Skirts Do superior Merino, crape, camhlct, silk cam blot and Circassian Cloaks | Superior blue atrd drab printed Table arid Piano covers Superior fancy colored artd rich Damask Table, | covers dies superior English and very plain straw Bonnots, [Grecian shape] Do superior plain straw cottage and silver plate Bonnets [fashionable shape] Do superior black and drab beaver Hals Nuns Bonnets for Misses, and Band Boxes in Nests Paper Hangings of the latest styles [a very largo assortment] Extra rich, black atrd gilt cut Bead Bags Do rich, black and gilt and plain black Bead I Bags Ladies superior fancy Rclliculcs [new styles] Kirby’s patent Pins atrd superior drill eye Needles j Clark's and Taylor’s Persian Spool Cottons Superior Shell side, neck, quill, back and tuck' Combs Supsrior Brazilian Shell side, neck, quill, back, I and tuck Combs Superior Ivory dressing and extra Ivory fine , Combs Ladies superior fancy French Work Boxes Worsted Crewels and Canvass for embroidered Work A very large assortment of superior Ingrain Car. pets [new patterns] Superior Brussels and Damask Venetian Car pets [eplendid style] Superior Brussels Rugs and plain and printed Floor Cloths Slaters 4-4 premium bleached cotton Shirtings and English Long Cloths, 3-4, 4-4, 5-4 and 6-4 brown Shirtings and Sheet ings 1 A BhjachoJ and brown Jean and superior Tickings Superior Apron and Furniture Chocks and South efti Stripes HedVy Flax artd Colton Osnaburgs Superior 10-4 11-4 and 18-4 Rose and Whitney Blankets Snperiot Defile, Mackinaw and Point Blankets Do Plaid and Red Linsoy for Female Servants Heavy Negro Kerseys and low priced Satinets The above, with ngrert variety of other articles, will be sold at the lowest, prices. Country Mer chants will bo supplied on the most reasonable terms. The public are respectfully invited to call and examine the assortment. Oct. re 5 the Southern Agriculturist, ' AND •’ REGISTER OF UIRAI, AFFAIRS, ADAPTED TO THE Southern Section of the United States. evnitisHED MONTinr — Terms, [ss per annum i J’ayable in Advance. NEW SERIES. By It* Carroll Editor—A. E. Miller, Publisher. VOL. IN—DECEMBER, 1836.—N0 12. . CONTENTS. BAUT i—() U ifi IN AI. (Jo VIMU V it! A’tl 0 .Vo. On Grasses; hy James Davis, M. D„ On the Management of Negroes, &c.; hy A Planter. Management of Cattle and Milch Cuws ; by J. W. W. The Mangle Wjiftzel; by A Lover of Good Milk. Legal Knowledge for the Planter ; by Y. Chemistry applied to Agriculture; by John ' Antony Chaptal. Strawberries; hy P. J, Non-descript Hedge ; by Santee. Part ll.—Selections. { On the value, and mode of construction, of j Mud Walla for farming, and buildings and en- < closures, by Philip St, George Cocke. On the diseases of Sheep, Turnip rooted Cabbage below Ground. Peach Trees ; hy J. C. Culture of Strawhenies. The Persimmon. Atoms Multicaulis; by Emilien De Wael. Egyptian Wheat. J To obtain Onion Seed. j Part III—AT I sck i, r. ax r:ot;s IxxKtLtoiNcx. ( Fruit, kept sound in Colton ; Beet-root Sugar; i Planting Evergreens ; Effects of heat and mois- t ture on Plants; Paints for Preserving Wood; r Euphobia Phosphorescens; Fruit Trees; Pro- £ ecodings of St. Andrew’s Agricultural and Police Society on the Death ofMr, John Culder Mikell; Index to Volume IX., Dec2l 25 | AW.DOIJfiSNfl:li> THRU Os the Court of Ordinary of Jefferson County — July 18 th, 1836. RE EE .VI SI. UPON the petition of ROGER L. GAMBLE, Executor of the last Will and’l cstament i of Da viu M.McConkex, deceased, setting forth 1 that he has fully discharged the duties to him as signed, in and by said last will and testament, and praying to be discharged from his Executor ship jjaforesaid.—lt is, therefore, Ordered, That all persons concerned, arc hereby required, to 1 shewertuse, if any they have or can, on or before the expiration of six months from this date, why the said Roger L. Gamble should not he discharg ed and released from his liability, as Executor aforesaid. And it is further ordered, that this rule be published in one of the Gazettes of this State, for anil during the space of six months aforesaid. A true extract from the minutes of the adjourned Term ot the Court of Ordinary, for Jefl'orson County, held on the 18th day of July; 1836. D. E. BOTHWELL, Clerk. Jnlv 97 Cm 86 Adoiiiiiftistratoi'’* sal<% On Saturday the 31 st day of December next, WILL br sold, between the usual hours ol sale, at the late residence of John Watts deceased, all the personal estate of said deceased, , consisting of Horses, Gi^s —nn undivided half of the furniture of the Wayncshorough Hotel, be- I sides many other articles. Terms ol sale on the day. MULFORD MAUBH, Adm’r 1 Nov, e, 1836 wtd 15 <«uar<lian’B Hale. first Tuesday in February next , ] WILL bo sold at the Market House, in the town of Louisville, Jefferson county, a grccably to an order of the Honorable Inferior Court ot said county of Jefferson, sitting as a Court of Ordinary, the Real Estate of Mary A. S. Duroauzcaux, minor heir of Stephen Dureau zcaux, deceased, it being one half of the Planta tion whereon the deceased Stephen Diircauzeaux lived and died, in said county. The whole Tract containing four hundred and eighly-sevlin artd a half acres, more or less, on the waters of Ogee- ■ chco river, adjoining lands of J. W. Gregory and others. It will be sold to the highest bidder, wit h iin the usual hours of sale. Terms on the day of sale.—The other half of said Trgct will ho sold at the same time and place, also. JAMES BLACK, Guardian, December 5, 1836 wtd 22 C!»l(iml>ia Nlicnir’s Sale. On the. first Tuesday in January next, WILL he sold before tin) Court Honseduor, in Appling, Columbia county, within the usual hours of sale; One Negro man slave, Randal, about 2fi years old, belonging to the estate of James Blanchard, deceased, to satisfy a fi. fa issued from the -Supu rior Court of the county aforesaid, in favor ol Wm. Page, vs. Jolin Carllodgc and James Blan chard—propeily pointed out hy Uriah Blanchard I RICHARD H. JONES, n. s. c. e. j December 3 wtd 20 Executor's Sale. | On the first Tuesday in March next, i WILT, be sold before the Conn House ! door, in Jacksonboro,’ within the usual | hours of sale, agreeably to an order of the Hon- | I orahle the Inferior Court ofSciivcn county, when I silling for ordinary purposes, a Flcgro Man, by | tbe name of Cvrus, belonging to the estate of | William B. Dopson, deceased.—Terms cash. AI. N. McCALL. Ex’r. j t)ec 17 wtd Si Ocorgin, BBurUe County: WHEREAS, Sarah Smith and Allen S. B. I’ior apply for Letters of Administra tion on the Estate of James J. Smith, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at ray office, within the time prescribed by law, to file their objections, if any they have, to shew cause why said Letters should not bo granted. Given under my hand, at office, in Waynes boro’, this 29th day of November, 1836. J. G. B A DULY, Clerk. Dec. 7 *1 THL Subscriber would respectfully inform his friends and customers, that he will con tinue to carry on the CAB EVE T MS USEVE SS, At the Old Stand, Sign of the Big Bed stead, nearly opposite Messrs Stovall <s* Simmons’s Warehouse, And has on hand, a general assortment of CA BINET FURNITURE, of the best workman ship and latest fashions, together with nn exten sive assortment of BEDSTEADS, CHAIRS, Ac. &e., —all of which he will sell as low as can ho purchased in this city. QJj” The article of Bedsteads, it is well known to many, that I sell below the New York prices, ' and will continue to sell as low as any man in the United States. CALVIN WILLEY. July 29 R7 ' A CARIK ~ CAHNER respectfully inform the citizens , of Augusta, that his OMNIBUS will run daily between Augusta and the Rail Road Depot, in Hamburg, expressly for the accommo dation of the Public. It will call for Passengers, from any section of the city, mid take them to any place desired, within its limits; and in all instances run through Broad Street to the princi pal Hotels, and not avoid any, by taking the back Streets. Notice to be called for, must be left at Ihe Eagle & Phoenix Hotel, or at Ills Stable late the Warehouse of Atr. John Reese. April 16 57 * CAI6J). JOHN 15. GUEDUON respectfully informs the citizens of Augusta, that he still conti nues to run his OMNIBUS to the Rail Road De pository, in Hamburg, uaii.t, exancKsly for the accommodation of the public. It will call for Passengers from any section of the city, and take them Id any place desired, within its limits—and in all instances, will run through Broad street, to the principal Hotels. Ho feels thankful for (he very liberal patronage heretofore extended to him, ahd solicits a continuance of the same, Oct 7 3 .f.V O R m.V.i.VCE, TO amend the 40th Section of the General Ordinance, passed the 30th day of March, 1833. Sec. Ist. Be it ordained, hy the City Council of Augusta, That fram and after the passage ol this Ordinance, no person shall contract fur, buy, receive, or take from uny waggon or curt, or in any manner control any article of provisions u sually vended in Market (except Butcher’s meal) before sun rise, nor at any place within the limits of the city, during Alarkct hours, hut at the Mar ket House. Sec. 2d. And bo it further ordained, That any person wlio shall violate (ho provisions of tills Ordinance shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, and not less than ten dollars. Done in Council, the 3rd day of Sept. 18tf0. SAMUEL HALE, Mayor. By the Alayor, Gao. At. Walksfi, Clerk. Sept- 7 98 Office Augusta Insurance A Ranking Company, rg HE Board of Directors of this Bank have M. determined to allow 4 per cent interest on Deposits on all sums of money not less than five hundred dollars which may remain for a longer period than thirty days. Notice will be required at the time the depositc is made, should the De positor wish to avail himself of this arrangement. In referfencc to the Insurance department, the business will be conducted as heretofore, the rates of premium will bo fixed in accordance with a liberal view of the hazard proposed, and Ihe principle adopted hy the Board of Directors from the commencement of the Institution, —“ to do business on as good terms as other good offices.” The agents of tire company arc fully author ized to pay ail losses promptly where the risk is taken, when there is no objection to the nature is the claim, and every effort will bo tirade, consis tent with equity and justice, to reinstate the in sured, whether at homo or abroad, By order of the Board, ROBERT WALTON, Scc'y &. CnshV. April 29 59 AdmiiaiiNtiMioi’’* Kale*. On Tuesday, the \\th of February next, IN conformity to an order of the Court ol Or dinary of Richmond county, will he Hold nl the lower Market House, in the city of Anmißta, the following properly, belonging to the Estate of Win; Brysoh, debt a«ed : • Four NEGRO Slaves, named DANIEL, aged about 16 yearn, HENRY, “ “ 14 do JOSEPHINE, “ 10 do JIM, 11 6 do JESSE, a Negro child, 12 months. also, Tcri Shares of the Capital Slock of tho Au gusta Insnritnrc &, Ranking Company, I Share in the Augusta Theatre Company, and I do .\ugus ta Ice Company. Also, a Vacant Lot on Rey nold street, on which the late Mrs. Murren re sided. HARPER U. BRYSON, Admr. Henry and Daniel will be sold on the same | day, at the Market House in the city of Savannah. December 7 wtd 21 Atliniulslratui’’!!* Kalr. j On the first Tuesday in February next, ! be sold at Ihe lower Market House, ■ ™ V between the usual hours of sale, a very ! valuable Negro Man, aged about thirty years, Ihe I property of the Estate of James Primrose, de ceased, to be sold for the benefit of tile heirs and creditors ofsaid deceased. He is a very handy Car penter, Butcher, Ostler, Ac. Terms of sale cash. O. B. MARSHALL, Adm’r. MARY PRIMROSE, Adm’rx. Dec. 7 _ 81 Executor’* Sale. On the first Tuesday in Fibriiar u next, WILL he sold at llie lower market house, in the city of Augusta, between the usual hours of sale. Five lots in Springfield, ly ing between Lary’s pond and the River, attti on the North s'dc of Alarbury strcrl, ertntaining six ty bv one hundred and fifty feet, each, and known by the Nos. 22, 23, 24, 25. and 26, in the plan of Springfield ; sold as the property ot As. J. Wood, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs Terms made known on the day. JAS. BURROUGHS, Executor. Nov. 30 wtd 19 /ira«r ESTABLISHMENT. 11. WILSOI¥ Respectfully informs in* friends, nmi the public generally, that he lias taken that extensive Establishment, in the roar of the Eaod: <t Pnosxix Hotel, (which has recently been fitted up in a superior manner,) and will bo ' happy to accommodate hia friends, and those who ’ may favor him with their patronage, with VEHICLES of almost every description, and 1 of superior workmanship, generally new, and | HORSES which are not surpassed by any in ’ the southern country. Every exertion will be made to give general satisfaction, and the propri etor trusts, by strict attention to business, and making, in all cases, his charges most reasona ble, to reccivt encouragement and patronage from the citizens Os this place, and the, adjacent coun try. (L/’He can accommodate, and will be happy to receive from 1 to 200 Horses on Livery. Drovers will do well to give him a call. June 22 If 70 ' I'lirpHings & Hearth iCnga. AVERY extensive assortment of low priced ami sup. sup Scotch Ingrain Carpetings & Hearth Rugs, of tho most approved patterns and colours have within a few days been opened by J P. SETZB & CO. Sept. 3 U7 ■> JJ Wc, the Subscribers, take jULfIOTjJJjjJ I*™ 1 *™ this opportunity of expressing our entire satisfaction as to the v'r®'-*s3c*’ manner in which the Telegraph Line of STAGES, running between Columbus and Augusta, is conducted; and would recom mend this line to any person who would wish to enjoy the comforts of euro and despatch, which wo look on ns highly essential to men of business. P. B. HENLY, Tuscaloosa. R. C. GARNER, Mobile. D. H. GARNER, do. JOHN HENLEY, Montgomery, Ain. Sept IB; 1803 102 NOTICE. AM. HATCH & CO., having taken MR • I). F. FLEMING into copartnership, will continue their business in New York and Charleston, under tho firm of HATCH, KIMBALL & CO. Charleston, S. C. Juno Ist, 1836 If 72 •'tdmini strut or’s Notice. 4 LI. persons indebted to tho estate of John Barnes, Into of Columbia county, deceased, ore tepucsled to make payment immediately; arid all having demands against the same, will present them according to law; JAMES M. DARSEV.2 . , ALFRED STURGIS, 5 AUmr,,> October 13, 1836 Olw 0 •9dminiHtrator’H Notice, ALL persons having demands against tho Es tate of the lato Mary Aim Carson, of Burke county, deceased, arc requested to present them, duly authenticated ; and those indebted to said estate, are required to make immediate payment ANDREW CARSON, Admr, November 22, 1836 6tw 18 •ftdmlniHtratrix’H Notice. ALL persons having, demands against tho estate of Henry Wilkins, Into of Columbia county, deceased, arc requested to hand them in properly attested within tho lime required by law ; and those indebted to said estate, ar« requested to make immediate payment to, SUSANNAH WILKINS, Adm’rx. Dec. 1, 1838 w6w 20 •tdntininlrat fix's Sale. On Thursday, the C>lh day of January next, AT the late residence of Henry Wilkins, de ceased, in Columbia county, between tho usual hours, will ho sold, tho whole of tho per ishable properly belonging to said Estate, Con sisting of Household ami kitchen Furniture, farm ing Utensils, Horses, Cattle, Hogs, Corn, Fod der, fee. &c.—Terms made known at the sale. Also, at the same tittle and place, will bo hired and rented for the ensuing year, tho Negrooskhd Plantation belonging to said Estate. SUSANNAH WILKINS, Admrxi Dee. Ist, 1836 wld 20 Aflsuinixti’iiSor’ti Sale. On the first Tuesday in January next, Wli.L bo sold, at the Court House dour in Appling, Columbia county, seven No grees, belonging to the estate of John Slurges, deceased, late of Baldwin county, for the bene fit of tho heirs and creditors of said estate. JAMES YARBOROUGH, Adm’r, do bonis non. Oct. 29 __ Btw 10 JMdtn in i sir a tor’s Sale. On the sixth day of January next, WILL be sold at tbu late lo.idrnccof Mrs. Mary Ann Carson, deceased, oil the perishable property belonging to said Estate, con sisting ol Household and Kitchen Furniture, Forming utensils; Corn, Fodder, <Src.; also, Slock of ail kinds belonging to said Estate. ANDREW CARSON, Admt. November 22, 1836 j wld 18 - - - ■ —ti. ■■ .. ■ .‘tdmiUiKiralor'n Sale. On the first Tuesday in February next, WILL bo Bold ill the Court House door, in Millcdgevilk, Baldwin county, u tract of Land, containing one hundred and one and omv lonrth acres, more or less, situated in said county, adjoining lauds of Charles Smith and John H. Smith, deceased, being the Southern lull o 4 Lot No. 84, and belonging to the c. date of John Sturges, deceased, Into of Baldwin county. Sold for tlie benefit of tho heirs and creditors of said estate. JAMES YARBOROUGH. Adm’r. de bonis non. frov. CO Ptw 10 ~ii x !•:€ utOK'sTsa e. k . On Tuesday, the 10/A of January next, OPWTILL bo sold at the late residence bf Mo yy scs Walker; Senr. lato of Burke county deceased, all the perishable properly belonging to the Estate of the said deceased, consisting of Hdr scs, 1 fogs, < lattlc, Corn, and Fodder, Oats, House hold and Kitchen Furniture, one close Carriage and Harness, one Gig. one Cart, two Road Wag gons, two Cotton Gins, Blacksmith’s Tools, Fanning Tools, and several other articles too te dious to mention. The sale to continue from day to day until all is sold. MOSES WALKER. Jr. ? r ... FRANCIS J. WALKER,) **’ Sept. 24 wld 103 The krcciuillc • M^ rjL OJF * Four Home Post Coaches} rriHUOUGHm 2 Jays, via Edgefield C.jj.l 1 K. Liberty Hill, Ctdnr Springs, Abbeville Cl 1 H., Andersnii C. If;, PeHdleton C. 11., Pickcns -0 ville, to Greenville C. H., S. C. Leaves AUS 1 GUSTA on Monday, Thursday, and Saturday; » at 3 o’clock, A. AL; and arrives in GREEN -1 VILLE Friday, Sunday, and Tuesday, at fl • o’clock, I*. AI. Leaves GREENVILLE bn 1 Monday, Thursday, and Saturday,. at 3 o’clock, • A. AT., and arrives in AUGUSTA on Friday, 1 Sunday, and Tuesday, at 8 o’clock, P. AL resU 3 ing each way for th night, at Abbeville, C. H. At Abbeville C. H. this Lino meets the Pied -1 mont Line, going and returning at Greenville ■ C. H. It intcreecli the main Western Line vja • Ashvillo, Warm Springs, N. C., whore it hranch ■ es, one running via Knoxville, where it intersect* the main Virginia and Western Lino, the other > running via Greenville, (Ten.) llcnn’s Station, to Lexington, Ky. Al Greenville, (Ten.) there is also a Lino running from that place, through, to the Virginia Spiings, intersecting (he main Virginia and Western Line. At Greenville C. 1 H. (S. C.) there is a Line running via Sparton- I burg, Lincolnton, to Salisbury, N. C. The ; Teams and Coaches on lliis Line, are not infe- I rior to any, and great care has been taken in ae lecling steady cartful drivers. Great attention will he paid to the accommodation of passengers; as to (heir fare, lodoing, Sic. ’ All baggage and parcels at tho risk of tbit owners. R. DOUGLASS & Co. Proprietors. May 4 68 ly 38 PRICE A' JfMJMEEERY, Faklilonnblu unit Military Tailors, Art. 2.58 Broad Street, BETWEEN tlio Globe and United Statof Hotels, where gentlemen can always ba furnished with suits made to order, from tiro best of English and French Goods, of the latest style; or bo suited with the finest and best of Ready .Hade Clothing. They have also juat received a superb assortment OF UtIMMM BIUBjSjJI S, Made lo their order from the very best material. Citizens and strangers may h?re find an exten sive assortment of choice Eanry Articles, Viz: Stocks, Cravats, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Suspenders, Riding Bells, Money Bolls, feilk .Money Purses, Ifui,scry, Shirts of all kinds, sad every variety of articles befitting and necessary for the gentlemen of taste and fashion and those es plainer habit. Nov. 30 ] 9 Adiuini'itralrix’* Sale. On Saturday Ihe 4th of February next, WILL ho sold al tho residence of Thomal W. Oliver, deceased, four Horses, one Mule, one Wagon, one lot of Books, gird a part of the Household dud Kitchen Furniture: also, one lot of Blacksmith Tools, Ploughs, and sun dry other articles too numerous to mention. Terms made known on the day of sale. MARTHA Of.IYER, Adm’ix; _pec 1 24 wtil 27 Csmirdsaii’s Sale. Oh the first Tuesday in February next, WILL lie sold ul the market house in the town of Louisville, Jefferson county, s grceably to an order of Ihe Court of Ordinary of said county, three Negroes, viz: Collin, Abby; and Nancy ; sold as tiro property of Martha Ami and William Mulling, minor heirs of Isaac W; Mulling, deceased. WJNNEFRED MULLING, Guardian. Nov. 20 18 Adminifitrator's gale. On the first Tuesday in March next, WILL he sold before the Court House door, in Jacksonboio,’ within the usual hour!' •f rale, agreeably lo an order of the Honorable Inferior Court of Bcrivon county, when silling for ordinary purposes, Tirrco hundred ami filly, acres of pine Land, belonging to the estate of. David Arelior, deceased ; sold for the benefit of the heirs. Terms ma le known on tiro day of sale; JOHN SOUTHWELL, Adm’r. Dec 17 wtd 84 .Idmin idrater's gale. On the first Tuesday in March next, WILL bn sold before tiro Court House door, in Jacksonboro/ within the usual hours of sain, agreeably to an order of tho Horn orahle the Inferior Court of Scriven county, when sitting for ordinary purposes. Eighty acres of pine Land, adjoining Lands of Augustus Seaborn Jonas, James Roberts, and others, belonging Ip the estate of Job Herrington, Jimr. deceased sold for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate: Terms made known on the day of sals. BENJAMIN WILLIAAtSON, AdmV. Dec 17 _ ___ wtd 34 Administrator's Sale. On the first Tuesday in March next, WILL be sold before tire Court House door; in jacksonboro,’ within tho usual hours of sale, Three hundred acres of pine Land, ad ; joining Lands of Joint Zeaglar, lire estate of Jo* soph Gibbons, and others. Also, tho following five negroes, xiz: Rachel, Stephen, Darcas, Hannah, and Nathan, helongingjo thfi estate of William Gross; sold by ordiJr of tho Honorable Inferior Court of Scriven cotlnty, sot a division among the heirs of said estate. THOMAS H. HUENS, Adm’r. Dec 17 wtd «24 . Administrator's side, On the. first Tuesday in Jauuary'mxt, WILL he sold at iho Court House door, id the town of Wayneshorongh, within iho usual hours of sale, agreeably to an otdef of the Honorable the Justices ol the Inferior Court of Burke county, when silting for ordinary pur* P °Four hundred and twenty acres of Land, Word or less, adjoining lands of Wm. Duke, B. Mil ler, and Usurv Lewis, on the waters df Rocky Creek; also, 8 Negroes, lo wit; Lucy, Dav» Louizn, Finer, Hager, Phillis, Liter, and Rboda, belonging to the Estate of Azariah Duke, decea tCd; sold for the benefit of the heirs a.%) creditor* of said Estate. JOHN SAXON, Adm’r: Sept. 23th, ISSS »ld 9