The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, April 16, 1845, Image 1

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jMft djfcW v a iocntfoi 1 : mjmw »n.Wri / .ih i.ii »itninif iit’f ' 1-rt* *#- * iuwv : - , utul{ u -"' --; «K*afc *j >tt ?* MM 5 -onoqifii *»nl r.1 >•:■,# ,hi.U , M«W)3*E3i . .t€» Urf wwSnSS^tjj?! Wisdom, Justice, Jludeyallon.” iti^r jtgjw 1 teo-roto st i: ALBANY, BAKER BOUNTY, GEORGIA, APRIL 1G, 1815. -■■»■>■•• ' ■ '■ -•J- •■ ' ' — •m .w'lumr* - NO. 1. *i^HE PATRIOT, IS ItflLIMIID EVERT WEnSESDAT iw6txtv: Bv NELSON TIFT & SETH N. BOU8HT0N, k —. . ' f: |TWOM« per unium, if |»M in advance, or Thrive Dollar* at Ike end o! the year. Advertisement* not exceeding twelve lines will «' inserted at One Dollar for the tint insertion' and ’’ifty c«*» for each continnance. Advertisements Jot having the number nf insertion* specified will a- iiuMMntd until forbid. lilies of land and Negroes hy Executor*, Adminis- ratora and Guardians, are required by htw to he dvertised in a public gazette, sixty days previous to ho da; of sale. The sale* of Personal Property must t* advert feed ' ( like manner forty days. Notice to Debtor* and Creditors of ah estate must • published forty days. Notice thru application will be made to the Court f Odinary for leave to sell Land and Nesrocs. must e jniMishcd weekly for four munlhs. Monthly Advertisements, Ono Dollar per square jt tach insertion. * ’ ; ST AH letter* on bnsinoss must he port paid. WHEAT-CROWING IN THE SOUTH. Among the many intelligent soufiierfl planters whom itTau leen my lot to meet during tlicir norlk- pivs that float fitfully over the scene, they appear new ; em tour orsommerrr" creation, was Wilu-ikTeekili, light nerv shaded, and present n panorama elcr vaiy- 1 Esq. otifiiocock t o.. Georgia. I mention him [ftr- AUTHOR OP ing briglitening and porkhing, until the mi-terrll :j. Itirulsriy, from the satisfaction derived trom his re- tndthe uncurtained sun reveals limi-el:' in the full| marks onU.u wheatcidtureat tkeSouth, especially The Prairies. . nr. L. C. THOMAS. Not tlio least remarkable features in the Great Vestem Valley arc the Prairies, wBeuarc found i every directum over the face of its vast territory. Ware of luo kinds, the sweUing or rolling, and je level or flat. The former consists of indicating elds, broken int i sweQa or reaches of various -ngtha and breadths, extending sometimes to on al lude of GO or’-0 feet. Between times these swells re sloughs or Vloos,’ which are generally marshy, •ui in many instances contain small lakes or pool’s, ad some of which arc dry, cxliibit the appearance I funnels, and answer a similar purpose in carrying 8' water into the caverns beneath, tno existence of liieh is indicated by the soil above. The flat prai- «•* are plains of rich alluvion, grown with rich lank ns and occasionally presenting a lake, and often uloed here and there with groves of the wild crab >p< and clusters of forest trees, that look likcem- •sk 'sics in a sea of waving green. a ’l tc prairies arc of various extent, from one yV .hundreds of miles. The largest arc in the row-Vest, the homo of tlie buffalo and the red hurt- r. flV herever they are partly cultivated, as most , than are iu the ‘Kates,’ and where the annual fires 'e discontinued, they soon grow up with timber.— geon* carpeting, which no turkish fabric can equal. At this season, in the early dawn, while the mists hang upon their l.-ordcrs, curling in folds like curtsi is, through which the mcrouig sheds a dbltuicd light, “half revealed, half concealed” by the vapory staid- Frvm the Cultivator fur October, 13-14. Frcm the Philade/jt.ia• Saturday Courier. Notes of Travels In England and ox the Continent. BY JOHN H. SHERBl RNE. LIFE OF PAUL JONES,” “NAVAL SKETCHES,” ETC. The first tiling the tourist should pur chase on his arrival in Paris, is a map of grass stoops and swells with every breath cf t> j the groin cm]*, of this Sta’e, which he bud carefully J nB “ urmui in runs, is a map01 BreeW, like the waves of the heaving ocean, anil the | examined with the eye of an intelligent farmer, and I Ihc ci ty * or * lls pocket companion, for winch bright blossoms seem to nnd laugh in the- si.n-: after noticing partienbriy the faMiildo endeavors ol : he will pay two francs—ail l lie buildings sidne, as they toes tlicir gaudy heads to tiic rustling General Hannon of Wheat'nnd, (Vice President of jof note are arranged round its-ir.nrgin, anti The prairie* however, the N. Y. State Agricultural Society,) in testing the ” *’ ‘ ' ' *’ ' are most beautifnl when the first tints -of autumn are j qualities of various kinds of wheat for the purpose of upon them; when tlicir lovely flowers, in ten thou- j designating the best qualities of seed tcheat. Mr. Ter- sanil varieties, are decked in their gorgeous foliage: j rill remarked substantially tliat his own experiments when the gold and purple bkisrciiisare contrasted in Georgia satisfied him that the wheat crop in that will* the emerald green serfaronnd silver lining* of! and other Southern States nay be made far more cx- their rich leaves and all the hue* of iris, in every tensive and profitable than has generally torn sinijic- modilication, show themselves on all sides to dazzle,• scd. Mr. T. rail ed last year tiitecn acres of a kind bewilder and amaze. Bleak, desola te and lonely as a Sihcrinu nnste, the prairie exhibits itself in winter, pathless ami trackless, one vast expanse of snow, seemingly spread out to infinity, like the winding sheet ol'a world. The traveller to the Rocky mountains may rise with the early morning, from the centre of one of the great prairies, and pursue his solitary journey until tho setting of the sun, and yet not reach its cen- fines, which recede into the dim, distant horizon, tliat steins it* only boundary. He will hear, however, the busy hum of "the bee, and mark the mvriads c! parti culored butterflies nnd other insects, that flit around him; he will behold tens ut thousands of htdlhloc* grazing in the distance, nnd the savage but now peaceful Indian intent upon the hunt; and lie will sec troops of wild hones speeding over the plain, shaking the earth with their unshod hoofs, tossing their free inane* like streamer* in tlie wind, ai:-j snorting licrcciy with distended nostrils; the fleet deer will now and then dart hy him; the wolf will rise from his lair, and look a-kanse nnd growl at him; and tlie little prairie deg will run to the top o: its tiny mound and bark at him before it retreats to its den within it. No human being mar be tlx com panion of the traveller in the immense "solitude, yet will ho feel tliat he is not a.'ono; the wide expanse is populous with myriad* of creatures; and, in tlie emphatic language of tho red man, “The Great Spirit ia upon the l’rainc.”.—Knickerbocker. AN ADVENTURE OX TIlTLOWER DANUBE. The Senior Editor ol the (Savannah Republican is writing b iters home, describing a trip to the East down the ]*£.'cr Danube. One of his fellow passen- a Baroness, a cousin of tlie reigning l'rince -lie soil is with very’few exception*, entirely olluvi- ] 8?” , , and yield* immense crop* of Indian com and other ol Wallaclna. who is described ns— ynrso grain. When they exist in tke neighborhood A tall, proud, imperious, haughty, hateful wo- *i«tl«nents,they aBbrdexcellect pasturage for her-1 ■"»“-« «>rt o( blunder cloud m human shape, bad s and cattle, nnd fine range* for swine, and are tra- talc* were totd of her cnielty. She was m very high rseil by herds of deer,the number of which increases •ar the phntatian*, when not in too close proximity, i their gTenterteneinies, tlie black and prairie wolves, •crease as cultivation advances. Wild tnrkevs, -cks prairie fowls or grouse, and quails and rabbit^, ■fo abound cn tlie prairies, and afford great 'euttqBporUmeii. Niuneroua other animals, as the .'plier, the o|ios*uin, the racoon, etc. ct^. are found them, or on their borders.' The wayfarer over these wide savannahs will Miictiineg be startled by asouml asofbonndacothc aft , and anon a noble buck of ten line* will leap past m, followed by a puck of hungry wolves, yelping at ey run in hot pursuit; but iw will look in vain for e sportsman of the field; bo can bat tine; that in- <ih!e banter*,’horsed on the viewless councreef the r,’ uro tracking their game and urging the wild use. Some theorists believe the prairies to hive ijj very anciently the bed* of lake* or of the sea.— is opinion finds arguments in tke allnvious cbarac- rof tlicir soil and the marine shdle, which are ia- riablv found embedded in the limestone of the ad- cent Muff*. When tlie grass is thoroughly ripe, in tlie autumn wards the cfoso of November, most ol the Prairies e Imrucd. The fire* sometime* originate by acci- ii?, lint more often from tlie design of the hunters, Cv-ilitate them in the destruction of game. Tlie v urAss, which then is often as high as tno head ol'a u on lioroobuck, bam* with a fierce and terrible nidify, and extends the flame* for miles in a few nutiv, impressing the luslioMer with the idea of a i* ml conflagration. If the wind chances to be fli, tufts of the horning material dart like flaming •burs through the air; and a* tar a* the eye can acli, a noil ol black smoke *11010110* to the horizon d oveniaiigH the scene, while all below ia lighted >, and Mazing with furious intensity; turd ever and on, flaming wispa of grass flash ap, revolving and vlinginthe glowing atmosphere, and Icndmg to e imagination a semblance of convict-spirit* towing in a lake of fire. The birds, startled and hewilder- , scream wildly, and tumble and roll about above (•fames; tireaflrighteddeerIcapifrom his covert d courses madly away, and the terrified wolf, for- ffnl of the chase, runs howling in an adverse dhee- th vorwitli.her cousin, the reigning prince who sup plied her with money liberally. She laid been !-'ini:- ronie, lint time, and the indulgence of had passiims, luul wrought their work, learuig her quite a \vr;vk in spite of Iicr diamonds. Slic was diwatislicd .with all the world, and of too elevated a rank to avociatc with the other por^tngers. Of course she had era of tho private cabins to hersclt, from tlie recesses oV which site looked ujkiu us poor devils with infinite disdain.” The following set ne occurred in the course of the known in that region as “ Moore wheat"—t!.c variety being appropriately ranied after a vvert' v Tost Mas ter in Us Kcighkcrkcod,- who had taken tlie trouble a few years left re. to cktain speciinens-qfsuch articles enclosed in letters fmrt his friends in other States, with a view of promoting agricultural rinprovemcnt. The spcciuicu trom which tliis and other crops in his neighborhood were raised, was originally contained in a fetter frcm Norfolk, Virginia, five or six years ago. The kind v aa a rodiish clay, manured with about Dvcnty-five Imsliels of cotton seed, worth about six pence a bushel at tlie gin-house. The crop was sown cn the 5th and sixth of October, ill,! harvested on tlie lOthct May. Tixyield on apttch of about all the streets are scon at a glance;—this map should be examined an hour every me ruing or evening, and in a few days, the tourist will feel ai well acquainted in Baris with the numerous lanes, short cuts, and places of amusements, as in his own native place. The hotels are/ of course very numer ous: the Hotel dcs El rangers," Hue St. Honorc; Hotel tie Lille and .dc*Albion, Rue Ml. Thomas du Louvre, No. 4<>; and Grand Hotel du Dtwhe dc l.Vry, Rue du Jour, No. 8; arc all in the vicinity, and near the Palais dcs Tuiltrcs and iis beau tiful garden*, the Ptduis Royal, Exchange and Silage depot, &c., nnd ali have one or more English attendants; for a handsome furnished chamber and breakfast, the chaise will not exceed 4 francs a dav The morning after inv arrival in IT Whi’e foes were made to fly, or yield— No mure shall cannon’s thunder roar To rouse thee frcm thy marble bed : - Or mighty squadrons cnvmrd pour Oh tecs wt.o from tku veterans fled. Freedom fas fled tho Uallick shore, Where tlou, Xapdean, lov’d to dwell; Then Vl cp—sleep cn, forevermore, Napoleon—to thee, farewell, farewell— Tlytkudly wrongs the .unre shall trace Thy deeds shall fire a future race. Tlie roil of a distant drum hrckeonlhu stalncss cf the Chapel, and my jelernii conductor, giving me the sign, I foUcwct'r him to the parude ground ol the Hcspitul, where 1 found asscmLIrd ttpvvards i t VUJ veietan pecsicners, all of v. hcni had to tight under Napoleon and wore the unilonii cut in the fashion of these glorious days of chivalry. After rcll call, they were dis missed to go where they pleased. At one end of the parade ground stands a marble statue of Napoleon twenty tec; from the pavement, his right hand pointing to his guards below ; and such is still the veneration for his memory, that these vete ran pensioners in crossing, coming cn tr leaving the parade ground, invariably turn towards the statv: and touch their chapeau. I, cn leaving the parade, followed their cx- >, w hich, seemed to please thtm so much, that all who were present cauic for* . . ward and shook me warmly bv the hand, CVs ‘" i ; l‘ umn y expressions- cf liicudship. a , , | . | , . .... - , . . I After amuseing mvself in roaming over .•r acre, I’hcgram was and ineasured in | the American Munster, informing• him ol undard measure. The berry isyclfowisli, mailing ,„ v nrr j vt ,i j,, |>s,ii=? from Belgium, and crjam-coi.ired tk.wcrtbat.s .ni.cii a^roved. |, avc ,| lu honor of paving to him Mr. TnriiU rcinarkcd. Uutricr, that wilh Ins imnro- ■ . V • .. • an acre, w as at the ratu of tu cr.ty-five end tLc avtTagr of tho whek 15 qcrc.s was 18 bushels ; addressed a note lo my iiicxtd General per acre, standard itnjiro- vcii mule ol cultivation, !.».* 1ms realized more wheat In in these liltten acres tlian lie ever be lore raised from double that quantity ol land—indeed, ho has had smaller crop.* from more thin twice tlie quantity of land. Those ..imi le facts may induce others to “ and do likewise.” Wlmt can be done I v one intelligent j#:n liter or limner, may be done hy others. Let us hen r of many such experiments in all quar ters o! tlie South. iLt the intelligent and reflecting planters, wlio cmiii-lsare wiU stored with facts bear ing on the improvement of agriculture, apply tiieso facte thoroughly in the management of tlicir estates, and our wore for it, they will find rich and pleasant harvests lor thejr pockc ts and their minds, whatever may be the “ prospects of cotton" or tie “ fate of the tariff.” N. B. We must not forget to state that an Agri cultural Society was formed two or three years ago hi Hancock county, which Society offers liberal pre miums for the best crops of wheat, coni, and other kinds of grain, and from tlie labors of which' uracil good may rea sonably be anticipated. The example is worthy of imitation iu every ccunty, not ofGeorgia ioae, hut I hreugliout the whole South. Nothing re joices us more than to hear of such enterprising movements omongouragriCirltural bretliren in that e siuihy clime.” Rti my personal respects, the cay lollow in w . &e; after (lesnnlcliitig this no’ie, I tcck tTn open cab, siini'arto our gigs, from the stand opposite the Palais Royal, Rue St. Honorc, for which I was to puy JO sous an hour on ly, and the communicative driver, scaling himself by my side, we drove to the Hos pital des Intaltdes, ia which is the Clinp- pelic dc Saint Jerome, containing the cof fin of the great Napoleon. On arriving j!p mg myscil m roaming < the picturesque grounds nnd guldens ai- lached to the Hcspita! dcs Invaiidcs, with some of ilie oid warriors, I stc( 11 d into the cab, and drove to the celebrated Church of JVcfrc Dame, where Napoleon and Marie Louise, were crowned, nr.d the Ir.voiile Church where Napoleon worshipped.— There was the altar at which that mighty genius (whose trill was law to EtTcpc,,anIl at whose nod kings and mighty men tum bled) stood beside the Empress) and near tlicir sacred persons, the hope of Rente, in 1 magnificent rchts of cflice, holding the . ■ * • 1 •»» III IVCCO VI l IttoV. 1IUIUI1IL lilt* at the gales*, I met a veteran pensioner. | crovn j* 0 t) ic conoticror’s noble brow, who, for years had! served under Napoleon, j ,, contemplation, I whispered to un to hint I introduced myself ns nn ^mertcau , >L .;f—“A\'hcrc Ictr is Napoleon?”—tiro tho passage of the rapid*. Borne of the passengers, among them tho lady cousin of tire Prince Absolute, slept on shore in a* small house, which, however, could not accommodate all. Now it happened that in one of tho room* there was soino merry-making, and much loud talking, which preveuted n*dame la cousins from addressing herself to sleep. She sent one message, which was not heeded—whereupon she stalked forth from her cltainiwr, candle in hand, look ing like seme perturbed gboot, and marched straight fo the scene of revelry, in quest of the landlord.— Judge of the astoni.-hment of the beholder* on seeing this gnant figure, her lank proportion* not nt all con cealed by a scanty and straggling night dress. Ilcr presence was electrical. She threatened the poor inn-keeper with three months of prison, alter asking him if lie know whom helad in hts house. Ofcour.-c tlie rioters were willing to spare the landlord the p*in of being reported to tin reigning prince, arid thus quiet was restored. “ I beg no one to be surprised at the appearance of the lady in this grand dishabille. Such un occur rence is nothing in this country. If you knocked at the door of tlie ladies’ cabin, the answer of the female i invariably ‘come in,’ whatever might he their lo of dishabille—something quite startling to a man oecnstorood to difibrent things. Servants cf both sexes come into your room without knocking, and such surprises *re sometimes hy no means agree able. This practice prevails to some extent in Ger many too, (at least in some parts of it,; where there seems to be a perfect absence of that iimte modesty which, at certain times, loves privacy.” When an experienced hunter find* himself upon a zirie, to which fire lias boon applied,lie immediately ndles a fire near him (as did the old trapper in »per’a novel of‘The Prairie,) and the wind bean e flames onward, burning a path before Win, which follow* to a ptaco of mdety, and thus escapes a rrid fate, that but for his sagacity won'd have been ■vitahlc. A prairie on fire can sometimes be area •tlie distance of fifty mile*. The fire continne* til tire grass'is oil consumed, and not unlrrquentv is earned by the wind into tbeadjacent forest, which liiastsand devastate*, nntil checked by a wat« citizen who wished to sec" the coflin in! which the remains of tire conqueror of Eu rope were deposited: Napoleonic grand; the smiling oid soldier shook me wariah by the hand and a tear edlslcucd in liis eye, as pincitig his arm on mine, lie at once guided me to the sacred spot, threading our way through tile long corridors to the rear of "the hospital, where sicod the Cha pel. On entering the door, such were my feelings, that I forgot to remove my lint, which caused the four veteran invalids who sat at a respectable distance from the cof- ThriUine adventure in the Mammoth Care.—-The fin, Waiching wilh jcniotts eavc (he remains following tlui.iir.g incidont is related of tf patty wiio' of ihcir Emperor, lo rise nnd npprouclt ns are reeentlv : 'with iooks ol anger. My conductor quiek- ' Vclrt cha- wn* unco- My conductor in- Qmerican, when they (itca the Mumiuotli Cave, recently : „ , ,, — - - j , wini roousoi anger, my cuirau “ A wed.hiigrartv went to the cave to so 'iiutlu- i,, „i,' :,i « honey-moon) White there, they went to visit those | °' ,sen ln r llto cau.e, fold beautiful iKjhous oi the care which lie beyond tiic perm, monsieur immediately 1 ri-ra.’ In older to .lo this, a person in* to vered, and apologized ii tlie river nearly a mile, before reaching | formed them I was on • :;tul ]xrl rrver ‘Jordan, sail dov. tlie avenue wbiqb leads oft from the river on the all approached, and in silence squeezed mV opposite side; for there is no shore or landing place hand. My great desire was now satisfied: that is below on the other, fertile river fill* the whole i j gtoed beside the coffin and remains of him width of one avenue to the cave, and is several feet | who lK(lln( , King’s in chains and I licit no- deep whore the ewe walls dcsceiul into tlie wuter.:. . -.,.•* c c • , Ties party had ascended file liver, visited.tlie: cave I >’ es " ! lh hn ^? of , ,ron '>, ! na ? c crowns Ills br*yonJ, and htd again embarked on the riser for 1 1*** 1 } Ills foot nnd their rvturn horatnvardf. Alter tiiey had tucciulcJ j caused proud Sllbion's hit to tremble to its tlie riveralwuthalt' way, some of Uiejtarty who were j very centre. Hut England, lo whom ail in a high £ot into a room and rvoitumcd the _ ihc world looked for exaniplc in nil that beat. Their lights w— *'* f :i -~ J •• ... matches *—* * l — 1 —‘ iininci' of dar] L’my v _ _ v . the guide’s great presence of mind. Ho charged he throw himself under I he emblem of m/ri- them to rcmaiti'perfectly still, for if they moved a tij, a victim to their mercy. Exiled, the single step they might pet cut of their depth in wa- warrior died on a rock, his spirit unconiiuer- tor, and swimming, could not avail them, fer'they c( ] ascended lo his God; humanity went; could not seo when* to swim to. II? know that ** ? die stain lifter can be erased fmm *l»*» tliey could bear tiic coldness of tho water any icngtlil ,,r ,t„. ol tinv they would lie safe; for another guide would j p VO j t y ^ ll- f c A marriage portion.—Allow me to introduce a simple story; though perhaps not new, nevertheless interesting in its results. On tho margin of a sunny lake lived a farmer; his shaded cottage was an object of pleasure to fin mariner of our inland sea, and the traveller could not refrain his commendation as lie passed the we34flfed fields, rendered more attractive ny tho pervading spirit of neatness and order. A wife, with two daughters, shared the labors and pleasures of the fanner. One hundred acres were extent of the farm, and tlie fanner's capital was little more than hoiwsty, industry, and health. I do not •- - - . ,. - ... point thefaraifv circle in its devotion to sacred duties, ’• Early inthespring, the mames renew then toil—the results will carry to every it doUttog, and long fefcse their HMtauturnml K view of the rath pursued. Hi* eldest daugh- aU vostige*oftfie precwlrng htuf raarried.aiKi he gave her one-thirdoThis farm,os from tlie wu.-no.wi- tliat deep bo sent from the Cave-house to see what had be-b* ra gedy‘of Nations. ... come or them. Andintiris perilous condition, up! I he Chapel ofoaillljerome isciuoular to their mouths in water, in tho midst of darkness mere firm night, four miles under ground, they re mained for upwards of five hours, at the end of which time ansther guide came to their relief. Mat thew or Mat, the guide who rescued them, told me that wlten he got where they wore, his fellow guide Stephen, (tho Columbus of the Cave,) \va3 swim ming around the rest of fire partv, cheering them and directing his movements, whfle swimming, bv the sound ot their voices, which were raised, one and all, in prayer and supplication for dcliieraucc.” iming, .egone, tulles*. ....... isaro, in one of the uhnddike clusters, may si Hts Mackewd trunk and leafless brandies that the fox* have been there. In no — Shoal •**s«t. iriHe, her marriage portion. Notwithstanding this diminu- tion he hxf the irat quantity of products as former- ' his youngest dauglitcr married also, one-half of what reitaincd—and still of his farm was not diminished. The jaeily discovered—lie applied as much and attention to the remaining one-third part accustomed to rive to the whole ask hoar this optics to any of us ': . We divide our labor over too many sufficient culture to each; and we nf science, which tsaehea ns to con- various means always within our coo- and their economical andapprBjiriatcapplicaUou. I* V. 8. Senator.—The lion. John a chosen Senator of this Common- fottwo yean from the 4th of March last, to „ SO rotes green. In'tfae'House 300 votes were were for Gov. Davis. - lliis restore* the fairs to suppress Duelling.—It is with much pleasure wo have observed recently, in different por tions of fiie country, important movements again-t the barbarous practice of duelling. The Grand Jmy of Charleston, S. C. have presented as a grievance the practice of duelling, and earnestly recommend tho Legislature the passage of nn act to suppress a a custom so pernicious to the happiness* of Society. In the new Constitution of Louisiana, lion. Mr. Chinn cave notice tliat he would offer a clause to be inserted, by which all persons sending or accepting a challenge to light a duel, and their seconds, shall be incapable of holding any office of honor or profit in that state. Tills is the true course. There are'laws to sup press duelling, hut a false public opinion, in many section*-of the country, has rendered them almost a dead letter. Let public sentiment every where unite, in favor of adopting the principle of" disqualifying those who liglit duels from ah public honors and trusts, and then will this relic ol the dark ages be likely to be abolished from the civilized society of the nineteenth century. It is a little business for men to set tbemaelre* up for a target to be shot at No men of true courage will for a moment think such a position will entitle anv bod 16 be considered brave. We are rejoiced that instead of this being the estimate,! which the aewible public are-putting upon duelling, they are fast getting to regam it as the absence of moral courage: and the indication is very general :n fa vor ot making it * marked disqualification and dis honor to engage many manner in this barbarous custom.—Saturday Courier. and was isolated front the great Church of the Hospital—converted into a sanctuary front noise and light—hung with violet velvet glittering here and there with heads; and altogether, with its half darkness and ritual drapery, produced an. effect which the Frcncli call grandiose,'' lint which im pressed me with sentiments the reverse of that, epithet. The coffin which enclosed the imperial remains is 'of dark wood re sembling cedar; it appeared heavy and solid,- arid has a burnished handle at each end. It was covered with a canopy of pur ple velvet, lined with ermine, anil richly figured with flews delis; at one corner the initial -V., nnd at the other the imperial Eagle wrought in gold. At the head of the coffin was the Napoleon crown, and on a splendid cushion at the foot, were the - va rious insignia which once shone on his breast.' On an exquisitely finished stand near the fool, was the late Emperor’s threc- corncrcd chapeau under » glass vase, with his dress small sword in front of the vnsc. Above, waived tho kannersgained in migh ty bailies, .dusterlit:, Vim, Lodi, Jena, &c., which arc inscribed in golden charac ters on the sides of the Chapel, rind a pyr amidal urn near the head of the coffin bears the words; Honntur el Patrie. A lamp is kept constantly burning near the corpse.— Day after day scores, of wreaths were thrown through the! gates ripening into the Chapel by devout worshippers—a majority of whom were females. ,i 1 . Impromptu—, ■ v , at TnE corn* or. szsousox. No more shaft warrior*^stern rrjizie ’• Napoleon? 1 ' luil deep toned organ at that minunl swel led on the deep Silence around, echoing rir.d re-echoing from the vault above and riictrg tho aisles below, scciucd to whisper: “te/irre/” For a few sous given to the po lite old dnu:c in attendance, 1 was permit ted to examine the imperial robes worn nt the coronation. The paintings are numer ous, and should he leisurely'examined, cs veil as the antique carving "around ihc al tar. The organist having' left the Church nnd closed the organ in the thoir, I was permitted, for a few more sous, to play a dirge on the organ on the f.ror of ihc CIiufcIi, near the altnr, after u Inch, 1 as- . eended to the towers to have a view of that part of the city, nnd the island on which die ancient structure stands. Opposite JVo/re Dame, is the hotel Dieu, a charitable institution lor the sick; and crossing over, I made mv request known lo a smiling nurse, and from what country I hailed, &o. 4'f. She, wilh all that case and grace which seems naturally and almost exclu sively to belong to the French, immediate ly led the way through the airy corridors and neatly furnished rooms, pointing out and explaining the admirable and praise worthy manner in which this institution is conducted^ On raking hare cf my polite condtulcur, I tendered her a small’ foe for ihe trouble given her, which site smilingly refused, observing—“ American gentlemen arc free at all times to visit Hotel Dim.” The gav Parisians think tlicir JJotdcrorcs unequalled in ihe world for their great breadth, cleanliness, inimitable eidc-wulks, splendid mansions, showy shops, pnlace- lilcc hotels, beautiful trees, Ike., and in this . belief, few, if any, wiii be found to dispute the point, especially when they see them thronged daily with beautiful equipages, and pedestrians of the higher order; milita ry and civil officers, who nrakc these bread avenues their daily drive anc| lounge. These Douletards surround the city, and arc about as wide as Market street, Phila delphia. The fine, even carriage read iu (tie centre, is separated from the bread, well-laid pavements hy a double row of shade trees. On tlie pavements arc an im mense number of small chairs, on which those w ho choose to pay one eons, can sit. and lounge away an hour in sipping wine, lemonade, or eating ice-cream, sc., w hich arc had from the unsurpassed cafes and re staurants so numerous along these avenues, which take different names at the different angles, to wit: Pott leva rd Italians (which is the most splendid); Capuchias; Made leine ; Montmorte; Poissonnaire; Nou- vcltc; St. Denis; St. Martin; St. Antoine, tic.—Therefore, should the tourist be in the Tuilcric gardens, or be standing in ihc Place de la Concorde, or at the corner of Rue St. Honore and Rue Rouale, lie will have in view, and be but a few minutes’ walk of the new splendid Church Made leine; from that Church, the Boulevard Madeleine will lead him to Boulevard St. .dntoine, whcTr once stood the celebrated Bastile; and a five minutes? walk from La Place Bastile, will take him to the much- • MrTlP * H - :lll admired Peri Ldchaise, w hich wqlk, orride, will lend him through the most behhtiful part- of Paris. Omnibusses are passing evCry‘few minutes through all the main streets, and the charge is.only six song to anv part of the eitv, one mile or six; and should the tourist follow my. plan,'of tak ing's! sent otileicle, ■ with ihc coachman, to 1 ’ . 4