The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, May 07, 1845, Image 2

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"■V*. t .w V\ J \ rv-i.-!T To which add in time of on of n> of 9500 too* St Look, Cincinnati, Orients and Pensacola, peat 111000111 and speed,; cd equipped at #<00,000 each, ■» , v 1 Crand total oftaval means, 1,500,000 IfiOOfiOO - 200,000 200,000 100,000 . Sia dunce of Kay West will coat, That of Tortugas, ' That oT-Bslifcfllonds (probably) ■ That of Ttmpa Bay, do. That of SUP Island, do. ■ - . ... GmndWriofmilita^meananoce^ to bo applied, • §3,500,000 ' Grand total of military means already applied, . . -t • 4,664,000 ■ f Omnd total of naval moans, of which f13,000)000 is for a moveable force and belongs a* touch to theAtlantic coast as to the Guff . 17,600,000 - • Total of naval means alnady applied, 600,000 Grand total fee Golf defence, part of which dan be appliod directly to the pro tection of the Atlantic coast whilst the whole acts indirectly in accomplishing the object, §26,264,000 This largo stun (though not too large for the in. . tettsU to be protected), would be applied to more than ooediidftM surface and population of the United States, if considered geographically and dependently of the country west of the Alleghany mountains.— But its consideration unrobes every section of the coontry, and none more so than the extreme sections of the northeast—Maine haring as direct intorcstin the defense of the Golf of Mexico as ifit were applied annoyance, and chances daily multiplying against them of complete discomfiture, they mil from the Gnlf. The aamilod become the assailants; our na val force assembles at Tortugas and. Key West It observes the Oarribean sea,, the Bahama channels §18,900,000 arid the Florida stream.. It overlooks Nassau, Jamai ca and the windward islands'of the enemy. Those possessions lie at our very mercy unless he guards them; we bold his naval force in check there. It is not our policy to attack them. We are ready in the meantime to move our naval forces down the Florida stream along the Atlantic coast in strength sulficicnt to relieve all probable blockades; to afford convoy to vessels going in and out of the Gulf and to form junc tions with the naval farces of the north, by which they become strong enough to drive the enemy into surrender.or to their ports of Halifax and Bermuda. So that the strategy duo to the Mexican sea has di rect effect on that of the north and couth Atlantic.— May not the grand valient of the Gulf indeed be con sidered the statgetic point of the cohntty t 1st During operations and observations in the Gulf of Mexico, and at its grand salient, a considera ble portion of the enemy's fleet is detached from his home shores; from the Atlantic; from the protection of his commerce and colonies ail over the world, and as we have seen, without the chance of striking a to her <5«rn coasts: her ship, and carrying trade re quiring it os much aa the safe burnt of the vast pro- , Auctions of the west. So that, whilst the considem- tion of defensive points of the nocth and south Atlan tic coasts has for the mot part* local tendency, that of the Gulf of Mexico embraces the interests of tbo country at large. A quotation from a letter of a dis tinguished gentfeman, formerly at the head of the War Deportment, is apposite to the subject, “and it must bo borne in mind that the evils which would result from the temporary occupation of the delta of the Mississippi, or from a successful blockade of the ccasts of tbo Gulf of Mexico, would not only injure the prosperity of these states, but would deepl^aifoct the interests of the' whole Union; no reasonable ex pense therefore ought to he spared to guard against ouch a casualty." • . From the above statement it is seen tint the sum of 94,664dXX> bas been (or nearly so) applied to a strong defensive cordoo, extending from Barrataria to Pensacola, embracing every important point on the re-entering coast of the Gulf of Mexico. That d ' Mexico. §600,000 bare been applied to the Naval Depot at Pensacola, and that §0,1000,000 of permanent naval end military fixtures remain to be established, of which the military fixtures of fortifications require the sum of93,600,000, the commencement and com pletion of which is urgently demanded in tiie least possihlo time; and as it out bo effected at a most “ reasonable expense,” and aa Congress has sanction- , J the policy, it is hoped that it wiU not withhold the means for its speedy consummation, especially as it looks to' the' occupation of tbo grand salient and siraigetic point of North America, which may be made as strong as tire impregnable rock of Gibraltar. It has been demanded why the distant and insulat ing-points of the Florida Reef should be occupied? If the chart had been studied the question would not have been put—end how ? if occupied will an enemy bo prevented passing into tho Gulf, and how ? cun the positions ho supplied in the lace of a superior naval ruu-u r The answers are easy: to guard against the con tingency of a starving blockade, one year’s supply of provisions and of munitions must be Kept constantly on hand in time of war. To facilitate the operations of onr steamers, which in good time would bo sent forth in sufficient force, three year’s supply of coal uch prep must be maintained. But in making such prepara tion wo suppose a constant blockade uninterrupted by natural ceases, or the succor of a naval force. It is safest to do. so. But it is believed that though Key West can be blockaded at its north and south channelfe against the entrance of large vessels, yet light vessels, boats and canoes ran hold constant , boats and communication with tho coast of Florida, from which supplies of provisions could bo drawn. One article ulono of which, the flour of tho Cumfli Root, sec ins to he providentially supplied for the sustenance of man whon all else failed. The Tortuga* more dis tant and insulated, and more difficult of blockade, and perfaa)M impracticable, in preventing supplies in light passing over the shoals which surround them. ipti Root of sup- vessels passing over the En passant, but in point, the flour of C con be preserved nine years. The ply is answered. If the United. State* do not occupy Key West and Tortugas on enemy will. (Tho enemy is always sup- posul English as the present dominant natal power) in many respects those positions would to more val uable to them than the Havana, because of the ft. cility of defence; and in the case of Tortugas, im practicability of seige The enemy wonid very soon with the materials of rise islands, (of which also he couU make lime) construct such works as would protect his naval forces and operations during war, .and perhaps making them impregnable, liko Gibral tar, refuse at ita conclusion to redeliver. At all ■event* he would to able to dictate the term of peace drain the (totress of the Tortugas! . If the United States occupy those positions they must be observed fay the enemy, and if, as it should, a naval force of heavy steamers, be stationed at the Tortugas, ft must bo blockaded by • naval force of ' the same description three and a half times as large, occupying the & E., S. W. and north channels, and then now difficult such a blockade, mnintained in the Open aea midst currents, shoals and strains, and the Macks of tho blockaded force? Sapporo 10 steam ers blockaded, then three divisions of the enemy’s steamers of at least 11 in each, with 2 for communi cation, making in an tkirtyrix, would be required. Cui bonol Certainly none to the enemy but much to the blockaded,' for with ten steamers they place 36 hors CtcUvite! Besides coal most to supplied from tbs enemy’s depots at Nassau, Jsjnaica, Sic., the con voying of which wonid require 4 Or 5 vessels. The blockade of Key West even, if ft did not constrain a naval forte, would probably be maintained to prevent e apply and repel attacks from onr steamers coming from the Mississippi and Pensacola. The .divisions of their blockading force could not be less than 6 vessels each stationed at the north and south chan nels. They most also be rtcamfcrs, for they are lia ble to bo attacked by ftesmors. Hero stands the . blockade account. And if it ho rafted, bow Jong would the enemjrremainjn the Gulf if be soiled into tend New Ortyaqi? . ..... - J 1 by rtrottevrorfe, with am- ‘ ^munitions, likely y, safe froriTcaiaaltti . , tir prospect of tho enemy’s giv ing up the profitless contest, when If the enemy turn- dd into the Gaff threatning Now Orleans and Mobile, they would follow pad eflbct a junction with the for- Pen CcStra' The blockak&dm^pcrsisting in &e ■blockade, waste time andoMper and oppose, (three . stolOofoursblock- ^sie&sjszs,ferns of well fortified Wti of eteuncr* ! to tho;! relcos- Herot THE* PATRIOT. & WEDSEDAY, MAY. 7, 1846. TTTT- Noticc. B3*- The Sheriff.’* --Sales of. Baker County will hereafter he publishedin thc “ Albas* Patriot.” . ... GEORGE W. COLLIER, Sheriff April 30th, 1846. . The United States and Great Britian—the causes and pros- ' peels of War. Our foreign relations at this time arc such as to make War or Fence, depend mainly upon our preparations for defence, WPWWI recent movements of the government ini . KJ* MansiraT. Musgrovc.a nephew tti connection with the statements, the tone, the Mitsgrovc; who recently broke jttili,V the feeling, exhibited by the English pres- this place—being pursued by the officer, sen, who echo the aentiments nnd policy of of Justice, fop sundry crimes, with which the Ministry, nnd it wUl bo admitted thai ho was charged by the jgknd Jury, and ft.® wc do notexagemte. ' subsequent negro stealing, was dtowicj “ Great. Britain has determined upon ourJhut week in ..attempting tp swim the Fli-' humiliation, nnd wc think that Wc have exhibited the true causes of that determin ation. Lot us now examine her avowed pretexts for hostility—the cause of her blustering protests, the denunciations of her government organs, and her silent though energetic preparations for war. The first cause of complaint is; that.tho 3d. With reinforced steam squadrons and skillful demonstrations at Tortugas and Key -West, he is compelled to put himself on the defensive at Nassau, Jamaica, &c. 3d. By prompt movements with tho last steamers passing from Tortugas rapidly along the Atlantic coast, blockades would be raised, our naval forces in Norfolk, New York, &e., reinforced and a strength obtained that would enable us to pursue and drive into harbor, or perhape, happily to capture the enemy’s The proposition is a simple one, though with poor •i:a_ * s it > i. L..< :*i. . ability not well elaborated; but with clear Blinking it will bo understood; and with no extraordinary means it can to achieved. Then will it be clearly shown that the policy of our defence is that of attack.. At this stage, at all events, the country would rest io security; but why not go farther 1 Why not threat en England with blockade and invasion as well as to receive threats and action from her? Our means arc ample, ant! our resources and power adequate. Let us sec how they could be applied. 7b be continued. A Fish-Hook Removed from the (Et Without an Operation—Reported drew R. Kilpatrick, M. D., Woodvilte, Miss. In the summer of 1837; Mrs. * • * was enjoying her usual siesta, in the afternoon of a warm day, on a pallet spread upon the floor in a cool part of the house; and while she was lying on her back sleeping pleas antly, no aount dreaming of past pleasures, her grandson, a little urchin or three or four summers, was playing about the house with a fishing tackle complete,'pole, line and hook; who, when he discovered the old lady with her mouth widely distended, thought it was a fine opportunity to “catch a fish. 9 Accordingly, in order to effect his ose, he cautiously deposited the “bnrli- ook” (I believe there was no bail on it) into his grandante’s open inouth. The titillation caused her to wake suddenly, and ns her mouth was dry from, exposure, she closed it and swallowed the' hook two or fKroa inr»hoQ luslsmr thft -Sa tami as she discovered her situation, the whole family was assembled by her calls and cries of distress, except little Charley, who had dropped his pole In a panic, and in provin cial phrase, mizzled. Some gentle efforts were essayed to re move the hook, both by the patient and some of the family ; but being apprehen sive of fixing the barb in (he throat, they ceased all efforts, and despatched a messen ger for Dr. Leroy Antony, who resided in the neighborhood. When he arrived, and found that the hook was hot fastened into the flesh, his fertile brain suggested a plan by which it could be removed safely, easily, and without an operation. His plan was, to cut off the line within a fool or two of the mouth of the patient; then to drill a hole through a rifle-bullet and drop it over the line, down on the hook. In order to fix the bullet on the point of the hook and maintain it 'firmly in that posi tion, a reed was procured, the jointspunch- ed out, and then passed down over the line, and pressed firmly over the bullet. In this manner the hook, bullet and reed were all withdrawn at once, very easily, without anv injury to the oesophagus or fauces. This all 8ccm9 so simple, like Columbus’: egg, that the reader may think he would have done just the same thin?:. But the influence of education and of common prac tice, and the desire to perform surgical operations and acquire some celebrity, all conspire to keep us in the same beatentrack; and the majority of niit.ds, whew started and trained in a certain way, seldom, if ever alter their course. It is matter of re joicing, too, that the knife is less used now, than it was some years tince when sur geons seemed to vie with each other who could cut the largest cash es and the most of them—JV. OTMedical Journal. What a Woman can icl—The wife of the Sheriff of Pittsburg, by her promptness presence of mind ana energy' saved the jail, and it is thought, the Court house from ing destroyed during the recent confla gration. Tne Gazelle says—Sheriff Tro- villo was absent, conveying a prisoner to the House of refuge in Philadelphia, the Deputy was also absent on business, and when the fire got up into that neighborhood Mrs. TravjHo had the whole burden on her own shoulders. At the very height of the danger she-called all the'prisoners who were not in the cells to the grate, and by name let all the vagrants out. That done, she set them to work to carry waterop to ills tAn-snihL:.'. M l.. _ - -1 *. .* the lop;-and this only saved it, as the roof fire several limes. was on fire several times. The good fellows. It is’thus by the promptness of a lady, in all probability, near #300, 000 besides human life, were t wo recommend the Hon. Hiram to raid conventions? ssmtxWecandidateto B 5?“S e . m ?l e . P^y “ the ensuing dec- tin the. convention to fa- means to secure his nom- a ,-tHt onr stuctcdtousealll matioa. It is undoubtedly our interest asH is that ofi ca ,6c 01 «>mpiaini >*> ‘not,tit. every other nation, to preserve peace wiih ;F nued have passed a law consent the world, so long as it can be done without! in £ a ^ n,on " ® neighboring indepen River above Newton. surrendering any national right, or submit- cr *t Stale* the government and citizens of ling to any insult' offered to our Govern ment or Flag ; hut when it is sought to be maintained by any oil)ef than honorable' means, wc not only disgrace and humble ourselves in our own eyes, and the eyes of the world,-bitt-we m8y prepare to surrender right after right, and submit to insult after insult, as the interest or. caprice of our ene my may dictate.: i, If we be permitted to judge, from circum stances connected with (acts which have transpired, Great Britian has determined to possess herself of our Territory of Oregon,- by negociation if she. can—by war if she must. • It is necessary to her commerce, with the East India’s; to her naval supre macy on (he Pacific, to her Tcritorial a- grandizement and our humiliation. She has determined that Texas shall not be admitted into our Union except nt the expense of a tear with Mexico, in which she will lakcapart, with her cruisers against our commerce; under the Mexican flag. This stroke, of 1 policy is necessary to se cure the first.- It will weaken us, by mak ing Texas a nfeutral or Hostile state—it will injure our commerce, increase her chances of securing Oregon, and perhaps on ac count of her extreme, friendship and ser vices to be rendered to Mexico, 9he may obtain the Californios. That she is now endeavouring to embroil us in a. war with Mexico, there is no doubt. She has very probably been at the founda tion of (he insult lately offered to our flag by the government of Brazil, and she is appealing to other nations, with a view of securing their co-opperation or neutrality in a crusado which she has long been prepar ing- against the United States. The Inst rew years have witnessed her constant pre parations for war, by tho increase of her navy—the exploration of our coasts and harbours by her Mail Steam Ships—the or ganization of negro troops in her West In dia possessions, foropperation in our South ern States—by strengthening the regular army and organizing the Maiitia of Cana da—by crcctingmimcrous Forts in Oregon, in violation of- the treaty of joint Ocupa- tion, and by irritating and exciting other nations to unfriendly, or hostile relations with us. She bas already obtained the in fluence, and exercises the prerogative of Dictator to Mexico, so far as our relations with her arc 'concerned, and is now endea vouring to arquirp. a similar influence in Texas. Her territory, her armies, hcrflocts, her overshadowing influence, or her gold, surround us upon every side,' and she waits but fot a favourable moment to attempt our destruction by folding us in horscrpcnl-likc embrace. Are wc asked in what wc have offended to thus bring down upon us the ire of Great Britain. Have we protested against the Union of the Crowns, of England 'and" Scotland, or have wc demanded the un conditional repeal of the Union, and inde pendence of Ireland, according to the com pact, which was consunmted in corruption with the Irish Nation! Have wc broken our Treaties, invaded her colonics, or even protested against her spoliation of the Chi nees, nndothernations? Not none of these thingtt. " We have been faithful to our trea ties—nay, we have ‘ surrendered a part of our territory op ,the north east, to gratify her rapacity and preserve pence, we have been as tame and unoffending as'the iamb that is prepared for the slaughter. Our Eagle has slept whilst the crouching Lion has been covertly and silently preparing to spring upon his prey. Great Britain has not forgotten the years of the Revolution; or thosh of the lost war. She acknowledged oiir independence from stern necessity, and concluded the last war in mortification. , She is ,jealous of our glowing power,our, rival Commerce, our liberal institutions. We are an insupera ble bcarrierto^er eventual undivided sway upon tho- .American Continent. The suc cess of .our experiment of self government, is sapping the. foundation of Monarchy and self cdflstittif&l - governments, by awake ning man to a. knowledge of his rights.— The preservation Monarchy, Territorial agrandizeinent, rivalry, of Commerce and Trade, mortified pride and revenge, all en ter in some : degree, into her policy towards Mi . a ®y unprejudiced man review the which desire, and hhvc solicited such an Union, that they may add to our mutual strength and enjoy with ns the security and blessings of self governnient. To Freemen, how ridiculous doe? such a pretext appear. How hollow are her ex pressions of sympathy for Mexico; “strip ped rf her Teritory,” when wo consider that Great Britain was among the formost to sanction the act by the acknowledge ment of Tcxian indcpondancc. Eut aside from this; what right has Great Britain to interfere with the friendly relations of Tex as and the United States ? Every Ameri can will answer none■—such' interference would bean infringement of our rights and will not be tolerated by freemen.- Her second cause of Complaint is; that President Polk, in hi? inaugural address declared his conviction that our title to the Territory of- Oregon is clear and unques tionable, that some of our citizens -with their wives and children wcre'settling there, and that.he would maintain thejrighlaof the United States to that Territory by all Constitutional means. And this declara tion of opinion, and determination to pre serve our constitutional rights, is mode the theme of vituperation and abuse both in' and out of Parliament, and the pretext for renewed preparations for war. When we remember that this farce was played*afier the refusal of Congress, not only to extend our jurisdiction over that, Tenritqrjy but even to.give ltcr notice that we wished to terminate the treaty for joint occupation, how arc we to view the present demon strations of the British Government 7 find that there is no just cause of war, or.of complaint, ou either the subject of the An nexation of Texas, or the Occupation of Oregon, nnd wo know of no othor. Do not all the circumstances bear us out in the conviction which wc have expressed, that she is determined • upon her own ag grandizement and our humiliation by war, for which she has long been secretly pre paring, and that she is seeking for pretexts to justify herself, as well as Mexico, and her other-satellites,in theaggressive course upon which she has determined ? r The question now arrises what course should he pursued by the United States to preserve our national rights, and either to prevent war or insure its success. We an swer confidently, there is but one path.of safety and honor-do justice to ourselves-as well its others, turn neither to the right or the left, from threats or menace, be pre pared not only to assert our rights but to maintain them. In short under the pre sent aspect of affairs, it is our duty to pre pare vigorously for war. -On our first page will be found a Memoir by William H. Chase, U. S. Engi neer, upon the subject of the defences of the Gulf of Mezico, &c., and the stragetic principles which should govern our .naval operations in case of war. Although the article is lengthy we eomraend it to the pe rusal of our readers as treating upon a sub ject which is becoming every day more im portant. Wc shall complete its publication in our next number. lllexlco. It is impossible to predict wifh certainty what course 6f;po|icy, Mexico will'pursue towards the United States. Some of the Journals demand an immediate declaration of war, and an issue of letters.-of marque and reprisal—whilst othere more prudent evidently favpttr peaceable relations with us, and recommend immediate measures for saving the Califonians from the anor* cby which threaten* to destroy that vast aild valuable portion of the republic. To oiir mind circumstances'make it clear, that her.relations with us will be settled, and dictated by Uie British Cabinet—w e there fore believe that we. shall have war from that quarter in some shape, either -by an open declaration,, or by aninyasibn of Tex- as. We shall not be surprised to hear of Santa Anna again in commt-nd of .the'.jjLf- my of the Republic, and. then Dictator of Mexico. Having received a title of nobili ty from Gfe-ht Britian arid proved hi? devo tion her interests by his bitter enniity .to the United &taies)jhc, wpuJd make niupst pliant nntf valuable tool to assist in the ac complishment of her--designs upon us, and to perfect hjsi- purchase. of the Califoiias. t Tlic Bnryirig Ground. Can the dead rest in pence or the livtn*.. feel no regret, when the graves of the tft. * parted are utterly neglected by us, and ■ trampled upon by the hoof of every passing. brute. We are toorauch Absorbed with ti,. carp of the temporary tenement* wfakii we now inhabit, and loo heedless of oi:i - final resting place. Who does not love those trails of character which lead uicn to beautify, and render attractive tho burial place of-the dead. We have Men burying ground* rininclo?. I cd and unadorned—neglected by friend,I and 8htmed by society, nnd we have inrol-l untary shrank back-from the thought that wc too must ere long, sleep iiy that ncg. Iccted nnd desolate spot—again, we have : visited grave yards which w'ere securely enclosed, shaded by trees; covered with vcrduc and dotted with flower*, witnessing the care and remembrance of friends, and wc have felt lhatihe gloom-w hich surround < the grave, was dispelled by the smiles W i nature, and that wc should prefer that sjic:: aa tlie resliug place of the body, when the . spirit shall have pasred to its.eternal hemr. Let the living think of these things and act according to their convictions of pro priety and duty, for there is no work, nc: device, nor knowledge in the grave. Senatorial Nominations. . John'J. Cary, Esq., of Thomoston is is nomination as the Democratic candidate fc; the State Senate, in the Senatorial District of Crawford and Upson Counties, in oppe- silion to William M. Brown, Esq., notninr.- led on the part of the Whigs. Virginia Election*. Wc congratulate the Democracy of lU ;. country on the glorious news from old Vir-Q ginia. It is highly probable that the Dcm-L ocrats have elected 14 out of the 15 incm- - bers of Congress, and secured a majoily on , joint ballot in the Legislature. James M. Seddon (Dent.) has defeated John M. Bolts (Whig) in-the Richmond'District. The hcadcr.of Capt. Tvlcr has. been headed by the people. One hundred cheers for lb Old Dominion. Early Superior Court. Wo were present at the session of the Court of Early county, last week, and were much pleased at th'c high state of ' : morals which seems to exist in that good % old Democratic county. Tho criminal dock- et was very small and unimportant. Wc saw no quarrelling or fighting about the Court house,. and, believe then: was nose during Court—and we saw but one drat- ken man while we were at Blakely, The crojw in tha( part of Early and Baker thro’ which we passed, appeared to be very fine, notwithstanding the drought. The citizens of Early were notified to attend a meeting at Blakely on Monday, the ' 5th of Slay, to form an Agricultural Socie ty, for that county. \Ve hope there was a general attendance, as the subject is one cf ! the highest importance. Will not Lee ami ‘ Baker awake to their interest and do some thing on this subject? . 13” We copy the following welcome re sponse of the Savannah Georgian, to our expression of confidence, that Savannah would furnish us a little assistance should It be necessary, in the arrangement which we proposed for the completion of the road; such a response is worthy the city with ; which wc seek to coimccl ourselves by the < ties of. commerce and we areal- ready connected in feeling and State pride. “ Having nlwiiy* felt an dfukms interest in Iho can- ptetion of this road, through which Savannah is tote connected with the fertile Southwest ef Georgia tte V. r e wish to sec thft advantages to G cur' venerable friend; Hon. Thomas Pi MM on the subject has bite equal to hfa'totrirt* eflbrta. never relaxed, to serve: theinterestirf Ml State, and thp great; Confederacy,.wfcae enligfcta- cd ^ttcopMrotly^rtrf'^lC^Sbrf furnish a little help, if accessary. As one of herd- teerf we go further, anil t-ay.wo would regret if d* Road were finished witfapM hsr ald- As an individual, wo sincerely wish that raoaT- wore wc in a condition to respond to ndiactlk^ Would'show our OaUShoAi fitte above, bv sober rib- tog *t feast as modi is Wv d« in tomaon withe* “JWli better tides, to the.' CtoOuifici/Jhei- fwjgpsg Rodd Have been ccmpelled to Veldi ora. > But they hnvo tho copulation orreflectiDS tl* they tinre sened the city, although tbeylnsyW imnomn.