The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, May 07, 1845, Image 3

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. At three-quarter* pat* six, and a quarter part sev- ep f two myre shocks wore felt. They were, liowev- cr, slight, end occasioned nothing but a temporary iWuttrelof terror. ' # , Tim authorities did every thing that real and hu manity could suggest, to ran; help to tho victims ■ rhlch furnish water to the am) restore the aqueducts wl city, From the A’eip Orleans Pichayune, April 2SA Irate from Texas. By the arrival at a late hour last night of the benefit every mao .in business in onr city, and tho money there frotn. tnore it fes-s rfistrgwtcd through the hands of otrr storekeepers. But ■ why usdaigu- ments to prowt-that thostin will rit* tomfohew— \V« refrain with tho simple injunction toall In-our city to lay by a del In for paper week to raise* rand to aid the Flint Road, when they shtOl be called on so todo.” ,r ''' '•'-n,'/.- * "• "Foreign Inldllffcncc. The steamer Caledonia arrived at Bos* ono^JWprf utj, Uwi.s 73 hoSra~^, Liverpool news to the 6th, seven days Inter a a r Terton> , wc „ re j„ re^pt fnU files 0 fHouston han the intelligence brought by the Great and Galvest. n papers. | The President I** issued his proclamation cenven- c , ..... . |ing Congress on Monday, 16th day of June next Colton had advanced slightly, owing to : Wo learn from the proclamation that the Gorem- thc improved demand for goods. Com-1 Unit *d •»* selected the first and roercial afiairs had not otherwise materially j u^ o rt^?nraating fihcXposci unSi" changed since the Iasi advices. j The enthusiasm of the friends of Annexation ’ is The steamer was detained two days for bearing down all opposition. The people have taken , , .. , . .. * _ I the measure in their own hands. At a meeting held the purpose of sending by her an expression j ; n Washington county strong resolutions were pass- 1, f the opinion of the British Government i od in favor of immediate annexation, “ without refcr- rclativc to Oregon, which was delivered in w«h» ^concurrence ot ant, foreign or . A ’. .. ... '1 European poster;" and calling on Uhj 1’resident to both houses of Parliament on the 4th inst.; convene ConcreMi iinmciUatefy. The meeting also The attention'of the respective Houses recommended to the citizen of the Republic, in ease «ll«l.. ,h„. ofPresident roiv.,!X!£^a'g;, , SS^5 I 1 ;^S message which treats of our right to the (Jutions and form a State Constitution. Mr. E. Al- territory of Oregon; in answer to which i fen, Atton^-General, who was present, objcctedto o* * n ■ ? ri r » i ! the tone of the resolutions. Mr. Sc urn*, in reply, Sir James Graham, in tho House of Lords, _ intlinate<1 that die citizens of the Republic might yet and Sir Robert Peel, in the House of Com- ! bcccme still more imjwiticnt of the delay of Uic Pros- mons, set forth very minutely the^ lopt measures f ' i» * i l n j I much more violent than those recommended in the lions of the British Government, ana con- resolutions. The resolutions were unanimously g- do|ited. Gen. M. Hunt, Dr. J. C. Chalmers, Judge Ewing, I. \V. Williamson, J. B. Wilkins, and other prominent gentlemen j n rticij ated in die proceedings. eluded by saying that they have a clear and tinqueationalle right to the territory of O'C- gon—that they desire an amicable adjust ment of the differences between them and the United States, but-that having exhaus ted every effort to obtain il, if their rights ire invaded, they are resolved and prepared o maintain them. This is very clear—1st. their right to Oregon is not to he <|ucstion- d—2d. They would be glad' to get it vithout trouble or expense—and lastly, they arc prepared and determined to have t at any rate. The Timet, and other English papers lenounce the Americans in unmeasured erms, as arogant, vaporing, foolish, wick ed and feeble. They threaten us with all .he evils which their fertile immaginations n invent in case of war, including that of xciitng insurrection among our slaves.— Vc give tho following specimen from the London Times as an index to the feelings >f the press towards us. The one (war) with Mexico is so imminent that we arc twaiting witli anxiety the next arrivals from that rountry; tho ether from Great Britain is more re- note, hut also more inevitable, if tho menaces of the bncrirans are anything hut mere vaporing and Mas er. Under these circumstances, a statesman of or- linruy caution would direct the public attention, not inly to tlie passions and objects which are likely to nuso these wanton and wicked contests, but to' con- leqitenees which must attend them. The United Suites Goyorhment is very apt to provoke quarrels, mt is very ill-prepared to carry them on. 71 ic same lemocratie folly which makes them arrognnt in the Cabinet, makes them liahiluully feeble in all that con- ititutcs a nation’s strength in the field. Strabo’s description of tho Ye«- hc mountain r T -. with bediitj- fo) rocks'«hd proofs of a fbrtnei-ftre on- its summit,' which afterwad*. was extinguishai for want of nour ishment. “Prom a)) thitljlhcrefine, without greet dif ficulty, the view may be daruned .tbit stream*! of hot water breaking lortli from thatnooutainwasiied down part of Ibefaurrouiuling fertile earth on I'ompeii. Jn this way may be fully accounted forthe infinitely va- strat* of vegetable earth, volcanic asliea, peb- ragmopts of yqmicc stone, &c., that are found in digging. * ’ Santa: Anna. This foot ball ofjortusu, seems not to have sunk so low as we Had supposed. Our lost advices from Mexico, represent him as not fearing the halter or the gibbet. Ilis loiters loilic Government which cotain his defence agniist ail charges, arc in a tone of insolence, indicative of iris belief that they will not dare to harm - him We be lievc there is no example like this in history. That those who ltayc had the power to subdue rind capture him —should allow trim to be liberated, burning with revenge and slaincd'wilh the blood of so many coldblooded murders, to ns strange in deed. There is something peculiar in- the people of Mexico. Like the Austral Asi ans, they seem to he cruel and blood thirs ty, but to act with motives not obvious to men of other nations.—Federal Union. A VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. planta* ■ ■■■I r _ T ^*r*Welt it good or.-.fat" . ■{WUU - i 01 -.’’’.♦rj .T! Hammock Eantt. titrated in Decatur; county, Georgia, adjoining .die land* of Meson.. McKinley fc ~ ~ gOO acres or cleared tend in fine good fence, Ac. wjth two i ‘ uolise, and Screw, emt h , hpoMa thy and well watered. For further tefaraatko call and examine the premises on the Hathora Trail SO miles cart of Bsinbridge. > WRIGHT SAUNDERS. ■ THOMAS.SAUNDERS. Docatnr county, Slay 7th, 1840. . .4 . 3t, MEDICAI, CARD. PRAcd^yWfflirmdSlfit&itjifi^AyD in., i • i o:0 : DOCTOR SLAPPEY, • :< i . settled In ^wfiero he^H ■ poets to remain. tlirooghan-Bcaiioor of thi'j He is devoted to his Profession—and iiisxrtphU As tubby of his heart. Ha.wiU. do.ttegeneQrprac- ■- .. „ I nnCWfiA nornnmry resDODSmiLtV. •: lift ■ \VOUitl ■«- SSthohwl tice. and exact a fair.eqnivakts^ j Wd It involves a mighty and spedd act*u*tabQjty7m P- Tte aairarifr rarrmrircrl tenthrewToi hoMT, worth and menkovory,where, Iw estenda the. reedy ead waifs homVrifkdiowshi>{ ^mlwwiM mr,. Are they not aware that in proportk n as they on line tlie illegal exercise of sovereign rights on the 'fort shores of the Pacific, they expose populous of the Atlantic to the broadsides and Blockade British fleets? Have they {forgotten, in their ^nxiety to extend their “domestic institutions” to wiiole continent of America, tliat in tlie event of they will have to encounter the most novel ofall era—that arising from Uic presence of tiie stan- of freedom among a population of slaves? Or their blindness and infatuation in proportion to the justice and criminally of their designs, so that, in lir eagerness, to seise adjacent territories, they -look tiio resources of their opponents and their weakness i” ; Terrible Earthquake in the City , J 1 of .Hexico. We copy from the N. O. Bee, the Allowing account of the awful Earthquake vlrich has desolated the city of Mexico.— The iimnnginntion may picture a scene of korrors such as must attend, and follow a liolcnt convulsion of the Earth in sucb a ’ as Mexico, but tbc reality will beggar lie most vivid discript ion which can be ^iven by tbc pen. * At the moment we write, rays the Siglo of the fiti, the inhabitants of the capital of the republic are till under the influence of the horrors excited by tho ' poke of yesterday, the disastrous effects of i we are still impcrfecUy acquainted with. Yesterday at fil ninnies put 3 o'clock I‘. M., the 'illations began, slight at first and then stronger, ai direction of the motion .appeared to be North J South. It tested about two minutes. The shocks > terrible, nothin" likoUiem was ever experienced eforc, add |he'condition of the buildings'too surely cmra the absence ofa!t exaggeration. Wewerehy chance upontoe greatsguare at tho ~e, and wo witnessed a spectacle riot'easily forgot- 1 n an instant the multitude, but a moment pie- ■ tranquil arid' listless, were upon their 'hares, ngtothe Almighty, mid counting with anxiety e'sliocks which threatened to convert the most bean- iful city in the neW world into a vast theatre of ru es The chaias surrounding the portico were vio- itiy agitated; the flags of the pavement'yawned c u the trees bent frightfully, the buildings and fly edifices oscillated to and fro; the immense arrow L S crowns the summit of the cathedral vibrated ' “mg rapidity. At 50 minutes past 3, the J ceased. • | is impossible yet 1 to ascertain the extent of destne- i. Not a house or a door hot beta the' marks ■ terrible cWtamity. Many of them uzp cracked really injured, others are tottering, and others lea. Bmi Lorenzo, La Miscriconlia.Tom- > arid Victoria streeU and the Grand street qcls were . feiontlaic .The Hospital of St Lazarus is in the churches of San larenzo and San i greatly injured. The magnificent clia- rit Teresa no lorurer ewwt*. At the first ) chpoU,_a_huiI<lingof astonisliingrtrengh ^»it- (Fortunately all these in uchnrch so much frequeiv- R, sncceededln escaping. At eight f/clbdk. test ' ~ i had been take* bora the Tlie President issued his proclamation on the fol lowing day. The Whirlwind Sweeps Onward.—From, every section of tlie Rcpublic(says tlie Houston Telegraph of the 16th inst.) we hear f u' the c< ntinued roar of plaudits as the people assembled in connty after county to testify their apprelation of the terms of annexation offered by the American government— Tho thunders of applause resounded on every side.— Tlie whirlwind of public, opinion lias swept down all opposition, am! tlie lew opponents of annexation have turned with dismay from the contest, if contest it could be calted, wben the opponents of this great mea sure only looked around them once to survey tlie field and cry “ all is lost-” In Jas)ier and Jefferson it is said tifere is mrcely one man opposed to tho measure. In Robertson only "five or six. in tlie great comities of San Augustine, Nacugdot lics and Montgomery, it is estimated that the uajortty in favor of annexatnia excceiis two thousand. Along the whole line of the counties on the Brazos, Colorado and Gaudaioupe, there is scarcely adissenting voice except in the little hamlet of Washington. Even tlie ofiirere of govem- mont now declare tliat the torreut of public opinion is irresistablc, and they are bending beneath it. We have learned with pleasure that the Secretary of the Treasury lias stated that he is in favor of annexation, nnd is willing to accept tlie proposition of Mr. Brown. Tiie Secretary of State we are told has written hock to tlie T resident and informed him that it is useless to delay the measure, and that the popular enthusi asm is irresistible. Even tlie Washington Register is compelled to change its course and veer about to tlie popular current. It is now reported tliat on ex tra session i>l Congress will beheld on the first of June. Ismg before that time tlie pc»|ilcin each of the counties oftlio Republic will have expressed their entire assent to tlie terms offered by tho American Government. Since it is now admitted liy every of ficer of the government that it is impossible to pre vent tlie consummation of this great measure, why should there be any delay ? Cannot Congress net upon this subject by tlie middle of May as well a- on tlie first of June? We have yet confidence in tiie President that lie will not resort at this crisis to any procrastinating policy to defeat tlie measure. The die is cast. It is the decree of destiny that this great work shall lie consummated: and the puny hand of man might as well bo uplifted to turn back the clond.- as to turn hack public opinion on thisquestion. We shall, indulge in nil forebodings. We rejoice tliat tlie President and Cabinet have determined to carry out the will of the people. All reties enn now unite with cordiality, in advancing this great mensnre. The people will act with the government and the govern ment will act with the people. Harmonv. order ami good feeling will prevail on every side, and we will have the proud satisfaction tliat we shill return as a band of brothers toour“FATm:R laxi>.” It was rumored at the seat of government that com munications had I icon received from Gen. Arista, by A stump preacher, describing the latter days, says: “ Then mv hearers, the axle of the globe will have become so rusty, that the earth will stop turning like the old weathercock on yonder barn. You will be obliged to grease the winds to make them elide over tho earth, and the lightnings fo heaven will not lie able to descend without the assistance of a ladder.” Court Calender. Baker Sheriff’s Sales. roa jrtt* ■MTUX be sold on the first Tuesday In Juno next v y between the usual hours of side, before the Court house door in tho town of -Newton, in Baker County, thefoUowing property to wftf 1 Ono negro fellow called Harry, about 30 y*sn* old: levied on as the property of Plicate Htroxier, to satisfy onefifafrora Suer superior Cant; Stovall, Sim mons &CO. vs. Priscilla Stitizicr. Property pointed out by P. J. Stonier. Also, one house and lot, situated in Newton, No. not known, bat known as the Robert Hardie lot, at present bcctipicdlw II. B. Gunnison: levied oh aa tho property of Robert Hardte, to satUty one fi fa tram Baker superior; J. G.'Johnson vs. Robert Hor- die. Property pointed out by defendant. . Also, two negro slaves, vix: Daniel and Allen: lev ied on as tbc property of William Henderson, to satis fy one fi & from Baker superior court; James Clark vs Wm. Henderson. Property pointed out by defen dant Also, 5 negro slaves, viz: Peggy, Hannah, Hosier, George and an infant: ail levkxTon as the property of L TV Mr«1 trim In afufu nnA fi fit from UtklT t>QIX-TiOT court; JoUKstatlock n LB Skaggs and OW, Poarce. GEO. W. COLLIER, Shff. May 3. ifitS. JANUARY. 2d Monday, Richmond. “ Chatham FEBRUARY. 1st Monday Crawford Paulding Clark Casa • Upson Walton Wilkes Cherokee Pike Jackson Meriwether Forsyth JULY. 1th Monday Wilkes AUGUST. IstStei&ty, Crawford - Pu-.tldiuir id 3.1- Pa-.iMiug Clarke Cass Upson Walton Cherokee Pike Jackson Emanuel Meriwether Fersyth SEPTEMBER. ances that tiie new government of Mexico is disposed to treat with Texas uponlhe lasie of Independi-nce. Similar despatches wo learn were received Vera Crux by the Earydice. It is rumored ate tiie Texas government has answered these com - it at ions, and the despatches for this purpose were sent hack to V*ra Cruz by a British vessel. So rays tlio Houston Star of 19th inst. We also give the following extracts from tho Cor respondence of the Picayune, dated April 15, pteri ons to the issuing of the President’s proclamation, convening Congress. .... “A word or two in relation to Annexation. It Is now raid that President Jones, unable longer to defer it, is to call Congress together on tho 16tb of June next, and it is also raid that not more than two or three of tiie members are apposed to tho measure. The fact is that nine-tenths of the people in this and the adjoining counties—one Texan tells me that derm- tenths—are in favor of immediate Annexation. -The little opposition tlist is seen, or rather heard, comes citiicr ironi the office-holders or else from the huge towns, and in the latter its foreign origin is easily enough distinguished. * * * “It is surmised by some, that before Congress comes to any difinitc action upon the question that now excites the community, that propositions for the digestion of that body will be received from England, oral perhapu from France u well. It is certainty ve ry singular that tho extraordinary philanthropy of Great Britain should have broken out so suddenly in favur of Texss, and that it should now barn so fierce ly. If that power can induce Mexico to acknowledge the independence of Texas now, she could l»ve done it three years ago. What a pity she did not think of it sooner!” . \ , MARCH. 1st Monday* Mbnroe 1st Mondav, Coweta 44 Morgan M Monroe *« Ijiurens 44 Morgan Taliaferro 44- Marion « Morion M Lnuipkin Coweta M Imirrns I.nmpkin u 'J\il:aforro 2d Colimibia 2d M Coinmliia « Greene ** Fayette Harris “ Groenc *’• Madison Harris Union • “ Madison T- '/ «- Fayette ' M Union “ Gwinnett Gwinnett Jd <* Elbert 3d 44 Butts Butts Elbert Di-Kalb «« IfeKalb « Gilmer tt (iilincr U Hall Hall 'i'nthot ' ** INitnma «« * Kntnam u Talliot 4th M Newton 1th 44 Bulloch « Baldwin « Cobb Cold) Newton Walker “ Baldwin Rlomv, «« Walker *« — - .Murray Washington 44 \\ :i>l»m2toii OCTOBER. Eftingliain,Thiir«iay after 1st Monday, Warren Al’RIL U Wilkinson 1st Monday, Warren “ Macon 44 Walker v- Camnliell M Wi’.Uin-on Waikeri-Tueeday after. “ • r . Macon R.-.lian.Thurwlav “ “ Cainnlfa’Il 2<I Moadav Ilaneoek Rabun, Thursday after. 1 Camden Wayne u u ?* “ Dade • 2d Monday Carroll M . Twiggs “ Dade Mi Randolph Twiggs Randolph ' Henry Habersham A Camden « Carroll Baker mortgage Sale. W ILL be sold before tiie Court 1 loose door at Newton, Baker county, on the first. Teurday in July next, the following property, to wit: Five inattrasscs, one bedstead, 6 wash stands, 4 toilet tables, 24 Windsor chairs, 12 fancy cteunfoti ma ple rocking cliairs 2 wooden seat settees, 1 cane seat settee, S4 wooden bottom chains 4 large arm chain, 2 coni tables and coven 6 ewers and basins, 3 pair of lire dogs, 6 doz. tea pteter, 3 doz. cups and saucers, 5 dux. dinner and soap plates, 3 doz. cup plates, one tea kettle, 4 small jugs, 3 large jugs, 20 side dishes, 6 pickle dishes, 1 salt colters, 5 doz tumblers, 3 doz. knives and forks, 2 carving knives and forks, 2 doz. wine glasses, 8 cliambcr pots, C sugar howls, 1 shov el, 1 siaife, 2 sets of castors, 2 sifters, one dinner pot, 2 small looking-glasses, 1 mirror, one cut glass Hall lamp, 1 plain Globe kunp.2 Brittania temps 6 jappon- ed temps 1 wardrobe, 35 curtains, 3 dozen sliccts, 3 doz. pillow slips, 3 willow baskets, 4 painted buckoti 4 cedar piggins, 1 kccier, 1 sugar dish, 2 large axes, t chop axe, t pair wafer irons, 2 butcher kntvcs,_2 setts cake pans, four covered tin pans, 2.torge tin |®ns. 4 Fpittoons, one coffee pot,'six dippers and skim mers, one cullender, and three oil paintings, 2 round tallies, and ono hobtajl bay horse: tosatisty* mort gage ri fa from Baker Inferior Court, King & Roberts, vs. Francis Holden—property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. It B. GUNNISON, D. Sh’ff. npri! 30. 1815. Nynoptih ol’ I/cc Sheriff’* sales. TOR JUNE. L ot No. 58 in the Utli Dist Leo county to satisfy one fi in from superior court, Williams & Worrell vs Tom P. Webb. • One negro woman, .Sally, 30 years oid to satisfy one 6 fa John Sncllgrm c vs Wm. Hughes. . W. W. GILMORE, J). Sh'ff Lev. Moutc.sge sales fob July. Lots of land No. 48,49, 50,78 and 81, in tiie 14th district of Lee county, the property of Thomas Butler, David Smith vs said Butler. W. W. GILMORE, D. Sh'~ John, Edmund, Harriet and child Henry, and 1 property of Wm. Horton, to satisfy-a mortgage fifa lira. G. Howard ami John Uentz, Adin’rs estate of Thomas Howard, vd said Horton. V/.1L JAXES, Sh'ff Translatedfrom a German paper. Ngw IZYESXIOAIIOX SHOT TOE DESntCCTKH OF T ' FOMFEII. in which Pom- are br no means to be considered In Uic year 1839, Count Ricciardi do Cam- uldoli, as president of the Academy ’dalle Seienze, sent to Mr. d’ Arect in Paris, fragments of Pompeii human booca tor a close chemicaf e*amination, which showed that these bones, like . many other subjects found there, had qcver been exposed to a temperature particularly heated. He ’ therefore, from this faet, agrees with Mr. pufieboy in the conclusion thatPom- "K'sservissat** Jjon.firom an inuhdatioa ter mud proroed- a summit of tho Sotama, The Naples cru- C. Siupi, M. Fondi, L. Pitted and L. ltetaj wore of thu opinion before, which wasakwexpre at a more recent time and merest toree in the “I dicoato” of the Academics. WetGaicfdz to 4th Ilabersiiam Hancock Heiiry Montgomery Tatnal, Thursday after * 3d Monday, Emanuel Pulaski Chatoosa Franklin Heard Glynn Junes Oglctliorpc Srnven Stewart Lincoln Jasper Houston Troup Early Irwin McInUfoh Liberty, Monday after, Bryanj Friday ^ Telfair, Thursday “ . MAY. ““rfr-JsF 2d u Chatham u Dooly 3d “ ' Jefferson ltli 4th “ Montgomery Tntnall; Thursday after 3d Monday, Emanuel Pulaski Chattooga Ogletiorpo Franklin Jones Heard Floyd Senven Stewart Lincoln Jasper Houston Troup Early Irwin Telfaff, Thnraday after. Bulloch, last Monday. . NOVEMBER. 1st Monday, Bibb Etlingham, Friday after 2d Monday, Jeficraon.- Dooly 3d “ Burk Sumter Wp-vne, Thursday after 4 th Monday, Thomas Muscoogce - " 'Lee" Lowndes, Monday after |Waie^ « ' « ^Thursday Thomas Mhucogre. Lowndes, Monday after. Ware, “ « Appling, Thnraday “ JUNE. 1st Monday,- Richmond ** Baker 2d 44 Decatur CT Courts of Ordinary' aSelteGE'In eheh connty throughout the State, oh the ssnmiFMonday in Jan- uaiy, and on the first Mbndayz in March, May. July, September and. November.' DR. T. D. MATTHEWS, PH/SICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, AiBiZT, Georgia. aprfl 16, 1845. 1 tf Law Blanks fof Sale at this Office. Ictus bo united to elerate ifie. _ His resiilchco is in Mr Randall’s new tapip a Col. Tomkins’ Office in Mr.-Bante* Range, third doorIMmtherirer.' •- April 3Z; 1845. . : ,-Af ■ ;z DR. WILLIAM taiAVlS, CONTINUES the practice of his PsofemieV and may be found at aU times} a lien not |sr- fossionaliy engaged, at his Office on Bread sink*,. next door to Mr. J. Jacfcbij’s Store.. ; , ’ . . April 23,1845. . tT AMERICAI¥:ri::i». * htegntithdeto-hh | for their euppotvih this His hetr locatioo,:'tn. estiy hopes he may coolinuo to merit their approba. trap, lie assures the travelling pabUetlMt be will always be found zt Hume, in every 'rente of tho word. The house is situated in Ufa echfral partof the City, is conimodiomq has good subles; Servants, bar, and aB thd requisites necessary fat a tuuifortabw and genteel Hotel. '• FRANCIS HOLDER ' Ali*ttyaprU38d, 1845.' ? • ’3 - «t’ - ; JOHN E. S. JONES.. I SADDLE AND HARNESS MAKER.' AMD REPAIRER • vj ALBANY, BAKER COUNW mt:r April23d, ’/ D. &4 J. VASON,'t ATTORNEYS'AND COUNSEUJO^S AT1A&-. i .' .AizazyrOsonpiLi..';' \ t . > april 16,1845. j J fe THOMAS PINKNEY , ATTORNEY AT LAW,. .. i j • ' "Alsaxy, Georgia. i: ' april 1$ 1843. - 1 ' tf ’ " PETER J. STItOZiEIl, ‘ ATTORNEY AT LAW> ' , / GEORGIA, Baker County. W HEREAS Murphy Taylor, Admin istrator on tho estate of James Tay lor, fate of raid county deceased, applies to me tor Letters of Dismission from said Adniwisiratioh: These are therefore, to cite, summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of raid deceased to be and appear at my office within tho time prescribed by tew to (how cause, (if any' they have; wire said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this sixth day of May, 1845. ’ SETH C. 8TEVEXS, C. C. O. Miy 7, • ' Cp» , RICHARD F. & J. LYON, ATTORMES ty COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ALBANY, Baker Co., (ia. TTAVE recently entered into a Partnership in the XX Practice af Law, and will continue tho prac tice in the several Courts of the counties of Baker, Macon, Eee, Sumpter, ' Iricin. All matters submitted to their care ia any of thaw oouDties, will meet with prompt attention, and be liroogfatfoa gpeedy concluikin. april 30th 1845 . 3 ly. TO THE MFPMCTEB. DR. HENRY G. NICHOLS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. supposed incurable forms of disease. Fromhissno- cess heretofore in the management of sachcaad* persons afflicted will find it b> their interest to give him a trialjre MXe/tteeiinot juymmcntljcore, he clvct^^Cough, Eiyaipetetons atrec^roTScroflnte, Xieprosy, Tetter, Syphilis Gonorhea Gleet, Tfo Dou loureux, Hysteria, Palaey, Epilepsy, Chorea, Dr Amenorhea, Protepsus Uteti, Sve, Ao., Piles, He Calculi of the Bladder, yieere, Hydrocele, 4kl,v ’°Dt. S SSTwaw. afl'aMa d Sffl.f-Hf wratM do well to caU in pdwon, if not oonMnient, by N«ehpU,giviag. the fee, f 10, canxe- 4 april 10,1845. Auaxy,' Geobgia. .. CITY HOTEL* 1 . BY SAMVEL BAKBB, Corner of Broad anti Front Streets, april 10 1845. Albaxy, Geo. ■1 SIMS&CHEEVEBp FACTORS General Commission Merchants, ArALAClIICOLA, FLOKteA', ' . Wx. W. Kims. i Wm. W. CuBEvaa.. April 16, 1845 i. : I . tf PROSPECTUS. ' OF T|IE . '• ALBANY PATRIOT. . —:0000^- Tlx Tho PtmoT will be edited br- Kcuok TtFT-ond S. N. UouGiiToK, and published weekly in the City of Albany, .'Baker County Georgia,- commencing on Wednes day the 16th day of .April, 1845.;. ;V > Our Political Principle* are Democratic: and wo' shall.advocate and defencLlbeth in the spirit of- .the .‘motto which tvo have Cf dopted, believing that we sliall thereby beet - secure the* purity ond peituanahLy of our Government, and: the liberty,v happioiees and prosperityof our fcUow-ratizcbs. .7- < Agriculture .-—That great source.of.otir National wealth and independence, riisll have that space in oar column* which its importance demands..: ,lt will beohe o/tnir first objects to-derelopo thei resources nnA advantage* of the fertile ooftntry by. which we are surroundeti, tlie soil-ana efiiiiate of which will boar a favonlMo comparison with that of Any section of thd-Dnion. ' To Commerce, Manrfaeiwrq,. tKt fbrU, Science* and, a)) , those industrial pursuits which am in some sense the canse,and ob ject of civilized society, we tiislr givej& warm support, whilst we. shall not neglect to promote by proper means, the cause of hMRtnCmmu'Md RcRgWn. m Wc ; shall endeavour "to give ; to "ohr rea ders this earliest,, iftformattod of interesting domestic and foreign neat, and! weekly cor* reeled intelligence of -our own-diid oth4r markets..' Wesbpllalsty pnbhsha'synom. sis of thcSherifft salesj for all the ebuhtiCa Si. mfvUtM*J«• •vttf into • .siA 21 ho 'eir'lt . r,"the Pali JWP htlereilliiti in ii) insfj will fie our ohject to convey.Valuable i mation—to fosterandcncoitragd't' and correct the vices of sodofjr^ sonal animosities or party rancour,- v vent in mn- columns—but we’sliall r gateanddcfendTruthjforthfe sake of ■■ L that ibdepfcndencffofr-'-'---^ : - hces.' '* Terms.