The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, June 04, 1845, Image 1

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- rr - - - THE ALBANY PATRIOT. Wisdom, Justice, Moderation VOL. I. ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY, GEORGIA, JUNE 4, 1841 NO. & THE PATRIOT, J-rSUSHED r.VTUir WEDNESDAY MORKINO, BY NELSON TIFT & SETH N. BOUQHTON, Editors and Proprietors. TERMS. TWO Dollars per annum, if paiJ in advance, or Thru, Dollars at tlic end of the year. Advertisements not exceeding twelve lines, will te inserted at One Dollar for the first insertion, and Kilty cents for each continuance. Advertisements having the number of insertions specified, will be published until forbid. Sales of Land and Negroes by Executors, Adminis trators and Guardians, are required by law to he advertised in a public gazette, sixty days previous to thodav of sale. The sales of Personal Property most be advertised in like manner forty days. Notice to De btors and Creditors of an estate must be published forty days. Notice fiat application will be made to the Court of 0.!!nary for leave to sell Land and Negroes, must tie ■ .I).: u weekly for four months. Monthly Advertisements, One Dollar per square for each insertion. Jj’All Letters on business must be port paid. MISCELLANY. change—desecrate 1 call it—the name of my beloved country, nnd is it to be wonder ed at that I fell indignant and spoke loud ly ? Take the name of the United Slates away, sir, and will not after ages be puz zled to know the land of my illustrious namesakes?—and then, to propose giving it such a name?—A lie—Allcghania !— why it’s a name fit only for a country in habited by Turfe ! I would not, so help ‘That will do,” said the Recorder. “ I perceive that altho’ you did err, vour mo tives render < he act excusable. You may go, but in future fiud some more appropriate place for your lectures on Oregon, Annex ation and Allcghania than the sidewalk; for however much, in such a place, you impel the march of mind, you retard con siderably the movement of I ndy.” Thomas Jefferson Washington Jones, regarding the watchman as mere human aniinnlruhe, left the court with tire belief that his release was a decided triumph of mind over matter. m a«t (the sney i for Our that “S ir cl £gh From The. .Yew Orleans Picayune. A PUBLIC PATRIOT, OR—AN ACUTF. ALl.F.OIlANIAN. Thomas Jefferson Washington Jones was yesterday brought before the Recorder, on ihc charge of gathering a crowd and crea ting a disturbance the evening previous, at iliecomcrofSt Charles and Gravicr streets. Mr. Thomas Jefferson Washington Jones is a gentleman of a full Imbit but scanty wardrobe—plus of patriotism, but minus of means. “ In what manner did the prisoner gath er a crowd ?” said the Recorder, “or how create a disturbance ?” “ Why, lie was a-ciiilin’ up nil kinds of didoes,”’said the watchman—“ n-tnlkin’ about Annexation nnd Oregon, and all that, and enssin* the ’Istorical Society, I thinks he called it.” “I protest against any charge made bv that individual being recorded against me, h said the prisoner; “he has neither capacity to understand my position, nor patriotism to appreciate it.” “ He isn mttnieipnl officer,” said the Rc- ccrder, “ nnd I am bound to receive his statement.” “Then if such he one of the streams through which justice flows,” replied the prisoner—“if lie be one of the conduits through wliirltlaw is administered, justice necessarily needs filtering—lav reettires n less impure course. If it please you, hov. ever,let him proceed, and Heaven help the Republic. I say 1” This appeal lie accom panied by a reverential twist of his .eyes upwards.” The Recorder told the watchman to go on and state the circumstances under which he arrested the prisoner. He stated the same in sulwitanr.c as writ ten in the charge. The prisoner was har anguing a crowd alxnit Texas, Oregon and Allcglinnia, nnd lie knew not what.— He told him not to go on, but instead of complying, he abused him and went on With his speech. “Fool!” exclaimed the prisoner, “what Ire should I do but abuse you 1 Praise of you would be censure in disguise; besides ?£ Nam ngia ly *Ue tfee. “ I shall not allow you, Mr. whnt’s- yotir-nnmc,” replied the Recorder, “ to use such language to the watchman in my presence.' If yon have any thing to say in your defence i shall hear it ; preserve your vituperation for another place—your in’veq- ttve for a more fitting opportunity.” “ I thank you most worthy judge,” said the prisoner, “for the ndvicc, and shall be guided by it: and now for my defence.— But first of my name which you seem to have forgotten, but which I thought was ngraven on the door-plate that opened— the door I mean, your honor, not the plate --to the inner chamber of every American heart. Who, sir—what American—can forget a name linked—by association of dcas, at least—with the sage of Monticel- !o and the hero of Mount Vernon ; for both of whom History has erected her monu ments—more solid than marble, and more tutoring than brass 1 Now ” “This is all very well, Mr. Thomas Jef ferson Washington Jones,—I now remem- ■>cr tr name,”—interrupted the Recorder, "but what has it to do with the watchman’s barge f" “ I was about to como to that, sir,” said be prisoner, “ but thought it necessary bc- r °rc doing so to say so much in vindication f the honored names 1 bear. And now ir, for the charge. I was creating no dis- urbancc , and if a crowd did gather round THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CON- VENTION. To their Brethren in the United States ; to the Congregations connected with the re- r elite Churches : and to all good Men. painful division has taken place in the Missionary operations of the American Bap tists. We would explain the origin, the principles and the object of that division : or the peculiar circumstances in which the organization of the Southern Baptist Con vention became necessary. Let not the extent of this disunion be exaggerated. At the present time it in volves only the Foreign nnd Domestic Mis sions of the denomination. Northern nnd Southern Baptists arc still brethren. They differ in no article of the faith. They arc guided bv the same principles of gospel Order. Fanatical attempts have been in deed made in some quarter, to exclude us of the South from Christian fellowship.— Wc ao not retort these attempts; and be lieve their extent to be comparatively limi ted. Our Christian fellowship is not, ns wc feel, a matter to be obtruded on any one. VVo abide by tliulofuur God, his dear Son, nnd ull his baptised followers. The few ultra Northern brethren to whom we allude, must take what course they please. Their conduct has not influenced us in this movement. We do not regard the rupture ns extending to foundation principles, nor ran we think the great body of our North ern brethren will so rcgajd it. Disunion has proceeded, however deplorably far.— The first part of our duly is to show thui its entire origin is with others. This is its history I. The Gcncncral Convention of the Baptist denomination of the United States was composed of brethren from every part of the American Republic. Its constitu tion knows no difference belwcenslavc hol ders and non-slave holders. Nor during the period ol its existence for the last thir ty years, has it in practice, known any thing ol tins distinction. Both parties have con tributed steadily and largely (if never ade quately) to those funds which arc ihe ba sis ol us constituency ; both have yielded its oilicc bearers of all grudes ; its mission aries and translators ol God’s word, ild men of toils many, and of prayers not unavail ing, abroad and at home. The honored deudoi both these classes have walked in closest sympathy with each other ; anti cipating in the Board room, and in the Monthly Concert, that higher, but not ho lier union now in their case consummated. Throughout the entire management of its early affairs, the whole struggle with its early difficulties, there was no breath of discord between them. Its Richatd Fur man and its Wm. Stoughton, its Jesse Mercer and its Thomas Baldwin, led on the sacramental host, shoulder to shoulder, and heart to heart. Their rivalry being only in earnest efforts for a common cause, their entire aversions and enmities were di rected with all the strength of their souls, against the common foe. And to the last, dm they not cherish the strong belief that (hey left no other enmities or aversions; no other rivalry to their successors. In particular, a Special Rule of the con stitution defines who may be missionaries, viz: “ Such persons only ore in full com munion with some church in our denomin ation; and who furnish satisfactory evi dence of genuine piety, good talents and fervent zeal for the Redeemer’s couse.”— Now, while under this rule the slave hol der has been in his turn, employed as a missionary, it is not alleged that any other persons than those above described, have ne, it was done of their own” volition ; if i been appointed. Moreover the important Ley did wrong, I cannot perceive by what post of superintendent of the education of «!e or law or ethics I am to be visited with j native missionaries has been assigned, wit.h ( fathers ^chrt it. punishment * peaking ® yet to learn thcr of slavery or anti-slavery ; but as in dividuals, we are free to express and to promote elsewhere, our views on these sub jects, in a Christian manner and spirit.” Our successors will find it difficult to be lieve that so important and plain a declara tion had become, before the close of the first year of the triennial period, a per fect nulity. In December last, the acting Board efihe Convention, at Boston, adop ted a new qualification for missionaries, a new special rule, viz : that “If any one who shall offer himself for a missionary, having slaves, should insist on retaining’ them ns his propetty, they could not appoint him.” “One thing is certain,” they continue, “ Wc could never he a party to any arrange ment which implies approbation of slavery.” We pray our brethren and all candid men to mark the date of this novel Rule— the close of the first six months of their three years’ power, a date at which the Compromise resolution could scarcely have readied our remoter mission stations. If usurpation had been intended could it have been more fitly timed? An usurpation of ecclesiastical power quite foreign to our policy. Such power was assumed at a pe riod when (he aggrieved ‘thousands of Isra el’ had, as now appears, no practical reme dy. Its obvious tendency was, cither our final subjugation to that power, ora serious interruption of the flow of Southern benev olence. The latter was the far more pro bable evil; and the Boston Board knew this well. They were from various quar ters apprised of it. Wc, on the other hand did net move in the matter of a new organ ization until three liberal States bad refu sed to send Northward any more contribu tions. Our leaders had enosen new Rules. Thus came war within our gates: while the means of war on the common enemy were daily diminishing. By this decision the Board had placed itself in direct opposition to the constitution of the Convention. The only reason given for this extraordinary and unconsti tutional dictum being—that the appointing power for wise and good purposes, is confi ded to tlie acting Board.’ On such a slight show of authority, this board undertook to to declare that to be a disqualification in one who should offer himself for a mission ary, which .the Convention had said shall not be a disqualification. It liad also ex pressly given its sanction to anti-slavery opinions, and impliedly fixed its condem nation on slavery, although the Conven tion had said that “neither” should be done. And further, it forbade those who should apply fur a missionary appointment to “ex press nnd promote elsewhere” their views on the subject of slavery in a right “ man ner and spirit,” when the constitution de clared they “ were free” to do so. These bicthren thus acted upon a sentiment they have failed to prove—That slavery is in all circumstances sinful. Whereas their own solemn resolution in the last Convention (tlicir’s as much as ours) left ns free to pro mote slavery. Was not this leaving us free, and “in a Christian spirit and manner” to promote that which in (heir hearts, and according to the present showing of tlieir conduct, they regard as a sin ? Enough, perhaps, has been said of the origin of this movement. Were wc asked to characterize the conduct of our Northern brethren in one short phrase, we should adopt that of the Apostle. It was “forbid ding us to speak unto the Gentiles.” Did this deny us no privilege ? Did it not ob struct us, lay a kind of Romish interdict upon us in the discharge of an imperative duty; a duty to which the church has been, after a lapse of ages, awakened uni versally and successfully ; a duly the very object, and only object, of our long cherish ed connection and confederation ? And this would seem the place to state, that our Northern brethren were dealt with ns brethren to (he last moment. Several of our Churches cherished the hope that by means of remonstrance and expostula tion, through tlie last annual meeting of the Board of Managers at Providence, the acting Board might be brought to feel the S icvous wrong they had inflicted. The anaging Board was therefore affection ately ana. respectfully addressed on the subject; and was entreated to revise and reverse the obnoxious interdict,. Alas! the results were—contemptuous silence as as to the application made ; and a deliber ate resolve, expressing sympathy with the Acting Board, and a determination to sus tain them. II. The principles of the Southern Bap tist Convention it remains then to be stated, are conservative, while they are also, as we trust, eouitable and liberal. They pro pose to do the Lords work in the way our Its title designates at once V.VVMW Wiwzva wu uov AUV I AUV1I tvuvnvu VllUli* (V IUD AiVIU) IV IUC terms as we upheld the true spirit and; Church universal, and to a dying world; great object of the late • General Convcn-1 even as water pressed from without rises lion of the Baptist denomination of the | but the more within. Above all, the United States.’ It is they who wrong us 'mountain pressure of our obligation to God, even our own God; to Chiisl and Him cm '“finance nuking ijtcn st _ r = . ta wisdom and the policy of Annexation, ®d our right—our Imprescriptnble right— o Oregon; and he whom these subjects tould not arouse and cause to speak loud it the present crisis, would suffer a man to «e hit julep from before him and drink it Dthout remonstrance, nor would he cry, to cast discordVtmong us; and in the last lions: ‘asked* for, and attempted to restore two Triennial Conventions, slavery and an- the practically ‘ good way. The Consu- u-slavery men began to draw off on differ- tution we adopt is precisely that of the ori ent sides. How did the nobler spirits on ginal union; that in connection with which each aide endeavor to meet this? They throughout the Missionary life, Adonirara oroDOsed and carried almost unanimously,; Judson has lived, and under which Ann XefMlowing explicit Resolution: , Judsonand Boerdman have died. We re- “ Resolved, That in co-operating togeth- ' cede from no single step. We have con- that have receded. Wc have receded neither front the Constitution nor from any part of the original ground on which wc met them in this work. And it, wc ask in parting the original and broad Bible ground of Confederation were not equitable, how came it so nobly and so long to be acted upon? If equitable, why depart from it? Wc claim to have acted in tne premises, with liberality towards our Northern breth ren. Thrust from the common platform of equal right-, between the Northern and Southern Churches, wc have but recon structed that platform. Content with it, as broad enough for us and for them.— Have they thrust us off? We retain hut one feeling in the case. That we will not practically leave it on any account: less in obedience to such usurped authority, or in deference to such manifest breach of Trust as is here involved. A Breach of covenant that looks various ways—heavenward or earthward. For we repeat, they would forbid us to speak unto tne Gentiles. The Jerusalem church, then must be re-gnthcr- cd at the suspected Santnria, or at some new centre of operation like Antioch.— “ One thing is certain”—We must go every where preaching the word. “We can never be a party of any arrangement” for monopolizing the Gospel: any arrange ment whichlikc that of the Antocratica! Interdict of the North, would first drive us from our beloved coloured people, of whom they prove that they know nothing com paratively, and from the much-wronged Aborigines of the country ; and then cut us off from the whitening firids of the Heathen harvest labor, to which by cogent appeals and solemn prayers, that have so often protested that, without us, they were inadequate. HI. Our objects then, are, the extension of the Messiah’s kingdom, and the glory of our God. Not disunion with any of hts people ; not the upholding of any form of human policy, or civil rights; but God’s glory, and Messiah’s increasing reign ; in the promotion of which, wc neces sity for relinquishing any of our civil rights. We will never interfere'with what is'G'a;- sar’s*. Wc will not comproinit what is God’s. These objects will appear in detail on the face of our Constitution, and in the Proceedings, which accompany this ad dress. They are distributed (it present, between two acting Boards for Foreign and Domestic Missions, having their respective scats at Richmond, Vn., and Marion, Ain. fVe sympathise with the Macedonian cry from cvcrv part of the Heathen world— with the fow moan, for spiritual aid, of the four millions of half stifled Red men, our neighbors; with the sons of Ethiopia a- mong us, stretching forth tlieir hands of supplicution for the gospel, to God and all his people,—and wc have shaken ourselves from the night-tnnre of a six years’ “strife about words to no profit,” for the profit of these poor, perishing and precious souls— Our language to oil America, and to all Christ judoin, if they will hear us, is “Come over,” nnd for these objects, ns ye love souls and the divine Saviour of Souls, “Help ns.” We nsk help at this juncture for nothing else. Wc have bad more talk than work about these objects too long.— We have waited quite too long for the more learned and gifted, and opulent and. wor thy to lead our way townrds these objects; and we have shortened debate upon them to get to business. Our eves and hearts are turned with feelings of parental fond ness to Burmah and the Karens; with a zeal in which wc are willing to be counsel led by God and all considerate men (but bv none else)—totlie continent of Africa, and her pernicious fountains of idolatry, oppres sion nnd blood, but vet more, with unutter able hope and thankfulness, to China and her providentially opened ports, and teem ing, thirty millions. Among us, in the South we’havc property which we will of fer to the Lord and his cause, in these chan nels—some prudence with which wc would have our best wisdomX to dwell; and K rofessions of-a piety which wc seek to ave increased and purified, like that of the first Baptist Churches, when they had “ rest; and walking in the fear of the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied.” In parting with beloved brethren and old co-adjutora in this caase, wc could weep, and have wept, for ourselves and for them; but the season, as well of weeping as of vain jangling is, we ape constrained to be lieve, just now, past. For years the pres- ureof men’s hands has been upon us far too heavily. Our brethren, have pressed upon every inch of our privileges and our * It was not dwelt upon m the Anga** Conven tion—wc do not recollect its being named, tat it is too stringent a feet in the ease to be beta created,— that one of the Missionaries with whom the acting Board, and Board of Managers can esmpafose, — cified; and to the personal and social bles sings of the Holy Spirit and his influences, shall urge our little streams of the water of life to flow forth; and every wilderness and desolate place within our teach (and what extent of the world’s wilderness wiselv considered is not within our reach 1) ‘ shall Ite glad’—even at this passing calamity of division; ‘and the; deserts of unconverted human nature ‘ rejoice and blossom os tho rose.’ Bv order of ihc Convention, WILLIAM B. JOHNSON, D. D. Augusta, Ga., 12th May, 1845. The Hunting shirt. The hunting shirt, the emblem of the revolution it banished from the national military, tat still lingers among the hunters and pioneers of the west This national costume, properly so called, was adopted in the outset of the revolution, and was recommended by Washington to his army, at the most eventful pe riod of tiic war of independence. It was a favorite with many of the line, particularly, the gallant Colon el Josiaii l’arker. When M. rgan’s riflemen, made prisoners at tho assault on Quebec in 1776, were returning to the to he exchanged, the British garrisons on the route beheld with wouder these sons of tho mountain and the forest.. Tlieir hardy looks, their tall, athletic forms, their marching always m Indian file with the light am) noiseless step peculiar to their pursuit of woodland game; tat above all to European eyes, their singular picturesque costume, the hunting shirt with its fringes, the wampum belts, leggings and mocaa- ins, richly worked with Indian ornaments of beads uud porcupine quills of brilliant and varied dyes, tho tomahawk and knife, tiiee, with tho well known death dealing of these matchless marksmen, created in the European military a degree of awe and respect ior tlie hunting shirt that lasted with tho war oithe revolution Perils Of Whaling The dangers i f the whale tisi.cry have been QIus- trated by an example upon the coast of Massachu setts. air. Sctli a. Snow was killed instanly by a whale, off Race Point, Province town, last Tuesday week, in the following manner:—As soon os the whale was discovered, two boats, one containing five and the otner four persons, mado in pursuit, and each bout succeeded in lastcnlng their irons, when tho whale turned upon them, and coming upon one boat head foremost, utterly demolished it Killing insantly Mr. Snow, leaving tho others afloat in the water The other boat severed thoir line,and succeeded in rescuing the drowning persons, when the whale made for them also, but by hard pulling they reached tho shore in safety, tho whale following close in their wake, as far os the depth of water would permit The Boston Courier, in giving this account, remarks that this is said to be tho first instance in which a whale lias attacked a boat in this manner, upon our shores. .1 Legal Paradox.—An ejectment case tried at the present circuit presented ihi3 result. The defendant paid fora piece of land by the acre. There was a dispute about the boundary, nnd his neigh bor sued him. It was iound he had tho whole quantity he had purchased without coining on the disputed territory. He was beaten. He then recovered back from his grantor, on his warranty, part of his pur chase money. A new trial was obtained in the ejectment suit, and he is now suc cessful in that. In the first place he gets land which he did not buy ; in the next place, makes another man pay him for it. and finally holds both the land and the money. This goes beyond the celebrated cracked-kettle case, in which the borrower said he would prove firstly, that he never had it; secondly, that it was cracked when he got it; and thirdly, that it was whole when be returned it.—Utica Qaxette. praams, and whom they sustain (we tape however, not in thia particular act tat they hare m noway openly protested again* it)—brothit Mason has ae- S^reuSJwwrtatCDSed State, toaidin, - 1: True Politeness.—He who has a heart glowing with kindness and good will towards hie fellow man, and who is guided in the exercise of these feelings by good common sense, is the truly polite man. Po liteness does not consist in weiring a white silk glove, and in gracefully lifting your hat as yon meet an acquaintance; it does not consist inartificial smiles and flattering speech, tad in a silent and honest dc- ►ire to promote the happiness of those aroondyou; in the readiness to sacrifice your own esse and eom- fot to add to the enjoyment or others. The poor ne gro women who found Mongo Park perishing under the palm trees of Africa, sod who led Mm to their hut and supplied him rrith food and lulled him to steep with their simple songs, were really polite. They addressed him in language of kindness and sympathy; they led him tenderly to their home, end did all in tlieir power to revive Ms drooping spir its. A poor drover was driving Ms beeves to market on a winter’s day. The cattle met a lady in the path, and apparently unconscious of the impolite ness, compelled the lady to turn one aide into tho snow. “Madam,” said the drover, apologizing for the rudeness of his herd, “if the cattle knew as well as I do, you ehouM not walk fat the enow.” That drover was, in the best sense of the word, a gentle man, while many a young man^with glove and cane, sol graceful step, is a Irate. The man who lays aside all selfishness in regard to the happiness of others, who is ever ready to con fer fevers, who speak the language of kindness and conciliation, and who stadiee to manifest those littie attentions which gratify the heart, lea polite mas, thoagh he may wear ahomespun coat and mol very ungraceful bow; and many a fieMmhle ' ~ .and* ' ' enters the most crowdedapart- and ease, is a perfect compound and incivility. Itae politeness is a vir- toeoftho understanding and of the heart: it tenot like the whited sepulchre or Sodocn’e far-tamed fruit. The Rev. Calvin Fairbanks, who was oenvtod of negro stealing in Kentucky, and sentenced to fifteen resre’hard labor,1s sawingstoaefriths prison w*h anegro holding ooeendw tbossw and himself the other. •■....