The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, June 04, 1845, Image 3

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V . The Tariff. r, vraj a terrible ncriftco which the Senate mile The country embraced in that Ultimo contain* : Population of near twenty-eight million* of souU, * Jawing at the rate off) percent, in ten yean. No 10 ...I nortioa of Use population on tlie face of the globe '1,’nnic* «> much tobacco a. that of the Union. : r . ucitv stipulated that the duty on toboco uppor- . i j„(„ the |iorts of the Union should be reduced, ‘, j t ] ;[ . duties on cotton and rice entirely abolished. The return which they risked for tliese important ad- 1 .ntaees, was the reduction of our duties on some of u ir mods not produced in this, country, and on oth- of which very small quantities arc consumed by people: and yet, to gratify the unreasonable ca- ' of the northern manu&etnrers that their Interest S ore iti danger, the Senate threw to the winds the 0 mense advantages to he derived by the sontliem ■inducers of cotton, rice, and tobacco from the stipu- Li,n. of the treaty relatives to these articles. There can be no doubt that after the lapse of a few ; (he Union will embrace tire whole of Germany, lor commercial arrangements, not for those of w ar. \n-tria will lie the last to come into it, because she ' ol tlie German States from whom a liberal tolif V ran be expected. In wealth, population, sc i- Lk-c! industry, it will, as a whole, be inferior to no 1 jupi'r.r in Europe. U was a vast responsibility in the Senate rudely to repel the friendly advances of such a people.—iV. O. Courier, an inclined plane, for repairs at this railway, a large straw is employed, turner) by % steam engine. To egstpjn the bearing nd of this acrew, two steel mss- ■e«i C»fehilhr-feted polished Alubriaitod, the one •»»-. tkmary andltie other revolving with the screw, and having only two or three revolutions inn, minute, of cour se the pressure was very, great,thus circumstanc ed; and while the engine had. Us usual motion tivse two steel bees become instanly united or welded and so firmly did they adhere, that the mags which had they revolved being insufficient to stop the engine, was promptly wrung oft; a little distance from tlie point ofjnnction, and where it was two inches through. The adhering surface measure something more than two indies in diameter.—Buffalo Payer. To pmenl bird ) „r squirrels destroying com.— Soak the seed liai. a day or so pevions to planting in a moderately strong solution ol saltpetre and cotqie- ra«, ant) dry it with ashes, planter or lime sprinkled This preparation will effectually guard tlie seeds from bird and squirrels,and give the com blade, after germinating, a rapid start. Missouri Queensware.-We learn from the St Lon is Reporter that the experiment which ha,s been; made in that city by Mr. G. P. TtLLKY.of mannfaclnrihg queensware, has proved entirely successful. The business tliete is to be enlarged.. Tin? Reporter says: “ An indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of porcelain, or' sembtransjurent China, which in Europe is prepared with immense labor, is found here in a state of nature, requiring no preparation, the demand of the whole JOHN BIEBO; ATTORNEY AT LAW. ■'i'fb. ALBANY GA. ■ Will practice in the several Court* of the. South-. To Gentlemen of Fashion. T HE ndei^igned respectfully informs the Citizens, qf Albahy and the sur rounding conntry, that he'has bought tliq latest Wt- tics, april, 16, l'8t-r. eirnlariy receive Ibe latest Fashions. J ‘ As he lias no partner, with whom to divide tlic.pip- ffis, he is enabled by strict attentign to business, to' seUand work according to the pleasure of the tiipes.' The latest style of goodqwillbc found at hi* store, and clqthipg, Uats, Caps, Ac.Ac. AU work warranted to he made to the satis betion of his customers, as regards taste and bshion. !: A* G- WEAVER, Merchant. Tailor, . May 14,1845. 5 ly SIMS & O.HEEVER, The Worltl In. a bad Way Tlie last NnllVOO Neighbor “gives up » ;»^n quantity sufficient for toe di-mandoftl 1 u <i.. P™* throughout all future time. In Europe the -C world, Wltll the following diagnosis of vkjtefinl is used for this pur|>ose, which is hrouglit !S present conn 11 ion : . I to a white heat, then suddenly plunged into cold wa- Disease incurable! dulls and fever in ; ter, and afterwards ground to an impalpable pow- Aincrica; palsy and debauchery in Ell-'der. A superior article, ready prepared, is found rope - consumption and gout in Asia; ami here the white flint sands of St. Genevieve urel ,!igue and leprosy in Afriea 1 As with 1110 ocighborlKxxl of St. Deters.” irai-l, so wiili the world—the whole head sick, and the whole heart faint, and die must! And Mormonism, eternal Mor- monisni, will witness the dving s' niggle, la-'i gasp, when the earth rjnnkes, and iimi|ihs over death, hell, tint] tl\c grave. So Iri the old world die. “Wc icli them [theBritishgorcmmcni,] from ihis spot that they can have us—that lirone of Virtoria can he made per-. Iccilv secure—the honor of the British empire maintained—and the American ea ch-, in its highest pride of flight, lie brought down, fCheers.] Let them but concili ate us and ilo us justice, and they will have us enlisted under the banner of Victoria : let them hut give us the parliament in rol- green, and Oregon shall he theirs and Texas shall lie harmless.” [Cheers.] Tup. above is front u laie speech of Dan- ttb O’Connell. He is violently opposed tu the annexation of Texas, and seems from tlie above ready to join England at any time in a war with tho United States for Oregon, if a “parliament in college preen” an onlv lie obtained. Wo have deeply pathised with Ireland and could not e’ease to wish her oppressed population, emancipated on account of the mistaken opinions of Mr. O’Connell, or any one !«a. Rut we feel satisfied (lint whatever- Irishmen may do on the other side of the water, disgraceful lo the character of free men, they will find the Irishmen here rea dy at all times to defend the American na tion from its enemies, and if it must conic to pass, fake up arms against Irelnnd her self. Asa liodv of men, we believe, there is more real ontriolism and love of liberty among the Irishmen of America, than in the land of their own green isle. E. H. PLATT, ATTORAEV A,T'Wi april'16, 1845. Albany, Georgia. THOMAS PINKNEY SMITH, ATTORNEY ATLAW, Albast, Georgia.’ april. 16, 1845. *■*' U PETEK J. STROXEER., ATTORNEY AT LAW, • april 16,1845. Albast, Geoboia. 1 recuarb u. cejARK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . Albast, GEOEcpu Will practice in the Countios of Baker, fee, Peca- tur, Dooly, Sumter, Randolph and Early, of the A VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. Atalacuicola, Florida. Ww.W.Srits. W*. W.' CllEEVTB. April 18, 1845 ' 1 *'tf is goqd ' EEanunock hand, situated in Decatur county, Georgia, adjoining the lands of Messrs. McKinley ti Barrow. There are 200 acresof cleared land in fine order tor cultivation, good fence, Ac. with two settlements, a good'Gin house, and Screw, outhouses Ac. The place. l*hcal- South-Wcstem Circuit, Ste^rt, of the Chattahoo .4™ iknik_ rv—,;. ana examine inq chcc, and Thomas, of the Southern CitpuiL ET Office under the “ Courier'!* Office, Broad s’. At the Grace Church, in Boston, bias*., on Wed nesday, 21st ult., by Rev. Mr. Butler, Mr. JOHN K. STIMSON, of Albany, (ip, to Miss DEBORAH TI LAXTER. ' Religion* JYotlcc. 'iethodirt E-. ... commence on. Fri day the 16th of June next. Several Ministers from other stations are expected to attend. E. L. T. ilLAKE, Preacher in charge. May 28 7 Synopsis of Lee Sheriff’*! snip*. ICitt JULV. 150 acres of lot No. 2 in the 7tii Distrisct of fee county, ami improvements known as barker’s Mills, to satlsly a ft ia from Ijec superior court, John B. Ross A Co vs Win J Darker and John Lawhom. Lot No 07 in tiie lgth district Lee county, levied on as the property of James Bennett, John wiwhom vs said Bennett. Levy made and returned by a Con stable. lsit 141 in the 12tli district Lee county, levied on thonropcity ofI. O Edwards, Wm MFarriorvs aid Edwards. Levy made mid returned by a Cun- slable. \\ r M. JANES, Sh’ff. R. K. & J. B. III\ES, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Offices is Macon Sf. Albany, Geo. They trill mractiee in the following Counties. Bibb, Macon. Houston.' Perry, Dooly, Vienna. Macon, Lanier. Lee, Starkstille. Early, Blakely. Baker. Albany, And in the Circuit Coup of the U:utod States fertile District of Georgia. They will attend any other Court, not conflicting ith the above, when engaged sja.'&allv toddsci . Tlie attention of boh laruiortwill Lo given to a)l business entrusted to their care.. ., Letters may be addressed to toe firm at either place. RiciuRn K. Hines. John B. Hines. April 16, 1845, 1 3m D. &. J. VASON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW Albany, Georgia. april 16,1845. 1 tf JYollce, A H. person* are hereby warped not to trade for a note given by John McClendon, to Davis Ma gee, due about the first day of January last, for twen- -iivc dollars, which was stolen from tho hpuso of ic subscriber, in toe second District of I«u comity, ■ the 2Jd pit. ‘Jliould such a note be discovered, the subscriber ill be thankful for information concerning it, as it uiay lead to the detection of the thief. DAVIS MAGEE. June 5,1845. 8 4t The Talnall County Treasure.—A gen- lleman from Macon informs ns that he money lately found on the Allamahn, urns nut to he base coin. He slates tlint n onridcrnhle amount of it was carried to larnn, and ihcro oxnmined by competent "decs, who so decided. So it seems that lie poor fisherman has not been made as ifh as was supposed. Wc have been informed that many years go a celebrated counterfeiter, who was uhseipicntly sent to the Penitentiary, had cove somewhere on the Allamahn river, aid to lie near where the “ancient treasure 1 .vas fonnd, where ho concealed himself, ind carried on his business. This explains he whole mystery.—Sandersville Tel. The T’rUf. The Washington Union [states jhat the Secretary of the Trensury is ire|iaring for Congress a liod v of useful J-iatisiics, which will enable tlie national |Legislature to form the best and wisent pysirm of revenue redueed to the proper Jtnndard, and to do away with the unequal Icpemtions of the present aystept. Xaral.—It in said that orders have been [received at the Philadelphia Navy ' nrd to Iproceed forthwith in the construction of I'hc Germantown, now on the stocks, so as Ijo have her completed as soon as possible. ■The moment she is completed it is ip rnn- Itemptation to put another vessel on the Ulocks.—Sat. Sen. .TIFR/C.IL. D R NEI.SON takes thin method of informing tlie public that he i* still attending to the I’RAC- LCE OF MEDICINE, in its different branches, in this City and its vicinity, together with tliat of SUR GERY, for which he has supplied himself with a full set of instruments. He may lie foundat all tunes nt bis office over tlie Drug Store, or at tlie American Hotel, when not professionally engaged. Albany, Geo-, April 16, 1845. 1 tf General Jackson. lErlrael of a letter from General Jackson to the President, dated, 9th JHay. “ I must close. I am greatly afflicted lj am swollen from the toes to the crown of fihe head, and in bandage to my hips.— JWhat may be the result God only knows, ■lain prepared calmly to submit to bis will I'lv whole house salutes you and lady l^nd may God preside over and give you - uccessful and beneficial administration to °ur beloved country. “ Your friend sincerely, “ANDREW JACKSON.” Capital Punishment.—Vice President Dallas hsv- J^sr keen invited to a late meeting of the New York r»ciety'for the abolition of the punishment of death l^preiwed himself os follows in reply: / . 1 ‘ Time and reflection have confirmed the opinion, Ko-'rwhcd by me for many yean, that in our country 1st leant no just cause eswts lor the infliction by our I 1 *** °f the death punishment, and that its abolishment l v, '“ l f* hereafter looked upon as evidence of the mo- I n WetSsurcf Steel under Extnsardmasy r re “ urt —In baulmg stotunboats out of water DR. T. D. MATTHEWS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, Alb.viy, GEpsntA, april 16, 1845. ] tf TO THE ntPFEjCTEH. DR. HENR Y G. NICHOLS, ALU.ANY, GEORGIA. rsiAKES tills nictkcvl to inform his friends tliat he still resides at tlie above place, and lyiil give his attention to persons affiicted with ‘ chronic t(nd snppiised incurable forms of disease. From his suc cess lieretotpre in tlie management of such cases, icrsons afflicted will find it to their interest to give lint a trial, for if lie does not permanently cure, he may at least mitigate their'snlli-rings. Those especially laboring under Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lutplingo, Splenitis, Bron- chetis, Cpugh, Erysipelatous affections, Scroflula, I/;prrsy, Tetter, Sj-plnli3 donor!,ea (.'loot, Tic Dou loureux, Hysteria, Valscy, Epilepsy, Chorea, Dropsy, Amenorliea.Vrolapsiis Uteri, &c. &c., Piles, Hernia. Calculi ol the Blpdder, Ulcers, Hydrocele,&c., would do well to consult him. . , n , . . . Dr. N. will removo all cases of Syphalitie taint from the system, and warrant them, no cure no pay. Persons living at a distance, -who are afflicted, would do well to call in person, it not convenient, by communicating, post paid, with Dr. Nichols, giving symptoms, &e., and enclosing the Ibe, 810, can-re- ceive directions for tlie management of their cases. Albany, Geo., April 23, 1845, 2 ly DR. WILLIAM L. DAVIS, C tONTINUES the practice of his Profession, / and may be found at all times, when not pro fessionally engaged, at his ofneo on Broad street, next door to Mr. J. Jackson's Store. April 23,1845. 2 If CITY HOTEL, BY SAMVEL BAKER, Comer oi Broad and Frogt Streets, Albahy, (j to, april 16 1845. j tf. MEDICAL CARD. PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, SURGERY ANp MIDWIFERY. DOCTOR SLAPPEY, I S permanently settled in this city, (where he ex pects tp repiaip through t)li seasons of the year.) lie u denied to his Pr<fe.ssiun-~and it is emphatically the hobby of his heart. He will do a general prac tice, and exact a fiur equivalent, when Ms natrons possess pecuniary resjxmsibility. He would add, that he has had thirty years constant intercourse and observation, with almost every disease which poor man is heir to, and he knows wall that it is no uglit matter to deal in the principles of life and death. It tnnltes a weighty and special accountability. Sir To Scientific professional brethren .of trite honor, worth and merit every Where, he extends the ready and warm hand of fellowship; Slid would say. Ictus be united to elevate (be standard of Medicine. His residence is in Mr Randall’s new boose near Pol. Tomkins’ Office in Mr. Harris’ Range, third door from the river.. ,, ■, • April 23, 1845. 3 tf Thomas, Thomasrille. Decatur, Bainbridge! Stewart, Lumpkin. Sumpter, Americus. Randolph, Cuthbert. Pulaski, llawkinstille. : premise* oq (h$ H»thorn Trail 20 miles east of Bainbridge. ' ' WRIGHT SAUNDERS; THOMAS SAUNDERS. Decatur county, May 7th, 1845. ’ 4 8t JOHN SPENCE, WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, I s prepared to execute all orders in his line of busi ness, with despatch, and in the moot superior style. Watches cleaned or repaired will be warranted to keep good time. Gold wrought into Rings or other ornaments, and silver into spoons,' will he warranted in workmanship equal to that of any' establishment in Georgia. Terms Cash, and prices to suit tho times. Shop situated on Broad srtcct, next door above tho ‘ Patriot’ building. May 1-ttli 1815. 6 tf NOW & THE TIME^ For Plantcrstolay in their sup ply or Jtletlleihes Po? the coming.. ' . Season. " ~%WTe have just received.uaplendidaworts ¥» tment of Fresh and Genuine Drugs qnd Medicines, which wc wiU warrant to' stand the tost ofthopopt skilful Chemist. Among them arp the following: * ... CaWpr Oil, Alcoholsp Turpentine, Epsom Salt*, sal Sbda, Aalcratus, Rotten-stone, Gum Myrrh, Cay enne Pepper,rarh. Mtgneitia, Spices, Hops, Allspice, Eng. Calomel, Jallap, Rhubarb, Oil Peppertnint, suiph Morphine, do. Uuinine, Blue Mass, Cubebs, Citrate of Iron, Camphor, Pocket Instruments, Ocu lar Instruments, Injection Pipes, Stomach Pumps, Cupping Instruments, Brosst pipes. Nipple Glasses, Nursing Bottios, spring'and thutah Lancets, &c.' 6tc. ALSO, A splendid assortment of Perfumery, to wldcb are cal) the attention of ladirs and gentle men,—such fyi’Cologne, atyl Lavender water, Otto Rose, Extract}; a variety, for hondkerchiefe; Rosa, Alwpttd, P*lm- Orange, Milletleurx soaps of the choi cest quality, OtcopTian' and Verbena Cream for sha ving, Jjvne’s Hair Ttonie, Llalr dye, Bohn of Colum bia, Toilet Powders, Powder Pidfe dpt. dtc.—togeth er with a supply of Patent Medicines, of which the most popular kinds, andsuchas aye of any merit, will always bo kept on hand^-npae other vyul be.oflfcred to our customers. \Yo have also received a ncur stock of " ’ '!' School Books and Statigjiar)’, J, which may be examined at any time at our estahlislr- uieut. Please give us a call. WELCH & EPPING. 1 May 28 7 tf •’ $50 REWARD. STOLEN from tlie sutiscribor, on Sunday right, the 18th invt., from my house at the White & Stubbs planta tion in ffle second District of Baker Couuty, ' •2 lAarli Bay Poncy, well mailc, m fine order, and neatly reached—white saddle spots oft his back, and r-ign of gear ori his shoulders, and a long switch tail. 'His girt in com mon travelling’U n jmcc—ho will hat trot unless much jaded. The thief was seen passing in a gallop Mr. Armiger Hall’s house, in tnc second District this comity, on the night the horse was stolen from the lot. The subscriber will pay twenty dollars ttnd all ren- sop.ifile expenses, for the delivery of tho' thief ami and pony at my house, or for such information as will enable mo to get them, or ten dollars for the delivery oftheponoy alone. If the thief shouldjprove to he a white man,’and is secured, with evidence sufficient to convict him,and tho poney delivered to me, I will pay Fifty Dollars reward. JOHN W. ALLEN- May 21st 1S43 6 4t GEORGIA, Dooly County. Sarah Dozier, Executrix RULE NISI of the last Will and Testa- to Foreclose Mortgage, meet of James C. Dozier, [, fa Dfily Superior Dec. Erwin Sutton & Daniel Mashburn. . (fpop^.l/rry Term 1845. Caroline Iklslar Til BEL FOR OITORCE. Vs. •> 'h Silgtiir. Superior Court. ' Woody C. Belshar. S .;t ’CX^hereas it is made appear by the return of the " " ShcrilTtliat tliedefendant ia not to be found ia the county ol Sumter: It is Ordered, that, the said Woody u. BelshaVilb afiiiear at the hext Superior Court to beholden in aim for said county on the third Monday in November next, and then and there an swer said libel; and if is further ordered that servieo l>c }>cr|ierfected on tlie said Woody G. Belshar by the publication oftifis rule once a month for threo months in one of tiie public gazette* of this Stale, said publication lo be had before tlie next term of .this Court. ’ i A true extract front the minutes of said Court, this 20tfi day of Mav, 1845 MANESSEH M. GUERY, C. S. C. 1 May 28 ' 7 m3m ADMINISTRATORS SALE. - A CKEF,ABLE to an order of tho Honorable, tbo xA Inrerfor" Court of Eariy county, while sitting for orilinary pnrposes, will be sold on the fifet Tues*- day in Aiigiikt next, before tbo Court House door in Blakely, within tho legal hours of sale, let of land No. 103, and half of lot of Und No. 137, in tbo 13th district of said county. Also, two negroes, Bill, a innn, and Lucrctia, a woman; sold as the property of Elijah Fcnn, late of Early County deceased; sold for tiie benefit of tho lieirs and creditors of said de’- censed. Wm. GRIMES, Adm’r. Blakely; 23d May, 1845. 7. trfe... AMERICAN BQTSXi. T HE proprietor of this establishment, takes this occasion lo express his gratitudo to his patrons for their support, in this hiaucw location, and earn estly hopes ho may continue to merit thpir approba tion. lie assures tiie travelling public’ that he will always lie found at Home, in every sense of the word. The house is situated ia tlie central part of the City, is commodious, lias good stableu, servants, bar, and ull tins requisites necessary for a comfortable and genteel Hotel. FRANCIS HOLDEN. Albany april 23d, 184$. 2 tl. SAPPINGTON’S 3P1£3Li££jS 9 A Certain ami Effectual Cure for Fevya Asp Ague, j For solo by i ‘ W. E. SMITH aprfl 16. ... Ij. If ; . ,-i r RICHARD F- & l LYON, A TTORNIES <f- COUNSELLORS ATLA W, ALBANY, Baber Co., Cja. H AVE recently entered into q Partnersk p in’ the, Prattler if La*, Ind will continue the prac tice in the several Courts of the counties of - •—makers Msec, Booty, Randolph, Recall ISuutpter, - . Erwin. AU matters snbinitted to their care in any of these counties, will meet : frith prompt'attentkm, and he; broeghttoa speedy conclusion. - c . april 30th 1845 I 3 ly- . _ isorj-note in writing, whereby, on or before the first day of January, cigh- teen hundred and forty, they, the said Erwin am Daniel jointly and severally promised to pay ope Wil liam W. Taylor, or bearer, the suia of eleven hun dred and fifty dollars for value received of him the said Taylor, who afterwards, to wit, on the day and year first aforesaid, transferee |nd delivered said note to said James'C. Dczicr, he being then in life, in a fi|ir course nf trade, and for a valuable consideration. And afterwards, on the eighth day of Mav, eighteen hundred and forty, the said Erwin ar.d Daniel, the better to secure the payment of the said promissory note unto the raid James C. Dozier, he being then still in life, an-J the bona fide bearer and owner there of, executed under their hands and seals, and then and there delivered to tl»e said James C. Dozier, their certain Mortgage Deed, .thereby mortgaging to the said James C. Dozier coe, lqt of .land, known by the number two hundred and twenty-throe, in the third District of reid copnty of Dooly," With a grist and saw mill thereon, and al! the appcrtenanecs thereof; and which said mortgage was duly recorded in terms of the statute in sach coses mode-and provided; and it further appearing to the Court,.tb»t the note herein before described, is the identical note, the payment of which said mortgage was mdended to secure, al though tho same-is not described in —id mortgage, except as to the amount of principal, and the time when the same became due and payable; and that there is «4ill remaining doe arid-unpaid, npon said note, tlie sum ot nine hundred and ninety-three dol lars and forty cents pripcipa), and the farther sum of tu o hundred and ninety-three dollars andlhirty-eigl.t cents interest thereon, up to this date; and tiie plain tiff having prayed the foreclosure of mid mortgage: It is therefore, on motion of Kelly Sc Killen, Plain tiff’? Attorneys, Ordered that the'spid Erwu and Daniel do pay into this Court, on ov before the first dayof the wart Tgm, tiip gincipal and interest due, and mortgage, op’shpjv goodj^l sufficient cause to the contrary, and that service 'of this Rule be per fected by notification of tlie somai-oncc a' month for rttatci'w by service ’o/hopiei^Sertfo^'upon * the said Erwin and Daniel, of their agents or representatives, three milha before thd said no* Term. A true extract from the Minutes of the Court,thla 13thMay, 1845. f « » «>< nbra| THOMAS H. KEY, Clk. May21,1845. ' 6. -• V mm;’" , • 1 X0UR months < to the Honorable tlie _ ,. county, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell a part or all of the Teal and personal estate of Junes Roby, late of said county deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said estate. B. a KEATON, tufinr. april 30,1845. RORA & McGWIER. TkEALEltS in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, U Shoes, Hath, Clothing Ac. Albany, April, 16th, i&lfj." I "tt Just Received, B Y tlie subscribers, a large assortment of Ladies Slippers, Gents. Gaiters, Calf Shoes, Ac. HUNT A PYNC1ION. Albany, April 16, 184j}. 1 3t - Summer MEgts. P ANAMA, Leghorn and Palm Leaf Hats just t cchred by HUNT A PYNCHON. April IQ, 1845. , X, St GROCERIES. rpHE subscribers will receive by tlm Eleamcr 'M. Florence,' Sugar, CofRe, Molases,' Whiskey, -Pori and Maderia Wine, Philadelphia and London Porter, Flour, Mockercll, Iron; Nails;' Pul-worn, Ac, HUNT A PYNCHON. April 16,1845.' I 3t J OB WORK ofaB kinds-oxecuted attiUsOffice wfth neatness and despatch. ' jtji-j April 16,13-15. ’ •-« '. TOBACCO. sale a' fine assortment T HE subscribers offer for sale a ft of Tobacco, some yer^^h^ie*^ ’ iprill,^. .. .j„, PYNCHON. NEW- SPRING GOODS. whjfb'they.rifer at 'Attwiy. April, 16,1845. ’ 1 an'assmts adaptpd to thp season, JOHN E. S. JONES., , SaddleandtHainess Maker, April 33d, s»:->b in I fol oMunoqn te f Law Bionics for Sale at this Office. PROSPECTUS OF THE UNITED STATES JOURNALS By Jesse E. Dow, A Co. ‘ ' Tlie first number of our newspaper will be issued this (first , day of May, with on entire new dress—h new type, fine paper, with other important alteration* and iinJiroyemcntH. The paper vnQ be - devoted to u fearless exposition of Domomaic principles; it wM zealously and unremittingly oppose cadi am) even effort to establish a mammoth monarchy bonk and other mischievous corporations and consolidations of wealth, which siibvyrj the rights of the people and undermine jjic pillars of the RepubHc; it will opposs an oppressive arid ants-republicsn tariff system, the assumption of the Stain debts by the General Gov ernment, raid all other Federal principles which- have an inevitable tendency to destroy publRt prosperity as well as individual happiness, Against fU such political delusion yre shall wage npeK^hpmg, pneom.- TTie fIumf r and the Mscnaxm who produce all the peal capita] of the nation, will find in our paper ah nnwavering champion pf their inalienable rights; the long cherished principles of the editors are too well known to tbo public to require buy pledge qpon thin point. To the Miscellaneous Department particular attention will be devoted; tho lpdiea will always End in our columns a choice selecting from the. current literature of the day, as well as original contributions from t(ie most talented writers of which our country can'book. A general summary of Foreign and Do- mostic'newt will he faroisfaed; a tenia- price eus- rent and a correct Bsfpf the prices of stock* Mf i|| also be given. The cooductom have already secured the aid and co-operation of a Ujrge number pfthe most distinguish ed literary and poetical writes* of the day*,; arrange ments will also Be riuule, if the earliest psrisdjsssi bfr', tb embellish oar Column* fay the contributions of correspondent* fifam abroad.' With this briafand impcrieotontline- .ofomr phre we veiy .ffsasqtfuUy submit our claims to an cxcnsivo patremsge thq con- pjdention.ofqgenffurispnhBc.,, Semi-weekly paper by the year, in advance ; £ 5 .00 ■ Tro , 7c ■ ^ :6rfe*ati«»0ay«atJ59lf*»>fo.t .' __ Kiirt h.-rO.W WWi'i.-j., hft'03 v'r.jb w, nr&ZtSSavSrff^r^S^ ? SUfloos to thp Siijy foriess than two, to tho lessthannit. bareSefeettOiiiof^ ' If not prid Within the yean the » $12, tho Semi-weekly EG, " or--otitvr oi(wi-9dn paying bank will be received.