The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, June 04, 1845, Image 4

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From ths National Intelligencer. | Early Sheriff* Sales. Superstition of the Seminoles. TxnLLbeaoidotithe first Tuesday in July next Tht process of ConittraJitm.-Holatoochee,i ™ ft”.,,?, a Cbiei in the Seminole nation, nephew to | tv to w!? ** ^ fcDown * Micanopy, their present King, and heir np- ty ’- to — parent to succeed hjm, returned to Florida from the Arkansas in the summer of 1840, and remained there about two years en deavoring zealously and faithfully to effect by peaceable means the removal of his red .brethren. Sometimes when bis pacific overtures failed, he took the field with the troops as a guide to the fastnesses of the hostile*, but be was never expected to Join in combat against them except in self-de fence. On his return from one of these expedi tions in January, 1842, he was taken sick. When innuirics were made as to the nature of his sickness, he informed the medical officer that lie believed he was made sick by the conjurations of the “Prophet,” or llotulco-hcdgo, the chief of the nostiles-— then supposed to be perhaps fifty miles dis tant in the Southern part of the “ Big Cy press Swamp,” bordering on the mangroves. Holatoochec is a very intelligent Indian, and, like most of the Seminoles, waggish and fond of a joke, and his statement did not fail to excite the mirth of the officers, who were incredulous to the sincerity of his statement. But he assured us that lie was not jesting; that he firmly (relieved it; that white men were entirely different from red men; that they were of different flesh and blood, and told us that wc were wel come to our creed, our manners and our philosophy) that they must be allowed also to cherish undisturbed their own man ners and peculiar faith. On being asked in what way the prophet so far distant was able to make him sick, he explained the process and ceremonies of the conjuration as follows: It is at night only that the conjurer can acquire a power over his victim. Wh'cn an Indian sleeps, his body alone sleeps; his spirit is roaming abroad over the face of the earth; and it docs not return to his body until the morning star rises. If before that star rises the conjurer can by his spell attract tho spirit of his enemy up to his own camp-fire, he may then torment and afflict him. To do this, he places a kettle of wa ter on the fire, puts in certain herbs posses sing wizard charms, and well might this sylvan conjurer then exclaim, as did the witches in Macbeth, “ Double, double—toil and trouble, Fire bum and caldron bubble." He then makes a statue of the victim, upon the heart of which is placed a tobac co leaf, and a splinter from a tree riven by lightning. This statue is first placed at a distance from the fire, and at certain stages of the conjuration is to be advanced four separate times towards the campfire, which is the centre of these and many other wild incantations. At each separate approach of the statue an invocation is made to the spirit of the victim, and if, when the fourth invocation is completed, the morning star has not yet rises, the spirit of the unhappy victim may, if the fates have frowned upon him, be brought up within the influence of the conjurer. It is, generally, certain old men, especi ally the “ medicine men,” of tho tribe who possess these powers of conjuration. They are practiced most in times of war, as a mode of tormenting an enemy. In war an Indian’s very soul is made up of stratagem and deceit. How untiring and sleepless is his vengeance, and how fertile in expe dients. Thus, while the red warrior of the forest, having undergone the toils and dan- Lot of bin! No. 1G0, in the 6th district of Early county; levied on aa the property of Thomas B. Peterson, to satisfy a 6-fe issued hum Eorlv Supe rior Court, Alexander McDougold, vs Hardee and Peteraon. land pointed out by Peterson. Also, one half of lot No. 914, in the 38th district of said county; levied on as the property of John A. Wood, to satisfy a fi-fe issued from Early Superior Court, Seaborn Hays vs John A. Wood. Also, 140 acrea lying in.the northeast corner of lot No. 166, in the 28thdistr-ct of Early county; le vied on as the property of David Howard, to satisfy a 6-la issued from a Justices court of said county, Edward Roe, vs David Howard and George W. Stewart Levy made and returned to me by a Coo- ON broad street, opposite the AMERICAN HOTEL. Is now supplied with Matebuls necessary for the prompt, neat, and economical execu tion of every description of Also, one small black bone, and one yoke of oxen; levied on as the property of George W. Stewart, to satisfy two 6-fes issued from Early Superior Court, Wm. Decs vs George W. Stewart and Wm. Sutton. Samnel Gainer, for the use of Marion J. Philips vs George W. Stewart and David Howard. Property pointed out by Howard. Also, one negro woman named Pender, about 34 years old; levied on as the property of R. A. Per sons, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Early Superior Court, Uriah Trulock vs R. A. Sl R. C. Persons. Property pointed out by R. A. Persons. JOSEPH COLLIER, Sh’ffi May, 28th 1845. 7 tds. Early Jtlortgage Sale. TOT’ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in Angost ** nort. before the Court house floor in Blakelv. tjers of the day, under cover of the night next, before the Court house door in Blakely, within the legal hours of sale, the following property to wit: One negro woman named Juliann, about 25 years old, as the property of Jonathan Roach, to satisfy a mortgage n-fa from the Inferior Court of said county, Boling II. Robinson vs Jonathan Roach. Also, the following negroes, Celia, 65 years old, >fary 38, Ben 36, Jack 28, Oscar 26, Ellen 24, Deck i, Olive 2, Reubin 24, Martha 20, Edmund 4, Rach el 18, Charlott 16, Phillis 40, Dow 22, Henry 20, Jane 10, Bill 7, Booker 28, Maria 22, Howell 6 months old, Phill 35, Bob 30, Fanny 8, Essex 26, Harriette 24, Frank 1, Peter 50, Jude 40, Tom 24, Caroline 19, Tolly 17, Jackson 12, Harry 10, Anto- nett 8, Arm 5, Jude 2, with their increase since the 22d April, 1841, aa the property of Wm. ATennellc, to satisfv two mortgage fi-las issued from Early Su perior Court, Benj. S, Jourdan vs said Tennell, and Grci ireen H. Jordan vs said Tennelle. JOSEPH COLLIER, Sh’ff. May 28th, 1845. 7 tds. Baker mortgage Sale, FOR JULY. B Y tlic order and decree of the Superior Court of the county of Bqker, for closing a certain Mortgage deed, bearing date the 13th of October, 1839, made by Warren Jourdan, to the Georgia R. R. and Banking Co., and by the said Co. assigned to Farish Carter, as appears by the records of said Court, and the order aforesaid, and in and by virtue of a fieri facias issued upon the foreclosure of the same. KM^ILL be sold on the first Tuesday in July next between tho usual hours of sale, and at the Court house door of Baker county, the following tracts or lots of land, to wit: Nos. 271,272, 273, 274,275,179,180, 219, 220, 285,286, in the second, and lot 181, in the third Dis trict of Baker County, containing each 250 acres more or less; sold pursuant to an order aforesaid, aiid to satisfy said mortgage fi fa of Farish Carter, assign ee, Ate. vs Warren Jourdan; property pointed out in said Mortgage fi fa. GEO. W. COLLIER, Sh’ffi May 28, 1845 7 td Baker mortgage Sale. THE PATRIOT OFFICE, BOOK AND JOB POINTING, From the Albany Daly Advertiser. The volume is creditable to American literature; and the learned author has furnished us in this work, with a luge potion of what is diffused throughout the numerous biographies and encyclopedias which are too expensive lor common use. From the New York Commercial Advertiser. On the whole, we commend this work to the pub lic ss at once tbs most convenient and useful work of the kind to be found in our language. From the United Slates Gazette. LABELS, CHECKS, WAYBILLS, CIRCULARS, SHOWBILLS, DRAY RECEIPTS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, BILLS OF LADING, RAILROAD BILLS, BUSINESS CARDS, STAGE BILLS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, BILL HEADS, CARDS, NOTES, FOB THEATRES, EXHIBITIONS, Ac. Ac. The facilities of this establishment for executing Printing, cannot be surpassed in South Western Georgia, the office con taining a large and va ried assortment of Type, of the articles in this volume, and find that the w appears to be unusually correct. April 16th, 1845. both ran, Ares & all of which is new and the most modern cart. The attention of those who require fancy or com mon work, cheaply and expeditiously executed, will give us a call. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Classical uintiyuities : Or a Compendium of Roman and Grecian Antiqui ties, with a sketch of Ancient Mythology. By Jo seph SaUceld, A. M. 18.-no. Handsome Sheep, 62 cents. E VERY teacher becomes a public benefactor in adapting the higher branches of literature and science to the circumstances and to the wants of those from wbum they have ordinarily.been excluded. Most of the works in use, which treat of the antiqui ties of Greece and Rome, are so copious and so inter mingled with Greek and latin quotations, that though they may be highly valuable to the classical scholar as works of reference, they are rendered less useful to the classical pupil as common text books. On this account, the study of classical antiquities has been mostly confined to the higher classes. The present volume is designed for general use in our common schools ; but it is believed to be so compre hensive and elevated in its character, as to be accep table in Academies and High Schools as well as Colleges. The present volume, wc consider a valuable intro duction to the study of Roman and Grecian Antiqui ties in a form more attractive than the other works now-in use. The work will he found eminently use ful in schools nd aothcr seminaries of learning. Protestant Churchman. ££aiu, ^ioemmctciaf one/ ot/ieb kind of BLANKS mil be kept constantly on hand. Any Blanks not on hand trill be printed at short order. O' Orders from the country, for either Job Printing or Blanks, will receive prompt attention. Albany, Ga. May 16/A, 1845. 20 Jnst Rccivcd, Sacks Rio and Laguiria Codec, 400 Sacks Salt, 40 Bbls Old Rectified Whiskey, 5 do. American Brandy, 5 do. N. E. Rnm 1 Pipe Superior Otard Brandy. 70 Coil Manilla & Hemp Rope, Together with a large assortment of India and Ken tucky Bagging, English and Sweedes Iron, Trace Chains, Weeding Hoes, Axes and Hollow Ware. Persons desiring to purchase will do well to give me a call. W- E. SMITH. Albany, april 16, 1815. 1 tf To Rent. rpWO Stores in thejower story of the Patriot building, and one Tenemcntinthe second story, o be completed by the 1st day of June. N. TIFT. april 1G, 1845. 1 tf Eumber and Jtleal, JjlOR sale at the Kinchafoone Mills, two miles ILL be sold before the Court House door at north of Albany, attended to. April 16,1845. lies down before his camp fire to repose from his labors, and is seemingly buried in sweet sleep, his spirit roaming in dreams over the face of the beauteous earth, per chance haunting the favorite hunting grounds of his youth—his enemy, not alone satisfied with the ordinary arts of war, puts these wild conjurations in requisition. But, as before stated, every power of in cantation ceases the instant the morning star rises. The spirit instantly glides back to the protection of its body, which is sup posed to have sympathized in all the Iron tiles of the ethereal essence. That beau tiful star is then not only a harbinger of the .glad approach of the god of day, surroun ded with all the glories of the mom, dis pelling the mists of darkness, and shedding joy and grace over the earth, but to these wandering spirits it imports a most welcome and sudden release from tho charms of the conjurer. Is it, then, wonderful that the red man should sometimes worship this bright Venus, this sweet disenchanter, this lovely companion of the sun, the first faint glimmerings of whose silver beams are a signal of so much joy to the dreamer. When it is discovered or believed that such arts are being resorted to in the camp of the hostiles, the old men of the tribe put their heads together to devise a scheme of safety. This consists in out-conjuring the enemy. Thus there arc what may be cal led defensive conjurations, which consist in efforts to confine the wanderings of the spirit to the neighborhood of tneir own camps, and if perchance its orbit should have become too erratic, venturing within the sphere of the opposite enchanter, to entice jt back again by counter spells to its own friendly and safer region of habitation. Thus, on this occasion, Holatoochec was much consoled a week afterwards when he met an aged Indian called “ The Old Doc tor,” who being famed in the art of conju ration, could endeavor to defend him and out-conjure the Prophet! The writer was witness to the above, and puts it on record, believing that such me morials of that wild tribe mav possess suf ficient interest to deserve to be preserved. Newton, Baker county, on the first Teusday in July next, the following property, to wit: Five mattresses, one bedstead, 6 wash stands, 4 toilet table*, 24 Windsor chairs, 12 fancy chairs, 2 ma ple rocking chairs 2 wooden scat settees, 1 cane seat -ettee, 24 wooden bottom chairs, 4 large arm chairs, 2 card tables and covers 6 ewers and basins, 2 pair of fire dogs, 6 doz. tea plates, 3 doz. cups and saucers, 5 doz. dinner and soup plates, 2 doz. cup plates, one tea kettle, 4 small jugs, 3 large jugs, 20 side dishes, 6 pickle dishes, 4 salt cellars, 5 doz tumblers, 3 doz. knives and forks, 2 carving knives and forks, 2 doz. wine glasses, 8 chamber pots, 6 sugar bowls, 1 shov- TO BEAT. VfIWO Rooms in the upper story of my office on Washington street. The rooms are well plais- tered and neatly finished, and are suitable, and con veniently situated for Offices or Lodging rooms. For terms apply at my Office. II. G. NICHOLS. april 30,1845. el, 1 spade, 2 sets of castors, 2 sifters, one dinncrjMt, 2 small looking-glasses, 1 mirror, one cut glass lamp, 1 plain Globe lamp, 2 Brittania lamps 5 jappan- cd lamps 1 wardrobe, 25 curtains, 3 dozen sheets, 2 doz. pillow slips, 3 willow baskets, 4 painted buckets 4 cedar piggins, 1 keeler, I sugar dish, 2 large axes, 1 chop axe, 1 pair wafer irons, 2 butcher knives, 2 setts cake pons, four covered tin pons, 2 huge tin pans. 4 spittoons, one codec pot, six dippers and skim mers, one cullender, and three oil paintings, 2 round tables, and one bobtail bay horse: to satisfy a mort gage fifa from Baker Inferior Court,King &. Roberts, vs. Francis Holden—property pointed out in said mortgage fi fa. . II. B. GUNNISON, D. Sh’ffi aprf 30. 1845. ^^HEREAS Lewis S. McGwier, ap- . There are some who write, talk, and think so much on virtue, that they have no time to practise it A wise mam by his speeches, does things which a hundred armies conjoined could aot execute. G ORGiA, Baker County. plies tome for letters of Administra tion on the estate of Peter Smallen, late of said county deceased. These are therefore to cite, Sammons and adman- ish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, then and there to shew cause, if any they have why mid letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this 18th, day of May, 1845. SETH C. STEPHENS, c. c. o. May, 21 1845. 6. 30d GEORGIA, Baker County. W HEREAS Murphy Taylor, Admin istrator on the estate of James Tay lor, late of mid county deceased, applies to me for letters of Dismission from said Adminishation: These are therefore, to cite, summon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law to show cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office, this sixth dav of May, 1846. SETH C. STEVENS, C. C. O. May 7, 6m metis after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior court of Numter county, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to mil a negro \xn belonging to the estate of Allen Dorman deceased. Sale to he made for the purpose of division. L. P. DORMAN, Adm'r. de boms turn. May 14th 1846. 6 4m rr- persons arc warned against —Eng con st* with my wife, Margaret Waters, as she my bed and board, and I am determined not —.tractst has left my bed i . __ to be responsible for her debts. JAMES B. WATERS. Baker Co. Gil, May 21,1845. 6 St Orders for Lumber i TIFT &. BRISBANE 1 tf. THOMAS BARRETT, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, street, opposite the Hotel, where he will be ready at all times to wait up- on customers who will do him the favor to call.— His work will be warranted, and cutting done in the latest and most fashionable style. All those who have garments to make, and wish them to fit, can be accommodated. Terms, Cash, or its equivalent, april 16,1845. 1 tf GROCERIES. T ile subscriber has now on liand, and will be re ceiving from New York and New Orleans, the following articles of Groceries, which he offers to his customers, and the public gen erally, on as reasonable terms, FOR CASH, as can be bought in this market; and respectfully solicits the patronage of the public generally. Among his assortment can be found Rio and Cuba Coffee. {Manilla and Ky. Twine, Sugar, Refined Loaf and Kentucky Bagjpng, , Baggii Wert India. iCotton do. Flour, Northern and Wes. Nails and Spikes, tern. Powder and Shot, Bacon, Country and Wes* Percussion Caps&Flints. tern. Looking Glasses, Lard, Vinegar, Coffee Mills, Soap (varieties of) Shingling hatchets, Tobacco, (various brands) Collins’ Axes, Snuff (bottles & bladders) Weeding 8t Patent Hoes, ~ t Tallow Candles, Table Silt and Brooms, . Butter, Molases and Syrup, Spices & E. Ind. Bagging Mess and Prime Pork, Manilla and Ky. Rope. Whiskey &c. &c. JOHN JACKSON. Albany, Geo. april 16,1846. 1 tf Blake's Biographical Dic tionary. A LEXANDER V. BLAKE, Bookseller, 77 Ful ton Street, N. York, publishes the following standard work, Sixth Edition. A GENERAL Biographical Dictionary, Comprising a Summary Account tf the most Dis tinguished Persons , cf all Ages, Nations, and Professions including more than 1000 articles tf AMERICAN BIOGRAPET. BY REV. J. L. BLAKE, D. D. The work contains about eleven hundred pages royal octavo, and the matter in it is sufficient to make from fifteen to twenty volumes 12&XL, which usually sell for seventy five ct*. a copy. As there are in it nearly ten thousand articles, it is apparent from the whole cost of the book, tint the coot of each article ie only half of one miB—or twenty ar ticles for one cent The following are some of the opinions from the periodical press of tbbvraitk: We have looked with much pleasure over many ' * fork Butler's Analogy Simplified. r»ElNG Hobart’s Analysis of the work, ino,! tion*, with brief Answers for examination B a Summery of the whole subject. By Grorm.’«i Craufurd,^A.^M.^FeUow of King’s College, bridge. With Additional Improvements, br tw 1 E. Wert, A. U. Principal ofRutger’s the City orNew York. The object of this work is twofold: First, to f. nish Theological students and under-graduate our Colleges with an Analysis of the original suitable to be used in connection with the wort self, and for reviewing the same after it Las uf once studied, '* And secondly, to render the profound argument " ' “ ' nd the old Butler interesting to young ladies, and class of boys, in tneir course of education. It has been recommended by somo of tlic r, teachers and scholars; and it should be used in, ery young ladies school, especially, in the country. April 16, 1845. ] President Jllaxcy's Remains. J UST published by the subscriber, in one beauti ful octavo volume, the Literary Remains of tlic Rev. Jonathan Moxcy, D. D. the Second President of Brown University, Providence, R. I. and Subse quently of Union College, Schenectaday, N. Y. and forthc last sixteen years of his life, of South Caroli na College. Dr. Maxcy was one of the most distinguished pul pit orators this country has produced. Although a Baptist, such was his reputation as aschollar and a divine, that in 1802, he was called to succeed, in the Presidency of Union College, the Rev. Jonathan Edwards D. D. an Institution always under the con trol of another denomination. From the Protestant Churchman. “ The collection of literary remains now publish ed, in the language of the venerable President of memory, American literature.” From the Baptist Memorial. “ He was unsurpassed, in his day, for elegance and vigor ms a writer, while, as an elegant speaker, he was ocknowlcdgedly pre-eminent lie may with propriety be denominated the American Robert Hall. No other denomination would have aliened such » star as Maxcv to liave remained so long in obscurity.” Although it may be supposed that this volume will be sought ami read with eagerness by American Scholars and clergymen generally, yet ns he was a Baptist and at one time presided over the principal Baptist University in this country, every Baptist cler gyman and scholar should posses a copy of it. Price Two Dollars. For Ten Dollars, forwarded by mail or otherwise, six copies will be sent. For sale by ALEXANDER V. BIAKE, 77 Fulton street, N. Y. April 16, 1845. 1 PROSPECTUS. ALBANY PATRIOT. —:0000:— “ H'ifrfom, Justice, Moderation.” —:0000:— The Patriot will be edited by Nelson Tift and S. N. Houghton, and published weekly in the City of Albany, Baker County Georgia, commencing on Wedncs- ““ h day of April, 1845. JYPte School Books. H ISTORY of the American Rcn-lution rri ^ Mag and other Illustrations, by the Rev’. J. The Young Orator, and New York Class IUa By J.L. Blake, D.D. m CiassioU Spelling Book, Containing rule reasons for English Orthography and Pronunciat£ By Rev. A. B. Chapin, A. M. . BU * [We have received copies of the above valnal.l School Books from Mr. Alexander V. Blake, Put. lisher and Bookseller, 77 Fulton street New' Ycrl/I and after a perusal of their Contents, reconuacti 1 their use in our Schools. We are authorized by Mr. Blake to order at: Books which may be required for tho use of School: or Libraries, and it will give us pleasure to coafc such favors.1 April 16, 1815. HARNESS SHOP. T IIE subscriber begs leave to inform the pub!,- Hint be is still carrying on the harness busino, at his old stand, on Brood street, where lie is at £ times prepared to execute their orders with neatno. and despatch. Repairing at the sliortest notie and prices to suit the times. SAMUEL D. IRVBi. Albany, April 16th, 1845. 1 tf. PROPOSALS For Publishing in Savannah a Monthly Periodical, to be called THE SOUTHERN HISTORICAL & LITERARY MAGAZINE. day the 16t Our Political 'Principles are Detnocralic and we shall advocate and defend them in the spirit of the motto which wc have a- dopted, believing that wc shall thereby best secure the purity and pcrmnnancy of our Government, and the liberty, happiness and prosperity of our fcliow-ruizens. Agriculture:—That great source of our National, wealth and independence, shall have that space in our columns, which its importance demands. It will be one of our first objects to develops the resources and advantages of the fertile country by which wc are surrounded, the soil and climate of which will bear a favorable comparison with that of any section of the Union. To Commerce, Manufactures, the Arts, Sciences and all those industrial pursuits which are in some sense the cause and ob ject of civilized society, we shall give a warm support, whilst we shall not neglect to promote by proper means, the cause of Education, Morals and Religion. We shall endeavour to give to our rea ders the earliest information of interesting domestic and foreign news, and weekly cor rected intelligence of our own and other markets. We shall also, publish a synop sis of the Sherifi8 sales, for all the counties in our vicinity. As a Family paper, the Patriot will be rendered interesting and instructive. It will be onr object to convey valuable infor mation—to foster andencourage the virtues, and correct the vices of society. No per sonal animosities or party rancour, will find vent in our columns—but we shall promul gate and defend Truth, for the sake of Truth, with that independence ofspirit which fears no consequences. Tehms. S2 pr. Copy payable in advance or $$ a*, the end of the year. A liberal deduction will be wmiL. to Agents who forward cash. NELSON TIFT. S. N. BOUGHTON —:000:— PROSPECTUS. The originators of this work believe that the fid for literary exertion and influence, in our countiT.ii everyday growing wider and wider; and they’iit willing to occupy at least a portion of the grom 1 . which seems to invite labourers. The chiei objic which they have in view, is to aid in vindicating (ct the Southern States that literary position which, r is believed they are qualified to assume. They dt sign also, through this channel, to point out the re sources and defend tire interests of the South, to it present with truth the character and condition of lit Q lc, and to furnish increased occasion for intrilw- effort. With these views, they liave sought ti enlist in tire undertaking the best talent of tlic whdt South; and they feel, that they can appeal with some confidence to their fellow-citizens for support aa: co-oncniticm. This work will be Southern—it will be the orpi of a section: but in no narrow spirit of hostility t any portion of our country. Justice and candour towards all will govern its course; and it will stead ily pursue the sacred aims of Truth. There is need, especially in this day of cheap lit erature, for stern and discriminating criticism. Man liness and originality of thought—as well as some morals—are in danger of being crashed under tb mass of trashy or corrupt publications, both fom|t and domenstic, with which tire press teems. Thy call loudly for some daring and independent ccn<oi who will lay on the lash of severe but just critic i.-.- “ without fear or favor,” and who will guard tire in terests of literature against those influences of th publishing houses of the conntry which, throo;: magazine and newspaper puffing, confer so urn; false reputations on worthless volumes, and comrp tire very sources of a well regulated and wholcsoi: public opinion. We therefore avow at tile outs', that we intend to deal with these authors, publisher and books, with a severity only limited by our abl- ties, and a proper regard for the courtesies due ton enlightened community. We know and feel that omr literature is your; and hitherto bnt too imitative. Nevertheless tin’ very youth has its advantages, and wc shall endow to give them full play, by encouraging fresh and ri otous exhibitions of tho mind of our own country. That this is preeminently the land of origin! thought, our Patent Office, our workshops, our iiv& and our rivers abundantly illustrate. In the Fir* Arts, American genius has produced works of wbii which any nation might be proud. We ore alran' rivaling old Europe in every department of inve: tion, save only in that of literature. Even in tills an independent assertion of thought and feeling to commenced, which the American position and ebar acter demand, and are calculated to develops. M>: here stand to each other in new and advanced ret tions. An expression that shall be true to these cco ditioos, must give to onr literature new and origito forms. It will accordingly be one of the ebernb^ objects of onr Magazine, to foster by all the mesoi: our power, every impulse of native and original gt® ins. SAPPLNGTON’S AsrsvoiPiBTiBm psaas, A Certain and Effectual Cure for Fzvxx jlxd Aouz, For sale by W. E. SMITH. 16. I tf april While nothing of a sectarian or p»ni«an chznritr will be admitted intoonr pages, we shall by no rotor, shrink from discussing religious and political topic* They involve the highest interests of man, and »■ the present, more thanat any part period, attract to serious attention of all reflecting minds. The interest which the south nas in the efficient and character of the Army and Navy, will claim f both service* a, prominent place in onr culmns- 0 Naval and Military Officers have often shown d they areias competent to adorn the literature, *» * defend the honor of their conntry; and a number 1 able contributor* will be secured from their rani-*-, This Magazine will also be the medium tbro*f which the Geomu Aistobical Society will r portions of its domestic and foreign correspondent communications, lectures, and other papers wh» mwpostess a general value. . We believe too that onr position peculiar* vantages. Georgia lies nearest the centre of •“ Southern States; and thus possesses superior of, trinities for estimating Southern opinion, and gn*l a true expression to southern interests. The work will be published by W. Tnoux Wa* laiman the tint day of every month, beginning ' October next. The price will bo Five DoHart per annum, pay 1 in advance. Agents will be alknred a libend ci mission, and their eflbrt* to obtain subscribers respectfully solicited. Returns to be made by Savannah, May 1st., 1846r tors desirous N. B. insert this Prospectus. of exchanging will pk** ' * ‘ OLJ JT» <!♦—-.