The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, June 18, 1845, Image 3

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he Cpon the occult itself, the contest would . time.” The samopaperadds:—“The decision ofthc loiiff and Moody : but it it is our convic- ! question or independence or Anexation, belongs ox- i lull it would end in breaking down Idusively to tlw people, and tlio Government bas ;;,e ,»i.riii».e superiority of England. Wc | to allow “ 01,1,1 .'y 01 know il 0 well"- 8 but ' we^do* not I Wegi . vo l ! 10 r °J lowin K e *‘™ct from a correspond- • cn. 'Vc know il ^xi. Mill we oo not lentils showmjrtho raoveme ou of tho noted British j t . ar it. Wc know that her mercantile ma-, Charge. The letter is dated, jine is not a third greater than ours : nndi Houston, Juice 2,1845. wc believe that in the ion? run, in u war) fids. Pic.—The only item of news of importance t f many years, ns this would be, the armed i here is the the arrival of Capt. Elliott from Mexico, marine would become proportionate to the with the acknowledgment of our independence bv that •oiiritcrciah In that case, considering the 1 Government. The acknowledgment is uncondition- 1 of possessions which Eng- v 1 under ^J*», except that i/y? are to eschew the . • i i ■ . ~ I YfllUCPHSt. I ill* fact mnvinrr Chrirnn lnl ,'ivair • number t i,i„«,nA' nnd ibn hrror nmnt.^r 1 1 '" uutJ - The fast moving Charge left here for :inl • l ! nS .i '' LJ ’ ;.?, d ll" U [?* **» of Government, W.-kington, an honr after i Yankees, -Inps lo com o>, be t\\ o navies would i his arrival, but his mission will lie no go. The poo- conic to something like an equality of cits— | pie bavo got their dander fairly up for Annexation, , .enable force. And if that were to happen, I and nothing else will unit. Yours, Si. * v |,o can doubt the result ? We have now, 1 I will be certainly unfortunate for the very distin- ii lias been estimated, 2 llJlDOinen employ-' puished Captain to lose all his labor, of love in favor in navigation. If one ball of them ofTexas, hiitto th.s complexton. unless we are mi, c( in Mnncd v,thev in all °ur calculitjons, it raurt ccmc at !a*t. could be placed in armed G>cy T he Charge ir too late, -je has kei< himself in a would constitute a gieatcr force than Eng- perfect strvr for the last six months, boasting about if., mine llfin tltmil ill/. et»*l C 7 ■ entitled to *ome consideration. In a conversation which I lately bad with him among ether thing, he remarked, that‘Our title to Oregon, up to tlio 49th degree of latitude, was clear and indisputable; be yond that point to the 55th degree, it was fairly the subject of argument and compromise." MASONIC NOTICE. IfUIE ALBANY LODGE, No. 24, mU ede- brr.te the Anniversary of Sr. Jons the BaitiSt on the 2ith tnst., in an appropia/c style. All Breth ren in good standing of other Lodges arc inrital lo attend—particularly those of Concord, Fort Gaines. Cuthberl, Lumpkin, Americas and BainbriJgc. JAMES A. NEWMAN, Scoff. Albany, June 11, 1845. Police. M ESSRS. R. P. & J. Ltox will act as my at- tomies during my short absence from the County. R. II. CLARK. June 18 10 It | , a | |ms ever had upon the sea. There are other results of a war between :iiiscountry and England, perhaps even J, i,Ire important than any operations of arms, v.iiivh wc will briefly glance at. One of them is the complete and final cmdnripa- i indue from place to place—now endraioring to throw peo ple off the Kent by giving out false destination, then travelling under an assumed name through Mexico —now subjecting himwlf to the pestilential romiln of Vera Cruz, next broiling under the hot sun rntlie Texan prairies—and in the end to find himself worst edi; of a verity, he must liecome heartily sick of his * , . • • • • | “C lil'tai UClGlill' lH’Uni.'Y MCK OI liIt* on of the American mind from r.ngii^h niSs6ioD.—Had he maifested such extraordinary zeal idttence. _ flow great! his influence even ! for the welfare of Texas two years since it might have amounted to something, but the day lies now gone by. j.oiv is we have too often occasion to ob serve and deplore. ” There is among the people of this coun try an hereditary and undue respect for the i.ame of England, tin excessive admiration flier past history, and on exaggerated es timate of Iter present power. ” These are the remnants of colonial ideas, which half Spirit oftlie Brifis.Ii Press. ENGLA ND AND THE UNITED STATES. The London Time, of the 9th, in anticipation of the news hy tlie Great Western, entered into a dis cussion of American affairs, and in particular refer- . , ii a , ence to Mr. Polk’s inaugu ml address. The Times a century of independence and two bloody concluded that this country would be “greatly eur- wars, one of them long and full of eircinn- ; prised”liy die remarks of Sir Robert Peel, but the stances of exasperation, have not been suf- I surprise appear to have been altogether confined to licient (o eradicate. The facts of our his- ' E>#»nd at the coolness which attended die reception t ,iv have run ahead of our opinions. With j °! b‘r Robert a remarks here. Tlie '1 imes contends ■ , ,„,i that England has always shown a great regard lor of our O.Ul cloice, .n h - the maintenance of peace, an! says that the Aineri- ofottr own making, we receive from abroad the mosl effective of our laws, laws for the lind. If wc do not act as we arc comman ded, we think much as we arc romman- ,!• ;l from Europe. From this injurious and disgraceful thraldom, we are gradually c- m.ancipating om.elvcs. I war would do it at once. Another result would be the purification ofn'irpniilirnJ atmosphere. “The cankers of n calm world and a long peace are no |H »ce, unit says cans have construed this tooling into insensibility to the rights and interests of England for her own. Of course there is no truth in this, though it suits the Times to ray so. Of the Executive, the Times rays more sneering than wisely: • If President Polk intends to sustain tlie heroic line in which he passed through his election cring probation and entered uion his high office, lie may rely on having before him a career of no ordinary toil, agitation, ami peril. But if'lie puqmscs to sub side into a |switive business-like l’reidcnt, more like tlie foreman of a thriving business in die city AMEBMC.1E. D R NELSON takes thi* method of informing the public that he'is still attending to die PRAC TICE OF MEDICINE, in its diifervnt branches, in this City and its vicinity, together with dial of SUR- G KB Y, for which ho turn supplied himself with a full act of inatruments. He may bo foundat all times at his office over tho Drug Stoic, or at the American Hotel, when not professionally engaged. Albany, Geo., April 16, 1845. 1 tf DR. WILLIAin Is. DAVIS, C 10NT1NUES die practice of Ills Profession, > and may be found at all times, when not pro fessionally engaged, at his office on Brood street, next door to Mr. J. Jackson's Store- April 23, 1845. 2 tf HENRY MORGAN, ATT03NEY AT LAW, ALBANY, GEORGIA, . Will praccdce in all the Counties of the South-wes tern Circuit. June 18,1845. * 10 tf WAGGONS WANTED! I K OR 20 WAGGONS wanted immediately, ' *J to Haul Cotton to Macon and Bainbridge, for which liberal freights will be paid. Apply to SIMS & CHEftVKR, June 18 or to HORA &i McGWIER. 10 2t JOHN BILBO. ATTORNEY AT LAW. ALBANY GA. Will practice in tho several Court, of the South- Western Circuit, and Thomas and Stewart conn- tics. aprit, 16,1845. 1 tf. JOHN SPENCE, 1 1 'Iftt WATOT &^CL0CK MAKEai, I t prepared to execute all orders ip hi. line ofbu.-i- ness, with despatch, and in the tnoM superior style. Watches cleaned or repaired will be warranted to keep good dine. Gold wrought into Ring, pr otin .- ornaments, and silver into spoons, will be .warratiwl in workmanship equal to that of any ertabSsbment ri Georgia. Terms Cash, and prices to suit the times. Shop situated on Bread srtcct, nest door above the* Patriot’ building. : May 14th 1845. 5 tf E. H. PLATT, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Aj.ex.ny, Ceorghl. april 16, 1845. 1 tf THOMAS PINKNEY SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, april 16, 1C45. Aj.bany, Ghokgia. PETER JT. STItOZIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tiriinn. Thev are undeninhlc realities.— |thanthe ebampionof an empire, the sooner hede- Olii. es go to those who need, not lo those ! f rpn ^ from '?, c . h, S h bor “.i bo and he would i - r> : have dencwcll todirow aside the embroidered vest- tvlta ate needed. Politics become a Irade. „ r ,i,„,..„.u.i.,„ ,i.„ L'sser mtalilies hare as much a-preeiahle value and are associated with fewer scru pies titan great ones. Hut when the state is in danger, patriotism nnd ability take precedence of selfishness nnd mediocrity. The first effect of a collision would be to bring the ablest men uppermost. Let ns not lie misunderstood. For none of these reasons do we desire n war. Far from it. We deprecate it. Wc would do every thing that wc could consistently with our obligation nnd our future safety to a- void it. But if it come, we shall consider it not an nninix'ed evil.” ments of the candidate before he delivered die inau gural address of the President. Foreign News. By the steam ship Great Western, wc have inielligcnce from Liverpool to the 17th, of May, and by the “Cambria,” to the 21st. Commercial.—The news carried out by the Great Western, of the extent of the cotton crop of 1814, and the pacific policy indicated by (he United Slates Government, put an end to the spirit of speculation and left the market inactive, with n> slight downward tendency; but on the 2‘nh, when the “ Cambria” sailed, the market was steady, with a healthy demand from Manufactories, for immediate consump- tii The American markets, seem to have 50,000 CIGARS. T HE subscriber, having opened a Cigar Manu factory in Thomasville, Gcorgiu, is prepared to furnish his customers and the public with any quantity of Principe Cigars, on the most liberal terms. His cigars are made bv superior u crimen, and of the test quality of IM PORTED TOBACCO, and for beauty of exteri or and excellency of flavor, will challenge a compar- son with the finest imported Principe. He has also on tarsi ., t 10,000 Cuba, Brotrn, kind half Spanish, Al| of which arc put up in the neatest style. Per sons visiting die place are invited to call and exam ine for diemselvcs. All orders by mail promptly attended to. H. A. REMINGTON, Tobacconist. Th- niawillr.Ma-, IStii. 1815 10 ly april 16,1845. Albany, Geobgia. 1 tf ItMCMi.IRn MM. CE.’MRK, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Albaxy, Georgia. Will practice in the Counties of Baker, I^e, Deca tur, Dooly, Sumter, Randolph and Earlv, of the Southwestern Circuit, Stewart, of die Chattahoo chee, and Tltomas, of the Soutiiem Circuit. ID' Office under the “ Courier" Office, Broad st. AMERICAN HOTEL. T HE proprietor of this establishment, takes this eccaeion to express his gratitude to liis patrol, icr tlieir support, in this his new location, and can estiy hO|.rs he may continue to merit their appro!; - don. He assures the travelling public that no V :.l always be found at Home, in every' sense of tie word. The house is situated in the central part < : die City, is commodious, has goed stable*, semmt-. bar, and all the requisites necessary for a coafoitaK and genteel Hotel. FRANCIS HOLDEN. Albany april 23d, 1845. 3 tf. I jVJUR months afterdate application will bo mac e to the Honorable the Inferior Court of D < countv, while sitting for ordinary purposes, for teaw to seli a part or all of die real and personal estate of James Rufcv, late of said county deceased, for .the benefit of die heirs and creditors of said estate. B. O. KEATON, admr april 30,1845. HORA & UlcfiWIER. D EALERS in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boot.-.. Shoes, Hats, Clothing die. Albany, April, ICth, 1845. GREAT DISCOVEliY! DR. WATSON’S UNRIVALED FEVER AND AGUE PILLS! A CERTAIN and permanent cure for AGUE and FEVER, in all its various forms. in/«tir hours. For sale in Albany, Ga., by Welch & Emxfi, at the Drug Store, ana by Agents generally throughout the Soiiuicrn part of Georgia and Alabama. Price only /fly cents—one box to cure two cases. Albany, Juno 11,1845, 9—5in. sequent upon (he receipt brought by the “Great Western.” Unglfah manufactured Iron, had fallen t price, about $10 jir. ton, and the trade much depressed. The inn nulncl tires of cotton, were in a flourishing condition, nnd the trade good. Stocks had ndvnnced, nnd money was plenty, nl low rates of interest. The ac tive paper in circulation, by the Bank of England, was £25,266,987 or about $125,000,000. 1 Nobody supposes that in using the very exaggera ted and unbecoming language in which Mr. Polk spoke of the American claims to Oregon, he intern!- ed deliberately to breathe defiance to tin- Queen of Great Britian. cr tn threaten the rights of Her Ma jesty’s subjects with instant violence. He intended simply to flatter a delusion common in all democratic iStates, but especially amongst die democratic [arty iu the United States, which forces tho state-moil whom they have chosen to goveron their country, to gratify dieir own popular vanity by allectinga temerity and an overbi aring recklessness towards toveign nations which,as individuals, neither the Pre sident, nor any of liis vociferous supporters, can lie supposed to foci.” “Tlie charge in the instance may lie rather sudden. Mr. Polk must either forthwith proceed to realize liis pretensions to the tertoiy in dispute by the most ex traordinary demonstration which tho United States have ever inode, or he must revert at once to the mere sage and rational course of democratic adjust ment, to which the settlement of the difficulty ought to have lie-en exclusively confineel. Appeals to pop ular agitation arc usually very awkwara expedients ill matters arising out of foreign political discussions. Localise the agitation invaribly overshoots the mark at which the Government finds it necessary to stop.” . The Times don concludes that our Government will pursue a more moderate course, and concludes with saying:— “It is' not the interest of any political party in the Union to aggravate the difficulties connected witli this question.and as nearly four years must clap before another President is elected we presume tr the present functionary many be allowed to govern , t J for a few menLhs without lieing haunted and p»r- ‘he. hobby of his heart. He will do a general prac- j-.lexed by die coming shadou o' successor. I o. an-! evict a fair 'vjtTivalent, when his Xitrcp. ' trust, tbertbre mat die Cobiucl of Washington wid i possess pecuniary responsibility. He would add, constant intercourse every disease which moans to resist it. As tar as talk goes, dio language ‘ P > >r man is heir to. and he knows well that it is no TnOMAS BARRETT, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, T akes pleasure in notifying his numerous patrons and die public gencpally, that lie still occupies liis old stand in Broad street, opposite die American Hotel, where he will lie ready at all times to wait up on cnstcincrs who will do him the favor to call.— His work will be warranted, and cutting done in die lutcstand most laslii-liable style. All those who have garments to make, and wish them to lit, can be accommodated. Terms, Cash, or its equivalent, april 16,1845. 1 tf MEDICAL CARD. PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, SURGERY AND MIDWIFERY. DOCTOR SLAPPEY, I S permanently settled in this city. (where he ex pects to remain through all se asons of the year.) R. K. Si J. B. HINES, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Oitices ix Macox & Albaxy, Geo. They trill practice in the folhnoing Counties. Bibb, Macon. Thomas, ThomasriUe. Houston. Perry. Decatur, IiainbriJge. Dooly, Vienna. Stewart, LumjAin. Macon, Lanier. Sumpter, Americas. Lee, Starksxille. Randolph, Cuthbert. Early, Blakely. Pulaski, Hawkinsrilh. Baker, Albany, And in the Circuit Court of die United States for die District of Georgia. They will attend any other Court, not conflicting with the above, when engaged specially to do to. The attention of both partners will be given to all business entrusted to tboir care. Letters may be addressed to the firm at eitiier place. Richard K. Hires. John B. Hires. April 16, 1845, 1 3m D. &. J. VASON, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Albaxy, Georgia. april 16, 1645. 1 tf Dll. T. D. MATTHEWS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, Albany, Georgia. april 16, 1845. 1 tf TO TMME eilEFMuMCTEO. DR. HENRY G. NICHOLS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. rpAKES tiiis method to inform liis friends that he still resides at the above place, and will give liis attention lo persons ntllietcu with chronic and supposed incurable forms of disease. Frcm liis suc cess heretofore in die management of snch cases, NOW IS THE TIME, For Planters to lay in their sup ply of uJMedieines for the coming Season. W E have just received a splendid asson tment of Fresh and Genuine Drags* and Medicines, which we will warrant to stand tie: test of the most skilful Chemist. Among them are.- the foliowing: Castor Oil, Alcohol sp Turpentine, Epsom Sal'..-., sal Snda, Faleratus. Rotten-stone, Gum Myrrh, Cay-- enne Pepper, carb. Magnesia, Spices, Hoes, Alhipic'.'. Eng. Calomel, Jalfap, Rhubarb, Oil Peppermint,, mdph Morphine, do. Quinine, Blue Maas, CuUh ,. Citrate of Iron, Camphor, Pocket Instruments, Ocu lar Instruments, Injection Pipes, Stemarh Pumps,. Cupping Instruments, Breast pipes. Nipple Glasses. Nursing Bottles, spring and thumb Lancets, &c. d: : ALSO, A splendid assortment of Perfumery,. to which wc call the attention of ladles and genu-- men,—such as Cologne and La vernier water, Ott,> Rose, Extracts ; a variety for handkerchiefs; Rose,. Alincnd, Palm, Orange, Millcficurx soaps of the choi cest quality, Olcophan and Verbena Cream for sha ving, .lavne’s Hair Ttonic, Hair dye, Balm of Cohim- • hia, Toilet Powders, Powder Pufts Sic..Set.—togctii • ■ cr with a supply of Patent Medicines, of wliich the most popular kinds, and such as are of any merit, wili always be kept on hand:—none other will be offered to our customers. VVe have also received a new stock of School Books and Stationary, which may be examined at any time at our establish ment. Please give us a call. WELCH & EPPING. May 28 1 tf He V* derotedtohis PM^sim^-and i, isemphmicalM F«““? H !t » their fat *!**» to S™ fhas ArJiAil rtf hi* hfitrl T To will #?rt m nnonenl nn>«. recovered from llte depression which was |st* reason to allay any excitement which may spring tiiat he lias hail thirty years < consequent upon the receipt of the news up «»> this occasion, and that they will at least find and observation, with almost From the New Orleans Picayune. Eater From Texas. All was quiet on tho Texas frontier, not a single Indian disturbance being noted in any of our ex changes. Wo have received verbal intelligence by this arri val to the cflert that the Mexicans are really con centrating a large force on the Rio Grande, prepar atory to war in case Texas should agree to Anncxa- tiou. Our informant states father that the feeling in the latter country is thoroughly warlike—tiae talk is of nothing else titan a brush with Mexico if she wish es it—and in addition that the propositions ol Mexi co and England will be promptiy rejected. Many think, and witii good show of reason, that the niove- ui-nt of troops towards the Rio Grande is instigated by England, but let who will be at the bottom it be hooves our Governmental once to march an efficient force to the frontiers of Texas. So long as the ne gotiations are pending—until the final action of the Texas Government is bad upon the propositions of the United States—not a single Mexican soldier should set foot on this side the Rio Grande. The inhabitants of Texas arc now deliberating upon pro posals made them by the United States—it is imper ative upon the United States to see that they are in no way molested, constrained, or overawed by for eign influences, until the question is settled. Some may say that this Is an extreme course—the necessi ties of the case demand it. Cape Elliott, the British Charge to Texas, reach ed Galveston on the evening of the 20th tdL on a Frenchman of war brig. The Civilian says it is understood that he brought further overtures from Mexico for an acknowledgment of the independence of Texas. He proceeded to the seat of Government on Monday monfing. The precise character of the propositions brought is not known, but ifthey. beof the nature intimated, they will Civilian, “be laid bel of the press will doubtless bo violent, and probably the tone of the diplomatic communications, written as American diplomatic notes are, for the purpose of being published, may bn strong. But tho only prac tical cflert which ought to result from the threatened misunderstanding on this occasion is an increased solicitude on the pert of both Governments to termi nate the question by negotiation." The “Times” of the iOtii ult. las a longer article upon die Oregon question, the purport of which is that die American people, lmvmg heard but little know but little of die character of the British side of the Oregon claim. It thinks too, that more of parti san tiian public inqiortance lias been given to the subject upon this side of t ic AUantic. The Time*, witli more tiian its u-ual sagacity in regard to this country, in answer to die news received in England hy the Great Western, warms its readers that, “the public opinion of New York is a somewhat over fav orable specimen of the opinions prevailing in the United States,” and rays at die same times, “the great maratim towns at America, from die mouth of die Hudson to tiiat of the Mississippi, have cverthing to loose by a declaration of war on the |«it of a great maratime Power.” Our merchants and ship-owners would suffer from war, by having their merchant ships swept from ev ery ocean by the terrors of war. “In the Western States,” says the Times, “the case is ditlerent. They are for the most part entire ly secure from the dangers of actual war upon their own territory. They abound in a more adventurous population, which is eager to advance upon die wes tern limits of the American continent, rather than to establish those arts and institutions which future generations will have more leisure to perfect.’ In the letters of “A Genevese Traveller,” in the Times of the 16th nit. there is a good letter upon the Oregon question, which concludes as follow*. It is argued that Mr. Polk made no new claim to the ter ritory in tlie obnoxious parts of his inaugural address bnt asserted jnst what the United States’ Agents did in 1826 and 1827. The correspondent of the Times, says truly that “No proposition, in my opinion, short of the 49th degree of latitude will ever be accepted by any department of this Government, or by the Ame- rican people, be the consequences what they may." The same correspondent has the following para graph upon this suliject: “No man living is better acquainted with the mer its of the question relative to Oregon than Albert Olfatiw. J have long, very long, enjoyed the pleas ure of an intimate acquaintance with him. He is now in his 85th year—a private citisen, separated • rays the from all political eellimaoB. The opinion of such'a in n' very short. man on the question which sgitatesthis country is light matter to deal in the principles of life and death. It inrtdrcs a weighty and sjKcial accountability. ID* To Scientific professional brethren of True honor, worth and merit every where, he extends the nuily and warm liand of fellowship; and would say, let us lie united to elevate the standard of Medicine. His residence is in Mr Randall’s new house near Col. Tomkins’ Office iu Mr. Harris’ Range, third drnir from the river. April 23, 1845. 2 tf RICHARD F. & J. LYON, A TTORNIES <$• COUNSELLORS A TLA W, ALBANY, Baber Co., Ga. H AVE recently entered into a Partnership in tho Practice af Law, and will continue the prac tice in the several Courts of the counties of Baker, fllacon, Ece, Booty, Randolph, Beeatur, Sumpter, Mrtvin. All matters submitted to their care in any of these counties, will moet with prompt attention, and be brought to a speedy conclusion, april 30th 1845 3 ly. a trial, for if ho does not permanently cure, lie may at least mitigate their sufferings. Those especially laboring under Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Splenitis, Bron- chetis, Cough, Erysijieiatous affections, Kcroffiila, leprosy, Tetter, Syphilis Gnnorkca Gleet, Tic Dou loureux, Hysteria, l’alscy, Epilepsy, Chorea, Diopsy, Amenorhea,ProtapausUteri, Ac. Ac., Piles,Hernia, Calculi of the Bladder, Ulcers, Hydrocele, &c., would do well to consult him. Dr. N. will rcmovo all cases of Syphalilic taint from the system, and warrant them, no cure no pay. Persons liviug at a distance, who aro afilicteli, would do well to call in person, if not convenient, by communicating, post paid, witli Dr. Nichols, giving symptoms, &.C., and enclosing the fee, $10, can re ceive directions for the management of their coses. Albany, Geo., April 23, 1846. 3 ly Synopniii of Lee Sheriff’s sales. FOR JULY. 150 acres of lot No. 2 m the 7th Distrisct ofLee county, and improvements known as Parker’s Mills, to satisfy a fi fa from Lee superior court, John B. Ross & Co vs Win J Parker and John Lawhorn. 1/4 No 97 in the 12th district Lee county, levied on as the property of James Bennett, John Lawhorn vs said Barnett. Levy made and returned bv a Con stable. f Lit 141 in the 12th district Lee county, levied on as the property of L O Edwards, Wm MFaniorvs said Biawards. Levy made and returned by a Con stable. WM. JANES, Sk’ff. JYbtice. A LL persons are hereby warned not to trade for a note given by John McClendon, to Davis Ma gee, due about the first day of January last, for twen ty-five dollars, which was stolen from the house of trie subscriber, in the second District ofLee county, on the 23d nit. Should such a note be discovered, the subscriber will be thankful for information concerning it, as it may lead to the detection of the thief. DAVIS MAGEE. Jane 6,4845. 8 4t RULE NISI to Foreclose Mortgage, in Dooly Superior Court,Men Term. !84ft. To Gentlemen of Fashion. T HE ndersigned respect fully informs the Citizens of Albany nnd* the sur rounding conntTy, tiiat he has bought the latest Pat ent for cutting Gentlemens Garments, which he war rants equal to the best New York style. He will regularly receive the latest Fashions. As he has no partner with whom to divide the pro fits, he is enabled by strict attention to business, to sell and work according to the pressure of tlio times. The latest style of goods will lie found at his store, and Ready-made clothing, Hats, Caps, &c. &c. AU work warranted to be made to the satisfaction of his customers, as regards taste and fashion. A. G. WEAVER, .Merchant Tailor. May 14,1845. 5 ly A VALUABLE PLANTATION FOR SALE. WE will sell a bargain in our PLANTA TION, consisting of Eight hundred and str- mty-fitt acres. Four honored acres of which is good MMammoek Band, situated in Decatur county, Georgia, adjoining the lands of Messrs. McKinley kffiuros. There are 300 acres of cleared land in fine order for cultivation, good fence, Ac. with two settlements, a good Gin house, and Screw, out houses See. The place is heal thy and well watered. For further information call add examine the premise* on the Hothora Trail 20 miles east of Bainbridge. WRIGHT SAUNDERS. THOMAS SAUNDERS. Decatur county, May 7th, 1845. 4 8t JOB WORK of all kinds executed at this Office with neatness and despatch. April 16,1845. JOHN E.S. JONES. Saddle and Harness Maker, AjXD repairer ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY GA. April 23d, 2 . tf. GEORGIA, Dooly County. Farah Dozier, Executrix of the last Will and Testa ment of James C. Dozier, Dec. vs. Erwin Sutton & Daniel Mashburn. I T appearing to the Court upon the petition of tho plaintiff that the defendants, on tne second dv of June, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and thirty-eight, made their promisory note in writing, whereby, on or before the first day of January, eigh teen hundred and forty, they, too said Erwin and Daniel jointly and severally promised to pay ono Wil liam W. Taylor, or bearer, the sum of eleven hun dred and fifty dollars for value received of him the said Taylor, who afterwards, to wit, on tho day and year first aforesaid, transfered and delivered said note to said James C. Dozier, he lieing then in life, in a fair course of trade, and for a valuable consideration. And afterwards, on the eighth day of May, eighteen hundred and forty, the said Erwin and Daniel, the better to secure die payment.of the said uromissrr* note unto the said James C. Dozier, bo being then still in life, and the bona fide bearer and owner there - of, executed under tlieir hands and seals, and then and there delivered to the said James C. Dozier, their certain Mortgage Deed, tiierehy mortgaging to the said James C. Dozier one lot of land, known by the number two hundred and twenty-throe, in the third District of said county of Dooly, with a grist and sav.* mill thereon, and all the appe romances thereof; and which said mortgage was duly recorded in terms of the statute in such cases made and provided; and i: further appearing to the Court, that the note herein before described, is the identical note, the payment of which said mortgage was indended to secure, al though the same is act described in raid mortgage, except as to the amount, of principal, and the time when the same became due and payable; and that there is still remaining due and unpaid, npon said note, the sum of nine hundred and ninety-three dol lars and forty cents principal, and the further sum of two hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-eight cents interest thereon, np to this date; and the plair.- tiffbaving prayed the foreclosure oC said mortgage: It is therefore, on motion of Kelly & Killen, Plain tiff’s Attorneys, Ordered that the said Erwin and Daniel do pay into this Court, on or before the first day of the next Term, the principal and fatorestduc, and the interest hereafter, to accrue upon raid note and mortgage, or shew good and sufficient cause to the contrary, and that eervice of-this Role be per fected by publication of the same once a month for four months in some pnMic gkzptte published in this State, or by service of ooptra thereof upon the raid Erwin and Daniel, or their agents or representatives, three months before the.Said ifekt Terin. A true extract beat thd iKhintee of tht'Cakit,' this