The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, June 18, 1845, Image 4

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From Ac Sothtm Cultivator. 1 ons taste have not been able to dis- Tannins on the Plantation i tinguish it from the the best “Java.” Mr. Camak:—I see in your last it is very easily grown. The seeds Cultivator directions for pi ant a \ may be sown in May, in drills 4 feet tion tanning, by Mr. Affleck ot Mis- sisippi. Having tanned my hides for a number of years, and believing it to my interest, I suppose it will be profitable to others who have many raw hides. I have succeeded well, and think my leather firmer and more valuable for negro shoes, and the coarse har ness on my farm, than tan-yard leath er ; and as my plan is a much cheaper one than Mr. Affleck’s and as econ omy is my hobby-horse, I just thought I would ride him out this morning to keep him healthy. I tan from 10 to 15 hides a year of various sizes. I have two vats 5 by 7 feet, 4 feet deep, sunk in the ground near a falling branch, so constructed at the bottom that I can draw a plug and wash and empty them. I begin in March; soak my hides ten days in running water. Two or three times I take them out and give them a good rubbing or washing. They are then ready for the lime, as wo call it. I then put them in one of my vats, and divide equally among them from 3 1-2 to 5 bushels of good ashes and 2 or 3 quarts of lime, and cover the whole in water.—The ley had better be strong, and if you err, err on dint side. livery few days I take them up, or rather stir them up, and mix them again, so that all parts shall bo equally acted on ’ ’ 1 THE PATRIOT OFFICE, assundcr, an inch deep and 8 inches apart, and cultivated like com or peas. It sends up a strong stalk, and velds a great abundance of seeds, and the “coffee” made from it is very healthy. I think it matter of great importance, especially to the western States, and herewith send a bag of seeds for dis tribution. Very respectfully, J. F. CALLAN. Hon. H. L. Ellsworth. ON BROAD STREET, OPPOSITE THE AMERICAN HOTEL. Is now supplied with Matehials necessary for the prompt, neat, and economical exocu- tion of every description of e Sale. I Lumber and Meal, TTiriLL be sold on the first "Tuesday in August' X^OR sale at the Kinchafoone Mill*, two m&,| *v next, before the Court bouse door In Blakely,, JC north of Albany. Oirierafor Lumber jircmui-1 within the legal hour* of sale, the following property j attended to. to wit: One negro woman named Juliann, about 25 yean old, as the property of Jonathan Reach, to satisfy a — it it. r...... 11.m fn(a. 1 ^lnl emrl f*rtlintV. April 16,1846. TIFT Sl HI 1 BOOK AND JOB PRINTING, From the Savannah Rtpullican Important to Planters, ROUJTD BALES. We arc indebted to a friend for the subjoined report of the Chamber of Commerce, at the late quarterly meet- ting of that body. That portion of the report which relates to the address of the cotton buyers on die subject of round bales, deserves the special attention of our planting friends. It is a fact which ought to be known to them, that at least eight-tenths of the cotton now on hand in this port and remaining unsold, is of this class—that it is impossible to sell round, so long as there is a supply of square bales on hand, and that when sold it brings from one to thrcc-cighths of a cent per pound less. This evil, too, seems to have been increased rather than diminished, by the introduction of the « an paris suuii ; m ., rovr< i p 0Wcr press. The square -- . by tho ley amibales, by means of this, arc easily coni- tho atmosphere, > n the top and the j a | mos t to the solidity of wood, bottom ol the vat. If you Icy aright aju | j n addition to the convenience of in 10 or 12 days your hides will be thickened to two or three times their first thickness—feel more like a sheet of jelly than any thing else, and the hair will slip easily. Then slip off the handling in this forms, there is so much room gained in stowing, that the shippers save materially in freights. These causes have operated not only to the injury of the trade of our city, * ; , J « • i •£> tu iiiu liiiury ui mu uauu ui uui hair, and with a drawing kmfo or a ^ disadvantage of the currying knife, scrape off the loose , antcrs thcmse i vcs . In Charleston flesh and cellular matter on the other ^ Jn the ts of thc Gul{ ; roun d side, and as much of the lyc as you bak>s arc hardly known, in fact buy- can, without bruising the hide : amL wU1 take them at any then put them back into fresh and n r i cc because their foreign and north- clean water. Every other day take r ® • • • *• them up and give them a good rub bing or scouring for 10 days. They are then ready for the bark; and by- that time you can slip the bark off youroak trees and have it ready for the hides. I never grind my bark. TO REJYT. mortgage fi-fa from the Inferior Court of said county,1 ypwo Room* in the upper story of my office cj Holing II. Robinson v* Jonathan Roach. J. Washington street, Tile rooms are weil p!^? I Also, the following negroes, Celia, 55 year* ohl, ^ d ^Ifficd, and are suitable, and cor.I ary 3S, lien 36, Jack 28,0«ar2g, Ellen 24. Deck E ntl , it for Otficoe or Lodging I Olive3,Reubin 24, Martha20, Ldmund 4,Rach-1 ^ np J p]y atmy o&ce. ’I LABELS, CHECKS, WAYBILLS, CIRCULARS, SHOWBILLS, DRAY RECEIPTS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, BILLS OF LADING, RAILROAD BILLS, BUSINESS CAIIDS, STAGE DILLS, CATALOGUES, PAMPHLETS, BILL HEADS, CARDS, NOTES, FOR THEATRES, EXHIBITIONS, dec. Ac. The facilities of this establishment for executing Printing, cannot be surpassed in South Western (it. orpia, the ollice con- taining a large ami va ried assortment of Type, cl 18, Charlott 16, Phillis 40, Dow 22, Henry 20, Jane 10, Bill 7, Booker 28, Maria 22, Howell 6 months old, Phill 35, Bob 30, Fanny 8, Essex 26, | Harriette 24, Frank 1, Peter 60, Jude 4 april 30,1845. II. O. NICHOLS. 40, Tom 34,1 Caroline 19,"Polly 17, Jackson 12, Harry 10, Anto- nett 8, Arm 5, Jude 2, with their increase since the of VVm. ATennelle, Su- . and I reen H. Jordan vs said Tenncllo. JOSEPH COLLIER, Sh’ff. Mav 28th, 1815. 7 tds. nett o, Arm o, juac wiui uhjit mtiwc 22d April, 1811, as the property ol Wm. ATenne to fatuity two mortgage li-las issued from Early I perior Court, Bcnj. S, Jourdan vs said Tcnnell, i SAPPINGTON« ^s7si?aa>iB\nBm jpees&s, A Certain ami Effectual Cure far For sale by april 16. Fever axd Ague, W. E. SMITH. 1 tf lmth IPEi&USS 1 <Si ©mSSAEnSSSEAttia all of which is new and the most modern cast. The attention of those who require fancy or com mon work, cheaply and expeditiously executed, will give us a call. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Baber Mortgage Sale, FOR JULY. B Y the order and decree of the Superior Court of the county of Baker, for closing a certain Mortgage deed, bearing date the 13th of October, 1839, made by Warren Jourdan, to the Georgia R. R. and Banking Co., and by tho said Co. assigned to Farish Carter, as appears by the records of said Court, and the order aforesaid, and in and by virtue of a fieri facias issued upon the foreclosure of the PROSPECTUS. OF THE ALBANY PATRIOT. —lOOOO:— “ Wisdom, Justice, Moderation." —:0000:— SBaw, ^/oomnicicuii kind of BL.1NKS trill be kept constantly on hand. Any Blanks not on hand tcill be printed at short order. JIT Orders from the country, for cither Job Printing or Blanks, will receive prompt attention. Albany, Ga. May 16th, 1845. ia/ aiu/ of/it 'ici The Patriot will be edited bv Nelson ' ,, .. . . . .. „„„ | Tift and S. N. Houghton, and published JSl™* in the City of Alban ; Court house door of Baker county, the following Coupiy Georgia, commencing on VV ednes- tracts or lots ofland, to wit: day the 16th day of April, Ib45. Nos. 271,272,273,274,275,179,180, 219, 220, Our Political Principles are Democratic. 285,286, in thc_sccond, and lot 181, in the third Dis- ] and we shall advocate nnd defend them i T I Tlir A | L- it Fid; lint trob add the i T i li trict of Baker County, containing each 250 low the spirit of the IllOtlO which wc have a- more or less ; sold pursuant to an order alorcsaid, and dojjtcd> belicviagt | ia , WC shall ihcreby best! to satisfy said mortgage fi fa ofI meow the purity and pemiana.icy of ouj j ee, &c. vs Warren Jourdan; property pointed out in said Mortgage fi fa. GEO. W. COLLIER, Sh’ff. May 28,1816 7 td Baker Mortgage Sale. u W ILL be sold bciore the Court House door at I jnrporlancc iicinnnds. ft will be one of out Newton, f onnt y> 0,1 *J> e Tcusday g . O i,;., c io •„ clcvelnun the reururrrs nn4 Government, and the liberty, lmppini;; and prosperity of our fellow-ntizens. Agriculture:—That great source of oc; ; ! National wealth and independence, shall I have that space in our columns, which ii$l in July next, the following proport; rases, one boost pad, U|7TLL be sold < * * before the Court cm orders arc almost exclusively for square bales. When wc consider the comparatively small cost of the screws, and other fixtures necessary put up a cotton crop in proper order, wo cannot but express our astonish- , , . . ., . — , - .... „ inent that the planters persist in a Itako it *roni the tree, and with, a coursc ^ injurious to themselves. Wc drawing knife, lake oil the roug ion heard it suggested, that the buy- the outside, and just beat it enough to cause it to lie flat in the vat. In my other vat I do all my tanning, and ers should combine and refuse to pur chase the round bales at all, or at least .. , - - , not to buy, unless they can get them commence with a layer of bark, then a) pr j ccs t j, at wou ld justify repack- of leather, and so on; and so lay it in . —g uc |j a combination would not the vat that every part of each side of the leather shall lie against bark ; and when I am done, I immerse this entirely in water. The first year you had better boil an ooze in kettles or pots, and use that instead of water, and afterwards always peserve your old ooze to use next year instead of water. I let this Early Sheriff Sales. on tho first Tuesday in July next 'ourt House door in Blakely, be tween the usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: Lot of land No. 160, in the 5th district of Early county; levied on as the property of Thomas B. Peterson, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Early Supe rior Court, Alexander McDougald, vs Hardee and Peterson. Land pointed out by Peterson. Also, one half of lot No. 214, in the 28th district of said county: levied on as the property of John A. Wood, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Early Superior Court, Seaborn Hays vs John A. Wood. Also, 140 acres lying in the northeast corner of lot No. 155, in the 28th distr ct of Early county; le vied on as the property of David Howard, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from a Justices court of said county, Edward Roe, vs David Howard and George W. Stewart. Levy made and returned to me by a Con stable. Also, one small black horse, and one yoke of oxen; levied on as the property of George W. Stewart, to satisfy two fi-fas issued from Early Superior Court, Wm. Does vs George W. Stewart and Win. Sutton. Samuel Gainer, for the use of Marion J. Philips vs George W. Stewart and David Howard. Property pointed out by Howard. Also, one nejn-o woman named Pender, about 34 years old; levied on as the property of R. A. Per sons, to satisfy a fi-fa issued from Earljj Superior to wit- . first objects to develop* the resources nnd Five mattrasscs, one bestead, 6 wash stands, 4 advantages of the fertile country by which toilet tables, 24 Windsor chairs, 12 fancy chairs, 2 ma- WC arc surrounded, t lie soil und dimmed pic rocking chairs 2 wooden seat settees, 1 cane scat which will bear a favorable comparison settee, 24 wooden bottom chairs, 4 large arm chairs, with that of any section of the Union. 2 card tables and covers 6 ewers and basins, 3 pair of ’fo Commerce, Manufactures, the Arts, fire dogs, 6 doz. tea pla«c«, 3 dox. cups and saucers,! Science* and all those industrial pursuit! cos*eJ,7«^l“p, P 31ar^j^M P «Ete di^ which nrc in some sense ihc cause and * 6 pickle dishes, 4 salt cellars, 5 doz tumblers, 3 doz. j ect MVtbzcd society, we shall give a knives and forks, 2 carving knives and forks, 2 doz. warm support, whilst we shall not neglcd wine glasses, 8 chamlier pots, 6 sugar bowls, 1 shov- to promote by proper tlicnns, I lie cause ci el, 1 spade, 2 sets of castors, 2 sifters, one dinner pot, Eaucation, Morals and Religion. 2 small looking-glasses, 1 mirror, one rut glass Hall \v e shall endeavour to give to our ret. lamp, 1 plain Globe lamp,2 Brittanta tamps Sjappan- dcrg || le earliest information of interestin' h-f »<«•.«»' «~«r» 4 cXpipgiis, ikecier,i sugar disCa targe axes, reeled intelligence of our own and Olhtl 1 chop axe, 1 pair water irons, 2 butcher knives, 2 markets. W e shall also, publish a synop. setts cake pans, four covered tin pans, 2 targe tin sis of ihc Sheriffs sales, for ail the count Hi pans. 4 spittoons, one coflee pot, six dippers and skim- in our vicinity. mere, one cullender, and three oil paintings, 2 round As a Family paper, the Patriot will be tables,undone bobtail bay horsei toratisty a mort- rendcrcd interesting and instructive. Il -in,'*'«•>/v.Iaa.M.i.ta mortgage fi fa. r inalion—to foster nnd encourage the virtue!, b ° H. B. GUNNISON, D. Sli’ff and correct ihc vices of society. No per- april 30. 1815. sonnl animosities or party rancour, will find vent iu our columns—but wc shall promtil Court, Uriah Trnlock vs R. A. & R. C. Persons. Property pointed out bv R. A. Person*. Joseph • be likely to succeed, though wc think that such a dittcrencc in price will, and ought to be made, as will compel the planters in self-defence to fit up screws and prepare their cotton in square packages. The present is the proper season for making the neccs- sary preparations, and wc would sug gest to the merchants of Savannah May, 28th 1315. COLLIER, Sh’ff 7 tds. To Rent. FJNWO Stores in tlie_ lower story of tho Patriot lie until the 1st of August and put in an( j ]\i aconj the importance of propar- tnc tirst, ; tirT ,iolnv n circular to the a second hark precisely as and let it lie until somtime in October or november, when my leather is fully tanned, if these directions have been followed* When the leather is well tanned, it presents a yellow, spongy ince, through and through; appearance, otherwise, you will see a white or haitl streak in the centre. When I take it up I scour the ooze well out ofalL-—That I intend for sole leather, I straighten and dry; that for upper leather, I wash welL then grease well with the cheapest oil I have, and after drying 8 or ten days, I moisten it, cur ry off the spungy, soft part from the flesh side; and when moist, beat it or break it over some rough surface un til it is comparatively soft, and the grain side is all puckered up, or wrink led into small wrinkles, then, when my leather is thoroughly dried and shrunk, it is fit for use. Respectfully, J.S. Whitten. Mount Zion, May, 1845. From Ellsworth's Report for 1845. Okra Washington City, Jan. 15,1845. Dear Sir:—I take the liberty to call your attention to the cultivation of ono of the most valuable of vegeta bles, destined, at no distant day, to ex pel from our markets one of the most extensive articles of imports, and now admitted free of duty. I mean okra, whose excellence in soup is universal ly known and acknowledged. Its r^emiiio burned and uoed as coffee ing without delay planters on the subject, and taking measures to have it put into the hands of every man who trades at either city. A paper of tho kind, properly prepared, and setting forth clearly the advantages of this change, would have a good effect. It might not accom plish the object at once, but it would certainly induce many men to aban don the round bales, even the present season, and if followed up by a similar appeal in subsequent years, would en tirely remedy the eviL The plan of circulating the “Address of the Buy ers,” in the manner spoken of in the Report, is well enough—it may an swer every purpose so far as it goes; but the number proposed to be circu lated is entirely inadequate to the result desired to be produced—besides a paper pesenting the combined and harmonized views of the merchants of both Savannah and Macon, would have increased influence. It is inti mately connected with the interest of both planters and merchants, and should be kept constantly before the public. Our columns are open to its discussion, and we respectfully solicit communications in regard to it. We cannot close these hurried re- Ccncral Commission Merchants, Ar.vLAciiicoLA, Florida. Wm. W. Sims. Wm. W. CnEEVT.B. April 16, 1845 1 tf marks without expressing the fullest he objects had approbation of the objects by the Chamber, and our hope that the efforts of its members may be crowned with success. Its influence has already been felt in the commun- cannotbe distinguished therefrom :|ity, and we hope to see it sustained and many persons of the most fastidi-! with increased vigor. building, anil ojic Tenement in tlio second story, be completed by the 1st day of June. 1 N. TIFT. 1 tf april 16, 1845. SIMS & CHEEVER, FACTORS & independence of apiril which I l*rLSuHt is mad£ appear by the return of the I no consc ‘l ,,cncc3, _ TT Sheriff that the defendant is not to-be found in l ERMS. aty of Sumter: It is Ordered, that the said *3 pr. Copy payable in advance or G. Belabor do appear at the next Superior g3 a*, the end of the ; i tlm ihinl I A 14 ! I J . T . . . . ! . year. A liberal deduction will be made ta the countv of Sumter: It is Ordered, that Woody G. Beisliar do appear at tho next Court to he Holden in and for said county on the third __ Monday in November next, and then and there an- Agents who forward cash swer raid libel; and if is furllier ordered that service j ° NELSON TI FT S. N. BOUGHTON months in one of the public gazettes of this State, raid publication to be had before the next term of this Court. A true extract from the minutes of said Court, this 20th dav of Mav, 1815 MANESSEH M. GUERY, C. S. C. May 28 7 in3in ADMINISTRATORSJiALE. GREEABI.E to an order of the Honorable, the I jpaJoug),. and unremittingly oppose each and PROSPECTUS OF THE UNITED STATES JOURNAL. Bv Jesse E. Dow, & Co. The first number of our newspaper will be issue! this (first) day of May, with an entire new dresr- new type, fine paper, with other important altcraf " and improvements. The paper will be devoted - . — - itwil even A ' ... , ... , Inferior Court of Early county, while sitting I to establish a mammoth monarchy bank an! for ordinary purposes, will he sold on the first Tues- j mischievous corporations and consolidations tf day in August next, before the Court House door in I which subvert tho rights of the people ud Blakely, within the legal hour* of sale, lot of land un ,h> rm j nc the piltar* of the Republic; it will oppo*’ No. 103, and half of lot of land No. 137, ln I an oppressive and anti-republican tariff system, LV Just Recivcd, 20 Sacks Rio and Laguiria Coliee, 400 Sacks Salt, 40 Bbls Old Rectified Whiskey, 5 do. American Brandy, 5 do. N. E. Rum 1 Pipe Superior Otard Brandy. 70 Coil Manilla & Hemp Rope, Together with a large assortment of India and Ken tucky Bagging, English and Sweedes Iron, Trace Chains, Weeuing Hoes, Axes nnd Hollow Ware. district of said county. Also, two man, and Lucretia, a woman; sold as r es. Bill, a I assumption of the State debts by the General Got* property Of I Anrnwnt. nml all nlhnr Fndeml nrinr inlM which hlYC . property of crn me(it, and *11 oilier Federal principles which h»K Eliiah Fenn, late of Early county deceased: sold I «- Eliiah Fenn, late of fcarly county deceased; so.d inevitable tendency to destroy public pro^peritj forthe benefit of the hem^md creditor* L o(sart de-1 as well a* indjvidual happiness. Against all suca Blakely, 23d May, 1845. ceased. Wm. GRIMES, AdnTr. | political delusion wo shaT/wage unchanging, uucom- 7 tdS. nmmi.imr uflr. be i 1 N I r.ft I for the I rea for loo tor lon< Icoi 1 <lc5 I ini* thj W 1 tUT I fra Kc ISii U\ y I ho Caroline Belshar ) LIBEL FOR. DIVORCE, Lraic and defend Trill h, for the sake of Truth, ' Woody G ^Belshar \ ^ &unUer ** ujicru>r Court ' | with that independence of spirit which fears to let led p n?F5..S and the Mecraiuc who produce >1 tho real capital of the nation, will find in onr paper as GEORGIA, Baker County. ■* rwr IlEREAS Lewis S. McG' , .. r , . plies to me for letters of Administra- Jong cherished principles of the editors are too the estate of l’eter Smallen, late of said known to the' puWlc to require.any pledge upon th* lull* Persons desiring to purchase will do well^greme conntv deceased P° int * To 1,10 Miscellaneous Department partic These are tlicrefore to cite, Summons and admon-1 attention will be derated; the ladies will always ish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of ['? onr columns a choice selection from the curre™ said deceased, to be and appear at my office within literature ofthe Ay.aa wdlaaongtnal contributioc.- the time prescribed by taw, then and there to shew from the moat talented writers of which onr coun£ a call. Albany, april 16, 1345. W E. GROCERIES. Given under my hand at office, this 18th, day of “d » eonect list of the prices of stocks wiU also May, 1845. rjNHe subscriber has now on band, and will be re ceiving from New York and New Orleans, the following articles of Groceries, which he offers to his customers, and the public gen tle terms, FOR CASH, erally, on as r be bought in this market; and respectfully solk the patronage of the public generally. Among hi assortment can be found Rio and Cuba Coffee. (Manilla and Ky. Twine, Sagar, Refined Loaf and Kentucky Bagging, t India. Cotton do. West India. Flour, Northern and Wea. Nails and Spikes, tern. Powder and 8hot, Bacon, Country and Wes- Percussion Caps & Flints, tern. Looking Glasses, Mills, Lud, Vinegar, Coflee] Soap (varieties of) Shingling hatchets, Tobacco, (various brands) i) Collins’ Axes, Snuff (bottles & bladders) Weeding &. Patent Hoes, Sperm &. Tallow Candles, Table Salt and Brooms, Cheese, Butter, _ Motascs and 8yruj>, &C. JACKSON. Albany, Geo. april 16,1845. 1 tf Xsneese, uuucr, moiawa snu oyru Spices & E. Ind. Bagging Mesa and Prime 1 Manilla and Ky. Rope. Whiskey &c. die JOHN JACK CITY HOTEL, BY SAMUEIi BAKER, Comer of Broad and Front Streets, Audit, Geo. april 16 1845. I ' 4t May, 21 1845. SETH C. STEPHENS, c. c. o. 30d given. ■ The conductor* have already secured the aid an co-operation ofa targe number of the mostdistinguisJ ed literaiy and poetical writers of the day; arrange ments will also be made, at the earliest period GEORGIA, Baker County. , •- -- - , a - -- ---— , W HEREAS Murphy Taylor, Admin-1 istrator on the estate ol James Tay- ira ™^t onUine of^^i, we rer^respectfully lor, late of raul county deceased, applies tome for gnfimit onr ctaims to an extensive patronage the con- Letters of Dismiss ionfrom said Administration: | eSdeniuon'iffa'gCTicroua ptStal™ I**™ 11 *®* t *’ eC<& Theso are therefore, to cite, summon and admon ish all and singntar, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by taw to show cause, (if any they have) w „ v , , J" why said letters should not be granted. I Weekly paper by the year Given under my band at office, this sixth day of „ , „ ** ““j™ May, 1845. May 7, SETH C. STEVENS, C. C. O. 6m JjlOUR moths after date application will be made THEOPHILUSFISK, Iryu-- JESSE E. DOW, l “'***• TERMS. 820f for six mouths - - I Semi-weekly paper by the year, in advance 6« “ “ “ for less than a year, 60 cents per month* Daily paper by the year in advance • 10 0° “ “ for leas than a year $1 per month to the daily (or less than two, to At for leas than tour, or to the weekly ’ : moothe, will not be received. If not paid within the year, the Daily paper will ^ the Honorable the Inferior court of Sumter county, while sitting for ordinary purposes for leave to sell a negro boy belonging to the estate of Allen Wjtes-d. ... - . . ■year. All payments to be have not an opportunity of paying otherwise, n»: Caution. I ^ I receipt tborefbe. The note# of any*!** May 14th 1845. Aim'r. de boms mm. 5 be received. BakerCo. Ga., May 81,1845. WORK ofall kinds executed at tin* Office h neatness and despatch. April 16,1845. .