The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, July 09, 1845, Image 3

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/Vow tht A. O. Picayune, 21ilk ult. From IHcxIco. ficcnt design of Heaven, and manage, by a —,— —,— public enactment, to withdraw the fruitful *1 * n the 13th district proportyofNathaniel HHicks One negro, Jim, and two lots ofland noe 33 and 1 b*T3tfrf AUG. J. BELL, D. Sh’ff. r"-„cc und Somers, which ueanuouiic- Ionian Republican. i*... olf tbe lialue on Saturday la*t, ar- . . ", 1 .. — Jd at l’etwcola on the 83d ult., in ten A Choctaw Indian waa recently semenc- T from Vera Cruz, by this arrival we *®‘ he pewentimy for filtecn years, for received our files and correspondence *?, ?*'*»n a while L day of the sailing of the f^oadron. R r ‘ ®°"’ Mw818f,, FP'-. P“»ng X 1 . most important intelligence brought | n .i- rm ( ’- 118 c *J 11 R aD . K), \ 8 e *whited great J ,i lC fleet relates to a revolution that had ' tgnalton, and desired to shoot him at r- lam out in the city of Mexico, and the £**• l| Sucl .' ■ crimer among the Indians, mioses of the Mexican Government in re- J or ® 'l ,e yintermixed lk ® w,,k rRCC > purpo&c .. was never heard of It is well known, dial ,, „ . . . . Uni to Annexation. i linn of. ,i,-„ Inferior courts of Sumter county In fitvor i ~ i|;,- ollicciH and crews of the squadron r somcliincs lonrahnw k their, ^ tnJ j lmCJ s Clark v* out Taylor. well. The yellow fever was prevail- | c ." ,a ' c prtsoners.none of our Amencnn lot of land No 104 in the 16th district; pit "r,o a considerable extent at Vera Cruz. lr * bca have f« r ‘f e “ . kno " I P lo mttkc an ! Wvche James, to satisfy a Justice court a a tro 1 jic only war vessels left in port were the , aUe, "P' on then chasl.ty—/t. I Columbia f o^John Wms vs J«m*s preach brigs Griffon and Mercurc. The | Ii hasbeen recently charged that Mr. Van i 0l ,„ - Iclioonci Creole was the only American Burcn held a private teller from Mr. Polk vessel ilterc when the squadron sailed, and written before the Baltimore Convention, I vs Isaiah Antdvand Asa Ansly. y little other slopping in port 1 : ! - L w - ” ” ^ ' ■ - ” —’ - * Synopsis of Sumter Sales. FOR AUGUST.;. , One bay horse, property of RubtS. Homes, Hoses Daniel vs void Homes. Abo jut of land, No 36 in the 37th district; property of Isaac VV. Fuller, to satisfy an attachment n ft from * Justice Court of Sumter county, Thomas Davis v» Isaac W. Fuller. Also one negro man, Dave, property of Ezekiel Taylor to satisfy sundry li fas from the Superior and Inferior courts of Sumter county In tavorof. John Also property oi M i. |" . - ~ v 1 • i • 1 1 1 » ».Atio iiiiuauuu, i iii; L/iuvn UllllUc .. *■ r,n« flic follow ing letter, which is die latest ||,j g entirely. The only letter Mr Polk Bcuj. Salter and Jesse Scarborough. Also,on ,vc have received, which gives a more de-j ever wrote on the subject was his published l? 0 ^.5° not k o°. w "v‘n ,he di ? ric ’ , be,n< ^"vf^xirin 'omxrmneni^iotKhin^A^ I un*^ 1 " Cincinnati Committee, tin - MeX'can Uotcrmnenl JOUCliing An- unqualified grounds in favor of immediate t Sumter Supeffor Court vs Dempsey J. Justce, Lev cannon than any we have before had , annexation.—lb. I Justice, Win Hal), John Ii. Blount and James A front the same source, the writer con-j —— ——— Everitt. Also, lot of land No 131 in the 37th dis sidcis war as certain in lira event of An- "**"■" rtom lobacco.- We learn front itrict, being the place where Tera Richards now lives 'Jeter A llogge, Janies Davis vs sai GREEN M. WHEELER, D. Sh’ff. rexaiion—a contingency dial has in all Deadliain Democrat that a little boy of six property nrnbabiiity taken place before ibis lime. ®J**i * on of Mr. Lewis Cobbett, of llogge. } h , r anticipation of a declaration of war *»csi Dead ham, went to the store ol Mr. ihe pari of Mexico had begun to abate Jason Ellis, Jr., in that place, aiul asked ..-i e die receipt of this letter. Wc are the clerk, a boy by die name of Hunk, for JVlX, I upon not nlingeiber "persuaded yel dial such a w i|| be taken, though we have repeat edly explained why, in the present condi tion of Mexican politics, such a course n) ,ghi lie pursued, without any definite v j 0 ws lieing entertained by the Mexican Cabinet of Us ends or the objects lo lie ac complished by it. Perhaps the itrilisb Government could give ns good a solution of the design of such a war as President Herrera or any of hi9 ministers. Here is the letter:— Vf.iu Cruz, June 11, 1845. Ait attempt at another revolution was .. ide at the city of Mexico on the Gdi inst., winch at one time had a most serious ap pearance. A regiment broke through the guard stationed at the Government Palace mul took the President and Secretary of Foreign delations prisoners; but the revo lutionists were immediately afterwards put down by the citizens and soldiers, and the ilwvc distinguished personages set at liber ty. lu this nllair a colonel, a captain, and about thirty of the privates belonging to malcontents were killed, when quiet once more restored. Many men in iiiglt station at Mexico are suspected of having a hand in causing this new out break, ami it is said that cx-Secretary Tor- nell lias been arrested anil imprisoned. With respect to politics, Texas is the all- absorbing topic of the day, and nil eyes arc turned towards that country ill anxious ‘xpectaiion of the final solution of the pen ding question. The government and pco- ’• arc generally prelty well satisfied that ■ lung rnn now prevent annexation. The fanner sees the moment nriive with regret, when it must declare tear or fall, and the lat ter wait with anxiety thenrrivnl of the time for the government to take a step winch, but for them, would have been taken long since, without even reflecting on the conse quences—the declaration of hostilities a- gninsl the United Stales. As one of your celebrated Editors says, non* rrrron*. In the meanwhile, the government is nnislcss- ly marching troops from Mexico into the ttterior; and although their destination is ^al to be Cnlaforniaj still the knoweledgc °Nlie fact that in that department the I'dternmcnl has. no need, or immediate ne, 'l of more soldiers than are there now, WihA] | oa d one io suppose that the real •Initiation of those at present on the march tW’linard is the frontier of Texas, or that JVolice. July 3, 1845 SIMS &. CHEEVER. 13 tf. .Votice. sonic kind of confectionary—that he was Mr. Cbcever from Albany, told they had no sugar plums, but he could have some tobacco. The child replied that tobacco would make him sick. The clerk argued it wo- Id not, and took n ■ _ , . , „ r .,»kc, If p... on j»n. buncr and I B ses and tobacco, and succeed in some way i No. 316 in the 3nd District of Baker County, as I in- m gelling it down the child. The little ' tend to enforce the law against all such trespassers, fellow was taken with vomiting soon after, SESSUM FAIRCLOTH, and continued to do so for several days, | July 3 13 tf and at length went into fits and finally died 1 : on Tliursilaj-, the 5thinst. Mr. E. prompt- w*:IILRe2aSRoUifw. StieftielJ, Administrator ly discharged the clerk as soon as it was f T * ... known that lie had committed the infa mous transaction. Whether any fitlhcr notice will lie taken of it we know not, but certainly if there is any punishment that can reach him, lie should not he permitted to escape “unwhipt of justice.” Shrmrr nf Pth.—They had a shower offish during a gust at Ismisvillc on Sunday. Some of them wore three nr four inches in length, and were alivo and playful in the pools where they fell. A. J W Joiner J W Allen S J Johnston James Arline K. a J. J. Keath Miss M.Baggs Jaa Kelly Capt T H Blair B Kimny Wm Beasley FD Kean J G Blanco 3 U R Butler James McCliver Henry Drum L Mulky B M Brandy Thos Morghon C A Bradley t J Matlock James P Belk W A Mallory Geo Boyed. Jefferson Alert er Jas L Byington Dr Meals Mn Jane C Byingtou C McCaroy John Bryan James McCombs J C Barney Luke Manning c. H Morgan J W Copped ge a W WMannd J WCumbly I Merchant Clk Baptist Church E Miller E Crawford N. Tilman Cook HA Nash FG Carrington Hardy Nelms - H J Cook Wm Newsum RH Clark O. John Colley John Oliver ! D. Miss P C Outlaw : Abraham Dyson 2 Mrs E R Osgood ' Dr R Q Dickerson 2 P. A B Duncan John Perry Jonathan Davis James N Phipps r E- RL Payne r Lonon Evens (colored) D A Pettist MACON, GEORGIA. X ..E undersigned, having erected a Fireproof Warehouse, situated at the head of Cotton Av- ' enue, tenders his services to his Mends and the pub lic generally, for the storage of COTTON end MER CHANDISE, end the transaction of ■ • Commission Business, ail its branches, pledging himself to use every ex ertion to promote flic interests of, render satisfaction to, those who may confide business to hie charge. The Storage and sale of Cotton trill be tinder tho direction of Mr. JOHN JONES, who hea knur been known in tho tho Vare-house business, and wilt pro •articular attention to the rale of cotton,end the fili ng of orders for goods. Liberal advances will be made on cotton in store, or to be shipped. >- •> ■■ Bagging, Rope, » Twine, together with any other articles will be furnished customers at the lowest market prive. *%. N. B. Storage and commission at customary rates. JERRY COWLES. Macon, Jane 36,1845. 11' wta ot the estate of Jesse Brown, deceased applies for letters of Dismission: These are therefore to cite’ sdtnmon and admon ish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to shew cause (if any. exist) why said let ters should not be granted. Given under my Itand at office, this 36th aav of June,'1846. JAMES G. COLLIER, c. c. o. July 2 13 6in ALEXANDER A. ALLEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Bainbridge, Deeatur Comity, Georgia. July 9, 1845 13 y F. B M Flukcr 3 R Faircloth Bcnj Floyd Miss E Ferguson Miss E A Folker H O’FcrrUl G. Jas Greenwood Mr Gillion John Griffin A Gage Miss Nancy A Goddin William Griffin Daniel Griccc (coi’d) R. Thos Ruckctt Y G Rust Messrs Cock & Roby R Ryais DM Roberts R Reynolds S. Mrs P Strozier Mrs E R Strozier John Spence CaptJY Smith C F Smith Miss Mary Stuord II Sims J. LAW, ATTORNEY AT L.11V, Cambridge, Ooentnr Comity, Georgia, Will attend punctually the Superior Courts of the Counties of Eariv, Baker and Decatur, of the South western, and of the County of Thomas of the South ern Circuit. July 9,1845, 13 y F OUR months alter date,application will be mode to the Honorable the Interior Court of Baker .entity, while sitting for Ordinary purposes, for leave to self the property, nal and personal, belonging to the estate of Samuel Howard, late ot said countv. de ceased. WM. II. HOWARD, Adinr. July 9,1845 13 4m CARRIAGE MAKING. riMIK HUp8crit*‘r is at length able to announce to hi* friends and tlie public generally, that lie ip well prejtared to do all kindi* of CARRIAGE WORK, liaving on Itand a first rate stock of SEASONED TIMBER, together with a complete assortment of Coaeh Trimmings. He Ratters lmn.seIt from his long experience in the above biiHinepp,and weli known attention to the 6ame, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. All work done on liberal terms, *nd at tho sliortoct notice. NICHOLA8 LONG. July 9 1845 13 tf Earl$’ SlicriO* Sales. TM^H.L be sold outlie first Tuesday in August next * * before the Court House door in Blakely, be tween tlie usual hours of sale, the following proper ty, to wit: One negro woman named IJnda, about 30 years old, as the property or William C. Loath, to satisfy two fi fas, one from Troup Superior Court, Kinchin Little vs. William C Lcath, principal,' and Sankey T. Johnson, security: tlie oilier from Troup Inferior Court, Rufus Brown vs. William C. Leatli, Property pointed out by Leatli. Also, I/otsof land Xos. south half of No 432, south half of 409, south half of No 392 and 410, 391, 414. 390,411, 412,428,429, all in tlie 28th District ot Early County, levied on as the property of Moses Grier, to satisfy one ft fa issued from Early Sujieriur Court, David Howard vs Moses Grier Lands poin ted out by defendant. Also, lot of land No. 97 in the 25th District of Ear- it County, as tho property of Nivin McBryde, to sat isfy sundry fi fas issued from a Justices Court of said county, the Trustees of Blakely Academy, vs. Nivin MoBrvde. and John Roe. William Tillv and Aaron ls.itg,"security on stay of Execution. Property poin ted out liy Edward Koc. Levy made and returned to me by a constable. Also six negro slaves, viz: Sarena, a woman 30, Doeier,a boy 14, George, a boy 8. Simla, a woman 22, Eliza, a girl 3, and Charles a boy 8 years old: to satisfy a li fa from Baker Superior Court, John Mat- lock, vs. William G. Pierce and Iemuel B. Skaggs. JOSEPH COLLIER, Sh ffi July 2 1845 12 30d Miss E Greenwood Samuel Smith H. Mark F Scott Rev R Hamilton 3 Mrs C L Strozier Dr F Holt T John Ilentz Dr Toggle Wm Henderson 3 Mrs E F Terrel Milner Ilolladay I Thom A R Harvy 3 Charles Tinsly E G Hall John Taylor C Harden JW Tindall A Ilolladay W M Herring ME Williams J Hall Geo E Warren R Hatcher Noah Wilcox A Higdon John Willis I & J. James Williams N S Jones Jas Wiulo Mr J R Johnson 3 F White John Jones 2 Mrs Martha G Wilkins Wm Janes M Welch Thos C James W Woolkright James W Johnson Wm Walker. Vicinity. It u-iuiM a. folly, perfect madness, for a country like this, (tisrrortcil and without means to go to war with the United States, ond for a territory that docs not belong to tlient, hut I still ihink the measure will be resorted lo. In mv mind the matter does fsF.ORGIA nm niltnii of n doubt—if Tcxns is annexed . y Mexico will declare war. Foreign titer-' -on, a Justice of the Peace in and lor ■ ■ • ni frL7y_ ■ara, Baker County. TOLLED botore mo. Jenw W. Good- clmnts arc purchasing up all the cochineal lltat can be bought, nnd remitting it to Eu- I tsjie by every opportunity. Yours, 4‘C. &c. Thu Tariff. In addition to a large surplus previously accumulated, the Merrimack Calico works | at Lo'.vell,have declared a semi-annual div idend of ten per cent, clear port'll, the Union says: “ What man in the United Stoles can in vest money m agricultural pursuits, with the expectation ot making a profit of half | this amount. In the town of Lowell there have been ten or n eleven millions of dollars invested in manufactures. The average advance | on the investment of stock created by this investment, cannot be less than front 14 to 15 per cent. According to the late census of the U- I hited States, there was only about 7lHI,0t)0 persons engaged in manufacturing,’or era- | ployed in factories throughout the Union. Now, in New York and vicinity, there is I o population of 5U0 ; 00(! depending more or ’tie 626th district G. M. of said county, „iil.Vterrit ol said district and county, one small bay mare about five rears old, with bout hind feet white and a small white spot in tlie face, with a targe near on the tell hind leg tielow the fork,apprai sed by Daniel B. Rich and Edward W. Tcddlic to be worth Thirty-five dollars. I do hereby certify that tlie foregoing is a true dc- scription ana apprammeat, taken before me, this 26th day of May, 1845. JESSE W. GOODSON, J. P. I do hereby certify tliat tlie above is a truo extract from the Estray Docket, this Sth day of July, 1845. SETH C. STEVENS, CTk. I. C July 9 13 2t Synopsis ofJLownites Sh’tT Sales FOR AUGUST Forty acres of lot of land No. 70 in the 13th Dis- trict of originally Irwin, now Ixnvnds county levied on as die property of Matdiew M. CtstweU, John StudatiU vs said Caswell. C. BRINSON. Sh’ff. Decatur ShlT’s Sales. FOR AUGUST. Also one negro man, Jacob: property of Daniel O. Niel, In Sanborn vs Wm C Niel and Daniel O Kiel. Three kite of land No. 246 247 and 375 in the 20th district: property of David 8 McBride to satisfy two less, directly or indirectly, upon commerce I fi las; John G Gunn & Co, and Wm Miller, vs said forsupporl—a population in nnd about this McBride. Also one lot of land in the 20th district one commercial point alone, almost equal the xi2 2 fLu“ t | , I ict ’ to a,, the manuraclurers &, the cottnU. , hen .«»'bis number, we add all the »n-, Gm „ Mitd * n an d,undry Justice court ft las Dan’l tors afloat, with the commercial population Rt mbo va Litdebury Mills, principal, and Green of other senporl cities, together with about Mitchell, security. Also one lot of land No 30 three millions of persons engaged in ngri- in the 21st district; property of James Mayo, tlie of. culture wc have a population of abont lour ticersorDecaturInferior Court vs. saiti Mayo, or five lo one. We find this one-fourth or Atso.une tot ^Jand No“ Une-f,f,h hove succeeded in reducing to a fi lM , Th^ Dt^in v. ^ Lock- kind of vossalnge, for.their own behoof and . — ■ — • I hnn»Ai a I. .2—— . L. f.n.tLn n* fo««v * Baker Sheriff’s Sale. W sold before tlie Court House door at Newton, Baker county, on the first Tcusday in August next, tlie following property, to wit: Three lots of land in the 3d District of Baker conn ty* Noe 139, 140 and 141, leviodon as tlie property of Lcinni-1 B. Skaggs, to satisfy Sundry fi fas, Ciyrus Robinson and others, vs. Leinuei B, Skaggs and Marten M. Skaggs and Newttrd ll. Skaggs, Admin istrators of L. B. Skaggs. Property pointed out by Administrators. Also one lot of land in the 12th District of Baker county, No 85, levied on as the property of James Robinson, to satisfy a Justices Court fi fa, William West, vs. James Robinson. Levied on and returned to me by a constable. Property pointed out by de- fendent. Also, the Steamboat Louisa, as she now lies on Flint River; sold hy an order of the Superior court of Baker countv on an Attachment at the instance of James Lochia, vsHugh L. Rusk, as the property of defendant. Also one negro boy named Harry, about 13 years of age, levied on us the property of John Montgome ry, to satisfy several fi la* from the Superior Court of Baker County; one in favor of Shadrach E Dickey and Richard Mitchell, Executors of Henry Atkinson, deceased, and others vs. John Montgomery. Prop erty pointed out by defendant Also, lot of hunt No. 62, in the 7th District of Ba ker county, levied on as the property of Hampton N. Dozier, to satisfy a fi fa from Baker Superior court, John C. Suttont vs. Hampton N. Dozier. Property pointed out by plaintiff. Also lot of bod, No. 145 in the 7th District of Ba ker county; levied on as the property of David Hud- ler, to satisfy a Justice Court fi ta, Daniel B. Shef- fild, vs. David Huldcr. Levied and returned to me by a Constable. Also, one Jersey waggon and harness, one Bay hone, bridle and saddle, one sorrel horse and two mules ; levied on as the property of James Chance, to satisfy a fi fit from Houston Superior Court Orran C. Horn, Adm’r. De bonit non cum teslamento an- nexo, of Aaron Low deceased, vs. James Chance. Property pointed out by defendant. H. B. GUNNISON, D. Sh’ff July 3 1845 13 tds HENRY MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, GEORGIA, WiU pracetice in all the Counties of the South-wes tern Circuit. ’’t : June 18,1845. . 10 tf HARNESS SHOP. T HE subscriber begs leave to inform tho public. that i>e is still carrying on tlie harness business at his old stand, on Brood street, where be is at all times prepared to execute their orders with neatness and despatch. Repairing at the shortest notice, and prices to suit the times. SAMUEL D. IRVIN. Albany, April 16th, 1846. 1 tf. 50,000 CIGARS. T HE subscriber, having opened a Cigar Manu- taetory in Thomasville, Georgia, is prepared to itirnish hts customers and the public with any quantity of Principe Cigars, on tho most liberal terms. His cigars are made by superior workmen, and of the best quality of Lit- roll TED 'moA CCO, and for beauty of exteri or and excellency of flavor, will citailengc a com par son with the finest imported Principe. He has also on liatul !. ty 10,000 Cuba, Brown, and half SpnniUi, All rtf which are put up in the neatest rtylf. Per sons visiting tlie place are invited to call and exam ine for tlicmaelves. All orders by promptly attended to. II. A. REMINGTON, Tobacconist. Thomasville, May, 18th, 1845. 10 . ty GHEAT DISCOVERY! DR WATSON'S UNRIVALEO FEVER AND AGUE pills: A CERTAIN and permanent cure for AGUE and FEVER, in all its various forms, in four hours. For sale in Albany, Ga., by Welch Sc Emxo, at >l>o Drug Store, and by Agents generally throughout the .Southern part of Georgia and Alabama. Price only fifty cmls—one box to cure two cases. Albany, June II, 1845, 9—6m. CT Persons calling for letters from tho above list will plcaso call for advertised letters. S. T. MALLORY, P. M. July 2,1845. 13 Tailoring Establishment. FIMIE undersigned having funned a co-partnership under the firm of LEWIS & McKEWEN, tender their services to the citizens of Album, and tlie public generally, and respectfully solicit a sliarc of llicir custom. With a perfect knowledge of their business they feel confident that their work will be executed in a style and manner tliat will give gener al satisfaction. They are always in receipt of the Fashions aa soon as they come out, and trom their experience in the ornamental branches of their busi ness, they can assure the Beau Monde of Albany that all fashionable work entrusted to their lands will be done up in first rate style. They have also on land, a handaotne assortment of CLOTHS and TR1MM1MOS, which they would be glad to fur nish their customer!. D. Lewis, one of tlie firm, takes this occasion to return his thanks to the gentlemen of Albany and the country generally, for the very liberal patronage they have heretofore extended to him, and respectful ly solicits a continuance of their favors to tlie new concern. All work entrusted to their care, will be despatched with promptitude and fidelity. Their shop is Dear the corner of Brood and Washington streets in the rear ot Mr. John Jackson’s store. DAVID LEWIS, LAMUEL McKEWEN. Albany, July 3,1845, 13—ly. THOHAS BARRETT/ FASHIONABLE TAILOR, opposite the . Hotel, where he will be ready at all times to wait up on customers who will do bun the favor to calk— His work will lie warranted, and cutting done in tlio latest and most fashionable style. All those who have garments to make, and wish them to fit, can bo accommodated. Terms, Cash, or its equivalent, april 16,1845. 1 tf "MEDICAL CARD. PRACTICE OF PIIYSIC, SURGERY AND MIDWIFERY. DOCTOR SLAPPEY, I S permanently settled in this city, (where he ex pects to remain through all seasons of the year.) He is derated to hi* Profession—tmd it is emphaticatt'j the hobby tf his heart. He will do a general pne- *, and exact a fair equivalent, when his patrons seas pecuniary responsibility. He would add, that he las lad thirty yean constant intercourso and observation,, with almost every disease which poor man is heir to,and he knows well 'that it w no light matter to deal in the principles of life ind death. It invoices a weighty and tpecial accountability. tr To Scientific professional brethren of trno honor, worth and merit every where, he extends tho ready and warm hand of fellowship; and would say, let us be united to elevate the standard of Medicine. His residence is in Mr Randall’s new home near Col. Tomkins’ Office in Mr. Harris’ Range, third door from the river. April 23, 1845. 3 tf Synopsis of Thomas Sheriff's Sales. roit AUGUST. ONE hundred acres of land, more or less, with an improvement on the samo—lying in the S. E. corner of No. 83, in tho !4th district, originally Irwin, now Thomas county: Anson G. Horn vs. Isaac Dugger. Also, two lots in the town of Thomasville, with ___ improvements on the same, known as lots 1 and 4, A A Practice af Lav, and will continue the prac- in square H: Hardy Bryan vs. William Hunnoivcll. tice in the several Courts of the counties of RICHARD F. & J. LYON, ATTORNIES <$■ COUNSELLORS AT LA W, ALBANY, Baker Co., «a. JJAVE recently entered intoa Partnership in tho Also, all that parcel of land lying ou the west aide of Mule creek, being a part of kit No. 476, in the 13th district of originally Irwin, now Thomas county, containing 200 acres, more or 1cm : Lara Adams vs. Cbas. R. Nesmith. Also, 4 negroes, vix: Edy, a woman, Caroline, a girl, Frank, a nay, and Betsy, a girl: Smith Sc Para- uinro vs. Ciias. It. Nesmith. Also, 1 negro boy named Isaac, now in possession of Daniel Kornegay; 1 negro man named Windsar, in possession of Wm. E. Willey, and 1 negro girl named Hannah, in possession of Thos. Adams, sen.: Jesse S. Everett vs. Michael Young and Jno. Stater, Ext., and Daniel Kornegay vs. Michael Yonng and I. 8 -, - ----- , ld wood. Also two lots of huid. Nos 349 and 334, JT ”®ncfit the remaining three-fourthz or four- j„ ^ 37th district levied on as the property of Elias , , **7,°** V, I fif 'hs. * H. Kemp, to satisfy a Justice court fi k in favor of, ■gjfgfSfyr.!** 1 “I jod makes it rain on the inst and the uninst.” 1 Philip Cloud, vs said Kemp. _ ______ 1 The manufacturers go against this ben* | JAMES GRIFFIN, Shit JYbtice. T HOMAS H. KEY respectfully announces to his friends that he is a candidate for the Clerk ships ofthe Superior and Inferior Courts of the Coun ty of Dooly, at tho ensuing election on the first Mon day in January next. „ June 25. II ,' tf DR. WIIiL.IA.TI, L- DAVIS, flONTINUES the practice qf his. Profession, at ail times, when not pro- his office on Broad street, Jackson’s Store. April S3,1845. tf Baker, Macon, Dec, Dooly, Bandolph, Decatur, Sumpter, Mrtcin. Ail matters submitted to their care in any of theso* counties, will meet with prompt attention, and ba brought to a speedy conclusion. april 30th 1845 3 ly. MEDIC* lit. J^R NELSON takes this method of informing tigs J y •uhlic that he is still the PRAC- d TICEOF MEDICINE, in its different branchcs,in John Slater, Exr’s. on 'the estate of Jesse Sister, j this City and its v deceased. JOHN McAULAYi D. 8. J•ETERI. STROZIER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Aldasv, Geobgia. april 16,1845. 1 tf OER F, for whieh ho has supplied himself with a full set of instruments. He may be found at all times at his office over the Drug Store, or at the American Hotel, when not professionally engaged. Albany, Geo., April 16, 1846. 1 tf JOHN E. S. JONES. Saddle and Harness Maker, AND REPAIRER ALBANY, BAKER COUNTY GA. April 23d, a tt Law Blanks for Sale at this Office. GEORGIA Early County. . W HEREAS Peter Lee, Administrator of$ie es tate of Jesse Tall, deceased, applies to mo for letters of dismission from the further administra tion of said estate: Theso are therefore, to cite, summon and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to shew cause, (if any they have) why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, this Sth day of June 1845. JAMES G. COLLIER,«. a *T- Jnnc 23 U .xu6m