The Albany patriot. (Albany, Ga.) 1845-1866, July 16, 1845, Image 3

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From the Federal Union. Mr. McAllister’* Correspondence. . I The Savannah papera nro filled with a FB1HE undersigned respectfully informs On Thursday, Mr. Laufman as Chairman of tl» voluminous correspondence winch in the -H- <hc Citizens of Albany and thesur- ^ oittC c on Foreign relations, reported the “Joint I 1834,took place between Mr. McAl- i r0l . 1 ? tin ? : thetatest Pat- ^l„tion giving till! con-ent of the existing govern- ' “ r.t to tiie annexation of Texas to the United States;” hich joint resolution axis passed through its third iding tlic next day, the 19th—the rule being sns- Jii. on motion of Col. H. L. Kinney, by a unan- ,'^u, vote of tho Senate. 0, the 19th, in tiie Senate, Mr. Greer introdnred vom l and third time, and passed. Mr. Lawrence introduced a resolution for the ro of Fort Captain E. \V. Moore, read the first time. \Vearc happy to state that Commodore More has In-aily been restored to liis command. Wo are fur- r informed that Congress will probably adjourn Wednesday. \Vcarc informed that the propositions from Mexi- ):ave been rejected, and that the resolution inviting the I'nited States troops has baen adopted. .rrtsponienceif the -V. V. Courier tj- Enquirer. Wisconsin. Chicago, Juno 34. ! am jnrt returned from a week’s tour through Ifisconsin, and have been delighted beyond meas- witli my journey. I never saw so beautiful a gantry before, anil think that ere many years are asM,! away, Wisconsin will rank among tlio first nicultnrsl States in the Union. The portion of the State I visited in Rock connty ronsifts mostly of rolling and flat prairies, with oc casional oak openings. Some of the prairie is ratti er wet, but hy draining, it can be converted into tiie ta»t beautiful meadows. In crossing n part of it on t -20th inst, I found grass taller than my horse.— It iifbrds of course, the finest kind of pasturage. For agricultural purposes it is not less promising. The soil turns up beautifully, looking like marl. It stains a considerable quantity of potashes from tV- annual burning of the prairie grass. In the nbcr openings, the soil is a deep, rich, black loam, -arable of sustaining a very heavy vegetation. flic crops of wheat, corn, potatoes Sec., exceed Mief. The surface of the earth where settlements have been made, is hidden under the luxurious -rowths. Every tiling seems to grow without ef fort. Indeed to introduce any new crop, you have only to do, as you would if you wanted to fire the nine—slari it and it will go itself. I was a- much delighted with the people, as with the soil and climate of Wisconsin. They are Intel- igent industrious and neighborly. I saw neither drunkards nor idlers any where in my journey. Ev- nnc seemed to have something to do, and to be filing to do it. resolution was ofierod by Mr. Greer for altering i time 0 f tbo annual session of Congress, read the To Gentlemen of Fashion. [-~g~^ OF 'f*™aiwi«w«*» w* I Officeat Albany Georgia on the Ut July 1848. lister and (he laic and which was the time. This correspondence, notv drawn forth by the Whig press, has reference to the fact that Mr. McAllister accepted the office of district attorney of the United States, after it had been resigned by Mr. Habcrshnni. The resignation of lilr. ,,t resolution, relative to the introduction of Uni- j Habersham, Mr. McAllister,* acceptance , States troops into Texas; read the first time. of the office and the correspondence which Mr. Kaufman’a bill, setting apart land tor the pay- grew out of it, were matters of deep feeling ofthe public debt” Sec.,was taken up,read the |und excitement at the time. Mr. McAilis- Rirlmrd W Hnhrrshni.i" i™ 16 * cutting GenUemensGarments, which he war- oviensivX' «nh equal to the best New York style. Ho will extensively published at regularly receive the latest Fkshions. As he lias no partner with whom to divide the pro fits, be is enabled hy strict attention to bisiness, to sell and work according to the pressure ofthe times. The latest style of goods will he found at his store, and Rcady-mado clothing, Hats, Gaps, Sec. See. All work warranted to Iw made to the satisfaction of his customers,, as regards tasto and fashion. A. G. WEAVER, Merchant Toiler. May 14,1845. 5 ly Mexico nitd the Failed State*. The editor of the Washington Union says that lie had on Tuesday an interview with Gov. Shannon, lib- Minister to Mexico, the result of which is thus ftaled He gave us a very minute account of tho state of parties in Mexico—tho character of Santa Anna, and other present rulers—the tone of tho army, and its direction to tho \orth—and the British influence, which appears to be in tiie ascendant in her public councils. He is of opinion that tho largest propor tion of her people are in favor of a federative system. The authentic accounts which we havo on paper from another quarter, and which wo lay before our f illers, incline to the opinion that tho spirit of Mexico is less military than has been supposed; and that, at all events, she will take no decided measure towards the United States, until tho elec tion of a new President has been made in August. Oor. Shannon is inclined to believe that, unprepared as Mexico is for war—destitute, indeed, of almost all resource* for carrying it on, upon her own Itook— and willing as tier present rulers may bo to decline hostilities, yet that the excited spirit of the army i n 1 of her people may compel tho government to k-clare war against the United States. England may prevent it But will she ? Mexico cannot do us much serious injury, without tiro indirect and underhanded co-operation of England. But will ihc lend it ? Will 6he consent to plunge Mexico into a war, the flames of which may extend to her- self, and which must place in our hands the torn tor)- of California, upon which she herself i nany “longing, lingering looks 4” Tire mai.tifacuturc of figured silk ribbons h about to be commenced in Bangor on an extensive scale. No manufactory of the kind has ever yet been established in this country. One of the parlies concerned, Mr. Vogel, a Swiss by birth, lias effected a great saving in the business, by substituting the loom power for hand-labor ; and it is said that a loom, constructed on this plan, is capable, with the assistance of a girl of only moderate skill, of weaving thirty-seven ribbons at the same time. The person su perintending the machine can change the patterns at pleasure. Georgia. This State is about to go through the same motions we hare just performed. The Gulrcmatdrial election comes on in October next. M. Hall McAllister, Esq, is the nominee ofthe Democracy, and judg ing from the chniactcr and reputation of tins gentlcmam, vve think that a better choice could not have been made. His letter, accepting the nomination, is spirited and patriotic, laconic, but to the point, with out great profession or much display. We admire it, and sincerely hope that the De mocracy of our sister,and near neighbor will catch up the enthusiasm which pervades our ranks in this State, and will elect Mr. McAllister without difficulty. We know the Democratic party of Georgia eon do this, if they only stir themselves up a little. Thcp here goes, three cheers for McAllis ter, of Georgia.—Si. Augustine Jftut. Cincinnati.—The second child bom in Cincinnati still lives, and has not seen the middle age of life, while Cincinnati con tains 8l),(K)(l inhabitants! The Old Pio neer (says the same authority) who Gist settled where Cincinnati now stands, when Ohio was a wilderness, “walks among us hearty and strong, amid a throng of two millions of souls!” 1 tcr’s position was then satisfactory to the Union Puny, nothing new can now be clicikcd in regard to it, and it will lie strange if it proves objectionable to the Democrat ic Part)', composed of the same men with the same principles. We expected this course of policy would be pursued by the Whigs. Their object is ohviotis. Occu py ingn position without defence, they pre fer making the assault if they use but weap ons of lath or straw. Our brethren of the Democratic press arc cautioned against be ing diverted from their own true course of policy. We are in the field, not only for the support of proper principles, but to put down those \« hich arc wrong. We are to support the true and original democratic principles of Mr. Jeffi-rson and General Jackson, and to oppose Federalism as origi nated by Adams und supported by .Clay, Webster, and Berrien. From the Montgomery Adtihser. .Veiico. The news is quite warlike. Inteligencc of the rejection of their acknowledgment of Independence, with conditions, bv the Tex an Congress, had been received, and the war fever was rising very high. Troops arc marching for the interior, supposed to be ordered to the Rio Grande. The fort of San Juan D’Ulloa is being prepared fora vigorous defence. Gen. Tornel has been ordered to the Texan frontier, and it is thought that cx-Prcsidcnt Bitstamcnte,who has offered his services to the government to defend the rights of Mexico against the United States, will receive the command of he army against Texas. Gen. Rincon, General of Division and Governor of the department of Mexico, had issued a long proclamation in relation to the violation of the rights of Mexico by the United Suites by the annexation of Texas, ending with a decree calling upon all to be prepnied to defend tlicir national inde pendence and the integrity of their territo ry. When the news of the final consumma tion of annexation will be received ’here, if they hnve any serious intention of going to war, they will proclaim it then. UORA & RcGWIER. D EALERS in Groceries, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Clothing Sec. ■ Albany, April, ICtb, 1845. tt Just Rccivcd, OA Sacks HiuaudLaguiria Coflee, iU 400 Socks Salt, . 40 BbL Old Rectified Whiskey, 5 do. American Brandy, 5 do.N.E. Rum ■ j j 1 Pipe Superior ptaid Brandy. TO Coil Manilla Se Hemp Rope, Together with a large assortment of India and Ken tucky Bagging, English and Sweeties lion. Trace Chains, Weeding Hoes, Axes and Hollow Ware. Persons desiring to purchase will do well to give me a call. W- E. SMITH. Albany, april 10, 1845. 1 tf ’ A-.m JW Allen. 3 James Ariine vu; ii B. ’-•>1 Miss M. Baggs . ; " CaptTH Blair Wm Beasley JG Blanco Sr R Butler : ; Henry Brunt BM Brandy C A Bradley James P Bclk Geo Boyed Jaa L Byington , Mrs JarieC Byington John Bryan JC Barney C. J W Coppedgo 3 J WCumbly Clk Baptist Church E Crawford Overland Journey to India.—The follow ing details of a journey recently performed by Lieut. Wagliurn, prove that a trip to In dia and back is quite ns practicable as nny of the common continental tours, and we have no doubt that, in a short time, we shall find it the fashion of the day. Mr. Waghorn left London on the 26tli of Sep tember; renchcd Mnrsailcs on the 4lh Oc tober, arrived at Alexandria the 11th, re mained in Egypt eleven days, where he had audiences with the Pacha ; left Suez on the 22d, and arrived at Bombay on the loth of November. His slay at Bombay was twenty-three days. lie left it on the 2d of December, and got to Suez and Cairo on the SiHli; had another audience with the Pacha; loft Alexandria on the 23d; was de tained at Malta a day and half, and arrived at the Mothcrhank oh the 19th of January, and landed on the 11th, after performing two days’ quarantine. The total absence from London to Bombay and back, inclu ding stoppages and thc del.rvs above mcn- tionde, was P 7 days, or 70 days? actual traveling.—London Sun. Recently, a person in the book trade had occasion to travel extensively in the South, and on his return, stated the remarkable fact, that of four hundred teachers with whom he had interviews, three hundred and ninety-five were from the New England Stutcs. NOW IS THE TIME, For Planters to lay in their sup ply of Medicines for the coming Season. W e hove just received a splendid assort- tmcnl of Freeh and Genuine Drugs and Medicines, which we will warrant to stand the test of the most skilful Chemist. _ Among them are the fuliowing: . Castor Oil, Alcohol sp Turpentine, Epsom Salts, sal Soda, Salciatus. Rotten-stone, Grim Myrrh, Cay enne Pepper, carb. Magnesia, Spires, Horn, 'Allspice, Eng. Calomel, Jailap, Rhubarb,. Oil Peppermint, snlph Morphine, do. Quinine; Bine'Mass, Cubebs, Citrate of Iron, Camphor, Pocket Instruments, Ocu lar Instruments, Injection Pipes, Stomach Pumps, Cupping Instruments, Breast pipes, Nipple Glasses, Nursing Bottles, spring and thumb Lancets, Sec. Sec ALSO, A splendid assortment of Perfumery, to which we call the attention of ladies and gentle men,—such as Cologne and Lavender water, Otto Rose, Extracts; a variety for handkerchiefs; Rose, Almond. Palm, Orange, Millcfleurx soaps of the choi cest quality, Olcophan and Verbena Cream for sha ving, Jayne’s Hair Tronic. Ilair dye, Balm of Colum bia, Toilet Powders, Powder Pnfjs fee. Sec;—togeth er with a supply of Patent Medicines, of which the most popular kinds, and such as are of any merit, will always be kept on band;—none other will lie oflercil to our customers. We havo also received a new stock of School Books and Stationary, which may be examined at any time at bur establis Phase civo uo a rati. ■ ' WELCH St EPPING. 7 tf ment. May 28 JW Joiner i .T : i • J Johnston ' K. •i J. J. Krath Jas Kelly !i •-.BKlmny P D Kean M James McClivet; i >r It Mulky , . Thoe Morghon J Matlock W A Mallory Joflerson Mercer Dr Meals C McCaroy . James McCombs Luke Manning H Morgan W WMaund I Merchant ' E Miller N. New Fire-proof WareHouse. MACOH, flEORBIA T HE nnderaignod, .hating erected' olBWhrW Warehouse, staled at Ilba.ltaad. Av enue,(endery his serviccsto tdaftie^aiuHbe^uh- INDISE, and ~the transaction of - ' Commission Bus'ihtss,^ 1 '' to, thosewhonmy confide busmeea^W**^^^!' * The 8traage and ml*, of Cotton wffl be under tho direction of ftr. JOHN JONES, who has long beep known in. the the Varodrousc business, end will give particular attention to the tele of cotton,end the fill ing of orders for good*. T. Liberal advances will be t"*dp on cotton in store, or tobestopped.' r> r.i Bagging, Rope, ft Ticuie, together with any othor 'articles will be furnished customers at the lowest market pri:e, ". • N. B. Storage and commission at custooSaiy rate*.’ JERRY COWLES. Macon, June25,1845. .... H- . w&a GROCERIES. T ile subscriber has now on hand, and wi ceiving from New York and New Oriel following articles of Groceries, which lie oflers to his customers, and the public gen- the patronage of the public generally. Among his assortment can he found Rio and Cuba Coffee. |Manilhr and Ky. Twine, Sugar, Refined Loaf and'Kentucky Ragging, West India. Cotton do, Nails and Spikes, Til man Cook HA ^ash . 3 Hardy Nelms F G Carrington IIJ Cook Wm Ncwsum RH Clark O. John Colley John Oliver 2 D. Miss PC Outlaw Abraham Dyson 2 Mrs E R Osgood Dr R Q Dickerson 2 P. A B Duncan John Perry Jonathan Davis James N Phipps E. RL Payne Lonon Evens (colored) D A Pcttist F. R. B M Flukcr 3 Thos Ruckett R Fain loth YGRnst Benj Floyd * Messrs Cock Sc Roby Miss E Ferguson R Ryals Miss E A Folkcr BM Roberts H O’Ferrill R Reynolds G. S. Jas Greenwood Mrs P Strozier Mr Giilion Mrs E R Strozier John Griffin John Spence A Gage Capt J Y Smith Miss Nancy A Goddin C F Smith William Griffin Miss Mary Stuord Daniel Griccc (col’d) II Sims Miss E Greenwood Samnel Smith H. MarkF Scott Rev R Hamilton 3 Mrs C L Strozier Dr F Holt T John Hcntz Dr Tuggle Win Henderson 3 Mm E F Terrel Milner Ilolladay I Thorn A R Hairy 2 Charles Tinsly E G Hall John Taylor C Harden JW Tindall A Ilolladay W M Herring M E Williams J Hall Geo E Warren R Hatclicr Noah Wilcox A Higdon John Willis I & J. Jamoo IVUIiamo N SJones Jas Wade Mr J R Johnson 3 John Jones 2 F White Mrs Martha G Wilkins Wm Janes M Welch Thos C James W Woolbright James W Johnson Wm Walker. ID* Persons calling for letters from tho above li will please call for advertised letters. S. T. MALLORY, P. M. July 2,1845. 12 HENRY MORGAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ALBANY, GEORGIA, June 18,1845. tern Circuit. 10 HARNESS SHOP, i . rpHE subscriber begs leave to iniorm-the public, X that he instill carrying on the harnca* business at his old stand, on Bread street, Where he is at all times prepared to execute their orders with’ocatqesn ami despatch. Repairing at the shortest netted, and prices to suit the time*. SAMUEL D. IRVIN. Albany, April 16tli, 1845.. I . tf. - Flour, Northern and Wes. tern. Bacon, Country and Wes tern. Lard, Vinegar, Soap (varieties of) h-—c Tobacco, (various brands) Collins’ Axes, Snuff < bottles Se bladders) Sperm Se Tallow Candles, Cheese, Butter, Spices Se E. Ind. Bagging Manilla and Ky. Rope. Percussion Caps& Flints, Looking Glasses, CofleeAljUs, Shingling hatchets, 50,000 CIGARS. T HE subscriber, having opened a Cigar Manu factory in Thomasvillc, Georgia, in prepared to furnish lus customers and the public with any quantity of • ;: Principe Cigars, on the most liberal terms. His cigars are made by superior workmen, and of the best quality of lAf- 1‘ORTED TOBACCO, and for faeaaty of exteri or and excellency of flavor, will challenge acoupar- son with the finest imported -Principe. He has aks on hand 10,000 Cuba, Brotni, and halt Spanish, All of which are put up in the neatest style. Per sons visiting the place are invited to call and exam ine for themselves. All orders by mail promptly attended to. • - ■ - - H. A. REMINGTON, ToliaaoomsL Thomasvitle, May, 18th, 1845. 10 j ly HUE AT DISCOVERY! OR. WATSON'S UNRIVALED FEVER AND AGUE PILLS! A ceh TAIN ana permanent chre for AGUE and FEVER, in all its various forms, in four hours. For sale in Albany, Ga., by Welch St Errau, at the Drug Store, and by Agent* generally throughout the Soutliern part of Georgia and Alabama. Price only fifty cent,—one box to cure two cases'; ■ , June 11,1846, - - Weeding & Patent Hoc*. Table Salt and Brooms, Molases and Syrup, Mcs&and Prime Pork, Whiskey &c. dtc. : JOHN JACKSON. Albany, Geo. april 16,1845. 1 tf JOHN SPENCE, There will be a meeting of the ALBANY ANTI TOBACCO SOCIETY at ths Academy on Friday night next, at early candle-light. The friends and opponents of the movement are invited to attend. July 16 14 WATCH & CLOCK MAKER, F OUR months after date, application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior Court of Decatur county, when sittin ■If tf to self the negroes belonging to the estate of Will iam Montgomery, sen., bite of the State of South Carolina, deceased. GEORGE G. GAINES, Adm’r. July 16 1845. 14 4m a prepared to execute all orders io his line of busi- ness, with despatch, and inthemort superior style. Watches cleaned or repaired will be warranted to keep good time. Gold wrought into Rings or other ornaments, and silver into spoons, will bp. warranted in workmanship equal to that of any establishment in Georgia. • Terms Cash, and prices to suit t)»e times. Shop situated on Broad srteet, next door above the ‘ Patriot’ building. • - ' i * ’ ■ May 14th 1845. .6 . tf F )UR months after date application will be made to the Honorable the Inferior court of Thomas county when sitting as a Court of Ordinary, for leave to sell all the real estate of Simeon Sellers, late of said county, deceased. This July 5th 1845 PRIOR LEWIS, Adm’r. July 16 14 4m Synopsis of Fee Soles. FOR AUGUST. Harriet a girl about 13 and Marion a boy about 11 years old property of John McKlendon, to satisfy sev eral Justice court fi fas Wm Farier and others vs said McKlendon. Also, one sorrel bone 8 or 9 years old, one lot medicine jars Sec.-, property of Sid ney 8 Andrews by virtue of an attachrom in Gtvorof Nathan Griffin. Abo the following slaves'. Harriet, a woman and infont child, Abraham a boy about 5 years old, and Mariana girl about, eighteen months old: property oi the estate of John Johnston, dec’d, to satisfy all fo from Troup Superior court; Wiley Womack and Jesae McKlendon vs Zadack Jackson and George S. Oglesby Administrators of John Johnston deceased. POSTPONED SALE. One hundred and fitly acres of lot of land No, 2 in the 17th District of Lee, and improvements known as Parker’s Mills; property of Wm. J. Parker, John B Rosa Se Co., v*. Wm-J. Parker and John Low* * WM. JANES, Sh’ffi Tailoring Establishment. ffHIE undersigned having formed a co-partnership under the firm of LEWIS Sc KIcKEWEN, tender their services to the citizens of Albany, and the public generally, and rdspcctfolly solicit a share of tlicir custom. With a perfect knowledge of their business they feel confident that their work will be executed in a style and manner that will give gener al ratisfoction. They are always in receipt of the Fashions as soon as they come out, and from their experience in tho ornamental branches of their busi ness, they can assure tho Beau Monde of Albany that all fashionable work entrusted to their bands will be done up in first rate style. They lave also on land, a handsome assortment of CLGTJ/S and TRIMM1NOS, which they would be glad to fur nish their customers. D. Lewis, one of tho firm, takes this occasion to return his thanks to the gentlemen of Albany and the country generally, for the very liberal patronage they have heretofore extended to him.and respectful ly solicits a continuance of their fovore to dm new concern. All work entrusted to their rare, will be despatched with promptitude and fidelity. Their shop is near the corner of Broad and Washington streets in the rear of Mr. John Jackson’s store. DAVID LEWIS, LAMUEL McKEWEN. Albany, July 3,1845, 12—ly. THOMAS BARRETT, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, T akes pleasure in notifying his numerous patron.. and tho public eenepally. that he still occupies his old stand in Broad street, opposite the American Hotel, where he will be ready at all times to wait up on customers who will do lum the favor to callv— His work will be warranted, and cutting done in tho latest and most fashionable style. All those who have garments to make, and wish them to fit, can b« accommodated. Terms, Cash, or its equivalent, april 16,1845. 1 .tf JVotUe. ^MESSRS HORA Se McGWIER, will act asm IvA Agents during the temporary absence of oi Mr. Chcever from Albany. SIMS Se Cl IE EVER. July 3,1845 13 tf. SIMS & CHEEVER, FACTORS Et General Commission Merchants, Apalachicola, Florida. Wm. W. Sims. Wm. W. Cheevee. April 16, 1845 1 tf JYOUee. 1 hereby forewarn all peraont from removing any Timber from, or trespassing in any way upon Lot No. 316 in the 2nd District of Baker County, as I in tend to enforce the law against all aoch trespassers. SESSUM FAIRCLOTH, July 2 13 tf AMERICAN HOTEL. T HE proprietor of this establishment, takes this occasion to express his gratitude to his patrons for their support, in this hie new loeMroo, and earn estly hopes he may continue to. merit their approba tion. He assures the travelling public tha{ no will always be found at Home, in every sense of the rd. The house is situated in' tho central part of the City, is commodious, has good stables, servants, bar, and aB the requisites necessary for a comfortable and genteel Hotel. FRANCIS HOLDEN. Albany april 23d, 1845. 3 .. tf. To Rent. T WO Stares in tho lower story of the Patriot buQding, and. one Tenementin the second story, to be completed by the 1st day of June. , N. TIFT. april 16, IM5. ,r 1 tf TO THE AFFLICTED. DR. HENRY G. NICHOLS, ALBANY, GEORGIA. WAKES this method to inform his friends that be still resides at the above .place, and will give his attention to persons afflicted with chronic and ipposed incurable forms of diaeaae. From his suc cess heretofore in tho management of such cases, persons afflicted will find it to their interest to give him a trial, for if he does not permanently cure, he may at least mitigate their sufferings- Those especially laboring under Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Splenitis, Bron- ebeus, Cough, Erysipelatous aUectfous, Scroffula, Leprosy, -Tetter, Syphilis Uooorhea Gleet, Tie Dou loureux, Hysteria, Amcnorhea, Prolapsus Calculi of the Bladder, do well to consult him. Dr-<N. will remove aB eases of SjfhaKtie faint from the system, and warrant them, no cere no pay. . Parsons living at a distance, who are afflicted, would do well to call m pereon, if not couveni*at,hjr communicating, pent- paid, with Dw Nichols, giving symptoms, Sec., and enclosing tiie foe; BIO, can re ceive directions for the management of their cases. . Atto%, Qm., Aprtfl*,' HSiA Oi*,' ' ly Albany, 9—5m. MEDICAL CARD. PRACTICE OF PHYSIC, SURGERY AND' MIDWIFERY. DOCTOR SLAPPEY, S permanently settled in thin city, (where he ex* ports to remain through all seasons of tho-year.) lie u Setoted to ki* Profezrion—and itis emphatically the hobby of hit heart. He will do a general prac tice, and exact a foir equivalent, when' his patrosj possess pecuniary responsibility. He.would add, that ho him had thirty years constant intereourva and observation, with almost every disease which nor man ia heir to, and he knows well that it is no ight matter to deal in the principles of life and death. It inrolcet a weighty and tpecial accountability. XT To Scientific professional brethren of true honor, worth and merit every where, he extepda tho ready and warm hand of fellowship; and would say, lets* lie united to elevate the standard of Medicine. His residence is in Mr Randall’s new honre near Col. Tomkins’ Office in Mr. llatris’ Range, tkild door from the river. .. April 23, 1845. .3 . ; jjtf. RICHARD F. & J; LYON, : A TTORNIES <f- COUNSELLORS A TLA W, ALBANY, Baker Co., Ga* H AVE recently entered into a Partnership in the Practice af Late, and will continue the prac tice in the several Courts of the counties of Baker, Macon, Fee, Booty, Randolph, Decatur, Sumpter, Irwin. AB matters submilted to their care in any of Attn countie*, will meet with prompt attention, and for brought to a speedy conclusion. april 30th 1845 3 “gf. . JWoticc. T HOMAS H. key • respectfully aanmmcea to bis friends that heis ^candidate for 4ha Clerk ships iffthe Superior ami Inferior Copits ofthe voun* ty of Dooly, at tfre ensuing election on the first Mon day in January next. ’ ■” Ju “ : 25. 11' DR. WIIiLlAH L. DAVIS, • C ONTINUES the practice of his Profession, and may be found at all times, when not pro- fcssionaily engaged, at his 'office; ton Bread street, next door'to Mr. J. Jackson’s Stare. • .. t'- April 23,1845. ‘ , 3 tf SAPPINGTON’S , ASJUffojyiBTOBiB iPBiiiEjSc,; * A Certain tend Effectual Cure for Frrxx axp Aocz, For sale by > cuci.o irvTt t:W, B. SMITH. , fcftfiiMrcrn > Ip! u fcjlrte om • '